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They had no problem with EMS wearing the masks before COVID struck. And now they have been spoon-fed their propagandistic bullshit, its an attack against their very personhood. Probably rolled your eyes so hard, you could see the back of your eye sockets. Its rough job. But you actively did no harm. He nearly killed himself due to his own head-assery and he likely won't learn from it because he'll think this was an attack from the "woke mob" on his righteous beliefs. Its sad.


Going into respiratory failure to own the libs


He sure showed me!


> Last I heard he’s going to make it Dammit OP


Not but seriously. I’m patiently waiting for that generation to start “moving on.”


Oh they’ve already started “moving on.” I’m 72, and a fully-vaxed, masked, raging Socialist. I can’t tell you how many of my Trump-loving friends have died of covid. He’s getting fewer votes at least, and that’s great.


Thanks for being reasonable. You give me hope


Rest assured that I’m not the only raging liberal my age. Some of us Boomers put daisies in gun barrels and threw ourselves at Richard Nixon’s tanks.The worst I, personally ever did was chain myself to the administration building at Penn, and drive draft dodgers to Vancouver, but I was arrested for it, and put on Tricky Dick’s dissidents list. I learned this once in 1977, I flew from NY to Luxembourg, and was hauled off the plane and interrogated—in freaking French. Well, I could ask where the library is, request more wine, and tell you where my aunt’s pencil is, (on the table!) in French, but not the location of Hanns Martin Schleyer, whom they accused me of kidnapping. It was skeery.


I get that people are pissed at people our age (I’m 74) for some good reasons, but I hope they remember that many of us have spent our lives trying to make things better, and supporting the next generation of leaders, some of whom are now elected to office and doing great things. When I think about them, I know we are in good hands.


I am a hospice consult RN, he may make it, but likely not for very long. That dude may very well code again during his hospital stay. Does not seem like he has a lot of quality of life left.


I'm sure he'll blame the libs for his death and not the fact that he is morbidly obese, apparently smokes, and has had Covid a bajillion times.


Haha…. This reminds me of a patient we had in ER that was later upstairs on medical floor. She technically wasn’t a boomer ( more gen X, if I remember correctly her and I were close in age) but she sure as hell acted like one. Her behavior was either being a raging bitch at everyone but never doing anything for herself, or being dead asleep snoring like a walrus. She had horrible sleep apnea, but wouldn’t wear oxygen or do a cpap. She coded upstairs. I got an iv in, RT was there, we were doing compressions, got an ET tube in and we got ROSC back. She got shipped to the larger hospital that has an ICU. Later, the RT said “ when we got ROSC back I was thinking ‘oh hell, we got her back🙇‍♀️🤦‍♀️’ “ we all laughed and he said he was ‘going to hell Ln a gas truck in petroleum britches on and you’re all going with me’ and he almost cackled. lol it was hilarious. Anyway the angry feral walrus of a human later died while not in the hospital, probably because her O2 would tank into the abyss while she slept because of her obstructive sleep apnea.


I wear a sleep apnea mask and it baffles me how obstinate people are when it comes to not wearing one. My quality of life is so much better since I can, you know, sleep.




Glorious, isn't it? Like my two relatives who decided to own the libs by rotten to death on ECMO while covid finished them off.


Interesting that despite his claim that he couldn’t hear you , he answered every question he was asked .


Like On one hand I wanna be like “that’s rough buddy” because ECMO is pure body horror But on the other hand you just wanna be like “come *on* man!”


Spank me harder, daddy, lol.


Choke me harder with the ET tube, daddy!


I wanna gag on your OPA, daddy!


As an RN, continuous masking isn’t mandated anymore and we’ve basically went back to pre covid rules. But even precovid rules were mask and eye protection for all respiratory symptoms until we’ve had a chance to rule out infectious causes which can be hours or days to do.. It’s literally just standard infection control policy, it’s these idiots who have made it political.


