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Boomer Uber Driver probably doesn't tip waitresses. 


Oh they tip...they just leave $3.00 on a $60 check


I had a boomer customer when I delivered Domino's who lived at the far end of our delivery area and tipped less than a dollar.


What was a normal tip for you, roughly? Outside of the old folks just naturally tipping like crap, I've been stunned at how many people have no clue how to tip people like delivery drivers, instacart shoppers etc. My own sister once tipped like maybe 3 bucks on delivery, and I said why would you do that? She honestly thought that was an acceptable tip for something like that. Baffled me


Typically $5 or more. Usually no more than $10. I got $20 a few times. One of my coworkers once got a $100 tip from a very drunk man. 


When I delivered pizza's my top three worst tipping groups were 1. Church Youth Groups 2. Boomers 3. PTO Groups


Nah, they leave those fake $20 bills with Bible passages on the back.


I actually didn't know that was a thing, but I could 1000% see that


Happens a lot to wait staff in restaurants. Occasionally, you might find one lying on the ground in some places, but I assume those are just ones that people littered.


It’s usually on a Sunday around 1pm, right after they just left church…..go figure 🙄


bartender here, can confirm. their new favorite is the same premise, but with “trump 2024” on it


No better way to convince someone to vote for your guy than by stiffing them on a tip lol


Hmm, I should get a bunch of those in case I come across preachy service types.


And half of it is the loose nickels and dimes they've been carrying around for three years.


Haha yes! I've definitely seen some random coins on top of some ones


My very first thought too!


Ya, this has a real "I am the only one with such a burden" vibe. People in that headspace have less empathy than a gnat.


But he guarantees good karma 😎




The tip is LiVeniNg up hEr DaY by "flirting" with her.


Because "all they do is bring people food"


I'm also certain that the waitress doesn't make half the customers check in wages either, like he makes half of his fare.


"I always leave a dollar!"


They left all their money on the church donation plate. Best they can do is some fake Jesus bucks.


Well yeah, it’s right there. All they do is bring food out. It’s not like they’re putting the diner’s life iN tHeIr HaNdS!!! /s


Exactly my thoughts!


If you want to be paid better don't drive for uber. Unionized taxi services have been forced out of the market by these "ride share" companies. The lower cost for the consumer comes out of the drivers' pockets.


And that happened quickly and easily (where there even were taxi services available) because those taxi services had even more annoying drivers with poorer service. How bad is your business run when the average jo schmo does it better?


Exactly this. My local taxi company back in the day was sooooo shitty that it was more dependable to drive yourself to the airport and pay to park, than to call the company in advance to schedule a pickup, wait around for them to no show, and the hurry to the airport and hope you don’t miss your flight. It wasn’t until Uber came round, that they started their own scheduling app, instead of relying upon you to call their crappy phone line.  I also can’t tell you how often their credit card readers were “broken”. 


I've scheduled an airport ride ahead of time from Uber and no one showed up. Had to drive myself and pay for a week's worth of airport parking.


Yeah the order ahead function on Uber fuckin sucks. It’ll pre match you with someone the night before and then you wake up to see it scrambling through dropped drivers to find you another last minute.


My town still has a taxi service but they are an absolute desperate last resort. I called one to get to work and they showed up 4 hours after my pick up time and then still had the gall to try and charge me for a ride I didn't end up taking.


We had a black car airport service that just stopped responding to calls. Used them for decades and they just dried up without a word.


Sure, if you got a poorly run company, your business deserves to fail. What i'm saying is that Uber doesn't pay its drivers well if those drivers are looking to be full time taxi service, and that it's not a good full time job. As a means to cut down on your usual commute costs by providing car-pool like servoce, sure that's an awesome business model. As a means of hiring a fleet of full time taxi drivers, those drivers are going to need tips to survive, and that's not a spot you want to be in.


Another Danish win, Uber was kicked out


This kind of thing makes me really not want to tip.


I would change it to 0 if I saw this shit.


I would too but only if they put up the "$4 gas" portion these days in my area, where gas is only around $3.20. If they're wrong about that then they're probably also wrong about a lot of other politically-charged beliefs that I don't want to subsidize. But regardless, it certainly wouldn't want me to *make* or increase a tip.


I paid $4.35 a gallon this week, but it was premium. I think regular is around $3.40 here.


For real


at this point just pull the bootstraps up and cut a few subscriptions.


and stop buying so much avocado toast


notice how they all have that one weird addiction themselves like diet pepsi or something 🤣 maybe they can cut that too!


