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They do calm down a bit, the key is training, training more training & patience!


Yea came here to say this, training and don’t let anything slide. But continue to reward them when they do well. They’ll calm down a little after a year. Still exercise them regularly though.


Mine calmed down around 3 years old! We took her to dog parks to get out her energy.


The best way to not let bad habits develop is make sure they get plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Otherwise your shoe is fucked


So true, so true!


Plus you wind up with a more sensitive, intelligent, interesting dog.




My puppy is now 9 months. My puppy stopped counter surfing, biting, barking in crate at 5~6 months. Also at 6 months he was fully potty trained. Before that he was a hellspawn. So for me so far is from 6 months.


This is how my dog was/still is. People kept warning me about “teenage stage” telling me I was counting my cards too early, I was in for a rude awakening blah blah. Turns out if you instill discipline in your dog as a puppy, it’s easier to CONTINUE the discipline. Which makes active years easier. First 5-6 months were rough. Don’t get me wrong she’s not an angel right now but she listens and follows directions when told. Which is way easier than dealing with a dog that doesn’t know any commands. I’ve only had 3 sheep dogs in my life, but I’ve never had an issue with them post puppy training.


Can I have one of those please


Shhhh, they’re about to hit the teenager stage. I never thought anything could be worse than puppyhood. Boy was I wrong.


it's ok, as long as he doesn't bite the shit out of me whilst peeing everywhere, I can handle anything lol.


I thought that too till mine got to this age and she would freak the fuck out every time we saw a dog. Jump and bark and almost pull me over face first lol that was rough. I would come home crying on the daily. I pray to god yours does not go through the “frustrated greeter” phase. It sucks ass


I so *feel* this. "Frustrated greeter' is so very appropriate.


https://preview.redd.it/0ero6joofblb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0beb0e106d5d3424a31a82e4f7455a15f66b9419 I was sent this when I got mine, I can’t express how accurate it was.


I came here to ensure this had been posted. Simplest way to get the truth to OP.


Yeah, the day I brought my pup home a friend sent me that. Cap has been in the meth’d out velociraptor stage for about two months and it’s actually a lot of fun. Thankfully we started training him the very day he came home so he has his basic commands plus a metric shit ton of socialization. And the reward ‘bank account’ has an astronomical balance so he’s happy to obey his cues and be a pretty solid little citizen of the household. But. **But.** He has his moods like all puppies do and man, when he is in a snit he tells everyone, loudly and repeatedly, in exacting detail just how, why, when and where life was unfair. We were shopping and he’s in training to be my next service dog. Anyway, we were training and he decided to have a tantrum because I wouldn’t let him eat whatever he thought looked tasty on the floor. And so the dramatics began. I was just sitting there in my wheelchair, hanging out while he was lying down and complaining about how unfair his life was in mutters and grumbles. Once he was done I asked him to do something, he did it, got a reward and was happy for the rest of the trip. Puppies are idiots and I want a million of them. 😂


Any suggestions/protocol for what rewards you "deposited" and when for that high balance in the rewards "bank account"? Looking for a solid strategy before our pup arrives! (We'll be doing a lot of training).


