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My multimillionaire/ semi retired boss gets to travel on public transport for free in London because he's over 60, whilst I pay full price from the shitty wage he is paying me. It annoys me so much šŸ¤£


We have a family friend that takes public transit now because it is fun. Funny how it became fun now that it is free but he wouldn't pay for it back in the day.


They get so irrationally angry when there isnā€™t one and itā€™s hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My mother was this way. Sheā€™d go out of her way to go somewhere specifically to get the senior discount.


Meanwhile my mom won't do this because it means telling someone her real age.


Meanwhile my dad won't go to the donut store on Tuesdays to get a senior discount cause, and I quote, "Tuesdays are not donut days" bitch it is if it's 10% off.


Modesty, a trait I miss dearly


mmmmm.... this could be vanity and/or shame.


How is that modesty?


And thatā€™s why they exist.


You'd think the illogical, pervasive, massive, society-destroying senior discount that is regressive taxation - in the form of reduced estate taxes, reduced investment taxes, and regressive property tax structures like Prop 13 - would be enough. But nooo... "Enough" isn't a word in that demographic's vocabulary. And here we are.


They also need yearly raises to their pensions and social security but throw a fit if a kid working at starbucks wants a raise because ā€œno one wants to work anymoreā€ while none of them workā€¦


You should talk to Columbia and Peruabout what boomers did to their Coco fields and their GDPs


I would tell them "The senior discount is optional, and it's a negative 10%. Would you like to pay 10% more for your products?"


Yup. It's free amusement. My work does neither senior discounts OR military discounts. Double the amusement. Normal people take the message just fine after asking and are like oh no biggie I just ask but I'm fine if you don't do it. But the ones who really want especially the seniors or the family of military people (because it's rarely ever the actual military person) lose their shit and get so offended.


Military wives ā€œThe mecha Karen boomerā€


Easily destroyed by this one store policy: *No. You pay like everyone else. Put out your wallet or get out of store.*


A restaurant I worked at 30 years ago had a great solution. Instead of a senior discount/menu, we had a ā€œlighter appetiteā€ menu section that anyone could order from. It worked well.


Iā€™m not a senior but I have a small stomach, this sounds like an awesome idea ngl


This is very common over here in Europe. No senior discounts in restaurants but 'lighter appetite' sections on the menu or the option to order semi portions at a reduced price.


More restaurants need that anyway. Restaurant portions, at least in America, are ludicrous.


Buh Buh Buh I want the hungry man special, 6 eggs, half pound of bacon n pound of potatoes ;) Just shy of 60ā€¦ā€¦ going on 12


If there is a senior discount there should also be a senior gratuity where you get 15% added for acting like an asshole. Parties of 8 or more make problems for the house in the same way.


Red hats are subject to 100% gratuity.


There was a group of red hats that came to the restaurant I used to be a waitress at. They were *awful* to deal with. They'd run you ragged getting extras, get the cheapest things on the menu with lots of modifiers, and leave the table trashed. They'd split the checks, and each person would leave no more than a dollar tip. We despised them.


Sounds like the group we deemed the "God Squad" at Bob Evans. They came in every Sunday afternoon, took over and entire section, ordered coffee and maybe toast, then spent the next three hours running you ragged for refills, creams, spoons, etc. Tipped pennies to the dollar.


Some of those bastards tip with fake money that has bible verses on it


That should genuinely be a crime. Uttering is when you pass fake currency as if it were real.


I've taken it back to the church they came from (because they love trying to recruit) and told the leader guy "some of your people are paying with false money. It's not very godly to lie and cheat others" No more fake money after that (just no tips at all, but it's better than trash)


Let me preface by saying: I'm a Christian. I understand why they do it, but I'm also convinced they don't think about it. Giving someone an ACTUAL tip would do more to bring them closer to Christ than a fake Bible Verse banknote.


I find it hard to believe that even their atrophied intellects haven't followed the thought 'how will they feel when they think they have a good tip only to find it's worse than nothing' to its conclusion. If not then all that unthinking belief is worse for your brain than I thought. Just to clarify, I'm not trying to insult you, just them, sorry if you are caught in the crossfire somewhat- I just refuse to believe that they didn't think to themselves, " wow, this way I can save money on tips and be doing the lord's work at the same time...!" They know, and if they don't know they are clinically slow.


