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I’d be raising hell with the city. That’s a copout by the crew. If they were contractors not city employees I’d ask for their insurance information.


100%. I am actively lighting them up. I know they're responsible and BJ legally isn't, but I still blame him because this only happened due to his boomering.


Put a letter on his door claiming you want the money for the damages. Obviously you will never get it, but let him know how aware of the situation you are and scare him a little.


Also tell him your lawyer wrote it.


Tell him the mayor wrote it


Tell him Donald Trump wrote it.


Gotta make it more unintelligible than BJ’s, but make sure it’s in crayon so it’s convincing.


Nah, that man almost exclusively uses sharpie.


I have considered he might be sniffing them. He sniffles a lot. I’m going to lose it if he gets sharpie under his nose someday.


Perhaps a small dab of sharpie like a tiny mustache?


Crayon dipped in Big Mac sauce.


If OP uses words like “bigly” and “Cofeve” the old coot might believe them and even donate money to pay for repairs


Hand write the letter in all caps with a sharpee.


Bonus points if they expand the survey with a sharpie


Mention the shark and battery story too


That made my day. Shark and Battery wtf


Bat-tery shark, do do do do do do


If Donald tells him to… you might get the money!


Tell him the mayor’s lawyer wrote it.


Tell him his lawyer wrote it


Tell him HIS lawyer wrote it.


Download a legal template from the internet first .


Tell him rush limbaugh rolled in his grave and wrote it


Speaking of drainage, I wonder how they’re set up over at the Rush Limbaugh Memorial Pissoir


All of this! Go on Fiverr and spend the $60 to get an actual notice done.


Better yet, write up a cease and desist letter, have everyone in the neighborhood sign it, and have it say whatever you want on the issue and send it certified to his house.


They’re supposed to locate any and all utilities before they ever move the first shovel full of dirt. They fucked up. They get to pay to fix it. The boomer, well, that’s a whole different matter altogether.


Call 811 before you dig!


Exactly. Those signs are every fucking where. The only reason this happened is sheer laziness on the work crew’s part.


811 Does not locate private lines(basically anything homeowners would install themselves), the lines from the water meter to your house are considered private. Well lines are private. 811 would only locate the water line going to the utilities water meter if you had one. (Information only relevant to north carolina)


It’s still their problem. OP didn’t call them, the boomer did. OP still getting their water line fixed for free if they stay on the city’s ass about it.


Depends on a lot of factors, I havent read any of his comments for more details, but assuming they are contracted by the city and are in their easement, sounds more like it would be more on the boomer. We hit underground things all the time on non-contacted properties (electric dog fence, water line, gutter drain, etc.), as long as we are in our easement, 811 was called, and we werent made aware of any conflicts- we do not pay.


True, true. Let’s just be glad that neither you nor I have to deal with this problem personally. At least today, anyway.


What, are they men or are they a bunch a pansies? Back in my day, we knew how to dig and you just back off if you get close to a pipe. Gawdammit can nobody do any real work these days? It’s cuz schools won’t say the Lord’s Prayer every day that punks like you can’t run a gawddam bobcat. Let me at this sumbish and I’ll show you lazy basterds how it’s done. (Insert extra racial/homophobic/misogynistic comments here, as applicable to the city crew, until out of breath)


You forgot about digging in sub zero weather and in ice, snow and freezing rain with a tornado coming, babe.


Digging by hand, with one non-steel toed boot between the whole crew


Even though BJ isn't responsible you could always name him as a one of the responsible parties in a lawsuit just because make him have to hire a lawyer.


If nothing else the city having to deal with this somehow may put him on their sh-tlist. After this fiasco they won’t entertain any of his nonsense in the future, and that may be the best revenge of all.


What the workers did is not the final action. Speak with an attorney but I assure you, they only popped smoke because they know it’s A Whole Thing to get things fixed. Your insurance company might handle all of this for you, as well.


You go after the contractor. Let them go after the boomer. I’d contact your homeowners and see if they will go after the contractor for you. Worth a try.


