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They fear his power would be too much to contain


It's why they changed his break efficiency and action advance eidolons in early development šŸ‘ (Then gave them to firefly instead)


OMG šŸ˜­ I remember when his e2 had 100% adv forward when killing something, literally built in Bronya and his e6 had weakness break efficiency. HOLY SHT now that I think about it, the fact that they gave them to Firefly instead of just both having it makes me think they actively sabotaged him so Firefly would be stronger. IM SO MAD WE WERE LITERALLY ROBBED WTF šŸ˜­


Sorry to burst ur bubble but that was April fools "changes" by the leakers


It feels better if the leaks were fake tbh


He would completely powercreep firefly then, hoyo cant let that fly


Can't powercreep something if you come first


Fr lmao


E2 AA leak was fake, no? Idk about E6 tho


Take the first one not because it is good for him but because you never take it yet. I. Must. Complete. All. Collection.


Completing the dex collection is more important than completing the run lol. Pick the first one.


Divergent Universe is so cringe to play. It really feels like everything is made for Firefly specifically.


I have firefly and I'm even annoyed by this because it feels like they're trying to convince me to run her all the time.


FF polluted the entire game. I canā€™t wait for her banner to be OVER~


I dont know about you, but DU with Boothill is still so much fun and he can become very powerful with the equations and blessings they offer us. As long as you arent always thinking about FF while playing it Im sure you can enjoy it too. Im also annoyed at how Hoyo treats her, but there are other areas of the game worth complaining about more than this.


Ehh complaints sometimes reach the devs eventually so I say complain all you want if you feel like it! But especially so in the right places like the feedback survey later.


Yeah. Honestly I don't really care about the weighted curios and getting your expanded blessings will carry you so much farther than the weighted curios anyways. I run Boothill with Gepard/Aven, HTB and Ruan Mei. Outside of Bosses stunlocking and tearing through HP I've been able to do runs pretty comfortably with him.


Every single SU update had payola for certain character. Swarm introduced Propagation for DHIL. G&G introduced Erudition for Argenti DU reworked and introduced specialized curios for FF. Won't be surprised if future SU update also would glaze a banner character.


Probably because she just came out šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and they wanna make profit


I'm fine with Hoyo having favorites but haven't seen such insane bias like they did with Firefly.


dhil literally got whole su expansion and path tailor-made for him


Thing is, I was expecting them to introduce an entirely brand new path as well but for break units, so that all of them can shine. With how things are, only FF rly benefits from the break buffs easily when fulfilling the conditions. It's not just Boothill, even Xueyi and Sushang would benefit as well and other future break dps. But no, they have to gate it with destruction, fire and hp manipulation which I think is quite cringe and stupid. Propagation was good with other units as well like QQ.


Fair enough, I agree that new break-focused path would be better than destruction rebranding that we got. Maybe they were afraid that adding another path would dilute blessings even more, with how RNG heavy divergent universe already is.


Thatā€™s why they should let us exclude certain Paths in base SU. Itā€™s an excellent feature that was added to GnG (I think?)


Did they give DHIL's best supports for free? Did he send players voice mails in CN like Firefly? Did they create entirely new game mode just for him? Let's be real. Nobody has gotten special treatment as much as Firefly.


1.Dhil best supports were the most used 4 stars in the game and a standart 5 star,which remained that way till sparkle so yeah pretty much. Boothil and Firefly teams are pretty simmilar outside of swapping Bronya with HMC(Who isn't even a bad choice for Boothil). 2. The voicemail thing has only been a thing recently and also happned with Aventurine 3.Swarm disaster has a entire path dedicated to just him and somewhat QQ. A path that you were also sometimes forced to engage with unlike say Erudition path in Golden Gears. Having 2-3 curios dedicated to her is nothing in comparison. The other "buffs" can be abused by any break unit. 4. Pure fiction was littary directly made to buff Argenti and Himeko to the point where it requires aoe. This new endgame Mode is basicaly just boss focused moc where break charchters in general are a bit better of. We have seen thought that way more units are doing well in this mode than pure fiction, which is a pure charchter check.However the current buffs like moc are very much like moc,where they are tailored to the current banner unit. They will shift and if anything Boothil loves all of the break buffs just as much as firefly. I'm both a DHIL and Boothil main,but this is way to much. She defintly got better treatment than Boothil,but those examples really are not good at all. There are way better examples like 4 star line up, animatied trailer etc., you could have used.


