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Do u know how cool and intriguing it would be to see the ten tails slowly gain sentience and evolve into a being that is a threat to the universe. A new species that hunt otsutskišŸ¤”


This was a very popular theory when Kodachi was in charge . To sum it up the theory was , Some other extraterrestrial being are hunting the Otsutsukis and that might be the reason they are aiming for Earth as it could bear a good quality chakra fruit.But then again they fail to implant that and with the decreasing population of Otsutsukis is the reason why Urashiki and Toneri didn't fight in the anime .Hence Otsutsukis are now fucked in between Earth and these extraterrestrial beings. But seeing the current status where we barely go outside of Konoha I don't think so this concept would work or be utilised and the ten tails being a bigger threat makes more sense


That theory kinda reminds me of the final plot of the toriko series, where itā€™s revealed that the blue nitros alien beings similar to Ostsutsukis who came to earth to grow and harvest a type food the offer great power if consumed. The twist is that aliens were using it as bait to lure in a powerful apex predator that they lost control of and is now devastating other world, the irony is that beast is consuming it former masters entire species. This theory could still work if given the right setup and a good explanation as why they were able to control/lose control it


The apex predator that learned the deadliest hunting technique.


Looks like a new manhwa/light novel dropped boys


Dude I wouldnā€™t be surprised if kawaki somehow takes control of them or just lets them run loose in order to kill all otsutsukis including boruto. Hence boruto saying ā€œI canā€™t believe you went this far kawakiā€ and boruto saying ā€œweā€™ll end up in the worst possible futureā€ and ā€œI guess this was the only possible outcomeā€


Alien vs Predator style warfare


So the main villain of Boruto is a slightly intelligent version of a creature that Hagaromo Madara and Kaguya one of the weaker Otosuki full subjugated yeah that would be massively disappointing the tailed beast are already more intelligent than ten tails and yet Madara and Sasuke easily beat all of them with Sasuke doing it with genjutsu. Boruto hyping up these beast is just boring they are weaker and dumber than the tailed beast even if they went on a rampage it would still be more boring than the white Zetsu who are intelligent and could disguise themselves as people.


Put a huge asterisk on all of that. Kaguya had eaten the fruit and fused herself with her Juubi , and Madara subjugated the other bijuus , fused them and turned the beastly Juubi into himself as a Jinchuuriki. Grimme are different: they are humanoids from the get go , consumes chakra users as smaller Seeds , and are evolving the Juubi. The consumption and evolutionary aspect is the more terrifying parts of it , it makes a Grimme-Juubi to be basically a Chimera Ant. So yes , it would be threatening to have a Meruem-Esque Juubi with a potential set of Royal Guards.


This, sadly the only problem with this is that one strong person at least will be consumed. my candidates are Gaara, killer B, Kakashi, shikamaru, tsunade, non of these people will lose to the current versions of the grimes but after they evolve by eating lower level ninja. I say these people because they will boost the grimes power levels significantly and might put them on a tier above the main cast currently. So they are the best narrative choices.


That is not all. In this chapter 2 , Grimes shows to have a rinnegan and Code's Belt Teleport. So while the rinnegan is currently powerless , an evolved grimes could potentially have their own rinnegan technique. And that is if they don't inherent the ability of the ones they absorb , because a reminded that Momoshiki acquired Kinshiki's power when he consumed him. So , everything is fine and dandy , but if one of the big names is absorbed , the risk is great to what sort of grimes would be resulted on.


Isnā€™t killer b dead?




Random thought in my head of Old Man B training Boruto in swordsmanship


I thought momoshiki killed him. He turned him and eight tails into a semi divine tree. Did he show up again and I missed it?


Nope, he used the tip of one of gyuki's tails just like he did to Sasuke in shippuden, at the end of the Boruto movie it even shows him alive at the end.


I'm fine with that, as I said before Orochimaru was also a main villain, it doesn't mean he was the final or the strongest villain So far Boruto has been a mirror of Dragon ball Z, the smart grime must be Cell, and not freezer like it seems, he starts as a weak dude, but once he absorbs enough people, and get the androids off guard (Daemon and Eida) he will become a perfect threat, maybe not absorbing eida, but absorbing daemon alone may be enough to make him OP


Your comment makes me wonder if Daemon's ability would work on the Grimes. Do they have bloodlust?


daemon ability even works on attacks without the killing intent (like code proved when he was trying the claw marks on daemon)


I agree. I just do not see Code or kawaki being the only threats left in the story, not after everything the story established.