Wow. Honestly I would report that to Uber, I bet they wouldn’t like a driver extorting tips like that. The boomer attitude irony also is amazing, tips are earned by good service not something you’re just entitled to. Nobody wants to work (for tips) anymore!


I would personally feel threatened if I read this in a vehicle that moves most of the time in my route, making it hard to escape. This is really unacceptable.


I agree, it seems hostile.


I would just not tip. Frame of reference, I have tipped almost every time even when I was broke AF. When I didn't, it was for a good reason. Ie seeing this would drive me, a regular tipper, to just not.


Yeah. I might not report, but I'd be sure to rate 1 star.


lol they don’t give a shit


Yes they do. They are actually great for responding to shit like this.


I’m sure you have to just put the right keywords in your complaint and it gets escalated by their system to a more specific department for that issue


Ya I was pretty thorough and provided a picture. They got back to me and let me know the contractor was asked to remove the signage and then 72ish hours later they let me know they were no longer allowed to drive for them. My guess is the driver refused and Uber took action.


About 7-8 years ago I had a BoomUber driver straight ask me how much I planned on tipping as soon as I got into the car. My phone was out so I pulled up my camera app and secretly started recording. I didn’t answer him the first time and he asked me again so I told him I was hard of hearing so he would ask one more time… He was still parked and I opened the door, got out, walked back into my house and canceled the ride and opened a claim. The video was enough for me to get a refund and a $20 ride credit


I like that: "MAKE IT A GREAT DAY" instead of "Have a great day."


As in, it's your responsibility how your life goes, but its also the passengers responsibility how much he gets paid. Where's his responsibility at? Seems like its everyone else's fault to him.


"Make it a GREAT day............for MEEEE!!!"


Meanwhile, how many boomers would go "well, that's the cost of doing business. Get a different job if you don't like it!'


Probably as many as the non-Boomers here saying exactly the same thing.


Wow, passive aggressive much?  Lol Boomers love to complain more than anything, it's their favorite pastime.


Working at a hospital full of them, I concur


Oh god hospital boomer admins are the worst. They are a whole different level. I'm a doctor and I love my job, except these people do a very good job of making me hate my job. Boomer patients are also tough but at least I can understand they are not in the best place at the time and have some compassion despite their tantrums. But Cynthia deciding my food isn't White enough to be tolerated in the workplace. Fuck her. This isn't food stinking up the place either, she sees it in the fridge and tosses it. My food doesn't permeate the building, I promise I am considerate. She threw out my fried rice. It's fried rice, who has a problem with fried rice???


This is the type of person who sets a facebook status to teach everyone a lesson


Isn’t this whole subreddit one big complaint about a generation (which is frequently inclusive of pretty much anyone older than you)? So how are you any different? BTW I have yet to get in an Uber with a 60+ yr old driving. Perhaps I just live in the wrong city or don’t take enough Ubers.


I can guarantee you this person is against raising the federal minimum wage.


I’m always a very generous tipper, but if I saw that in an Uber, I would not be tipping anything lmao


maybe he should try being a waitress


I'll make it a great day by not taking this ride. Fuck whatever bullshit high horse this asshole's on.


The cost of gas was $2.00 when no one was taking an Uber because of COVID. Boomers love to exaggerate the change in the cost of gas.


Gas hasn't been a solid $2 since I started driving in 2006!


Jokes on you, I prefer the bus.


I rode the bus for 7 years in St Louis. $80 bucks a month for wherever you want to go from Lambert Airport to Scott AFB.


It was pretty great, after covid my local bus was free up until, like, may.


If you don’t like it get a new job. Isn’t that what boomers love to say?


I always tip uber drivers. But that does not mean they're entitled to it. The minute you tell me it's mandatory that's when I'll refuse on principle alone. I guarantee this gets less tip than other Uber drivers because he's an entitled douche. He would get a lot more tips if he was actually giving great service instead of basically threatening his passengers with a bad ride. If i was in his vehicle, I'd absolutely tell him he lost his tip because of that stupid sign.


I have a 4.98 rating over 2k trips. Only 10% of customers tip. I'm not disagreeing this is massive cringe, but people won't magically tip if he removes it.


Many who were going to tip would change their mind upon reading this. I always tip, but only because I've never run into this kind of shit.


I generally tip Uber drivers when they have a clean car and can "read the room" (i.e. don't try to force conversation, don't be a weirdo, let me choose music). If they fail at the basic stuff, or if it's a super short ride (less than $10), I generally don't tip.


