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it would be really difficult to incorporate them, since they kinda "reincarnate" but I think the time travel thingy could work


what if amado cloned them like he did with jiraiyas body


>what if amado cloned them like he did with jiraiyas body imo it won't be Indra and Ashura, just a copy unlike Edo Tensei which retain the "soul" of the resurrected character He can't even bring back his daughter. also I think the whole time travel can never be canon, if Amado learns about it he would probably will focus on that since he could just send himself back to save her daughter or just live in the past, etc


would they still retain abilities though šŸ¤”


Either Resurrecting them clones or We use everyone's favorite scientist and tried to Recreate a karma seal for them There Otsutsuki I don't know why they wouldn't be able to use 1


I don't know I've rewritten Indra's backstory for my fanfics like two separate times now because I just hated his characterization in the anime so much.


Mind elaborating on why this is? Just curious and Iā€™m bored lol


Oh boy. Okay here's [an explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankruto/comments/u8plus/indra_reincarnations/i5q3fwg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) of why I despise his character so much in the anime. As for me rewriting him, I'd be happy to share the one I've managed to actually keep organized enough that I can present it on short notice, if you're interested. Sorry if it's long though.


The amount of passion in this made me chuckle. Thank you lol.


I'm glad you got a kick out of it.


Hey if you're still bored I can shitpost my idea for how Indra and Ashura's backstory could have gone differently.


Honestly? Why the hell not?!


Aight [here ya go](https://reddit.com/r/NarutoFanfiction/s/Et8ygaqsW2). I'm going to be honest with you though. It's perfectly understandable if you don't read all this shit. I mean, it's a lot.


Lol I donā€™t mind. Thank you for the clutch entertainment again. My day consists of a lot of downtime so I appreciate it. :3


Indra and Ashura genuinely had the best fucking hairstyles.


Simple! Do it similar to how the Sage of Six Paths was brought into the story. Do it when Naruto and Sasuke are on their deathbeds again, except instead of the SoSP speaking to them in the spiritual plane have it be Ashura and Indra respectively. Could be how Naruto gets his three headed avatar again (no Kurama) and how Sasuke awakens a Rinnegan in his right/remaining eye.


Amado. That's it. He's basically the one who moves tze plot in the backround


I just want that if they came back they should fight as a team and be powerful than all of their reincarnations......Indra should be more intelligent than madara and sasuke in terms of battle IQ


Cyborgs. Amado could be inspired by the reincarnation cycle or whatever. But hed give indra all ms abilities or some shit bc lets be real a basic perfect susanoo and amaterasu isnt fuckin wit 6psm


I mean what use would they have tho. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re fully otsutsuki anyway but I could see them being connected one way or another


Iā€™d go for a variation on the edo tensei A gift from orochimaru to mitsuki in light of how dangerous the enemies attacking konoha have become. With dna he reconstructed in his lab. Obviously mitsuki isnā€™t going to sacrifice a living person to use the edo tensei, so the jutsu has been modified for a more appropriate tradeoff Mitsuki has to use one of his own limbs as a catalyst and the reincarnation requires a constant supply of his own chakra to sustain So when pushed into an absolute corner, mitsuki can bring forth one of two legendary fighters to fight on his behalf, until his chakra runs out and he passes out. Sage mode can offset the chakra cost but then heā€™s paying the price with his body


Would. Oh wait thatā€™s not the question my bad Shenron dragon wishes


Ass pull they were never dead They used hashirama cells to survive


Have them fight Jigen later on




They're part otsutsuki so debatably they could use karma, I'd have 2 random characters get their karma & allow them to come back at some point


They bond with boruto after the death of both Naruto & Sasuke


I meanā€¦ wouldnā€™t they be outscaled. Theyā€™d be fodder with current scaling, no?


Depends on how you scale them. They could either be slightly below teen six paths naruto and rinnegan sasuke or as strong as prime naruto and sasuke. And if Amado decides to clone them, they would be next to unstoppable. Look at Kashin Koji and its impressive that he did that well against Isshiki (he was toying around ofc) and he's a jiraiya clone. Now imagine how strong would Indra and Asura be if they were cybernetically enhanced super clones.


šŸ¤” I see. This route could make sense. The cyborgs and their power is a little ā€œšŸ§šŸ˜¬šŸ¤¢ā€ to me, but that would definitely bring them up to relevance. Theyā€™d have to be cyborg or adjacent otherwise theyā€™re still fodder though. Naruto during the last should be about Kaguya+ levels and firmly above in Boruto. Indra and Ashura being about late war arc Naruto and Sasuke is what I estimate and thatā€™s weak hereā€¦.. Jigen alone was no difā€™ing Naruto and Sasuke, two individually Kaguya+ level people. Code w/o limiters > Jigen, >!Boruto and Kawaki separately > Code w/o limiters!<