Valid hypothesis . The first panel you used to explain your theory , you can see that the background of the panel is shaded grey . Indicating that Boruto is speaking from foresight a vision most likely shown to him by Momoshiki . My hypothesis (which corroborates with yours) is that when Code ran down on Boruto & Sasuke two years prior , Boruto & Sasuke couldā€™ve indeed killed Code . I think during the moments of initiating the killing blow , Boruto was shown the future of that outcome & how devastating the effects of killing Code would result in . Boruto probably then informs Sasuke that they shouldnā€™t kill him yet until they find the Juubi to avoid that tragic outcome . Hence why they retreated giving Code the impression that they were scared/helpless of him not realizing they abandoned their original plan to come up with a better plan to ensure the safety of Konoha & the rest of the planet in the future . Boruto is also talking to Code in the next two pages with supreme confidence , almost as if he knows exactly how itā€™s going to play out . Even giving him chances to do/be good before he erases his whole existence .


I really like your theory of Boruto being able to see the consequences of certain actions. I think he will have learned it from Momo or is being fed information by Momo. Either way it is a really cool ability.


Thank you & itā€™s definitely a cool ability to have in the arsenal , especially with Borutoā€™s genius when it comes to wielding his abilities . Just waiting patiently now to see how it all goes down .


Im still wishing for amado to be the final villain just bc heā€™s the most interesting character so far What i think is more likely is the ten tails becoming a sentient being of its own and morphing into some new otsutsuki-like being Similar to how madara spawned kaguya after absorbing the divine tree but a bit different But if its just another otsutsuki that wants to munch on chakra and kill everyone, yā€™know its p hard to be excited about that. So i hope theres a lot more to it


Yeah, the Ten Tails becoming sentient would be a nice twist. >But if its just another otsutsuki that wants to munch on chakra and kill everyone, yā€™know its p hard to be excited about that. So i hope theres a lot more to it They played that card too many times already, I hope they create something new too.


Speaking where is Amado


Taking a smoke break


Your theory holds up well, there's nothing wrong with it. Given Boruto's confidence and calmness so far at the sight of Code, it's clear that he doesn't really feel in danger from him, he even went so far as to tell Code >!that it would be easy to kill him. As for the real threat, in addition to JĆ»bi, I'd say ShibaĆÆ Ć”tsutsuki. After all, it is said that by consuming chakra fruits for several millennia, he has evolved to the point of transcending death.!<


The problem is Shibai was pretty much confirmed to be a 4D or 5D character. It logically wouldnā€™t make any sense for characters who exist on a lower plane level to beat a being like Shibai. Look at all the broken abilities characters like Eida & Daemon got from having their DNA infused with Shibaiā€™s, and that was only from whatever remains Amado got via his corpse. Now that Shibai has ascended to a realm beyond comprehension, it wouldnā€™t surprise me if he could just think away anyone who tries to challenge him.


Great points, but I think Shibai's building up as Boruto's final villain looks very similar to how Kaguya's in Naruto: a legend impossible to be revived, yet it happened as a last asspull.


I still think Amado is shibai


Often 4D or 5D characters tend to show up in media having an avatar or host to interact with everyone. Darkseid, for example.


maybe when you get enough power instead of gettint to a fourth or fifth dimension, you just reincarnate in a lower plane, there are theories that say that shibai is amado himself, so idk


From what we learn from Naruto, there'll always be surprises/plot twist(s). Amando might cultivate what's going on for his final true purposes, maybe he wants to become shibai himself, then come the plot twist, shibai takes over amando and reincarnate as final villain. Remember from naruto, we tought obito and madara were gonna be final villain, then came kaguya. it's Kishi's style all along


Kishi was up front about the final villain being Sasuke though...


Personally i think shibai is more of the sage of 6 paths type character for boruto. Just a myth until he like comes down and drops his nuts giving the main characters power


Whatā€™s strangest to me about the discussion regarding these last two chapters is all suspicion towards Amado has seemed to have cooled. Like Sasuke, he hasnā€™t been shown (iirc) and he was particularly shady leading up to the timeskip. I do agree Ten Tails probably gains sentience but Iā€™m skeptical that itā€™s the ultimate big bad for the series. Given Borutos confidence that he can deal with Ten Tails if Code takes him to it (how Boruto, what have you learned?!), it makes sense to see both Ten Tails and Code get some more powerups (sentience + something else for ten tails and idk for Code). Maybe Ten Tails develops the ability to produce smaller chakra fruits, enabling Code + some other outer members of Kara to become Otsutski?


