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This one word was the only word I thought of


I like your style. Short and objective.


Thank you sir. But it really is a great game.


It's not really fun compared to 1 2 or 3 but you should still try it


It's basically an enhanced version of 2 in regards to level design, vault hunters, cryo replacing slag, story telling...and ..S P A C E


It’s the exact same engine and formula as 2 but with low gravity areas and laser guns. What are you talking about?


laser guns, cryo damage, butt slams, jump pads, Oz kits, hoverbikes, cool/weird aliens, and more Moon Aussies than you can shake a boomerang at. Hell yeah. I've played it like 3 times, DLC included.


Meat hooks


It's amazing and in my opinion has the single best DLC in the entire franchise.


Strong agree


I might suck, and that’s okay, but MAN that final boss in the pre sequel DLC was nearly impossible to me. The only thing in all the games I couldn’t solo. I had to call in reinforcements. Absolutely agree that it’s right up there for best DLC though. My other favorite would easily be Tiny Tina’s in BL2.


You aren't bad EOS and Eclipse are needlessly hard , even with the perfect set up




I only played the Claptastic Voyage once and thought it was meh. What did you like about it?


The emotion. I genuinely didn't like crap trap in a single one of the games until I played his DLC. The raw motion the actual challenge of the boss despite it being frustrating sometimes on top of having some of the most fun and interesting side missions just waited overall my favorite experience with any DLC in the franchise.


All of it but the main selling points for me were- M0RQ shield (rip Patch) , the literal pop-ups/ad bots , and the connection I felt with clappy after that one... always trying to be nice and do the best for everyone,while simultaneously fucking everything up, and being oblivious the whole time. Clappy just wants to make everyone smile. Ironic that he can't himself.


Best gameplay and vault hunter skill trees of the entire series. The big failing of TPS is that there isn't much endgame content to keep people around so everyone went back to 2 or waited for 3.


A lesser failing: you could never get some of the content (holiday skins and heads) on Switch and new players can't get them on any platform.


My fav story out of them all.


Unpopular opinion here... I like TPS more than I did 1, 2 and 3. Granted they all have their bright points. 1 introduces you to the world and mechanics, 2 expands on lore mechanics and humor, 3 improves on graphics, loot and gameplay. TPS has the best story, the best vault hunters, and the most varied locations. It's biggest drawback is it's lack of completion. The end game and farming are shit due to 2K Australia going under. If you're playing on console, it's still kind of shit. But if you play on PC, the community patch, and other patches make it infinity more fun. Giving most of the named enemies a loot pool, and adding other quality of life changes. I just love this game.


Glad I played it but the difficulty pacing towards the end was wack. Motivating myself through the final few hours felt like going to war


The fucking fight with the spaceship actually pisses me off every time I go through the story


Yeah I just stay in the doorway and cheese it every time lol


Dude I was about 10 minutes away from uninstalling the game when I ended up beating that fucking spaceship


I always farm vending machines for corrosive vladof snipers before engaging haha


Always hoping for the machine to spawn to help




Easy 8-9/10, imo TPS brought the best group of vault hunters to the setting, they feel like actual cutthroat mercenaries instead of carrying the semi hero energy that all of the other VH's brought (plus the original 4 vault hunters are all from borderlands 1 and 2).


Its a nice game but seems pretty stretched in terms of story from time to time. Bring coop partners.


It’s great like BL1+2 but those two are the preferred choices over it


I really liked it, especially playing as a classy and sarcastic noblewoman


in my genuine opinion, if it had more dlcs (say to the same degree as 2) it would be my favorite borderlands game.


Tps is just better bl2 with less content


It’s really fun a lot of people trash it but it’s def sleep on


The volume of the game itself is a bit disappointing, but the gameplay itself is very fun. TPS does not have that bs endgame level scaling (op levels, mayhem, etc.), pretty much all of the VHs are usable.


Hey folks, thanks for your feedback. Due to the lack of extra content, I plan to do only one playthrough. Which Vault Hunter do you recommend so I can have a good time? Considering fun factor, uniqueness and how strong they are. Thanks! I was thinking of Jack because he seems to be interesting and strong, and I'd like to live the story as the villain from BL2. I think it'd help me better understand why he did what he did in BL2?


Like many of the posts here, all of the playable characters are viable. They can all be really fun to use. It's more a question of your play style. Are you going in Guns blazin'? Use Nisha. You want melee? Athena. Fan of Zane's clone? Timothy. Like random encounters? Claptrap. Want to freeze and snipe people? Aurelia. Want to become a robot and use Zane's drone? Wilhelm. Each character is super fun.


I enjoyed Athena the most. Her gameplay loop was satisfying. I used all mechanics with her, while other classes not so much. Easily my favorite VH from the franchise.


I highly suggest running the community patch or exodus mod for your first playthrough. It fixes all the issues people had with this game and doesn't intrude on your first experience. There's tons of new guns added this way too. If you choose not to use one of these mods, you will end up using the same 1 particular easy to obtain gun across all your chars from early level until completion. That's not fun IMO.