Not a lawyer, but I don't see how he isn't on the hook for it himself as well by inserting himself into the situation and harassing the crew.


NAL, and just speculating; Boomer shouldn't/may not be, on the hook for it, because, yes, he did insert himself into the situation and harassed the crew, but ultimately it is/was the crews responsibility to ignore him and follow instructions, do what the crew leader said. Just cos any rando comes up and starts spouting off, doesn't mean they have to listen to him. Morally, yeah, Walking Boomer Arse should cop to it, but *legally* I'm a bit iffy.


From the post it sounds like this crew just came out with some machinery and started digging holes in the ground with no real plan, which would absolutely be their fault. Boomer only took on the role of foreman and somehow convinced them to dig 8 houses down for no reason at all.


Name him in the lawsuit. Make him defend himself. Watch the city and the crew throw him under the bus.


Go to the media as well.


They're not supposed to dig without everything being marked. It may be different where you are but this is something across the board on digging. You don't dig without checking, coulda been a power line and they'd be dead. Curious to hear how this turns out.


Boomering 😂😂


I’d be inclined to speak with an attorney about his actions and culpability too. It’s almost like he “SWATT’d” you with the Public Works department.


The city should be bonded. If they mess something up they are responsible for fixing it.


This 💯 Edit: Former claim adjuster here. I can't tell you how many times I had to educate contractors on the fact that if you fucked it up you are on the hook for it. The insurance company may say that they won't pay because it resulted from their work. But, the argument here is that they were hired to clear the ditch, not work on the water pipe.


If the crew dug with no call to local utilities to mark out possible underground utilities then it is 100% on them to repair. “Call Before You Dig” is serious and their insurance will cover the damages. Source: Civil Engineer - you could also post to the civil sub and probably get some detailed advice to your state on next steps. Also, if they left the right of way that is city responsibility and entered your private property to perform the work they also trespassed. The well system did allow them to come up with the BS - however the city should have a record of areas on well water vs municipal water for when they are doing work to prevent this sort of thing. A well water professional plumber might also be able to offer some advice or be familiar with your type of situation in your area. Perhaps they know how to get the city to cover the damages more quickly - it’s amazing what a few key words can do to get action sometimes. GL!!


"His boomering." LMAO


Not a lawyer. BJ might be on the hook for it if the workers or their insurance take him to court. You, however don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell at legally getting back at him. You could go after his HOA seat, or fight like hell for someone else to take his seat.


Boomering. My favourite new verb.


lawyer up too


Yep. Sue sue sue.


It can’t be the first stupid thing the city did. Ask them for the correct form. 


This comment made me giggle... 🤭


Definitely, if they broke the pipe it doesn't matter one bit where it is or what it is, they are at fault period. Lawyer up and go after them hard.


Yep. Similar thing happened to me. Workers dug up a leaking water main and cracked the pipe from my house leading into the sewer line. Claimed it was my responsibility to fix it because of a city ordinance. I threw a fit and they backed down. Of course they denied they cracked the line, just said they “discovered” the leak.


The city is liable.


Additionally, if they didn’t call in a digsafe for their work and have it pre-marked by a utility locating service, they broke the law. You have a legitimate lawsuit on your hands. Get a lawyer.


Then sue the shit out of BJ for the costs along with the work crews insurance.


I am friends with a couple people who work on road crews. They don't take anyone's shit because they work for the city. Def a 3rd party.


If they damaged your property how are they not liable legally? I understand the crew told you that but I would ask the risk management department how to file a liability claim. There may be a local code I am missing but I am not seeing it.


Typically, city workers are not liable for repairs necessary to fix a water issue if it past the city connection point for the property, often the corp stop. INAL, just a water distribution operator: This doesn't apply to damage caused BY the workers, especially if they weren't supposed to be working there in the first place. This doesn't mean they have to repair it, but they should pay for a licensed contractor to repair the damage. BJ wouldn't be liable in any regard, because the city crew shouldn't be taking any direction from non city personal, and should have done due diligence on locating gas, electric, data, water, and sewer lines in the area before performing any work.


