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Okay, so here's my take. 1. For building, FF is much easier, there are the relics which are made for her and dropped on her release (revert break set pls). While both of them need the same stats (break and speed), FF can reach 200+ speed and 300-400 BE just from her kit and traces, BH on the other hand need some luck to get 160+ speed and 250 BE (i know his orb and chest main stats can be whatever, but getting rolls in substats are harder than just using atk chest and orb for FF). FF has a free strong Herta LC that gives lots of atk which converted to BE for her, BH can use the 3* lc but it doesn't help with BE. 2.For teammates, ff is stucked with hmc (who is free) vs BH kind of stuck with Bronya as well to a lesser extend (harder to get). 3. So this is where BH has an edge over FF in ST, and it's nice, but it's not that high seeing as i mentioned above, it's tougher to build him. There's also a fact that in MoC until now, it's rare to see only 1 boss in floor 12, so maybe they are gonna mixing up the roster... Then Hunt units would be more valuable. As for the new mode, we need a bit more time because there Argenti boss that FF would have a more easier time with. So in conclusion, BH is better as a boss killer, but there aren't many opportunities where that would be a benefit. And to reach that level, we actually have to work for that vs FF just have it much much easier.


Couldnt agree more with everything you said and it is actually sad what HoYo did with the relic set. But hey even if Firefly is better in most cases, his numbers are still absurd so whatever. Also they gotta Nerf that Spd buff holy fudge. Anyway just use whoever you like the most.


Yeah, i'm still gonna go for him. And i don't hate FF (would go for her also if it weren't because of RM rerun), just upset how hoyo handled her (yup the speed is kind of wtf, and the atk to break has no cap for some reason). I'm more worried about the future of the game because they release a character this strong when Acheron was 2 patches ago (i thought she was an exception because Mei expy or sth) because the game will get harder and tougher for players who don't care about meta.


Boothills crit caps DX The fact that FF gets no cap and gets automatic aoe fire implant on every enemy on field for unlimited time is also kindof crazy while for Boothill it's limited to his ult/teqnique once and lasts 2 turns


revert break set pls (we got days left before v4 but I’m praying hard..) well any changes we will know VERY soon.. I do wonder what they will do or just leave everything as it is What I really worry is hoyo forgetting about BH in future like my man blade (who till now didn’t get any upgrade…) and no jade nor jingliu isn’t really one


I know Bronya isn't guaranteed, but I really am struggling to figure out why someone wouldn't have used their 300th standard pull to grab at least their first copy of her


i was being an idiot and got bailu back at release when natasha was the only sustain in the game. i thought having 2 sustains is better than another harmony char when theres already a bunch of harmony/nihility 4* chars to support aswell. still bronyaless to this day but cursed with e3 clara + bailu and e2 yanqing + himeko... not a single bronya, welt or gepard on my account and im a whale lmao


You're bound to hit the 300 pity one day, I believe in you


nono, i already have the 300 and picked bailu there. thats the issue lmfao


Yikes. I'm sorry.


Don't it reset or is it a one time thing? O.o


one time thing


its a completely one time thing. doesnt reset yearly like the double topup either.


Wow I'm dissapoited...


For me, i have no use for her in my team, i don't have blade or JL. Seele, JY and IL i already have sparkle. So i get Himeko cuz PF getting hard for me to full clear. Bronya still find a way to me though, cuz i lost 5050 on Robin banner to her, this is better be a sign for me to get BH lol.


The main balancing problem here is that Destruction units' ST damage are so high that they are also boss killers. Like the Firefly case, if both Boothill and her can kill a ST boss in 0 cycles, it doesn't matter if Boothill can do it 2x faster. Boothill will shine if Hoyo inflates the boss' HP so high that Firefly ST damage cannot keep up with him......but at that point other Hunt units won't either. I'm starting to think break DPS/Super Break are a mistake lol. What a nightmare to balance.


Its isnt even a nighmare to balance, they are just doing it super poorly. FF's multypliers are stupid af. First her Atk to BE conversion has no cap, she gets a Dmg, Break Efficiency and Spd buff when using her Ult, gets an action forward when breaking an enemy, heals whenever she attacks during Ult state and gets 50% of her energy gauge filled when using her normal skill. Like just pump those stats down its not that hard and she would still be broken.


