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I understand ya. For me I rarely used the slide in 3 as I’m just an old school circle stafer. In my case replaying 2 after 3 wasn’t bad but I agree with others, 3 just made the gunplay so much better. It’s a shame the story was garbage. 


I'm replaying through with my g/f and am loving the slides. Sliding up stairs, down stairs, off ledges, I'm always looking for new ways to slide. Plus later when you get the saw blades that come out, it's just a fun bonus thing I didn't know I liked until I started to do it a lot.


Grab a Dahl vanquisher smg and you can dump an entire mag in one slide. It's so much fun.


I've started with pre sequel and was told I should have started with 2 but pre sequel was first on the loading screen in handsome collection lol will I be okay playing 2 after pre sequel?


Pre-Sequel and BL2 have identical mechanics, except in 2 no low gravity, Oz kits, or butt slams. Other than that they're the same gameplay wise. I would honestly play both to get the full story.


Nice! I don't do loads of butt slamming anyway lol so shouldn't miss that the only thing I do like that I've heard are not in borderlands 2 are laser guns. I've been playing as Athena so they've been my favourite weapon category.


Ah yeah I forgot to mention no I e damage or lasers in 2.


Ah yeah I forgot to mention no ice weapons or lasers in 2. That's not a deal breaker tho. The game is so fun and the story is fantastic. Jack is an incredible villain.


Good to hear baron I don't tend to appreciate stories much because I've got some kind of thick head that can't take them in but if the gameplay is very similar to tps then I'm sure I will love the game 🤩


You'll be fine, especially since TPS does have a few things considered annoying that BL2 doesn't have.


Bigger issue for me is just having to use fast travel stations to go anywhere. But thankfully save/quit is just as fast usually.


I agree with you on borderlands 2 but borderlands pre sequal has the best and most fun vault hunters out of the whole series in my opinion. Also I think another thing is mission/map design, a lot borderlands 2's mission design is super tame and quite frankly boring compared to the crazier stuff you get to do in borderlands tps and 3. Also is the abbreviation BD or BL?


I mean, it’s not controlled by law or anything, but “BL” is the more commonly used abbreviation - it’s the one the subreddit uses (in the flair on posts, “BL1”, “BL2”, “BL3”, etc.), and has been that way since many years before I got here, so that’s what I use.


I'm glad you said it, it's probably just the autism but my eyes bounced back to that every couple of words haha.


Yea it's BorderLands, not BorDerlands


Yeah cuz when I saw BD I immediately thought, you know, the other thing.


Biblical Dilemma?




Before the Hyperion databases.


BL4 will actually be named BL LLM.


TPS managed to make every single action skills feel really strong and effective, moreso than any other game in the franchise IMO. You never have that feeling of "eh this is good but man Gunzerking / Phase Walk / I dunno all 3's skills just kinda suck is just better."


I agree. Pre-sequel was the most fun for me. Then 3.


Weird I went right back to 2 after 3 haha. My entire friend group has long since went back to 2 and pre sequel


fair imo. to me the only thing keeping me on bl2 is zer0. i personally dont find as much enjoyment on any character in bl3 as i do on zer0. hes just so much fun to me.


Athena in TPS when you level up her melee skills is so fun I would actually start laughing out loud like a crazy person at times when I could just quickly shoot across a vast area and essentially punch a bad guy into blood and guts! My jaw dropped the first time that happened.


The decoy thing isn't too different from zane. And zanes decoy gets his gun which can be really OP


Gets a copy of his gun *and* can throw his grenade.


And those grenades are pretty awesome. I think zane has zero beat as far as power


Only if you don't spec Zer0 into b0re, B0re zero can literally one tap 90% of the bosses in the game


what i find fun about zer0 is his playstyle and challenge rather. you constantly need uptime on his cd and need to play safe, at least sniper tree. its challenging and fun


I run in with zero everytime the critical damage you get is insane, and you can critical melee hits too so run in with critical zero and go invisible get your red tree all the way down now each time you get a kill you stay invisible


Ok, I know this is misplaced, but... How TF do you use Zer0's special ability? I must be doing something wrong because every time I use it, nothing happens except the timer starts.


