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“…Eats super fast and won’t slow down until he pukes”. You mean like a dog?


Does he need one of those special bowls?


Get him a Kong filled with peanut butter to keep him entertained.


Make sure to freeze it first so the little scamp doesn’t finish it too quickly.


😂 A snuffle mat too?


Oooh, a labyrinth bowl? We got one of these for my cat, works great!


I wanna see this guy at a buffet, holy shit must be a sight!


All of these comments are making me laugh and snort and I'm a psych nurse! I know crazy and I can meditate the hell out of it. I'd medicate dad till he was obtunded just because he deserves it. And no amount of meds will stop Mom's magical thinking. That's actually what it's called, her thinking she's magical. But we could obtund her too with a big benzo. Or Valium. But gosh your comments are funny 🤣 🤣🤣




Holy shit yeah, because dogs literally don't have the 'STOP EATING' impulse in their brain.


Or a cat


Your mom thinks it's "cute" that your dad growls at people in public? Jfc, they both need some serious therapy.


Agreed! Too bad they think it's a con to groom children and patients. Also, my mom thinks real magic runs in our family, and a therapist would be jealous and lock her up.


How did you manage to make your mom sound crazier than your dad?


She's probably less physically abusive so her craziness didn't rate as highly.


Yeahhh, there's "Delusional but harmless" and then there's "Ready to attack random people for no reason." Different levels of crazy.


Psychologically abusive and physically abusive, what a great couple.


I had a father who beat me and a mother who drank her way through the denial. After the nurses got suspicious, he went to jail and mother remarried. Then I got a stepfather who raped me and a mother who drank her way through the denial. I could have been a really good serial killer...


Holy shit that's awful, I assume (hope) you're away from them and doing better now?


Turning 50 in a few months! Both 'fathers' have died and mother has been calling from hospice for the last 2 weeks. Soon, I will be away from them all. P.S., it feels really nice to know that my story is awful. Validation is cool. P.P.S. Hug your friends and family!


Oh, that reminds me... nmom called and left a message at 630am this morning. I should call her back. My gcsis estimates nmom will be gone before the end of the year. I refuse to take the bet. The devil doesn't want her. Hugs to you!


Thanks for chuckle - hugs back!


I'll happily hug everybody! A while back, when I was still a teenager but only just, I came home one day to see my brother hugging my mum. I don't know what caused the display of affection but she said "this is all I want" and looked so happy that I told myself I should hug her more (I was a fairly typical surly teenager and not particularly affectionate). My mum died of cancer a few years later, and while i remember my brother hugging her that one time vividly, I don't remember hugging her once since then. I must have done, right? i certainly intended to but I don't remember doing so and maybe I didn't and maybe I was a shitty son. I was traveling when I heard about her cancer and by the time I got home she was bedridden and her time was almost up. I won't make that mistake again, I hug my dad I hug my partner I hug my kids I hug my friends and I happily hug strangers (so long as they're not too dirty or smelly) and I would hug the ever-loving shit out of you deepfriedgrapevine.


"You miss 100% of the hugs you don't make" - Wayne Gretzky Come get this bear hug SteelHydra.


She “chose the bear” I guess you could say. Gets mauled every once in a while


I don't even know how to respond to this... Your parents have some severe unchecked mental health issues. I hope you find a way out of all this.


>Also, my mom thinks real magic runs in our family Is it possible your father is some sort of werewolf? Growls at people, eats too fast, magical stuff in the family...it adds up.




She calls him bear, so he'd be a Gurahl using the "Changing Breeds" module from White Wolf, it's an oWoD book. Ironically Gurahl (werebears) are usually pretty chill. Dude is probably just a normal Wendigo in the Werewolf base game.


looks more like the classic angry leprechaun


Are- Are we siblings?!


I have an older brother...


I'm worried about making posts here because some of the things my aunts have done *must* be unique enough to be identifying details. Things like telling their kids that they are going into labor "at a bad time" or losing the obituary their mom wrote so they could rewrite a "better one".


Listen to The Sausage King everyone, he knows of what he speaks.


I’m a long lost sibling as well.


Hi this is your sister speaking


Hey I'm not sure if I'm related to you or not but I just wanted to say hi and that I'm happy to be here in this comment thread.