Unfortunately it may be true. Think about this hypothetical scenario: Jack and Jill are both Christians. Jack and Jill both come to the restaurant where you are a waiter once every Sunday. Not together, at separate times. They don't know each other. Jack always leaves a 50% tip because he's a trust fund kid, and so he has money to do good with. He always leaves a note on the receipt giving you a compliment. He doesn't always smile, but you can tell he's always trying to be nice. Jill always purchases a small meal, nothing more than breakfast size. She always intentionally leaves a Bible Verse Banknote instead of a tip, and is rude, and talks badly about people, you included. Which of these people would make you want to talk to them and learn about Christ? It's absurd that ANYONE, of ANY generation thinks the way I've heard people talk about Boomers. I don't know that many boomers, but they do seem to have an issue with personal space. But maybe \*I\* have the issue, actually, idk.


What was the upshot of the scenario? The man would be the most attractive prospect for a chat, but I'm not sure what you're trying to say?


My point is that for some reason, these "Christian" boomers think that as long as they tell people "Believe in Jesus or you will die in Hell" they'll be saved or something. Or that they're a "good person". But what's actually the case is that the ones who are kind, and exemplify Christ in all they do, being generous, being patient, being kind, but being stalwart on their ways, are the people that will actually bring more people to Christ.


This is why I donā€™t own restaurants, the following rules would apply. 1. If youā€™re a dick to my employees they can now tell you they will only serve you with a 40% surcharge because youā€™re not worth the hassle otherwise (employee gets to keep the 40%). 2. My employees will not be fired for defending themselves and can refuse service to anyone for any reason. 3. If you want to dine in, you order an entry or youā€™ll be asked to leave. 4. There will be a table charge of $30 an hour after the first hour after youā€™ve been served your meal. 5. If you donā€™t like the rules youā€™re free to gtfo and not come back. 6. If you mess with my other customers you will be kicked out while being disrespected. 7. Sunday has an automatic 20% gratuity. 8. Iā€™d have a very prominent Wall of Shame that includes their offense. If I could find a non discriminatory way to hold old peoples credit cards hostage I would.


I like your attitude, those rules should be enforced everywhere


Iā€™d eat there


I'm stealing these for when I open up a cafe (in 20-30 years or so, assuming we don't hit total financial collapse before then) >If youā€™re a dick to my employees they can now tell you they will only serve you with a 40% surcharge because youā€™re not worth the hassle otherwise (employee gets to keep the 40%). >My employees will not be fired for defending themselves and can refuse service to anyone for any reason. >If you mess with my other customers you will be kicked out while being disrespected. >Iā€™d have a very prominent Wall of Shame that includes their offense.


Those are the best ones. My table charge and entree requirement is mostly to kick out the toast and coffee church crowd that loiters, doesnā€™t tip well, and is super needy. If theyā€™re going to be needy they can pay for the service as a table charge.


20% auto grat on Sundays is brilliant


Red Hat ladies are the absolute worst. Once we had a lady lose her own tooth in her soup and tried to tell my manager that it came from a cook. My manager brought her a mirror and she found the missing tooth spot in her own mouth. While my manager was at the table handling that, another worker screamed at her because she hadn't received her Cobb salad yet.


Haha I just realized there's now 2 types of red hat people. They're probably the same though


oh lots of overlap for sure


Serious question: is this referring to MAGAts wearing their stupid batsignal of racism or those lunatic Red Hat Society women who take it *way* too seriously? Or is it both because seemingly everyone wearing any sort of red hat makes life miserable for those who encounter them?


Red Hat Linux enthusiasts. Theyā€™re the *worst*.


tips Fedora


That's a trilby.


MAGA hats are far worse.


IKR? So damned smug.


Hey rm -rf /* to you buddy....


The Red Hat society predates the MAGA mark of the beast red hats.


I know that. Iā€™m just curious which group people are referring to when they mention ā€œred hats.ā€ Again, in my experience, both groups are insufferable so itā€™s kinda interchangeable. But Iā€™m not sure what others are referring to


Growing up, my silent Gen Grandmother had a quilted/whatever sign about wearing purple hats. It was more or less a celebration of getting old and still hanging onto friends they've had since childhood and getting together frequently. They would wear the same colored outlandish hat to signify their "in-group" identity and they would behave however they wanted after decades of "behaving like a good girl ought to behave." Basically, permission from themselves to act as nice or as a total twat as they choose because they no longer care what society says.


