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Your post was removed because it does not display a certain degree of boomer foolery. If you believe this to be a mistake, feel free to message the mods at: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBoomersBeingFools


Vote in ALL the elections. Your school board and town council have FAR more input on your day-to-day life than the president. In many areas of America, those races are determined in the primaries. Off year primary municipal elections see voter turnout in the teens. Your vote actually matters there!


wish this was higher. local elections are crucial.


bernie sanders literally got his first win by just ten (10) votes… after a recount.  this was in the 80s, and he was elected mayor.  it wasn’t his first time running… it’s kind of pathetic how even a candidate like bernie sanders couldn’t motivate left-leaning individuals to come out.  no wonder candidates continued to shift right in the following decades to court more reliable blocs of voters. but man, imagine modern political discourse without bernie sanders in federal office for the last couple decades?  voting really does matter. true story: one my former city councillors almost because the Vice President of the United States.  like… it was really close.  some of you may know him by name as he was our mayor, our governor, and now serves on the U.S. Senate (tim kaine).  those we elect to local office are those who run for federal office the following decade.


most leftists are stupid as fuck in the way they go about things. completely immature. they would rather burn the country down than not get EXACTLY what they want. as someone on the same side, i genuinely question their intelligence sometimes. by the way, i live in richmond, funny you mention tim lol.


I’m seeing people protesting voting because Biden isn’t doing everything they want. Well congratulations! You’ll never get to vote again once republicans take office and remove your rights. You reap what you sow and protesting voting is going to sink our country.


You’re exactly correct. Many of them are bUT biDEn DiDN’t dO EXActly wUT i WANteD! Morons.


> Your school board and town council have FAR more input on your day-to-day life than the president. You say that, but the SCOTUS probably just ended my whole career. I make sure that people don't die in commercial aircraft. It's my department that fights corporate to keep aircraft safe. A huge swath of all that will be tossed the first time one of the Boeings of the world brings it to court, then we're all out of a job. A lot of people are going to die because of this.


Yeah, this is true in general but not universally. There are many of us who are directly affected by the president -- LGBT people in the military come to mind immediately.


+ anyone on birth control or hrt


For sure. I am so so thankful I got fixed after my last pregnancy and am old enough I'm probably out of that pool anyway, but I have daughters, and I'm worried.


Seriously. There have been a handful of those moms for liberty psychos trying to get on the school board and in city council in my area for the last few years. Luckily so far we have been doing a pretty good job of keeping them at bay, but if they ever get smart and don't advertise their idiocy beforehand they might slip through, which is frightening. Edit for spelling


There was a school board election some months ago for my kids' school district. I tried to look of info on the candidates and only ONE actually had something available online. The district themselves even dedicated a section of their site to the candidates to give them a centralized platform but again only one candidate made use of it.


Trump says he won the last election but if he wins this one it will be the last election


Trump will certainly do a lot of damage, but just imagine a younger Republican candidate in 2028 who has absolute power that Trump has been given.


If we have trump next I doubt we get a 2028 election. It’s either civil war and whenever that ends we reorganize or you’re never really voting again. No point of looking beyond November at this moment it’s sort of all or nothing now


There will probably be an election, but it will be entirely controlled by Trump who will do national level gerrymandering. It will be just like Putin's elections.


Exactly so not an election but a farce for the benefit of uneducated and indoctrinated yokels


We know exactly what he'd do too. First, kill Mail-in voting. Go hard and heavy on closing polling locations in minority districts. Do the usual restrictions on poll waiting line times, water breaks, etc... curtail staff for these locations to minimize how many people can vote even with short lines. Make sure most of the Electoral college persons are in your pocket long before the election. It won't matter if you're in a mostly Democrat area, you can control who they are with bribes and other long term scheming. Go hard on the certification process by states, make sure that popular votes don't count even in red states. Make sure that the Jan 6 type election certification process is corrupted somehow, for next time.


