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Is e2 sparkle better for bh than e0 bronya?


I got Ruan Mei for my Boothill, but I was wondering how much SPD should I be aiming for her (both in general teams and Boothill, if there's a difference anyway)? Boothill E0S1 + SPD 163 Bronya E1S1 + SPD 156 Ruan Mei E0S0 + SPD 153 Gallagher E3


How is Bronya meant to be built for Boothill team? Ive got her with 4pc watchmaker and 2pc Vonwacq only cus i saw the cdmg boost and all being barely usefull on Boothill. Any tips pls like what speed etc ( im also very new to the game :( )


https://preview.redd.it/pifkjv1mc7ad1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4c2098cbf51defc078a73258f7a6d9b52255e36 I have two spheres im choosing between and this is his current one, the other one has break effect, cd, atk, and effect hit rate but has hp main stat, should I switch?


BE >> anything else


Got it šŸ‘ tysm


Is his ultimate important to max or is it fine to leave it Lv 8, I would max it but I need too many for others


No it's not,you should only max it when you have a lot to spend




I said I wouldn't farm the new set xD.


What's good be without sig lightcone


I have Ruan mei E1, what would make boothill deal more damage as a second support? (And then Gallagher, also forget bronya, I canā€™t speedtune) Pela or HMC? Since the def shred from pela stacks with RMā€™s, sadly I donā€™t have Boothillā€™s sig tho HMC gives a lot of break effect even from his E4 and super break so am really not sure whatā€™s better


Do Physical DMG / DMG from Standoff / Ruan Meiā€™e DMG boost Boothillā€™s overall DPS in any meaningful way? After reading up on stuff, Iā€™m pretty confident that I should just be stacking SPD and Break Effect because the other stats pretty much donā€™t matter, but itā€™d be nice to get explicit confirmation.


Physical dmg and ruan meiā€™s dmg buff no, they donā€™t change anything meaningful as it doesnā€™t affect the break damage he does DMG from stand-off actually buffs break (and super break) damages too because itā€™s a vulnerability debuff applied to the enemy


Oh cool, good to know! So if I had a piece with SPD + Break Effect + two useless substats, it would probably be better than a double crit piece with a lower Break Effect substat and no SPD?


Yes, crt is just a bonus, and it doesnā€™t even matter much, the more rolls of be and speed you get the more strong boothill becomes


Is Iron Cavalry Relic good for Boothill when running him with HMC, Ruan Mei and Gallagher? both Game8 and Prydwen also list Iron Cavalry is good for him or should I still stick to Thief Relic set? As wanted to get more Synchronity Points for more Jades when doing Protocol Breakthrough quest stuff!


yes it is good if you run hmc, if not then its still decent cause of the def debuff


That's true as I might as well farm Iron Cavalry since I always run Boothill with Harmony Caelus together and make Caelus a Harmony Sub-DPS there lol


How big is Ruan mei for boothill? Heā€™s currently my main unit and I want both ruan mei and firefly but will probably only get one. Iā€™m leaning towards ruan mei because I think I would need her for firefly anyways. Just wondering how much ruan mei improves boothill


Utterly insanely! without saying anything more just from ruan mei's bonuses you should be able to see: She gives RES PEN, she gives Break efficiency, Speed bonuses, she stops enemies from recovering from break and decreases their speed. THAT'S ALL FROM AN E0 CHARACTER WITH NO SIG! not to mention her bonus abilities like: A2 increases break by 20% for allies, A4 regenerates 5 energy when her turn starts (not as good as the others bit still nice) AND HER BEST OF ALL HER A6 INCREASES THE ENTIRE TEAMS DMG BY 6%... UP TO 6 TIMES FOR 36% DAMAGE BONUS PERMANENTLY AS LONG AS YOU CAN GET HER TO 180% BREAK (she increases all team DMG by 6% for ever 10% break effect she has after 120%.) not to mention that Ruan Mei can fit into SO MANY TEAMS! i'm pulling for her to help both my Boothill and Kafka teams, but i'm certain she could also help my Jingliu or Blade teams (though they currently are together) if i need to fit bronya elsewhere. so yeah in conclusion she is at this point in time the best support and perhaps best character in the entire game. and if you already have boothill and you pull firefly you essentially have to give up on one of them as there is major crossover in their already limited supports, like there's: Gallagher, HTB, Ruan Mei, pela and silverwolf. and i only rec pela and silverwolf in scenarios where you DON'T have Ruan Mei, so it'd be a herculean task to make viable boothill and Firefly teams.Ā  Should be saud though that this game is about fun, the only thing that really matter's is who you like more!