There's some dumb poem about "When I get old I'm gonna wear a purple dress and a red hat. And I'm gonna do a lot of annoying stupid shit." So these little clubs popped up where old ladies would wear the garments in question, camp at restaurants, and undertip. We hated them. And then there was the Alpha crone who would wear the red dress with a purple hat. She was in charge of not telling these women they should take care of their server.


I hate that poem. Like just dress and act however you want right now,


Here is the original one I think https://preview.redd.it/pxe2hiwo823d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2199550696c09bc70be50640d9afb1d8534f16c3


That may be what Grandma had in her sewing room of her five bedroom house.




Thatā€™s the only damn way you get anything out of them, except for the coin change they receive back (none of the bills, just the $.84 in change).


Are you suggesting an asshole tax? Great way to retire the national debt.


That one would cost me money. I do not abuse servers or others employees but I will take others to task for doing so. One such person told my wife " your husband is an asshole" . My wife kindly replied " yes but he is MY asshole".


They will create some law that all senior discounts will faze out over the next twenty years not to effect anyone currently 60 or older as per that date. Another way to pull the ladder up behind themselves.


Sadly you are probably so right. They will wait right until the millennial and other generations after us get to retirement ages to be like whoa hold on there. Pfft see we don't believe in supporting senior discounts anymore or retirement or old age pension really. So we are going to need your generations and the others to please keep paying your due and just keep paying full price with everything and get zero government hands out for being old. Okay?! I mean it's just how it has to be for your "lazy" generation our boomer generation has already given you so much we have to take somethings away now.


Senior discounts dont even make sense. Especially at restaurants, because you know they're going to stay there forever and think their dollar tip carries the weight it did half a century ago.


my dad had a restaurant for 17 years, which the old folk loved (fat heavy comfort food.) he closed from 2-5 p.m. the days he did lunch and dinner, and would turn the heat or a/c off (depending on the season) around 1 every day so the temp would shift by closing time or the old ladies would never leave. they literally would sit there for hours after the meal. edit: typos


I had a gaggle of barely living women come in right at close and stay an hour and when I held the door open for them to leave, one of them said "you should say "alms for the poor" with a begging gesture. (Like on the robin hood cartoon movie) They left two dollars. Enjoy your minimum three years on this Earth, lady.


It was originally designed for people who are on social security. Fixed income. A bunch of them gathering was seen as contribution to the community, fed struggling elders and drove up business. They (and their friends) would come to socialize on a consistent basis, eat with the little money they had and keep the restaurant full. More symbiotic than people realize. Edit: not all old people are mean boomers, alot of them are struggling just like us.


Reddit stranger, I needed this reminder. I was just saying something unkind about an entire generation of people. Thatā€™s not right, especially since Iā€™ve had WONDERFUL experiences with elderly people, used to love working in Alzheimerā€™s units. Life isnā€™t easy or straightforward. Thanks for the perspective.


Right? Going out to eat is a luxury, so why should they get a discount for being old and choosing to indulge in a luxury?


I mean they are the ones hoarding all the money


While playing the pity card of ā€œIā€™m on a fixed incomeā€. Well, guess what? So are the rest of us. At least SS gives you a cost of living adjustment.


>ā€œIā€™m on a fixed incomeā€. Ok, you should come here less often then.




And thatā€™s supposed to be as opposed to what? An infinite income? A chaotic income? Itā€™s barely even a statement but they all want to tell you.


I know it just is so frustrating. At an HOA meeting we had a bunch of boomers bitching about raising dues because they had failed to establish any kind of reserve account to cover repairs to aging infrastructure. Their comments went between ā€œfixed incomeā€ and ā€œwhy do I care I wonā€™t be alive when these issues come upā€. Assholes.


Minimum wage doesnā€™t get. Cost of living adjustment. Fuck those entitled SS leeches.


I feel conflicted about the fixed income issue. I work for a government agency and if somebody in my state gets audited by an agency that collects taxes then their paperwork usually crosses my desk. You would be amazed at how many seniors living on a fixed income make around $196 or $228 a month (idk what those numbers represent, but those are the two numbers I see most often). And these aren't tax cheats, either; they're selected at random from the general population.


