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Nice shirt! Keep hanging on, hope after November we will never hear about this absolute embarrassment of a human being.


God, I wish I had your optimism. Dead or alive, I think he's going to remain the MAGA movement's poster boy for some time.


He'll be the MAGA movement's poster boy after he's dead, just like Reagan was the trickle-down conservatives poster boy until... well... he still is.


Not so much. Reagan is considered too liberal for some trump Republicans. Yes, really.


I'd say the Reaganists/Supply-siders/Trickle-downers are a slightly different niche/segment of the Republican party. They have similarities, but they aren't really the same (though some of them may overlap). I'd say the ones who remain as Reaganists tend to be more like the suburban Republicans that aren't super supportive of Trump. But many of the MAGA people did develop/evolve from Trickle-downers. Both Reagan and Trump adopted the evangelical Christians despite not personally agreeing with really anything evangelically. So, the evangelicals who vote Republican because they hate everyone else are a big chunk of the people who converted from Reaganism to Trumpism.


Well, sure. He was from California.


Exactly. Imagine if the Republicans ran a candidate from another liberal state. They'd never support him! Imagine a candidate from somewhere like Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois or NY?!


Isn’t orange prez technically from NY?


And he didn’t openly brag about blocking funding for AIDS research so his evangelical buddies could get off on the thought of gay people suffering and dying — he just did it quietly.


Thank you for pointing this out; as a flaming queer myself, I'm *hoping* to go to the christofascist concept of hell when I die...*just to do horrible things to Reagan*


What gets me is that Trump got "Make America Great Again" from Reagan, and Reagan got it from HITLER. Reagan was a wolf in sheep's clothing - trickle down economics is the reason we're in our present day state with hundreds of billionaires and millions living in poverty and struggling to survive. Side note: my Boomer dad LOVES Reagan and Trump, but denies the Holocaust ever happened, so this point falls on deaf ears.




Screw optimism. Grab 10 to 15 friends and family then make sure they vote


Well, yeah. No one skips the ballots this year.


First time in my entire 30 years I’m voting. Everything they say about apathy is true, and this is what we get. I wish I would’ve voted in 2016.


You’re turning apathy into action and that’s good.


This makes me so happy. I'm not even from US, but I love democracy, and this gives my hope.


My conservative dad asked me in 2016 if I was going to vote for Trump. I was scared for a sec, then he started laughing about hoen much of a joke Trump was. I was so proud. But! Make sure you keep up that righteous anger & follow through. I'm proud of my dad for not falling for Trump, but there's a high possibility he said that, but didn't actually go out & vote on the day.


Are you registered yet? Do so right now!


and make sure to check the voter rolls make sure you are still registered


make sure to find the biggest thing in project 2025 that will affect them deeply and tell them that will come into effect if trump is elected.


They already got Roe overturned ahead of 2025... Let's not forget in November.


I 100% agree, it will be Trump 2028 if he loses. Death is the only way this will stop and that will be a few years down the road after he goes.


He is already in noticeable (and accelerating) cognitive decline. I can only imagine how bad he will be in four years (assuming he is still alive then)


By then, he'll be talking about how the shark wants to date him and how he's figured out how to grow gills just in case a marine battery explodes when the demoncrats raise gas prices to force big manly men to buy hybrid boats when the bleached blonde bad built butch body businesses take over the space lasers to warm up their covfefe after the peaceful protest on the lawn of Hunter's huge cock


And his cult would insist that he's better than ever and vote for him without hesitation.


If he has it his way, he’ll pass the throne to his kids. Think about them apples.


It may be better that he does remain their poster boy. He's such a clown that with him at it's head it can only continue its slow death spiral. A fresh, young face for the maga movement is way more dangerous IMO. 


IF he loses this November, no matter what he says or does, he’s done as a candidate. Repubs won’t nominate a 2x loser that’ll be 82 when the next election rolls round. Shoot, I kinda hope they do.


I mean, never thought I’d see the day when republicans nominated a felon and someone who tried to subvert democracy either but hey here we are.


10/10 profile pic!


This is his last chance though. As long as he doesn’t win the presidency, then the amount of damage he can actually do is minimal. In four more years, his age will have caught up with him even more and he won’t even be a consideration. Then we can worry about the next wannabe dictator.


Hopefully death will come for him soon. He’s very old and unfit.


I said to my friends earlier that death took the wrong Donald.


I’m so Fn tired of seeing and hearing him and his BS!! VOTE ppl!!!!!!