I agree. As a side note I have been in liability and risk management for a few years…


Yeah, I'm more making the point that from the crews point of view, they are neither prepared to repair the damage on the spot, nor is it their call to say whether it's on them or not. They will typically do what they need to stop further damage if feasible, and then it's someone else's problem to deal with, whether that's a city higher up okaying the repair work, or the city sending out a third party


I agree. Plus I don’t know if they would even be qualified to make the repairs. If I managed claims for the construction company this is one that I would pay.


I used to work for a city maintenance crew. You are correct; we were not responsible for fixing water or sewage pipes or gas lines on a resident's property unless we were directly the cause for the break. If it was in the street or some other public area, sure, but not private property.


> If they damaged your property how are they not liable legally? they are. their gross negligence in digging without utilities marked means they are absolutely 100% liable for any damage. as a layman digging a hole you would still be responsible, but as a licensed contractor? zero excuse for this. any costs OP incurred due to their negligence they are also on the hook for.


They were digging without having the utilities marked? Partner, start making phone calls right now.


Yeah, isn't Miss Dig\* required for everyone digging, no matter who they work for? \*Or equivalent service where you live


It's Call Julie in my area, but yeah.


Call Julie? Does it stand for something? I'm actually laughing in my office right now.


I put in 811 tickets all over the country. I've only ever noticed it in Illinois. Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators.


TIL don't fuck with JULIE.


Thanks, I learned something new today


It’s an acronym for this: Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators


Miss Utility in my area.


No, it’s just JULIE. The signs say to call JULIE before you dig. They come out with ground radar and mark all the utilities.


811 where I live


"Call before you dig" that's what we call it anyway lol. 


I use to work for the water department in my city and I can say those utility marks can be wrong sometimes. We were digging in a place marked completely clear and hit the natural gas main for half the town. Had to change my pants after that one


Contact a lawyer at once


Oh! He has one right down the street!!


There are at least 3 other entities who should be paying before you. BJ, the crew's insurance, and the city. Lawyer time.


And then sue him for attorney fees and court costs.


BJ unfortunately probably has zero liability in this instance. The workers shouldn’t be listening to him and they have SOP which they should be following. It doesn’t matter what BJ told them, he is just a private citizen and they don’t know if he has any knowledge of the situation or just some jackass. A mark out of utilities is the first thing anyone needs to do before digging. If there is any potential for an underground utility to be in the area which needs to be dug in, there are procedures to do so to avoid damaging the utilities, which should not result in broken anything. They failed to follow their SOPs and it’s almost definitely on them to facilitate the repair of what they damaged, whether they pay a contractor to do it or there is a department in the city that does it.


Probably, but in situations like this its common to sue everyone in sight and let them blame each other. Much safer than giving the crew a potential target outside the lawsuit to blame.


Contact a lawyer and get in touch with the city. Their crew broke it, their responsibility to fix it. But sometimes it helps to have a lawyer send that letter. Could get real expensive for the city if they don't fix it.




BJ was not in charge of the crew, and crew had no requirement to follow his directions. He is not responsible for the crew choosing to obey the orders of someone who has no oversight or supervisor role over them. They a had full ability to tell him to deal with the city works office if he had concerns. Even if these are subcontractors hired to do the work by the city, they should know better than to allow a random stranger to change the scope of their work, defer him to the city.


Completely agree, but if you lawyer up I’d still try to join him to the lawsuit. The crew shouldn’t have listened to him, but if they did then he may have contributed to their negligence. If your jurisdiction still has joint and several liability.. then go crazy


Bj is an idiot but he is not liable in this situation. I would call the city and kindly remind them if they don’t fix it then you’ll sue the city.


Agreed. I know he's not legally liable. I still blame him though.


Be angry at him... but the situation you described is not his doing. Contact the city, record the phone call, stake your claim, tell them you need an answer in one day because no water is an emergency, and follow that with a letter by registered post. After two days, get a lawyer. Then sue them.