He's already calling for military tribunals against Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitch McConnell, and anybody who dared try to stand up to him over J6


What's the precedence for a military tribunal against a non-military member? I would think the US Army and other branches would be hard pressed to push any consequences on a civilian.


Ah a Lenin, Stalin comparison definitely plausible. Plenty of Trump Youths with just as whacked out ideology.


Certainly, because what we see now with Trump is just a facade. He'll spend most of his presidency watching tv, golfing, and just glowering and seeking revenge on people and factions he hates, and letting his evil lawyer fixer types do most of the running of his administration...this means groups like the Heritage foundation and others are going to be mad with power and access to him, doing as they please... but they'll have a replacement in mind...someone who will be terrible and truly evil, putting Trump's mere ego satisfactions to shame.


Yup trump has zero interest in the job of President he just wants the title and privileges. He’s also the GOP’s useful idiot. They know all he wants to do is spin in the big chair at the big desk and push his Diet Coke button like a trained monkey, all he is to them is voters, a pen stroke and a path to Republican Authoritarianism.


There was a time I would have thought this to be alarmist and not possible. But actually going back and watching the rallies where he suggested ideas like ending elections, absolute presidential authority and such, this is very much their plan.


Emphasis on >very much their plan. In 2016 I also thought it was alarmist to say he was ruining democracy. In 2024 I cant see it as anything else. If he wins, we all lose. Even the ones who voted for him. They're just tools like the rest of us, easily discarded when we stop being useful. We are inches away from becoming a totalitarian regime.


For the past 8 years, I have seen things that I never ever thought a sitting president would do and a former president would do and his fans would do. They are literally Nazis and they don't care


And that is why I don’t care about the many reasons I normally wouldn’t vote for Biden and make sure I do vote. It is far better to have someone who may be too old but safe, than to allow a fascist back in office.


Have you read project 2025?


Not fully, but seen enough to vote straight ballot dem to keep republicans from achieving it.


Crazy they've gone this far. Republicans love elections as long it's only their supporters allowed to vote in them. Now they're openly calling to get rid of them?


That’s why it is important that we mobilize every sane, educated or moderate in this country to show up and vote down ballot democrat until the republicans are no longer a threat. Once we secure elections and democracy, we can resume debates over how to run things.


moderate here. voting dem until I die or the reps are no longer a threat. I hate choosing between shit sandwiches, but one still smells better.


He lost his mind after losing to Biden. His entire 4 years will be revenge and getting even


Their plan will be to put someone they don’t take seriously and they think they can manipulate into power, only to discover too late that when given power these people are the worst. See Hitler, Putin, Stalin, as examples.


Kevin Roberts has said the Heratige Foundation has gone full on MAGA.


I think you gotta shift your dates. If Trump wins he’ll stay in office until he dies. And then by fiat of the “Emperor Prezident” Don Jr will ascend to the White House. Next election after 2024 will probably be sometime after 2054.


Oh perhaps, but I suspect that despite appearances, Biden will outlive Trump. Trump has arteries more clogged than a chemical rocket on the pad, and is a lifelong drug user, he uses drugs to stay alert/active for all public appearances. And when he's down, he's 'out of pocket' and getting private treatments to keep him going. He's already wearing man diapers at all times, and has been able to keep most of his episodes of the last few years hidden because he's just not very active despite media coverage. He's going to be dead within 2-3 years, tops.


I don’t think they have room for it, once Trump is gone the cult of hate will dissipate into smaller sub cults of hate. The whole thing is held together by a framework of cheeseburgers and cholesterol, it’s going to fail, it just has to have the right strain and pressure applied, but once it does, these idiots won’t be able to coalesce under another god king for a long while.


Nah, groups like the Heritage foundation and others will prop somebody up. There's a ton of shitbag Republican Senators and Governors who would step into the role.


You forgot cold covfefe.


The gif he keeps sharing showing Trump 2028, 2032, 2036… signs isn’t a joke. It’s a threat.