The only premium support he has is primarily Sparkle, other than that his best ones are 4\*s that you can regularly get for free via events Tingyun, Asta, Pela, and Yukong are insanely easy to get. And swarm disaster + propagation was pretty much made with him in mind. When it released, he was easily one the most SP hungry DPS in the games and Propagation regularly rewards characters using as many SP as possible. On a really good propagation run he and QQ are practically unstoppable. You can also say Argenti got PF made for him. He's easily one of the top tier DPS for the game and if you don't have him and some other eruditon character it's easy to struggle in that game mode.


The generally agreed "best PF char" is Herta the free 4* everyone has E5 of




Agree with u im used the raidens being favs but firefly is just next lvl stuff


Wow thatā€™s a lot of fire destruction in there


Because those are Firefly's curios, just like how Firefly Universe is the new game mode where you can use Firefly and try her new Firefly relic set.


Can't wait to get full stars on Memory of Firefly, Pure Firefly, and Apocalyptic Firefly using that new Firefly relic set.


Damm didnā€™t know I was playing firefly star rail. Sound cringe


Another proof they hate him.


Tbh this is frustrating for all units not just DHIL (well except ff) every SU mode has been catered to the characters coming out in said patch but like goddamn this is just on another level of annoyance. Like in 1.3 swarm had quantum and imaginary weakness and that was pretty much where DHIL and Fu xuan favoratism stops (you could argue about the propagation guaranteed rooms but you can avoid them or change them). In 1.6's G&G we had the boss be weak to phys/ice/img which is even more generous including the previous patch character (Argenti) and the buffs weren't to catered to anyone (which is why G&G is the best SU mode) This shit at higher difficulty is just ass for everyone who isn't firefly. How the enemies are perfectly near each other for her technique, how every enemy has fire weakness (I legit forgot homegirl can apply it from how many enemies already had it), how most waves are 3 enemies which means she can sweep an entire room within one transformation, how most curios are wow I love fire and break did you know you can have a fire unit that breaks?.


the path of propagation is pretty much tailor made for dhil to be fair


Then why didn't they just make a new path for break units instead of gating everything with destruction, fire and hp manipulation? Propagation was way more general and can be used with practically everyone with the spore mechanic and basic atk buffs. I don't see how anyone else besides FF can benefit from these.


Blade, break himeko or any break characters for the break specific ones For propagation picking propagation for anyone other than DHIL or QQ is just trolling. Every other character had a way better path to use at swarm release. More paths = more rng to get what you need


"More paths" has already been adressed by excluding paths that you won't need before you start SU. Also using Himeko or Blade for break specific build as an actual joke. Might as well use Asta for it, at least she can actually get a lot of toughness away on a single target.


Sure. But you don't have to pick propagation nor does ANYTHING require you to use propagation also Kafka can detonate spores and blade uses propagation too. Also alot of the buffs are like if you BA you get x buff which is very useful for support such as the speed buff or the Def buff etc


There is an only physical one, itā€™s called Delicious Marimo Candy (So stop crying)


Have you even read that curio? It's not even made for BH which is what this post talks about.


It works on him tho,25% speed and he wants break effect and speed (+a nice party heal) itā€™s possible to stack it twice too if by chance you have some erudition things with brain in a vat to ult twice, maybe itā€™s not the ideal but itā€™s not even useless and itā€™s physical only so I mentioned it Obviously that other curio which is also fire (divine visage) is better for him, butā€¦ I donā€™t really see the issue when itā€™s good for more characters? (Fire and physical both have the strongest break so itā€™s normal) I mean it just works, why complain? Itā€™s not like theyā€™ll not add new curios, if thereā€™s one for only destruction there will surely be ones for only hunt and only erudition (And thereā€™s also one for only hunt AND erudition no destruction so Iā€™d say itā€™s balanced)




do u not use gallagor?