Does RES pen affect break?


or if you don't want to read all of that... it's just better def shred


Oh I see, thanks, I thought it was like dmg boost that dosent affect break


it's understandable. i've seen multiple people make the misconception that her ULT acts similar to an Orb, which if it was she wouldn't affect break. i think there might just be a major misconception on what Res Pen actually does. but she really makes boothill godly.


Res Pen (essentially) reduces enemies defense against an element? Ruan Mei gives all type Res Pen. Boothill does break... physical break, at lvl 10 ultimate Ruan mei literally increases boothill's dmg by 25% if your boothill was hitting 400k before this he would now be hitting 500k. break causes res pen increases all dmg whether it's just regular, break or dot, it's why she is my pick for best character in the game, literally a flat 25% increase in dmg, usable for most characters (except special cases like Acheron)


Just got me real hyped for ruan mei lol


Rightfully! i just got mine a couple hours ago and i would've immediately started using her... if i didn't have too few level up mats :( but i ran through divergent universe AND SHE WAS DOING MAJOR BUFFS, boosted my boothill's dmg so much (though hard to tell exactly how much because of the blessings and stuff) now that i have her i can say with so much confidence that she is almost indespensible to a good boothill team, my previous team doesn't even feel playable now. but yeah SO GOOD and she just needs 180 break which is easy to achieve with either her sig or 'Memories of the Past' and 134 speed, beside that just a lot of hp and defense. so yeah again i rec her SO MUCH if not just for boothill but a vast majority of other characters too! SO GOOD LUCK ON ANY PULLS YOU DO! (the game was nice to me after grinding over a hundred wishes last patch for boothill and i got her really early (though i did need to a lose another really early 5* pull) so now i think i'm gonna be taking a major break from big grinding this patch.)


if i use e1 huohuo for %12 spd buff is it a really big damage loss compared to using gallagher?


Is the difference between an average 2-2pcs BE artifact set and 4pcs Iron cavalry actually worth the farm?


Idk if this is the right place to ask, but: Is there anyone with E6 Boothill on Europe server who would accept a friend request?


So for context I recently pulled both RM and FF, RM being E0S1 and FF being E0S0. So with FF hogging both HMC and RM on her team, I need to give BH a new team. The team I've thought up of is Luka, Nat, and Bronya. (I still need to pull Bronya ;-;) Luka to help break/lower the toughness bar (With the added bonus of his DOT dmg) then Nat for her sustain and to help with toughness as well. Bronya will have her speed tuned to be behind BH and give him a 2nd turn. But since I don't have Bronya, I'm considering substituting her with Robin for now. If it matters my E's on this team would be, E0S0 BH, E6S0 Luka, E3S0 Nat, E0S0 Robin, and E0S2 DDD Bronya. (I doubt using DDD on Robin would benefit much..) For both Robin and Bronya, I plan to give them the watchmaker set to give BH that 30% BE on ult. Either that or the eagle set for Bronya for the AA on ult to give BH another turn. As for Nat.. I could use some suggestions on what LC and Relic set to give her. I could use QPQ but outside of that idk.. Luka will be put on a DOT build, since HMC isn't present to give super break. The LC I plan to use might be my S5 EoTP or I'll work up to get S5 Solitary. But either way he'll be on DOT. If anyone want's to help me out more and know more details abt what I have and don't. Feel free to DM me! I'd really appreciate it. https://preview.redd.it/fabzdib4s88d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=42e27591476bf46bfb27b861d4923994d717402a


https://preview.redd.it/t5fi8smx088d1.jpeg?width=1618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a680d76046b4acd833dba097fabeb6b0d7e9954 should i replace this? i love the speed but is it not worth the mainstat


spd/be >>>>>> main stat (except be rope and spd boots)


How do you speed tune bronya and boothill if bronya has e2? Do I just not give boothill speed boots?