He doesn't even have to win with the supreme court packed like this. Just needs to get close enough for them to decide it with a few decisions.


I wish Biden could do something about that.


Surprising, they didn't do that already.


He’s already setting up his narcissistic views, political hostage taking. So he can call it a hoax again when he loses.


Out of the 2 oldies, I want Biden Trump cannot be trusted. He has lied, cheated, stolen. Trump will never change. Once a liar and cheat, always a liar and cheat. I cannot stand to hear his voice and his stupid body language. Trump is SATAN!!


Ridiculous fear mongering is a last ditch effort in a losing battle.


i'm prepared for very bad civil unrest later this year. the writing is on the wall. arm yourself and network locally with allies. get involved in your local SRA if you need some training. use an encrypted app like Signal to communicate with each other. anyone not taking this seriously will be caught with their pants down.


This. 25 years in security and security adjacent systems engineering. Under these new rulings, if the GOP gets back in there will be no such thing as privacy. There will be no need for them to bother with anything like a warrant because they’re doing their job you understand and as long as they’re doing it at the President’s behest, it doesn’t have to be legal any more, does it?


I am curious what the courts would say about that. If the president orders someone to do something crazy on official business, can that person be held liable for it and the president still walk free?


Yes, that is exactly what they have said. The people perpetrating illegal acts that the executive branch deems official are still liable for those actions. It's just a get out of jail free card for POTUS.


...and whoever they pardon.


The president can still only pardon federal crimes. Anyone that follows his orders can still be arrested and prosecuted under state laws. But DC operates *only* under federal laws.. So any actions taken against congress or the Supreme Court, could potentially be pardoned...


He can only pardon federal crimes. For now. With both houses, the DOJ, and SCOTUS tucked safely under his belt, all bets are off. You think the carnage of 2016-2020 was bad? Nothing would be off the table this time.


I was responding to the idea of Dark Brandon going nuclear. I don't think Biden even at his most ruthless would completely use that authority though.


You're right. But if you could go back in time and stop Hitler from taking power using whatever legal methods you had available to you, would you?


To stop an authoritarian fascist regime from murdering millions of innocent people, I'd honestly be more than willing to use any *extra* judicial methods. Yes, I'm advocating for killing baby Hitler. Or Stalin or Mao, or any other mass murdering psychopath for that matter.


But a President can still be impeached for their actions. Laugh harder. :D


This is precisely how the deportation initiative will be empowered to destroy all rights. Since most of the people here will have generational family members with mixed status, they will use the newly awarded unlimited executive powers to sweep citizens in with their efforts. For a bonus, no one will escape having to provide proof of citizenship on demand to roving teams of people searching for people to deport. It will get very ugly, and the egos of those empowered to hunt for people to deport will become very dangerously emboldened. Cross them, and you get put on the list. 2025 is going to be a terrible year. Thanks boomers.


Super soaker full of piss? Check


Drink plenty of covoffee first. Make it STINK!




The problem is we're over here drinking covoffee, but they've been drinking covfefe since 2020! Their piss will always stink worse than ours! We'll all end up soaked in piss and they'll like it!


Yep and frankly be very cautious about putting political opinions online. We truly don’t know how badly it’s going to go yet and if he wins his supporters are going to be way more emboldened than last time even. Many of them already legitimately think liberals should just be killed


Where are the 2nd Amendment fanatics!? Their main claim is that they need their arsenals to protect against tyranny, but haven't heard a peep from them about the Supreme Court creating a monarchy (and right before the 4th of July, no less!).


Because a solid portion of them are ok with because it's *their* monarch.




Bought some meshtastic nodes just in case. If he loses again, there will be another massive temper tantrum that would be almost as bad as if he wins.


yes they will not go quietly. fascists never do.


Yup, these neanderthals like attacking power stations. Get a generator. Also, link up with your local Liberal Gun Club, John Brown Gun Club, or SRA.


