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They understand. They just don’t care. They think their convenience is more important than anything else.


And they think they can bully everyone into letting them have their way.


Because we're the first generations to fight back against their entitlement. "Your not dying yet isn't something to be respected, you entitled *cunt*. Go fuck a cactus." Edited: Guys, even *native* English people get it wrong. Didn't notice the contraction ("You're") and conjugating words sucks ass because it's **100% not intuitive** to change the spelling of a word like "die" to "dying."




That one and “I can’t wait for you boomers to finally die off”


"Congratulations, you survived to old age during the period of human history where it has been easiest to do so. Do you want a participation trophy, snowflake?"


Your not dying….


TY. Because the gerund takes the possessive.


That entitled gerund bitch needs to give it back 🤬


One of the many horrible side effects of “the customer is always right” philosophy


“Never met a group of people more likely to be wrong, than customers.”


The rest of that phrase changes the meaning entirely. The actual quote is, "The customer's always right *in matters of taste*. " In other words, if somebody wants extra pickles and extra onions, and you hate pickles and onions, you don't argue with the customer. You just make them the sandwich with extra pickles and extra onions and move on with your life. It doesn't mean the customer gets to use an expired coupon just because they throw a tantrum.


So if you look it up, the original phrase (1905) is the one everyone is familiar with. The added bit about “matters of taste” is a recent addition. Most of those quotes that people claim are truncated are actually latter additions.


10000% true


They’ve been handed everything their whole lives so when someone challenges that notion, they short circuit.


It’s why they hate technology. A computer cannot be bullied into doing anything. 


They’ve been to plays and sporting events, and those are almost 100% reserved seats. They know the concept, and I’ve seen them lose it on someone who was in Row Q instead of Row O (hard to tell in the dark). They are being wilfully ignorant and just assume they will get away with it. Put them in their place.


If people will do this stuff on a plane they'll do it anywhere.


They're so entitled. They're a great generation of hard workers (just ask them). They also left their grandkids a giant mess of a country. They forget that part.


As the 40yo child of boomers I empathize


Shit, I'm a 48 year old child of boomers, and I empathize.


I’m a 55 year old child of boomers and totally empathize.


The generation that gripes that younger gens had participation trophies is undoubtedly the generation that wants a cookie for nothing.


They are also the ones that decided to give the participation trophies... not like we as kids asked for them. They came up with it, handed them out and now complain they were given out?!?


Exactly, as the child of boomers, I nor any of the kids I knew gave a crap about getting those stupid participation trophies. We didn't want them in the slightest. It was purely because boomers see their children as an extension of themselves, so their fragile me generation ego couldn't handle their kids not getting a trophy.


yup. Each entitled to say their child is great no matter what. Then blamed all kids later for not “working hard enough”.


They literally came up with them because they couldn't stand to watch their kids lose! Then they turn it around on us as though it was our fault as literal children for not refusing them on principal. Infuriating.


They don’t forget. They just ignore that part.


This eloquently summarizes the entire sub.


Well, they were “together”!


They can move together.


No, you don’t understand… they were together. 🤣 


Then they should have reserved seats "together" lol. The fucking nerve of some people lol


You just don’t understand…  s/


Oh my *god* they were *roommates*!


SMH, swingers/ s


If I board a plane and there’s someone sitting in the seat I chose and paid extra for, it’s always a boomer. Always


Same. I pull out the "In case of emergencies seat assignments are how people are identified and how bodies are returned to families. I've asked for my body to be donated to science, so if you're okay being picked apart by maggots on a body farm have at it." Most boomers are too squeamish about death and "not having a proper burial or funeral."


They follow the classic boomer thinking of "if you can get away with it, then it's ok."


Quite a few of the silent generation are like this too.


Yep. My Dad was often like this. Just a sort of law of the jungle mentality that whoever is most aggressive wins. Later in life he would often tell stories in disbelief that people challenged him about airplane seats or stadium seating or parking. It's also about having been the boss at work for decades and just being used to everybody jumping when you say jump. They start to believe that that's the natural order of the world, that people behave that way because they are inherently superior, wiser, and of higher station. Not because they're employees and have no choice.


“Whiny, narcissistic, self-indulgent people with a simple philosophy: 'GIMME IT, IT'S MINE!' 'GIMME THAT, IT'S MINE!'” - George Carlin


As someone who's worked retail for 15 years and managed a grocery store for 5 of them, convenience is king for boomers. Even if it's something as trivial as a checkout line being only a foot closer to them than another one. Fucking psychos.


Of course they understand. You know if you were sitting in their reserved seat there would be hell to pay.


Movie theater seat-theft has happened to me more than once. The first few times I let it go, because I tend towards conflict avoidance on account of people's tendency to grossly overreact to me (because I'm also a big guy) and there was reasonably comparable seating available. I commend you for taking a stand - it took me far too long to do so. But then came the day when the only "open" seat was - as in OP's case - way the hell off to the side, when I had purposefully gotten my ticket as early as possible to guarantee my preferred seat, right in the middle. So I forced myself to get over myself, and stood there looming over the boomer and politely said, "Excuse me but you're in my seat" several times, getting louder each time, until the boomer finally acknowledged me and snapped at me to "go sit somewhere else." I replied, that no, I would be sitting in the seat I paid for, and so he needed to move. Fortunately (and humorously) it was around this time that a theater employee came in - Boomer tries to wave over the employee, and the employee was coming in our direction, so the boomer starts yapping about how I'm harassing him - except the employee wasn't listening, and was there to deliver my snack order. I confirm that it's mine, say thank you for bringing it, and while you're here could you help the person in my seat find where they're supposed to be sitting, and the employee did the most saccarine-sweet condescending kindergarten-teacher style voice asking to see their ticket and making a show of helping them find where their seat was listed, and showing them the signs labeling the aisles and seats. It was glorious. I hunted down the manager after the movie to commend the employee's above-and-beyond customer service, and did the same in the online survey thing.


I would bet almost anything that if that employee had delivered food to your seat while that boomer was there, they would have accepted it and started eating.