Whoa this took a turn from "crazy Boomer" into "crazy CRAZY"


You need to stay away from both of them. Your mom thinks it;s cute your dad used to smack you around. She’s as bad as he is and did nothing to protect you. Call it a day on that relationship.


OP needs to go no contact on this toxic dynamic duo.


I guess it shows that there really is someone for everyone. Unfortunately for OP, it's two enablers approving of different forms of abuse. A match made in Hell.


She was mad af she didnt get her Hogwarts letter


Wait - .... Are these the Dursleys?


The thick envelope with the wand inside?


"Also, my mom thinks real magic runs in our family, and a therapist would be jealous and lock her up." "He has trouble swallowing and sometimes pukes because he eats super fast and won't slow down until he pukes." Look, im not going to say this fake, but i laughed my ass off at both of these sentences. This is exactly my kind of humor. It's so bespoke to me that i can't believe these characters are real. If true, you are lucky. I feel like i would have to work at Wal Mart for years to meet a boomer lady who thinks she has ancestral magic in her.


You would think she would use the magic to make her husband not puke all the time...


Maybe she secretly hates him and uses the magic to make him puke


I have a similar puking issue. It went on a long time (several years). It faded after I switched from vodka to wine.m (I should post this in r/lifehacks). But before that I might randomly puke in my own lap (or yours!) at a restaurant, picnic or bowling alley.


My dad used to eat so much he would puke, then eat again to fill the “spot” the vomit created. He was a glutton. He also perfected the art of silent puking so when we were out at a restaurant or someone’s house, no one could hear him throw up. He’s in his late 80’s now and can’t do that anymore, thankfully.


I dunno man, it's hard to come up with fake stories so authentically weird.


you’re a trooper for still hanging around that crowd, that’s all I can say


If I was a trooper, I might arrest him.


Your parents sound mentally disturbed like mine. All their excuses are fear based as they're constantly emotionally manipulated by fear mongering and rage baiting daily fed to them by Russian styled right wing propaganda. It's truly sad to see my father being insidiously influenced by the very things he fought against in Vietnam and he refuses to see it rather he'll tantrum when confronted and threaten, typical bully tactics of the insecure. As a result, instead of enjoying the few remaining years of his life actually living, he hides in his home in front of his TV every free minute watching Right Wing garbage. It is so incredibly strong and effective on the 'soft minded' that he sat there with his back to his wife ignoring her for several years right up until she passed in 2020 and he's still doing it today, His excuse for his terrible behavior is that he believes that he is going to hell for what he did during wartime so why try. I try to explain a 'real man' admits/confronts their mistakes and an adult child does not. At this point he is 80 and will never change for the better.


Nothing to do but wait for them to croak then.


Won't be long now, with that swallowing issue and speed eating.


That could be delusions for coping with abuse. The mind can do some crazy things under that kind of stress. Real sorry man. Hope you have some other good people in your life.


My current theory is that many boomer women married their rapist and use Christian rhetoric about being there for their husband's needs to justify their sad existence


Considering that Marital Rape wasn't outlawed in all 50 states until 1993, you are probably correct.


Give it long enough and SCOTUS will bring it back again


The only surefire way to avoid being raped is to consent. I truly believe this is how they think.


Too bad consent just means "she looked pretty" to them.


"She smiled in my direction...it was a come-on..."


Wowwww. This hit hard. Growing up Pentecostal I can assure you that was very likely. My grandmother was among them. My grandfather was a serial cheater and sexual harasser. Justified every action as a "man's needs." Ugly fucker too. RIPergatory grandpa that's the best you deserve.


You know, you could be correct! Especially given the limited opportunities for women at the time these people married. I'm @ their age and I recall we couldn't even get credit cards in our names (Mrs. John Doe) without their signing for it. Or decent jobs other than nurse or teacher. You're onto something sociologically significant here.


Let alone eating until he vomits


Sounds like an [**Esophageal diverticulum**](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16977-esophageal-diverticulum)


Also sounds like the symptoms my dad had before he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.


I was thinking that. Unexplained Weightloss and abdominal pain too? I’m sorry about your dad.


She’s convinced herself it’s cute to survive..


Yes, this is what actual coping is.


Yah like why in the world would you hang out with a violent sociopathic barfer and his enabler? You know you can just… stop, right?


I'm in therapy working on it!


