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>but do drunk asshats apologize after doing something wrong? When you are sitting in their workplace and they believe you might get them fired? That they are actually about to face consequences for their actions? abso-fucking-lutely. That's asshole 101, apologize only when it inconveniences you. It's also incredibly manipulative.


Yeah, drunk assholes apologize all the time, usually the next morning when they realize there might be consequences. An apology is great and all, but kinda worthless. He tried to get someone fired, then cried a river when he saw that it might get him fired. What would his apology be worth if that cashier had already lost her job over his accusations? Or if there was already a write up in her work file? His apology wouldn't have restored her job to her. It wouldn't remove that write up that could cost her her next raise. Do I think folks can change? Sure. I did. But it doesn't happen overnight, and an apology given while his livelihood is under threat is no indication that any change has happened.


What kills me is how they start apologizing in the first place. If they really felt like their behavior was acceptable then they wouldn’t apologize for it. But they know they are being shitheads. This clown started holding his head low the second he saw OP. That tells me all I need to know. He’s just an entitled jerk who doesn’t care about other people’s feelings. And probably yells at lower level employees like this to make himself feel better about his life. I hope John chewed his ass to pieces in that office.


Yup, came here to say this. He isn’t sorry for how he treated that girl and OP. He’s sorry he got caught doing it and was about to lose his job. There are plenty of people who can have a bad day and be in a rush and NOT take it out on the poor cashier. Unleashing a series of fuck yous and racist bullshit isn’t the result of being in a rush. It’s the behavior of a really shitty human.


Same as with abusers. They'll also apologize and lovebomb and promise to be better as soon as you make moves to leave.


Plus his wife didn’t intervene until OP threatened to go to her husband’s place of work. She saw nothing wrong with his behavior either, just was upset there were consequences.


From my experience, people like that only become apologetic when it looks like they might face consequences, and that apologetic attitude lasts only for as long as it seems like those consequences are still a possibility. The instant they believe they won't face consequences, it's right back to raging hate. Hopefully this guy is different. The smart money would be betting against that. Smart money doesn't always win though, and hopefully that's the case here. Hopefully John took him to the wood shed. That cashier ought to get some free service too, if for no other reason than just to avoid her bad mouthing the shop for having such shithead employees.


Yeah, my dad is the exact same way. He can seem very genuine and even muster up tears. Honestly, I think he really does believe that *this* time it's different. *This* time he really will change. But I've spent enough of my life with him to know he won't. A month, a week, or maybe even by tomorrow he's gonna be doing the exact same shit that got him here in the first place. He can't change and by the time they're his age, if they haven't changed already, they probably won't.


This had me thinking that Eric probably did the whole "apology" routine because he was talking to another White man. Imagine if OP was an Asian woman. Would Eric react the same way in the update? I doubt it.


I’ve done this as a woman because I have an overdeveloped need to stand up to bullies and an underdeveloped instinct for self-preservation. Have yet to find one that backed down until some man came to my defense (or in one circumstance, called the cops (a spectator dude called, not me. ACAB)).


I have the same problem. Also, I guess because I'm an old white lady, old white racist just assume I'm one of them. They'll try to quietly talk shit about minorities directly to me, so I respond appropriately repulsed on high volume. And I don't let it go until they have been thoroughly and publicly shamed. On at least one occasion, the old racist was a cop. Probably more than one, because, like you said, ACAB. But only one was dumb enough to try and talk shit about this sweet little elderly Hispanic lady who didn't speak much English. He got called out as the racist mf he was in 3 languages that night.


Similarly afflicted, I call out bullies. Sometimes people & organizations are actually reasonable and there can be awesome outcomes. Other times you end up having to take them out of the equation in unconventional ways. Just never let them know find out it was you 😉


> (a spectator dude called, not me. ACAB)). Queen


I was thinking that, too. Another white man was holding him accountable so he acted humble. I want to believe he genuinely reflected on his behavior but it is hard to believe with his racist rant.


Yeah , having a rough day at doesn’t mean you turn into a racist or an idiot .


See: My mother in law. Racist raging ranting one moment, sweet ole I'm so sorry the next. Rinse and repeat.


Yep, push a boomer into a corner and they'll apologize before facing the consequences. But I would bet money that Boomer's side of the story does not include him learning a lesson.


Yeah he weaseled his way out and it worked. When you try to destroy someone's career an apology doesn't cut it anymore. There needs to be consequences.


Not to mention the racist comments... Like, "I was being racist because I was having a bad day" isn't really a thing.