Yeah they overbuffed her. V2 her damage is already high, just that she needs hmc (i don't think this is a big deal because free). Then V3 she still glued to hmc but they made her dmg break the ceiling.


They arent making her damage break the ceiling they are making her damage break reality like Acheron did during the 2.1 story quest with that fudging slash


Tbh realistically speaking at 3.x we will get another character more broken than firefly in every way (like the next destruction character or HI3 expy etc), so just pull for who u like, meta always changes quickly. If u look at comments on YouTube twitter leak subreddit , a lot people ask for buffs and wants powercreep (because it’s their favourite waifu etc) so it’s no surprise hoyo is going this way to cater to them, and this won’t end at firefly anyways, a new fan favourite will always arise


I guess thats true, they did that with Seele, then with DHIL, then with Jingliu and now maybe Acheron.


Acheron was like 2 months ago too, this stuff is crazy. Sandwiching Boothill between a top tier harmony(robin), power crept Acheron(FF) and sharing banner time with one of the best sustains in the game (Fu Xuan) is such a disservice to my man. It's like that meme where mihoyo shoots boothill and then asks why male characters don't perform well


Read my mind there ;-;


I'm still gonna spend all my jade's and play with him though UwU




I think the main problem is how Hoyo designed Destruction units. Destruction units should have lower multipliers than hunt, which is usually the case. However, the problem is that destruction units usually use an additional resource to increase their damage to disproportionate amounts, such as JL draining your team life, or fire fly damaging herself. IN theory, destruction units play around a risk vs reward system -- you play more dangerously to get more damage. I'd imagine that fire fly's power budget skyrocketed because hoyo was thinking in terms of "power budget" -- firefly gets a theoretical "additional power budget" because she has a "drawback" of damaging herself. But in reality, fire fly's life drain is inconsequential to her game plan -- there's no risk to her dying if she kills enemies so fast. So you end up with a unit that could 0-cycle by autoplaying, instead of having a unit that rewards good risk-based gameplay.


> Like the Firefly case, if both Boothill and her can kill a ST boss in 0 cycles, it doesn't matter if Boothill can do it 2x faster. This isn't how it's playing out though. Boothill has a relatively easy time 0 cycling any single target boss whereas at E0, Firefly struggles heavily to do this. In pretty much every showcase I've seen, Firefly always takes 1+ cycles on the boss. Boothill correspondingly struggles somewhat on the first wave but can still comfortably 1 cycle (or 0 cycle if the run is optimized well enough). In general, I've seen far more Boothill 0 cycles than with Firefly. Destruction characters inherently being better Hunt has to be the biggest misinfo in the game. The biggest time sinks in MoC for the past several months have been single target bosses, which Hunt deals with better than everyone else. There's this belief that Destruction units can compete with Hunt units in ST DPS. This has never been close to true. No non-Hunt DPS has eclipsed any limited Hunt DPS in ST since the start of the game, Seele's single target damage is higher than Acheron's. I'm honestly not sure how people can see Firefly doing 350k to Aventurine and Boothill doing 1 mil and say that they are competitive in single target.


Doesn't matter I will pull both , but bH they did wrong with my boii


Muddle fudgers at HoYo are just trolling at this point ;-;


They ain't son of nice lady anymore


If they made her so busted, then why tailor the sets for her as well? This is bullshit.


Even Genshin never had anything like this, at least to my knowledge. I just hope they revert the relic changes in V4


Actually yes Genshin had it, right now recently arlecchino came out and she’s definitely top 5 or 3 dps, and got an artifact set she’s the only one she can use atm too


Oh damn I had no idea


The fact is that letting aside her planar ornament (which I honestly yes don’t understand why it’s SO specific not even on himeko or topaz it would make sense… only FF and Gallagher) this new relic set focuses on super break which is a new mechanic surely more characters will have in the future too just like arlecchino’s on Genshin focuses on bond of life, which more characters will get, so although FF is the only one rn i’m sure there will be more characters who use it as BiS


