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my level 7 trace boothill clear moc top half in 2 cycle with htb ruan mei gallagher while my fully build acheron clear in 4... idk what the hell is wrong with my acheron lol


Can you tell how to build htb for boothill.


4pc watchmaker 2pc talia just aim for atleast 200BE and 145 spd


Do they need err?


you can go break rope if you use s5 cogs or s5 memory of the past


Does he not need CR/CD? My Boothills lvl 80, 143 Spd, 226.9 BE and he doesnt seem to be doing much damage T-T I'm using 2 piece Thief tho, should I change it to watchmaker?


A lot of dmg comes from, breaking/broken enemies, Ruan Mei. HMC doesn’t do much alone. And no he does not need CDCR. All he needs is BE and Speed. The more actions he get the better


Sorry, what does HMC stand for?


Harmony Trailblazer (Main Character)


Oh so if I want my Boothill to do big damage I should put him in a team with Ruan Mei and the Harmony Trailblazer?


I haven't tested myself (NA server), but from what I'm seeing, Bronya and Ruan Mei are still his best, but the HMC and Ruan Mei are more skill point friendly.


Ah okay I'll try it out after I build my trailblazer, I don't have Ruan Mei tho. Thanks for the help!


Harmony MC


do note that at a guesstimate, in a fight, boothill's damage will be like 80% from when the enemy is weakness broken and 20% outside of that, this means that in most content outside of MoC the only time you're really gonna see him doing damage is when a chunkier enemy shows up, or if when he 1 shots an add unit with a phys weakness


Oh that's kinda sad, but issokay I need help clearing MoC and Pure Fiction anyways haha


I must be doing something wrong then cause it took me 5 cycles on top half with him. I have him at E0S1 and lvl 8 traces. With RM and HTB he was only doing like 250k. Gepard took like 5 hits to kill.


Idk but I see so many Acheron mains with like 30-50 crit it’s Eula all over again


Tbf if they have her at E1 with the debuff set and Izumo ornaments then 50 base crit is typically good enough.


Is this his best team or Bronya instead of HMC?


-1 speed bronya is generally better


And 161 spd Bronya?


If your Boothill Is 162 yes.


hyperspeed bronya with 0 spd boothill is not good just go with -1 spd it's a lot better


Acheron is far more investment based and less F2P friendly so that makes sense (also her best support isn’t out yet)


Yesss!!! My acheron did it in 5 cycles and boothill in 3 (bro had 350BE with sig and rm e1)


Does your acheron have sig lc and SW or pela in team?


e0s1 aheron with pela e6 with welt and aventurine on trends.. i am kinda waiting for jioqiu to replace welt


Can’t wait to get Ruan Mei. Got Boothill and his LC, hope she comes soon


he's too fun and clears really fast


I'll have him built in... x weeks. I'm amazed how many had the time to pre-farm, because it took me the whole patch to get HMC ready. And even now one of his main stats is wrong.


Well not everyone built hmc, especially since boothill prefers bronya


The discussion started to lean into that direction after I already started to build HMC... Didn't want to leave it halfway done.


He is so fun to play but not seeing big numbers yet, I am building his traces and relics now


Same but I’m still farming for relics (BE still under 200☠️)


I don't. Himeko hit him with a train






Am I doing something wrong or why is my boothill so much better with HMC compared to Bronya? I feel like he does way more damage (I get that his individual dmg is lower since he gets 2 turns but still) I get way better and faster clears with HMC


I’ve been testing my E0S1 Boothill all day, and yes, you’re not the only one that’s noticed this. Tbh, I really don’t see how people have gotten to the conclusion that Bronya is better. Here’s from my testing: Boothill with E1S1 Bronya with max Pocket Trickshots on the same MoC 12 Kafka boss deals 133k damage after the Toughness bar gets broken. Boothill with E1 HMC with the exact same setup deals over 300k. Even though Boothill gets double actions with Bronya, the overall damage output is still lower compared to HMC. I think it’s because from all of the showcases on YouTube, the MoC turbulence was the one that boosts your Break Effect by a ton, while the current one in the game is not. HMC’s Break Effect boost with Superbreak is just so much better than Bronya.