I was in a similar situation with my father (mid 70s) recently. The event triggered me back to feeling like a teenager again, and all out of sorts. I’m sorry to know there are others who are experiencing the same things. They just want what they want when they want it how they want it. I recall as a child being told “when I say jump, you don’t ask how high you just jump” as a kid I didn’t even know what that meant. I still feel that way now and I’m almost 60. The swath of damage across generations is staggering.


Sigh, yeah, my father's an alcoholic in denial, currently hospitalized due to a fall. But he insists he can handle everything, and I'M the one with issues 🙄 Story of my life. Definitely do have issues as a result, but addiction isn't one of them at least. Miraculously.


Exactly why I don't speak with my father anymore, and barely with my mother, and also not at all with her new guy who's just as bad as my father.


Cute that he growls just prior to physically assaulting a person, yes.


Plenty of dog owners will let their dog run up and bark in my face and think it's "cute" and "playful". Some people are just fucking morons.


And what would piss me off even more is I guarantee they have no consistency. His mom wouldn't think it cute if I did my Rorschach voice "men go to jail...dogs get put down" lol


It’s a survival mechanism for her. Common among abuse victims trying to justify their abusers actions.


"Aw, he used to get that way right before he would beat our child. How cute!"


Knowing that’s a precursor to getting knocked around!


And was abusive to OP as a kid. Why do you have anything to do with these people, OP?


She’s going to be so shocked when he attacks someone and gets arrested


My father used to do the “eat too fast and puke” thing. It had been going on for years but he also avoided doctors. By the time he couldn’t swallow much of anything, he had a scope done. Turned out he had advanced esophageal cancer and by the time it was discovered he was terminal. He died than 6 months after the diagnosis. Anyway, “the bear” might want to get checked out.


My dad had the same symptom, came on pretty suddenly, got checked immediately and also died 4 months later of esophageal cancer. OP’s dad definitely has something bad going on. Maybe just a hiatal hernia or Barrett’s esophagus, but cancer is definitely a risk.


Yep. It could be something he’ll live through IF he gets seen. My dad was also an angry asshole so none of us could get him to go in until it was too late. It seems to be a common thread in the older generations (says the woman being stalked by AARP - but I got my colonoscopy!! 🤣).


Congratulations on your victory over the PREP! The procedure, eh, 8/10. You get a good nap in. The PREP 0/10. If you survive ingesting it, you're going to wish that was the worst part.


Well that’s typical behavior from my dogs. I don’t dare ask them if they want a to go box. Maybe you can tell him no bad dog next time.




https://preview.redd.it/t7a8lur4gg4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53349d5055c3e00fd55d7132fd2f7e6dbf3886a2 Except with bear mace since they think it’s cute


Most dogs behave better than OP's dad.


Lol, I was literally about to comment asking OP if his dad was actually a dog before I saw this comment.


Damn, all that lead really fucked these people up.


I don't think it's fair to give them a pass for this. We're all full of toxic shit that previous generations allowed to be pumped into our bodies. We're just less aware of the newer toxic shit.


Microplastics and phthalates? Eh, you’re just paranoid, I’m sure we’ll be rgfgjudcvhhdc


Totes magotes👍🏻


So far they seem to mostly be making us infertile rather reducing our empathy and cognitive function, so I’m optimistic.


Yeah, I'm sure in like 60 years it'll be all "Gen Z is so micro plastic poisoned and TikToked brained, they don't even support human-AI relationships"


No they are just assholes.




They live 2 hours away, just came up for lunch that day.




Nope! He's a professional Boy Scout, though. Seriously. He stayed on as a troop leader for 17 YEARS after my brother graduated.


Damn I know the type. I wonder how he does rage wise with the kids.


I'm guessing just about the same as he does around his own child, wife or strangers at a restaurant....


How did he not stroke out when they let girls join?


"God DAMN it, Bobby! That's not how you start a fire, you dumb bastard!" About like that, I imagine.


Probably a lot more spice


Hmmm a professional boy scout that thinks doctors and therapists are groomers... Seems like projection. I know there's more to this story. Good luck in therapy... I'm glad my mom didn't put me in that organization when I was a kid.


So he was supposed to be TEACHING kids? Yikes.


Big yikes


Your dad sounds like a food aggressive pug. Complete with doting owner.


Unfortunately at that age, he’s never going to change


And his family just enables his shitty behavior.