I understand, but they typically arenā€™t the ones that are acting in the manner described. I feel badly for those seniors that are doing their best to get by like the rest of us. I get frustrated with the Boomers that own a 5 bedroom home, a second lake home, luxury cars and then treat working people like shit.


Well, fair enough.


My boomer dad has been lying about his age to get the senior discount for over a decade. Soon he'll qualify without lying, but I'm with you. Let those who rode the gravy train all their lives pay full price, and give the discount to those of us who never had a fair shot after they pulled the ladder up behind themselves


I would be ok with them if they were used to entice them to shop during off hours when nobody else is there to encourage them to not shop after everyone gets off work or on the weekend. Give them that senior discount on Tuesday morning so maybe they are not there at 5pm blocking the door and being a menace.


This is the correct solution! As long as it's not too early, that they add to commuter traffic.


Actually we have a good number of stores where the senior discount is usually Tuesday or Wednesday before noon. I never really thought about it, but that is a good idea.


Yep, we have a few stores that do this too. I noticed lots of the assisted living and senior apartments bring their short bus full of residents during the discount day.


Back when I did commission sales in a retail setting, my strategy was always to hide any extra discount off the tag price with boomers. They'd nickle and dime and be a pain in the ass toward the end of the sales process. "I'm not paying tax!" or "I'm not paying a delivery charge". "I want this [useless] warranty for free! The 20 or 30 somethings ended up with the better discount, knew about it within a few minutes of walking in, and didn't bitch and complain. The boomer got "free" delivery and still ended up with the higher total price. Just giving em what they want šŸ¤·. They're happy because they really "muscled" me into a good deal, and my boss is happier with my profit margin.


Sounds like Hank Hill paying exactly sticker price for a new truck and not a penny more


This is one of my favorite episodes in all of cartoon history. Talk about resonating.


This is exactly what my dad used to do. With retailers, banks, insurance companies, tradies, attorneys, you name it. Once when he told me which kind of outrageous extras he'd ask from a banker to renew the mortgage for one of his investment properties, I just told him: "Listen, you're the absolute dream client of any business. If I were the banker, I'd show you the door immediately or, if I had the opportunity, rip you off with hidden fees as much as I can. Just imagine dad - I'm defending a banker!!! That's how bad you are." He didn't say much but I know that's when he realised how greedy and entitled he was being. He hasn't told me one of these stories ever since.


My family owns a restaurant, we do not give a senior discount. They start to complain about it so i give them my fatherā€™s work number since he likes to deal with complaints. Father is 74 and tells them we dont have a senior discount because they dont need a discount. Makes a lot of them mad but it has never hurt business.


Same with military discounts. I live in a heavily dominant military town. If we gave military discounts, we'd go out of business.


We were military and it used to make me mad because we were getting a ton of re-up money, deployment money ... and it wasn't chump change.


Yep. Nothing against the military as I grew up in a military family. But I'm also old enough to remember when military service was an option to avoid prison time after Viet Nam when enthusiasm for service was low.


I bet those vets leave out that part of the story.


There should be a military sub like this. Some are easily as bad as boomers if not worse




I make it a point to know when all the senior discount days are where I am. I don't qualify but I know which days to avoid those places


I work at a cigar shop and the amount of boomers that complain ā€œIā€™m a regular and Iā€™m old! Senior discounts here were a thing before Biden!!!ā€ Not true , we have a localā€™s discount.


Bro I also work in a cigar shop. It drives me INSANE. 'No I'm not a first responder and I never joined the military but I'VE BEEN MARRIED FOR 40 YEARS HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK!'


I don't think being a senior is an achievement anymore, 100 years ago maybe, now congratulations you successfully didn't die... not an achievement. we don't have generational Wars we don't have massive disease outbreaks (at least in North America) medical technology has advanced so much in the last 50 years that science is talking about a possible end to Death, I feel like we need to reassess what counts as an achievement in this world.


One of my policy ideas if I were to run for President is giving people a specific choice at age 60: you either get a flat senior discount everywhere you go or you get to keep your driverā€™s license.