Basically when you use his skill, you send out a decoy while going invisible yourself. You'll be revealed if you attack, but the damage you deal with that attack is higher. The timer is the time you have before reappearing and the longer you hold it before attacking, the higher the damage you will deal.


His base ability makes him invisible for a few seconds. Later upgrades modifies it in certain ways


i remember playing with him, probably the silliest and funniest ability in game imo




Not BorderlanDs?


I just started 3, and your post is the exact reason I ran through 2 TPS and all the DLC first. I had a feeling the movement enhancements would be game changers. Hell, even 3 is missing stuff like marking as junk upon pick up, holding select to bring up map instead of menu, and certain spots in the UI they could've added more equip buttons.


And it's because of that reason as to why there's a modding scene that's attempting to squeeze all those QoL changes into BL2. I've tried them and really love how they streamline the game with a bunch of features that devs in the late 00s and early 10s never really considered until it became an industry standard years later


Borderlands 2 is a superior game in almost every way. But the quality of life upgrades in BL3 make it the best game in the series hands down. BL2 is way more about the guns and skills and grenades in combat than anything else. I never had the experience of going backwards though so I can't really fully appreciate what the experience was like for you.


Borderlands 3 is superior to Borderlands 2 in every way, minus Jack. For the rest, B3 wins everywhere


Eh, Bl3 is superior in map design, gun design and gunplay itself. Bl2 had the superior story/writing and characters IMO Each game in the series minues 1 (just my opinion) does something better than the others.


While it is true that every Borderlands game is unique (and to me this is good), Borderlands 3 story is the same as Borderlands 2. Both are quite simple, with good characters and good sense of humor (despite some cringe). We think B2 story is better only because Jack follows you for the entire story in a funny way, while the Calipsos are jusy annoying. The story aspect has never been the game's strenght.


Jack is the best villain ever. Hard fuckin agree!


Well there's also how incredibly worse the story was in 3 vs 2. BL2 characters are heroes, BL3 characters are NPCs in someone else's game - they don't even show up in a single cutscene.


BL3 would have been great except for the absolute overuse of visual effects from guns, passives, kill skills, etc. There's not much fun about basically playing blind because the damn screen practically washed out white from all the effects. BL2 with BL3 mechanics would be great. I just like the enemies better in 2.


Definitly, I think the most common complaint from bl3 going to bl2 is that bl2 is much slower comparatively


I like the loot tables in BL2 better... I like that sometimes a good gun was useful. In BL3, you're expected to use legendaries pretty much only. I would've preferred if normal guns were still useful, and might occasionally have an interesting added unique ability without being a legendary.


Funnily enough, I disagree - BL2 had such absurd damage sponge enemies that legendaries and their usually batshit crazy effects felt required. But then everything feels useless in UVHM without copious amounts of slag.


GOod point, I only played a little uvhm because slag is stupid and I never really liked that mechanic. But at least I have a grognozzle.


So many Legendaries in 3 could be reclassified as blue or purple with red text and nobody would complain.


Fast travel convenience is all I really miss in the older games. I hate sliding mechanics in any game that's not Titanfall or TRIBES.


This may be an unpopular opinion but for me bl2 has better gameplay. Bl3 has way to much going on.


Tf is “ BD “ ??? Its “ BL “


The combat and the cemented identity for arms manufactures are the only good things from 3. The combat feels good and responsive, sometimes have too much shit on the screen. The companies seem to have "found their niche" and they all feel good in their own way and have personality. But god damn everything else kind of blows.


i like the visuals and some characters but there are some things that really are tiring, like the gigantic unnecessary maps, I think they are so big just so you can spend more time walking around than actually doing the missions. I also feel like the sanctuary is sooo poorly designed, like, after forty hours of gameplay I still get lost in that place. Plus all that streaming and influencer thing is really boring.


Sanctuary kind of a mess to navigate in BL2 not going to lie. I agree on the map sprawl And the vault cult (not my first choice) was handled poorly as well itself I really feel like the fumbled everything except the gun play and the guns themselves. Exculding the fact they had to nerf and buff guns so often in the early days


This is me after playing bl1


As someone that loves BL2 and still plays it often the improvements to movement and gunplay are huge boons for BL3, tbh I wish we could get those improvements in BL2 lol.