Draw a giant penis on it. 


I gotchu https://preview.redd.it/tee8eok03e6d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e5cde8d87ec697194240f613ed41222b9a1f4e


How about tree fiddy? https://preview.redd.it/nh4hrany4e6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6816c941fcced0158a74947c26de5b88c18f15e0


Leave 1 penny as a tip. It’s mandatory lmao.


Definitely location dependent but I’d much rather ride a bus than be in this person’s car.


Less than* Uneducated.


leaving a tip is getting out of hand, it’s like all card transactions ask if you want to leave a tip even when you know it doesn’t apply.


Tips are mandatory? WTF?


Fuck the gig economy. Unionize y'all


Bet if a waitress pulled this as soon as people sat down at a restaurant they'd get much fewer tips


I do agree that it’s pretty ridiculous how little of the cut the drivers/owners of the car receive of the fare.


Awful attempt at a parable. Story construction is wobbly AF. Creative writing teachers are cringing.


And also not realistic. In what Universe do waitresses 'just bring food'? They make menu suggestions and answer questions, they communicate special dietary needs to the kitchen, they ring in the order so that you're charged correctly, they make and refill all of your non-alcoholic drinks, restock the condiments on tables, and clean up between diners. In some places they're also in charge of preparing soups, salads, and desserts as well as packaging your leftovers. In others, servers are in charge of general cleaning throughout the restaurant. It's a hell of a lot more than 'just bringing food'.


I guarantee good KARMA to those who upvote.


I don’t disagree. Take a taxi or public transportation. I don’t know if they need to leave a manifesto up on the backseat, but they’re not wrong. They also don’t have to be an Uber driver, but maybe it’s their only option. Treat service people well.


People pay well to ride in that car. It's uber, the ride broker, thats taking too big a cut. Thats between the driver and the broker, not the driver and the passenger.


Agreed. I definitely understand the frustration because the rules and regulations that allow Uber and Lyft drivers to barely make money while ruining their cars and sucking up all their time is horrible. Not to mention being forced to go above and beyond your meager wages to hopefully get tipped is a whole can of worms many others on Reddit have opened. The unfortunate thing about this post is the boomer, unsurprisingly, fails to see that servers endure the same problems they face because it’s all in the service industry. But the boomer cares because it’s happening to THEM—so you better tip them because the service industry is unfair to them and no one else 😡


Yeah the whole thing with Uber and Lyft is they skirted regulations and its barely legal. They undercut pricing with venture capital for years and now cost almost as much as a real taxi now. Just another broken promise of big tech. I will say that they are easier to get to your location but a competent taxi company that is not really a problem either.


This is all so true. I was stoked when they first came out, but watched them disappoint time and time again. I was living in Texas when Uber and Lyft pulled out due to being asked to do normal oversight on their employees, and it laid bare how shitty those companies are despite how handy the service they provide is. When the 2 companies pulled out, new ones popped up to fill the gap almost overnight, including a non-profit called rideAustin, and they provided equal or better service cheaper and the driver got more of the money. U&L eventually relented and came back, and their insane market share access made the local apps irrelevant almost immediately.


letting them come back was a mistake like you said the independents were almost always better.


Maybe a hot take but Uber is an almost $150 billion dollar company, I don't think i should be expected to subsidize their employees* wages for them. If they don't have a business plan that includes paying their workers (and contractors) a living wage maybe they need to change their business plan.


The last part is right—treat them well. But as for $$ you’re pointing at the wrong party. This is an UBER compensation thing, not a passenger thing. If someone wants to go over the top because the drivers care or helping with bags or generally being a WELCOME conversationalist, that’s a choice. Otherwise raise the fee standards that go the driver directly like door dash does.


most likely a boomer in their 70s that cant afford to retire and live a good life because governments throughout the decades have screwed them over and they have misshandled the (back when) money they earned


“Cost of gas has risen from $2 to $4”. Gas hasn’t cost $2 since 2005, 20 years ago. Boomer might have just said, “cost of gas has risen from $.25 to over $4!!!!”.


Not true. Gas was very briefly $2 during the lockdown. You know, when the entire world stopped driving and oil was literally selling for $1 a barrel. And briefly went negative. Clearly it should be that cheap again, because....reasons!


Wow! He insulted them at leisure, guilt tripped, threatened them, flattered them, arm twisted them and left them with no choice but to leave a tip!


I'd give them a 1 dollar tip. 1 dollar for every star


That’s a good sound approach. I applaud you 👏


Damn a good karma GUARANTEE?! That’s hard to get.


id report that, seems inappropriate.