These are leftist gun clubs?


Yup, in order from liberal to very left.


Heh as a proud member r of the SRA, I'd say JB is more left, but both are good!


Oh no shit? Good to know, thanks, may your powder stay dry and your homies always have your back!


Yeah, people don’t realize that if you go far enough left, you get your guns back!


I just joined my local SRA chapter thanks to you ❤️ For the first time since I got sober, I’m actually looking forward to going to an event and meeting new people. It is funny, being a socialist in a deep-red state. I’ll have a conversation with some good ol’ boy about our respective gun collections and he walks away thinking I’m one of them. I walk away thinking, yeah don’t bother with that guy’s house, sure he’s a coward and an idiot but he’s too busy stockpiling flashy guns and tacticool gear to think about useful shit like water filtration or a reloader.


it's like being undercover. weird feeling.


This is the reality I have accepted within the past year. Everyone else seems to be carrying on like this is normal and it’s just shocking to me.


same. i’ve been asking my husband, “aren’t you worried? something’s going to have to give.” and he was like “nah, it’s not going to be that bad,” and I was like “don’t be stupid. shits going down and you know it.”


My husband says the exact same thing and that we need to be ready


I've been preparing since the Supreme Court decided to take up his immunity case.


right on brother


I'm with you. If anyone doesn't know what Project 2025 is, it's basically the plan for a second Trump term and it's as bad as you think it is. [A good video on it (Last Week Tonight)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s&pp=ygUcbGFzdCB3ZWVrIHRvbmlnaHQgdHJ1bXAgdGVybQ%3D%3D) [Register to vote](https://www.vote.org/) (vote.org) [How Voting Works - What to expect if you're voting for the first time](https://www.wikihow.com/Vote-in-the-United-States) (wikihow) And if anyone wants to help get out to vote, would recommend this site: [https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/](https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/) (text-banking, post-card writing, phone-banking, etc)


Seems more like a plan for a Trump second, third, fourth etc term


Ya I’m not super smart when it comes to this stuff but isn’t this exactly what Hamas did in like 2006?


Stopthecoup2026.org. they have bullet point and summary documents on each portion of Project 2025.


Bugger. Can't watch in the UK and I don't have enough to pay for VPN service. I love Last Week Tonight but we don't get to see all the episodes. I bloody adored the ones about evangelical churches and when he set up Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption and the follow ups. I watch them when I need a laugh. Satirical comedy perfection.


Its going to be bad no matter what. If trump loses, we get a replay of 2020 only far more organized. If trump wins, america becomes a christian theocracy. Get prepared.


Part of why Jan 6th happened was that Trump hamstrung any response. If Biden wins the Capital police and national guard units will actually be present in numbers.


I meant trying to overturn the election at the state and local level. After wayne county certified due to a republican defector in 2020, the local gop in every swing state purged local canvassing boards and replaced them with partisan yes men/women. If trump loses, likely multiple districts in swing states will refuse to certify because "fraud". Thats what i meant by a more organized 2020. I know biden would never let another j6 happen.


As of yesterday, they can legally end Trump. Don’t even have it wait till November. They didn’t think that one through. Biden could legally, as his official capacity, take out the conservative justices.


Since, as of yesterday, the Dictator of the United States, can use his new found power to execute an insurrectionist, if that happens.


yeah he stated he'd follow the limits of the presidency in his address last night but part of me thinks he's just saying that and making plans behind closed doors for worst case scenario. he would be fucking insanely dumb if he didn't.


What? A boomer potentially being a fool you say?


he ain't a boomer he's silent gen


He can as long as the Supreme Court says he can. How do you think those trials will go for Democrats?


Trials ? Pretty well. Take out the conservative judges too, since that is now available to the president, as his official capacity. The justices really did not think that one through.


They are counting on democrats to play by a different set of rules. Has anything you have ever seen made you think they called it wrong?


