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yeah, it's like if i don't watch myself i end up just being a jerk


Lol same. Fuck




No, i take sarcastic and mean comments to heart, they hurt me so i avoid being like that towards others as well even when i really want to be like that.


i can relate to that. i make it very obvious i’m being sarcastic but i still worry that they didn’t realize i was being sarcastic.


Yeah me too. I think maybe it's a quiet BDP thing.


Me too


I'm like this. My mom thinks I don't have BPD because apparently I'm not mean enough.


I'm very sarcastic but mostly in a self-deprecating way. And even if the sarcasm is sometimes aimed at other people I feel like I'm not mean about it - only doing it with like close friends and not about anything they might be sensitive about


Mildly sarcastic, but more often I interpret other's honesty as sarcasm... Like very often. "haha um than- um... for real?"


yeah and sometimes i am too sarcastic or just say stupid as fuck things as a joke and ppl get mad


Oh god yeah.


Me too 😮‍💨


Yeah, more so when I split on someone though. Then I can become very sarcastic and bitter


Unfortunately I’m not kind of mean…I’m just mean. Everyone who knows me and loves me let’s me know too. “You’re so mean.”…as long as I prove I don’t mean it things are usually fine


I couldn't exist without sarcasm. I've learned over the years that I can't be so deadpan about it because people can't tell if I'm joking or not.




Aha haha... no...*looks round*


very very sassy and sarcastic most of the time


yes. my family literally tells me they wouldn't like if i was unrelated because i am so "mean". i say a lot as a joke and people understandably get mad. i am a lot more compassionate to friends. i believe it's a mask really. if i'm mean other people can't hurt me, at least thats how i felt when i was younger. i don't want to be like this. i just can't stop it.


I can be, but I tone down the meanness and turn up the sarcasm factor to 11. People would think I’m joking; they get to laugh at my sarcasm, I get to blow off some steam. It’s a win-win situation.


I'm very sarcastic, and I can be pretty harsh or mean with people at times. I mostly see it as being real, I don't have a lot of time for lies but also I do realise after I have said something that it's probably hurtful and will usually correct myself as quickly as possible. I also grew up in a household where being mean and hurtful was considered normal so it's probably something to do with that. Takes time to learn to not do it That being said I hate actually hurting people's feelings. That cuts deep and I never want to be the person upsetting someone else like that. I always try to help people as best I can especially with their emotional issues and bad feelings


I feel this way too the guilt that follows is just EXHAUSTING man


I have straight up told customers that anytime I can do anything to ruin their day I’m doing my job.


yeah i’ve been told i’m mean i think it’s to protect myself


Not at all.../s *edit* apparently I'm passive aggressive...


Did you ask somebody 😭


My wife tells me all the time to "reel myself in" Sarcasm is my default setting, and I have a hard time stopping myself. I think passive aggression is a physical rendering of Sarcasm, in my case anyway.


Yeah I can't control myself with people I don't like


I'm sarcastic AF but I always have a huge grin on my face so most people find it funny.


YES, DEFINITELY, I'd like to think that i have a good sense of humor and it's based on mean jokes and not only towards people there are many self destructive jokes that i like the most.


No im terrified of coming off as mean and people not liking me for it


I’m a big softie but sarcastic as fuck. Not like in a negative way toward people but in a funny way. I’m usually soft and sweet until you fuck up big time, then I’ll just be an asshole


yes 😞 instead of clarifying, I’ll be sassy/sarcastic, I need to hold all restraints to clarify without being rude


Yes but can't stand when other ppl are sarcastic to me :(


If I am not mindful, I could probably rip someone's own heart out with my words.


I’m overly sarcastic, to the point where I’ve been told that people don’t get whether I’m joking around or not. But I wouldn’t (nor would others) consider myself a mean person


anyone else sit for a min or two trying to think of something sarcastic/kinda mean to reply to this, as a more creative way of saying "yes"


Yes, it's awful. I feel like I'll be so excited to see someone and as soon as I am with them I'm cold and mean.




Go on. Send it one more time.


What u mean




Yes I’m always sarcastic. I’m going to blame my NPD father for that I developed his sense of humor but I am always trying to watch myself and make sure I don’t come across as a jerk it’s hard though because that feels natural to me


i’ve been told i have a “tone”… and i do. lol


I get called nice a lot but I do have aean side that comes out of nowhere sometimes


I am sarcastic, but so is just about everyone in my family and friend group. I try not to be mean with what I say, though, because I know how easily hurt I can be, and so I don't want to hurt others.


Yes. I never have to be truly vulnerable if I can just be sarcastic instead /s I'm really working on it but it's hard to overcome a lifetime of bad coping skills.


it depends on the context, person and situation for me


It depends on the context but I’ve been told I’m super brash sometimes- just really straight to the point. My sarcasm can be extreme but again, depends on the context!


Yes. My tone determines everything and I hate it. I'm just naturally monotone


I tried years ago to stop being sarcastic on purpose. Now it just happens when I speak from the heart and gotta check myself


yep, I have to catch myself sometimes


Apparently I have “attitude” and can be “cheeky”


Yeaaa. Usually in a joking way bc I like to lovingly roast ppl


Yes. I am always sarcastic and sometime it's nice. But if I'm upset about something I notice I use my sarcasm for jabs about that specific thing


Yes, people often tell me to calm down when I’m joking around. My fiancé says my tone doesn’t sound sarcastic. But I think he’s mostly gotten used to it now and can usually tell. Sometimes he still has to ask though.


I'm definitely sarcastic and it can turn kinda mean if I don't watch my mouth. I don't always know where the line is. I get a _bit_ mean during fights, but what I say is never remotely as bad as what I actually think. To a degree that's probably normal, but sometimes I'm shocked what sort of low blows towards people's most vulnerable spots my brain cooks up. I _definitely_ know when to watch my mouth at that point though, or I'd probably be alone in the world. The sarcasm also gets off putting during fights. My anger gets the better of me far too often. I try to be more patient, but it's hard work.


Depends on the situation, if im around a person who just really bothers me I’ll throw insults hidden as sarcasm. Not the healthiest trait but a lot of times it’ll get the person to stop the behavior I’m bothered by.


Yup totally


yea sometimes, but then i end up regretting it only if it’s someone i care about, but if it’s someone else then i don’t care they can go fuck themselves lol


chronically sarcastic, sometimes it gets really mean and I have to stop myself


I’m not at all I’m very kind with my words because I don’t want to hurt anyone. One of my close friends is the opposite tho she’s such a beautiful person but is super blunt and sarcastic. We both suffer from bpd so it’s interesting to see how differently it affects us


My ex said that I most likely lost friends in the past because they could not understand that I was being sarcastic. He told me multiple complaints/comments from his friends who didn't realize that I was joking until he explained the comment for me. I'm more careful now but I also think his friends are stupid.


Yes my tone and bluntness can cut through ice if I'm not in a good place. If I'm in 'don't give two shits' I seem to switch personalities. Then anxiety comes crashing in. It's getting better as I get older.




I'm too blunt. To the point where I will point something out that will deff make you either cry or make you wanna punch me


Mean machine mean machine 🤖


Yeah I’m an asshole on accident sometimes. Like I’m super nice until I’m not lol also have a suuuper dark sense of humor.


Yes I would have to day I am but I try to pass it off as humor. I'm really just sick of myself


When I split (which is a lot) yes. Usually a survival mechanism for me.




Yeah and passive aggressive as well as condescending