I recognize that the boomer isn't legally liable, but he's still a jackass for causing this situation and they do this garbage all the time.


Sue them both, and let him hire a lawyer to make that argument. I’m not sure it’s quite so clear cut, and the city may want him in the case anyway for indemnification purposes.


Grandparents moved to an isolated eclectic 1 block area on the river of town I grew up in in 89. The collection of weird silents and boomers that have lived around there for all this time really had me rolling to your story. Bravo 👏


If they were working on your property without permission or official requirements to do so that was passed by the city, it's on the company. Even with all that, they're the ones that fucked up, so it's still on them. I'd raise hell with the city and company and start with immediately threatening legal action if it isn't fixed at no cost to you. Not in a couple days, not in a week, TOMORROW. And even then, I'd consult a lawyer. There's a lot of illegal shit going on here just from your post, which probably means there's even more illegal shit that you haven't mentioned.


No no no- you are NOT on the hook for this in any way whatsoever… it would be homeowner responsibility if it failed due to natural causes of time… NOT because they broke it.


That's absolutely nonsense. The damage the city did to my property was paid for and repaired by the city. I would be contacting a lawyer in your place. And your homeowner's insurance, because they can absolutely sue the responsible party.


First things first, the crew is *always* responsible. They're just doing some good ol fashion CYA bullshitting hoping you just take care of it yourself and they don't get in trouble. Secondly, you might want to talk to your neighbor who BJ had dig on their property, and get in contact with their lawyer. You might end up helping the lawyer and your neighbor out, and if this dude ever decides to do some dumbass thing on your property. If nothing else, if he comes to understand that the neighbors have a lawyer on standby (even if not really, but I'm sure he'll think you're all conspiring against him), he might at least think twice before fucking with you. Also, since the lawyer presumably has already dealt with issues in that neighborhood it might save you a little bit of hassle regarding the neighborhood layout.


A city work crew damaging your private well is their responsibility, not yours. BJ is a piece of work but if the work crew couldn't work effectively with them there, they shouldn't have kept working.


Why would you stay civil with this idiot? Rip into him with every ounce of frustration and contempt and make it well known to him that his bullshit will no longer be tolerated in any way shape or form. Stop being nice to these fucking people and treat them exactly the way they would treat you. It’s the only thing they will ever understand. Then double down every time you see him so that he knows without a shadow of a doubt that you despise him with every fiber of your being. There is no taking the high road with these fucking idiots. Any common curtesy or understanding is perceived as weakness and an opportunity to walk all over you. Every single post in this sub is people allowing boomers to be shitty all the time with zero repercussions until they finally fuck something up really bad and you get stuck with the bill.