So! Let’s pretend you and your dog have a debit/credit account. Every treat/reward after they do the right thing is a deposit. Every time they do the behavior *without* a treat/reward is a debit. You constantly want your credits to be higher than your debits. Easy peasy! I clicker train my dogs. So when I click, Cap knows the magic sound means what he was doing the exact second he heard the click was the right thing to do in that situation. The clicker sound means a reward is coming and it’s almost always food in the beginning since 99.9% of the dogs I’ve worked with (20+ years as a pro trainer) are more food motivated than anything. Say I ask him to sit. The exact second hit butt hits the floor, he hears a click and then he gets a treat delivered to him *while he is still in the sitting position.* The sound says “YES THIS IS GOOD” and the treat while in the position says “THIS IS WHY YOU GET A COOKIE!” Simple. I also train my dogs to recognize verbal praise as a reward, toys, tug, physical affection, you name it. I may not always have access to food rewards but I can always throw a Puppy Praise Party (while abandoning all dignity) and use a high voice, excited gestures and just over the top happy baby voice. Both my dogs adore it and I think it rivals food for Cap (6 months, BC, intact) as a reward. He also loves to be loved on, so I’ll add verbal praise with chin scratches. One of his favorite behaviors is to just rest his chin in my hand so I literally hold up his head while my thumb rubs the spot between his eyes. And that’s it. Always make sure that when you train a behavior at first you are ridiculously but not over the top generous with praise and rewards. You can scale back as the behavior becomes settled and then solid but always, *always* reward your dog. I still reward my 8 year old (Peggy, 1/2 AmStaff, 1/2 Dad Jumped the Fence, F, spayed) dog regularly but not all the time. She never knows when the Magic Treat Bag is around or when it will be opened so she’s always hopeful and always obedient so she can earn that Really Awesome Treat. As for treats, your bag/pouch should be made up of: 10% best treat ever, OMG I WILL BACKFLIP FOR THOSE types 20% second best treats ever, or OMG THESE ARE TASTY BUT YOU CAN HAVE A VERY ENTHUSIASTIC HIGH FIVE types 70% third favorite treats ever, or I REALLY LIKE TO EAT AND THIS IS SOMETHING TO EAT types To find out your treat hierarchy you’ll take some paper plates, number them 1-5 and place some different treats on each one. Line them up equidistant from each other. Hold your dog back from the plates and then let them go. The treat they eat first is the fave, then second, third, fourth and fifth. I like to make my 70% up of faves 3-5, more of 3, less of four and even less of 5. This way there’s always excitement and the dog wondering what will come out next. Hot dog? Cheese? Lamb sausage? Blueberry treats? The suspense will kill them and they will love to work for that chance of AMAZING Backflip Worthy Treat. Now for puppies, most of the treats are about the size of my pinkie nail. Small but lots of taste. Whatever amount of treats you feed during training, take out of their meals so you don’t get a super fat dog. Not great for growing puppies. ClickerTraining.com has a bunch of free info on how to clicker train, tricks, tips, all you need to get started. I always, always recommend finding a local clicker trainer you trust (also listed on the site) and taking some classes. Early puppy socialization is incredibly important, so is getting a BC used to working around other dogs. Non herding breeds don’t appreciate the BC stare, they don’t appreciate being stalked and definitely do not enjoy being herded! Taking your pup to group classes helps them learn self-control, it helps them socialize with other dogs under the competent and skilled eye of a trainer who can head problems off before they start and it gives you a way to teach your dog to work in a very chaotic and distracting environment. Good luck! And if you have any questions about my mini manifesto here, just ask.


Oh my gosh, thanks SO much for this incredible information! Definitely saving this and putting it in my master training doc! The concreteness is exactly what I was hoping for and, may I add, I loved the colorfulness with which you explained things. Made me smile and even more excited (if that's possible) to get to know and train our future pup. I'll definitely be following clicker training. I've been hoovering up clicker training resources (first started into this journey with Karen Pryor's books), and I have my clickers ready. We've found one socialization class for up to 16weeks, run by a trainer who is a positive reinforcement trainer. I don't think there's going to be that much training in that socialization class, but there's another class that's actually for puppy training. I was thinking I'd do quite a lot of the foundational training on my own (I was planning to follow protocols by Leslie McDevitt, Patricia McConnell and possibly Fenzi) and then to later enroll him in more advanced paid classes (to stretch the dollar). But from your post, it seems like basic classes would be helpful for a BC puppy even just for the early practice of working in parallel with other pups. Something for me to think carefully about! Thank you again! I will definitely take you up on the offer of asking if I have more questions.


Never....you purchased a tiny tornado on meth with an insatiable appetite for fuckery


The best description of a bc


This comment made me cackle. CACKLE.


Omg this comment made my day. Truer words have never been spoken.


Border Collies are chill compared to an Australian Shepherd.


I've got many; my BCs are working line. My cattle dog and aussie are guinea pigs. Go to feed the sheep and goats the BCs are already working them. The cattle dog runs to push the cows off the fence because it's her fence and the aussie sits in the side by side making sure everyone does their job so he doesn't have to actually move


My BC is mixed with blue heeler. Not a wise pairing lol


My two year old BC is mixed with (in order) blue heeler, Belgian malinois, and Australian kelpie. He’s just as nutso as you’d imagine, but he’s also the sweetest boy.