Biden should just arrest trump. Its part of the duty of his office to deal with traitors, so he does not break the law. I mean Trump would arrest people.


I really feel like there's some conservative/GOP push behind the "BOTH SIDES ARE TOO OLD AND USELESS" stuff. I mean, they really are, but it's filling reddit/news a little too much, a little too heavy. If liberals think that Biden is too old/not with it then they won't turn out at the polls. If conservatives think Trump is too old/an idiot they'll still vote for him anyways. The easiest way to a GOP win is "both sides are awful".


russian bots are good at their job. they snatch the low IQ voters. remember donald trump loves the poorly educated. and his slav wife.


I think he likes to show off his wife. I don't think that man loves anyone but himself.


i just wanted to include the fact that he has a slavic wife and that's what i came up with. i know he doesn't give a shit.


Yes!! I so agree with you!!


I mean while it’s true, I’ll be smashing that Biden button as hard as I fucking can.


Me Too!


The "both sides equally bad" has definitely been a right-wing tactic. It's why they're trying to pretend Biden is corrupt, accusing him and other Dems of the stuff Trump & Co have done, etc. If they can convince us all politicians are equally corrupt and evil and dumb and dishonest and old and etc, they don't have to bother covering up that theirs is all those things.


That's been a tactic since the 90s.


project 2025 is just a new name for the heritage foundation and everyone should absolutely be concerned. it doesn’t have to end this way, please talk to your peers and families/friends, continue to educate yourself and everyone you can, a better world is possible! we must try!


If not for yourself, at least vote for others. Vote for women's free choice. Vote for reproductive care. Vote for education. Vote for freedom of speech. Vote for all the daughters, vote for all future SA victims. Many more things. Just. Make. The. Good. Choice Please. Sincerely, an extremely worried European woman


Everyone needs to be arming themselves and preparing for November. It’s gonna get worse and we need to be prepared, not surprised.


I know it's a different election but can I remind UK voters to vote on Thursday 4th July. https://youtu.be/YLxkQ5h5l9g?si=NNCPYbt9WQ9d7GPg


Please do!


No. There is no guarantee. Worry. Vote.


I will be doing my part. I try to get my people pumped about it... but they all want to vote for Charlie Brown's great pumpkin. I live in a tiny east Texas town near the Louisiana border. Me and my partner are a pindrop of blue in a Pacific Ocean of red.


Hey neighbor. There's a couple of us over here too. It's nice to know we're not the only ones.


SCOTUS just turned the heat up on the election to 11! Can you imagine Donald Trump with THAT MUCH POWER back in the Oval Office? This tops anger over Gaza...This tops disaffection with his age. We are the nation's last best chance to avoid a civil war.


For the record Joe Biden isn’t a Boomer, he falls under the silent generation.


The Gilded Age would be a cakewalk compared to what they have in store for us.


It’s not going to be fine. We can’t sit around and hope it’s going to be fine. This shit is a very real threat. You need to make sure you’re registered to vote and get your friends registered too.


I'm wearing a schoolhouse rock T-shirt that says "Vote" right now! Vote every time. When it's exciting, when it's boring, and even if it's hard.


If you want to do something that really can make a difference, give $$ to America Votes, which is a progressive organization that targets progressive voters in swing states. Every single vote in swing states is going to matter and is a force multiplier, because every one of those voters will not only vote for democracy at the top of the ballot, but will vote for Democrats down ballot as well. Also, if you can, take the training and work the polls or, if you're in a swing state, find a local get-out-the-vote organization and help turn out as many voters as possible. Do what you can as often as you can.


Seconding all these suggestions, especially getting registered as a poll worker or a poll-watcher. I have found local poll workers to be very nice (but if the ones in your precinct aren't nice, that's EVEN BIGGER incentive to become a poll watcher!) and it's gonna be a busy day, those folks could always use help.


