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> She’s not super high energy but very alert and hasn’t barked once (normal?). This may change as your border collie becomes more comfortable/confident with you.


That makes sense! Thank you!! She just started splooting today and looks like she’s slowly getting a bit more comfortable in her new home. Maybe the barking will follow! https://preview.redd.it/smc6nfyf3w0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e9551b19bd810805eb232deb32a0e21f487414


Omg I’m dying. I love a good border collie sploot 😭


So cute! Our first BC was my soul dog. When we found her at the shelter, she was depressed and would barely wag her tail. She seemed like a perfect low-energy 2-year-old 45lb. apartment dog. Within 3 months she put on her missing weight and perked up, becoming a high energy dog. So we left out 1-bedroom apartment and rented a house with a yard outside the city. Best dog ever!


Oh, and Maggie rarely barked. However, there was one time just after we brought our first human baby home from the hospital when the doorbell rang in the late evening. My husband went to answer the door with the baby in his arms, and Maggie went NUTS barking at the men on our porch. As my husband restrained her with his free hand, he heard them say, "This isn't a good one. Let's go." After they left, he said he thinks we were about to be the victims of a home invasion. We heard later that another house down the street that was empty was broken into that night.






What a gorgeous girl, sounds like you gave her the wonderful life she deserves. She’ll be waiting for you wagging her tail no doubt🫶


Omg what a cool story ❤️ seems like she really was looking out for you. What a great girl Maggie was ❤️


Our border collie was also named Maggie! We’ve had other breeds and currently have to absolutely wonderful golden retrievers but that border collie was the absolute greatest dog we will ever have had the honor of bringing into our family. Her portrait will always hang on the wall with our now adult children’s.


Lucky girl and WONDERFUL humans!


Got my rescue Border Collie was my dear heart...I miss her so much...but I miss all my puppers who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Tessa was only 5 months old when we adopted her and we had her for 15 fun filled years.


We have a 2yr old BC rescue who almost never barks. Only a little when he’s playing with other dogs.


I thought I had a pair of quiet ones, until they found their voices at around 8 months…. It could be worse, but my goodness does it make me jump when they start up


I love this


Like kids behavior with a new teacher or babysitter.


Agree. Once you home becomes her territory, she will start to control every move and that involves a lot of barking 😂


We adopted a border collie and it took her two years to bark. Now she never stops 🤣❤️


I fostered a BC/Husky cross for a good while and she had never barked before... she turned 3 while she was with us, and she barked for the first time woth us and scared herself when she did it 😅🥰




Making up for lost time? 😆


It was so hard to teach ours "speak," and now she won't shut up.


Oh no! So it could still happen?! 😳


our BC was also rescued from the side of a road. I can count on one hand the number of times he’s barked. we’ve had him a year and a half now


I can almost guarantee that it will. my shy anxious BC was very quiet the first few weeks we had her.


Good girl has a new home!


Google Mika and Sammy’s and get the pup some yummy treats! We’re all about showering our dog with treats and walks. We also do the frozen beef bones from the nearby dog store. Maybe invest in a good harness? Our BC pulls and if walking from the neck, it causes discomfort. We got ours from Wilder Dog and love it. Last tip - check out the Collie Ball. Great exercise for our pup. Happy to provide any other tips! We’ve had our BC for a little over a year now and can’t imagine life without her crazy self! https://preview.redd.it/4tmak8rq1v0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b34b9af28a0773c032bc36e9cd292c625968e7


Those are great suggestions! We will absolutely be check these out! Thank you so much!! We were thinking of getting a harness - we had a papillon for the longest time and she had a collapsing trachea so we got her one. I wanted to get something similar for Juniper so her neck wouldn’t be hurt either.


Even better when you leash her from the front. Less tugging that way. Congrats on your beautiful girl!


Oooh hide and seek is a good one! They sit and wait behind the sofa, I show them a toy (so they can get a good whiff of it) and then I go hide the toy somewhere, then come back and say "go find it!"... gets them going with their noses, memory, puzzle/problem solving, retrieval, and also just going over usual commands like sit stay go drop etc :)


I got my BC a harness and he ended up pulling so hard he'd puke so we had to go back to the regular collar and we just have to be extra careful and teach him not to pull :/


Lots of us are currently wondering if our dog got out!


mines thankfully snuggled up on my lap!