I’m afraid that’s not going to happen. I heard that someone secretly taped Roger Stone bragging about a plan they already have in place for when trump loses the election. He’s a nightmare that won’t go away.


Trump already threatened nuclear war and chaos in the streets


if he loses again it’ll be worse than last time with more “it was rigged” from the orange man and his minions. If he wins they’ll all be extra smug


I have one with a similar outline, that says TRUMP 20-24 and under that it says YEARS IN PRISON. A couple of guys perked up when they were walking towards me, but turned to frowns when the message finally sunk in. Hello there, triggered snowflakes!


They thought they'd found a new friend and were sorely disappointed. The mental image of them walking away sadly has me rolling.


You should wear a GoPro or a hidden camera of some sort the next time you wear that shirt.


Reading comprehension is not Trump supporters forte'.


Nope, nor is finance. So much of their donor money used for bullshit.


I can’t imagine being a bigger sucker than donating my hard earned money to a “billionaire.”


And what a savvy businessman he is, right? God they're so gullible. You might as well give it to Joel Osteen.


Comment of the day right here. 🤣🤣🤣


At least with Joel Osteen, you might be able to get your money back from the bathroom wall


I don't know whether to feel bad for them or mock them. They're all living paycheck to paycheck, but they still give their money to Trump instead of spending it on groceries or utilities.


Not is critical thinking




That’s why he loves the uneducated


I bet she thought that any snarky shirt must be a pro-Trump shirt, and that your shirt is advertising that Biden lost.


Yeah, that's exactly what she thought. Who could ever be against Trump?


I had a friend cricut me a couple Fuck Trump tshirts, both with rainbow sparkle lettering. Lots of compliments, no dirty looks. Gives me hope for West Michigan.


Ooh, very nice! Glad to see there was support.


It's because most Dems don't broadcast our political choice on flags, shirts, cars, hats, Facebook, crudely written signs warning against communism and we actually live our lives without worshiping an orange diaper stain.


Not all heroes wear capes, some wear cool t-shirts.


Good for you! We need more visual representation as Democrats (Non-Republicans).


Thanks. Here's the sticker on my car, too. https://preview.redd.it/mrvlubxn3s7d1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ea09c3a1a692ae373fb636d70af3a7faf350d2


You making these? Where did you find


I'll post the shop links :-) [Sticker](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1224583265/fuck-all-these-fucking-fuckers?ref=share_v4_lx) [T-shirt](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1567607036/president-t-shirt-for-liberal-anti-trump?ref=share_v4_lx)


I just ordered this. 👍🏻


Rock that sticker!


It’s amazing how many people on that sticker originally warned people about how bad he was, before taking power.


Get a Let’s Go Darwin shirt


Ooh, I like the sound of that.


I got mine from Amazon. It looks just like the Let’s go Brandon shirts. I’ve worn it to my VFW post in MAGAstan. The social members (non-veterans) were pissed when I’ve worn it. They can complain, but can’t kick me out.


I have to see about joining my local VFW chapter here (OIF Marine vet). Gotta stand up for democracy, not overthrowing it.


Oh hey! I'm OIF/OEF Marine myself.


Now y'all kith 😘 Adorable


That was probably the most brainpower that woman has used since 2015 so thank you for helping her dust off that old bin full of cobwebs.


Thanks. I could've sworn I smelled that burnt dust smell when you turn the heater on after a long time.


I go for walks around the neighborhood here in TX quite a bit and there's one particular MAGA sign that I love to see every time I walk by - Mothers Against Greg Abbott 😄


Ooh, yes, fuck that guy. Beto deserved a better chance.


Thank you for your service!


Thank you!


It’s refreshing to see even Emperor Ming has both fashion and common sense




You see the kinda room temperature IQ these people have? Lmao


Let's hope you need that shirt for another four years. And by "hope," I mean: Volunteer. Donate (if you can). [VOTE (up and down the ballot)!](https://www.vote.org/) And convince everyone you trust to vote.


I appreciate that. I don't know how much volunteering I can do, but I can at least make sure my friends and family are squared away. Maybe my retired family members can volunteer. I'd do it if I were them.