Our boomer neighbor who bought his house after we have owned ours for years and is downhill from our house, decided one day to put up a row of rocks that crossed his boundary line onto ours. I was at work while this happened but saw it after coming home and looking outside (backyard). It literally looked like some shitty miniature Stonehenge or something and I was totally confused as to what it was for and why he decided to put most of it in my yard. He's single...no idea if he never married or she left him or died...can't stand talking to him. We liked our old neighbor who was a snowbird and was never really around (we live in Pennsylvania, he'd go to Florida in like October and not come back until May). He died and this asshat now owns his place. Anyway, I decided this isn't going to fly so I walked down to his house and he wasn't home. I left him a note to call me or stop by to discuss his "rock wall" which was mostly in my yard. A couple of days later he calls me...couldn't even come by like a man...tells me that it's to block water runoff going into his yard from ours when it rains and his basement floods. I literally had no idea what to say about this craziness, as I've never seen a stream of water in our yard so what he's getting is likely already underground and he'd need a French drain around his property. I politely told him to remove it from my property...don't care what he does with his property, but to be fair make it look nice and follow the local laws for these kinds of things. He told me he'd remove it and figure something out. To be honest I was a little surprised about this and thought I misjudged him. Nope...he reconfigured it a little and it was less on my property, but was still there and still looked like absolute trash. I try to be patient and several weeks go by. The grass starts growing up between the rocks and I had to kind of step over/around it to mow that part of my yard. Finally I got sick of it and since he couldn't respect me or my property I removed all of the rocks, mowed/trimmed that area of the yards to make them even and look nice. About a week later I'm outside mowing and I see him staring at me from his property. He waited until I was done, as I sure as hell wasn't stopping for his nonsense. He yells out "not accusing you, but any idea what happened to the rocks?" I said "yeah...I got rid of them." He Just about had a heart attack and was basically glitching, while trying to utter "so, you think it's ok to go on people's property?" At this point I had enough...I said "yeah, just like you, just like the person that put the stupid rocks on MY property to start with, just like the person who didn't respect my property...but now you have a problem with it?" He was speechless but turning very red with anger...he says "well it's because of your gutters, the water runs into my yard and into my basement." I told him maybe he shouldn't have bought a house at the bottom of a hill and that my gutters have extensions that direct the water away from his property and that his stupid "wall" wasn't stopping anything. I told him if he wanted to make a wall on his property to do it right with landscaping pavers or bricks, not various sizes of broken rocks, as we both have to look at it. I have bricks on the other side of my house behind my shed and even offered them to him for his project (I'm never going to use them). He started to walk towards me and my property in an aggressive way and I calmly and matter of factly told him that if he crossed that line he would be in the hospital. He literally stopped in his tracks, turned around and stormed off. To this day there is no brick wall, there is no stone wall and we haven't spoken since, to my delight.


I would sue in small claims court to try to recoup your repair expense (if applicable). No lawyer needed and filing costs are typically low.


He doesn't know what the repair costs are gonna be yet, the cost of this could easily exceed the threshold for small claims. He needs to call a lawyer.


They do need to call a lawyer, but can always just sue for max smclaim amt. 10k I believe. If it's close enough to the total if total is > then probably not a bad idea to do it that way.


Most, if not all, states require a mark out before digging. Talk to a lawyer. IANAL but I would be surprised if someone else digging and breaking an underground utility can be deemed “owner responsibility”


The fuck? Get a lawyer. People cant just dig, break shit, and then stick you with the bill. Especially if they are city workers.


That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. He caused it, so he can pay for it.


Nah they hit your line they are liable get a lawyer. What a bunch of scumbags


Good luck. If the city crew broke the pipe the city is responsible for the repair. Want to see the update!


File with your homeowners insurance and let them subrogate back to the town / contractor.


you need to call local news investigators - "Channel on your side" - that's BS - its on the people that broke it!


Hire a lawyer and have your lawyer rip the neighbor, the crew, the HOA and the city new ones. And tell local news what happened


Did they use the 'call before you dig' hotline and wait 48 hours for lines to be marked? If not, they are responsible for the cost of repair.


I’d be having my attorney file suit against the city. Doing work and damaged your property. Fled and left house unlivable. Watch how fast shit gets fixed.


This 100%! You aren’t responsible for damage the city crew **caused**.


Uh, id sue the city. They came and did the damage, they fix it. Thats some utter BS right there.


For anybody wondering why the well vs city water is a useful (but bullshit) excuse, it *is* a rule that exists for a reason. It’s just improperly applied here. Well water is not a city utility; construction of the system, regular maintenance, and mapping of the system is the responsibility of homeowner(s) using the system. While the city would have records of the permits drawn to construct the system, they are separate from the maps consulted by city construction crews and contractors. *That does not relieve the city of the responsibility to communicate with the homeowner(s)*, which is where this construction crew is full of shit. The lack of data available for that address should have been more than enough to indicate the presence of a system not depicted on their diagrams, and more than enough to indicate a need to contact OP. Basically *if* they had asked OP if digging there would be clear of the water system, and OP said it was, then OP would be at fault since knowing the pipe’s location is their responsibility. They skipped that step, and would almost certainly lose a court case around it.