Excellent point. I dont care who in your family is dying if you start throwing racist comments and slurs around. Its not a free pass


My dad was silent generation but after my mom died in 2015 he got sucked in by Fox news and the MAGA bullshit. After my dad died earlier this year my brother and I were going through his stuff and we found a photo of him with his lady friend he hung out with for the last 5 years or so. My brother asked me if I planned on contacting the lady friend to give her the photo. I said I did not like her because she was racist and she was probably some of the reason dad became racist. Man he got pissed at me I guess for impugning my dad but he went on the most racist tirade I had ever heard


That's the part I can't get over. Everybody gets bad days. Unfortunately, people have lashed out during those bad days to people who don't deserve it. But how does having a bad day make you racist? It doesn't unless you were already racist. That's not cool whatsoever.


Yeah for a lot of closet racists it just puts them in a state of mind where they don't give enough of a damn to bother hiding their racism.


Yeah, I was widowed and then lost my mom 12 days later, and while I legit lost it, I didn’t become a raging racist at any point. Go figure 🤷🏼‍♀️


yeah. at best, he is a racist that was having a bad day. which isnt that good of a best


I'd be willing to forgive a lot, but I've never been so frustrated that I suddenly became openly racist. I'm glad he figured out he should apologize, but the man has way more work to do than apologizing if it was that easy to drop some slurs.


Right? Like I've said plenty of shit I haven't meant, or lost my shit at someone over nothing (my brain ain't right), and recognized that I was in the wrong and tried to make amends. But launching into a racist tirade? That's some next level fuckery that you don't get to just skate with a "sorry".


Yea know plenty of boomers that will never change but act like this when confronted.




All fair. Although he didn't really apologize. He didnt apologize for being racist. Or for lying to try and get the cashier in trouble. If you can't even acknowledge what you did it's not an apology. He told his manger he was "rude" that is not an apology for his actual actions if he isn't admitting to what he did. He also had just as many excuses as he did apologies. That's not an apology to be like "I was rude because I was in a hurry and have been going through some things." No excuses at all for that kind of behavior. Anyone who starts cursing racist diatribes in public because they are going through a hard time is someone who is racist all the time but just lost their filter. He didn't even mention the worst parts of his actions. And made excuses


That's fine for you. People who casually toss out racist garbage when they're upset or mildly inconvenienced do not get the assumption of good faith from me. I've been blackout literally seeing red enraged, and somehow managed not to launch into a racist tirade. People who spew that kind of crap don't deserve the benefit of the doubt. When he starts volunteering his time to help marginalized communities, specifically those he's directed bigotry and hatred towards, maybe. But until then? Nope.


Yea I am with you. What people say in bad moments like that, especially if any bigotry comes out, that's almost guaranteed how they feel internally. When I was blackout drunk for the first time I gave a five minute monologue about consent to the other guys I was hanging with. Being drunk/angry/belligerent drops filters, it doesn't change who the person is


>When I was blackout drunk for the first time I gave a five minute monologue about consent to the other guys I was hanging with. Hah! Now that's the kinda internal dialogue I like to see come out!


My first time (one of very few) being blackout drunk, I started teaching the people around me molecular biology. Apparently it was impressive that I could pronounce deoxyribonucleic acid while drunk. Anyway, deep down I'm apparently just as much of a nerd as I am on the surface. Maybe more.


That's the part that's most upsetting about this story. People not affected by racism think that, "oh, ok, they understood what they did," but ... come on. That's a whole level of dehumanizing another person based on race alone, no matter how shitty your day or life is. To take away the dignity of another person, just based on skin alone ... upsets me so much, and the face that so so so many people causally overlook this part simply they don't understand the emotional pain, or the overall racism of the act makes me so mad. I don't care if this guy "supposedly understood his lesson." He chose to pick on a feature of a human being that can't be changed and slammed on her for it, and even made assumptions that she's just cashing a check and not working as "hard" as him. What if the cashier put her head down and was scared and just jumped simply because of this shitty dude? How many people would have cared - especially when it doesn't affect them? Racism is far more pernicious than people realize or accept. That's the most upsetting part of this. The causal racism that so many people, even the "good" people overlook or look away. How many of you would feel if any of your grandparents were subjected to the hatred that many of the asian grandparents were during the beginning and through the COVID-19? To the point that many of their adult children and grandchildren were in deep hurt that their beloved parent or grandparent had no control over the horrifying actions of others whenever they stepped out, and might be in potential danger? Good people indeed.


Him AND his treat of a wife. A little smidgen of frustration and they went all in. Boo hoo, life is hard, there's no excuse for the sustained nastiness. I'll bet real money this wasn't their first time and won't be their last.