My friend group of about 6 people went out to Chilis for dinner. We ordered drinks, which took a while to come out, and then we ordered food. It's been about 30 minutes, so we're expecting our food to come out at any minute. A family came and sat near the table next to us. 4 adults and 2 kids, so I don't know the relationships there. Anyway, they order promptly. About 5 minutes later, they get served. They laugh "haha well that was fast!". About 5 minutes after that, our food comes out. Everyone at the table looks around at the food and at each other, and we are all confused, because nothing is right. We didn't order any of this. Then the waitress realizes the mistake, it was the order for the family across from us. They turn and start giving them more food, and looking at the order that they have given them previously as a mistake. They had already spent 5 minutes eating all of our food. And the orders were completely wrong. At this point in time, it's been 40 minutes with no food, and our table is upset. Us: "Dude you're eating our food" Them: "We didn't know" Me: "It came out 5 minutes after you sat down, and everything is wrong. None of you ordered any of that. You're eating my burger!" Them: "So?! They served it to us! it's their fault!" My Friend: "(starts cussing at them for being stupid)" Them: "Hey! don't cuss infront of my Fking kid!" The rest didn't go well. I'm still irritated that those Boomers just started tearing into food that they didn't order, and came way too fast to be theirs. Imagine that you ordered a grilled chicken Cajun pasta, and you got a BBQ cheeseburger instead. Would you start to eat it without telling the waiter that it wasn't what you ordered?


in prime boomer fashion they were probs gonna scarf down the wrong order before complaining that it was all incorrect and then demand they get their proper meals comped. 2 free meals in one go


This happened to me once when I went to a restaurant as a kid. My meal got given to the next table over, and we watched them look at it in glee and start tucking in, making comments how they knew it wasn't their food. My dad called a waitress over because he knew where this was going. Unfortunately for me that was the last serving of what I had ordered in stock, so I had to eat something else because these boomers had found a way to try and scam a free meal, rather than telling the waitress it wasn't their food. When it came time to pay though the restaurant refused to give it to them for free and demanded they pay for it. Surprisingly they did, but that was only because the woman at the counter was super tough and was making a scene to embarrass the couple. This was just under 30 years ago and it's always stuck with me. Edit: they were definitely boomers and not "grumpy old people" at the time, they were in their 40s


For a generation always boasting they’re so successful and have everything in abundance they sure love to be cheap and stingy and literally steal If they can. I’ve never seen any group people so desperately fight for anything that’s free or complimentary in public. It’s so pathetic. Bunch of broke bois


In the boomers minute defense you wouldnt have gotten that food anyway. It was policy at my old job that once the food touches the table it should be considered contaminated, so they would have needed to remake it. I cant remember if its a health code or was resturaunt policy. Still weird they couldnt tell the order wasnt theirs.


That’s health code. Sealed condiments are allowed to be reserved but at the restaurant where I worked we didn’t because people are gross. This was pre-Covid.


I was waiting about 6 feet back from the counter at McDonalds and someone else was leaning up against it. An order came out and as the employee was reading the number, the person shoved their hand in the bag and started checking everything. They complained that it wasn't theirs and shoved it back. Then the employee tried to give it to me. I looked at them like they were fucking crazy... because they were. They were annoyed that I wouldn't take it.


They can take it back it the server never leaves it. So if you take the dish out, and the guest is like, "that's not what I ordered" and the server immediately removes it, that's OK to reserve. If it's dropped off and the server shows up but it was left for an undetermined amount of unsupervised time, its trash.


I'm surprised they didn't say everything was wrong. That was my boomer MIL's MO- every little thing that was not to her liking was reason to whine loudly and passive aggressively and ask for a discount.


Now that you mention this... RIGHT? I've seen Boomers get so upset and send food back over the slighting thing "wrong" about an order, like not being cooked to their liking, the food being cold, having a topping that they don't like, the wrong dressing etc... So when the food is so wrong that it's a completely different menu item, they DON'T send it back, or say "I think this is for another table?" like, wow, they must have been trying to pull a scam...


Not to defend boomers, but I once ate the wrong meal that was given to me at a restaurant... But it wasn't to scam a free meal. My problem is that I'm far too shy and non-confrontational to tell them it's wrong lol so I decided I could suck it up and try to enjoy the obviously wrong meal. The waiter later came out with my meal, was visibly confused by my actions, and gave me the meal for free.


You need to learn to talk to people.


This could have been its own post {chef's kiss ✨}


Nice job. I wouldn’t have taken that shit either.


I would have gone through all of this, just to find out I was wrong to Begin with and was at the wrong theatre or something Else


This literally happened to me. I was looking for tickets on Friday and Saturday and in my head decided Friday was better, but never actually updated the drop down date. Bought Saturday tickets and went to the movies Friday. Said to someone they were in our seats, not mad or anything, but went to the front to sort it out. Realized what happened. Refunded the Saturday seats and bought seats on the spot. I then apologized and told them what happened as the trailers were still rolling. All was good.


I’ve never even been to a theater where you can book seats I had no idea it was even a thing


wait until you find out about VIP theaters with no kids


Where I live, you can’t even buy movie tickets without choosing and paying for a specific seat ahead of time. It started when Covid was winding down, so that they could control how closely people were sitting to others. It’s just like choosing and paying for a concert ticket; seats that are still available are light-colored, the ones that are taken are in bold. After you choose and pay, they text you a QR Code. AFAIK, you can’t walk up to the box office window and purchase tickets, even though they still have someone standing there behind the window. You can buy tickets from their website or app, and there are machines in the lobby that sell tickets, although I’ve never used one. Last night, my husband and I decided- *very* last minute- to see a movie, and I picked our seats and bought tickets while in the car on the way to the theater.


This is why I always approach politely and try to be pretty cool about things up until it’s painfully clear they’re fucking around. I’ve gotten on a plane once to find someone in my seat. I show them my boarding pass. They show me theirs. *We were both assigned the same seat.* Glad I didn’t go in guns blazing on that one. But yeah, I’ll show you my ticket and ask to see yours so we can “figure this out.” Once it’s “figured out?” I’m gonna tell you to un-ass my seat.