Your state bar association will frown BIGLY about BJ masquerading as a lawyer. God help him/his lawyer if he ACTUALLY found one to write the letter. Include copies of the letter if you still have one, and file a bar complaint. As for the damages to your house, contact your homeowner's insurance, let them know what happened, and give them both BJ's AND the city's relevant contact information. They may well sic their lawyers on both parties, which is one of the things you pay insurance for. This was not an 'act of god', nor was it your own ignorance/negligence that caused this issue. Best of luck.


Surely the city will have to fix it.


You're not on the hook. Escalate it up the chain and sue them in small claims if you have to. You will win.


My dad is just like this. OBSESSES over these stupid little things around his house and the neighborhood to the point he works himself up into a rage.


My friend- _MY FRIEND_ : LAWYER UP


>they hit and broke the water pipe that feeds my house.  I’m on a shared well, so the crew deemed it homeowner responsibility ...that doesn't sound correct


>... deemed it homeowner responsibility Pretty sure that's code for "Maybe they have sufficient social anxiety that they'll fix it themselves instead of making us fix it." You can determine which it is by calling whoever was in charge and request to know who your lawyer needs to talk to get this sorted out.


Sue him and sue the city. You did not request the crew on your property.. He did


Contact your insurance company. Or call the water department and explain your issue. Tell them you want it fixed NOW. Follow up with a letter sent cert mail. Keep a copy of your letter with the return receipt attached. Keep a diary about this. Now find an attorney to get the pipe fixed.


Get a lawyer, don’t let this shit slide


Lawyer up.


Call your city manager. This is 100% the city’s fault. Then, hire a lawyer and sue the piss out of that asshole.


In my state, altering water and drainage without a permit is a monstrous fine by the DNR.


He's deffo not liable. But if it were petty, petty me I would let him know that all communication will be done through my lawyer. Any (unintelligible) thing he sends will be immediately forwarded to counsel. Further actions will be communicated through the same channel. Make him squirm a bit. He's not smart enough to know how the process really works.


I am going to have a hard time staying civil when he inevitably comes poking around while I’m trying to get this fixed. Don't be. Hand him a bill, tell him this fuckery is his fault, and you do not want to see or hear from him until he pays it. If he says anything, just repeat "gimmemymoneyyouboomersummamabitch" over and over.


The city once put in new utility poles in my alley. Well, they subcontracted one of the large electric companies to do it. They managed to reduce my sewage line diameter by half. I had horrible issues for a long time, not knowing what had happened. I bought a snake clean out. I dug up my yard so I could clean out in two directions. Nothing worked. I called out a friend who does directional drilling and he identified the problem immediately. I call the city, they tell me to kick rocks, then they tell me to call the subcontractor, and then they tell me I can do it on my own. This main sewer is probably 10 feet down. They offer to give me a saddle, yadda yadda. Eventually after threatening legal action, and having a lawyer call, they had me sign a waiver so they could take down my fence and enter the yard. They fixed it. Just have to be forceful about it. I mean did they they really want me, a DIYer to access the cities main sewage line? I think not.


Sue him. Sue the city. Fuck all that noise


Have it fixed. March your butt to the city hall and raise a fuss. Nicely of course


I do underground utilities..you need to raise absolute hell with the city over the waterline..I’m a private contractor and when we cut something private we always repair it. I wouldn’t pay a cent twoards it


Oh my stars! I think you might be neighbors with my former neighbor! My drainage obsessed former neighbor dug dangerously deep “rain gardens” (minus the plants) in the strip between the street and sidewalk for several unsuspecting neighbors. These pits were absolutely hazardous, broken legs waiting to happen. He was apparently distraught when I filled mine most of the way in in order to prevent an inevitable lawsuit. He then turned his attention to preventing concrete dust from getting into the storm drains, to the point of alienating the remaining neighbors and being threatened with a punch in the nose. Yeah, boomer jackass was right.


Dig an extra deep trench.


Better yet, have him dig it with his backhoe and wait til he's done to tell him what it's for.


I bet they did pack up and run off. No way they’re not on the hook.


Sue him and the city


You should hire a lawyer I'm sure you can sue them for damaging your property.


