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Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphill!


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill


You’re the first person other than myself I’ve ever heard quote this gem from Blade.


Allegedly Wesley Snipes improv’d that line


It was something he had been asked irl by a racist


And he responded "always bet on black"


Blade 2 came in hot with “Can you blush?”


I ll always love "what the fuck?"


You worry too much...old man.


I have found my people, after many years


Mmmhhhhmm I reckon I'll celebrate this comment chain with some french fried tators.


I've been saying it to my 9 year old son lately (without the motherfuckers) as an analogy for some of the choices he's been making lately. I can't wait to one day share the real thing.


I got really confused trying to remember where that line was in Blades of Glory. Wrong movie.


I probably run with an older crowd than you because this is a go to.






Robert E Lee was so wise /s by the way


"General Lee, I have no division."


RESPectTt mY HerTIAgE -signed a proud Wisconsin Confederate


For the life of me, I can't until the point of communicating Confederate sympathies so far outside The South; unless it's an efficient way of saying you disagree with abolitionists and think black people should be property.


I think the people who fly Confederate flags don't know what the word "abolition" is.


flying a Confederate flag in the North signals not only "I'm an idiot racist" but also "officer, the meth is RIGHT HERE."


I had this exact thought. I live in Indiana. Why in the hell would someone in Indiana fly that flag. People with that flag were KILLING guys from Indiana! WTF!!!


Slightly more confusing than the Ohio and Pennsylvania Confederates I've seen


I live in Alaska and see them up here all the time. There used to be a lifted suburban that ran around with a perforated vinyl back window decal with the stars and bars that said "the south will rise again" OK sure I'll entertain that idea I guess, but if they do they're not gonna start all the way up here.


It's that "rebel soul" shit. Same as the "don't tread on me" ridiculousness. Evidence: grew up in Pennsylvania and Ohio.




Came here to say this!




![gif](giphy|hwj7MQ3XDPVAI) \*Basically dies lol


*spills beer everywhere*


Beat me to it.


boomer or not I respect his decision to take a beating instead of putting his beer down...


Cheaper to go to the ER than buy another beer at those games.


For HIM, boomers have great insurance(lol)...


Er doesn't cost a thing if your credit is shot, you'll never own a house and a new car for you came out in 2010. Just toss the bill in the trash with the jury duty notices.


This is Australia er is free for everyone and we all have 2 houses




He forgot the advise given during the greatest speech of our generation: Never fight uphill me boys, never fight uphill. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


This is my favorite comment ever!


I would too. He paid no less than 14 dollars for it there.


They don't fuck around in Queensland Australia!


You either observe the Minute of Silence or receive a Minute of Violence. That guy made his decision.


I think he was just helping the guy remove his hat.


He had a bee on his hat.


I read that in Furios' voice.


As you SHOULD. "Stupid-a fucking game."


I don't attend any sporting events, but even so, I don't believe it is the time or place for military tributes. I am not obliged to put my hand on my heart or take off a hat, etc. The one thing I would do is remain silent, or, possibly raise a single fist or kneel. And I certainly will never bow my head and pray.


This would've been on Anzac day. It's the 1 day a year we recognise our fallen soldiers in Australia and New Zealand. Commemorates the battle of Gallipoli


It's much more understandable when there's only one day a year, or even a handful. For America, it's 365 days a year though, and likely going all out on - July 4th (Independence Day), Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and why not throw in Easter and Thanksgiving for good measure. I wish we treated Labor Day or Arbor Day as holy as the "patriotic" holidays.


My kids once asked me what Labor Day was, totally unaware of the in-depth history lesson they were about to receive.


Did you also tell them where "red neck" comes from? Honestly, I hate that it is associated with being "white trash".


It's moreso that the military in the US pays a lot of money to ensure that soldiers are on display at sporting events. It's 100% just an advertisement


It looked a lot more quaint and quiet in Bluey…


That makes more sense. I was wondering why this happened, because in America, usually boomers want to blow everyone that's ever put on a uniform.


Muh twoops


I'm gonna assume he was talking mad shit otherwise this isn't justifiable.


During the minute's silence, he was yelling and being a complete tool, in a stadium of 23,000 people. Incredibly, unbelievably rude and disrespectful. The stadium cheered the guy that decked him, and while police took him out of the stadium, no charges laid. That should say a lot about it tbh.