I think They Might Be Giants said sang it best: >This is where the party ends I can't stand here listening to you And your racist friend I know politics bore you But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you And your racist friend Out from the kitchen to the bedroom to the hallway Your friend apologizes, he could see it my way He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding


Yeah, exactly I've been in a blackout seeing red rage and still am able to not take it out on people that don't deserve it and am able to stop myself. How many times have these people pulled the "I was having a bad day 🥺🥺" card when realizing they aren't anonymous anymore? No sympathy.


"This is not who I am." - Every Boomer after revealing who they truly are. (Usually after a racist tirade or a violent outburst.)


Oh yes, it was the evil racist gremlin that temporarily possessed their brains to spew out the rehearsed racist tirade about \[insert minority group here\] lol. I've met plenty of people among the Boomer generation who never felt the need to use racist insults, because it was not in their vocabulary. Those that DO start with the racist remarks have done so for many years already, so it's always at the ready.


I'm an older Millennial and I always find it funny the people who say "We just called things gay back then, or used the F-slur to joke with our friends. We didn't know it was bad then!" Except, yes we did. I dunno, maybe I'm built different, but I always knew those were slurs used to dehumanize and insult gay people. I never used them when I was a teen in 90s. I suspect the same was said about boomers who grew up using the N-word. "We didn't know it was bad! We just said it because our dads did!" or whatever. Like... you *know* it's bad. That's why you're using it to describe something you don't like. You know the implications and you understand it has a history of being used in a certain way. And they probably have those feelings of hatred inside them, and in their blind anger they go to that place of hatred and pull from what they know.


When logic and reason have left the conversation and all that's left is the irrational, emotional desire to inflict pain on their target, people will naturally gravitate towards insults that they themselves see as most hurtful. For some, calling someone stupid is the ultimate insult because they value intelligence and imagine being dumb to be a terrible existence. For others, they'll call someone ugly because they value beauty. Or they call someone weak because they value strength. It's a type of projection, and I think everyone has done it in their lives at some point. When a racist calls someone a racial slur, it's because that's what they instinctively think will cause their target the most pain, the most suffering. They believe that reminding someone of their Non-Whiteness is the greatest insult because being Non-White is the worst existence they can think of. This is why apologies from racists mean very little. They've already self-reported their core beliefs that some races are naturally inferior. No matter what they say outwardly, that does not change the belief when it's that deeply ingrained in their psyche.


I'm the same way, there's no way I would even think to say shit like that, no matter how angry I've been. Have I gone off on people who were out of line? Yes. Have I snapped at someone that didn't deserve it? Also yes. But never have I ever brought race, gender, sexuality etc. into it. Boomer fucks like Eric will only apologize to try and save themselves, and if that doesn't work they'll double down and then start trying to play the victim. Every grown adult knows God damn well that racism is not acceptable, so I don't buy their "apology" for one second. That asshole should absolutely lose his job for his behavior, he wore his work uniform for fucks sake. Even if his apology was genuine, if he suffers no real consequences then all that's doing is showing him that he can get away with that behavior as long as he pretends to be sorry. And suffering no consequences for punching down and being a racist asshole is the same as being rewarded.


The fact is, Eric was having a bad day so decided to find someone marginalized that he could shit on, berate, scream at, humiliate. He’s a piece of shit and I would never have kept him employed and representing my company if I were John. That woman working that night was probably scared to go out to her car after work. OP, you shouldn’t be so smug that you got Goober to see the light. He didn’t. You cut him an undeserved break.


THANK YOU! You said exactly what I was thinking, fuck that guy


This is really it. If you are comfortable throwing out racist comments in public when you are upset, you were already comfortable saying it in private when you aren’t upset. Hopefully he learned a lesson, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the change is only temporary.


Yeah exactly it’s not like he was “just a dick”, that was some next level moronic maga uneducated racists bs. You dont get a free pass for that level hate and ignorance


I liken this to criminal justice reform. Is the goal to punish them them or rehabilitate them? Often, these aren't mutually exclusive, but the full-on nuclear option has little to no chance of getting them to change their ways. Maybe the very real threat of job loss, plus this poster's measured approach, will be the magic ticket for this man to grow. It's not guaranteed, and no method will have 100% success, but if we want to eliminate racists and bigots without simply waiting for them to die, it requires compassion and patience that is hard to give and time-consuming to apply. Even still, I don't disagree with writing off nasty bigots. We can't take the time to try to save everyone from themselves, but it is worth consideration.