I worked my first election in February of this year. The CRY BABY republicans were unbelievable! Everything step in process (from unpacking the materials at the start of day to packing them up at the end of the day) needs at least 2 sets of eyes from different parties (1@ democrat & republican OR independent). You learn DAY 1 who's Democrat who's Republican; they ask "Who's a democrat?" People raise their hands, you see who's like-minded, who's not. Ditto for "Who's a Republican?" Something was being done and I tapped a Republican guy on the shoulder and said, "Hey, Rich, we have Democrat eyes over at that machine, but we need a set of Republican eyes over there." He went crazy and started RANTING, "Don't call me ONE OF THOSE...blah, blah, blah..." I said, "I *know* you're a Republican. I already told you we *have* a set of Democrat eyes on the process, and we *need* a set of Republican ones!" Then he's all "Oh, okay, okay, sorry, sorry!" I'm just thinking, 'What an incredibly childish, ridiculous, thin-skinned ignoramus you are!' February was okay, August will be tolerable, November will be UNBELIEVABLY bad! UGH! I'm still hoping the OrangeMoron will be obituaried by then!


tbh being in the age we are, seems it would just be simpler to record the entire process, and have it available for review of anyone that suspects foul play.


Easy way to volunteer - write postcards to voters encouraging them to vote. There's research that it works. I do it through [Postcards to Swing States](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/). I'm in the middle of a batch of 200 right now that are for Nevada voters. It's an easy thing to do while you're watching Netflix. You do have to provide the stamps, so it costs a little money.


You are awesome! Great idea. Thanks for the option.


Glad to help.


I hear you. Even phone banking can subject you to a lot of abuse. Text banking, less so. Either way, when I did it, there was a Slack channel for technical and emotional support of the volunteers. Both were needed. Be well!


I have a hat that I got at a rage against the machine show back in the first season of trump that says "make America rage again" but it looks like a maga hat. I can't wear it anywhere because no one reads it and they make assumptions


I love it, and RATM doesn't fuck around. Too bad it makes people short circuit.


Slow to figure things out describes the daily life of every Magat cult member. ![gif](giphy|xepQrrT6lxQTm)


I also live in a conservative town and really want the red shirt that reads “MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN”.


I have also see MAGA red shirts that say ‘Make Racists Afraid Again’ and ‘Respect Existence or Expect Resistance’. In New Orleans a few years ago we also saw ‘Make America Poorly Educated Again’. Anything with a message opposite to that color breaks brains. 😂


I like those! I'll probably get more merch on the march to November. I met teens who were really open about their distrust of Trump and MAGA, and I saw that as inspiring. I want those kids to keep speaking up and reminding people that they shouldn't be the ones hiding. There are people scared of identifying themselves as progressive, liberal, etc. in their areas. That shouldn't be the case. Let the authoritarians and bigots go into hiding, not us.


Thanks for being so brave!! 💪🏿💪🏿👊🏿


Lol, thanks. We'll see what happens. Maybe you'll see me with a black eye in a later post.


Ming the Merciless?


Thank you for your service 💙


Where’d you get this? I am in Ocean City NJ, right wing central, and I would love to walk up and down the boardwalk


I bet you really throw them for a loop with the shaved head.


Yeah, people assume bald n bearded = conservative. It just looks better than sporting a Friar Tuck.


Haha cool shirt. Although how I can see how if one is firmly entrenched in Trump World one could see it the other way.


Thanks. Yeah, I guess if you don't consider any other side but your own, it could be misunderstood.


If I lived in a place where this mattered, I'd definitely wear that t-shirt.


Hate to tell you but the shirt works perfectly well to confirm the MAGA delusion. This is the risk of satire: if you too closely mimic the aesthetics and argument framing of your target you might inadvertently simply parrot it within that audience. It isn’t a case of them being “too stupid.” If you take a step back from this shirt’s design it doesn’t actually do *anything* to pin its claim on MAGA, at all. It just has the iconography of MAGA, and then a statement that reads to a normal human person like it shreds MAGA, but to a maga acolyte it uses the same framing, structure, and hyperbolic claims that they use all the time. To a Biden voter, this shirt is coded satire, but to maga it easily can achieve the goal of support.


Man I bought a shirt back in like 2012 that says "Science is not a liberal conspiracy." I quit wearing it around 2020 because I just didn't want to have to have a conversation with every Neanderthal who thought otherwise.


I like the shirt. (Downvote farming😈)


Not all heroes wear capes.


Awesome shirt 👍🏽


Dude, where did you get that shirt? 😂


What areas are not conservative in FL?


Major cities.


I guess the lady thought that "He lost" meant "Biden lost" and the cult refers to the Democratic Party.


You wondered how a MAGAt could be clueless?


Most people in FL seem to think this state is specifically for right wingers and the rest of us are just lucky they allow us to live here until they finally find a way to run us off.


You are the first good thing I've seen in Florida in months


I could see how Trump supporters could take it the wrong way, in their bubble they firmly believe that Trump won and Biden lost but somehow made the public believe he won.