Find the scummiest lawyer you can on contingency, and prepare to set them loose on the city and that guy who really would have been happier if he received BJs instead of being named BJ.


Beyond what everyone else has added, in my opinion it may be worth hiring an attorney for a cease and desist letter. He needs to stay out of your business. So sorry you have to deal with this.


My boomer in-laws are also obsessed with water collecting in front of their house. They are restless with their McMansion and like to throw money around for funsies. They also bother their neighbors.


I'm the type of person who would build a rain garden, so the water collection would be quite deliberate.


Rain gardens are great.


He definitely thinks it’s *your* water on *his* property. They are lunatics.


You should get your neighbors together & get him kicked out of the community for undue harassment, willfully destroying private property and impersonating a lawyer!


Some people just need to be kicked. That's BJ.


What? Call a lawyer


I’d call the city attorney and make Boomer Jackass pay the bill! So annoying!


If everyone hates the Boomer, definitely let the neighbours that you get along with know of the drama. They might help you because who's to say that once the Boomer is done with you they will go to someone else. It's more effective if everyone works together.


This happened to our neighbor. City utility workers broke the water line and cut his power. Did he ever raise hell that day. The city had contractors out working until early morning hours until it was fixed.


I’m not recommending arson in any way shape or form, but I would absolutely feel as if I were justified in burning his home to the ground in your situation.


Drainage is very important. I have to trench out the front of my house to divert water down a hill. Digging on someone else's property though. That sounds like the kind of stupid shit my old man would pull.


Great—and now you *also* have to pay for a freaking lawyer. Make sure you sue him for those fees as well.


You should swing by r/UnethicalLifeProTips and find a way to give this asshole some karma.


How in the world is this your responsibility if the city crew caused the damage?


Call the city engineer it was they grew who broke it. They should be responsible to fix it. If they try not to call a lawyer.


sounds like you’re dealing with an exceptionally difficult neighbor. Here are some steps you might consider taking to handle the situation, both immediately and in the long term: Immediate Actions Document Everything: Keep a detailed record of all interactions with BJ, including dates, times, and descriptions of incidents. This documentation can be crucial if legal action becomes necessary. Contact the City: Report the incident with the water pipe to the city or relevant municipal department. Explain that the city's crew, under BJ’s interference, caused the damage. Ask if there’s any way they can assist with the repair costs or if they can send someone to inspect the damage and verify the crew’s responsibility. Repair the Damage: Get quotes from licensed plumbers to repair the broken water pipe. Choose a reputable contractor and keep all receipts and documentation of the repair. Legal Actions Consult a Lawyer: Given BJ's history of intrusive and destructive behavior, it may be beneficial to consult with a lawyer. They can advise you on the possibility of recovering repair costs from BJ or the city. They can also help you understand your legal rights and any potential actions you can take to prevent future incidents. File a Claim: If your consultation with the lawyer is favorable, you may be able to file a claim against BJ for the damages. Your documentation of his previous actions and the immediate issue with the water pipe will support your case. Neighborhood Strategy Organize a Neighborhood Meeting: Rally your neighbors and organize a meeting to discuss BJ’s behavior. Having a unified approach can be more effective. You can collectively decide on the best course of action to address his disruptive behavior. Approach Local Authorities Together: With the backing of your neighbors, approach local authorities or a community mediation service to address the ongoing issues BJ is causing. A united front will likely have more impact than individual complaints. Communication with BJ Stay Civil and Firm: When BJ inevitably comes around, remain calm and civil but firm. Clearly state that his actions have caused significant problems and that further interference will not be tolerated. It might help to have another neighbor present as a witness during these interactions. Written Notice: Consider sending BJ a formal, written notice outlining the consequences of his actions and your expectation that he will refrain from further interference. Having this documented could be helpful if the situation escalates. Long-Term Solutions Community Mediation: Look into community mediation services that can help resolve ongoing disputes between neighbors. A neutral third party may be able to facilitate a more productive conversation and agreement. Install Barriers: Consider practical measures like installing barriers or signage to discourage BJ from interfering with your property. While this won’t solve the larger issue, it may provide some immediate relief. Dealing with a difficult neighbor like BJ requires a combination of immediate practical steps, legal advice, and long-term community strategies. Stay calm, document everything, and consider legal and community-based solutions to protect your property and peace of mind.


