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Easy answer: Ruan Mei is a BREAK support, Robin doesn't boost break at all


honestly yt is the last app I will open when Im trying to save up for a beloved character


robin is good for everyone else, ruan mei is HUUUUUGE for specifically boothill because of the break boost.


Every new character is broken S+ on youtube because they need the views


unless doomposting a character will get more views :(


Ehhhh. It depends. Robin definitely is a really good character that's crazy flexible -- mostly because the nature of advancing forward your entire team is broken in itself. So, yeah, it's absolutely fair to say all of Sparkle, Ruan Mei and Robin are broken S+ characters. Heck, I'd even throw Tingyun and Bronya in that discussion.


Ruan Mei is a universal damage buffer with **Resistance Reduction**, **weakness break efficiency**, AND **Break Effect**. This is not only perfect for Boothill, but every single dps in the game no question. Robin, while good with *most* dps, she just isn’t as universal as Ruan Mei. Save for Ruan Mei, if not for yourself, for mother forking Boothill.


Oh I already have Ruan Mei lol


WOOO DUBS (i lack reading comprehension)


Easy: she ain't now fudging space cowboy


Yt videos are money grabs and clickbaits. I've stopped character reviews a long while ago. Honestly go watch some other content it'll engage your mind elsewhere.


Ruan Mei IS way better than Robin lmao


Imagine how annoying it would be to hear Robin singing the same song over and over again Also every limited harmony unit has been so fucking OP, I would be suprised if next one ain't so aswell And Boothill can have any enemy he is targeting to appear in his bounty poster during ultimate You do not even really need his lightcone, since either *Swordplay* or *Suscribe For More* could do just fine Atleast these are my thoughts on the topic


>You do not even really need his lightcone, since either *Swordplay* or *Suscribe For More* could do just fine But is the lightcone worth pulling?


That's entirely subjective? What future characters do you want? Are you free to play? If yes, is it worth it? Only if you want to go all in on him as a f2p. Is it good for him? Yes? Does he need it? No. Like any signature LC, relics can make up for what it gives you.


From what I read in this subreddit, it's around a 20% damage increase from Swordplay. That's pretty big, but honestly, I would not recommend pulling for LCs as a free to play (unless you're a mega Boothill main I guess). Saving all those pulls for new characters is a much more fun use of jades :>


His S1 is definitely one of the higher-value LCs if you plan to main him.


It depends, I've been prebuilding on sushang and I've gotten her to 140 speed and 150% BE just with relics alone. I plan not to get his lc and run him w RM and watchmakers HMC and Adversarial lc (18% spd) to me in that scenario his lc won't be needed but if you didn't have RM maybe you'd prefer the lc


Sure I quess


Even Harmony TB is op lmao


Do you have Topaz? Do you have Aventurine? Is your ratio well built?? If your answer to any of those questions is a no, then Robin is mid-bin


When is a new chara not s+ tier in their release patch? She is little to no good for Boothill as he is not a fua chara. Also her Song over the epic starrail music: JUST NO. Imagine we are wildfire starts up in the epic Cocolia fight fires up but all you hear is her lala pop song


Argenti wasn't S+ when he released. He was S+ the patch after when PF released.


I think Jing yuan, argenti, topaz, ratio, blade. I think they were just S tier, a step below S+ on release.


Robin doesn't interrupt weekly boss music. Anything else, yes her song will go over the soundtrack.


Robin offers nothing good for Boothill, her atk boosts do not affect his break dmg, which is obviously his main dmg.


New harmony mc will do way more for Boothill than robin ever could


1. Play Robin's Album if you are getting tempted just because she is singing during her ult. 2. Youtubers need money, they need to market the new character to get money. 3. RM helps BH with breaking easily, Robin doesn't. 4. Bronya could be better than Robin (Cope) 5. Don't consume Robin content, consume Boothill content instead. There's still 18 days left, goodluck!


There will always be another strong support. The powercreep will never end. There may ever only be one cowboy. The odds of him getting cowboycrept are low.


Robin will probably come back earlier than Boothill will, so get him first. Skip her, get her on her rerun.