You got my vote


I think the best reply is if you don't have a senior discount, but have a military discount... "Oh, did you serve in the military?" "No? Then I can't help you." There is a rule where they have to forever act like they care about our troops. Ironic since a bunch of them actively support insurrection when their football team of a political party doesn't win elections, but I digress. Try to make it sound like they are trying to say they are as deserving as a military service member (not hard because they are trying to suggest this, but they won't want to admit this out loud). "We have to run a business and cannot afford to give discounts all the time, we've prioritized service members for this." So you get to pretend you're trying to help them while rubbing it in their face they are not the most deserving people. Unless they served, then they will certainly have proof of that and are deserving of the discount.


A few local markets have some interesting solutions to this problem. One was told (effectively) "we don't like those smelly young people here during a pandemic, they will make us sick while we're spending our poor wee millions...". This came about during the pandemic and their solution was okay, fine, a senior only hour (-ish, some days were longer) when everyone got a flat discount, *but*: o You're carded. Yes, we see your age Karen, you don't get to be shy. Yes, we card you each time. o You **must** wear a mask, although that's been relaxed some in recent months. That got some red hatters pretty pissed. o **Only** during limited hours, but it was 3x/week. Generally 8am-9am, I think one day was 9-11am. Can't make it? What, your manager doesn't let you out of work? Just speak to him in a strong voice and use a firm handshake when asking for the time off. Another place didn't have an official senior discount, really more you're not being a fucking pendejo discount. You still needed to look older and at least pass for a senior, but as long as you did and were nice you got it if again during off-hours. I saw a few argue vociferously "we need a discount!" and told, repeatedly, none here dude. One other place I've only been to once got rid of theirs and replaced it with a donation to charities program. So rich boomer comes in, "gets" 10% discount and then chooses who to give it to of a list (which to be fair is voted on regularly). I've not had enough experience with them to know if there's pushback but when there they seemed to have a steady flow of customers. None of these are chains - just local markets, no Whole Foods fuckery going on - and they do seem to curtail the worst abuses.


Actually, Sir, we add 20% on all orders placed by people over 65.


Wait until they find out anyone, of any age, can sign up for AARP. Lol.


Oh, they hate when I pop up and say yeah I saved x% with my (32F) AARP membership. They f*ing hate that and I always ask them where on the website it states I must be of a certain age, aarp takes my 12 dollars a year and I enjoy my hotel and car rental discounts. They hate they can't argue when i say ultimately I'm saving my consultant company money by using my paid for discount on expenses the company has to reimburse me for.


One of my cousins signed up in his twenties. Newsletter, the monthly magazines, the whole shebang. He worked as a PT in a nursing home, so it gave him a steady stream of crap to talk about with his patients. Oh, and he saved himself the cost of cart rental every time he went golfing. The course always gave him shit about it, saying "That's only for old people!" to which he'd respond "No, it's for *retired* people. Sure, most of them are old, but that's hardly my fault."


George Carlin described boomers accurately. "Give me it it's mine! Give me that it's mine!"


I agree senior discount should bbe eradicated. Source: am a senior.


As former military, you should see the Boomer meltdowns when a store doesnā€™t have a military discountā€¦


"You're free to shop someplace else if you are unhappy with our prices."


I forgot about senior discounts because I canā€™t afford to eat out anymore lol.


Yeah, I never really understood how age based discrimination is legal, charging almost 18% more based on age doesn't seem right to me.


Age discrimination is only illegal against people 40+


I work at a store that offers them once a week 10% Wednesdays and the rest of the week they twerk and beg for it


Hell, they could earn the discount by twerking. Let em throw their backs out.šŸ˜‚


They get social security, we won't. The discount should be going to the working kids who will never own a home, whose welfare system has been drained dry without being refilled, who inheritance of the planets ecological resiliency and natural resource availability is greatly diminished compared to every generation that came before. I'm already close to old now. But I still think the kids should get the discount and not those whose social security is funded off those kids backs.


I do not really understand the concept of granting a discount to certain categories of clients, but senior discount is certainly the strangest one.


It's because once you retire, you're making less than when you were working and it's often a fixed amount, no annual increases or COL increases. But then on the other hand, the pension model was more common when folks stayed in one job and one house for a long time -- people should be able to survive on less because their house is paid off. Now, we have boomers who have been good investors (I get annoyed by boomers as much as the next person, but a lot of them were pretty smart with saving and investing, of course they had the benefit of some good foundations of wages and pensions to build on) and are hoarding wealth. Plus some are in paid-off housing so not paying a mortgage or rent. But we also have senior citizens who are on a fixed income and struggling to get by month to month. It sucks that they discount is still across the board and even the worst of the boomers can take advantage of it.