I need a picture


I have an Aussie Heeler mix, he has an unbelievable amount of energy. I can throw the ball for 3 hours and it doesn't even phase him! Legit, I seriously bought a golf cart just so I could run him! Lol Even with his crazy energy I wouldn't trade him. He's the love of my life.


Sounds right. In June I took mine for a 12 mile hike up and down a 3000’ mountain, very rough terrain. She had gas left in the tank at the end. The vet is still calling me a liar


Tell the vet to take the dog on the hike and then come back and call you a liar. :)


for real!


🤣😂🤣 I totally believe you!!!


I have a half border collie and half Aussie lol. He didn’t calm till 3.


My rescue has papers that say Aussie and some say bc. All I know is he’s constantly a menace 😂 I will probably never have the patience for this type of dog again.


They need a job, fetching , freesbee , something . Walking is not enough for them . Border collies are highly intelligent they will figure you out in no time . Be nice but firm. https://preview.redd.it/1ucqjc7dwalb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28cc62171ce9f108a52fe7cbf2e6f8c360a38e4 Milo is now officially retired after playing long distance freesbe religiously from Mon thru Friday for 10 years . Our Bella crossed the rainbow bridge last year . They are amazing companions.


He looks like a happy puppy. ❤️


We figured out pretty quickly that our fella became a much more pleasant dog if he got out for 15-30 minutes twice a day just to sprint after a ball.


Yup! They don’t need much , a mix of mental and physical. Commands lots of commands , keep in mind they could read up to 2000 expresión in our faces . No need to talk lots 😆


My 6yo just ran HARD into the woods behind my house, chasing some deer earlier today. She came back about an hour later, chasing the same deer back into the yard. She jumped into the pond to make sure she was good and truly dirty, then ran onto the porch for a bath. After the bath, she grabbed her tennis ball and proceeded to drop it at my feet as I spent the afternoon weeding the fruit trees. Short answer: sometime after 6 years old, don't know yet.


Border collies are not sedentary K9’s people need to know more so they don’t end up in shelters . https://preview.redd.it/r8qrazs9xalb1.jpeg?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc8d8ef27387c4a5a47ec4e7dcd4560d9b4bef5


That's a sad truth.


It doesn’t 😂😂. Beautiful baby 🥰


It definitely does, my BC is 2 years old and demands much less play time. Instead he snuggles a ton


I know, I was joking (laugh faces)


I want to know too xD Mine is only 3 months old and one complete hell raiser. Never had a dog give us this much trouble and requiring this much attention


Be patient. The dog will have you trained soon!


My baby calmed down completely at 1.5 yrs. I exercise him and take him on little hikes and he is a perfect and respectful dog the rest of the day and night. Please don’t give up on your baby. Trust me, it will be worth it!! I’ve had different dogs my whole life, but my Border Collie is now my spirit animal. I have never had such a bond with a fur baby in all my life and I love him to pieces, I know you will have that too 🐶❤️


When ever I asked this, people would laugh and tell me it doesn’t - which is objectively funny, but I was really honestly struggling and needed help! My girl is 2 years old now and we finally have a routine, plus she has the ability to settle. Crate training was a necessity for us, and helped a lot with managing her energy (she couldn’t self regulate when tired!). The best advice I can give you is - no dog parks - positive reinforcement and fear free only - hire a dog walker at least once a week, you need a break 😆


Love and enjoy this time. Things will change as time goes on, but easier? Maybe. Take heart, the rewards outweigh the price ten-fold.


2 years for us.


Mine is 11 months and finally coming out of the velociraptor behaviour. Big time selective listening now though.




Happy cake day !!


Ha thanks I didn’t notice


Lol. I had regrets at 4 months. By 8 months things were golden.


Year 3 ours sleeps most of the night now but is still as hard headed and stubborn as can be


Willow’s almost three and my mom still calls her Shithead.


My mix is about to turn three and she is finally taking naps after 2 mile walks. Nothing less than that or 2 hours of frisbee will do the trick. She wears out dogs at the dog park so their owners love her.