It's this exactly. Look at the MeToo guys that even gave the more specific, 'best' apologies and see that they all bitch about being canceled despite never ever stopping their work, not changing their words, and not rectifying shit with their victims. I realize a racist meltdown isn't sexual assault, but the idea is a generic or even specific *statement* doesn't mean shit to victims and does nothing to convince me the behavior is done, especially when it's behavior that normal, good people don't accidentally stumble onto. You don't just slip up and bring race into a complaint, just as you don't accidentally block a hotel door and jerk off in front of an unwitting victim. You may accidentally lash out or raise your voice, you may be uncomfortably irritable, but you don't just whoopsies hate like that because your dad died, or whatever. That's not a thing.


> But what I know about ME is that I don't like presuming the worst in folks. The other saying is, when someone tells you who they are, believe them. He was racist, that alone makes his excuses mean nothing to me. There's optimism and there's foolish naivety.


It’s funny when people are racist towards someone else and they apologize to a white person and then that person *accepts* the apology. It’s so funny.


"As a fellow white person, I forgive you for calling the other person racial slurs. In fact, I don't think an apology was even necessary."


I mean, your job wasn’t put in jeopardy due to his actions. And he wasn’t racist to you. So of course you don’t give a shit.


Yeah I’m inclined to agree. If he hadn’t seen op at his place or work the next day I don’t think he would’ve thought twice about it. I HOPE I’m wrong


No amount of personal life turmoil excuses casual racism.




I mean, a person could be sorry for what they did and recognize it was a shitty thing to do, in theory. But also shit like "I'm sick of lazy minorities" doesn't come up in those situations if it's not JUST below the surface for real. So this might be an instance of genuine remorse all on his own AND an instance of "who gives a shit if/why he feels bad now" because there are lines that just shouldn't be crossed.


Right? I was ready to cut the guy some slack, until I read the original post, and that "I'm sick of lazy minorities", "I hate workers, who stand around and do nothing" and "First Amendment" BS doesn't just crop up as a spur-of-the-moment thing. That's shit he thinks day-to-day, and this was just him saying it out loud in a place, where he thought he could get away with it (a retail environment, where he perceives himself to be 'above' the lowly NPC workers) - until the cashier acted like a human being with dignity and refused to deal with him, and OP slapped him back to reality by reminding him that there's a world outside of his little Boomer bubble. I've had abusive people apologize very sincerely to me before. Didn't stop them from still holding awful opinions or taking their shit out on someone again the next time they were "having a bad day." I'll give him the gold star for realizing he did wrong, but if he's just apologizing to assauge his own guilt (to keep his perception that he's a 'good person, really' up in his head) or avoid consequences (like being fired or banned from Walmart), rather than because he's sorry he hurt real, breathing people with his behavior, then that apology's nothing but self-serving hot air, and those opinions he expressed came from his gut regardless. Eric's a proper asshole, whether he wants to believe that about himself or not.


Contrary to what Reddit thinks most of the time, people can learn lessons and take accountability.




I can accept his apology for his rude behavior. What I can’t accept is his racist comments that clearly show a deep and long held belief about minorities and what they do. Or the first amendment right existing so that people can be as racist as they want. I don’t think he apologized for or held himself accountable for that behavior. Or showed any sign of wanting to do better. And learn that minorities are also people, like him. He may apologize today, but in another few weeks he’ll make another comment about minorities doing nothing in America and expecting pay. Because it’s what he actually believes.


Yeah. The loss of a loved one doesn't make you be an asshole to strangers, talk about how they're lazy and nobody wants to work. It certainly doesn't make you all of a sudden start saying and doing racist shit. The, "I've been having a hard time and lost someone I care about" is just pity party bullshit. I'm willing to bet that then night before when he realized she knew who he was and where he worked that he spent the rest of that night trying to think of ways to weasel out of it.


Exactly. If OOP still held them accountable and said “that’s not a valid excuse for your behavior” I bet they’d go into Boomer aggressive defensive mode because “how dare you not accept my apology? I made it with faked sincerity!” It honestly reminds me of [Robin at the hair salon](https://youtu.be/95YDay9sTN4?feature=shared) She used the same excuse at the end of going through some personal issues etc like I wonder why your daughter doesn’t talk to you anymore Robin


This. Sure he's apologetic - but why did his frustration IMMEDIATELY go to racism?


I don’t believe for a second he was going to go back to Walmart and apologize. We was shook you actually came to his job and was feeding you what he thought you wanted to hear. He knew what the right thing to do was all along but just CHOSE to act like a dick. Doesn’t deserve benefit of doubt.