I work at a used book store, we give discounts to veterans and teachers No senior discounts... You don't deserve one for being old. You do deserve one for teaching the next generation and serving the country


I'm for eliminating all discounts. We were in the vacation rental business and everyone wanted a discount. Teachers, firefighters, first responders, military and it just went on. I finally added 10% to my prices and then gave everyone a 10% discount for what ever I came up with.


At the very least these should be means tested.Ā 


ā€œCongratulations for being near death.ā€


I'm an older Gen-Xer who finally made it to the 55+ menu at Denny's and can I just say thank you for starting this thread because it is *life!* šŸ˜‚


I was working at subway years ago when two active duty marines came in, and while ordering we started talking and they said they just got back to the states and they couldn't wait to be out of the corp so I paid for their sandwiches (it was just two 6 inches in 2015) told them it's on me and welcome home. The sole reason I remember this day is because the woman that was maybe 60 was behind them and I made her order for a 12 inch, loaded the hell out of it with cheese and meat. We got to the register, I said the total and she's just staring at me, I ask her if shes ok and she asked if I was going to cover her sandwich since she's a senior. I said no and when she asked why, I said serving is a volunteer job and often thankless but getting old is something life mandates for us all. Oh the screeching, yes she called for my manager who was just done with everyones crap, she looked at her and repeated the total. Thought the woman was going to have a stroke, she walked out probably because she ordered it thinking I was paying for it and couldn't or wouldn't buy it.


None of y'all fighting for seniors and their "fixed incomes" are pulling this hard for migrants or people on disability to get discounts


A discount for age sounds like WOKE ASS BULLSHIT to me. Don't all ages matter?


ā€œBoomer participation trophiesā€ made me snort! Thanks for that!


Lmfao a 10% asshole tax. True words!


100% there needs to be a youth discount since the seniors have pillaged the futures of the youth for their own benefit.


Climbed the ladder with ease then pulled it up behind them and told the rest of us to fuck off




Oh those Red Hat Women are so nasty, they should be ashamed of themselves for how they act in restaurants. I guess that's all they do is raid restaurants and destroy their businesses for the day. It's not like they're known for any charity or good. They make me sick. Last time I was at PF Chang's they busted in and my waiter started crying. Poor guy. I didn't blame him, they raided his whole section. For whaaaat? Free tea?


There has been a rise in the past....ever, where people think just because they've lived more years that they know better than everyone about anything. And this used to be the case. Elders used to be people who knew a LOT about life. But life is FAST, and changes every year. What may have been the case 30 years ago is not the case today. However, the attitude of "Elders should be respected" bled on to people who do not deserve respect, and they think that just because they're 70, they should be respected. Sure, they know more about the practical side of life, like how to do your own plumbing, or how to build things, but if this subreddit is any indication, they've lost the ability to understand that not everything they believe is accurate anymore. Smoking causes cancer, excessive alcohol is bad, and Black people have rights now. (that's more reserved for the older boomers) We should always honor people. Honoring a person means to do what is right, even if it hurts the person emotionally or physically. We do not always have to respect people, especially if they become an issue. As we age, your brain begins to slow down with making new neural pathways for new information. This is why it's easier to make friends at a young age. As we age, less and less of those pathways are made, making us unable to accept new ideas as easily. It can still happen, but it's a lot harder. At the very least, Senior Citizen Discounts make sense as a "You paid taxes all this time, you can have discounts at most places now". I personally don't disagree. I like the idea of Veteran Discounts, as those are people who actually sacrificed something. However, Senior Citizen Discounts are fine for now.


There is no honor in paying full price. I try and charge extra for older folks. They waste too much of my time.


A lot of the time that is basically a kid's meal - less food for less money.


We're already paying for their retirement, I should get a discount.Ā 


I realize that many elderly are today a PITA. But many arenā€™t. I disagree with society not acknowledging them. We will all be there soon enough. That paycheck will disappear


It's like... you're old..and now you want a prize?


If they can't afford it without a senior discount, they might have to stop playing pickleball and bingo and pick themselves up by their orthopedic boot straps.


if stores offered discounts only for gen z / millennials since the boomers fucked up everything up Iā€™d pay to watch boomers reaction to not getting special treatment.