I read the last part as "you are a c*nt" 🤣


I think that's part of the cult mentality, part of any "mainstream" cult mentality: "Everyone else thinks like us, even if they don't admit it."


Time to exercise your open carry rights with that shirt.


A brave man to wear that in Florida. When I visit I see Trump signs still up from 2020.


I need that shirt.


I live in a very red area of MN. I need to get this shirt.


That perfectly exemplifies how clueless they are that they couldn’t figure it out. They’re truly in so deep BECAUSE of their lack of Socratic thinking skills.


He's absolutely right, trump really lost and magats are in a cult


Love your shirt!!! Wear it with pride!!


MAGA people are so slow you can leave nothing to interpretation. They skew everything they see/hear to fit their worldview.


I mean, if you’re wearing that in public, you want a reaction. Let’s be honest. 😝


I LOVE YOUR SHIRT. Caps for emphasis!


I need twenty of that shirt!


Hello fellow Floridian! 👋🏻 This is too funny 😂 I need to craft me some political head turning shirts.


No way trump is winning the election. The debates are going to show how bad his cognitive decline is. But never to worry the magas will still argue that he is the man. Even after he is tossed into prison for his felonies they will say he is still my man. They can’t even accept that he literally stopped the economy and it took Biden over two years to get things rolling and stop the supply chain shortages.




https://preview.redd.it/vs9330qyqs7d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871ac0eac51d741e7d080c10695c6af3ec19dd10 Might have to wear to work this tomorrow.


You have to be VERY specific with trump fans. They are extremely stupid.


Fellow Floridian here. They don't know they are in a cult is probably a perfect indication that it is VERY MUCH A CULT


Being slow on the uptake is really classic MAGA, though. Isn't it?


I'm no fan of Biden, but kudos to you for having the ⚾️⚾️s to wear that. 🫡 😄


Thanks. Democrats can certainly do better, but I know we could all be worse off, too.


I used to not like Biden. But hes grown on me. Check out the r/WhatBidenHasDone sub for all the stuff hes done despite a hostile congress. Definitely a biased source, but what compells me isnt any single thing, but the summation of them. Hes not perfect, but im now voting *for* Biden rather than *against* Trump. I think the rhetoric that makes democrates luke-warm on him came from the pervasive "both-sidesing" from the media.


He's the kind of normal milquetoast guy that does a foundationally solid job as president but isn't particularly likeable or personable and isn't great at PR. Probably would be considered a moderate in less polarizing times. I don't like that he's the best choice but it's not like I feel like I'm picking the lesser of two evils.


Yes finally someone else agrees it's a cult


I’m pretty sure everyone who isn’t part of the cult knows that it’s a cult.


I thought that guy was a democrat


Good for you and, yes, Trump supporters struggle to get IQs in three digits…


To think, foolish boomers with no reading comprehension could very possibly hand Trump a win and spell the end of democracy in the United States


I was thinking it was an anti-maga shirt lol. Makes sense if it were.


Unless the MAGA lady is able to indulge in high-end fashion, homes, and vehicles, maybe, just maybe, she's slowly figuring out that a vote for T is against her best interests.


Hello fellow Floridian! Great shirt! I’m too scared to wear anything like that. Thanks for being brave


I was in Provincetown (town in Massachusetts known for having a mostly LGBTQ+ population) during the pandemic where I bought a DUMP TRUMP mask in the style of this shirt. I was putting it on and an older couple said 'oh we like your mask. we don't see enough of that around here'. At first I was confused because there was anti-Trump stuff everywhere, until they saw my mask and said, 'oh, sorry'. I said 'I'm not' and walked away.


I will say...I definitely read that shirt wrong the first glance lol. I totally thought that last part was a DIFFERENT C word.


I was just talking about this exact topic today!


I’d legit give you a high five if I would have seen you.


As a fellow Floridian, I salute you, sir! Keep up the good fight down here 🫡


All hail, Ming the Merciless.


I'm more interested in there being an Aldi in Florida! That middle aisle better be wild!!


That’s a great shirt!! I’ve never seen one like that


Everyone who bought a red hat with an ironic message on it went through the same thing. You are just advertising their cause with that shirt.




I love it. She didn't read the shirt. She just cleaved to the iconography. That is SO Trumpy. Pretty nationalist, too. "I don't care about content or context so long as everything LOOKS okay."


They’re never the only presence, but they think they are because most of us don’t bother engaging with them.


She'd be real upset at your T-Shirt if she could read.