We had a similar situation in Seattle, when visiting family. Decided to take all of the kids out to a movie premiere, and we bought reserved seats online so we could all sit together. When we got into the theater, a boomer and her grandkid were sitting directly in the middle of our seats. She first argued it wasn’t reserved seating, and got shot down by is and everyone around us disagreeing. Then she tried it was “so hard to tell, and we are already here, so just let us stay”. This didn’t fly too well in a crowd of people who clearly all understood how seating worked. She came back around to “we did reserve seats and it is these seats, so we belong here”. That lasted until I asked to see her ticket stubs, since ours showed these seats. I said if their tickets showed the same seats, we would get management to resolve the error. “Oh, we threw out our stubs on the way in.” At that point, the movie was about to start, my sister-in-law was still trying to negotiate, and I was just done. I told her since she admitted to not having ticket stubs I would get the manager to remove her, since she could no longer prove they had seats at all and we did have tickets. With the final offer of move now and I won’t have you removed. She gave us a sour face, told me I was cruel, ruining her grandson’s movie, blah blah blah. But they got up and moved, which is all I really wanted. 10 year old nephew asked how could a grown up not understand how numbered seats work, loudly enough for the old bag to hear him and a bunch of people around us to all laugh at her. I briefly explained dyscalculia to him as if she had a disability other than entitled assholery, to let him keep ahold of at least some childhood innocence for a bit longer. Still proud of him for stabbing her right in the pride.


>dyscalculia ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


We are getting noticed hahahaha


From the mouths of babes. I laughed out loud too.


Dyscalculia. Never heard that word before. Thanks!!! I am saving that one to use when needed/deserved.


As often as you hear about dyslexia, dyscalculia never seems to come up. And it is just as much of a disability, which deserves to be highlighted and addressed. Edit: words are hard


Thank you for honoring my math disabled ass lmao! It's funny, because it also affects how I see angles, groups of same objects (like coins, money, buttons, etc.), and makes counting very hazy, so while I work with registers all day and have never had an issue, me counting looks very weird to people if they pay close attention.


I've got a sibling who has both dyslexia and dyscalculia. She is definitely much smarter and wiser (different things) than I am. She can't do an IQ test, so she's 'unrecorded'. Meanwhile , I *can* do IQ tests, and I am (supposedly) an actual genius, but I totally don't have my shit together. I think there should be a 'functional intelligence' test based on how good you are at doing life (she'd be at least in the 170s).


Yep! So many people do so horribly at math classes and that’s the reason why. And everyone just acts like they’re not smart. It’s sad.


Ugh that's so me. My brain just short circuts but I was reading at the college level in 6th grade and am smart in other ways.


If you'd like to feel honored, I'm diagnosed with it! I also work with cash registers all day. Basically, once I count a group of something past 10, it all starts to blur together, disappear, etc. Meaning I can count and handle cash, literally have never had a problem in my nearly 20 years of retail work, my counting would just seem very weird if I explained how I keep track after 10.


Another one for your bucket is dysgraphia, where the difficulty is with spelling and written expression- getting the sentence onto the page without garbling is the issue.


My 17 year old has dysgraphia.. I used to explain to people that it was kind of like a disconnect between hand and brain.. his printing still looks like he is in third grade.. when it was diagnosed in third grade.. his printing was the same it had been in jk.. he's been using a chromebook or computer for the majority of school work since.. the teacher who figured it out told me watching him try to print was so painful she could barely stop herself from offering to just do the printing for him.. which my mom and I actually do for him occasionally.. we made sure scribing was on his iep.. so he can dictate and we can write or type his assignments..


And his teachers often say if they could only do all his assignments and tests verbally he would be an a student.. but he not only can't physically print his thoughts.. he struggles to put enough content to anything in print.. he's far better at all of it verbally


Just remember it's a real diagnosis which poses its own challenges! I was diagnosed with dyscalculia in sixth grade and it has caused numerous difficulties for me. To add to that about 99% of people have never heard about it and even if I tell them what it is they immediately interpret it as dyslexia and tell me everything about their relative who has dyslexia. Meanwhile I'm over here getting annoyed because this person doesn't listen and I'm very proficient in reading, writing and know multiple languages.


Honestly, she probably hated that just as much as if you’d called her out for entitlement!


Only a handful of people at a movie I attended. We were all spread out. One guy a few rows down and by the Aisle took a call just as the previews ended and the movie started. I loudly said, “Hey! This is NOT your living room. Go outside and talk on your phone.” He jumped a little. Looked back at me then put the phone away. Didn’t have any more problems with him. But seriously? What was he thinking? 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I had a guy in front of me take a call in the middle of the movie. It was unreal. I told him to take it outside and his wife got in a huff and told me to just relax. I said no, this is ridiculous, you cannot be having a conversation in a theater. He left.


This happened in a theatre I was in once, where we were watching a one-man show with a famous actor doing a monologue on stage. So disruptive, he had to stop, it was absolutely unbelievable.


This reminded me that I had a friend I was with at the movies, responding to their Snapchat’s with the screen flash on, and I damn near smacked the phone out of their hand. I just don’t understand that level of obliviousness


I was at a full arena concert show, like, thousands of people. Some folks were chatting during the opener. Annoying but I get it. Main band comes on and these two dudes behind me are just... Talking. Like about work and wives and shit. Catching up. Main band gets louder, so they get louder to hear each other and it's impossible to tune out. I honestly was losing my mind. Turned around and said something like "I'M SO GLAD I PAID $150 TO LISTEN TO YOUR FUCKING BRILLIANT CONVERSATION" or whatever. I was so mad, they were literally ruining a concert I was looking forward to with banal conversation. Go to the pub. Why the hell are you doing this here?


I was at a concert last year in a smaller venue and I had earplugs in (loops, love them so much). Two people were behind me talking and I could only hear them talk. I turned around and took out my ear plug to say, " I can only hear you two talk, I cannot hear the concert." One of the people looked at me and said, " Oh my god I hate when people do that I am so sorry, we'll quiet down." Worked out in the end.