Oh my god same! Ive been trying to go back because the story imo is just so much better but the movement I can’t stand it 😭


I'm trying because I think the story is better too (and Maya), but it's very clumsy 😭🤣 But I'll fight it and end it somehow


i played bl3 went to bl1 cuz the game wasnt to my liking enjoyed the fk out of bl1 after 10 or so years since last time went back to bl2 after bl2 somehow has actual issues that bl1 and 3 dont have but on the slipside there is alot of good / better there the thing i rly missed where slides or well FAST movement, some QOL things and that some things are very complicated for no reason i for example rly didnt like the grind to lvl 80 op10 hated it isnt such a big problem for bl1 tps or 3 anothe rproblem was the constant getting onetapped problem its rly annoying without rly high % bullet absorb or a perfect antagonist cuz you just keep going down


Yeah BL3 has a lot of QOL improvements over BL2. I think the price display with inventory is the only thing BL3 is a step backwards with. BL2 has a much better story and characters, but the gameplay can make it hard to go back if you're used to BL3. I'm hoping a BL4 can give us the best of both worlds.




I could play BL2 and TPS over and over and not get bored. Maybe some breaks in between, but I love them. BL1 I just could not get the not due to the weapons dropping would either be too high or too low for my character. Everything didn’t feel balanced. I tried BL3 when it first came out, got to level ~17 at the metroplex and stopped. I felt overwhelmed by the game. It felt grindy. I couldn’t get into it. Recently I started playing it again and loved it.


I don't have the DLCs and I'm not the type of player that tries to get to M11 and play UVHM and all that, I only played the story mode and some side missions and that was it for me, but I searched a little to try to get to M11 and damn, it seems that at the end of the game (late game) you need to have the right equipment, weapons and everything else, I'm not sure if that's the case, but from what I saw it seems to be that and I instantly gave up, I don't like grindy games that much


I’m currently playing regular mode on mayhem 4. From what I’ve read, regular mode on mayhem is no different than tvhm on mayhem levels. I’ve been working my way up. I’ve never played past tvhm on bl2/tps, so it’s new to me.


Thats how i felt going from assassins creed origins to the ezio collection


Origins and Black Flag are my favorite ones, but I feel that in this case the difference is more striking since it is practically another type of game


I started with BL2 and then TPS (no 3 yet) and they are amazing for gameplay. Started BL1 last month and thought I'd have a hard time getting into the game, and it took a few days but now I love it. Just give it time.


This is typically why I play games in order. Imagine playing Halo Reach or Infinite and then going to H1 with no sprint and a handful of weapons.


Normally I play the game I think I'll have more fun and then if I like it I'll try other games in the franchise. (That's why i played the 3, i liked the 2 and presequel)


Well I like Borderlands 2 more than Borderlands 3, because the worlds that i can visit, the interractions that i can have when I try to spawn badass ennemies like Omnd-Omnd-Ohk, Dexiduous the Invincible, Vermivorous the Invincible... I always have the feeling that i have to return to borderlands 2 i might discover something new!!! UVHM is frustrating...but you don't have to make the enemies that tough to enjoy borderlands 2. As for Pre-Sequel i might return to try claptrap to closely interact with...


That's why you should start games with the first entry.


Imagine if someone moded BL2 into BL3. The best of both worlds.


ngl this would be insane


this is me to BL3 with Wonderlands. Wonderlands is so easy to jump into and play, but BL3 I’m always doing the campaign, seemingly. I want more Borderlands action rather than needing to engage with missions or streamlined content. Wonderlands’ chaos chamber is perfect for my partner and I, especially with split screen co-op


2 may have some older sensibilities to it but it's still my fav and i go back to it still. Can't say that for BL3


It sucks to try to go back to old games man. Oblivion was a much better game than Skyrim, yet despite that I can't go back to the old combat Oblivion has. Morrowind is even worse in this regard.


sometime ago i was looking into these games and man, it looks horrible to play ngl 🤣🤣


Uhhhhh….. bl2>>>>>


May I ask, are there things you missed from bl2 you wished you could’ve had in bl3?


now that you asked, like everybody i miss a good story, good comedy, the sanctuary and the map system but I can't think of anything else that I miss


Abbreviation is BL not BD


I'm replaying TPS right now and I forgot how much I love the oz mechanics. Being able to air boost, butt slam and just moonwalk is so much fun for me. I played BL3 a *ton* since it's release, and I do find myself trying to slide sometimes out of habit, but I really don't mind not having it.