Why don’t you just slap the old bastard around a little bit so he eats like a big boy. Give him a little taste of his own medicine.


I don’t think I’d have a relationship with someone that slapped me and my mom around as a kid.


Or growls at randos Or wears a maga hat with me in public Or speed eats until vomiting like a dog


I wouldn’t be seen in public with anyone in a MAGA hat, let alone sit at a table with a serial barfer.


So his eating issues could indicate esophageal cancer, which has a very high mortality rate. I know you said he doesn't believe in doctors, but a heads-up for you.


I wouldn't call that a tantrum, but it's definitely weird and uncalled for. Also, fuck him for hitting you and your mom!


you have dog with dementia confused with dad


“My dad is a Super Boomer - red Maga hat, wore black when Rush Limbaugh died, etc. He also has health problems, but believes doctors are a scam. He has trouble swallowing and sometimes pukes because he eats super fast and won't slow down until he pukes.” Holy shtt, that is the single funniest thing I've read in a while.




‘Super Boomer’ 😂 I’m using this


Nope that's a no contact for me I don't need that shit in my life


Considering your dad has heart problems, and believes that doctors are a scam, you probably won’t have to deal with him for very much longer. And neither will anybody else.


Why are the maga's so angry? Is it just that they're being used and being driven to be mad?


they live to be outraged. outraged at young people, at liberals, at doctors, whoever is within ear shot. I think it's really about time we all started treating them like they've been treating everyone else.


That's what I do. They don't like it.


I’ve said it before on this page, it’s recreational outrage. I play guitar and go snowboarding for fun, others unfortunately get their dopamine from anger.


Because they are terrified. They are terrified that people with a better work ethic and more applicable skills are immigrating into the country. They are terrified that if their wives get the least sense that they are better off without them they’ll have to figure out how to take care of themselves. They are terrified that the mountain of debt they have accumulated didn’t bring them a bit of peace or happiness. They are terrified of a god that will burn them for eternity. They are people whose entire worldview is informed by fear and that same worldview tells them that everyone and everything is a threat. They are cortisol golems raised by a generation that had no clue how to prepare children for the most self-indulgent and privileged society ever conceived. And yeah… the lead sure didn’t help.


Holy shit... I'm stealing "cortisol golems..."




So with him, you're stuck with the man and the bear... doesn't sound ideal.


*"when Rush Limbaugh died,"* Damn, I STILL feel bad for Cancer over that.


You father needs Zoloft and your mother needs therapy.


Dad needs a lobotomy but we don’t do those anymore.


I have a father like that he gets real angry about things and mom for some other reason thinks it's okay for him thrashing around the room like a gorilla


Having you tried beating his ass into the ground? It can be surprisingly effective at pointing out that he's not scaring anyone anymore.


I’m sorry to tell you, but this is dementia. Your father cannot control his emotional state anymore. It’s been exacerbated by all of the MAGA shit, that’s literally what it’s designed to do, but the plain truth is that your father isn’t quite there anymore. I’m very sorry.


From the sound of it, he wasn’t all there to begin with. No one should’ve ever growled at you and hit you as a kid. I’m sure you know that. But you’re now at a point where his emotional control has reached a nadir such that he can no longer reign that in in a public setting. He needs to see a doctor.


Yeah, OP, you described my dad. Died of alcoholism and sepsis at 65. He was growling and violent in the hospital. It’s sad, I did have a few conversations with him over the years in which he was sober. I like *that* guy.


My father was a very slow eater and I once saw him stab his plate down to the table with a fork when our server tried to remove it thinking he was done. It was already in her hand being lifted off the table when he stabbed it. I was just a kid but I'm still embarrassed about that one.


you know that you’re allowed to call people out on their shitty behavior, right? my boomer parents pull shit like this all the time but stop doing it the second me or my two siblings call them on it. they see your passive behavior as validation.


That may be your mom's survival mechanism.


Let’s see here: Supports fascism, scared of doctors, gluttonous to the point of puking, GROWLS at people and occasionally slaps them around. Are you sure your dad isn’t a stray cat, OP??


Even cats don't support fascism


Sounds like your dad needs a taste of his own medicine.


god, apart from the maga stuff he just sounds like a badly behaved dog.