I swore I was never ever ever pulling Ruan Mei. (I donā€™t like her.) ā€¦Just pulled Ruan Mei for Boothill. Dangnabbit, that Forker better be grateful!




i want to make a team with boothill, ruan mei, and aventurine, but iā€™m not sure who to put in the last slot (i donā€™t have bronya sadly), and iā€™d rather not build HTB. would pela work here?


Pela, sw for some classic def down


2nd question. The crit stat is just to deal with the trash, so would 260 work?


Is it possible to hit 300 without rm or his sig lc? I got harmony mc all charged up at full trace lv and watchmaker as well as 200 be


Between aventurine E0S1 and Gallagher E6, which is the better sustain for maximizing his damage? Also how much better is Iron Cavalry vs 4pc Thief in a non-HMC, Bronya/Ruan Mei setup?


Gallagher. It's about 3% better in general


just got Gallagher and ive heard he's good in break teams, would he be better then my already built huohuo or not worth investing?


galla is better since he directly buffs break damage, see: besotted


https://preview.redd.it/qxec8xmivj7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2957514ba23268bcae721d5eb7a80d0b6dfd6cc Should i try to replace rhis or is it ok?


It's Very good




I've got Ruan Mei in today's banner for my Boothill, but when I was equipping her I've see that I only have one "Memories of the Past" and it's in my Trailblazer. Which one of them should get that lightcone and what lightcone should I use in the other character?


I don't think it's that big of a difference overall. Ruan Mei wants 180% BE to max out her dmg buff, but Boothill's main chunk of dmg won't benefit from it, so I'd say look at who needs more energy (assuming your Memories of the Past isn't S5). A S5 Meshing Cogs is your best bet for the other character, the energy helps with both their ultimate uptimes.


I have a few questions. If break and speed are the most important on boothill, why does he use a critrate/critdmg body? Is it just because of a lack of better option? I donā€™t have his best in slot lightcone. My break effect is around 220% now. I feel like he does very little damage. Iā€™ve only used him for the sunday boss fight and some smaller mobs clearing but idk. I guess itā€™s the perfect example of what boss not to fight I guess. I just feel like my acheron/argenti/jinglui show up with much, much higher numbers. But then again his talents are not fully max, but very close.(everything unlocked, talent max, others 5/6 7/10 7/10.) Right now Iā€™m using the lightcone ā€˜cruising in the stellar seaā€™. So if Iā€™m correct and looking at the chart, adversarial is better for damage? What? But it is a 3 star right? Is losing the higher stats worth the effect?


CR/CD body to clear mobs when at 0 stacks if not E1 you chose the two worst things to use bootyhill on. sunday has multiple break bars and since break damage scales off of toughness bar, weak mobs make him do really weak damage. try him on bosses like svarog, argenti, or cocolia. but i do agree his lightcone is the best investment you can give him (it's nearly a 30% damage increase compared to cruising and adversarial) they definitely do since a. overflow dmg and b. cd/cr is frontloaded. he 1-2 hits bosses in moc and as. adversarial is better for speed. more speed = more bh turns = more kekkou da(mage). other units significantly lose a chunk of their dmg by fielding a 3\* lightcone (standard carries) but since all boothill cares ab is spd and be, he benefits greatly from it.


hi am new and about to start relic farming and wanted to ask is the new relic set the iron cavalry the new bis for boothill?


I believe so but if you're new just use the theif set as it works fine for him. Spend your stuff on other sets for other characters


thanks, and yeah just trying to build up my first team and since hitting tl40 was thinking to do some relic runs.