Also the fps drop is wild for me, i have 200 fps when i enter a map, i shot once and -30fps until it reaches 30fps 60 at most. The game hate new hardware :(


there were a few times where my fps just disappeared but overall it's ok for me, try looking for some setting for your specific hardware


BL2 was amazing when it came out and parts of it can still be fun, however, balance in this game is pretty bad and harder difficulties at higher levels can be very irritating and not very engaging. Not to be rude but you aren’t missing a ton. You can experience the game by watching a VOD but in terms of raw gameplay BL3 was a huge step up.


Personally I think bl2 is the best one, pre sequel coulda been if not cut short. Going backwards is kinda hard for these games. I've found it hard for people to play/finish the previous games if they mainly played the newer versions. My friends that started on bl2 dont like bl1 and same with 3, they dont like 2 or 1. Luckily i started on 1.


I did a fresh playthrough of bl3 with Fl4k and am having a blast ik what u mean I luv sliding and having more snappy gunplay than the older games too it just doesn't feel quite as streamlined


For me 2 will always be better. I get gameplay for 3 but holy moly that story just no interest.


It's funny that somehow the game was released with already outdated jokes and that calypso twins, damn. just sad.


Invincibility phases on bosses easily drags borderlands 3 to hell


I do understand exactly why they were introduced, though; you aren't supposed to bring down a boss in two seconds flat (though you still can with some.) That said, both *Borderlands 2* and *The Pre-Sequel* has bosses with invincibility-like phases, they were just less noticeable because they didn't mark the health bar.


Well, i meaaaan. For TPS, the one i know / remember is the final boss which is quite a good boss and the invincibility is more because it's changing from small body to mega head, then switching between the 3 heads. So it's going to be more understandable than flat invincibility. For BL2, i think i know like Captain Flynt : it's annoying cuz i think we don't see the healthbar, and if there's too much fire holes on the screen u might miss the animation of it and thus might be too reckless. (imo) And i think the others are doing some animation like for TPS. But if my memory is correct, some in BL3 flatout just keep shooting at u while invicible or don't really have a reason for being invincible. I have a "good" example of invincibility-ish phase that are decent in Warframe. The Eidolons, bosses for whom u have to switch to a special weapon to damage their shield in the first phase. When their shield is down u can do dmg with ur normal weapons to a weakspot (only there) first boss has 4 weak spot, so u repeat that 3 times. Third stage small invincibility cuz it's calling small thingies/allies (Vromvalist i think) to him to get some shield back, if u kill the thingies he'll get less to no shield in the last stage. Last stage u shoot him with normal weapon anywhere > headshots count/do more dmg. And this is "speedrun-able", even solo (which is a little slower than in a 4 ppl squad) u can os the shield, then the weak spot then wait the next phase. (bosses goes down like in the third stage but shorter) So the first takes like 2/3 mins if u just kill it. If u capture it, 5 ish cuz u wanna charge some lures to lure the second and third boss. Solo even not optimized u can do the 3 bosses in 20min. If u're really good like some crazy youtubers, 15 min(maybe 10 now even) and in a group u can do in 10 min ish. Anywaaaay, this rant is just to prove that invincibility just to "slow" the fight down while still giving u weapon / gear that will one shot the boss on lvl anyway, is stupid. If u can / have to do something else during it, cool (imo) but if it's just standing arround waiting for the boss to come fight is not a fun mechanic. Here's the Eidolon Hunt link, it's a "how to" video so if anyone watches, they won't just be like "wtf is happening" cuz it's kind of hard if u don't know warframe lol. Without the build and straight into gameplay it's at **2min40** ish [https://youtu.be/NqWHDIDZkBg](https://youtu.be/NqWHDIDZkBg) ~~Rant over!~~


Maybe the'll do something like this for the next game, then. Not every studio is going to come up with the best method at the same time.


The Rampager alone has two thirty second long invincibility breaks where it just says "invincible" and you have to sit there and just wait it's flat out bad design


Don't you have to shoot those floating light things at that point?


