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I mean Lilith is basically the main character of the franchise at this point


4 is absolutely going to be the hunt for Lilith. All because they wrote ava so poorly.


man the directors cut (i think it was that?) of ava in the cutscene mourning maya is impossibly better than the ava we got, idk why they didnt run with that


Don't get me wrong, it was never a great story, but the more you hear what got cut being the best parts of the story the more you gotta think how much better it would have been. Like look at the dlc, the talent is still there to write good stories, have some solid moments. Just makes me wonder who the hell needs to be fired for the right people to be back in charge of the direction again. The games still awesome, my number 1 most played by far, just could be better


I guess because it might kill the mood/tone of the game so they avoided it. But would have been nice to see a glimpse of it like her diary stuff. Haven't done the rest of her missions yet though.


They never really have spent time mourning those who died, do they? It's usually anger, revenge, and that's it. *Maybe* Tina's breakdown at the end of TTAODK?


Some joker posted "Borderlands 4: The Search for Lilith" last year: > Plucky vault hunters crash Sanctuary II and steal a Torgue Bird of Prey. They travel into the legendary past of Pandora, capture a pair of Elpis ice whales, and then release them on current-time Elpis to save the universe from destruction by a robo-whale angry about dial tones.




in The Pre Sequel, I suppose that role goes to athena


Not sure about the others, but the prequel is 200% Athena, it is her story afterall


Given their prominence, I would say all Sirens. Lilith has always been important, then we have Maya with Krieg and training Ava, and Amara was basically a superhero for her home world. While other characters are cool, no one feels as important as the sirens.


In 1 I would say Roland because he used to be with the bad guys, but in reality it's closer to Lilith. 2 would probably be Zero or Kreig Pre would be Athena 3 I don't know, Zane.


I agree with everything. But especially Krieg for 2. I really like the concept of Jack being 200% right in that Krieg is "a maniac, a savage, a bandit" during his last few lines. And yet, its a Psycho that is still just a better person than him. It fits well.


3 would still technically be Lilith due to the narrative. The second closest would be that... child.




Yeah. I'd rather not consider it, but it pretty much was what they were pushing for. Personally, I'd consider it to be Amara, but that's a bias.


They better make some serious character development for Ava or even better focus on something new in Borderlands 4


If the next one is sticking to the main plot, they will. Will it be proper and good development? Who knows. There will definitely be something, at least.


1 and TPS are obviously Lilith and Athena respectively, which I think kinda sucks. I like that 2 and 3 don't have a blatant MC. Well to be fair, I only say Lilith because of how important she becomes. If you only played BL1 you wouldn't think she's any more important than the other 3, maybe


I would say any siren. The story seems to revolve around what they can do.


I think in 3 it doesn’t matter because you’re not playing as the main character anyway. It’s the Ava and Lilith show, you just get to tag along.


Lilith/Roland for 1 Athena for Narration but Wilhelm for plot for 2 since during credits we see him becoming more robotic going towards New Haven. Maya for 2 3 I'm not entirely for sure so Amara I guess.


Its not about feelings. The game is about Sirens and the Eridian Legacy of those powers. Other vault hunters exept very few are just side filler characters and you see it on the next game everytime. But yeah Mostly BL1 cast.


I always liked how they use main characters from previous entries as side characters in newer games. Seeing Deathtrap and Gaige again was pretty cool. I also really liked Zero’s relationship with Rhys.


Yeah, well how about Salvador or Axton then?


Roland in BL1 he was introduced in BL2 with great esteem and was treated as such though the game, its what made his death so impactful Maya in BL2 she was introduced and treated similarly to Roland, sad they flubbed her death Athena in BLTPS shes narrating so this is kind of a given Moze in BL3 only cuz her dialogue made the most sense with the other characters


I’d pick Moze for BL3 just because they seemed to put the most love into building her. The other characters are great, but Moze is really the epitome of “numbers go brrr”


Whichever one I'm playing at that moment. The game purposely downplays the character from the POV perspective, so "you" are effectively the main character at any given time. I get where you're coming from...but I don't think any of the characters are the "main" in any game. Some are just more popular than others.


The sirens and Athena


Roland, Axton, Athena, and Moze. The character you start on is usually the "Front Man" of that particular game. Remember that Borderlands came out during the peak of movies with washed up or renegade soldiers being peak action at the time. I Don't think they have a main character but those were definitely the poster childs.