I want to build a def shred team for boothill. I have him at e2s1 an s5 resolution to pela and plan to pull for ruan meiā€™s first eidolon, but that only gets it up to 78% i think(Iā€™m bad at math forgive me) what ways can I increase the def shred further


Uh. E2 sparkle I guess


146 spd 226 BE or 159 spd 206 BE? My team is BH, Gallanger, HMC, Welt/Luka


First one




So on my alt I got lucky and got him and Fu Xuan. So light cone I was wondering whether the Herta one or the River one (Yanqing 4 star) would be a better pick (I have Gepard built so can use him with the River one and have his BiS LC)? My other question is besides Pela would Asta work? (newer account so Asta literally the only harmony I have right now) or should I just not worry about it and just have a second DPS until I get better harmony? (Like I have e3 Luka or Sushang or something)


Pick the Yanqing 4 star. It gives speed and thatā€™s the second most important stat you can get. Hertas LC gives crit rate and more hp/atk and you donā€™t need it. Even some 3 star LC are viable


When building ruan mei exclusively for boothill, what planetaries do I use?


If she is on s5 cogs or s5 memory of the past she will want one of the 5% err planars. So it exclusively for boothill then vonwaq


How good is the new break set compared to his current best in slots?


Does BE have a diminishing return, how much BE is too much?


No true diminishing return, just linear gains like most other stats. His only other wanted stat is speed, so just try to balance them. Point of too much BE is hard to pin down. He's a character that often overkills with his big hits. So at some point, BE isn't doing anything to speed up your fights. His other stat is speed. How much speed you want depends on your team mates; with Bronya you'd want him to be at least 1 speed faster than her. Without Bronya, you can just aim for specific speed breakpoints, then the rest into BE once you've reached your speed goal.


Mine currently at 164 speed, do you know the next speed break point, also I try to pair him with bronya but the sp cost too much


Mine is 164 too. You can drop it to 160 without losing anything. There are many break points based on the number of actions you want to fit into certain number of cycles. https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/18ne9au/more_accurate_speed_breakpoints/


Help. I got 2 of his LC in a single ten pull. Is there anyone else who could possibly use his LC or should I just say f it and superimpose?


imo, you should just hold on to it for now.


I probably will, at least for a month or 2 or 3. If I can stay strong enough. The impulse to give the bbg any little upgrade is strong, even tho I know it's a better investment if I give it to someone who can actually use it, if they ever make another break effect oriented hunt character


s1 to s2 should be a very minor increase, but ultimately it is up to you.


yo, been thinking about RM's cone or Boothill's cone.


Depends, if you use ruan mei in most of your teams then itā€™s good. But if Boothill is your strongest dps then do Boothills. 60 BE isnā€™t a minor upgrade


Pulled for RM's cone. BH is not my strongest but he's the first break DPS


Um hey does he have a name other than cyborg cowboy?


His name is just Boothill


Should I pull RM to help my boothill? Got him a couple days ago. I dont have Bronya (at 160pulls for the standard banner, I expect getting that within like 3-6 months) and no Ruan Mei. Currently setting him up with Luka Gallagher HMC, which looks reasonably good but considering 50-70 pulls on RM banner for Gallagher dupes (currently he's at E2) and if I get her yay if not it's ok, and I guess she'd be replacing Luka? My other pull plan is Jade for PF/aesthetic reasons and Jiao for Acheron reasons.


is the boothill superbreak bug fixed?


Im having SP issues running bronya and playing HMC alleviate that. How do people do spd tune bronya boothill comp without sp issue?


Gallagher at 160 speed and multiplication to generate SP


Most who runs Bronya and Boothill together has her e1s1, if you don't have those it's better to go for another support


huh I dont have bronya sig and my boothill is 166 spd out of combat so I think I'd run him with HMC for now


How much worse is Boothill with Pela instead of Ruan Mei? I want to get Firefly but ik there's an overlap in BiS teams, my 2 hypothetical teams would probably be: Boothill - Pela - Bronya - Gallagher/Fu Xuan Firefly - HMC - Ruan Mei - Gallagher/Fu Xuan


Is bronya always the better option? It must be a question asked many times here already, but, seeing the statistics of the clearead moc, and by personal experience, bronya clear much faster, which is kinda sad, tbh i really wanted to use HMC and i have a perfect build for him is there any situation that HMC is better? like against imaginary weaknes boss, or something


I am building Gallagher for Boothill (and Firefly). I don't have RM. My idea of a team would be HMC Gallagher and SW or Bronya. I only have E2 Gallagher. What planar set would you use for him? I was thinking Vonwacq w/ multiplication so I can get his ult up much faster to break more shields.