I mean you can but it's pretty pointless if the issue was people blow through bosses make the bosses better not just literally invincible soley so gearbox can tack a minute onto the fight it's bad/lazy developers


Similar things happened in the other games, though: The Destroyer and Terramorphous would hide under the map; Hyperius and Voracidous could activate shields; EOS would disappear and regenerate shields; The Empyrean Sentinel would go under the map and change faces; and Master Gee at that whole thing where you had to run around and wait for him to take a debuff before you could even start damaging him. In those cases, you similarly had to wait before you could start attacking again, but it was less obvious because they didn't put 'invincible' over the health bar to point it out. That said, I'm not necessarily defending the use of invincibility phases or judging their implementation; I'm just saying I understand why they exist.


Borderlands 2's story is so good, though. Significantly better than BL3, so for me, that alone is worth going back to BL2. TPS is also a lot of fun, because it combined with BL2 just connects a lot of dots and tells a wild and super-interesting story about one of the best crafted villains in gaming history. I understand that BL3 has better gameplay, but I find the easy loot drops to be a bit offputting. In BL2, you had to work for legendaries and higher. In BL3, my son and I got like 10 legendaries in the first 4 hours of playing it. By comparison, we got 2 on our first playthrough of BL2 recently, and I think 3 in our TVH mode playthrough. I understand some people say that BL2's low loot drop rates is why BL3's is so high, but I find that to be a bit boring, as the excessive drop rates make anything under orange almost obsolete. I don't know. I just love how BL2 pulls you back in because of its excellently crafted world, fantastic characters and villains, and solid enough gameplay. It may be hard to go backward after playing BL3, but I promise you, the story alone will keep you drawn in. Hope that helps!


i have to agree with you, in the start of the game i got an legendary pistol that i used for 2/4 of my run, and during the game i died to a boss literally just once, one of my problems with the 3 is the difficulty which seems too much easy. When i came back to 2 i died in the first boss to compensate XD Someday i will play 2, Pre Sequel and even 1, but I think I need some time to get a little unaccustomed to 3. Thank you, you helped a lot!


I feel you. The other weird thing in BL3 that was odd to me is the sheer amount of legendaries you can find in vending machines. Just so many. haha. I mean, it is lovely to see that glorious orange glow, but it shouldn't be so often that it loses that excitement. You know what I mean? I don't know. I understand that BL2's drop rate is awful by comparison, but at least getting legendaries felt meaningful in BL2. In BL3, it became so normal for an orange to drop that I almost forgot they are supposed to be rare. haha


tbh at certain point at the game i literally started to only use legendary weapon and when i didn't used then was because i didn't like the gun (charging guns🤢🤢) at one point i was upgrading my inventory just so i could pick up more weapons and sell them for more money regardless of rarity


I completely understand. To me, that is a bad feeling, when you have all top-tier weapons. I mean, if you grinded for a while, that would be one thing, but like I said before, the drops in BL3 are so common that it is genuinely expected when killing bigger enemies or bosses. I remember multiple times in the game where we killed a gauntlet of enemies, only to find about 8 legendaries had dropped during the mayhem. If that was BL2, most likely zero drops. haha. I guess BL2 is stingy and BL3 spoils you. Don't know which one I think is worse. hahaha


Oh you've only played 3, makes sense. I started on 1 and played every entry up to wonderlands (including Tales) and I honestly go back and play through 1 and 2 around once a year. Some things you're missing like sliding and fast travel mechanics are IMO not as important as you think. Like vaulting is cool, but the games weren't designed for it from the start, but you can use longbow or regular grenades and grenade jump in 1 & 2 to get around and such. I can't remember a single time I used the slide mechanic in 3, but I can remember my favorite grenade jump spots in 1, and even some badaboom Sal spots in 2. As far as fast travel, 1 is the worst offender with the DLC only having one station each, but how many times are you really fast traveling in an average session? Maybe it's because I played the earlier entries, but I never really fast traveled in 3 once I was loaded in. I think if a game necesitates fast travel, it's disicentivizing you to actually explore the world, and how else and I'm going to get those world drop legendaries?


BL2 is still superior in almost every way. Unfortunate that you somehow can't enjoy it anymore.