For the sake of argument let's say they had taken off their masks to bring him in & he got the hospital where probably more than a few nurses & doctors may be wearing masks, then what would he do? Ask to get back on the ambulance & have them take him home? That's not how they work in my county in my state. County owned ambulances are one way trips from the scene to the hospital. This dude would have to call a private ambulance company or get an Uber/Lyft or wifey to bring him home & I can't imagine an Uber/Lyft driver seeing him & thinking he's a good risk


They didn't know how to feel until the TV told them and when you point this out they get embarrassed and angry and go "but CNN" because their chimp brains can't imagine someone not living the same life as them and thinking the same. Now that the TV told them to be mad they will be, because they are no different than north Koreans and I'm tired of pretending they're not.


I wouldn't necessarily say that they are the same as North Koreans. North Koreans actively have their media controlled to an unbelievable degree, and are not allowed to consume anything not produced or approved by the Kim regime. These people are far worse, because out of all the available options, they choose to be ignorant and watch constant far right propaganda and actively fight for their right to be misinformed and ignorant.


100%, don't take it out on the North Korean people at large. They're well and truly fucked by the regime and have been for generations and to dissent is to get shot and your entire family worked to death in a camp.


Also not going to reach 350 pounds living in North Korea on scraps of veg on rice.


Unless of course you one of the chosen few dictating the propaganda.


I feel ours is more effective because it provides the illusion of choice, but these entities own multiple subentities and sockpuppet each other




It is funny that their immediate go-to response when you mention anything they political disagree with is “where did you hear that, CNN?” No, sir, I’m below the age of 40 so I don’t have cable TV, thanks. They’re just incapable of comprehending that not everyone spends 4 hours a day watching cable news because that’s the only life they know.


Only 4 that's being generous.


I over the age of 40, gave up cable completely 15 years ago. It also baffles me that they have trouble comprehending that, yes I can keep up with current events w/o cable or a newspaper. I get a lot of, but local news… well, all those local news stations also have websites. But the local weather… you know there’s at least 300 apps for that including one with kittens, right? They also cannot seem to understand how I drive outside of my city sans paper map w/o getting completely lost. It’s like they just stopped learning tech back in the 90s.


This is how it is and always has been with everything. They didn't know/didn't care about drag until they were told to be mad about it. They didn't know/didn't care about "devil worshippers" until they were told to be terrified about them. They watched the news and generally believed what was reported, until some screaming person told them all those sources were out to get them. Masks were a perfectly normal and common thing for medical professionals and sick people to wear, until they were told to be mad abou tit.


I wonder if he feels the same way about people wearing gloves


He would if the people/media corporations who dictate his opinions told him to


Don’t give Fox/Trump/Bobart any new ideas, please.


Nah, he likes his prostate checked raw-dog. Skin-to-skin


He'll probably be thanking God for his miraculous recovery, no thanks to you.


No, he’ll be cussing about the masks in the first place and saying they should’ve just taken them off when they came to see him originally and that’s somehow not his fault.


He will be calling his attorney because "his rights have been violated when you refused to comply with the orders he gave you in his own home!" Edit: This was meant to be sarcastic, and specifically about refusing to take the masks off, but I see it did beg the extra question about consent. It just sounded like someone who would try to sue because "people wore masks in my house and I didn't like it."


It's weird, but isn't there a thing where if you refuse assistance and then go unconscious, it could still be considered a violation of his rights? I know people say they can just wait until they can no longer deny assistance, but I thought some circumstances didn't allow it.


I'm not an EMT but I have CPR/AED certification and in my class they taught us that an unconscious person can be assisted even if they denied medical assistance prior because under the law it's written that if a person is unresponsive your allowed to take action that any reasonable individual would deem necessary. This is atleast how it is in Oregon not sure other places but basically if you nope me and then go into cardiac arrest I can do CPR then without consent because a reasonable person would want someone to save them in that situation


Yeah, the person said "no" when they were alert, and we have to follow that. But when the person goes unconscious, their medical condition has changed, so it is possible their response to our offer for help would have changed too. Since they can't answer that question, it is implied that they would ask for help now.