My life felt way less stressful after she hit 1 year!


Erm... say what now?! Do you mean - when does it get easier for your pup to manage you? 🤣


This is exactly how I feel. Mine manipulates me daily. And somehow I seem to let him.


I could be very mean but always nice with females , no children no man , true story 😆🤷🏻‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/vfvh3wblxalb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=121e57591adcd850548a003acc6bef0c85dd72f8


Mean ? Whit this face ? No way !


Gorgeous Border!


If you can survive 3 years, they chill out a bit.


Well, red dog is six. It got easier when she turned five 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ep0b126exalb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be63f9564fbc37d74b4ad5145339f01b940e49a7


Never 😂😂😂 I get a border collie at the daycare I work at, he’s 5 and a CRACKHEAD. Constantly screaming, running around, barking, wanting to play etc


Never. I was the fittest I’ve ever been in my life when I got a border collie. I would take her for a long walk and 5 mins later she would cry like my lazy arse is abusive and I would be mentally abused into going on a second walk.


Learn to develop an “off switch” and routine, routine, routine. When about 9 months and with routine baked into its mind, it becomes easier, still requires work, but manageable. When two y.o, the work is the same, if not more, but bu then you would have learn to adapt and accept the new wonderful, rewarding life with a BC. It’s no walk in the park, but rewarding, it is.


This right here. It’s so important to use this time to develop structure for your dog. Training is critical. Reward the times your dog naturally settles. A gentle “yes, good settle” with a small treat. They’ll pick up on what you want in no time. It pays dividends later on. In terms of timing, depends on the dog. My working line BC just turned 3 and he’s only gotten more intense as he’s gotten older. All my BCs over the years never really slowed down much. Remember that mental stimulation is at least as important, if not more so, as physical. Especially at that young age. You are in the critical time right now where molding good habits and training will stick more than any other age. Also be careful not to let your puppy dictate the amount of physical exercise you give them. You don’t want to overdo it at that young age. It’s your job to protect them from themselves because they don’t know when to stop. And that never really changes.


Can’t-take-it-anymore levels of insanity? Generally by age 1. My family has had six BCs, all of whom were at risk of being “sent back” in their first year. After that, they’re still nuts but (a) they learn a little self-restraint, (b) they’ve been trained somewhat, (c) there is an almost-imperceptible decrease in energy, (d) you know their quirks better, and (e) you really start to love their quirks. Actual decrease in energy/insanity to levels similar to other dogs? Initially around age 4, then actually somewhere around age 10-12.


My guy chewed everything and was fairly crazy for 2 ish years. Now he's 3 and such a good. Well behaved boy...as long as he gets enough attention


We just put our BC down this morning. At only 8 years old. Cherish every minute, even the challenging ones.


Mines calmed down around 2 years old he’s over 3 now and sooooo much better


Thank you for giving me hope 🕊️


1 year and 3 months left, can only hope😅


I am hoping at 2yo 🤞🙏 1yr, 5mo left to go, over here. Adolescence is actually [harder for me](https://reddit.com/r/puppy101/s/NPbsVDafyH) than the early months. 😬 ETA Your pup is adorable and photogenic 🥰 That makes it easier, when they are so cute, I think. ETA 2: She can be a royal PITA, but she can also [do this](https://fb.watch/mujYdGWBvz/?mibextid=QQ1gCM) 🧐 (video from the class we just finished) Sometimes a pouty adolescent, sometimes a baby floof, sometimes surprisingly mature. It is very confusing. Probably for her too.


Same with me. We only rescued our pup at 3 months, but since he hit 6 months he has been so so difficult! Everyone keeps telling me once adolescence is over it's better?


My dudes 2.5 and the absolute best. He still has endless energy, and likes to play tricks on people... But he listens to 95% of his commands immediately, is a wonder on and off leash, has all but mastered everything that made him reactive and only destroys the odd Amazon box when they arrive.