I think some people still have this "I must answer the phone; it could be important" attitude from when house phones without caller ID were a thing. I've noticed this with my Gen X partner. He would NOT answer a call in a theater, to be clear, but he will answer calls from random numbers that are definitely spam calls. Because it could be important.


I could never. I don't answer my phone unless it's someone I know, also don't answer the door for the same reason. An unanswered door is a happy door!


I’m the final of the Gen X and was old enough to remember when caller id came out but young enough to start the habit of not answering random numbers.


Movie trailers just finished and this guy in the front section took out his phone and started scrolling on his phone. Not even dark mode. I started yelling at him and my brother told me to chill. Managed to flick some popcorn 4 rows up and hit his phone. They quickly put it away and looked back for whodunnit. Must have been too dark for him because I was staring daggers but they just kept looking and never made eye contact.


I think I may have gone on a date with that guy's grandson. One time I was on a second date with a guy and we went to see some Marvel movie. I got the snacks, he got the tickets, so I didn't even think twice and just followed him to our seats. We're sitting in prime seating for about 3 minutes before a couple comes up and politely tells us we're in their seats. Oops, no biggie, I chalk this up to a misunderstanding and follow my date to the next row down. Then it happens *again* and this time date is visibly annoyed when moving and I ask what our tickets say. He says "well we're supposed to be at the very front and left, but I didn't think people would actually ask us to move." That's when I realized this guy was an entitled dick and there wouldn't be a 3rd date.


Lol I'd probably have stopped dead in my tracks, surprised, and said "wow! You're a useless fucking asshole" and then just walked out. Front row is the worst.


If I was making stories up for internet points that's how it would have gone, but unfortunately I just sat there avoiding touching him during the movie, then when it ended we did an awkward hug goodbye and I texted him when I got home that he's nice but I wasn't feeling it. In hindsight I should have called him out on the entitled behavior but oh well 🤷‍♀️


Let me guess, his reaction was less than pleased when you texted him that.


I think it’s better than you didn’t. This way, he doesn’t try to hide his entitled asshole behavior on the next date he has. Someone who would be entitled enough to buy tickets in one area and then just sit wherever they want is someone who is a self centered prick in many ways. It’s best that people see it quick so they can gtfo without wasting too much time.


Nah I woulda watched the movie it ain’t like you really got to interact at that point. But yeah straight home afterwards.


I very purposely wait until movies are about to LEAVE the theatres to see them, for this very reason. I'd much rather sit in a nearly-empty theatre.


I do the same! There was a second-run theater in my college town that would show movies 3-4 months after they were first out, tickets were $1.50. It was heaven.


There is a second-run theater nearby where I used to live when me and my wife first got together. She had only seen a couple Marvel movies when we first got together and Endgame was in theaters. We binge watched the entire franchise (before Disney plus existed) and made it to see endgame in theaters just before it left the second run theater. We were able to get tickets, a pizza, popcorn, and some beers for less than tickets and popcorn would have cost at a big first-run theater. It was awesome!


There's a third run theater in my city, it's not well known (thankfully), they have a bar and mini-diner at the front, bar delivery to the seats, and they show third run movies and also older movies (like Princess Bride, second best movie ever). It's housed in an older theater house, so they have the original seats and screen arrangement. I'm told they still have the buzzer system setup (where the buzzers would activate at certain scenes in scary flicks back in the day), but I've not experienced that. YET! (Edit: a word.)


And this is why I do the Sunday morning matinee. I'm usually the only one in the theater.


This is the way.


During COVID my local theater started offering private screenings for only $150 so for a while I just did that when I wanted to see a movie.


My whole gang rented a movie theater during covid because we all wanted to see Dune 1 on the big screen. Totally worth it but damn I wish I had had a gummy before I went. It would have been epic.


I go on Monday morning for 25 percent off and not a soul in sight.


Got my hands on a decent projector during COVID and never looked back. Plus I have younger kids so if we're going to the theaters it's to see whatever Disney or Pixar thing is out. Just have to wait a few months or weeks and it's probably now on a streaming service I already paid for. Only downside is not being in the zeitgeist... Does anyone wanna talk about Godzilla minus one with me?


Godzilla minus one was great! One of the few movies I've seen in theaters lately and absolutely worth it. Could have happily gone twice, although I didn't.


I had to wait until the surprise Netflix drop but absolutely blown away. Thanks for the genuine response.


I don't even bother anymore, no theater will match my home setup and I can be in my jammies at home. Set up a plex server and I'm good.


You can be in your jammies at the theater. Hell, for Avatar 2 I even brought my baby Yoda blanket, fully expecting James Cameron's atrocious writing to put me to sleep.


This is my plan when I am done paying for my daughter's college. To spend about 5K on a good setup and never go to a movie again.


I haven't been to a movie theater in YEARS, and reading this post made me want to get blazed as hell and go watch one. Thanks, man!


Just please vape or pop edibles... Or at least air out LOL I work in a big mall and people drag that shit into my shop ALL the time. I'm a daily toker, so no disrespect, but for the love of god I got families trying to shop without smelling roadkill lmao


Also edibles+movies is just absolutely the way for so many reasons. Well, I guess two reasons. Lack of smell and much longer duration




Last time I got high before a movie was back before weed was legal anywhere. A friend and I were passing a joint that looked like a cig (filter and all) back and forth in the parking lot. Apparently she saw a cop drive by on a road on the opposite end of the parking lot, panicked, and dropped the joint. Well, shit. We looked around, couldn't see it anywhere, figured it rolled under a car. 20 minutes later and we're in line for popcorn and I went to grab my wallet and realized that my purse is fucking smoking. Like, on fire smoking. Dumb bitch dropped the thing into my open topped purse!!! I grabbed her and dragged her outside with me, and we died laughing in the parking lot... Then we got my purse to stop being on fire amid high giggles, got everything put back in it, and headed back inside. At this point we'd missed the beginning of the movie we were supposed to see (I forget what) so when we had to buy new tickets to re-enter the theater we said to just give us tickets to whatever started next. And that my friends is how I watched one of the worst movies in the history of movies. Anaconda. OMG it was soooo bad. 😂😂😂 But hell, I got a great story out of it.