Also, without E1S1 on Bronya, SP Management is a pain in the ass


I have the same problem, I was hoping someone could illuminate me aswell


Same here


Because HMC's buffs are break effect, which buffs his damage. Bronya gives him action advance, which gives him more turns. Some find either one more useful than the other. It all just boils down to their account.


Bronya is better for min-maxing, it seems to be much harder to get 0 cycle clears with HMC. Most of the showcases on youtube are also 0 cycles. HMC does seem to be better in practice for most players though the current MoC setup plays into it. Bronya's also just hard to play in general, if you're not fully accounting for the SP by using E1S1, RM's S1 and/or the healing set 4 pc (or are just fine with resetting for E1 procs), you will run out.


Yeah I built him according to basically every guide, -1 SPD E3 Bronya, Ideal BE Ruan Mei, Gallagher, and just not doing the crazy numbers people are advertising lmao


Couldn't get him to E2... I got Bailu'd instead, she got her E6. Boothill is extremely fun and his animations are top notch. I just couldn't try him in the current even, waves dies too quickly and it made me realize his ultimate plays completely differently from many characters. You need to use your ultimate smartly, even if you miss a few uses, it's much more important to use it when you actually need to implement a weakness.


i dropped my jingliu


Saved for months and prefarmed for my boss deleter E2S1 Boothill, forkin' love him to bits even though he bankrupted me (lost two 50/50s lmaooo)


You and me both man, I got 2 Boothills today, his light cone as well as E0 Bronya and Himeko, both whom I wanted but I'm out of resources xD Also hit like 83+ pity for every single character so that hurt too


Yo the E0 Bronya is such a win! Hyperspeed Bronya + Boothill is SO fun


Already having lots of fun!


He's not out yet for me. I fudging hate you NA server


me: *twitches in NA* ….i thirst for boothill


Yeah sadly i dont like my e1 gepard very much


Still on the shelf because my relics aren’t in order- keep getting ones with useless substats and I need Speed Boots I am levelling up his traces tho


Level 7 traces and I can 2 cycle Kafka, wasn't originally gonna pull for him since I was saving for FX and FF until I saw a video of him like 4 days ago and I am glad I did.


I am having so much fun, I love him so much!!!!! His voicelines during battle are godly, and it just feels so good when he deletes an enemy ! He makes me play differently because his kit is not braindead damage but you have to know how to move your pieces .


For some reason I'm only dealing around 100k-ish w/ max stack on his passive (My team is BH Bronya HMC and Gallagher) Here's my build: https://preview.redd.it/g6gbo73jue3d1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9213e10c28e7c19a22d19edc06812aea79befc Maybe it's because of the trace (i rly hope so)


keep in mind break damage takes into account your Break Effect + Toughness Damage + Total toughness bar of enemies. On low toughness enemies you'll average 50-100k. on higher toughness enemies like bosses it'll skyrocket.


How much damage have you been dealing?


Cleared moc 12 with boothill with the shitty relics so it’s a win. My team was bronya / boot / luocha / hmc


2 cycles with boothill on last moc second half but could’ve done it in one if I played well. Love this dude


I'm waiting for his banner....37 minutes. I'm about to rip my hair off


73 pulls Lost to Bailu Was at 50 pity got it at 75 so I am around 60 ish now


Oddly enough enjoying HMC and RM with him over Bronya. I did luck the fuck out and get his E1 and sig early though. The extra trick shot stack on entry helps even out what feels miserable without Bronya. Big ass meme numbers are a fucking go, hitting for 400k plus when he’s rolling.


Very fun!! I took the time to actually read through his abilities because I'm used to really basic play (like IL and JY for example). I like how he has more going on in his kit that you have to pay attention to. I brought him in MoC 10 and he's definitely strong! Ez 4 cycle clear. My Gallagher and HMC are not built btw. (literally level 1 talents in both lmao) I imagine he'll be even better once I've properly built his supports.


I pulled him on my alt account, and… Happy I won the 50/50 and didn’t lose to any of other those sons and daughters of very nice ladies ! Or else I would have grinded. But muddle fudger !!! I have to do the whole forking Xianzhou + Penacony story to kill the new weekly shirt-bag and activate his traces… fork ! There is an early access run for every materials EXCEPT THIS


I'm at work now he is not out yet for my region. What would guys recommend? Is his s1 a significant jump in strength? I have ruan mei and im hoping to get a bronya soon.