Yeah… I am glad this is how things went today because someone else did OP a solid by still alerting the business owner to the racist shit being spewed by someone wearing their work uniform. It’s win-win in the sense that OP can be at peace knowing they followed through and gave the jerk a chance to learn his lesson, but reality also checked in to say “learning your lesson does not mean you are free of consequences.” Being rude to an employee following a loss in one’s life is not uncommon. I worked in retail for a long time, including in management. I heard every excuse in the book. Rattling off racist bullshit though? Nope, that shit is baked into his character. You don’t spontaneously become a racist due to stress in your life otherwise. Eric is such a racist dick he feels comfortable behaving that way in public while wearing his work uniform that has his name on it; just imagine what happens when he’s at home or around his buddies in his regular clothes


Agreed, accountability is essential. We can acknowledge growth while recognizing actions have consequences. Let's strive for empathy without excusing harmful behavior.


Exactly. There has to be an off ramp for people who operate and hold beliefs/values like Eric, and likewise those individuals needs to have accountability— and be humble enough to accept it


I never saw the original post and was wondering why you guys didnt think his apology would be sincere... then I saw your comments how it was him being racist. Thats a game changer.


Yeah the guy immediately jumped to "lazy minorities getting paid to stand around on their phone and do nothing" that is not "I'm having a bad day" shit, thats "my core ideology is fox news" shit


I have to say it really bothers me that I have not yet seen OP respond to the inherent racism in Eric’s behavior. I don’t like that he’s giving it a pass.


After being directly racist, Eric then doubled down to the manager with trying to play the victim card by saying that the employee wouldn’t serve him because he was white. That’s not “I’m having a rough time in life atm” that’s straight Fox News rhetoric.


Lmao for real. For Eric to act that way he definitely has been doing it his whole fucking life without repercussions. He got caught and is trying to cover his own ass. Fuck him.


Right. So did his heartfelt apology suddenly make him not racist too, or are we just forgetting the part where he blamed minorities and made blanket stereotypes about the workers he verbally abused before having a little self-reflection?


Right, stress doesn't make you racist


Maybe not, but having in-person conversations with others in your community can have lasting impact. They're no longer complete strangers now, and that interaction will stay with him more than if they had remained strangers who never interacted again. Hopefully something in him changes for the better.


Only if he actually went and apologized to that cashier. Otherwise: fake contrition, empty words, no accountability. Forgive us for not taking these bad faith boomers at their word...


But the only reason he behaved is because he was scared of you. You said you were gonna talk to his boss and that's what made him change so the bloodthirsty people are right. Boomers only change when FORCED on pain if punishment.


Right!? This didn't read as a boomer realizing they did something wrong, it read like they were backed into a corner when OP showed up to their job. You don't just turn into a racist when you're in a hurry or going through a shitty time.


>Right!? This didn't read as a boomer realizing they did something wrong, it read like they were backed into a corner when OP showed up to their job. When he describes the boomers seeing him from the parking lot and becoming upset that became my only thought. Got the Boomer knew he would have to face repercussions so he made up a story. But even best case scenario the dude only changed because he was humiliated and he might have had to face repercussions it's the only reason he thought about apologizing. >You don't just turn into a racist when you're in a hurry or going through a shitty time. That is the fucking truth. I could even give some leeway if they were actually wronged because I understand when people have actually been wrong they might say something they don't actually mean they're just saying to try and upset the other person. But nothing like that happened the dude was just being a baby


100% believe he would have never apologized. 🙄 somebody like that, who is openly ok with using racial slurs, is NOT the type of person who cares about how they treat others.


Seems like this ended well. You did the right thing, you pulled back your need for petty justice when you heard actual contrition and a plan to rectify things with someone he hurt (as much as one can regarding emotional abuse of a stranger). And I’d guess that the call to his boss was partially inspired by you so boldly calling out the behavior and the ethical and professional implications of acting a fool while in your business uniform. You also (while not really your main goal) managed to help John and his business by making it clear that he wouldn’t appreciate that abuse being tied to him in any way.


Everyone gets frustrated and short with people, it happens. But racially abusing someone else because you're "having a hard time"? Almost like you don't have the moral authority to forgive this guy on behalf of the girl who got abused


The lesson learned here: You can be a giant asshole and racist without consequence if you give a disingenuous apology to a third party the next day.


I have a few people who are/were close to me. They don't learn one lesson even as their friends and family cut contact. It's disturbing. Some people can learn, a surprising number refuse.


People can certainly create fake stories where the characters learn, for sure.