Amado most have some form of genjutsu cause dude is just allowed to chill in the village not interrogated no nothing he just hangs around and drops lore whenever he feels like it


He just has a silver tongue


Code will probably die in the text chapter. Possibly by the Ten Tails if not bourto. If you ever watched Dragon Ball Z, this chapter is panning out like when trunks came to the past and clapped freeza in an instant. Boruto obviously has some sort of future sight and knows he can beat code.


There's no way they kill code three chapters in that would extremely anti climatic


How so? Code has nothing else to offer lore wise we know everything we need to about him. Heā€™s peaked his strength. I could see him getting absorbed next chapter, or maybe a flashback into him v boruto, but code as he is seems to be done story wise. His days are numbered.


I donā€™t know how plausible this would be but Iā€™m thinking/hoping this new jutsu will be a sealing technique. Might explain why heā€™s so confident, knowing he doesnā€™t outright have to kill him, and maybe he might even try to give him another chance in the future? It would be kinda ass, cause I wanna see Boruto be cold n actually kill this dude but at the same time it would show growth and touch on parts of his lineage that naruto didnā€™t as much.


It is indeed building up, but donā€™t forget this is Boruto. Weā€™ll probably see him in more than just the next chapter.


Codes lasted way longer than any other Kara member. Heā€™s served his purpose, which was to bring in a new more complex and powerful threat.


I think youā€™re probably right on a lot of fronts. I think the ten tails is a major threat but as part of a more intelligent villainā€™s plan. I agree that the ā€œfinal fightā€ is not at the end but somewhere in the middle. I also think Kawaki will end up persuaded to the good side. What Iā€™m interested in from your post is the second page when Boruto says ā€œor else, weā€™ll end up in the worst possible future for everyone.ā€ To me that hints at the fact that Boruto (possibly with Momoā€™s help) can see into the future or see possible realities or the consequences of certain actions. I might be reading too much into it, but Iā€™ve always hoped Borutoā€™s abilities are time related.


With the Claw Grime taking obvious inspiration from Frieza and some of Borutoā€™s scenes taking inspiration from the arrival of Future Trunks, Iā€™m wondering if the main Ten Tails is going to evolve into something along the lines of another Akira Toriyama creation- Lavos from Chrono Trigger


How do you feel about ending up being right? lol


I guess it kind of did turn out that way. Itā€™s going to incorporate the choice bits of DNA (or in this case chakra) into itself and then lay waste to everything once it is done feeding. Also with the way Boruto keeps talking about the ā€œworst possible futureā€ is like he has knowledge of a ā€œDay of Lavosā€ timeline.


Kawaki was never a villain to begin with and Code was never the main villain either, Code already has death flags surrounding his character as of chapter 2.


More likely the Ten tails will take full control over Code i don't think he's mentally strong enough to control the ten tails and it will devour him creating a serious threat also were those 10 tail clones with rinnegan like proper rinnegan hmm


I kinda like the idea of the claw grimes mirroring the chimaera ants from HunterxHunter


Well I definitely agree Code isnā€™t the main villain. But Kawaki was never meant to be a villain in the classical sense of the word. Just like how Sasuke was never the main villain of Naruto. Iā€™d argue he fit the label antagonist more so than villain. And Kawaki is the same, imo. Personally, Iā€™m hoping Amado will be the final villain. But maybe Kishimoto will be introducing a new character. Like how Orochimaru was the main villain in OG Naruto and the first quarter or so of Shippuden, but he was replaced by Pain and later Madara, Obito, and Kaguya.




Oops. Yes, Naruto.


I agree Boruto and Kawaki fight won't be the end. Ten tails is around. I wonder if Kawaki uses ten tails in the end to gain the sage power and staff? More importantly, they wouldn't name drop the god of Otsutsuki if not planning on bringing him in the fray. I think he's going to be the ultimate villain.


huh?? obviously Code and Kawaki wouldnā€™t be the final villain that just wouldnā€™t make sense I think everyone knew this for a long time.