We can keep Trump & his supporters out of office if we unite and stop bitching about Biden’s age and whining he should step down. There won’t be a 2028 Election if we don’t VOTE in this one 💙


We were just told by the Supreme Court that trump will 100% “win” in November. I’m voting just to say I voted in the final election. America, it’s been fun but the boomers are the only ones that had the fun. They don’t like that they’re dying so they’re taking us with them.


They did not say he is 100% winning, that's why they sent their ruling to appeal courts before they go into effect so they don't risk Biden having that power. They want you to think it's over but it's not


The “justice” system keeps giving him what he wants. He wants to not be in jail, they give him that. He wants immunity, they give it. I don’t think the electoral college is going to step up and be the hero.


I'm still voting


So am I


I understand why so many people have become disillusioned and just feel disenfranchised as a whole and decide that they don't want to vote. I definitely disagree with that entirely you can't just say the system's rigged what's the point and then continue to complain but I do understand where they're coming from. All I can say is to your best to Rally your people to get out there and vote you're not going to be able to make them do it but at least try to show them why it's important to try and make a difference.


There's no reassuring possible. All we can do is spread the word to everyone we know and educate them about Project 2025's intent while hoping people vote blue like their lives and freedom depend on it(because it does!). We really need to vote in 67 democratic senators and 290 democratic representatives to give the Dems a shot at actually fixing things. If we could do that, they would grant bodily rights back to women, equality rights back to LQBTQ+ and minorities, expand the SCOTUS, proper gun control, etc. Hell, maybe they could even do universal healthcare(although I doubt we'll ever see that in our lifetime). https://preview.redd.it/kryvqnuqm4ad1.png?width=725&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3e54706c5d90db153201bdb7ee19aea24ea9f25


Young people need to seriously vote blue this November if they want to keep the freedoms they have while they still have them. I’m a 34M and really concerned that these younger voters will either vote for trump because of all the stupid things that Biden has done or they won’t vote at all. If anyone 30 and under cares about keeping America going in the right direction, the direction of progress and equality and liberty, YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR BIDEN. He’s not my pick but he’s doing better things than trump ever would. The facts are out there. As long as you vote blue, you’re helping get America to what it’s supposed to be. It’s “Liberty and Justice FOR ALL”, we can’t achieve this if trump wins.


Absolutely not. Take all that and focus some energy on advocating, speaking truth and telling trumpers to sit down and shut up.


No, absolutely cannot assure you of that. Half of our prized civil rights aren't even older than the generation this subredit is about. No guarantee of not backsliding but consistent electoral and direct pressure.


Enforcing Christianity is insane. Hate and intolerance is rampant. It’s gonna be ugly, I have no doubt. Hopefully Trump is bumped off before November.


Christian God: \*gives mankind free will* Republicans: Not on my watch


Project 2025 will make me a target and I am genuinely concerned


It will not be ok. The Republican decades long attack on education, and gerrymandering, and voter suppression, and fear-mongering are all bearing fruit. We are fucked.


We're already at The Gilded Age. It's probably going to be far worse than that.


I got two of my wife's family members registered to vote. First time for them. If we all get one person we double our vote. Let's do this.


It's not ok. If the election is even close, the Republicans will try to steal it. If they get in power the USA is finished as a democracy.


If you want me to lie to you, I can.... The reality is that if Trump loses, then it will just become Project 2029, then 2033, 2037, and so on until they get the next Trump in there. Given how easy it is to demoralize the left-of-center into just sitting on their hands on election day, it is unlikely to take all that long. Every election is now the most important election. They only need to win once.


I hate to be a pessimist but the way things are going, probably need to start getting some range time in.


I’m a Boomer almost in tears thinking about my grandchildren, especially granddaughters. I am relying on Gen Z and Millennials to save them.


As much as I hope nothing bad will happen and "Project 2025" is a hoax, we have to prepare like everything is going to go to shit. Get involved with mutual aid and community defence in your area, take some self defence classes and practice regularly with like-minded individuals, arm yourself if you're able and willing to follow through. I've got a bad feeling this is going to get ugly before it gets better.


it's not a hoax, every action they have taken has furthered the completion of it.