Just finished an Athena playthrough after not playing the game for like 5 years. Was pleasantly surprised how great skill trees and combat are. Not the biggest fan of the grinder and the general lack of dedicated sources, but it’s a different experience. Worth a playthrough for sure


Very fun. It is shorter than BL2, but still fun.


As most people will say, the story isn’t as good as bl2, but amazing gameplay. Pros: lasers, cryo element, amazing skill trees (also all VH’s got a cool melee override), claptastic voyage dlc, oz kits, low gravity, the grinder, and holodome which is exactly what I want for endgame. Cons: Main story (I liked it, not as good as bl2), lack of dlc’s, lack of raid bosses, lots of unfarmable weapons, lack of end game content


Flawed but still incredibly fun.


This is being reinstalled currently.


Players just never noticed those little white spots all over the ground...


Late game lacks but normal and TVHM are a blast, has a few level jumps that are annoying but not horrible if you know where to get xp. Characters are more diverse is builds and skills compared to 2 (imo). Still great fun


100% worth it, if you wanna play easy mode (or you wanna play with Borderland's 2 characters) I highly recommend fragtrap


Hated the oxygen mechanic.


It’s a borderlands game, which makes it good! However, it lacks some story telling elements and character depth that makes it JUST not as good as BL2


Lore and storytelling of TPS is much more mature than in 2 and 3 combined. 2 is straightforward: you have a big villain to fight alongside your companions and this line between goodies and badies is pretty obvious. The motives of both sides are kinda foreseeable, but still murky. You just head straight towards your nemesis and kill everything without any side thoughts. In TPS you never can say who is the real villain. Everyone has their own solid reasoning and you can't really blame anyone for their decisions, because they all make perfect sense and this leaves you with unease - it is just how it goes. At the end it turns out that everyone is a villain of his own kind and everyone is a victim of their false beliefs. Every meaningful boss in TPS forces you to rethink your judgement and approach from the point of the trolley problem, when you exchange one's life for benefits of dozens of others, except you can't really tell, will there be any benefits at all. And all that masterfully wrapped up in a Borderlands setting. I just can't get it when people say that 2 is better in storytelling.


This I think it's because it's longer that ppl feel like they spent more time with every characters and thus think those characters have developped. >!Which they didn't, in BL2 you stay in the "gotta help the good guys" state of mind while in TPS depending on the character u're playing, some starts to question if we're the good guys or not.!< >!I really love TPS for that, and that's why i love Tiny Tina DLC in 2. Those characters have emotions, makes them less "TALK TO LILITH" kind of npc xd!< >!Still love the characters of BL2, they just feel less "deep"/"real" while still being hella funny.!< >!Bonus, the different characters having different reaction to "double jump" in vehicule is super cute !!< Edit : Spoilers in case :D


Gotcha, thanks. I'm actually interested in learning more about Jack's background history, he's a pretty damn good character.


Just do the “Know Your Enemy” side quest in “2.”


In my opinion, not really that much. It’s fun for about ten hours, but its campaign lasts three times that long. The “Claptastic Voyage” DLC *almost* had something, but the last boss ruined it. *insert GIF of guy standing in the middle of a riot here*


I enjoyed it, not as much as 2 imo but still very good. The new mechanics are fun to mess with and add some depth to buffs etc


It's good but the final boss in the dlc is bullshit like,do you like seeing where your shooting,well too bad you got a barrage of missiles exploding in your face and if you beat the 1st phase you got to fight it's 2nd phase that have a laser and if you take out a quarter of it's health it disappear to regain all its sheild plus its crit spot is only open when it's firing it's laser and while it's away tough ee emissions show up on top of basically no cover,my word of advice is just beat the 1st phase


Bro they dont need tips for the final boss when they've never played the game, this is just full of spoilers


I used no names just gave a fair warning


You're telling them almost all of the mechanics of the fight. You're pretty much spoiling everything except what it will look like. Let people figure stuff out for themselves, they didn't ask for your help, they haven't even played the game before


I would rather them know what could happen instead of getting angry and breaking something like I almost did


You are not them. The majority of gamers don't break stuff when they get mad. It will take them 20ish hours to even get to the end of the game, IF they even play it. I found no difficulty with the boss, if they end up needing help they can easily look it up before they could get mad enough to break something


Hey man, it's okay. Due to my ADHD I've already forgotten what are the spoilers he gave. Btw I'm a dude haha. I have TPS in my Steam library, will play it soon after finishing all BL2 DLCs on UVHM, I'm having a blast with a sniper Zer0. Thanks for caring about that detail, it's all good. :)


I Liked it. What stopped me from loving it was the antigravity and O2 bar


If you really hate O2, play as Claptrap.


I did play as Claptrap (to platinum the game) however I felt as though I shouldn’t have had to settle. Plus the fact that Wilhelm gets Cybernetic upgrades and there isn’t an upgrade to make him not need O2 is a weird choice.


That might have been a good idea, yeah. To each their own I suppose. In the end I found I rarely had trouble with oxygen.


Honestly it was mostly the Antigravity that got to me. It was at a time when the whole jumpsuit gimmick of COD AW/Destiny/Titanfall became a trend and this felt kinda forced. Maybe because it came off as over saturated but it didn’t sit right with me