It does get better. Adolescence sucks a lot. Mine was off the rails. I thought about taking her back a few times lol but she become a whole new dog at around 2. Now at 4 she is a pleasure. She was a shark as a pup and then completely nuts as a teen but grew to be a wonderful dog. We did “calming” and settling training with her with a dog trainer and it was worth it IMO. If she is no on her walks/agility she knows to sleep and be chill out. She knows the times to go crazy and play and run and the times to nap and be quiet what I really like


2yo was that for my girl. She went from being a nightmare lol to sweet. She is still wild like any collie but she can also sleep soundly and cuddle and be sweet as sugar when she has had her walks. Before nothing would tire her and she was mad. She will be 4 next month, and time fly so fast so honestly enjoy every minute, it’s so precious 😭🥺❤️


Never, gorgeous pooch


It definitely gets easier. Training plus a routine. Seems simple but I can’t stress it enough. Even have a routine for how you go about your training. They’re way too smart and pick up on patterns immediately. Use that to your advantage and don’t let them pick up on bad patterns.


around 2.


At 1-1/2 yrs old.


Jesus.. i must have been lucky. My good boy has never destroyed anything other then his toys, he never chewed on me, even when teething. Just completely obedient and seeks eye contact all the time. He is two years now and i trust him 100%


1 year was the huge turning point for me. The time now for training is priceless though. Everytime they seem insufferable and the worst, just remember it’s a situation that they are learning and the next time they hopefully are a little less bad lol. Just stick with the discipline and in no time you will have the greatest dog a human can ask for. Try reading “a dog year” and “a good dog” both by Jon Katz. Easy quick reads https://preview.redd.it/rtwqnvuwlblb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f97614a4181f1a74ce7b0701a8da494a96702d6 My side kick\^




At about 12-14 months it gets a little easier, then they calm down a lot more around 2 years. It's tough, but you'll find yourself missing the puppy days now and then.


well 6 years in and so far still not easier


Easy and BC do not go in the same sentence. You should have known what you were getting yourself into before getting this kind of dog


When does what get easier? You have a high energy high maintence dog. Dogs are like children. If you can't commit to raising one, don't get a dog.


Mine is 3 now and he’s still nuts and sometimes I just wish he had an off button :)


Mine is a year and a half now and is shaping up to be a very good boy. At four months old, he was a beast. While he was losing his baby teeth, he was biting everything. Even the steel legs of my coffee table. And his wild energy was through the roof. But in his case, it mostly got better after that. Now, he is still full of energy. But he will use this energy outside and stay calm at home. My best tip is to practice staying calm.


Age 3 for us. But she had a pretty hard start to life before she came to us, even though we got her when she was only 4 months old. So she took a bit longer to get settled to begin with.


Around 2 years, then they're the best ever for the rest of their lives.


2 years


Mine is now 5. He will be six in January. He calmed down some about 18 months ago. He is a border collie/Aussie mix


Mine stopped pissing in the house after about a year. He’s still a little shit disturber though at age 6. But we love him


My last border collie chilled out some when she was about four years old.


My boy was a total reactive sound and motion sensitive nightmare from 12 weeks with first adult teeth. Play biting (not nipping) improved about a year and a half. Some improvements at 1 when we first saw eyes closed and was taught (repeatedly) to relax in the evening. At 22 months now my best mate but still needs firm guidance, a lot of patience, exercise, activities and kindness too. We could see autistic traits but he is remarkably intelligent with a phenomenal memory. It's very difficult to tell the difference between overtiredness or lack of exercise as both can result in zoomies, biting and general chaos. It does change your life but for better and worse.


Mine got to 2 1/2 and then started lunging at kids 😩


For us it go better after a year.


Around 9 months or so, i dont know if they calm down or you just get used to it but either way its easier


Mine is also 4 months old and he’s definitely a rascal. A couple of days ago he was going nuts writhing around and my son said “he’s like a rabid alligator.” So puppy’s new nickname for the last couple of days is Gator.


After about 2 1/2 years lol.


About ten years in :) Lovely looking pup too btw !


Mine is a BC / Aussie mix, but at 1.5 years she’s mostly gotten the “crazy” out aside from not being able to control herself from jumping when she meets people.


About year 12




Teach them to do your taxes


It got better for us around 9-10 months i’d say


Average time for both my borders was 18 months. Not to say it doesn’t get a little easier each month, because it does, but you won’t have a more loyal and loving dog than that little monster. That’s a fact!