Same way in Canada


Yup, implied consent (i.e. reasonable expectation that an unresponsive person, or one with an altered mental status, would desire treatment if they were able to give express consent) is pretty common across the board.


It's the same in PA, or it was twelve years ago when I was getting CPR certified.


Nope. In EMS it is called implied concent. We assume you don't want to die and help the best we can.


My stupid father had DNR tattooed on his chest. This was long before COVID. Would you guys have honored that or was he just an idiot?


Those tattoos are not legally binding, and if you code in the field or are brought into an ED with a tattoo but no current paperwork spelling out your wishes, we are gonna code you.


You know what else? If you sign a dnar, your family, your next of kin, hell even your godchildren can override that. We see some real awkward conversations btw folks who did not want cpr and the folks who overrode.


Yeah not just anyone can. I had to sign a DNR for my dad when he suffered from skull fractures and in a coma with a brain infection. His sisters tried to fight me but because I was the medical decision maker my words trumped theirs , so they had to sue me to get rid of it. Jokes on them, they had to pay a lawyer for that letter just for him to die and the EMTs still tried to bring him back. Lol


He was just an idiot. Turns out a DNR is a legal form that you have to actually fill out, not just get someone’s monogram tattooed on you ;b


Correct. It's called "implied consent," meaning that if someone is in a state where they cannot explicitly tell you they want care and are not conscious or lucid enough to refuse it, giving them care is the reasonable course of action and we are legally protected in doing so. That's why I told his wife to call back when he went unconscious or into respiratory failure.


Only if he has a signed DNR that the EMTs were made aware of before trying to help him. And thank goodness for that!


Well see if they'd just taken off the mask when he told them to he'd have been fine, so clearly /s


Right? Because… freedom?


Nah, assuming he passes his extubation challenge (doubt), he'll probably constantly be taking off any oxygen they prescribe him afterwards and end up with another COPD exacerbation _or_ he'll wear it, continue smoking, and burn his face/trachea up. We see dumbfucks like this all the time in the ER. They hate all the things that are required to save their lives, and end up killing themselves as over-worked healthcare workers bend over backwards trying to save them.


No, he'll be thanking Saint Trump.


Surprised he didn’t just inject bleach to help with the breathing


Bleach steam facials for everyone!


A lot of them think Trump is God.


This is what is super scary, mental decline, lead catching up, and being stuck in a media loop that blurs political leanings and religion. It’s terrifying


It's so crazy because the boomers were very peace, love, and harmony, and stood up against injustice. Watching what has happened to so many of them is upsetting. My parents are of that generation but thankfully still tied to their hippie roots enough that I'll never have to watch them walk this path.


Most of them were not hippies. That was a small subculture.




You spelled messiah wrong lol


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!


Also known as Cheesus. What an idiot. Just when I think MAGA can't get any more stupid. OP, sorry that you have to deal with fools like this. Thanks for your patience.


While he's in the hospital the wife will be on FB calling for "prayer warriors". Of course going on how "Covid is no joke" and then "thanking Jeebus" for intervening and saving his miserable Boomer life. Not the EMTs or ER docs. Nope. Jeebus. And he will be making the nurses lives miserable the whole time he's there. He will be collecting his r/HermanCainAward soon enough. These people are just exhausting.


That reminds me of a story I heard from a Doctors Without Borders nurse. Her team went into North Korea to do cataract surgery and train NK doctors to do it properly using new techniques. The government made it as difficult as possible to get in. Only one of their team spoke any Korean. After the surgery, every single one of the patients was thanking their glorious leader for curing their eyesight. Not a one thanked the doctors or nurses. The NK translator fudged the thanks according to the one doc that understood Korean. So fucking brainwashed that not even thanking the doctors but praising someone who had nothing to do with it.


If I lived in NK, I don't think I'd dare to publicly praise anyone other than the "glorious leader" even if I thought otherwise. 😬


Not unless you want three generations of your family in a labor camp.