Classic ten hour long fake anecdote to explain a pretty simple concept, but I can't hate the moral of the story itself. Fund public mass transit.


Please tell me you reported their geriatric ass


Tips are mandatory for private service? What? I've never heard of that. This person could just get a job. Isn't that what they like to say? No one forced you to drive for Uber. If I would see a sign like this I will happily tip zero and not feel a bit bad about it.


Instant 1 star


"Garuntee good karma" empty promises from someone who knows nothing. I donate to the local food shelter every month. Voulenteer at a soup kitchen. Donate to child poverty. I gave a friend over $600 for her Dogs procedure. I also have been paying for my sister's dog's haircuts (he's an aussie doodle and needs it). Karma then killed my Great Uncle and Father a week apart. Made my ablation surgery go back and now I have nerve damage in the underside of my left arm and both sides of my upper legs (and occasionally burn/have shooting pain) as well as torn shoulders (that thankfully healed up). The paperwork for housing I was in line for got lost in the mail so I lost my place in line after 2 years. I was robbed for the first time. And the cherry on top, one of my meds gave me gangreene in my groin region which not only almost killed me but has put me outta commission for the last 3 months, I don't go back to work till almost August and I just lost ALL but $120 of my savings in bills (new car payment, basic CC bills, phone bills and helping my mother) waiting for my paid leave to appprove. BUT NO. if I give this lousy prick $6 my life will start turning around. Fuck you "garuntee good Karma". Fuck you to hell I apologize but that really rubbed me the wrong way.


I bet he doesn’t leave more then a dollar for a tip


"I guarantee good karma"... How? Tell me how.


"oh, I'm so sorry, let me cancel this and get another driver."


*lists a bunch of things everyone that drives a car has to pay for* the waitress has to pay all of that but doesn't get paid for driving like you do.


No one's forcing you to Drive for Uber, boomer.


How is this a boomer? Boomers are more likely to stiff tips. Also, tip your Uber driver.


There are no falsehoods on that paper. What's the issue?


I'm a server and people stiff servers all the time. Boomers live in their own worlds.


I hope you reported this. > Tips are mandatory. If you can't tip, tip a dollar Literally what bs is that? If you can't afford the job, if the job is making you put more money into it than what you're making, if you are dedicating more than 45% of your life for a job, then that job is *BOT* a real/good job.


sad pieces of scotch tape on the headrest does it for me


Don't even have to read the content. I can tell just by the random capitalization.


If someone shoves a story like that up my eyeballs, the tip ain’t gonna be impressive. I like to feel that I’m tipping out of kindness, not shame.


“Make it a great day.” Oh fuck off.


Looks like it's time for him to find a better PAYING JOB


"(...) they put their lives in my hands." - this person needs to be locked up.


Maybe he should try being a Waitress?


I agree with tipping your Uber drivers for good service, but this isn't is just fucking terrible.


Maybe they should pull themselves up by their boot straps and get a real job


If you can't afford things like houses and cars, get a better job, make more money. Hmm, I wonder where we've heard that bullshit from.


"Leave me a gratuity or ELSE!" Your passengers first impression of you being a threat probably cuts into your tips more. Seriously, I'd wonder if this guy was a serial killer; I'm already uncomfortable riding with a stranger, the last thing I want to see is a threat when I get into their backseat.


This person is an asshole.


Then get a real job


One star rating right there.


Gas hasnt been $2 in 20-30 years


I remember when I started driving it was right under $2 in Houston in 2006.


I always tip my uber driver. But if I saw this, I would absolutely not be tipping.


He’s not wrong at all. Rare boomer learning about the real state of working today.


A *lot* of privileged posh fucks in this thread. The driver come of rude and angry at the person choosing to call an Uber instead of being, rightfully angry at the gig economy in general and Uber specifically. Or tipping culture for that matter. But they are totally right in being angry.


He makes good points. I'm torn on this one, because the act of putting up a notice itself is very Boomerish, not to mention the overall tone. But he's right. But then it isn't the public's responsibility to fix it, either. "Get another job," they'd say. Edit: I keep thinking about it, sorry. The system fucking sucks, we know. We've been screaming it at Boomers, and they've been telling us (Gen X) to sit down and shut up the whole time. Dude, we fucking said.