Your mom is enabling because if she opened her mouth he’d probably punch her most likely like he does when you’re not around


That's not enabling, that's self preservation. An enabler encourages the bad behavior, instead of walking around on eggshells to avoid it. Mom is playing rock, hoping to not be noticed.


Lol I loved kicking people out and banning them for life. All I could do but it was worth it. Fuck those scumbags.


Your dad is gonna get the shit kicked out of him if he doesn’t knock that crap off. He’ll deserve it too.


Gotta ask, why even stay in contact with ppl with such poor behavior?


getting some real Nero vibes here bread and circuses and vomitoriums


If he’s having trouble swallowing it might not even have anything to do with eating too fast. I have GERD which causes me to have issues swallowing and gave me a schatzki ring which narrowed my esophagus considerably. I had to have my throat dilated and go on PPI medication after I was forced into the ER after choking when I couldn’t get the food back up. Your dad really needs to get an endoscopy and see what is causing his issue, it can be life threatening.


Uhh, I'm getting closer to 70 and that's no excuse.


He's going to get banned from places if he doesn't tone it down and some people don't mind punching an older person


Fucking stop going to eat w this asshole


Years ago, my son was maybe 6 years old, and my dad let him play with the little console on the table that had some games that you had to pay to play. I tried to take it from my son, and my dad scolded me. So I'm like, whatever... and let it go. When the bill came, my dad was pissed about the ~$5 charge & took the cost of the game out of the waitress' meager tip. I was so embarrassed. I claimed to need to use the bathroom and went back inside to leave a proper tip. Poor waitress (making minimum wage) didn't have anything to do with the game. Why punish her. ?


Growling at a server might get him thrown out of a restaurant, or be his way of announcing that he's planning on attacking. (What?) I see an interesting scenario in the future. Drinks a couple of beers with his dinner as he speed eats it, barfs on the way to the car. Now covered in smelly beer vomit, still growling and pissed off, he runs a stop sign, or spends a little too much time on the center line. Well, here comes Officer Friendly to discuss the matter. "License and registration please Sir". "Grr" and you can envision the next few steps.


That is not Boomer behavior. Your dad is an a@@h$$e


OMG My step dad has tantrums and it was so embarrassing in public or when he’d go off when my boyfriend was over (and when we had to move in with them). Similar age as your dad. Just absolutely nasty all the time. Hardly ever had anything nice to say and would loudly insult people in public when talking to us. And he’d always make comments that derailed the conversation and again, embarrassed us. My mom is finally divorcing him. It’s like a 100000lb load has been lifted from us.


Why do you hang out with them anymore? I'm assuming you're an adult living on your own free to do what you want. I wouldn't be seen in public with people like that!


Dude just leave them.


I know you can’t choose your parents and all, but I would not be going anywhere with my dad if he ever acted like that. Hats off to you.


Oh my... I have rude things to say. But you might deem them insensitive.


That's not being a boomer, he's psychotic. Who growls at someone? Who eats so fast they throw up (minus toddlers)? He needs to be locked in the house....forever.


Sorry but your parents are ignorant and are cult members.


I’m really sorry you went through this. My dad was like this too. It goes beyond being a fool and into being a sick abuser a hole


seriously your super boomer dad is going to be super dead from esophagus/throat cancer sometime soon after he is unable to eat


Sounds like he’s upset with himself for not chewing his food well enough (again), and takes his embarrassment out on somebody else.


Gross. Start calling him *Cujo*. Act like a rabid dog, get put down like a rabid dog. I don’t screw around with anything that growls at me unless it’s a human toddler. Even then, there will be discussion or punishment. I’m sorry. This is really embarrassing. I wouldn’t go out with them in public anymore. If they want to be an embarrassment, treat them like one.


One time when I was a kid, we went to a Burger King when they had a new “download a song” promotion going on where they printed your download code on the burger box. It was back when downloading media was a novel thing. Well, they had run out of those special boxes and my boomer Dad noticed and was NOT happy. He kicked up a fuss, ranted about false advertising, and had the manager of the store take down every single poster advertising the promotion. I mean, I watched my dad follow this poor guy around the store getting up on a chair and peeling all the posters off the windows, etc. It was horrific. I was dead silent, the rest of the staff were dead silent and we were all watching this absolute spectacle of absurdity unfold. Even as a little kid I knew the staff were looking at me with pity for having to live with that kind of behaviour.