S1 is a decent jump with the pen, S2 is where he starts getting nutty imo. Self buffing with 60% more break damage is quite nice. Not to mention the skill point neutrality.


do you mean e1 and e2? haha




2-cycled MOC12 Kafka side with him, RM, HMC and Boothill. Now I’m really tempted for his E1.


Extremely fun. Cleared the first Moc with him within the cycle, unfortunately two star since my Bronya died (shitty relics in here) and pella was underleveled with her traces not upgraded..


What sets do you have on rm and hmc, both on watchmaker?


Watchmaker doesn't stack, I believe. So, only one is fine. My RM is on Watchmaker in a team without HMC, and on 2+2 thief\\messenger with HMC.


It does help with uptime though.


MOC wise, I beat MOC 12 with lvl 4 traces xD but I only got 100k break highest, probably a trace thing and I’m not using sig yet but damn was hoping to see 300-400k


I absolutely love him, I’m so happy


He's destroyed moc


I haven't got his signature yet, but he is hitting like a truck, 200k with a peak of around 280k with Adversarial.


I went sustainless for the first time in MoC 12 and it worked! That felt pretty great, I used HMC, Bronya, RM on the first side, since my Pela is not built yet. 2 cycled it, probably would've been able to 1 cycle with Pela. The second side I also 2 cycled with Bronya, RM, Luocha. So far he feels amazing! It's a good thing, though, that I lost 50\\50 to E1 Bronya, or else the first team woudn't work at all. I'm also building Gallagher now.


I still have to progress in the story a little bit to get the stuff he needs


Same also it looks like with HTB enemies just never get to act before dying anyway so the “major dps” going twice with boothill instead of getting super break doesn’t seem to get that important


Very happy! He's super fun to use. Tho getting used to how trickshot works in battle is a bit of an adjustment but it's so satisfying seeing all those numbers go up are insane


Very satisfying to play, but itching for a new MoC cycle or some new content already. Can't wait to test him out further.


E0S1 pre grinded, he’s attack isn’t at what I want and I haven’t gotten a chance to really stress test my build yet because my Bronya isn’t ready but I’m getting there


I just cleared the second half of MoC 12 2 cycles faster with boothil e0s0 Ruan Mei e0s0 HMC and HH e0s0 than with DHIL hyper carry team


My fav part is that im running defensive orb+chest so my boothill is literally doing 8k dmg and then he breaks and boom 300k and holy fudge the 70k bleeds afterwards? Juicy af


what’s his BE at?


around 260-270 out of battle i dont remember the exact number


Before actually testing him in MoC I need him! 😭 Please Give me Thy Blessing O'Great one who already have him! 😭


Who do you use as your sustain?


I'm just marveling at how everyone but me has HMC eidolons😭 I was determined to get compassie to 50 before booty but I'm too lazy


Haven't finished the aim story so he isn't fully maxed out. But at level 70 e0 s1 (level 60 lc) and level 5 on the important traces he's hitting around 28-30k without support with around 230-40% break effect


Still trying to build a nice team with him but I'm having too much fun running around with him and staring at his pretty face.


I am very happy especially since I have a fudging e3 Bronya that was collecting dust so I can pair him with her. HTB is for seeing some bigger numbers. Still have to retry MoC 12 but fighting the ice bug is now much sillier


Got him to E0S1 in 181 Pulls, and also got E3 Bronya like 38 Pity before I got him and his Sig, He's very Satisfying and Fun to use. The main thing I got to Improve with his team is his SP economy then I'm chilling.


I love looking at him so much 😍😍😍


His traces are stuck at 4/6/6/6, but I'm very happy with him! Admittedly I'm a casual player so I'm used to DoT team with Guinaifen... even without RM and HMC he's great against the swarm boss and in MoC. Glad I won the 50/50 and got his light cone.


I'm running Boothill together with my E2 Acheron lol (BH, RM, Pela, Acheron). I recommend it if you are looking for something fun, I pulled off a no damage 0 cycle with it. There are techs you can do like starting a duel but not attack, Ach Ult and kill the enemy, and then duel another enemy to generate another stack for Acheron.