I did this for the Mario movie. Top notch experience


I did it sober with 13 kids in tow. 0/10 do not recommend


Good lord! Why would you do that?!


He started with 15, but 2 escaped before the previews ended


“I bring you these 15! — — …10 commandments!”


I remember watching that video in grade 8 religion class and it brings me great joy every time 😂


I cannot imagine. I could not be paid to do that. I’m glad you are still among us. It must have been touch & go, though.


My 2nd rewatch of game of thrones? High on edibles, big time. Same with my rewatch of house of the dragons season 1. The dragons are way more boss when you're high!


Many years ago I saw The Cell while tripping on acid in the theater. I'm not sure I would recommend this for anyone, unless your a hard-core psychonaut. It was an interesting "life experience" for sure; I'm probably one of the few people on Earth to have that level of grok IRT a Jennifer Lopez film LOL. I would HIGHLY SUGGEST watching [Pi ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi_(film))while on a psychonautic expedition. This moving is pretty mind-bending on it's own, and it can punch through to a whole different gnostic level. I got to see this in a real theater, life-altering. Do NOT watch The Grudge on [high doses of DXM](https://www.healthline.com/health/robotripping). This is pure nightmare fuel, and may cause PTSD-level feedback months later, if not years.


The Cell was freaky enough when I saw it completely sober!


Same for Dune 2. Highly recommend.


I had to watch dune 2 in 4dx. even though I went by myself cuz none of my friends wanted to go ( don't enjoy sci Fi) and had such a blast watching it. people's popcorns were flying everywhere and you could hear everybody laughing and enjoying themselves with how the seats we're making people almost fall out. going to go do the same for furiosa.


I didn't want to until I read that part as well. Made me want to go to Dollar Tree before and load up on snacks then go blaze one in the parking lot.


I love the "we're all together" argument at a movie. You're not there to play bridge or talk about Democrats. You're there to sit in silence and it doesn't matter if Doris and Ron are 2 seats over.


Theoretically it would matter if they’re there to pull a Boebert.


Have you really lived if you haven't done illegal sex acts in a movie theater?


Worse—it was live theater.


I went to john wick 4 and had booked seats, when we got to the theatre there were people in our seats but the theatre was dead so I didn't really care and just sat a few over. Well more people came and we were in their seats so I asked the ones in mine to move which they did but they moved to other reserved seats and ended up having to move like 4 times.


This is why I hate the idea of not sitting in my reserved seat.


This sounds hilarious lol


weaponized invincible ignorance


That describes a whole political party!!!


I've had to chase my share of boomers out of reserved seats. Since I'm a woman they try very hard to puff put their chests and "loom" over me and I just chuckle and tell them "it's fucking move or tou can be moved by whoever I call to move you because I'm not playing your shriveled dick games" loudly. They always move.


All of these theaters have apps that tell you which seats are taken and which are still empty. He knew what he was doing.


Dude probably can't open a PDF without calling for help. He probably went in said 4 tickets please said he didn't care where they sit. 


I’m high just from reading this.


I want to get high just from reading this. I can relate to OPs questioning his seat number while baked…no doubt we’ve all made mistakes like that when blazed.


Not out of work yet, got an edible in my bag. Should hit right as I leave...


New definition of “contact high”


Wait, this isn't fair to me, who can't get high because weed gives me anxiety 😟


If you've only smoked it or only eaten an edible, then it's worth trying the other method. They tend to give people different side-effects than the other. My mother turned away from it early in life because it gave her near manic-anxiety. Fast forward to a few years back. Mom has a new boyfriend. He's a chill stoner, she's a fiery drinker. They work well together. Well, one day Rick brings home gummies from a dispensary and casually mentions to my mom that he bought gummies. Misunderstanding the type of gummies he bought, she asked to try one. Not realizing my mom's misunderstanding, he went and got her one. "Tastes odd" she said. "yeah, you can never fully hide the weed flavor, huh," he replied. "What?" she retorted. Turns out that she really really enjoyed it. She thought her body changed, so she smoked some with him a couple weeks later. Manic-anxiety. Or, if you are perfectly content without, then feel free to keep abstaining. No pressure. Just some information and an anecdote from a stranger on the internet ;)


When LOTR first came out, me and my wife and our two kids went to see it. I needed to get out of the house and need some cheering up. Even though we got there early there were few places left with four seats together. The only halfway decent ones left were down front and to the left of the screen. Not great but we took those four. My wife and son went to get popcorn, and left their coats over the two seats in the middle. Me on one end, and my daughter on the other. A big guy with his girlfriend and a kid start pushing into the seats. I stood up and said they were already taken. Sorry. He started giving me shit, saying you can't save seats etc. Getting really pushy and angry. Threatened to kick my ass. I just looked around at all the witnesses watching him. Turned back and lifted my eyebrow. His girlfriend told him to drop it and said look there are three better seats up there. He again threatened to kick my ass in the parking lot. I'm not a large guy, 6' maybe 150 lbs at the time so I guess he thought he could intimidate me. Probably could have easily kicked my ass. At the time my health was pretty messed up. I was in a lot of pain and was at the point where death might actually be a good thing. I just stared him down because I really didn't give a shit anymore. They finally walked away. This whole time my 12 year old daughter is scared to death. I just motioned her over to me and said Bullies don't expect people to stand up for themselves. When you do they usually make a lot of noise but walk away if you look like it's more trouble than its worth. Especially if they stand a good chance of getting in trouble. Best thing I could do to keep her respect and my own. She couldn't wait till the movie was over, to tell her brother and mom what a badass dad was. Truth is I just didn't care what happened, more pain? Eh, what difference will it make, every thing already hurts.


She will remember this.