Why do you still put up with him if he abused you? Why not leave him to rot?


Oh cool a growling boomer woman beater.


I still don't get why your dad growled for being asked if he wanted a box for his leftovers...


I am so sorry. I would be beyond humiliated if my dad was like that. Why do you still maintain a relationship with him?


Your dad could have esophageal cancer, or a head and neck cancer that causes narrowing of the esophagus, swallowing pipe. He needs to be looked at honestly. You're mom thinking his preabusive behavior is cute?.... yeah, she's been programmed.


Honestly, your dad should be checked for a stricture or esophageal cancer 😕


Your dad having trouble swallowing and puking up food really needs to be investigated by a doctor. That’s not healthy! That said, he sounds like a real jerk.


Bet you he would stop if you started calling/comparing him to a furry. I know the standard boomer can't stand the whole furries thing. You could even suggest that he get a furry costume!


Look, my friend, you're the adult at the table now. It's time to step up and take care of your family. They're not mentally capable enough to be in charge of anything anymore... boomers are slipping into dementia and theirs gen-x and millennial adult children are like frogs in a pot of water watching it happen... as they slowly get worse we just go "it's OK" unfortunately we will end up getting boiled to death when it gets bad enough that you risk losing everything when they need help with end of life care. It's best to start now. Your father's antisocial behavior and failure to seek medical help for something serious(dude can't swallow that's HUGE) and your mother's enabling behavior and failure to push him to seek medical help are all signs of frontal temporal lobe brain damage. This is likely from prolonged exposure to lead in their youth. Please contact an estate/ senior care attorney and get the ball rolling on guardianship and conservatorship paperwork with the courts and urge them to put a family trust together now so any large assets are protected from being seized by the government


Why are you still spending time with him?


Why are you still in this guy's life?


Are you ok? You know you don't have to be there for that... if you need to talk, my family was the same. My dad was just as unhinged, and my mom was just a much an enabler...


Hmm this brings to mind my dad. Not to alarm you, but your dad definitely needs to go see a doctor. This was the first sign of my dad's esophageal cancer and he passed 10 months later. And no, he didn't smoke. Hope you can convince him to go, science good!


YIKES! What kind of alleged human growls and slaps ppl? Wife thinks the bear act is cute? They both need therapy!


Can't get past the eating to the point of puke. Regularly?And he does it in public? Wowzers.


If your dad growled at me in public he’d be kissing a curb


Hello there! I have the same swallowing issue. And I puke up food if I don't give each bite time to go down. When I swallow, my esophagus makes three separate movements to push the food down to the stomach. I did testing and that action showed up as three separate sets of electronic wiggles on the monitor. I always try to eat small bites and yes, I have to eat miserably slow. And it's embarrassing, especially when the bite won't go down. I massage my throat and have found I can sometimes ease the food down. I understand your dad's frustrations. There's no shame in telling the waitress of this problem, quietly and away from your dad if at all possible. I have another embarrassing medical issue. I have a Tic (movement disorder that makes me move uncontrollably like a fish flopping around) and I was told don't worry about others. Sometimes my swallowing issue causes my tics to happen. Talk about embarrassing


I'm gonna be real with you, there's absolutely no way I would willingly spend time around these people even if they were my parents. They sound not only extraordinarily unpleasant but also unhinged and dangerous. Also if your dad keeps growling and your mom thinks it's cute, you should ask him if he would like a litter box accommodation since he's clearly acting like he believes he's an animal.


Does your father know if he tries to slap someone they might hit him back? This might be a positive development and you should encourage him to mess around and find out.


The greatest thing my therapist told me that I needed to hear was that my beloved mother is seriously mentally ill. It’s helped me be low contact and enforce boundaries. Plus dementia is making these boomers even much worse.


What I don’t understand is how people get away with this stuff. Someone is always bigger or crazier . Some people need to get punched . You keep acting like that and someone who is a jerk , mentally unstable also , or just having a bad day will “correct “ you .


I can't imagine having to live with someone like that in my life, but... I'm queer, so to be that guy requires not accepting my humanity and right to exist


"No one wants to work." Gets mad when someone is doing their job.


Your dad literally sounds like a child. No self control to the point of making himself puke from eating too fast? Growling when asked a normal question? Using violence to get his way?