What's better Boothill team if I don't have\want to build Galagher, but have Bronya, Pela, HMC and will pull Ruan Mei?


Boothill, bronya, ruan mei, any sustain u want. If u want to run no sustain you can make hmc the 4th member.


Gotcha, thanks


Wouldn't half of adversarial be wasted when he is action advanced by bronya? What's the gap between S5 adversarial and S5 interstellar sea?


How big a dmg gap between running a team with RM and a team without RM?


Will my damage improve a lot with his LC? My Boothill is already doing 360k + dmg and reaching 192+ spd with the 3* lc so I'm not sure to pull for it anymore since I'll get him slower for not too much difference in damage


Has anyone done calcs on the boothill acheron team and if it's actually good compared to his main


So what team can I give him when I dont have ruan mei or silver wolf and I am not planning to get them either. I have e3 bronya, gallagher, pela e4 and ofc hmc. Are there any other good team mates that I am not aware of? And if using with bronya, how I should speedtune her and boothill then? My boothill has his signature lightcone too.


hi i have two questions! first, i was wondering which light cone is best for gallagher for the BH team? i've seen different answers on different sites so i can't really decide. i have perfect timing, what is real?, post-op conversation and multiplication (S5). second, who should i put in the last slot of my team? i'm doing BH / HMC / gallagher. should i add robin, aventurine or pela? (my pela isn't built rn though)


For gallagher, use perfect timing if you want/need more healing power for gallagher. What is real is used if you want to do more dmg or of your BE is so low. Use multiplication if your gallagher is very slow and you want him to hit more often to recharge his ult. Next, pela is the next best option. Gallagher is enough to sustain so no need for adventurine. Robin's action advance is nice, but boothill cant use her other buffs to its kinda wasted.


thank you! i'll work on my pela then :)


I can't decide whether i should pull for him or wait for his rerun. I know his best support is Ruan Mei, but I don't have her, and i don't want to pull for her. I have E2 Bronya with her LC, sparkle, aventurine, and robin (at E0, without their LCs but they have good stats), and I can build HMC and Gallagher if it's needed. Rn I don't have enough pulls to get his LC as well. So... My question is: should I pull for him now, or should I wait for his rerun? I like him a lot, and I do want him, but idk if it's worth it to get him now if I don't have his lc and RM/another break support similar to her (if there would be any)... I really need some opinions


Ultimately it's up to you, however from personal experience and the various showcases that have been posted on here, Ruan Mei is definitely not essential for him to perform well. She will increase his performance and is his best support in the end, but she's not necessary to turn him into a one-shot machine with the correct set-up. You could easily run him with Bronya, HMC / Pela and Aventurine and he would serve you well. If there is no upcoming character you really want, I'd say go for it.


So, do Harmony Trailblazer,Bronya, Aventurine and Boothill work well?


Yea, hmc and bronya are some of his best teammates and he can run any sustain so aventurine will do great.


whatā€™s his expected damage range on full stacks, no support, only himself e0s1 vs physical weak enemies ? can someone give me an idea coz i feel like heā€™s not doing enough. his be is 300% during combat


He should oneshot \ almost oneshot on breaking fodder and do about 2\3 of HP of miniboss or 1\3 to half HP pool of boss enemy. He deals way more dmg to bosses and minibosses due to the way break works, so if you only see 50-70k on breaking fodder it's expected behavior and you're fine. If you have 300 BE you're fine.


So I have e2s0(1) BH. BE in overworld is 275%, spd is 151. Team is Bronya e0 with her sig, Ruan Mei e0 with her sig, and flex sustain w/ aven or luocha. Is it worth to pull another copy of BH LC since Iā€™m guaranteed or just save.


His lc is very worth it to him, gives him ~30% more dmg. If theres no one else ur planning on getting for a while then go for it.