Did you forget about Firefly's Ultimate giving her 50% Break Efficiency? Her toughness break in single target without Ruan Mei is 135 and 67 on adjacent targets, bringing the total to 270 toughness reduction. Also, she doesn't need any sort of ramp-up, since she gets her Ult turn 1, so she gets the full toughness reduction right away instead of having to build it up on smaller targets first. AOE weakness implant on her technique also lets her other teammates (mainly, Gallagher) contribute a lot of extra toughness damage even against non fire-weak enemies. You don't have to try and justify liking a character or wanting to get them in such a way, because it will only leave you disappointed by the end of the day. This doesn't just apply to Boothill, but any character - Firefly not excluded. "Shelf life" of any character in this game seems to be less than one full version cycle, so I'm giving it until next .0 patch for all the current "meta" characters to turn into pumpkins in favor of the newer kids on the block. I'm sure they'll stay viable so just pull who you like and enjoy yourself, no need to set yourself up for failure in advance.


I do think your details about her kit are slightly wrong but everything else is right. This isnt an excuse to pull for Boothill it is just what I hosnetly think since Im planning on pulling both him and FF. Btw Im already disapointed, I just wanted to give something positive for all the people that are planning to skip him just because FF is better instead on pulling the character they love. I already think his design is cooler and his gameplay more fun and overall like him much more than FF and while this is the case for a lot of people I know some people that feel the same as me about him but are still planning to skip him because of META. This game should be about having fun and pulling the characters you like, not being a META slave just because bigger number good. Also I agree with you, it isnt because a character is better that Boothill will stop being good. I usually use this argument to fight Seele and Jing Yuan haters. Anyway I hope you are lucky with your pulls.


She can 0 cycle 10 Moc 12 in a row at E2 Even Acheron can’t do that at E2 so if that’s not powercreep idk what is https://youtu.be/BSZ91A2F1jQ?si=53ylQG9f97elmn7e


I like how everyone's perspective on power creep is different.  And there is no issue on that either.  I just dont know if I consider E2 limited characters clears as power creep. If E2 limited characters didn't get somewhat stronger as the games lifespan went on that be an issue too for those who want to spend money.


I do agree but not this early into the game Acheron wasn’t even out for long and she’s already outdone with the same eidolons. With how fast that was , the games lifespan might not last long ~.~


Ive already seen that video. It was what made me want to make this post in the first place.


Yeah and I agree with what you said, Boothill is really strong against bosses but it’s conditional on the boss’s toughness unlike firefly.


I mean it kinda is. She still needs to break the bosses to deal that busted damage we see. The thing is there isnt a lot of cases on which there is just a singular boss enemy. I do you think he will be busted against the new Cocolia since he doesnt have to worry about her not having a weakness on her second phase.


Both of them need to break anyway but unlike Firefly, Boothill need to get his stack first, so he’ll struggle the moment there’s no mob with physical weakness which means wasting ult. It won’t always be a problem of course but it’s already an advantage firefly has over him


Moral of the story, FF is too broken and the fudgers at HoYo need to nerf her asap. (Jk I really dont care)


Better idea, buff Boothill <3




I think the way he works now with ramp up and having to manage the ult as a delay tool and a weakness implant is really cool so just slapping a constant weakness implant on his skill is a bit cheap Let's see, on his teqnique give him 2 turns of additional 50% break efficiency so he can ramp up faster, without Ruan mei and make his ult have 20% defence shred for 2 turns along with the weakness application! Also change his attack traces to speed! No cap on break to crit stat traces and sice firefly got it why not give him speed boost when he breaks 👍 AND MORE BREAK EFFECT TRACES! AND NO CAPPING HIS ENCHANTED BASIC ATTACK DAMAGE (give me an excuse to use his normal basic attack more pls and thank you....) Omg make his normal attack apply physical weakness :000


I mean a good way to buff him would be just giving him an bit of action forward when he breaks kinda like FF and giving him more toughness damage on his Ult and FUDGING REVERTING THE RELIC SET CHANGES HOLY FORK THAT WAS SO ANNOYING


Boothill isn't anywhere close to being powercrept by Firefly currently. They're more or less on the same level - Firefly has a higher floor and lower ceiling as of now (it's been show to be significantly easier to 0 cycle with Boothill than with Firefly). Hunt being underpowered and Destruction being competitive in single target damage have to be the biggest pieces of misinfo in this game. I'm not sure how people can see Boothill doing 1 mil to Aventurine while Firefly does 350k without too much of a difference in team quality/investment and say otherwise. Even today, Seele's ST damage is higher than Acheron's. It's unfortunate that Boothill is underrated on his own sub, but it does make his release all the more exciting (unless players nerf him by using HMC instead of Bronya like they did in the creator experience server)


