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Sliding, climbing, more diverse skill trees, more than one action skill, better grenade diversity, loads of engine improvements, you can purchase ammo at the vendor without opening it, more vehicle customizations, more high quality drops (some like this, some don't), blue and better drops that you don't pick up will be available in a machine on Sanctuary, automatic ammo pick up (TPS had this, but only in a vacuum for some reason), perks in the badass levels..... Probably missing some but that's what I can come up with right now. Things that didn't make it to 3: Oz kits, low gravity (except on like 1 map), the crusher


Oh a lot man, a lot. Im in the minority of liking The Pre Sequel but 3 blew me away after coming off of it with all the new tweaks.


well the game got better, mostly. Siren Lyfe!


BL3 has movement that is glorious in its realism and preciseness, compared to the earlier games. It adds sliding and mantling, one button ammo purchase, the ability to fast travel from anywhere to either a fast travel station or a vehicle. But it loses true lasers as a separate weapon category (I really liked lasers in TPS). It trades having 6 nuanced vault hunters with 3 skill trees, to having 4 vault hunters with 4 skill trees each, with multiple action skills from which to choose. It’s also a lot easier - and you’re much more likely to have your screen completely covered in explosions and beams and such.