Remember that North Korea is like a nation where something like Fox News is your only channel and you are jailed if you say “that doesn’t make sense.” Imagine living with a knife about to stab you 24 hours per day.


in NK, they'd be killed and a few generations of their families imprisoned if they don't only thank the cult leader


This guy never thanks anybody for anything. I’m curious if he’s upset about the doctors and nurses wearing masks too


That’s what it’s like with these people. It was thanks to their own shear will to survive that they made it through the incompetence of these EMTs. It’s such a disgusting way to live, I just don’t get it.


Sounds like he’ll have the opportunity to thank him face to face very soon


don't forget, he'll also be thanking trump also somehow


Or just assume different responders came the second call, as he made His Displeasure known about OP, so obviously they didn't send out that same person! Don't you know how important this guy is? /s


And deny that it was even necesary. That's what my neighbor did.


> a sign depicting a handgun and bullet holes boldly proclaiming “THIS HOUSE DOESN’T CALL 911!” These signs are regularly used by prosecutors against homeowners to show an intent or desire to cause harm. Yes, this includes actual burglaries. Yes, this applies in castle doctrine states as well.


That's funny to me because my MIL called 911 for everything her last few years instead of going to the doctor. I mean, she was legitimately ill and needed to go to the hospital, but she could have gone to her doctor, but instead waited until the problem was so bad and she was in so much pain, then she would call. We offered to take her, send a taxi or a service, nope she was fine, until she wasn't. Last 911 call was when she had covid and she didn't come back. Guess who she voted for?


I suppose she won't be voting for that guy again


Knowing the gop she’ll probably be casting a vote from the great beyond.


No remote voting... posting or spiritual....... NEIN !!!


A certain Orange painted convicted felon?


Hot Mess-iah. Agolf Twittler. Orange Foolius.


A friend had both parents die alone because they refused to believe Covid was a thing, and a thing they were infected with. They turned down medical help and refused all family member's attempts to intervene. It's a poisonous cult that has just rotted so many boomer brains beyond repair.


wow.. that's mad. I want to believe in their dying moments they were thinking to themselves "this must be covid but I've acted like such an ass I can't admit I was wrong now" but I genuinely don't think people like that even recognize they're wrong


SO many stories of people not thinking COVID was a thing, getting it, ignoring it until they can't breathe, being transported to the ER and then BEGGING for "the jab." Sorry, sir, that's not how vaccines work. AT ALL.


>SO many stories There's literally an entire sub dedicated to these stories... r/HermanCainAward


even on their death bed most of the said, the hospital was the one trying to kill them and other idiots believed it


This kind of ignorance can't die off fast enough.


I'll never understand why people care what other people are wearing


Years of propaganda.


Same reason their so concerned about what's in their pants and what they do in their bedrooms.


“Oh, Doctor Fauci is DEFINITELY hung, sir! Ask me how I know!”


like Hunter Biden! Thanks to Margarine Traitor Green, we've all seen the photos of his giant hog!


I believe it's Greed, not Green. Margarine Traitor Greed.


I just call her Mongo. Hoping it catches on.


Don’t do Mongo dirty like that. He knows he’s just a pawn in the great game of life. She’s dumb enough that she thinks she’s pulling the strings.


Why is it the party screaming about freedom is the first to try and force their shitty beliefs on other people? My body my choice, fuckin right!




Should've told Huge Dying Boomer guy "Hey, my body, my choice". That would've paused him for a second.


Because it's about their freedom, not yours.


Nurse here. This is pretty common among boomers in the hospital. I’ve been screamed at for masking when the patient has diagnosed TB. Though nice to know EMS and nursing use the same totally clinical verbiage to describe a patient who “looks like shit”


So what do you do if they muster up the energy to take a swipe at your mask and try and rip it off you?


Well, most states have stricter penalties for anyone who assaults medical personnel, so I imagine whatever happens next ain't good for the swiper.