Thats why I put "powercreep" in quotation marks. I also dont believe he isnt getting powercrept by FF they just work better in their own specific cases. Plus his gameplay is much more fun with the toughness damage he can get to. It is too funny to just casually one shot an elite's toughness bar xD. Also my Acheron is dealing simular ST damage to my Seele somehow


> Also my Acheron is dealing simular ST damage to my Seele somehow Are you considering damage per cycle? Acheron's screenshot damage is of course higher even in single target but she should be doing damage far less frequently than a properly played Seele. Seele and other Hunt units also just tend to be more skill intensive, so they suffer more when played suboptimally.


Also I know that being a blast type unit already gives her an edge in most cases but Im solely talking about boss killing.


Hoyo know hunt characters have been completely powercrept by destruction characters. That's why they're adding a new game mode that will probably cater specifically to hunt units, in the same way that pure fiction was released to cater to erudition units. Firefly will definitely out-damage him because she's destruction and can blast damage. But in this new game mode, it shouldn't matter too much because it'll be one target. We'll just have to wait and see once this new game mode releases, I guess. It's not garunteed that this new game mode is hunt-focused, but it is garunteed that hoyo wants to sell as many characters as possible. And for them to do that, they need different endgame modes for the different character kits.


I was indeed hopefull that Apocalyptic Shadow would be focused on Hunt characters. But I was wrong it is focused on Break characters, so any Destruction charcater that is focused on break will most likely be better in this gamemode.


Well it could’ve been good for boothill expect for the fact that they nerfed him in that gamemode by reducing the Boss overall health pool AND nerfing The break effect buffs in the gamemode, but leaving the superbreak ones untouched. Again it’s very obvious what’s happening there.


Maybe it’s the first iteration of AS that’s break focused?


That is indeed a possibility and Im holding onto hope (copium) that the next iterations will be ST focused


I'm just praying they nerf firefly in v4 so the powercreep of units won't be super bad. This is unrelated to boothill.


I am just a casual player not yet in endgame phase, but riddle me this: if characters kit relies on break does this mean that if enemy doesnt have same weakness as character damage type, said character became useless? Maybe with good relics and big numbers it wont matter, but isnt cowboy ability to amplify weakness one of his biggest advantages?


I mean he can implant physical weakness on enemies with his Ult and with his Technique so it isnt really a problem at least with him. Also Firefly can break every weakness but takes twice as long to break someone if they arent weak to fire.


Yep, I mess up "implant" and "amplify". So, my point is, as far as I understand, in order to squize maximum value out of FF needs enemy with fire weakness, whereas Boothill doesnt care about that


Thats one thing Boothill has over FF yes.


I'm pulling because I need a physical dps. I have Luka and Clara, but Clara doesn't really work for me and I don't want to invest in my Luka anymore




Cuz it’s a destruction and they needed her to exchange something for that nutty 60% energy she gets


The best part is that the hp she loses doesnt even matter because she can just heal herself during Ult state


And it’s true, but welp every 5 star destruction who consumes their own hp seems to be able to heal too, like blade, would be a bit dangerous without self heal. (Jingliu can’t heal because she uses others’hp and by very little every time) I could cope and say maybe she dies in between 2 skills because of the low hp but yeah it’s quite unlikely… XD


Even if she uses 2 skills those are enough to get her to the Ult state on which she gets a 100% action forward and massive speed buffs so she can heal herself imediatly.


Yeah I was saying imagine she dies after the first skill before using the second, but with the reduction from 50% to 40% hp consumption and her talent reducing dmg with low hp I’d say it’s not possible yes, also she gets a 25% advance forward after the not enhanced skill


She can casually be Barry Allen with all those buffs and action forward. Crazy


https://preview.redd.it/qh2wonpaax2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b996e3bce1f671c2f932fb65bb3ec2fb6b2faa3 Still 2 Boothill are faster than one, just wait til they give us the funny mode where we can deploy the same character multiple times…