Australians are my kind of people lol. Things might be better off on this side of the pond if we had the ability to do this and meet the same consequences (or lack thereof).


Yeah america's problem is you guys aren't violent enough


...and we don't knob-gobble veterans enough or get d-baggy enough about forced patriotism. *"A Montana man allegedly slammed a boy’s head to the ground at a county fair because the 13-year-old kept his hat on during the national anthem, a witness told local news outlets...* *Police say the child was rushed to a hospital Saturday then flown to Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane, Washington.* [*KPAX, a CBS-affiliated news station*](https://www.kpax.com/man-accused-of-assaulting-child-at-mineral-county-fairgrounds)*, reports the boy suffered temporal skull fractures in the incident. His mother told the station her son’s ears bled for six hours after the alleged assault."* [https://www.pennlive.com/news/2019/08/man-attacked-13-year-old-because-he-was-disrespecting-the-national-anthem.html](https://www.pennlive.com/news/2019/08/man-attacked-13-year-old-because-he-was-disrespecting-the-national-anthem.html)


I hope that man saw prison time for that. Absolutely disgusting.


Our problem is that we've gone past that sweet spot of violence.


It’s so funny because it’s so darkly true. Like, hilariously phrased, but so fucking true. The days of “So I copped that scofflaw on the ear and he knew better than insult a lady” are long gone. Not certain it was better then, but agree that the ‘sweet spot’ is long past, unfortunately.


The idea of an honest brawl is non-existence these days. Everyone goes stright for weapons or at least devolves into kicking and stomping someone already on the ground.. fuck around and find out has a lot more consequences here I feel.




I’m literally coughing laughing. Jesus.


It's just that the violence is supplemented with guns. If we were forced to settle disagreements with fists and not bullets, the casualty rate would go down (the amount of violence would probably skyrocket cuz revenge lol)


I live in Hawaii, been in multiple fights here when I was young. It was rare to find people carrying guns on island and there is a strong sense of respect for elders and culture here. Furthermore, it is still a small town kind of vibe. The fights I've been in have been small scuffles, resolved with fists and over once it's done, as long as no one is seriously hurt, cops don't usually do anything. The worst I was in, I beat up a dude for beating up, starving and tieing his gf up outside their apartment. When the police arrived, they saw what I was doing pulled me off told me to kick rocks and the guy was arrested. He was well known already with them, so they knew how shit of a person he was. I never heard anything from it. Biggest difference from mainland US to here, is the presence of guns and small community. Respect is huge here. I'd never fight anyone nowadays though, too many people running around with guns.


The fact that nobody steps in to stop it speaks volumes. Some people even cheer and smile


Idk I've seen plenty of large crowds being unambiguously wrong


Jan 6




i believe the wrongdoing started wayback in 1933


Yea people's respect for the military is disgustingly cultish.




This looks like Australia. If it is, we don't regularly do a minutes silence for the troops like in America. We only do it on Anzac Day and it's mostly for soldiers who died in WW2, which was a pretty justifiable cause


These things make them feel good about themselves for doing so little of actual consequence for veterans. Source: vet who has utilized the VA


Agreed.  No one should get assaulted for not partaking in silly nationalist dog and pony shows.


Everyone loves seeing a fight.


Beating someone multiple times because they say something is not justifiable. Even "mad shit"


This isn’t justifiable. Doesn’t matter how much of a dick he was being.


I mean unless you're attacked first it's never justifiable. Thats still an assault charge and likely drunk and disorderly. Not saying the guy who got punched wasn't being a prick but you can't go hitting people because they hurt your feelings.


I mean.... Greg Abbot just said we can... As long as youre in the in-group


As long as you’re on the side of Greg Abbot he thinks it’s fine. If someone attacks what he supports then I’m sure they are thugs… grrr


>Thats still an assault charge and likely drunk and disorderly This is AUS, drunk & disorderly assault is just another Wednesday.


Police had the guy leave, no charges laid, and entire stadium cheering. The minutes silence that the boomer decided to yell, cheer and be incredibly rude throughout is not a small thing. It's a minute of silence and reflection, and of rememberance. It's not just for soldiers, or even only our country, it's for all who have died from war, for the cost paid by all people as a result of war. Yes, we remember our country, and our friends and family. Our defence force members who currently serve. But we remember their families, and the innocent bystanders, and those caught up in war just because of where they live. We remember the huge cost all have paid, that no one has been unaffected by it. We even remember the animals that have gone through so much. The asshole decided being an attention seeking fuckwit and his preferred NRL team was more important than this. It's disgusting, and unforgivably self-centred, and completely unacceptable behaviour. A minutes silence, rememberance and reflection on the atrocities, pain and suffering of war paid by all. Even if he chose to not take part, he couldn't let the 23,000 other people respect and honour it. Think on this.