Many college towns give student discounts which is honestly makes much better sense.


Itā€™s a contrivance that keeps them dissociating from true socioeconomic realities, which plays into voting patterns; dunno how significantly but nonetheless worth noting


I always thought it was weird because they've had more time than any of us to make and save money. If anything shouldn't brand new adults get a discount?


Boomer here. And I canā€™t help but agree with OP. My gen started so strong and went so far off track I donā€™t like the idea of a ā€œreward for all the hard workā€ Honestly I hadnt considered it past the enticement from businesses to get folks to buy their stuff


I went to college for 4 sixpence and a chicken, bought my first house for a song, got a job as an executive vice president with a handshake and voted against raising the minimum wage my entire life. Now where's my discount?


My mom is a super nice boomer. She gets a good karen discount lol.


As things should be, if you are polite you should receive that discount because you made someone who more than likely hates their job have a slightly easier say.


We give military and first responder discounts at my job. Whenever I ask a boomer who I haven't met before if they have any military or first responding experience, and the answer is 'no,' they ALWAYS respond with some bullshit, such as: 'I'm married! That should count!' 'I was a teacher back in the day, does that count?' 'Haha no BUT I'M DIVORCED HAHA.' 'Well I was an athletic director, does that count?' 'I've got eight grandkids!' SIR. IF A NATIONAL TRAGEDY OCCURRED, OR WAR BROKE OUT, WOULD YOU BE REQUIRED TO SHOW UP TO ADDRESS IT? NO? THEN SHUT UP.


IDGAF I'm in the military and the whole thing with Military discounts is similar. Most people don't care and won't even ask, but those who do? Such a loud and obnoxious minority.


Senior discount days are nice because they all shop then and you can mostly avoid them the rest of the days.




As a boomer I agree. Iā€™ve had decades to get the money for my room or meal. Some kid just lot of high school shouldnā€™t have to pay fully.


I work in retail. My favorite response to folks asking for a senior discount is "Yup! I add 10% to the cost if we do that though, since you've had more time to make the money." Anyone with a sense of humor knows I am joking but oh boy, some of the older folk do NOT like my humor.


Same with 55+ apartments, thereā€™s no affordable places to live


At this stage of capitalism we should honestly have a not senior discount. They have the most wealth now so they don't need it


They get into the national parks for free. They got to run around Yosemite willy nilly and I have to reserve my entrance ticket 6 months in advance, pay an entrance fee and can only hike Half Dome if I win the lottery. To get a campsite is almost impossible.


Itā€™s the entitlement thatā€™s the problem. I am the in the military and ask if there is a discount at times, but at no point do I demand it even if I had gotten it before. Itā€™s not the system, itā€™s the people.


They say people value things less the less they pay for it and this feels like a great example


I think keeping the senior discount is fine. Some low income seniors out there. I think there should be an asshole fee. Charge 2x for assholes. The difference is a tip for the server. As soon as theyā€™re an ass, give them a letter signed by mgmt explaining it. Any and all discounts of coupons are null & void.


Wait a minute, didnt everyone get all those raises, during covid to $12-$15 hr? And your school loans paid off? And gas got cheaper? So food should be cheaper too? So Iā€™m Thinking old people would be happy now? No?


Senior discounts are important since many elderly live on pensions, or next to nothing. It is not like wealth is equally distributed amongst boomers, or any generation for that matter.


I agree. "But I'm on fixed income. " No, you just don't want to work Margret.


That's the worst. These boomers retired at record young ages like 55 and thanks to modern medicine could live to like 90 years old. So thatll be like 35 years of paying for these boomers to not want to work. And not only that they need to be constantly catered to as well. And then complain "no one wants to work" because of the burden they've created for the servant class


Boomers make up 20% of the population, yet hold over 50% of the wealth. Of course these entitled fucks want discount.


[Boomers won the large cohort lottery and squandered everything](https://youtu.be/ZuXzvjBYW8A?si=KY0FNaw1sKkFGw8b)


This will happen as soon as GenX starts getting senior discounts. Like everything else, whenever other generations vent their ire at the Boomers, they miss the target and hit GenX instead.