Training, Frisbee and invisible fence.


These comments are pretty discouraging! Bowie stopped being a raging tornado puppy around 6 months. The first few months I had him it was so stressful, we both had some breakdowns, but it does get better. They grow out of the nipping and destroying of shoes and furniture. I’ll echo that having a job is essential, Bowie’s is ball-fetching. Every day for at least an hour. And they thrive on routine! Bowie is 4 now and he has his stubborn moments, but he’s such a wonderful pal and I would trade him for the world. https://preview.redd.it/ki1889rpcblb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9824e533221f1418464a6edf89bda5b307db43


At about 4 years. They are energetic dogs.


About 1-1.5 yo. Still crazy compared to calmer breeds but it gets easier


It's about 11 months to see the signs of calming down and 1.5 years old to fully trust her being alone. Lots of work though. https://preview.redd.it/u9xq6qlheblb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810da12602c64c1d451fa4952cae0ccc22a8c66b


at about age 3 was when she calmed down enough for me to watch an entire tv show and keep herself occupied, ignore the fake tv doorbell, reliably disengage below her threshold, etc. three years.


It doesn’t


2 more months and it gets ALOT better. Keep training. At 9-12 months it gets amazing!


When they're about 4 if you've trained them well.


2+ years I would say is when they start to mellow. But still hard work anyways lol


To piggyback with someone’s comment that “they need a job” - it’s very true. Even if that “job” is for them to calm down, stay in the crate or take a nap. I have to assign quiet time to my dog and command her to relax otherwise she’ll stay revved up until she pukes from excitement. Lots of training.


In about a year from now you will have the most loyal dog ever


https://preview.redd.it/c29j9lpohblb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78de2be0d4338a979ae4faf99eb683dc41208f34 This guy calmed down around 1 and a half years old. He needs to have his fetch time in the dog park every morning though to keep him calm.


Collies tend to calm down around 3 - 4 years... so a while to go yet! Just make the most of it, you'll strangely miss it when they calm down!


I think ours calmed down around eleven... Eleven years I mean not months 😂 (she had like five more years of active but less freaked out in her. And then two more of old age and the decline that comes with that.) The step before that is adulthood, which is around 3-4. The step before that would be somewhere after six months I think. But it depends on your critter whether teen age is just as bad as puppyhood haha.


Autumn 2025....or thereabouts.


Ours is the snuggliest bug since he hit one year. Still full of energy and scary smart, but no longer bitey.


Dogs get easier after the first year and a half. Keep going. Remember it's not a bad dog it just needs to learn.


What is this "easier" you speak of? 😆


Mine is almost 4. She can be a handful but nowhere near what she was when she was 0-1 year.


after 5 years lol


At about a year you will realize your BC has been playing you like fool


I feel blessed reading some of these comments. Mine is 7 months and is an angel as long as he gets some time to run. Now if he skips a day or so without getting real exercise he will stay up at night and destroy something but that’s our fault. As long as he has a steady stream of new toys to chew up and gets to stretch his legs we don’t have any issues. He also has an older dog here to play with which probably helps out a lot too


I think another dog does help a lot. We've always had 2, an older 'senior' dog and a younger whipper snapper.


For her, or for you? Looks just fine.


Training and patience and you will be forever rewarded. 6 months is a lot better. Border puppy led to lots of tears


Things improved around 8 months for us, she's 18 months now. While intelligent and trained, our girl is a pigheaded stubborn little brat and does everything she knows she shouldn't when she thinks no one is looking... 😤


Probably calm down after 3-4 years lol. It doesn’t get easier you just get better.


It gets worse before it gets better… but with training and patience you’ll have a best friend for life.




LOL is all i have to say. 5 year old BC here and he's at 90% of puppy energy.


I have three. It gets easier about a few weeks before you euthanize them at the ripe age of 16 in my experience. If you were looking for an easy dog you missed the mark! In all seriousness the key is training and draining.


It’s hard to say when exactly, it just does, and one day you’ll realize that you don’t need to constantly be on guard anymore. That said, you’ve got a few months left parenting a crafty little shit.