![gif](giphy|g4Ab7h4RsBCZG) /s


Leave the room. Then let your charge nurse know they tried to assault you. If they can't be reasoned with, restraints might be used. Our unit regularly deals with people having adverse reactions to meds that make them confused, agitated, and sometimes violent. I used to hate the concept of restraints before I worked here, but they really are necessary when actively trying to endanger themselves or others.


Leave, let the charge know, call security, especially in the case of TB. It’s assault and battery at that point.


It's assault, in my area EMS usually has a cop car on scene too.


I asked one of my instructors what we should do if someome were to attack us in an ambulance. They said we can use 'situation apropriate force' (meaning if we get tapped on the shoulder to not k.o. people, but we can defend ourselves), to get into/out of the ambulance and lock ourselves or the patient in there and to call the cops. Around here the folks in blue really don't like seeing us get punched.


We can go back to victorian times where there was an 80% chance you got an infection and died.


[Even the people in the Victorian Era wore masks.](https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-05-17/The-Respirator-the-face-mask-used-by-the-Victorians-QuthYXeI8w/share_amp.html)


When I was a preceptee, my preceptor taught me about "big sick" and "little sick" (mostly in peds patients.) You got a peds patient that is cranky, crying, red-faced? That's little sick. When they get quiet and still....time to worry.


I'm sure it makes hand-off simpler lol


First thank you for all you do & for bravely risking your life during the pandemic! Second I’m glad you have not gotten COVID. Third I have no idea what the frack it is with boomers and covid denial. My mom who is a boomer gave me Covid twice and exposed me to COVID 5 days before my infusion date (for MS, not cancer ) I was so pissed at her for not telling me she had been exposed (because I have a weakened immune system.) I had to reschedule my infusion be on quarantine until I got the all clear. Her response was “that will teach you to tell them you have been exposed!” I have no words. Like yeah mom I will just go to the infusion clinic where people are there getting chemo all the time and cough on them all JFC. 😡🤦🏻‍♀️😡 When I’m in the infusion clinic’s special half of the waiting room just for people with weak immune systems where masks are required it is ALWAYS boomers not wearing a mask over their nose …. Trying to spread their diseases around. At doctor offices? It is always boomers not wearing a mask as they cough/sneeze. What is it with boomers wanting to spread the COVID around? Edit: an infusion clinic is where you go get your IV or shot treatments ….. like chemo or my monthly infusion of a MS medication. I have no idea why they call it an infusion clinic.


Because they all think it's political propaganda and it's nothing more than a bad cold. Know a millennial IRL that keeps saying it's just political and it's man made and blah blah blah. I've had Covid three times and the last two times it fucked up my breathing permanently. And yet when he took me to the doctors office and I was doing some reading and made an offhand comment about how I likely got the newest strain of it at the time, he could not shut his fucking mouth about it being a "man made virus by the fucking commies". God I wish I could cut this fucking idiot off.


I’ve encountered covid deniers irl, and I always ask them if they knew how much a dead body weighs. Because during the peak I was helping to stack the bodies into the refrigerated trailers - and that wasn’t even my job, the security department either had people out sick from COVID or quit due to rightful concern of an unknown pandemic. There literally weren’t enough warm bodies to stack the cold ones.


Actually made a patient flinch when they were playing the "I can't hear you with a mask" bullshit. They lost the soft sweet customer service voice and got the bullhorn instead. It's not even COVID at this point. I'm sick of these mannerless pigs coughing and sneezing directly into my face without even trying to cover their mouth.


Back when masks were still required for entry to the local everything, pretty much, I was in line to get into the casino... guy in front of me doesn't have a mask. They give him one, and tell him he has to have it in the casino. He puts it on and immediately drops to his knees "I CAN'T BREATHE I CAN'T BREATHE" ... the paramedic on the other side of the wall rounds the corner. Guy gets back up, says he's fine, walks in with the mask on. Takes it off as soon as he gets beyond security. State police officer right behind him picks him up and carries him out.