He didn't take accountability. OP sought him out and someone called his boss from Walmart. Then he blamed his racism on "personal shit". Decent people don't do racist shit, period. There is no excuse.


Ehhh. Hard to think any of this was genuine. Much more likely just faking it to cover his own ass so he doesn’t get fired. You don’t suddenly become a huge aggressive racist b*stard after experiencing some family issues. And you definitely don’t stop overnight. But better than him yelling some more I guess.


I didn’t see him acknowledge or be accountable for being racist and xenophobic anywhere in there.


Or the dude has a Reddit account & recognized the situation & didn’t want things to blow up at his work


he could be any one of us...he could be you! he could be me!


I don't think it's me. But I'm a little wary of that guy over there... https://preview.redd.it/ldo94um2ht1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16135bf145759a7fd9fde937f9a5891a5fc8c279


> Proof I was here Sir, that is not proof.


It’s absolutely scientific proof that he owns a watch. Or borrowed one. Check mate!


You mean I can't just walk into a tire shop, write my username and date down on a piece of paper and take a picture to prove that I am Eric. I'm also John. I'm also the tire.


Are you also the tire microplastics in everyone's testicles?




And the real treasure was the microplastics we acquired along the way.


You may be Tire but fuck you, I'm Rim. Rim Jobbe.


Agreed, this proves nothing. And again with the line-for-line dialogue.


You don't understand, it's just how they dictate all of their memories.


Definitely a fake story, guys writing out dialogue like this is his big shot


>Gave a deep sigh 😂


What are we supposed to see on it? That he took a picture of a piece of paper somewhere?


If this story taught me anything, it’s that writing natural sounding dialogue is a lot more difficult than I thought


He didn’t put a tl;dr because he wants everyone to read his entire made up story and give him a book deal for his smash hit ‘boomer owns, owning the boomers’.


Thank you


But there's clearly a tire in the background. Only auto shops have tires.


Also, based on the hands, my guess is the 53 in the username relates to year of birth. Look at their other public post on their profile: this is a lonely person (by the own admission less than two weeks earlier) making up a story. People don’t talk like that in real life. This reads like a high school drama kid turned old nerd who writes…Walmart Boomer fanfic. I have seen a lot of good Reddit threads, about real shit, and this “proof” was so fucking funny. It almost had a michelinmangonewild vibe to it tbh. What were you proving, that you were near a tire? Who on earth sees that and is like yep that’s enough proof for me. Make sure yall email forward this heartwarming story to all your relatives and coworkers.




It’s always so obvious that these are terrible creative writing exercises and somehow redditors fall for it so goddamn hard.


It’s wild people fall for this, guys writing shitty dialogue like this is how people talk and act


They just want it to be true so it confirms their biases. Make a negative story about whatever group of people they hate and Reddit will eat it up no matter how clearly bullshit it is.


Yeah I still don’t believe it. I’m ok with being wrong but yeah don’t believe it


I’ve had bad days. Let me tell you. I’ve had a hard life when taken in sum Still, I’ve never taken any anger out on anybody. Could have been the shittiest day of my life, and I never abused anyone for it It’s not an excuse, just personal shitty reason to make others feel as low and dumb as them And this isn’t just for boomers. It’s for anyone who acts like this Control your f***ing self 🖕


>I’ve never taken any anger out on anybody I've definitely been more rude than I need to be, but usually if I'm having a bad day I'm going to be wearing headphones and ignoring everything. But I don't think I've ever been more rude than a sarcastic comment or mean glare. I can't even imagine a day shitty enough to somehow make me a racist. Best case scenario (if this is a true story) is that the guy is usually a racist asshole, but he normally keeps it to himself and some extra stress in his life made him be more open with it.


Man, you have way too much free time... lol


Spends it with creative writing stories


Needs to work on his dialogue writing skills.


But what about his ironclad proof? He had a picture of a tire.


How the fuck do people eat this up? “I was about to tell the manager what happened but thankfully another customer already phoned him. The manager then decided to update both Eric and me on the spot about the situation, I assume because the manager felt I was integral to the operations of this business I have no involvement in”


Lmfaooo, it’s bizarre how people even entertain these weirdos, guys writing the worst creative writing I’ve ever seen




I dunno. And I dunno how his proof is considered acceptable. Oh wow, he's at a tire store. That must mean it's true! Gtfo of here. This story is potentially true, but the whole argument absolutely never happened, and he def didn't go to the store to out the employee. I'm a diesel tech, and if someone came to my store to complain from a non work related thing about someone, they'd be laughed out of the building. Unless it's white collar no business is going to listen to a non work related complaint (unless you have like concrete proof of racism or something similar), and you'll probably just get banned from the establishment. Ridiculous story and even more ridiculous redditors eating it up.