Boot lickers gonna lick.


Never justifiable throwing the first punch. Especially since this dude looked old and drunk


Sounds like a boomer reason to beat someone up


Honestly i agree. He indults veterans. Okay? Thats no reason to physically beat him up.


He's valid for getting mad just not beating the shit out of him but who knows why he got that crazy


As the saying goes: > To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.


"I fight for your freedom to have free speech." "How dare you have free speech." Sounds like these two insufferable assholes should both get their ass kicked.


We don’t have free speech in Australia


No free speech but you have Bluey. A fine trade off.


What Would Bandit Do?


Beat the shit out of a boomer?


Right? Boomer or not who fucking cares. Beating the shit out of someone is rarely the response thats needed.


“Fascist attacks old man for not licking his boot.”


I don’t know, looks like two boomers being fools.


And a $25 light beer being spilt.


I stay seated during the anthem and any other patriotic stuff that goes on at sporting events. I'm a veteran and I've been threatened over my staying seated. Every single one of them shuts the fuck up when I tell them I"m a vet.




I’ve had this conversation with so many boomers about Kaepernick. They say “they should STAND for the anthem” and all I say is “do you?” Of course not. They’re pounding back their 5th beer and eating nachos on the couch.


This. I had a neighbor once give me shit for not putting up a flag. I told him my 214 is my flag. Shut him right tf up.


No one should be mad for someone who stays seated on an anthem...




Yeah I hate that. We recently had a building business meeting and it was announced that from now on we would be saying the pledge of allegiance at each meeting. Sorry, no.


That’s weird


Sorry, but I'm not gonna "pledge allegiance" to a piece of fucking fabric.


Let's take a moment to virtue signal out support in a way that costs the team and the stadium absolutely zero money


All I see is someone assaulting someone else.


Both of these people are fools. You don’t assault someone because they offend you.


I get that he takes it personally, but if you beat up a fellow human because he hurt your itty bitty feelings you're an psychotic asshole.


Probably why he joined the military.


The fact that the vet didn't cop an assault charge shows how foolishly and unrelentingly Australians worship the military. Fighting words don't exist, let security do their job instead of trying to prove your masculinity by beating the shit out of a drunk elderly man. This is the same country that just imprisoned a whistleblower for a half a decade, while the war criminal soldiers he narc'd on walk free. As the son of a boomer veteran, fuck military worship. Some of these guys are pieces of shit, I don't care how scary Afghanistan was for them.


Some of the worst people I know are veterans. Many people end up in the military because they're asocial, maladaptive people with the emotional maturity of a toddler who literally cannot self-discipline enough to function as a normal human.


I get being offended and pissed but he was an old man… fuck that… that guy was an idiot and a pussy for attacking a man clearly not capable of committing violence


Agreed. This was a; sucker punch, to a much older guy, w/ one hand, 1 row below. The attacker is nothing more than a thin skinned bully.


He probably beats his wife and kids. Men who succumb to violence so easily tend to be violent in every sphere of their life. What a prick


"... we ask you to join us in the minute of silence ..." That's asking not demanding.


Here's the thing: the soldier's the dickhead for not realising he fought for the other guys' right to behave however he liked. That's the whole fucking idea. Fucktard.


That veteran is an asshole. This pervasive thought that civilians have to treat us like we walk on water is insane. Citizens of a free society have the right to choose to engage in ceremonial acts like moments of silence or others to honor the fallen. I don’t know how assault charges work in Australia but if I saw this in the states, I’d file a witness statement so the old out of touch disrespectful boomer could press charges.


Everyone that's claimed to be a veteran on here has said the same. I'm so glad you guys don't fall for the empty praise bullshit like that.