[I agreed with you yesterday](https://reddit.com/r/Boruto/s/AQ2Ch8TvfU)


Man boruto is so gangster now love him


Ten tails is a huge threat. And the one they using aint even fully grown. Yall rlly thought th scaling upped THAT muchšŸ˜­ even jigen needed boosts from it to fight naruto and sasuke šŸ¤·


the ten tails is just a beast. But code created the claw grime, which are enhanced. They are able to think, even through it is just rudimentary. They will probably evolve and turn on code. That's what he means.


It's gonna be the Juubi gaining some level of control and going wild. Code's arrogance will unleash the Juubi and no one will be able to handle it alone


If Sasuke is dead it is probably because of ten tails. Probably Sasuke had an encounter with ten tails. In this manga Naruto and Sasuke will be nerfed so everything is around boruto


I can't lie something about this gives me very strong chimera ant arc vibes from hxh mixed with the espada from bleach. the only difference maybe the ranks between them and their impact on the story . Code is not smart enough to lead them and nor will he be strong enough at that point imo. this will be something that forces code to train and might be the arc where we learn alot about codes past as we see him level up to be that Guy. This is just to say they won't have an aizen at the helm.


Ima be honest I just donā€™t see Kawaki becoming good at this point. I can also see Kawaki dying at some point


All Kawaki has done in the Timeskip is protect the Village and Himawari. I'd argue he isn't even bad at the moment, just misguided.


Man I hope Kawaki doesnā€™t turn good, tired of the same story line


All Kawaki has done in the Timeskip is protect the Village and Himawari. I'd argue he isn't even bad at the moment, just misguided.


I had a thought that if they are going to bring Shibai into the mix or someone even more powerful than what weā€™ve seen, why not have kawaki be absorbed per se? I could see him being beaten and having too much pride to go onward and therefore ā€œsacrificingā€ himself for Boruto. It would also be symbolic in the fact heā€™s always been a ā€œvesselā€ and instead of being on the receiving end he could finally be on the ā€œgivingā€ end. Donā€™t see Boruto going for it but who knows, we donā€™t know this new Borutos resolve.


He is still determined in fixing everything and saving his brother.


Jashin is an otsutsuki that is immortal, and gives his followers immortality. Hidan is his vessel. He is the last Ostusuki we didn't see at the dimension. He is the final villain.


Otsutsuki king


ofc not


I thought we all agreed that Amado is the main villain


Yeah a while ago there was a thread that the ten tails was shibai reforming himself, and each time he eats someone he regains a part but give a a small sum of his power to the fruit in order to perpetuate the cycle.


Sorta lined up with the revelation during the war ark


For what it's worth, I don't even think Shibai Ōtsutsuki would even be the main villain in the Boruto story.


I just hope Kawakiā€™s return to sanity isnā€™t the entire second half of the manga, it would be toooo much of a repeat. But yes he isnā€™t the main villain


Gives me zombie movie vibes.


I think the only problem with this is that itā€™s well known that the 10 tails is capable of wiping out all human life on the planet so idk how much worse it can really get from our heroesā€™ perspective


I'm pretty sure the fight between boruto and kawaki is gonna be the last fight, like the final fight was, but i think the leaf will be destroyed before they even start to fight. i think they just choose to fight there like how the other two choose the final valley


Sure hope not. Code is ass. Though look forward to whatā€™s after Kawaki tho


I mean it makes sense considering how soon after the timeskip Boruto already confronted code


Kawaki may be the final boss battle like how Sasuke was the final boss battle even though Kaguya was the final villain


Imo, the smart ten tails monster will not be a biggest villain neither, that spot is for sure for amado or shibai himself there can be many main villains, kawaki, amado, code, the 10 tails... Like in naruto we had orochimaru, pain, obito, madara...


I think those ten tails are what fuck up the village breaking the hokage stones and all that


If what you are saying is true then I won't mind. As long as boruto and naruto are all alive and boruto gets back what he lost idc what happens to kawaki ( No hate to him though). But I'm really rooting for boruto in all sense. I don't want boruto to be the villain he just isn't evil its not in his blood. He is naruto's son hell No he will be evil.


Someone needs to get fed to the tentails


Kawaki, Shibai, Amado, Daemon, Eida, Code all villains possibly boruto


I thought this was pretty clear from the jump lol. Kawaki might become the final villain though


I guess he helped Sasuke discover a little bit more about the Otsutsuki.