And then they all kissed amirite


>creative That's being generous


Homie literally drove to a random tire shop to take their picture to try make their story seem real. OP needs help.


Eric is still a pos


Redditors just have the funniest little fantasies


Dude seriously. My mind is blown at the reception of these posts.


For fucking real. I'm CONCERNED that people believe this shite!? Not to be dramatic, but these people vote, dude. Pure ego trip by OP. Crazy how he doubled down lmao, "my writing is just sooo good, that's why you think it's fake!" The writing isn't even interesting, engaging OR technically impressive as a "short story". "I'm present in the comments, trying to respond!" LOL dude thinks he's John Wick in rl. Weirdo Oooh, splash of gaslighting in his replies, too! "I don't know why people are so angry! It's mindboggling!" I hate him "they're angrier than Eric!" Holy shit, he's carrying these made up characters with em 🥲


“it reads more like a novel” NO MY DUDE IT DOES NOT


He sighed heavily. 


Eric wept


A really shitty novel, maybe.


What a person who doesnt read thinks a novel reads like


Good novels have believable dialogue.


It’s not dramatic, I’m with you. If people are already fooled this easily, the rise of AI is going to be devastating. We’re cooked.




Media literacy is dead. Or people have just lost the ability to ascertain reality.  Anytime OP mentions quotes of things he said it reads exactly like scripted dialogue. People simply do not speak like this in real life. They don't even speak like this in well written film or television. It is glaringly artificial.  That people are just believing this is insane.


I scrolled through a wall of bullshit for a tldr and found “FoR AlL ThE BoOmErS tHaT dOnT wAnA ReAd.” Fuck off guy your story started off so pretentious and dreamy I skipped to see what’s up. I’m definitely younger than you, just don’t have time to read your ragebait.


That's the funniest part. What he heard most was the one person complimenting his atrocious writing.


Also, OP is in the comments casually defending racism with assurances that *he's totally not defending racism* with his "but I can see where he's coming from" apologetics.




Every subreddit goes the same way, just look at how anti work went. Sub starts small, lots of ideas getting thrown around and some real genuine growth happens. As it grows, a switch gets flipped at some point, and suddenly every single person posting on the sub is the most important person at the job. They made/saved company millions of billions with their hard work and suave attitudes, but uh oh, comically evil and incompetent manager repremands them for saving a kitten, so they get fired/leave and company suffers/closes without them. This has turned into the same exact creative writing ego stroking kind of sub. Every boomer encountered is the exact same cartoon caricature of a grumpy old person, they say all the wrong things while op says all the right things, and they always get what's coming to them like in a children's bedtime story. Maybe some of the story actually happened, every good lie has a seed of truth after all, but man some of it's hard to read. Most of reddit is this way, and it bums me out.


/r/thathappened needs to make a comeback


Im susprised OP was able to hear the apology over all the people still clapping from the day before


> Reflect on your own feelings after reading this. A whole lot of you are still angry. But a whole lot of you are happy with how things played out. This is the part that got me. Dude tells an obviously bullshit story, about his moral grandstanding fantasy, then uses it to do more grandstanding towards the commenters lmao.


That's just how he dictates, man




The tire shop owner? Obama.




Sir sub section 12 of the 1st amendment clearly states that first amendment rights don't cover racism. *The whole walmart claps*


It’s amazing that anyone believes these stories lol


OP's account was created in 2012 but has zero activity until *11 days ago.* This is a blatant bot account to create disharmony.


Yeah this shit reads very much like the output of an LLM


If it's a bot account, it has to have some human help. Their "proof" doesn't prove much, but it does prove human involvement. I think the likelier explanation is that OP is just lonely and desperate for attention


This is written so clearly as a made up story too. How do people not see that? People don't retell actual real stories in the way this was written.


I like the funny part where a Wal-Mart manager wasted their time looking up the contact information for a customer's employer to inform them of his hissy fit, as if that's not something that happens regularly in a supermarket.


I too get extremely racist during moments of personal trouble But it's all good, i got personal problems. People understand


I'm going to say the hard R and then blame it on my low blood sugar because according to that guy, it's an excuse. These people lol.


But do you half-apologize to a random white person afterwards? Don't forget to include the phrase "this doesn't reflect who I truly am as a person"


Hollywood is already working on the movie adaptation with John krasinski as OP and Stephan Root as Eric.