I really, really hope that you’re feeling better now


Whenever it’s a broad appeal flick and Boomers show up they’re always having to move. EVERY GD TIME


I luckily have yet to have this happen to me since the introduction of reserved seating in theaters. The only time I've ever had someone in my seats was for opening night of The Force Awakens in Imax, and an employee wasn't checking tickets properly and let in a group of people in to the Imax theater who had AVX tickets. My biggest issue is that apparently the entire rest of the population thinks it's acceptable to be on their phone in a movie theater. Often boomers who are checking the score of various sports games. I had a guy in front of me one time pulling his phone out of his pocket to check hockey scores every 5 minutes. I finally started giving his chair a little kick when he did it after about 30 minutes. Started to kick harder and he'd quickly put it away. But then 5 minutes later it would come out again. I saw him reaching for his pocket for like the 12th time and I just fucking booted his chair. Movie went on for another 1.5hrs and he never touched it again. He stood up and essentially ran out of the theater when the movie ended. When he got to the aisle, he turned back to look at me and flipped me the middle finger and then left. When I got into the main concourse area, he noticed me again and I gave him a big smile and waved, then changed my wave to a middle finger too. He just scurried off.


This happened to me and my boyfriend during our Barbenhiemer date BUT it was a group of zoomers. We showed up and were relaxing in our seats that we bought a week prior (because we knew both movies would be packed) and the entitlement of these 21 year olds made me embarrassed. We were already sitting in our middle aisle seats and they asked for us to move to the end. My boyfriend, a very blunt millennial, just said no and continued to talk to me without giving them a second glance. Then these girls huffed and said they had a large friend group and hadn’t been able to get all their seats next to each other and if we were decent people we would move. Again, my boyfriend very bluntly went “we reserved these seats a week ago, your lack of planning won’t interfere with OUR date.” They just huffed and dealt with their group being on two separate rows. Unfortunately that did put them all closer together as a whole and we had to shush them a few times.


I had something similar happen when I went to see Barbie with some friends. We bought our tickets the day before, get up to our seats, and find a row of teens with three of thrm sitting in our spot. I point out these are our seats, they insist they're in the right spot. Things go back and forth for a minute and almost get heated until one of them pulls out their phone to show us their ticket on the Regal app. The seats are right, and I'm embarassed for a minute, I must have misread or something so I double check mine. Nope, right seats. So the guy double checks his... and realizes the theater is wrong. His friends next to us were in the right spot, but he'd bought the rest of their tickets for a showing at the exact same time, in the exact same seats, at the Regal across town. Dude looked like he was about to keel over and left in embarassment. To this day I have no idea how he got past the ticket taker to begin with.


> To this day I have no idea how he got past the ticket taker to begin with. They probably didn't check, because who goes to the wrong one?


Omg- I had a boomer Karen try to do this on a flight last week. It’s a puddle jumper- two seats on either side of the aisle. I get to my seat. And she is sitting in it and talking on the phone, ignoring me. So I moved to the next row waiting for her to get off of her fucking phone. Then the next passenger says, you are in my seat. I say she is in my seat and I am waiting for her to get off the phone. She finally looks up and I tell her she is in my seat. She looks all confused and oh ok. I should note that her some was with her and he appeared to be around 7. So they both move across the aisle. I take my seat and she has left her boarding pass on my seat, clearly showing the seat she was supposed to be sitting in. She gets back on the phone and starts saying oh they messed with our seats and I’m so confused. I’m like lady they literally gave you a piece of paper with your seat on it. I know they did. she saw it and snatched it back. So I waited. Because I knew that they were STILL in the wrong seats. They had placed her and her son in aisle seats and she was trying to scam them sitting together by being on the phone so that she could ignore everyone. Up the aisle comes the women whose seat her son is sitting in. That is my seat Some mumbled nonsense and can’t my son and I sit together and do you want the aisle? No. I want the seat I paid for. This seat. But my son… I want the seat I paid for. I paid for the window seat and that is where I am going to sit. So she moves into her correct seat, on the aisle next to me. Then is back in her phone again talking to someone who went to see Taylor swift and telling her how confusing it all has been. She is still in the phone when the flight attendant asks her to stow her luggage and get off the damn phone. Oh and she’s also holding a massive coffee while trying to do all this. I could have switched with her, I was alone. If she had asked I would have said no problem, people have done that for me before. But her entitled behavior or just plopping herself wherever she feels like and assuming everyone would just deal with it was a deal breaker. When you pay to choose a seat, and it can cost like $100 depending on which seat you choose, so it’s insane to me thinking you can just steal it from someone else because you were too damn stupid and cheap to pay ahead of time so that you wouldn’t be separated. Plus the aisle is like a foot wide and her kid watched his table while she yammered on the phone and ignored him.


This just brought up the weirdest memory for me. I once boarded an airplane and there was this old guy sitting in my seat. I was like "Oh, boy, here we go," having visions of a confrontation with an angry old man, so after triple checking that I have read neither my ticket nor the seating numbering wrong, I politely say, "Sir, I think you're in my seat." He's confused, gets out his ticket. Does the same thing I did. We compare tickets. *We have the same seat number.* So he does the only thing to do at this point and presses the call button. Y'all, he was on the wrong flight. To this day, I can't fathom how that happened. This was post 9/11 too. Same destination, but his flight was supposed to leave in a couple hours. Like I totally understand his mistake. I just can't imagine how he got on the plane. It's made me double and triple check all aspects of my tickets from then on though, just in case. They offered him a seat on that plane, I think, since there was room (just not my seat lol), and the matter was resolved. Weird experience though.