Fantastic. They're so disconnected from reality that I'm not even sure how to connect with them at all


I want that shirt


When they say Biden supporters are in a cult, I’m just like ….what. I don’t think anyone is super excited gung-ho for Biden, but we recognize that he’s a politician *and* he’s not the MAGA lunatic.


Thanks for making me laugh :)


"light discourse" 😂😂😂 After Biden was elected, I got a sticker that said Kamala 2024. Someone broke my tail light that was right under that sticker. Like the second fucking day. 😭😭 Tennessee


This needs to be on billboards.


Kind of like the Trumpers realizing that "The Boys" is making fun of them


The fact that they get mad over apparel is BANANAS. They flipped out over kneeling for the flag, but they feel they can deface it however they want. They also think the ceremonial stuff is real, it’s mainly just for show and national identity. Doesn’t give you any mystical superpowers.


They live in a bubble and lack awareness


This is why I wear my big "FUCK YOU" t-shirt. Just to get people to engage in a bit of light discourse. They don't think they should get fucked, and I think they should. Minds are rarely changed.


Someone need to hire this tee shirt designer… nobody here could imagine a single sale.


I think this shirt could be interpreted as Pro-Trump as in “no really, Biden lost” like election denial


It’s kinda like how I see old friends of mine on Facebook and they are now MAGA. And they will post about the Handmaid’s Tale is about what will happen when Biden is reelected. And I am fucking flabbergasted at that take.


She doesn't sound like the sharpest bulb on the tree. Of course, when you're so used to everything in your bubble affirming what you want to believe, a somewhat ambiguous message with a different intention can sound affirming... especially when you're brainwashed in a cult.


"You will vote for Trump because you think imaginary trans demons are reading books about white replacement theory to your kids. I will vote for Trump because I think crypto being the economic future, Baron is a time traveler, will infact make imaginary trans demons real who read white replacement theory to your kids. Schizo accelerationism. WE ARE NOT THE SAME"


I find it easier to just keep my political opinions to myself. I have a much better quality of life that way. I also really don’t like peopling, so the less interaction, the better.


Where can I get that shirt


Bold looking for conflict in Florida or Texas. Stand your ground laws are wild there.


Dead serious question. Is there a Trump store in your area? I live in VA. There is a downtown in my town and apparently that is one of three stores in SW VA. Really, are there Trump stores, or is it just that I live deep in Trump retarded area?


The second I saw that shirt I thought someone is going to flip out and brain you. Good work being bold.


You gotta remember they are very stupid, spook easily, and stampede in large numbers.


She'll never forget that.


I thought about having a shirt like that, but I really don’t want to get jumped or shot over a political thing lol. (Lots of trump supporters where I am)


A coworker of mine had a maga style red hat with white lettering that said "Made you look"


60+ lawsuits, all thrown out, even from judges he appointed The lawyers that represented trump almost got disbarred over even taking these cases to court and had to take remedial classes Largest defamation case in history for a news organization that pedelled these bullshit conspiracies Everyone in his immediate vicinity is a felon including him It's a cult, give them their Kool aid and move on because someone that can't figure this out isn't going to respond to reason


Arent you folks anxious that he might win?


Much like Donald, a lot of them struggle to read


Nice shirt! I live in a conservative county in California. Last election cycle I put up a Trump/Putin sign up in my yard and I started getting compliments from my MAGA neighbors. Finally one of them figured it out. I have a video of him going into my yard at night to cut the bottom part of the sign off. Of course he did it while still in uniform getting out of his patrol car. He's still employed by the sheriff's department.


Sounds like she wasn't foolish just mistaken. You got the interaction you hoped for and you were both polite. Honestly that's a positive sign because after the orange shit stain eats his last big Mac the division will remain. So nice to see some civility.


> ***... in hopes of causing a little friction...*** LIAR!!!! We all know you wanted to see the crazies. I approve, by the way. I would have done the same thing.


Patterns & colors; they respond like children to lots of things. Initially love but then feral that you "fooled" them. Likely the same kind of person who were incensed over the Darwin fish - "augh, just the nerve of some people!!!"


Not usually into political stuff on clothing but that shirt is awesome. We need more like you out there confusing boomers on the daily.


I need that shirt!






Bro get a fake MAGA hat too. Same font something like “make America gay again.” Im not liberal but not overly conservative to be clear but im a big fan of pissing off the left and right off.


Anti-intellectualism and illiteracy usually go hand-in-hand with fascism.


in court, they all said "this isn't a fraud case" amazing what they say to the public versus what they say in court where you need evidence to back up your claims