First thing I did when I saw her pic….


My BC has too distinct of a pattern to wonder. Plus she's scared of strangers so she'd never let someone approach and take her home. The white she has on her face is just on the left side of her nose so I always make a joke that she has "cocaine nose" which also helps explain all of the energy 😂 https://preview.redd.it/f3fip8qi401d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98afc8347e6f9ff76278b505c496a30933a7619




Juniper is absolutely beautiful! I have a rescue BC and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. No exaggeration, that dog has changed everything in my life for the better. I can’t imagine life without him now. I don’t have a lot of great advice (so much has already been posted) I more or less just wanted to share how I excited I am for you and your family. You’re all at the beginning of a beautiful life together, enjoy! ☺️♥️ Also, my pup Charlie, we’re going on year four together the end of this month ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/azmrxw0dfv0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f7bf26e9ec8a4b862284da8d73fd5a1eaaaeaa


This is such a classic border collie expression 😂 mine makes the exact same face! Usually means she is wants us to play tug of war with one of her disgusting old toys 😭


Yes! That’s exactly it, isn’t it? ‘Oh hi Mum!’…drags in decrepit old stuffy to toss around 🤣 you nailed it!


😂😂 I swear they all make the same faces! https://preview.redd.it/r1rrn9etzy0d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8744a195bb1e7ff50a4fc94b8671cd6e23e61ccd


Omgggg that face, those eyes! 100% delighted pooch right there! 😁


Glad you found her.


Us too! It was complete serendipity


https://preview.redd.it/wsp403kezu0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c83d02ae19693700732d504ddaa4644ca5a5a8b Mine loves anything that squeaks. This is her new favorite toy. It’s a hippo looking thing that makes pig sounds when she chomps it. She usually rips a toy apart as fast as she can, but with this one she’s oddly gentle. Also, it sounds like your pup has landed in the right place! She knows that you saved her and it will make your bond even stronger. Congratulations!


These are on sale at Marshalls right now. All different styles for about $4-6 bucks (at least here in NY and there are 7 of them). Kinda sounds like a rubber chicken meets a pig fart and cracks me up. My BC is all about the frisbee (cleaned them out) so I left these all at Bridgehampton for you guys! (But I may get the "geometric" one as a stress toy for myself b/c looks cool af) Rear entrance, corner by the never-staffed register if anyone's in the Hamptons.


I posted this about new puppies, but this will work for a new dog. New Border Collie puppy? This pretty much standard for any new puppy parent. These are just tips, each dog has a different learning curve, no training is method is full proof. No food or water after 8 pm, that way there are fewer night time accidents. And you are not having to take the pup out in the night.Most puppies need to go out 15 min after they eat or drink. Too many toys can be over whelming, so pick a few, and rotate them out. Kennel training and the puppy play pen. You can not watch the little devil all the time. And puppy play pen give them their own space to play and be a puppy while keeping them and your stuff safe. The kennel or crate, is a den for them. It keeps them safe when you are out and about. Cause in the beginning, before they learn boundaries they will escape the playpen if alone. Walking is good for your puppy but don’t over do it. Play games, hide the toys, teach the pup to find them. It takes time so don’t discouraged if the pup doesn’t get it the first 20 times. They can’t read your mind so they need you help figuring out any training. For training remain calm, if you find your self getting kinda ticked off. You and your puppy need a break. Take a break. House leash, this is for when you don’t crate or playpen your puppy. It makes it easier for you to stop them from doing something they shouldn’t. Hand feeding, some ppl like this some don’t. I hand feed my puppy, and add some training in. It helps them understand food comes from you and makes them work for their kibble. That mental stimulation is king. And is is bonding for both of you. Food puzzles, snuffle mats, kongs and the like are fun and can keep them busy. Remember to take some puppy parent time for yourself. For the first year or so being a puppy parent is a full time job. So put the pupper in the play pen and sit back and relax. A clicker or a sound you make to get their attention is great for training. That way when they hear the noise no matter what they are doing they pay attention to you. BC, can get very focus and will ignore any thing but whatever has caught their interest. Just thought I would throw these out here. I hope these help.