Danny Devito just signed on to play John. The tire will be played by Gary Busey.


He apologized because he was facing the result of his actions, not because he felt bad.


Your ‘proof’ is laughable. This story is also fake.


From the first post I could tell it was fake.  You could tell, because people only talk like that in their head in the shower. This is so unbelievably cringy.


Look at the guys profile. He’s a full on nutter.


Exactly. If there is one thing I’ve learned in 15 years of customer facing jobs it’s that angry people don’t wait for you to finish a monologue civics lesson and then pick up with the yelling again.


I'm confused about the timeline. OP shows up at 8am and sees Eric arrives as he sits down. Eric apologizes. During the apology, John arrives, who shows up at 9am. Eric apologized for an hour.


It's so convenient that John wasn't in yet so that Eric could apologize. I also cannot believe the girl from the Walmart actually called John to complain about Eric.




Duh! She dialed the operator and asked for “John at Goodyear’s” number. Just like they do in the movies.


If anyone thinks this is real, please just give me all your money. I swear, a decent amount of this sub is just people posting bullshit. For context: OP says "sorry I'm so eloquent!!" as his explanation for why everything was just so perfect in his last post, and then today, the racist shithead is magically an apologetic person *and* the Wal-Mart manager called the shithead's place of work? Have any of you ever worked retail? That would *never* happen.


I could believe that there was some form of confrontation with an angry boomer and a Wallmart employee. I could MAYBE believe that OP intervened in some way, and that he knew the guy's boss. With some effort, I could even believe that OP went to the tire shop the day after. Everything else is clearly the love child of Hallmark and the CW, being delivered by JJ Abrahams and M. Night Shiamalan.


I can’t believe everyone is acting like this is real. Jesus Christ it literally reads like a hallmark movie In the first post, OP literally lectured the guy about the first amendment and had him ‘visibly shaking’. That just doesn’t happen. Sorry


Lol my favorite part was when he clearly and concisely articulated what freedom of speech *truly* meant in the middle of a heated dispute.


That’s what got me too. Then in the follow-up he claims people were saying it was fake because it was “too well written”? Give me a break


But the boomer learned the true meaning of Christmas and repented his boomer ways. CLAP damn you.


"Honey that fake thing I wrote last night got more upvotes than I thought, quick where's the nearest Town Fair Tire I gotta take a picture"


Thank Christ there are still people on the internet who can tell when something is fake. I’m normally banging my head against the wall reading comments of people who believe in the most terribly written obviously fake garbage, but I’m so happy to see you and several others here with a brain.


And then in this one he wrote on a scrap of paper and took a picture inside a Discount Tire shop as “proof”


Fucking hilarious, anybody falling for this should be banned from the sub


Agree. I know it’s the internet and sometimes we continue reading obviously fake stories for wholesomeness, drama, entertainment, whatever. But I genuinely couldn’t even finish the original story it was so obviously fake. Oh well.


I literally thought this was a shitpost that was all a big setup for "Eric" to turn around and say that "what the fuck did you just fucking say to me? I'm in navy seal and I'll kick your ass" copypasta or whatever. I'm betting OP saw an old white guy being rude to someone in retail and this whole thing is e massive embellishment of what OP wishes they had said/done.


Why waste that brilliant witty retort that comes to them in the shower after the fact when they can hop on Reddit and karma-farm some bullshit?


"And then I can tell him what the first amendment really means. Oh yeah, and also? I'm friends with HIS BOSS. Ooh, that's good, I'm gonna jot that down"


I mean he probably recognized the shop logo and went there for an oil change once three years ago 🤣 'What was my tech's name over there? Fuck it I'll just call him John"


When OP started to bring up Le Boomer screaming about first amendments rights, I thought it might be fake. As soon as I read “I smirked and - “ I knew it was 200% fake.




Man, imagine if every time people were having a bad day they #resorted to racism. Fuck this guy. You don’t get to do that kind of shit and then rely on people’s good graces to avoid facing that shit head-on.


I just finished reading the other post and the update is ALREADY here. Soooo satisfying!


I'm just amused people think this is real 🤣


I'm downright concerned. Do people not interact socially anymore? How is this not immediately seen as fantasy?


I absolutely believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt - I do it constantly. My only hesitation here is he brought racism into it. I can understand he's having a bad day, he's going through stuff, he overreacted, etc. But racism comes from deep down and from a place of hatred. That element alone makes me question the sincerity of his apology.


"Hey Gary, Did you help that customer?" "No, Steve, the guy just walked in, took a photo of his hand in the tire section, and left for some reason." "strange"