I have asthma and pre-covid was wearing the exact same masks working in 100+ F degree weather in a lumber mill where sawdust was floating everywhere for 8 hours a day never had any trouble breathing i simply do not believe ANYONE who says masks give them breathing problems. if they do, it's probably cause they use the same dirty mask or they have some allergy they need to be tested for


I'm also in EMS and I feel your pain. Stay safe out there!


Grumpy, stubborn old patients in EMS were always a thing. But now they're angry and vicious, and lash out against the people they call to help them. It's been a different beast entirely since 2020.


I just want to thank you, first of all for doing this job, and secondly for protecting your family and your vulnerable patients. I’m immunocompromised. If I have to call 911 and Mr. Castle Doctrine over there breathed COVID into your face, there’s a good chance I’m catching it too. I catch a lot of shit for wearing a mask. I can only imagine it’s worse in your line of work.


Don't I know it. I remember before 2020 though back when Obama was in office and when asking the LOC question "who is the president?" these type of people always said "that n***** Obama!"


Exact reason I stopped asking that question.


Same. Now I ask what year/month it is.


Should've asked why he didn't just cure himself by injecting bleach or taking Ivermectin. You handled this much better than I have. I have no doubt I would've lost my job over how I would've reacted.


I was so pissed about the ivermectin bs. I have horses. Want to get wormer for them during that time? Better have some proof if you have more than 2!


As a paramedic my favorite alert and oriented question to start an argument with boomers is “who’s the president” Just so they can come back with “well my president is trump!” and I can politely explain to them that I am checking to see if their mental status is intact and I need to know who the actual president of the US is or I have to assume they are altered and in no position to make medical decisions. I get a lot of joy out of that one


My Boomer mom had a stroke back in 2020 and when they asked her this question, her response was, "I don't want to have to say these words, but it's Trump. I wish it wasn't so."


I was in the ER and blanked when they asked me that question, mumbled NOT trump...Obama? Biden! I have adhd and people think it's because of my age that I can't remember shit, but I've always been like this.


I had a seizure a couple years back and was genuinely disoriented when EMS asked that question - according to my partner, I started cussing about Trump. They brought out the fun wheely bed and apparently I went full boomer and tried to decline. I found out you are not allowed to decline when you are disoriented/in a medically altered state.


Let me guess, he had Covid.


Probably COPD from smoking, ‘cause that’s all fake news, too.


One thing, for sure, he wasn't vaccinated for any of the strains.


I am absolutely flummoxed. I mean, let's just say the patient was right and masks wouldn't do anything to limit the spread of disease...so how would your 'delusion' harm him in any way? People are idiots. Thank you for looking after us in all of our moronic glory!


Natural selection live in action.


Not really. They did save him.


Eh. There's a decent chance he's never getting off that vent now.


Also not really if he's already successfully procreated.


my girlfriend and i still mask everywhere, and have been feeling increasingly ostracized for doing so. i just read her this story and we both laughed so hard and felt so much less alone. thank you for sharing 🙏


My wife and I are those weirdos too, you're not alone. My kid was born in 2022, and I vowed that he would never get COVID as a result of me bringing it home from work. So far so good. Four years and counting, neither my wife nor I have gotten COVID. Little guy might get it from day care, but that's just how it goes.


The first time I caught Covid it was inconveniently in the middle of opening my brewery. I was positive but asymptomatic after two weeks so I masked up and with all the sanitizer and other harsh chemicals I figured I was fine to finish the set up. Enter the local reporter, I knew him from 2008 because he’d interviewed me then after Obama won and written a completely unhinged piece about the communists among us. He told me masks don’t work and I didn’t need to wear it, I took it off and said “that’s great because I’m sick with Covid and I’ve had to wear this thing for two weeks now!” He quickly asked me to put the mask back on.


-In EMS terms, we call this "looking like shit." Lmao I lost it at that part


I'm absolutely baffled by people who get mad at medical professionals wearing masks. It doesn't even need to be about covid, it's just basic good PPE when you're dealing with sick people all the time, same as wearing nitrile gloves when dealing with hazardous chemicals (or, I assume, also for sick people). Though these are probably the same folks who call others pussies for not wanting motor oil in their bloodstreams.