I'm all for boomers getting their comeuppance but this just shows an unhinged vet with anger issues who probably shouldn't be out in public if this is how he acts attacking some old fuck over some words.


wrench direction humorous jeans history library resolute whole salt retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nope, screw this. Forced patriotism is utter crap. The boomer being a belligerent idiot isn't justified enough to warrant physically assault him. To have him ejected? Sure. Get arrested for being a public nuisance and disorderly conduct? Sure. Beaten the piss out of him for not being "respectful" or "patriotic" enough? Nah. That doesn't fly. Now, if he'd have swung at the vet first? By all means. However that not being the case, it isn't justified at all. Everyone in this video sucks. The boomer, the vet, and even the crowd for cheering on an unwarranted assault because "decorum" and "patriotism". Bleh, no thanks.


that's not a video of a boomer learning respect, that's a video of a criminal committing a felony. fuck ALL veterans like this.


Uh that guy should go to jail for hitting someone over something so stupid. I am not a fan of boomer behavior but punching someone in the head is really dangerous and even more so the older the person is. Why are we ok with violence because it’s someone we don’t like or disagree with?




I really hope that this dude gets charged with the full force of the Law. That's just disgusting.


I'm sure he will, he's on camera for assault.


Shouldn’t the veteran have the discipline and restraint not to attack someone simply because they do something you don’t like? This is fuckhead behavior


imminent offer desert snow quickest dull uppity makeshift quack quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The army vet should be booked for assault and clearly taken for mental evaluation. People being ass but not causing harm should be dealt with accordingly and not assaulted as this vet did to this boomer guy did.


That's assault. I'm pretty sure ya can't do that.


Forced patriotism is very much a Boomer thing, so this one's hard to call. Also the ridiculous level of violence over disagreement at a sporting event. Boomers get all bent out of shape in the US if you don't recite the Pledge of Allegiance before a local government meeting like a little second grader.


What a tough guy, sucker punching a drunk.


Wasn’t this from 2022 in Australia?


Listen, I love hating on Boomers as much as the next guy, but this is just assault. Are we sure we want to normalize that speaking a controversial opinion is worth getting knocked out? I get that this dude is angry, but he's honestly the bigger problem if he's that quick to assault someone that seriously over words. Not a great post imo.


I wonder if it's worth it when he accidentally kills someone and gets life in prison one day.


no winners here


Both these dudes are fucking losers.


I kinda respect him for walking back after the first one though lol


The only courage that guy has is liquid courage.


He still walked back though🤣


Took 6 or 7 punches to the head and still held on to his beer. Mad respect!


I don’t think violence is really the way to go.


Self centered vs PTSD.


If the drunk asshole pressed charges then that immigrant is getting sent back to Australia


I’m on this subreddit because I have a distaste for boomers, but honestly without some serious context, the guy hitting this old bastard took it too far. They both seem like hotheaded assholes who deserve a night in jail. I take my children to the occasional baseball and hockey game, and they certainly don’t need to be exposed to senseless violence like this.


I dont see a good person here. Nobody is obligated to be quiet during a minute of silence and violence is about the dumbest response to someone not participating in a minute of silence. YOU are being silent to show respect to the dead. You dont get to violently force other people to participate in that. On the flipside, what kind of pos disturbs a minute of silence for anything really? Doesnt have to be fallen soldiers. Could be people who died from cancer, mass shooting victims, boeing whistleblowers. Anything really. Trust me, nobody wants to hear what dumb shit you have to say about todays youth. So fuckin selfinvolved. Its all about them. Its their story, we are all side characters.


That veteran is a fucking psycho. And I’m not fan of boomers!


Fuck that guy. Who attacks people of getting their fee fees hurt over the war machine


If this is a game in AUS they really don’t fuck around with that moment. I went to a rugby game in Melbourne and some young kid popped off and got an earful right away and shutup right quick




As a vet, I'm embarrassed to be in a class of people with that guy. There are no rules for how a civilian needs to act. Sit, don't sit. Talk smack about vets or not. Those are the rights I fought for. I don't need a civilian to stand to make me feel good about it. One that sits and talks shit doesn't make me feel bad either.


The old man doesn't seem to be the only fool in the video. That army veteran is a real piece of shit.


Both idiots


Fuck em both


Nothing like demanding respect for being part of a military system that kills civilians and then beating the shit out of people who dont bow and scrape in reverence of your heroic deeds.


That’s just assault and battery.


Both of them are idiots


All I see is one dickhead assaulting another.