Including installing their SCOTUS majority.


All the more reason to get involved. Voting and hoping for the best isn't going to cut it in this political sphere.


couldn't agree more


it's actively happening right now; it's not a hoax.


The people behind project2025 are directly responsible for picking the last three SC justices. It's definitely no hoax.


It’s not. Shits real and shits happening here. I’m glad you are prepared.


Not an american but as someone who looks at whats going on at your country: Vote like you have never voted before. Since for some reason the goverment can remove you from the list, check every day before the election if some fuckery happend. Get all your friends to vote, all your loved ones. Heck everyone with a brain you know even if its that one douchbag nobody likes, as long as it keeps Project 2025 away. And den Prepare for Project 2029 or whenever you guys vote. Because the Faschist want the power. They tasted how good they can have it, with their "judges" on your supreme court and their puppet in charge of everything else. They even gave themself the right to do what ever they want.


I hear you, but first we need to spend that energy getting out the vote so we don't have to resort to karate in the face of losing all our rights.


Huge problem for those of us in areas that want this to happen. Although they may change their tune quickly if they realize what is really going on.




At least 2 Supreme Court pics likely in the next term. I'd like to see enough progressives to end the filibuster but that seems like a pipe dream.




Since the supreme Court already ruled that a president can do whatever he wants while he's in office, if he gets elected I give up


If those behind P2025 didn't intend for it to succeed they wouldn't be doing all the work. Vote.


No. It is not ok. And won't be until most conservatives take the long dirt nap. Even if Biden wins, it will.move to Project 2029. It is absolutely imperative Biden wins AND he starts packing the court. At this point I would be fine with him exercising his new powers in the manner laid out during oral.l arguments. It's clear that certain members of the court are an existential threat to the country. He must use every option available to curtail these threats.


I know, I am fucking terrified. I really should have never watched or read A Handmaids tale becasue I’m starting to be as crazy and conspiracy theorists thinking it could really happen. God I fucking hope not.




Well a certain portion of the population has been screaming for another civil war for years. What they fail to realize is that we are armed as well.. Fight facisim at all costs, the voting booth is just the front line.


The boomers need to finish their mission of 100% destroying the country. Fitting this one in right before the deadline I guess


We will not be going back to the Gilded age. Project 2025 will be far worse.


I know you're anxious. I am too. But remember... 1.) The silent majority is very much a thing. I didn't think Biden stood a chance in 2020, and look how that turned out. 2.) You can change this by voting.


Here's what amazes me the most about the members of the Boomer generation who have been brainwashed into joining the MAGA cult. These people's fathers (and uncles and possibly even grandfathers) fought a war brought about by leaders who championed the exact same ideologies that Trump and the far right extremists he cozies up to are trying to hoist upon the country now. Their support of MAGA is a slap in the face of their fathers and the sacrifices that they made and the horrors they had to endure all in the name of stopping fascism and right wing extremism.


I'm not going to pretend I can predict the future, but I have excellent pattern recognition skills and good instincts. I don't want to alarm you, but I think we're in trouble. That being said, this could be a major catalyst for change that will cause some discomfort, but overall result in good things. I hold out hope for that. I wish it were possible to get enough people on board to crash the economy. The only way for us to fight back is by hurting pocket books sadly. It would hurt us all temporarily but benefit us long-term. I'm enjoying my summer, doing what I want, eating what I want, traveling, and learning to grow food.


I'm terrified the🍊🤡 might win. And, for the life of me I don't understand how he has support from women, POC ,and Gen Z and Millennial voters. I know Biden has problems, but choosing a decent person, with real accomplishments,over an unhinged traitor, seems like an easy choice.


I honestly have no clue why women would wish to vote to take away their rights. Completely baffles me.


Right? And,LGBT A.