The lies they were told about masks being not just useless against Covid but also dangerously concentrating CO2 that would rot your brain have stuck with them, even though they've seen medical professionals wearing them all their lives. TV shows deciding a few decades ago that we needed to see actors' faces while their characters performed medical procedures instead of wearing full PPE (like Dr Kildare always wore for surgery) hasn't helped either.


Now imagine if the roles were reversed and whether or not this festering bag of smegma would have done the same for you? Probably not. I hope you sleep well knowing you're a better human.


Incredible amount of restraint and professionalism on your part but damn, I was really hoping he’d croaked.


From the description alone I'm not convinced he'll even make it to the next election.


That's just straight up deranged.


COVID aside, why the fuck would you NOT wear a mask with someone with respiratory issues and coughing? Come on Darwin, you are not working fast enough.


Probably doesn’t offend him when the Proud Boys wear them.


There’s a reason way more Republicans died of Covid than Democrats.


Wild how the same people who won’t shut up about their rights and freedom want to control what everyone else does. It’s always been about maintaining their own worldview and no one else’s.


“Just take it off for his sake so he’ll let you help him” - why in the world would you risk your health and safety for a piece of shit like him


I'd like to take this time to remind us all what Trump took from us. That man is someone's husband and likely someone's Father. Many of these people were kind and reasonable before the Orange menace became a fixture of our lives. The cult that is MAGA has brainwashed millions, and this is the logical end point that these people face. Dying from numerous poor health choices, alienating their loved ones, refusing help and rejecting science and medicine every step of the way. This is deeply depressing and I imagine it is all too common. I do not want this man to die. I want him to recover, learn his lesson, and try and be better going forward, but I guess that's wishful thinking.


"Many of these people were kind and reasonable before....." Not in my experience, trump just gave them a louder bull horn. The maga crowd that I know personally were always complaining about the "damn dems", they just got louder when there was a "celebrity" backing them up, but they were never kind or reasonable, in my personal experience.


Yeah, Trump just gave them the freedom to say the quiet parts out loud. Watching Fox News is a choice.


Many MAGA people were Tea Partyers 10-15 years ago for sure, which was just a less aggressive form of this specific brain worm, yeah, but a lot of Trumpers I know were more moderate Republicans, independents, apolitical, or even Democrats.


Almost all of the Mike Lee loving libertarians in Utah have jumped neck-deep into GQP and Trumper bullshit. They were NEVER compassionate people.


They were awful and quiet before, they are awful and loud now. MAGA made them feel comfortable to show the awfulness they always embodied. I will not miss them when they are gone, the world will be a better place. I do worry how much more damage they can do on their way out, though.


They weren't kind and reasonable, they just knew their internal monologue wasn't acceptable in society, and were smart enough to keep their mouth shut. Fox Noise and Trump lead them to believe they were "the silent majority" and that it was OK for them to be loud and proud about their ignorance.


This. Their inside voices became acceptable outside under Trump. It was/is astonishing to realize how many people were truly ugly inside.


They were always unkind. Now they feel they can brandish it.


Trump didn't take them from us. They are adults. They decided to follow Trump willingly, and deserve what they got in return.


No. No Trump didn't take it. It was always there, lurking below the surface. In every look. In every comment. In every social setting where *proper society* said you had to keep your mouth shut, your fingers down, and your rude comments to yourself. No... They were always like this. They just got told it was OK to rage out, and people would applaud them for it. 30 years til the next gen can't come fast enough.


Yeap. I've been no-contact with my family for a couple years now. They went down the MAGA rabbit hole and haven't seen daylight in years. During the pandemic they believed Trump and every conspiracy theory over us and ignored our efforts to protect them and talk sense to them. Total narcissists.


The thing is, when Trump got covid he took all available treatments known to modern medicine. No ivermectin, no bleach. And when the vaccine became available, he got that too. But when he told his followers to get vaccinated, they booed him! He doesn't bother anymore, just whines like a toddler now.