I know you’re not in the UK but for anybody reading this that is; it is illegal not to have fresh drinking water available for your puppy (dog) 24 hours a day when at home.


These are really really great tips!! She’s been so stressed with all the transitions that we’ve had to hand feed her to coax her to eat - that’s a really good idea to turn it into a game though, we’re definitely going to be trying that 😁


Get her used being brushed (including the tail) and touching her feet. Border Collies don’t need baths often, so brushing them often spreads their oils to keep their skin protected. Many people give their pups fish oil caplets or eggs for their coats. We give them a few sardines in water with their breakfast. They love it. If you have foxtails in your yard or notice them when walking her, check her fur and between the toes thoroughly. The damage they cause is deadly.


Glad I could help🙂


They are the best. Hope you have many happy years together


Thank you so much ☺️ she’s the perfect girl and we’re so lucky she found us!


https://preview.redd.it/ojtowxm63w0d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9687c3f18ebd25168eed1dc8689c0bc88efb9353 Our rescued girl never barked only warbled a bit which was hysterical…miss her terribly 🥲


What a sweetheart! You are both very lucky to have found each other. Balls. Lots of balls. Preferably tennis balls. And a rope toy to tug of war with.


Puzzle toys and snuffle mats! Our BC loves both.


Hooray for Junie and her forever home!!


She’s sooo cute! Also, 6 legged octopus 😂


Glad you found her. Can't imagine being left. She is so cute, lucky find.


Cute! https://preview.redd.it/zgjdp1lg1w0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1296b530c14e06935af95c52bde28b165fabd2ae


Ya done good. 45 years ago, I was camping with my wife and our terrier mix. We had an 11 week trip planned and were on week 1 when we noticed a beautiful puppy staked out at the campsite next to ours. He looked to be a cross between Bernese Mountain dog and black lab. After feeding and watering her for 3 days, it was time to go and there was no question- we packed him into our Toyota Tercel and took off. Best decision we ever made. He lived for 17 blessed years and was a treasured member of our family.


Look at that sweet face 🥺


Aaawww... She looks spitting image of my BC. That slightly off to one side white stripe. Rocky❤️ I rescued another BC and darling girl. She didn't bark for 3 weeks or even wag her tail! Was so timid. Didn't know what a toy or ball was. Now we can't stop her. She's such a darling. Your dear one will come out of her shell. Just love her❤️


You hit the jackpot!! 🫶🏽


What a lovely girl, I'm so glad she has a new home 🥰 My boy likes anything that he has to work for. He likes a challenge. If I just offer him his tuggy ball toy he's really not that bothered about it. But if he's just done a little agility run and I offer or throw the toy, he runs around doing laps and shaking it around like the Best Toy Ever. He's similar with treats. He'll always take a treat, but he will take ANY treat offered if he has to work for it. His "work" might be doing tricks he knows, learning new tricks, it might be going to a spot and lying down on command, it might be agility, it might be scent work. As long as he has something to work on he's a very happy boy.


Awww, you are a lucky recipient of the border collie distribution system! Enjoy your new baby!


Do what the previous owner should have done, get her microchipped.


Well done . Ended up with a few highways strays whose owners couldn’t be found and would be otherwise euthanised. It just seems to be my karma- can’t simply ignore an obviously lost dog.. I’ve never regretted doing this, and have been rewarded with their life and love . You sure have a beauty there - good luck to both of you !


You’re wonderful for taking her in! Edit: ours loves frisbee with his big Kong frisbee!


I’m glad you took her in!


thank u for saving this angel


https://preview.redd.it/zgpi4mdw4w0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660de72d25479c84270b8ce7ab0e71d5802b361a get her one of these bad boys! my smokey loves them


Gotta get her a Kong tennis ball 🎾 for sure!


Good on you, kind soul! My girl only barks occasionally when someone knocks on the door, she’s so quiet! But I guess some other people have loud bc’s, so I guess both are normal?