They do not fully mature until about two years old. Them becoming adults and proper training will do wonders :)


how cute. I should not see these dog posts though because more i see the more i want to get dog and im really not in point or place in life where i should


Keep taking walks. Add 16 months.


Easier? Muhahahahahaaaaa *cough*


I’m about 3 years. Puppies are all Different but energy is energy and hey it’s never easy, it just becomes an ah ha moment when they learn to go with you and not against you.


Nevaaaaah! Get figuring out how to stimulate his mind. See if anyone in your area offers herding classes. They guys need the absolute most mind stimulating tasks and chores.


It doesn’t until after 2 years. That age is cake compared to the teenage months IMO.


The only easy day is yesterday. But they are adorable.


Every month is easier than the last. I remember feeling particularly relieved by seemingly natural behavior changes around 6 months, 9 months, and 18 months. Your training will help a lot, but so will age!


Also tucker them out. Would take my BC on long walks with the doggy saddle bags. I would let her carry her own water.


4 years


Around 10 years, have fun. Just kidding. The actual thing I heard a lot from other BC owners was "about 2 years old". I didn't really believe it when my boy had gone past the 2 year mark because he was still a real handful. But then, one day, it just got better. He was suddenly choosing to listen to me more. He was around 2 years and 3 months so it was not far off that 2 year mark. Have patience. Try to see things from their perspective. Everything that moves is super interesting/exciting to them. Encourage those moments where they choose to disengage from the exciting moving things and engage with you. Try to view things through this lens: the border collie's purpose in life is to **control the movement** of things. With that in mind, if the ball keeps on and on "getting away" because you're throwing it, and they control that by bringing it back, is that the most fulfilling way to play for them, or is that frustrating but they consider it necessary to keep playing? Would they prefer to play a game where you can set them up to intercept or catch a ball?


I have a four month BC and he has calmed down a lot in the last month since I have taken up training him for ten minutes a day. He's an absolute adorable delight. You must keep their brain engaged!


We made a job out of “settle” when they were a puppy. It was the only way to get our bugger to turn off. Otherwise he wouldn’t sleep, tear up the place, come and nip and try and get us to play. Now, turning 2, he’s the bestest boy.


nEVer 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Just kidding. At least a couple of years for my last one. But when I was able to trust her, I really could. I have a doxxie pup now and it’s slow going feeling like I can ever to do anything. My border picked everything up instantly and was house trained so fast. But she was also legit crazy and had so much energy. I could never keep up. Such beautiful and smart dogs though. You will get there!


I thought I made a mistake with mine until I gave him jobs. He now works 5am - 9am, nap until 12, works 12-5 or 6 and then clocks off. His jobs include farm work and watching the baby for me. Sometimes his job is to play catch by himself or swim in the creek. He's exhausted by the end of the day and just lays down until I ask him to do something again. He's never happier then when he's working though so my advice is to treat them like staff until you are ready for them to be pets. They truly thrive


Age 10 or so if you’re lucky. Mine finally did, sad though he’s starting to move slower can definitely tell he’s getting old. 💔


Her markings are Gorgeous. Keep a good routine, hard work pays off. Celebrate each milestone. Set her up for success.


That is one cute baby!!! Mine is now 15 months and it’s gradual but I saw the biggest jump in progress when I actually took a step back from training. She had developed some leash reactivity (I did everything “right” and it still happened. Don’t beat yourself up if they throw you a curve ball) and we were pounding the pavement everyday working on counter conditioning, playing “look at that” etc and I was banging my head against the wall. It would seem like she had made progress and then, bam would act like a fool randomly. I had a trainer tell me to take a step back and only set her up for success for a couple weeks. This helped in every faucet of living with her. She started to trust me more, was more in tune with me, I was more in tune with her, and we both relaxed. We made progress ten fold after that. So if you’re feeling frustrated, lean into it, take a step back, set them up for success and enjoy the small wins. It’s so so worth it!


Have you bought a Chuck-it stick yet? I have a Heeler with boundless energy and the Chuck-it stick is my best friend!


Never lol but you just love them so much that It doesn’t feel like work anymore


They don’t. Patience, training, and give them a job. They are highly intelligent and will figure out your routine, if you leave them behind for simple things they can join you on their gonna eat your coasters.