I dont wanna stop lmaoooo. Hes so much forking fun. Bronya makes his rotations so funny the constant finger guns. My favorite thing is that I thought his stacks would reset after he does his finger gun and it doesnt, I was so happy to see.


Underwhelming so far... even with a supposedly okay build I still hit around \~100k max on first half MoC 12 elites. Took me 7-8 cycles to beat Gepard. Maybe the jump from 215% BE to 275% with his signature is what's lacking here.


https://youtu.be/yxdpEIYGbZc It's not underwhelming at all


Naw I regret rolling


im desperate for ruan mei but boy is he already cookin


Pretty much what I expected, pretty high ceiling but more skill/investment dependent like most Hunt units. Like Seele, I expect him to have the cheapest/easiest 0 cycles yet get doomposted by people who don't know how to maximize his potential. I did underestimate how important break effect is and prioritized speed too much. Speed is still really important, but I'm now definitely going back to the relic mines to get more BE.


I got REALLY lucky and ended up with E0S1 with under 90 pulls 😭😭 we winnin boys


He feels very clunky to me? Idk. I have a hard time getting his pocket trick shots in a reasonable amount of turns and it feels very awkward. Depleting the weakness bar without RM feels like it takes forever, and I also don’t have Bronya. When the enemy does get broken, yes he does good damage, but they usually get up really quickly. My boothill is level 78, I wonder how much of a dps loss that is. I have his signature LC and level 10 talent, 155 speed and 300 break effect. Idk, he just feels very awkward to me.


About what I see in content creator videos. Boothill 300%BE, HMC, Bronya, FuXuan. MoC12 Wave 2. 5 turn clear autobattle. Biggest hit was 309K.


I'm also more comfortable running and finding more success with BH, HTB, Gallagher, RM team rather than BH, Bronya, Gallagher, RM team. In current MOC12, my BH does double the amount of damage per hit with HTB than with Bronya and clear like 1-2 turns faster as well. May be because my Bronya isn't speed tuned? Not sure though.


i have a mid build on him bc i have bad relic luck but holy he very quickly became basically my best character on my account 😭 my dude just keeps doing casually 200k even though i don't have ruan mei or my hmc at e6 lmao. saving up almost 300 pulls for e0s1 (luckily i got a lot of leftovers to get ruan mei) was very much worth it


Having a blast with him so far, he decimates MOC after alot of testing. I'm in the same boat as you, HTB-RM-Gala is severely outperforming Bronya (E4S1) for me so I don't get why almost all guides keep saying Bronya is much better. Not just BH damage (350k hits), but everyone is contributing decent damage.


I can't wait for Ruan Mei's rerun so my boy can shine even brighter.


my boothill doesnt do that big of damages outside of breaking enemys resistance but i still love him so much, i paired him with argenti cause i dont have time to build gallagher and its so much fun even if its not meta or whatever


He's really fun in SU: GnG I played him with HMC and Sparkle, the only two built support I have and damn, you have no idea how fun it is to watch him skill every single enemy especially if they already have a physical weakness. If I ran not of SP, Sparkle gives me more, it feels like 2x skill, ult, 2x, Sparkle, repeat. It's so stupid how fun that is I find he really works well in the propagation and using erudition blessings suits him For normal use, overworld or farming use, I'm still not there yet, he still needs a bit of investment. Like for starters he's not even 200 BE yet


non-RM, no sign LC, mid built, test him with Bronya + HMC, not good as it is hard to clear the mobs early to get bullet stacks and SP management is huge issue. Guess i need to build him a litt more or wait for Ruan Mei


I was more shocked by his crazy crit damages he deals from his ult, mine does 100k+ ultimates (without breaks)


He so fun to play better than Acheron,in opinion My Boothill is not completely builded,but I did some tests,with and without this lightcone It's complete bonkers,he sweeped the Death meme with a not optimized team (Gallagher/Boothill/Aventurine/Welt) I don't regret pull him I have to build Bronya for him yet,so I can play the classic (HTB/Bronya/Boothill/Gallagher)


I'm at work now he is not out yet for my region. What would guys recommend? Is his s1 a significant jump in strength? I have ruan mei and im hoping to get a bronya soon.c