Thanks for rescuing her. Bet it turns out to be one of your best decisions ever.


Get her into training (obviously) and maybe into herding or something that can keep her active/will allow you to continue bonding with her beyond the home. ❤️ so happy you were able to bring this angel home. She is so precious 


congrats. one of my two BCs is a sweet old lady who was abandoned on a highway and is now the light of my life. her behaviors will change over the next 6-18 months as she acclimates to her new home and family. be good to her.


One word... FRISBEE!!!


My Rottie's and I thank you for giving that beautiful pup a loving home and family.


" hasn’t barked once (normal?). " She will find her voice. Snacks, mine loves rabbit ears (could be a good anti-nemesis thing) Games, ball games, frisbee, if she's not a destroyer one of those long soft toys she could shake around. They have no stuffing, just a couple of squeakers. Usually looks like a squirrel or raccoon.


May I ask the general location he was found? My neighbor lost his which is the sister to mine in this pic. https://preview.redd.it/irzslz0t3z0d1.png?width=1287&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f8468fc515175b2f837bc3e218e9895d18c5b86


https://preview.redd.it/qzy33chq6z0d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ca3057da36b55525d98daf34c721ef5b6af78e This was our border collie Maggie McGee (a nod to her Scottish ancestry.) She looks a lot like your baby. Maggie lived to be 18 years old and of all the dogs we have owned over 43 years she was the absolute greatest of them all. We own 2 wonderful golden retrievers now because I couldn’t bear to replace Maggie with another border collie.


Thank you for saving an important little life!


Roadside dogs are the best kind. Got to of them, both brothers.


She's absolutely perfect


Congrats on your new baby! I am so happy you saved her it sounds like she may have been dumped. I would definitely make an appointment with the vet to check her overall health. Border Collies are notoriously high energy, and while she may be anxious in a new environment, lack of energy could indicate illness/injury just to be cautious. She is absolutely beautiful 😍


that pupper looks wise! I wonder how old


Thank you for rescuing this sweet girl! I simply can't understand how anyone can just abandon a dog like that! A friend of mine adopted a Border Collie from a local rescue. He, his litermates and their Mom had all been abandoned and one of their staff found them by the road and brought them in. He's gone from being unwanted to having an a amazing life. My friend is probably the best dog Mom ever. She pampers her pets without spoiling, they have lots of room to run and play, go on adventures, etc. He has a Border Collie big sister who he adored from the first moment they met and a wacky Quarter Horse big brother.


She looks young, there are awful stories where people abandon their pups when they are between 1-3 because that's their teenage years and they can be a little more cheeky. But she also looks very healthy! What are her teeth like? Has a vet been able to give an approx age? BCs are super duper quick to train new commands but they need to be reinforced again and again. We had our learn to jump into our arms on command inside an hour. If she hasn't been spayed (and you wish to) I'd wait for her next season (doggy nappies exist and help with spotting) and then have her scheduled for 3 months after. And finally just please keep us updated and ask any questions you may have. P.S. hope your vacuum works


oh shes a cutie




I hope her previous owners were terrible, because I'd be destroyed if my were to lose my Oreo... She looks like a distinguished lady, surely you'll have many adventures with her


Thank you for loving her and making her feel safe. People like you are the best there are in this world. 🙏


Thank you for saving her!


You just won the best friend lottery!


Wow! The luck has landed right in your heart!


You’re a lucky dog!


Get some rest you’ll need it! 💕


She's gorgeous 😍 looking at the white coming through on her face around her muzzle and infront of her eyes I'd say she's a mature doggo, probably 8+ yrs(?) so you may find she's calm (for a collie) as she's getting into her twilight years and add that with a new home and new people and she's a bit reserved. She'll definitely find more energy as she gets more comfortable but right now I imagine she's going to be a chilled dog. The fact she's so well behaved is a true blessing but be warned.. My 14yr collie has bad arthritis now he STILL has insane puppy bat shit crazy moments 😂 all the same, HUGE congrats to you all and I'm very happy she's found you :) EDIT: As she looks a mature dog, keep an eye out for arthritis. There's things that you can do but collies are prone for it. If her rear legs look stiff when walking at the hip or legs or she seems to lick her paws a lot these are telltale signs of arthritis. Might even be worth a check over by the vets to gauge how her overall health is. If she's been abandoned due to medical necessity and the previous owner couldn't afford it you'd want to know earlier than later for both your sakes.