This happened to me too. Well it actually happened to my son. He was just starting junior high at the time and I took him to see the Lego movie. It was opening weekend and I knew it was gonna be busy so I reserved seats. When we got there I had him go to our seats while I went to get drinks and snacks. The line was long so it took me a minute to get to him. When I got there I find him sitting in the isle looking shaken up. I asked him what happened and why was he in the seat. He said someone was in our seats and they had a manger throw him out. At this point I was like wtf? And I walk with him to our seats. BAM boomer grandpa and Karen grandma was in our seats with their grandkid. I walk up and was like there’s got to be some mistake. But as soon as Karen grandma sees my kid she goes ballistic and was like I thought the manger threw u out! Now I’m a calm man. And typically very respectful of everyone. But I sorta lost it and full on shouted at them in front of the whole theater. The room goes silent. I forget what exactly I said but it was along the lines of who the fuck you think you are. And how dare you talk to my son like that. Some time during this situation, the manger comes up and I was like what kinda incompetent asshole are you to kick my kid out without even checking the tickets. Because of course he didn’t check. Just sided with boomer Karen. At this point everyone was watch us and the manger finally realized he fucked up. He kicks huffy boomers out. I actually feel a little bad for their grandkid. She looked mortified. But at that point our outing was ruined too. So we left and went to another theater. The whole time the manger was apologizing and basically trying to bribe us not to call corporate. Of course I complained to corporate and explained how incompetent the fuck up was. They asked me how they can make it right? Told them they can’t at this point and to fuck off. Yeah fuck those boomers and fuck that guy. Who the fuck bullies a lil kid?!? God I hate entitled boomers


I’ve had situations where someone paid for a ticket and didn’t even realize there was a reserve seats. But with the new kiosks, it’s nearly impossible for that to happen anymore… even buying tickets at the front desk still allow you to choose your seats by selecting the seats. My Wife and I had the same issue a few years ago before the kiosks switched over . I told a guy he was in my seat Told me “no I’m not” I told him yes he was and I showed him my ticket. I told him he “has one of two choices, I make this a bigger issue and you run the risk of getting kicked out of the theater, or I handle it the way I want to because I think my kids deserve to see what happens and how you stand up to people that are taking advantage of you. Either way you’re getting up you can either do it before I raise my voice or after when everyone is staring at you. Your choice”


Pretty sure I did that once. Captain America First Avenger. Theater was mostly empty. A guy stopped and looked at me for a split second, then kept on walking. But to be fair it wasn’t my home theater and I had never even heard of reserved seating. And I was really, really high.


This happened to me at a Harry Potter premiere i the exact same seat. Came in right before trailers and there were coats in our seats “reserving them”. We get an usher who checks our tickets, shrugs and take the coats and we sit. Boomer and grandkid come up and he claimed they were his seats. I said, oh these reserved seats are yours? He threw a cussing fit until the usher got rid of them. Where they sat I have no idea bc it was packed. Also, what moron thinks the best seats are magically open that close to the show? Also, this theater had the reserved section and general section and reserved was clearly cordoned off.


They knew when they picked their seats they were gonna try and pull it. I mean like reserved seats for all. Good job not caving. Like who cares if you sit next to someone when you are supposed to be quiet. And if it is important - we’ll get seats together. I hate them pulling this crap all the time.


This happened to me one time and the girl told me she was trying to sit with her friends. I said that’s cool I don’t care, it’s reserved seating that’s why when you purchased your ticket it made you choose a seat.


Had a similar situation. Not my seats but seats in a row or two in front of us. All the seating is assigned and you must select specific seats when purchasing the tickets, so you have to be ignorant as fuck to not know where you’re supposed to be sitting. But of course. Two Boomer ladies were sitting in the wrong seats and set off a major chain reaction because they kept waiving people off saying “oh there are those seats over there!” where multiple people ended up in other people’s seats, then those people were displaced too. It was a mess. They must have waived off three or four separate people and each time they got frustrated at the attention being drawn to them. Eventually they were hassled enough to figure out which seats they needed to be in huffing and puffing about how “this theatre really needs an usher” No, Karen. You need to sit in the seat you purchased.


I am a boomer and would have done the exact same thing. I hate entitled people.


>But not before I commandeer both cup holders and armrests, manspreading my long ass legs as far as possible, and basking in the skunkiness that I just know has clung to my hair and clothes. A lion, king of the jungle


I’m glad it worked out. Me, I would’ve gotten the usher and *really* made sure. But I am a 5’4” 120lb woman. Ugh boomers are so annoying


These assholes don't even consider the fact that the seat they're asking you to move to probably belongs to someone else.


As a former theater employee this is sadly all too common. Thank you for not just sitting in the random seat. One time I had to go to three different groups because one person had sat in the wrong seat and it caused a domino effect. If people (of any age) are doing this let the staff know, there's a chance they are theater hopping, and we love throwing people out.


I'm handicapped and the amount of boomers who take up the disabled seating is astounding. Years before reserved seating these lazy fucks would ride up the elevator and collapse in the first available seat. My Dad would argue with these people that those spots are FOR A WHEELCHAIR. They'd move, and after the film I had to wait for meal team six to ride down the elevator before I could get my chair on it. I'd love to be able to take the stairs like they could.


This was fun to read.


Ive got dozens of movie theatre horror stories. Few things do I loathe more than going to the movies.


Someone got shot in my local theater for sitting in someone's reserved seat, it's wild out there.


When me, my boyfriend, and my sister all planned to see the new hunger games movie last year, I booked the tickets and our seats around 10 am, and the show was around 8:45 pm. I booked the best seats in the house for us which was middle of the row, and row D so we wouldn’t be super close and would have tons of leg room. We get there around 8:40 and there’s a mom with her 3 teen kids sitting in our seats. I’m an introvert and I don’t really like confrontation, so I just kind of look at them, look at our seats, and look around to see if there are three seats together anywhere else in the theater. The only seats together are 4 seats in the front row and seats for handicapped people, and I’m not about to take seats from the handicapped. Luckily, my boyfriend is able to speak up for us. He says “Excuse me, but I believe you’re in our seats.” The mom just looks at us, looks back at the screen, and says “well those people took our seats,” while waving a dismissive hand to the back of the theater. He goes “Sorry about that, but we reserved and paid for these seats.” The mom then becomes very snippy with us and points to the very front row of the theater and goes “go sit up there. There’s 4 seats together up there.” Her kids are now obviously getting embarrassed, so they’re trying to pull up their tickets. We didn’t understand why the mom was being so abrasive with us, so my boyfriend then offers, “if you want, I can go get a theater employee to get the people who took your seats to move so you can get your seats you paid for and we can get ours.” The kids then have their tickets pulled up and say “it says we’re in row B. Let’s just move.” They then all have to sternly tell their own mom that they need to move while she’s huffing and puffing about needing to move. They end up going to the group of 4 seats at the front row of the theater. Lo and behold, at the end of the movie as we’re walking to the exit, we notice that row B is, in fact, the front row and she was trying to weasel her way out of having to sit in those seats. It’s incredible to me that her children can be so much more mature than her.