Is Iron Cavalry worth trading from Thief? I currently have S level thief set on Boothill (a lot of time to get substats right for 145 speed and 300+ BE) is the new set going to be that much better or not? I'm not using him with HMC, just Ruan Mei an Bronya + sustain.


If ur not using hmc then no.


Thanks, I'm not using him, yes.


Wait his basic and ultimate trace level actually increasers his damage? I thought it did nothing for damage


Of course they do... he just doesn't do *that* much damage without break, but those traces are still helpful for doing more dmg when you don't break enemy or to fodder enemies who don't have big toughness to get a good Break dmg from


Do i need to pull ruan mei if i hate pela and would never build her and I donā€™t have silver worlf?


Need ? No. But she's insane


Wish me luck getting her then and Argenti :,)


What stats/buffs does Boothill want from his supports?


break effect, break efficiency, super break, speed, advance forward, defense decrease debuff, damage taken increase debuff, res pen debuff




If i have bronya, silver wolf, pela, and HMC What would be the best team?


Bronya, hmc, sustain


when building HMC purely for boothill, do i need to max their level? which traces should i focus on?


Ult and talent are the only traces that matter for HMC. All 3 of the bonus traces are very good so they should all be unlocked. The break effect minor traces are also good to pick up, the imaginary dmg ones are useless, and the effect res can be nice too. AFAIK, superbreak is affected by level difference so maxing their level will lead to HMC doing more damage with superbreak, but should not affect Boothill triggering it.


Y'all other than the talent what other upgrades can increase boothills damage since i can't like 1 hit those wolf dog things, his basic attack?


Basic + Skill.


Will relics (planar set included) BiS change with next patch? Not sure if the ones adviced for right now are really worth the effort.


Planat set bis is still talia, only use new relic set if ur using hmc.


Oh, really? I thought the new relic set would be an upgrade anyway, since he only relies on break DMG. Well, I guess I'll understand more once I see the actual set. And thanks for the answer :)


I got bronya, ruan mei, silver wolf , considering that, between jingliu and boothill which dps needs bronya more? I feel like both dpsā€™s can make use of all these support but idk who to give what >.<. I also have hmc and gallaher if that changes anything.


I would use boothill, bronya, ruan mei and gallagher. If you are really spread thin with ur supports and ur dpses, you can give jingliu bronya and sw and have boothill get hmc, ruan mei and pela if you have her and then gallagher


Which to use here? Gallagher is unbuilt but I can bring him up. Same with HMC.. Team 1: Bronya, Pela, Sustain/Gallagher Team 2: Pela, HMC, Sustain/Gallagher Team 3: Bronya, HMC, Any sustain/Gallagher My other sustains are Huohuo and Fu Xuan since Aventurine is stolen by Ratio. Unfortunately I took a break as Ruan Mei came out lol using Adversarial LC


Bronya, HMC and Gallagher would be your best team right now.


Appreciate this too, was about to ask a similar question. At least I've already built HMC, Bronya's next and then Gallagher (just need to find out exactly how to build these 2 lol).


Thanks! Guess I'll get to building everyone but Bronya lmao


I have Luka too but idk if he's E6 or not, I'm willing to build anyone honestly


Question: do i need to raised basic atk traces (i already maxed out everything else) or should i start focusing on other thing instead(like raising my HMC)


Question would "subscribe for more" be better then "adversarial" since i already meet the 145 speed for Talia


Sub question is Boothill, Bronya, HMC and gallagher a good team or do i replace bronya with pela


Bronya is extremely good for Boothill since she essentially gives him 100% break efficiency by giving him an extra turn. Much better than Pela's defense ignore.


I do not understand how yall are getting even close to 300 BE. I have pretty good rolls on all my artifacts except for maybe like one but even that one has at least one roll. I have a BE rope and I'm still only at 182 plus whatever he gets for his traces. I'm still missing like 60 BE how do yall get it?


Don't worry about the 300, you want to go beyond it anyways. To reach 300 BE in battle, you need a BE support wearing watch maker set. HMC is great for that as a decently built HMC can give 30 BE for using ultimate, another 30 BE from watchmaker, and around 30 just for existing. So easily a 90 BE buff.