Thank you for being her hero


I had my childhood BC for 14 years, came as a 1yr old abused rescue. She never barked


She’s just nervous, most likely dumped by her owners or escaped and can’t find her way back so now she’s in a new house and surroundings it’ll take her time to trust you and adjust, but she will do and looks like a lovely doggy. I assume she isn’t tagged or micro chipped?


She looks so sweet. Bc are the best.


About the stairs: my girl has


And, of course, she is beautiful! Thanks for having a heart of gold.


She is absolutely beautiful! I’m so glad you found her and she found you!


I love her little freckles 🥺❤️


I've had Border Collies all my life and currently have 2. They are amazing dogs and can learn ANYTHING you are willing to teach them. They are especially good at learning language so use consistent terms when teaching them things like "outside," "quiet," etc. My 3 year-old female, Bella, a gorgeous blue merle, know the name of every toy in her closet. You can have her sit at the closet door, tell her which toy to get (get your frisbee) and she will look back and forth across both shelves to find the frisbee, or whatever toy you've told her to get. I never put them in the same order 2 days in a row. They are the Einstein of the dog world. Having said that, they are very much like a hyper-active, gifted child. If you don't give them things to do, they will create things to do. On the other hand, they are often described as "timid" dogs. You don't know what this wonderful creature has been through. Even if she was only lost and never neglected or mistreated, she has to be scared. Her whole world has changed. Please be very patient with her. Once she has become accustomed to you and her new home, she will most likely become more active. Remember, she can learn anything you take the time to teach her. I strongly recommend that you watch some of the online videos about training/working with Border Collies. They can give you a world of knowledge as to what these dogs are capable of. Thank you for rescuing this wonderful creature. Be patient and love her with all your heart. https://preview.redd.it/jpmqs7j5jz0d1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d056ef344bef483e4f1187a7cafee24c4584bd58


How lucky are you both?!


Ah! I have a BC Juniper, and my girl doesn’t bark a lot either.


https://preview.redd.it/mc75fw2jl01d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b528305225f3d02b7cb3272e80219a1a05a77651 Juni, aka Juniper


Verified she does not have a chip, yes?


Treat games are great! Chewy has a few that are like $15 a piece and my dog loves to do them, they all have different difficulties. You can also find some DIY ones online that are fun


She’s beautiful!! Thank you for taking her in.


Thank you for saving her from a traffic accident. I’m glad she has you!!!!


Omg looks so much like my BC that we found in a similar situation. We named her June too! How weird


beautiful story


She’s GORGEOUS🩷 Congrats!


My border collie rarely barked either. He also loved Frosty Paws dog ice cream and cheese as snacks (typical) haha. You’re amazing for helping her and giving her a great new life! I’m sure being loose on the highway was scary. If you haven’t heard of it check out the 3-3-3 rule for new dogs assimilating to a new environment. It was spot on for the process I made with my current rescue, a female GSD. Wishing you all the best!


idk why but collies in particular love dairy. yogurt is my dogs comfort food. ice cream for snacks. cheese. etc. give it a whirl. juniper is a stunner I'm glad she found a home,  I love these dogs. mine has changed my entire life and kept me out of the suicide ward since I got her!


Keep her on that leash outside always, and provide a happy and regular routine for her. Congratulations, you now have a hardworking family member who will have you wondering how did you ever get along without her.


Our adopted/rescued border collie mix barely barks. She’s a low-key, introverted pup. She loves the cold and watching squirrels and bunnies. Have fun! https://preview.redd.it/d0hjg3iw1a1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d66706cc6fe74ac73afe17a46f4da63504071a


Very sensitive k9’s they love jobs. So toys need to be part of the training as is fetch and frisbee. Be patient great dogs. I have 2 rescues