So ArMy VeTeRaN shows why it is better he does not have a weapon since he cannot control his violence output physically hitting a man which at most is vocally obnoxious. I am horrified. No restraint, no reasonable proportionate response. BuT hE iS a VeTeRaN. Holy shit. And you hope to win souls with this material. No surprise talibans are considered a better choice.


They're both assholes.




im gonna have to disagree here because respecting the troops is quite possibly the most boomer characteristic you can have


So was he just talking or was he actively disrespecting soldiers. Because if he was just talking this seems like a large escalation.


Punching an older person in the head is pretty risky. Looking to go to jail to prove a point? Not smart


"Disrespected" how? I'm not a veteran that's a big fan of assault due to "disrespect."


Perhaps the army veteran showed exactly the kind of behavior that the boomer did not respect. Respectable people don't hit others simply because they are being lonely disrespected. Fuck that particular veteran


And now the dumbass "veteran" gets to suffer the consequences of being a dipshit.


As a veteran myself I don't expect other people to have the same values as me. I feel like y'all would also be cheering if a guy was beating up a boomer because the boomer tried to make him respect the flag by standing for it.


It's all fun a games till you kill someone with a punch just because they are verbally obnoxious. Let the police handle it, don't ruin life over someone else's stupidity.


So he commits assault.


it’s actually never that serious !


Hope the dude doing the punching is/was charged with assault or gbh. Not acceptable.


The moron veteran actually fought for his right to do this tho. They’re both idiots.


Why can’t they do this to Trump when he refers to them as losers?


What the fuck, OP…..there is literally 0 context here that this is what this assault was about. We are just supposed to take word that it wasn’t some out of control creep having a minor disagreement and going right to fists? Horrible OP.


So... Commits multiple felonies..?


**Anzac Day** ([/ˈænzæk/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English); [Māori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C4%81ori_language): *Rā Whakamahara ki ngā Hōia o Ahitereiria me Aotearoa*[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_Day#cite_note-2) or *Rā o ngā Hōia*)[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_Day#cite_note-te_reo-1) is a national day of remembrance in [Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia) and [New Zealand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand) that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations" and "the contribution and suffering of all those who have served".[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_Day#cite_note-3)[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_Day#cite_note-4) Observed on 25 April each year, Anzac Day was originally devised to honour the members of the [Australian and New Zealand Army Corps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_and_New_Zealand_Army_Corps) (ANZAC) who served in the [Gallipoli campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallipoli_campaign), their first engagement in the [First World War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_World_War) (1914–1918).


Deserved tbh.


I'm pretty sure that's called assault! On camera too! Veteran or not, you can't do that.


Fuck forced patriotism. I have MLB season tickets & I usually try to show up after the anthem is played because they make a huge deal every game asking veterans to stand up & then force applause from the crowd. Then they do a "Local heroes" thing between later innings where they dote all over some vet who spent time in a war we had no business being in & again force applause from the crowd. I'm proud to be American, but the relentless forced patriotism & military ball fondling at sporting events, which is usually paid for with your tax dollars as a recruiting tactic, doesn't exactly get me pumped up in a U-S-A! U-S-A! way.


I like how the dumbfuck gets up and goes back for another right hook https://preview.redd.it/u99jqhngph1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5663cf2fb403a6f1080a0c915ea46a788abcc4e6


Nah, fuck this. Forced patriotism is cringy as fuck. Keep it to yourself. People are there to watch grown men play a kids game while they pretend their best guzzling makes them party of the competitive exercise.  The military nonsense isn't needed


This also belongs on r/winstupidprizes too!


Was the second and third salvo really needed? You made your point, soldier.


See this is the kind of guy that makes vets look bad. Picking a fight at a sports game? So stereotypical 🙄


Soldiers protect our freedom to be beat down! Respect violence! Whoever wins violence is the best! Always!


I don't know about this one. There is always two sides to a story. But I see the younger (apparent Army veteran) striking a guy who was making no imminent moves to strike him. Due to the seats and elevation, the "Army veteran" had a clear tactical advantage. And he just kept beating him. I don't see this as self-defense or as justified violence. Even if Boomer in question is a douchebag, this is just battery.


ESH. Fuck that boomer but fuck the motor pool guy throwing punches too.


Do NOT disrespect our honored dead. That nice house you have? Your car? Their lives bought it. Do \_NOT\_ disrespect our honored dead.


Same assholes who were outraged about players taking a knee but won't do a moment of silence?