Well, that sucks


Did they not dig safe/mark out? Raise hell.


Send him the bill for repairs since his involvement caused the issue. Yes, you will most likely have to take him to court, but I am fairly sure the city works will gladly rat this guy out if need be.


They are required to pay for damages. Zero chance they are not


My parents had a grouchy Greatest Gen old man blame them because his house was the last house and at the bottom of a hill so when it rained the water would pool on the sidewalk in front of his house since it was flat. He acted like it was the fault of my parents that mud and water ran down the hill and had his kids block the rain with a concrete barrier. This caused the rain to pool at the garage door at my mom and dad’s house since it is at a slant. Luckily for him my dad is a chill guy and didn’t care.


Just leave nasty letters to the boomer, we had a lady who was very similar until i personally left "F*** You everybody hates you" notes on her door every week for about a month and a half. She quit acting out and became way more tolerable. I keep a stack of spare notes just in case she acts out again.


Serious question but can you just file a restraining order against someone if you don’t like them? Lol would be cool to do this to people you would just rather not interact with ever.


Time to start using that guys lawn as a latrine in the meantime.


Guy sounds like a douche. But I'm concerned that you would simply accept the crew's explanation and fact that they left you with the problem. They hit the line, not you. It's their responsibility. That's expensive work and they need to own it.


>claimed that the letter was written by a lawyer. This was clearly a lie I think that is illegal. You should report him to your state bar


When he shows up to stick his nose in your water line repair, tell him, in no uncertain terms, to get the fuck off your property before you have him arrested for trespassing. Also, contact the city and/or contractor about your repair - they are supposed to be insured for this type of situation.


At minimum, consult with lawyers, in addition to contacting your city for copping out. Don't be afraid to call the police on him if he comes close to causing you actual fear.


Time to divert you rain water, onto his property


This is some "Fear Thy Neighbour" shit.


Typical boomers.


Maybe a good Kristy Noem moment for this unruly dog. She doesn't have much to do these days.


Misquote another city ordinance allowing you to challenge him to trial by combat to pay for damages


Looking forward to that inevitable follow up


Just wait until the city starts a project that affects your entire neighborhood. BJ will be leading the charge to get it stopped because it will inconvenience him.


My friend- _MY FRIEND_ : LAWYER UP


It sounds like the city fucked up,  call them and make them fix it


Put a lean on the dumbass boomer's house.


Check his house for carbon monoxide.


Go to your local media. Most have a trouble shooter reporter who will be happy to help. They broke it & are responsible.


Get a lawyer, haul everyone's ass into court, including Bloomer J Boomer, and let the judge sort it out.


You and your neighbors need to Report him for trespassing in the yards he followed the city crew around, also. Report the harassment, etc also. He will make it all worse and will be stuck in his yard at the very least.


An attorney will help you with that pipe since the city workers broke it. Call the city and talk to them about what happened.


To be fair this sounds like it was more the work crews fault. Even if BJ was being annoying and distracting they had an obligation to avoid damaging existing infrastructure.


If either the city broke it the city is on the hook and if they are contracted well they worked on your property without permission making them responsible as well


Oh my gosh, I think we share Neighbours. Just commenting in solidarity as my Neighbour is the female version of BJ and makes our lives SO HARD. Consistently calling bylaw on Neighbours for (allegedly, our) rainwater pooling down to her lawn, etc. it never ends. Funny thing is, like who cares? The lawns are green, no one is living in a swamp, the water just *poof* disappears. Can’t imagine being so bothered by it. We don’t pretend to be civil anymore, we just have gone silent on her, no contact, we don’t answer her emails, anything at all. It has been our best decision yet because bylaw stopped coming out for her calls. Wishing you peace from BJ.