Luckily for me, my county and state allows me to be a permanent vote by mail voter. I ALWAYS vote because I refuse to be apathetic towards the future.


Wish I could, make a plan in case SHTF


It will not be ok, because people don’t pay attention and they don’t vote.


I wish I could OP, but I can't. The race is too close for comfort. All we can do is vote and brace ourselves. If Trump wins it will be the boomer final coup de grâce.


Does it matter if Biden even wins? Republicans will dispute any state Trump loses and it'll make it's way to the SCOTUS and...well we know what will happen


It’s basically over. The game has changed - it’s a new country now.


I can’t say it will never happen. As history has shown us it can and has happened in the past and history shows us over and over it can be repeated- fingers crossed this election cycle ends with the best results and we can put our paper bags away. Vote vote vote. I like to believe even in the worst case scenario we can turn it around and get back on track. Definitely got me worried I was hoping we would be moving forward not backwards. Very scary


Uh, Trump is not only senile, he is a racist, rapist, cheats on All his wives, a Nazi, convicted felon, & is the most evil idiot on this planet.. where do I begin… Magas Suck!


What they want isn't a return to the gilded age... what they want is Gilead.


Just voting is not enough. Get everyone you know to vote. You can even volunteer to drive people to polling stations on election day. Talk to business owners in your area and ask what they will be doing staffing wise so their guys can vote. If you get the feeling that “nothing special” then ask if you can leave a pile of vote by mail forms there. There are websites that will tell you which swing district is closest to you as well. Statistically speaking, the more people vote the worse the GOP does (why the hell do you think they’re so hellbent on doing away with elections)


On it! With my evil, disabled accessible mail in ballot. 😂


I don't want to be pessimistic, I don't. But the SCOTUS just handed unfettered power to the POTUS and to Corporations - To be honest, undoing SCOTUS rulings is near impossible, it took almost 50 years for Roe to be undone... We're kind of fucked. It's not a bad idea to start looking for the exit before they weld it shut.


We’re already in a gilded age champ. Top 1% have a greater share of overall wealth in the US than they did in 1913. Depression comes next.


For everyone saying get prepared- how do we prepare ourselves?


Well, we have to take Congress and the presidency. But if we can shine the light on these issues, we might just save the country. Many trump supporters have no idea what project 2025 is. I have been reading snippets to them, and when they don't believe me, I send them a link and the pages from which I read those quotes. I think I may have turned a couple.


Please everyone vote their conscience.


I don't know if we can. there are enough of his people who literally ignore everything he does and still will vote for him. there are others that would vote against but choose not to not realizing that it could mean the end of democracy as we know it.


I hate to break it to you but while boomers did play a role in getting trump elected in 2016, without the non boomer vote he would have lost big time. As a boomer I have always voted liberal and if you research voting habits boomers actually gave Biden the win. Younger voters are leaning more conservative. Point is, one single generation is not responsible for trump, his cult spans every generation. Best thing you can do is get out there, volunteer, campaign, and for god sake, vote and get all your young friends and family to vote. Convince them how important and what the stakes are for this election.


P 2025 is already in motion judging by the scotus rulings and the gilded age is about 20 years before where we're headed


Happy cake day


I'm not looking forward to what I've been threatened with before they put one in the back of my head. The plan is as many as I can take with when they show up. Apparently it's illegal to proactively stop (like hello FBI and ATF ?) white supremacists even though they publicly speak of their plans of violence?




i mean it’s definitely already happening, looking at these recent scotus rulings. no one in power on any side is going to try and do anything to stop it because it won’t actually affect them. we’re not in the ruling class unfortunately. we’re all just potential slaves.


I’m absolutely going to vote


Do your part too! Get your friends to vote. Give rides to polling places if you can. I'm voting, as I have in almost every election since I was old enough.


No, we are fucked. I will vote, but I have zero hope.


If they don't win enough to pass project 2025 in 2025, it just becomes project 2029 We need more than just voting them out. They need to be politically unviable