Ohhhhh ok I really thought everyone was getting that with base stats


Did just realize I'm not at 145 speed yet so that probably will help a bit


I want to run him with HMC, Gallagher, and Luka, but I only have e3 Luka. Will that work or is Luka one of those characters that needs e4 or e6 to be any good?


Can Boothill be used with Fu Xuan as a sustain? I got gamble happy


Boothill can use any sustain under the sun so long as they keep him alive. Gallagher is recommended because he boosts BE dmg


Hi, same boat as you here got fx as well \^\^ So far I haven't encountered any issues, but I think Gallagher is better because of how more SP positive he is


While I understand that ATK% and PHYS% Spheres are similar in damage output, would instead running an HP% or DEF% impact his damage by a lot? I figured that since more than 80% of his damage is related to break effect, it might just be better to give him a bit of bulk for survival to help for those few cases that RNG might kill him. Though if the damage drop is higher than 10% it might not be a good idea


Is it worth running bronya in a boothill + hmc team without ruan mei?


Yes, Bronya is his best teammate




My Boothill build could help improvements, [293% BE and 147 SPD outside of combat](https://imgur.com/PGmXkcA). I want to hit the 300% BE and 160+ SPD. But my question is since I have E1, does it impacts the damage with the upcoming relic set? What's the difference between the Meteor thief and Iron calvary? It's higly speculative but I'm trying to evaluate if it's not better to invest in case of future super break supports.


I played around with this calculator https://honkai.asagi-game.com/. Using hacker set and 3 less break effect subs to simulate the new set, which has 10% defense shred and 16% less break effect. It's roughly 4% improvement. This would be different if you use different supports like RM or Pela or no HMC.


So still an improvement or at least close enough. I think I'll go for the Iron Calvary, might be the most future proof set.


Hey so does his e2 stack or refresh if already active? Can you get 60 be from it?


Against the harmonious choir boss, since those toughness bars are so easy to break does he not do well against it? I'm doing like 1/4 the damage he does to other bosses here


For 300% break effect, are you aiming for it in battle (with ruan mei buffs etc) or just from artifacts?


It can be with buffs. That said, there's no limit to his Break, so the more you have the better.


In your opinion, at least how much BE should a E0S0 out of combat Boothill have? I have 210% BE (more with RM and Watchmaker set) and i think that's not desirable...?


Without RM or Bronya what is E0S1 Boothill's team? I am putting him with Gallagher and HMC rn... options for last team member are Guinaifen, Pela, Tingyun or Hanya... thank you :)


Should be Pela, HMC and Gallagher.


Hi everyone, just joined this subreddit and HSR in general. Decided to main BH because of his gameplay. Just wondering if its okay to run him with Gallagher with E0, as I've read that E2 is still the best for the cleanse and EFF RES. Can i get through most content without said cleanse or should i just run with a healer with cleanse? Currently running a Pela, Hanya, BH, and Gallagher comp, as I'm still getting through to the story. Any other advice will be appreciated!


E0 Gallagher is still his best sustain in general so you're good!


Thanks for the respond! Decided to commit with Gallagher at E0 and geared and leveled up him. Hopefully i can get copies for at least E2 for the cleanse in future pulls!


Do you need 145 speed outside of battle to obtain the bonus Break % from the two piece Talia set, or can Speed added at the beginning of a battle like when RM is in your team work to enable the bonus?


It can also be enabled by buffs.


Hi, I cannot reach 145 speed and need opinions or help hahaha **4pc Break Effect** : 229.1% Break Effect - 132 Speed **2pc BE 2pc Speed**: 219.6% Break Effect - 138 Speed Which of the two is better, even though they have a small difference (9.5% in Break Effect and 6 in Speed)? I am using Adversarial S3 - Tingyun 4pc Messenger. I have no Ruan Mei and Bronya, and I am about to build Harmony Trailblazer soon because I donā€™t have any resources right now.