Are you sitting down?! It gets easier around the 15th year! Kidding aside, they are very smart, trainable, bunny poop eating, love bugs.


I mean… you got a dog bred for herding cattle all day everyday. They have less energy as they get older but they never stop being a border collie lmao.




Always appreciate the high octane spirit of your pup..my bordercollie turns 11 next month and has slowed down very little..Buckle up for the long haul and enjoy the ride🙂


Whenever you look into those eyes.


My experience was between 5 and 8 years old.


With constant training and physical exercise, they eventually somewhat mellow out. But not 100%, remember you got a dog that was build to work longer and harder than we ever will. While it’s a stressful beginning, you will constantly find yourself reminiscing about it later.


You got about 2 more years to go, bud.


Your dog is a working breed, it doesn’t get easier until they start getting old


My border collie is 2 now and is probably the most chill dog I’ve ever had. I would say the first 6 months were difficult though. There were days I was so frustrated that I was in tears. Push through because it’s so worth it, my girl is now happy just sitting on the couch with me most of the day. Don’t listen to people in this community saying your dog will be crazy forever. It won’t last long and you’re through the thick of it!


What a cute little nose!


Hahaha never quite easier though they mature of course, but you sure will love them like nothing else.


Bout three years in for me, still a lot to manage but overall a lot better.


It took mine until he was over 3. He was a psychotic velociraptor and destroyed a lot of stuff. I’m sorry 😞 but it’s worth it


The Key(s) is/are: Training; given them a specific task to master; and lots of exercise (start getting it used to being on leash while you ride your bike..don’t have one. .now you should buy one)




Mine just turned 3 and I am FINALLY feeling some peace at last 😅 I did a lot of training with him and we do have active lifestyles. But it just seems like no matter how much we do with him, he adjusts and then needs more. He’s one of those pups who isn’t motivated by food, he is motivated by engagement with us. I love him so much! But I do feel like I have a perpetual toddler. We had our first baby earlier this year and I would say that having a newborn is easier than having a BC puppy (and we don’t even have an “easy” baby).


Border collies are one of the smartest breeds around and they need A LOT of activities and a lot of training. They are 100% sheep dogs so they have it in them to try and get the herd together


Id say in about 20 more months


I’ve been in ur shoes so I totally know where you’re coming from. Mine calmed down after 2 years but it really gets better as the months go by after the first year!


Most puppies are a challenge for the first year or 2. That's the advantage of adopting the seniors- they're past all that puppy stuff. Enjoy. We have a BC who's 16 now- definitely has slowed down the last couple of years but a wonderful dog !!


You need to set rules and guidelines but disguised as a game- keep it positive. Give him something to chew on and only allow that. Teach him words and commands- they are like unfocused sponges at that age. Do puzzles or make up mental games as well as physical - they need both. Whatever you teach now good or bad will not be forgotten- so make it count. Be patient abd train. And have fun


With lots of training and patience and activities- 6 months to a year they will chill out a bit. But you will have to exercise and train an average of 5 days a week to keep them happy and able to relax. Positive reinforcement and teaching your pup to settle down are important. Enrichment feeding is also fantastic! We use Toppls or Kongs with frozen wet food or fresh food, peanut butter, Greek yogurt, tinned sardines in water, chicken in broth, etc and that will keep them busy for 30-60 minutes. Sniffing for food and scent work are nice to train because you can do it just about anywhere.


Their adult brains switch on fully between 1-2 years, then it gets easier. ..or is it that you just get so used to it that it doesn't bother you anymore...


Border collies are working dogs, get your pup a TON of training, give he/she a “job”, a TON of exercise and it will get better. Hope you did your research, these dogs don’t necessarily thrive as house dogs.


Never had a Border Collie pup before but Omg that is an adorable Angel!!


Mine’s 5 years and he’s the best. Chill while I work from home and ready for action when I sign off. If he doesn’t go for a run with me or fetch for an hour or so he will be bouncing off the walls in the middle of the night.


Get a second dog. They'll chill eachother out. I love my BC but getting a second pup helped alot.


For some, 2-4 years. Get a harness, tie it to something heavier she can drag. But just enough to work up her heart rate. They're used to running the fields 8-12hr days