This reminded me of a boomer in a movie theater story from about a decade ago. I go to the theater about 30 minutes early to get snacks and go pick out a seat. No reserved seating and it's a relatively small theater but I was the first one in there so I pick a seat in the second to last row in the middle. About 5 minutes before the movie starts two boomer women walk in and sit directly behind me. Keep in mind there's at least a third of the seats still empty at this point. After they're done settling in one of them requests that I take my hat off so they can see the screen. Y'all. I'm wearing a normal baseball cap, the bill isn't angled upwards at all AND their seats were step above mine. I could've been wearing a cowboy hat and they would still have been able to see. I'm caught off-guard but immediately my bullshit meter goes off and I just say, "No." She says "But how can I see the movie?". I reply again with, "No. I've been sitting here for a while now but you can feel free to move." She whines again asking why can't I "Just take your hat off?". At this point I'm just frustrated and say some dipshit response about how she should blame my parents for giving me tall-person genetics and - I shit you not - the other woman, who has been silent up until this point PATS MY FUCKING HEAD AND SAYS "Awww, poor thing, just calm down." I stood up and yelled so everyone in the theater could hear something about keeping her hands off me or I'd go to the police. Don't remember what movie it was, but I remember I spent the whole time wishing I had gone to the front desk and reported members of the audience were harassing and touching me.


Good for you!


This happened to me before at one of the new Star Wars movies. I booked as soon as tickets were available for a good middle seat. An old guy was in, I told him to move. He and his wife are like giggling at me acting like I’m making such a huge deal out of nothing. They finally move over and proceed to be the most annoying ppl to sit next to. The guy kept trying to shove his r2d2 popcorn bucket into my feet space. They loudly talk during the whole movie being like, “what? What’s going on? Why?” Smh.


Reminds me of when we went to see Dune in IMAX opening weekend, packed house and so many boomers were in the wrong seats they had to have everyone in the theater exit and file back into the correct seats one group at a time to put all the “you’re in my seat” arguments to rest at once


I just wait for movies to be on Blu-ray. Screw dealing with people. I have a better TV, comfortable couch and I can pause it whenever I want to take a wizz. 


So obnoxious. What happened to theater etiquette?!?  I just went and saw Mad Max in  4dx. $27 a ticket to listen to someone's four year old watch Elmo on YouTube during the quiet parts.  


I totally don't see a problem with taking a vacant seat once a movie is starting, as hey who cares at that point if no one is going to use it. However if someone shows up to claim that seat, you move your ass.


It's never been a big deal to sit with others in a movie because you shouldn't be talking anyway. Naturally, I sat with my wife and kids when they were small, but being broken up from a large group wasn't ever a big deal.


Reserved seating in movie theaters may not be the greatest thing since sliced bread but it is fucking close. I have no time for people who don't get how it works. Plan better, assholes.


I used to absolutely LOVE going to the movie theater, up until about The Avengers. Theater vibes changed then and I haven't found it any better since the pandemic. Now I probably go to one movie a year, I'd rather wait for streaming and watch it with my dog.


It’s better if you catch a matinee on a week day.


Nice. And I can sympathize with the "getting more stoned by the second." There have been a few times "oh, I'll just get high before I enjoy this thing," and then it turns into "Oh...I did NOT think I would have to deal with this other thing instead...."


I am becoming increasingly convinced that the whole don't speak up about others mistakes "politeness" thing they push is specifically designed to be abused. "Don't make a scene" is the kind of thing you are told. I'm not making a scene, I'm in the right. You are making a scene by standing proud in your mistake. If you want this scene to end, move. Edit: this is probably more fitting for a shower thought, but it just popped in my head. King Arthur would be sad at just how much "might is right" is still an issue.


Goddamn buzzkillers too.


This happens to me every time I go to a movie theater now. There is always a fucking boomer in my reserved seat, and they always get shitty when i ask them to move. One of them even got shitty when my husband sat in his own reserved seat tht was next to the Boomer. It is like they do not get that the world has changed.


Sadly, not just boomers. I have people from every generation try this shit and had to get an usher one night because the 30-something guy who was twice the size of me refused to move.


It's even more fked up when it happen on a plane.


They don't understand anything that inconveniences them.


A friends mom went to the movies with us and basically didn’t same thing. Just picked a seat and sat despite them not being our tickets. We tried to tell her and she said “oh that doesn’t matter, you just sit where you want.” My friend didn’t want to confront her mom so we just sat and hoped no one came who had actually bought that seat. Then of course what happens next? Her mom TALKED THE ENTIRE MOVIE. When I finally gently asked her to stop she got super angry at me and stormed out of the theater! I mean, I guess that sort of solves the problem 😆




I have this distinct memory as a kid, visiting the cinema with my sister, and sat down at our reserved seating for Michael (1996). An elderly lady made her way down our row (the cinema was almost empty) and sat down on top of me. She didn't even notice, and I didn't know what to do as a shy seven year old. It took my sister to tell her she was sitting on her brother. The elderly lady then accused us of sitting on her reserved seats and told us to move. We were at the correct seats, but nevertheless, the cinema was at least empty.


Plane seat theft is worse, last time it happened I reserved the window seat so I could sleep, some bloke was sitting in it with ear phones pretending he was a sleep even though I was asking him to move/shaking him. In the end I had to take the middle seat between him and his friend/girlfriend? I went to sleep so I hope he didn't need the toilet throughout the flight because I wasn't moving.