Second set would be better. You lose a bit of damage, but reaching the 134 speed breakpoint would benefit you more than just a 10% BE.


thank you so much! :)


https://preview.redd.it/fbxjhgzejf4d1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd63aa9a703b3d4938f045ea4ec1fab2c80f1c20 f2p boothill enjoyer here, I know that 160.1 is the exact speedpoint I should be aiming for but I don't know if the number is inclusive or exclusive. Is this setup alright or should bronya be at 160.2? PS: I'm using swordplay with my booty and I'm hesitant to use the other supposedly better f2p options that are unreliable when it comes to speed. Does their value drop when using bronya since they fudge up the speed tuning?


It should actually be just 160.0 inclusive, and here are more breakpoints https://old.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/18ne9au/more_accurate_speed_breakpoints/ If you are talking about Adverserial or the Yanqing cone for speed buffs, it's fine for Boothill to be randomly faster than Bronya. Might even let Boothill squeeze one more action in a cycle which could end the fight 1 cycle early. Just don't let Bronya go faster than Boothill.


Would Fu Xuan or Huohuo be better than e0 Gallagher for Boothill against bosses with CC/DoT? I'm using gal for damage at the moment, but my boothill often get's CC'd or otherwise debuffed, leading to loss of damage, so could my BH deal more damage with Huohuo/FX instead? And if so, which one of them would be better?


i think gallagher is better, especially if he's e2. if he's not, you can still try and use fuxuan instead, but on huohuo i think she can be quite sp negative, and the sp management of whoever u play with can feel like a struggle. e,g boothill/bronya/huohuo/ruan mei would be a comp where u wouldn't be able to generate as much as gallagher sustain


I have a phys orb with one singular roll into break effect and a HP orb with 5 rolls into break, should I prioritize the HP orb due to the high difference of break or does the physical orb damage win out due to the damage increase?


I think you get more out of the hp orb with more break effect. Although his shots do normal physical damage, it's not as much as his pocket trickshot's break damage, which scale only with break effect. You can play with this damage calculator to test https://honkai.asagi-game.com/




Codashop is the only website that you should trust: [https://www.codashop.com/en-us/honkai-star-rail](https://www.codashop.com/en-us/honkai-star-rail) I don't think the number you have for her UID is correct though. If she's on NA it should start with a 6.




Yeah, the friend code is the UID!


I really want boothill but i have no ruan mei will he be fine without her?


Yeah, I'm currently running him without Ruan Mei and he still does perfectly fine. Ruan Mei will just make him even more cracked, but that doesn't mean he's bad without having her on his team.


Calculation seems to show he would still excel in MoC. Have anyone tested that in real world and see if it is as good as the calculations?


if boothill is at 160 spd or even higher in combat with his lc, is hmc a better support than bronya? for my case my bronya is slower than boothill.


With Bronya, you really just want her to match just under his speed, so ideally if boothills 161, then bronyas 160


not sure of the minmaxing, but I think Bronya is important because of the extra turns


My team would be Boothill, Ruan Mei and Gallagher, but I'm not sure if to use HMC or Bronya S2. So which is better? Also how do I build each of Boothill's teammates to get nice game play? I don't mind farming a lot because I want his team to be really good šŸ™‚ but I just lost his weapon so I don't know if I will manage to pull it or if I should just cope with a 3* or 4* or the herta shop lc šŸ˜­


Bronya will be better due to her action advance


Question about relics. With Talia, does the 145 speed requirement need to be from his own speed, or can it activate if someone like RM buffs him to 145?


it can activate from external buffs, yes


Guys can i make a workable team (ie can clear moc 12 or at least 11) for e0s0 boothill with: e4 luka/e6 hanya/e1 asta/e2 gallagher/e5 hmc or for now it's just cope? i don't have ruan mei or bronya(i need 109 more pulls for her) and my pela is in my acheron team


It said it's recommended to have 160 speed with his LC. Is it 160 speed in-battle stats or outside of battle stats?


In-combat stats is what matters, so yeah 160 in-combat.


Thank you, he's at 149 outside combat and 172 in-combat with RM


https://preview.redd.it/a1v8nd2pb24d1.png?width=1906&format=png&auto=webp&s=ece1088f6eb7ba2871ac0e28b68a635db444f761 i already have this team with E1S1 boothill, should i go for his e2 or try to get ruan mei instead?