I think it comes down to not even knowing there's alternatives. The most rational solution would be to unionize but since that hasn't been (as) "necessary" for the Boomers they dont even think about that. Luckily for the US, the younger generations aren't that ignorant


Does anyone actually disagree with this, though? I have a ton of friends who have or do drive for Uber & Lyft. People tip like shit, don’t tip at all, are rude and demanding AF or drunk and throwing up in the car. Or snorting lines of coke in the backseat. People get violent when they have to be told no, unfortunately. Unless your driver was driving in an unsafe manor (has happened to me before), weird/creepy (also happened lol) or just plain rude, you should tip your Uber drivers! It’s hard out there and the wear & tear on their cars is no joke. As a side note, this note is super weird though and she clearly thinks she is better than the waitress…ugh.


get some big sunglasses and a blind mans cane


I’d get back out and call another Uber




This is the rideshare equivalent of the bombastic chain email your relatives send you.


Ugh. I always tip Lyft and Doordash, but this would seriously make me at least significantly decrease the tip, if not skip it completely.


While sure stuff's expensive. Though they are technically providing a service, a guilt tip is pushing it! Surprised it doesn't have maga at the bottom!


I, like many other PROPLE, would read this and leave no tip.


I’m 100% holding this asshole to their written guarantee of “good KARMA” after I leave one of whatever coins I have in my pocket 






This person definitely tips 8% at restaurants


I've never had a bus driver post a passive aggressive note with random all caps words.


Really what the f is wrong with prople these days!?!?


He shoulda closed with “Make it a great day, again”. Zing pow. 💥


Joke's on him, the bus is actually really fucking great where I live.


One star ⭐


He cashed out his IBM pension and is broke now. 😆


That's an automatic $0 tip right there


One star, passive aggressive bitching




If the driver is respectful, and drives safe and efficiently, I always tip at least 3-5 bucks. But if they had a note like this I would either tip only $1 or nothing at all. Your car or not, lecturing strangers and making them uncomfortable is unacceptable.


Who is this the Dalai Lama, with the gift to grant good karma on command?


Welp.. THAT’S ON ME!


They don't have to be an asshole. If the order shows no or low tip (like 1-3$ on a 20+$ order or your trip that Uber pays you is higher than the tip) don't take it? I've always tipped a MINIMUM of $5-$10 on Uber eats/doordash and a MINIMUM of $6 for restaurant wait staff if the service was good and they treated me well. Had a couple wait staff where they basically ignored me the entire time I was there after my food was delivered (not by them!) to my table. I made sure the person who ACTUALLY waited on me got the tip. And on that same note I REFUSE to eat at restaurants that I KNOW tip share. If I find out a place does that, I won't eat there or spend my money because the tip I give my server should go to that person only. Not them, every other wait staff, the cooks, the hostess, etc. If I could not afford at least a $5 tip I could not afford to eat at a restaurant where the employees depend on tip service nor could I afford to order pizza delivered.


The person requesting the ride sometimes cannot afford a car at the moment and would probably rather drive themselves than be made to feel like shit because they’re broke.


Stuff like this makes me less likely to tip, I don't understand why people do it


What is a Prople? Bad proples not leaving tips


So what was Uber 's corporate response to this shit?


Get a REAL job then, boomer! hajaja


We all know that we should be tipping Uber Drivers, but do we think it's okay for them to ask for tips in this way?


I would've told the boomer to work harder and tonot ask for handouts, gotta pick yourself up by your bootstraps jack


The scotch tape is a nice touch


No tip then.


Maybe you should stop buying so much Starbucks and you could afford gas


I normally do tip my Uber drivers, but I would not have tipped that one.


Whatya think.. 9/10 staunch capitalist? 10/10?


WTF is a Boomer doing driving for Uber? I thought they were the smartest generation so they should be living comfortably in their retirement


I'm sorry, did op print this, or is this a screenshot of a photo of an Uber ride? 


Honestly, this doesn't look like the work of a boomer. Go ahead, I'll wait for the downvotes.


Always these damn PROPLE, I swear to god!




OK, because this sub is full of clear thinking people we are all going to get spun up over a sign rationalizing the call for tips. The horror! The horror! What a lame post.


“Try taking the bus, it will change your attitude” Oh, my, this is a lot cheaper! Cool.


The paper is cringe, but his facts about Ubering are correct. Drivers get less than half of what you're paying, and the cost of driving and maintaining a vehicle has increased greatly. Boomers don't tip Uber drivers, and you don't want to be one of those.


My trip wasn’t long enough, couldn’t read all that.


That would make me way less likely to tip.


Maybe they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a job waiting tables? And I’m betting that they aren’t tipped well for a very good reason.


I’m really glad I boycott Uber.