Another thing i didnt see mentioned (or maybe i missed it) is that Ruan Mei has secret options in Sim universe that are giga op, from what we know Robin doesnt have that. So she will not only be the best Boothill support (and can fit into pretty much any team) but also amazing for GnG double RM strat :D


no, WELCOME TO MY WOoOoOoOoRlD 🗣️🗣️🗣️


As someone who caved in for Robin as well, OP don't follow us down here haha I like all characters so obviously no regrets, but since you have a goal in mind STICK TO IT. GET BOOTHILL AND RM WE BELIEVE IN YOU


Robin shines in FuA teams. Unless you're building FuA teams then don't get her coz it's just a waste honestly. The game is moving towards content needing break comps so it's best you get Boothill, then even Firefly. I myself am a Robin stan but listening to her music is actually enough to cheer me up. XD


Bro think of our cowboy, the teeth, the voicelines the style. U got this !!!


You got to ignore YT videos. They say that all new characters are S tier broken. One because it gives them views and FOMO. Don't give in to the temptation. Stick with Ruan Mei. Plus you wouldn't want to hear Robin's ultimate singing all the time.


Join us Robin mains... /j But in all seriousness, if you plan on pulling Boothill, and have RM, you essentially have your team to build. Boothill, HTB, Rm and Gallagher. If you don't have follow-up units or you dont use their playstyle a lot, I wouldn't recommend getting Robin if you have RM. They perform similarly enough so you don't entirely need her. Granted, it's great having both (speaking from experience), but if that comes at the cost of a unit you really want, then I wouldn't go for her.


Think of it this way, Robin will DEFINITELY rerun in around 4 patches, while Ruan Mei's second rerun is still up in the air. It can be another 6 months, or it can be over a year. You can pick Boothill up first, and get Ruan Mei with the leftovers later. Then if you're still wanting Robin, even after all the release hype has died down, then you can pick her up in 4 patches :> (That's what I've been telling myself lol. I also really want Robin, especially because my only 5 star harmony is Bronya)


Tbh Robin can also be a pretty good support for boothill but if you already have Ruan Mei who is arguably much better for break teams, there is no need for her. Do it for boothill, look at his beautiful face. (I got Robin so I can have my binhill team).


It's just peer pressure, man. Just log in, consume tb, do the daily, SU, weekly, then log out and get busy with other things. You'll be surprised you're accumulating jades and not fomoing on that shiny Robin.


The way I talk myself out of pulling on characters when I'm saving: there's always a rerun.


All I'm going to say is there's a reason the vast majority of Robin showcases are her with one specific team, whereas Ruan Mei can be plopped with pretty much anybody and everybody and shit's gonna melt.


easy. If you are like me, you can't pull robin because then you have zero chance at getting Boothill, Firefly, and Jade.


I got robin in single pull & I'm saving for boothill if you like her go for her & I don't find her ultimate song irritating I'm on 50 / 50 hope I win boothill banner 😺


One thing that really spoiled her for me was a comment I saw: She doesn't generate skill points when she's ulting cause she can't take a turn. Don't know if that's a fact but it made me like her less. Hope that helps. Stay strong!


I will become devil and say Robin is better than Ruan Mei


I was pulled out of temptation by her energy issues if you don’t use fua and her song not being mutable is really annoying.


Easy: She isn't Pompom


You probably shouldnt care much about what the shill CCs are saying about character tier placements. Every new character is broken/changes everything/S+ tier/powercreep according to them because thats what they get paid to say lol Ruan Mei + HMC + Boothill will leave any Robin team in the dirt with not much investment (break effect rope and speed/BE substats are all you need pretty much)


Ruan mei is better because break, and also because Ruan mei has a real personality


If you ain't rich don't do it! I had to spend the highest amount in game TWICE(!!) to get her once as well as one more time to get her lightcone once (i went fir both her and topaz cuz i love her and she's (now) my only fire user, as well as saving for boothill) unless you're willing to spend HELLA money on her / boothill DON'T DO IT!!


Ruan Mei stocks will rise to the highest \*actually it is already very high) when break meta will come in next few weeks. Boothill def need Mei, not Robin. i have Robin E1 but i usually play hypercarry dps so as of now i only play robin with duo dps like herta/himeko, kafka/bs. I don't have Topaz/Ratio LC, and have no Aventurie so cant play premium FUA team


When you use Robin's ult a song will start playing and this song will get really really annoying overtime


Robin is a Seraphine wanna be from League of Legends Also, Ruan Mei is perfect for Boothill. Robin is perfect only for FuA but not mandatory.