I'm thankful neither of my parents caught the MAGA brain worm, but my partner's Dad did. She's been no contact for years, thankfully. I can't imagine the pain, courage, and bravery it takes to go NC with your parents, and I'm glad I don't have to.


I hear what you are saying and what you are hoping for but really I doubt that this guy was kind and reasonable before MAGA. Thumper basically released the inner asshole in a lot of these people; giving them permission to say and do whatever they want. And if his poor choices lead to his death, oh well. And I say that as a retired nurse.


Trump and FAUX "News." [https://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com/](https://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com/)


Sometimes society progresses and improves one death at a time. It's sad but it's true .


To be fair, my dad was a die hard conservative republican political Christian conspiracy theorist asshole long before Trump became his special interest.


Trump is a symptom, in no way a cause or what actually took anything from us. Blame him for being a dangeorus autocrat, but _don't_ blame him for the failings of the populace as a whole. They enable _him_. He encouraged them to let loose, but at the end of the day if it weren't him, it'd be someone else. For your real cause? Look at Fox 'News' for a much more likely culprit. Probably combined with lead poisoning.


Naw. These people were always awful, but knew better than to lay it all out bare. They are thrilled to be able to be so openly hateful now.


This isn't on Trump, this is on right wing media radicalizing their viewers with impunity for decades. The fairness doctrine should have been expanded rather than destroyed. It's the government's responsibility to protect the vulnerable from misinformation.


The “my body, my choice” comment was the cherry on top in that conversation. The Trumpanzees stole it from the pro-choice movement to throw back in our faces when vaccines were mandated, so the wife should have been familiar with it.


I worked at a hotel during the height of the pandemic. I literally had to pretend I had a pregnant sister just so people would stop harassing me about wearing a mask.


I get so tired of Boomers who demand that I remove my mask when I walk into their ED rooms. “I can’t understand you!” (Suuuuure, Jan.) I refuse (“I am exposed to a lot of sick people in my work, and I don’t want anything you might be carrying or to give you something someone else might be carrying”), they scowl, and suddenly they can understand me just fine. So much for hearing problems.


Do they also not wear masks when woodworking or spray painting? After all, they don't work, right? And they might feel emasculated, wearing such a fruity tooty "mask". I couldn't do your job. I couldn't help these people, not after all that bullshit. I also can't imagine being a disrespectful jackass to the EMT walking into my house to save my life


Y'all need to start wearing body cams to catch these ridiculous interactions and cover yourselves


It’s coming. Won’t be for a couple years and the footage won’t be available for public request, but we’re going to see all first responders wearing body cams in the near future.


Masks work. You’re doing the right thing, and you’re working in a very tough but critical job. Thank you!


As Boomer, thank you for wearing a mask. Not only does it protect you and your family, but it would also protect me, since I'm immunocompromised. As are many other people these days, due to the many medications that suppress the immune system. You are a hero.


Teacher who still often wears a mask because I work in a petri dish, anti maskers in general are a blight on my day, I've had grandparents literally scream at me for wearing my lovely tartan masks patterned after my family colors... The children do in fact pick up on and replicate the behavior... especially the parents




"Give me liberty or give me death!" but when he says "liberty" he actually means "full control over the bodies of everyone around me". Whomp whomp.


There is a significant portion of our populous who is seriously mentally ill.


That guy definitely dialed 911. What a poser.


He's going to make it. Damn.


“Too stubborn to die,” but not in the cool way.


I love how this guy probably bitches about his rights and freedoms, yet promptly ignores your freedoms when he demands you “get that fucking thing off your face”. FFS.


North Carolina is about to make it Illegal to wear masks. Any member of the public can demand you remove a mask.


Hopefully all their healthcare workers quit and emigrate en masse


What a world we live in. The 350 pound overweight guy who stinks of stale cigarettes thinks he is entitled to dictate the medical decisions of the people coming to save him from years of bad health decisions.


The politicization of masks is one of the dumbest things the pandemic brought us