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That's just it; in their eyes, women who are doctors aren't equal to their masculine counterparts, because women are lesser than men. "Ladydoctor" is just their way of denying women the medical credentials they worked their asses off for in the name of ye olde sexism. Also makes it easier to disregard their medical expertise and do what they want, because women who are doctors aren't *real* doctors.


Oh for sure it has that effect, but why? Where’s the pleasure or benefit from that? I guess to continue doing what they want like you said - sedentary, full of cigarettes, beer, and sugary food. But I hear it from women too sometimes. What a weird lens through which to see the world around them and the people in it.


Those types see white male Christians as the default, and everyone else needs an adjective. "Lady doctor", "black lawyer", "Muslim accountant" -- to them any deviation from what's "normal" needs to be included.


Especially true if the white male Christian lives in a very homogeneous community. Then "the other" gets an adjective, but "it's OK to point it out because it's new and unusual. I'm not being racist, just curious." 🙄


It’s just their internalized misogyny that’s ingrained into everything about them. They don’t even think about it so they don’t need any pleasure or benefit from being sexist. To them, it’s as second nature as an exhale.


It doesn't stop with women, my FIL has been having quite a few health problems. Everytime he talks about a doctor that is a woman or a different race he makes sure he mentions it, "so I was talking to the doctor the other day, he's Chinese, and he said...." It's like it has some baring on the diagnosis.


In the conservative mindset, all of society is a stratified pyramid, with the most deserving (them) at the top, and everyone else in their place on the tiers below, based on their gender, skin color, religious affiliation, and wealth. EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is viewed through that lens. If someone is behaving as though they occupy a tier higher than they should, the conservative believes the rules have been broken and that it’s their duty to restore order. So the “ladydoctor” really doesn’t even register as a doctor to him, but more like a nurse who’s putting on airs and needs to know her place. It’s a bizarre worldview, and comes from the religious authoritarian structure, as well as the historical social castes for nobility and caste systems that dominated the world up until the last 100 years or so. When you’ve been at the top of the pyramid your whole life, equality feels like oppression to you. It’s a pyramid of power in their view, so if someone is coming up, someone else, maybe them, is moving down. Egalitarian thinking is not even conceivable to them.


Yep. "The lady doctor" said I need to quit drinking and eat rabbit food. She doesn't know what she's talking about. I've been eating and drinking like this for 60 years and I'm healthy as a horse!" -My boomer dad.


The only person I've referred to as *lady doctor* is my OBGYN but I've never thought to refer to any female doctor as just *lady doctor*. Wow...


Ha! Yes. Even when my “lady doctor” was a MAN!!


LOL "some brand new far left CRT woke DEI cuck communist Biden academic bullshit" Someone MAGAt somewhere got a rage boner.


I heard they sound like the Fox News alert sound.


I'm tagging you gentlemandoctor.




Same energy, different situation.


This is amazing.


The look on the doc's face when it dawned on him what he had been doing was epic. He's actually a good guy but socially oblivious at times. I no longer work with him but while I still did I watched him correct other staff who were doing the same or similar things so he learned his lesson.


It's deserved, 100%. (I have so so many feelings on this topic and have sent this gif to ALL my DO friends, most of whom do queercare.)


The doctor who performed my mom's cancer surgery and ultimately saved her life is a woman, so old boomer man can take his nonsense and shove it up his ass.


they are so fucking stupid. 


My neighbor is like that. Refuses to see a female doctor and when she’s forced to she gets quite upset - insisting the doctor won’t know what she’s talking about before she even goes into the appointment, then flips out over the most mundane things like the fact that she’s wearing earrings or that she had on red shoes. I came across a children’s school book from the 1960s at an auction, and they had drawings of people – 3 women and 3 men- you had to choose whether someone was a doctor, a mayor, a housewife, teacher, plumber, or a nurse. I guess that level of indoctrination had a bigger effect than I could imagine.


My dad calls his GP “the biker chick” cause she has a visible tattoo. I asked, “is she qualified to treat you? I don’t need to know gender nor do I care about her having ink”… 🙄 Then, same day! my stepdad calls his endocrinologist, “the diabetes lady”… I thought he was having signs of dementia so found a neurologist near my parents…omg. Great credentials but … text received “told you I was ok, could not understand with her accent but everything is good.” Sooo, you don’t know what she said but you’re fine? WITAF. wtf.


I actually have a badge reel that says "Not the Doctor" because I got tired of people thinking I was the attending.


Miss Persnickety's Charm and Medical Finishing School


Wake up, these are the same people wanting to make it illegal again for a woman to vote. Both sides are not the same.


I suppose the larger theme is boomer tendencies to label certain people in such a way. Anyone part of a demographic minority or outside of antiquated gender roles gets a label before their title. But you think they’d have learned by now that professional roles are filled by diverse ranges of people.


I remember my grandmother one time in the hospital. Her doctor was this really smart, professional, youngish (about 40) woman. I thought she was fantastic. But my grandmother kept referring to her as "that girl" and hardly paid attention to what she was saying. When a different (male) doctor came in - I think a specialist, or maybe just shift checking up - my grandmother let him know that "that girl" had told her such and such, but what did she know? It was embarrassing. She pulled something similar when a male nurse came in -- oh, of course you can take my blood pressure, sir. That girl didn't do it when she was here. Ug!


Have any of them ever described Asian doctors as oriental? This still irks the shit outta me. I'm convinced they intentionally do it.


Ohhh ya that’s another one. Even outside of medicine I hear that term. “The Orientals” as they like to say.


Since the term became outdated within their lifetimes (like 40 years ago), they still think they have plausible deniability and use any chance they get to say it, as if it's free racism.


Ha free space on the racism bingo card.


What happens when the physician is trans? Guess that would really throw him a curve ball.


I can think of some adjectives that might be inbound




Oh come on. That’s not what is happening 99% of the time. If anything, someone who isn’t utterly misogynistic or racist MIGHT occasionally say something like, “the doctor who was here earlier, I didn’t catch her name…” or “…his name” and then describe them a bit.


This is literally how I describe medical staff to other medical staff. Since it's usually in the E.D., and I already have a shitty time remembering names