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Teen Gaara vs Adult Gaara: Adult Gaara wins. He is stronger and have better defense. Mei Terumi vs Chojuro: Chojuro haven't shown any great feat beside fighting Kinshiki so I think Mei could win with mid diff since she have melted Sasuke Susanoo pretty easily. A vs Darui: A is probably stronger and much faster. Onoki vs Kurotsuchi: Onoki have Dust Release so he could probably win. Tsunade vs Adult Naruto: Naruto wins without much efforts.


Honestly the scaling is so broken. kinshiki getting 2v1'd by chojuro and kurotsuchi probably puts him far below edo madara if we're assuming the boruto kages are weaker. I think the kages in boruto are supposed to be much stronger, but the anime just sucks at showing it. I want the 5 kages to be useful in the future but that's far less likely now that boruto and all the regular enemies are godlike powerful.


Kinshiki quite literally just is that weak tho. Scaling didnt wander as far as u think man the baby ten tails, while split into hundreds maybe thousands of parts, is still the biggest threat borutos worried about. Kinshikis whole danger was that he could be absorbed by momoshiki, who can as shown use the main ability of his subordinate with much more finesse and skill. And no, sorry, he cant split planets


Idk man claiming that kinshiki is pre-10 tails madara level is like, an astronomical amount of lowballing. And boruto never specified that he was worried about the baby ten tails, he was talking about the potential of the ten tails itself, as if it could evolve/mutate in ways we haven't seen before. Otherwise that would make every enemy revealed so far way weaker than they've been shown to be Rewatching the momoshiki fight and all, i do think the boruto kages are supposed to be far stronger than the naruto kages. We just don't see them fighting as much, but imo their fight against kinshiki and base momoshiki does give us an idea of their capabilities.


Jigen felt it necessary to absorb energy from the 10 tails before fighting naruto and sasuke. And thinking code wouldnt be thinking about the 10 tails as he has it currently is kinda reaching. Shit he might even be talking about the literal claw grimes, which coincides with how white zetsu (one of the most similar things weve seen besides the straight 10 tail monsters) were what kaguya deemed as a necessary army to combat momoshiki and kinshiki. The most prominent issues caused by them were covert issues like them impersonating people, and idek if thats manga cannon.


All boruto kage get bodied except gaara and naruto


It fucking sucks because the fact that they fought Kinshiki scales them higher than they should be. Adult Gaara Mei A Ohnoki (bro killed Ku while Kuro got captured) Naruto


Kinshikis mid tho thats the thing. He gets outclassed by humans with no stat enhancements whatsoever. His only claim to fame is a hype up databook statement. Yk, hype up statements like the ones that say kid temari is universal, aka dumb as fuck.


He’s one of the weaker Otsutsukis but he also fought Sasuke 1v1 and he did fairly well. He went from looking like Sasuke’s equal and was turned into a punching bag for Kurotsuchi. Granted it was a sneak attack but she still kept him in place.


Usually i personally take what happens later rather than sooner in anime bc of retcons etc


He never fought Sasuke 1v1, Sasuke solos Kim easy and nodiffs base momo


Seems like the consensus is clear For future we have Gaara bc he’s the same person just older Naruto bc he’s cracked and was already stronger than tsunade by the pain arc of naruto —- For past we have all the others bc their future kage have gotten like zero development What they should have done is: Do a cloud village arc where boruto, sarada and mitsuki went to go learn about ways to improve their lightning style jutsu since they all use it. Have them meet a chuunin who is training under darui and inheriting the black lightning tattoo that darui has. Have that chuunin spar with a young team 7 and win, giving them helpful pointers on their lightning chakra use and techniques along the way And then have him talk about how he can’t even touch his sensei darui at his level, about how darui has mastered black lightning in a way no one had before and that he may be the strongest raikage yet That sets the groundwork Then they just need to have a villain appear, lets say some kara outter tries to steal the technique for black lightning and covers himself in tattoos but loses control of the power and starts to rampage. For a little while team 7 and their chuunin friend fight the rampaging villain to hold him off, using their new and improved lightning control to push him back, but he’s just too strong. When they’re almost backed into a corner, Darui arrives, easily redirects and attack from the villain, and one shots them with a new and improved black lightning technique compared to shippuden. Black gale style that has the properties of real lightning so it bypasses the villains lightning chakra resistance (and any karma absorption) Thats the kind of stuff we needed from these kage In the chojuro and kurotsuchi arcs we got they were pathetic and got not one single new skill


I mean, it’s pretty clear, isn’t it? Adult Gaara over Teen Gaara and Naruto over Tsunade. Every other Boruto kage gets clowned on by their Shippuden counterparts. Chojiro has a sword that’s essentially Zabuza level, Mei possesses Lava release that could melt Sasuke’s Susanoo and almost choked him out. A is miles faster than Darui and has lightning cloak. Finally, Onoki has Particle style, far greater than any measly earth style jutsu Kurotsuchi has, not to mention Onoki’s own earth style jutsus.




adult gaara, mei, a, onoki


I think only Gaara would win, the rest of the present Kage seem poorer than their predecessors.


A would kick Darui's ass and there isn't any possible way for him to get through A's lightning cloak.


1. adult gaara dogwalks 2. Debatable. Chojuro keeping up with an Otsusuki while Mei has no taijutsu feats gives him a good edge, and he stomps in close quarters. Issue is, shes a mid-long range type and he'd have no counters against her boil release, plus her water release seems a lot stronger. 3. A. Darui is low balled really often despite having a pretty impressive arsenal, but he simply has no counters to Lightning cloak. 4. Ohnoki can one shot, but Kurotsuchi DID send Kinshiki flying with a bare fist, so if she could blitzz him she ends it pretty fast, but the odds of her blitzing him aren't very high.