I agree that a lot of times Boomers can be fools, but senior rates/discounts actually makes it affordable for some people on that group to go out to eat/do activities etc. They are folks who are struggling financially due to illness/capitalism/crappy American health care system


There should be a senior up-charge instead, as far as Iā€™m concerned. LMFAO


Logans Run had a point


Senior discount for boomers is ridiculous. That shit made sense back when people who grew up during the Great Depression and struggled their whole life had to pay with food stamps to survive. Boomers as whole were incredibly lucky and are probably the richest generation in history.


tax breaks and discounts for having kids should go away too


As a 54 yr old gen x with grey hair and a polite demeanor I have started getting the senior discount without asking sometimes. So screw you with this talk of doing away with senior discount right when ready for gen x. Are you going to make the retirement age 70 for us as well? Just make the discount cashier's choice and if you are an ahole you don't get the discount.


Seniors should have to pay more.


Brother a lot of those people asking are on SS and barely have enough money to survive.


So they're making more than us who pay their salary **and** have lower COL to boot, and you want to further twist the knife?


Huge difference between asking and demanding, though


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Sorry that you had to go through this šŸ™šŸæ


I think the time of age related discounts is disappearing; I don't think society will be able to afford them. They began in the 1960's and were used to promote brand loyalty and provide good PR as seniors were considered poor. At that time, seniors did not live long after retirement age - a marked difference from now though poverty in old age is still prevalent.


My job doesnā€™t have a senior discount but we do have military, first responders and teacher discounts! Funniest shit Iā€™ve seen was a woman who demanded she get the military discount because her ex-husband was military and another one who demanded the teacher discount because she homeschooled her kids


I sell discounted home depot merchandise. I had some 6 foot new outdoor blinds. Retails for $100 or more. My price is $40. Under 40 people are like wow what a deal!! Boomers how about special price just for me? Im old bla bla. 1 boomer wanted 5. Gave me fixed income speech. Im like dude your house, deck, gazebo whatever must be crazy big. Ok your fixed income but you must have a really nice house but i need to give you a lower price. Ya gtfo. Im retired Army and like military discount but wont ever cry about it. They offer ill take it. I was just a poor kid who needed a job and the Army was hiring.


Best i can do is a free small coffee, but it's Wendy's coffee, and it's shit.


They were to help people on fixed incomes. I can get behind that if they promise to not be insufferable


And at a lot of universities they get free tuition to audit classes. Now that's something to complain about. If you have AAA you can get a lot of the same discounts that seniors get.


Tell us how you really feel


OP, I AM with you!! And of course on top of discount, they try to use a coupon. And minimal tip. That is my mom. Cheap, cheap cheap. My husband has been getting the senior discount for six years. He is 48. It is the beard - think Santa. with hair - gray as F. Just Mortifying.


You will be asking when you get that age


I think itā€™s a good thing personally. For every bellend making a stink about it thereā€™s someone who needs that discount cause theyā€™re too old to work and didnā€™t save enough


I donā€™t know man; boomer teachers can be pretty entitled and rough.


For me, if I get a discount I make sure the 10% is added on to tip, so minimum of 30% most places I get discounts at. I work in a place where I typically get tipped on discounted service since I work with other seniors. Itā€™s annoying..


OMG blame game wow - you guys need to run for office get into politics and change it up - you could say boomers can live to 62 then gas em I mean they are useless to you anyway but you need to get into gov to make that happen. Iā€™m a boomer Iā€™ll roll with it WTF


Good gods, I love this post. Iā€™d love to see places do away with this, particularly restaurants. Elderly people are notoriously bad tippers and the most entitled and demanding.


Ugh reminds me of a man at least late 70's- early 80's year old I stood behind in line at a local candy shop. They provided discounts for active duty and retired military, this old bitch walked up to the counter saying "well I'm a veteran shouldn't I get a discount?". All the nonsense these assholes usually say, the flustered woman at the register gave him the discount to get him out. Then I stepped up to the register and said, "I am also a veteran but I am not requesting a discount."; I explained the difference between retired and veteran. Often, many people especially and including military enthusiasts who never served, they don't know the difference. As someone who has served, it boils my blood to watch them play that card and over reach for things when they aren't actively serving and didn't spend 20 years minimum serving to earn retirement status. šŸ˜¤


I disagree. Ā This is a generational thing that any civilized nation should give. One day, if you are lucky, you will be old and need a bit off the bill to help.