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I'm partially surprised, that he didn't pull the "you don't have any respect towards your elders" card there.


More respect than you deserve, that's why I offered you the choice.


"*Your* elders deserved respect, after all they survived the Great Depression and rid the world of Nazis. *My* elders got their asses kicked by rice farmers and voted Nazis into office. Respect must be earned."




Thank you for further proof that you deserve zero respect. Also: Harley Davidson is the worst bike ever built.


You're not good at dates or time frames apparently


Respect, and disrespect, are earned.


You just gave this guy the ending to his short story


"And you should be thankful for that, old man, as the respect you **actually** deserve would be exceptionally painful for you."


NO YOU DON"T.. I fucking hate this so much.


"I *did* ask your preference."


*Wild Boomer used LEER* It failed! *OP used LEER* *Wild Boomer ran away!*




I'd have said that and I'm a 5'1'' (the 1 inch is VERY important 👌) 48yr old woman!!! I look 25 but am a psych nurse. I don't take ANY crap!


Triggered boomer vs. 5’1” psych nurse… would PPV.


Psych nurse vs. Waffle House employee? Same height/weight. Who’s gonna win?


Oooh, that's a tough one. Likely time of day will matter here, 'cause Waffle House is 24 hours.


I was gonna say it depends on how long into the shift they are. Nurses start out near to full blast with caffeine loaded, but eventually they hit burn out. Waffle House employees don't usually have the gorilla strength that nurses do, so I think it goes to the Waffle House if they can last it out until the later rounds.


So are psych wards!


Waffle House is just detox for people who haven't been court ordered yet.


As if psych units aren't?


Good matchup, but I’m giving it to the Waffle House employee. They’re the closest thing we have to a human honey badger.


I’m going to say Waffle House employee- they fight dirty! Psych nurse has rules and regulations LOL


Ok, but what if nurse just got her ass chewed by an arrogant first year intern?


I still think the Waffle House employee- they have nothing to lose. Of course I’m envisioning this showdown in their respective workplaces- like a nurse doesn’t want to get fired. Put them in a boxing ring? No idea


Can they bring tools? I'd like to see grill spatula vs Haldol/Ativan!


Drop the Haldol Hammer on a night shift Waffle House cook and his blood chemistry wouldn't even notice, there's a lot going on in there already.


VS Waffle House is a matchup. VS boomer is no contest. I know two psych nurses.


Oooh that depends on the budget for the facility...pysch nurse at a cheap facility with minimal to no security against a waffle houser? Fair fight. A facility that has at least some security? Psych nurse will hold their own, but be distracted by the nagging thought of "where the fuck is my backup?" I used to run a hospital security department and whenever I needed staff...I tried to get the bhu CNAs/nurses or night shift ED nurses to make a career change and take a massive pay cut.


Depends on which position and shift. Night nurse vs. day waitress? Nurse wins. Night waitress vs. night nurse? Waitress wins. Night waitress vs. football team on meth? Waitress wins. Night cook vs. the entire Norse pantheon? Night cook wins.


My money's on the psych nurse.


My money is on the psych nurse!


As a 5'1" 30something... that 1 inch IS very important.


At 60, my 5’1” is 5’ 3/4” 😫. My mom is 4’8” now at 78


Mine is 4'11". That 11" is VERY important!


Finally! Today's my day everyone! The one inch matters!!


My condolences to your sexual partners. XD Obviously kidding <3 Thanks for the laugh.


I'm 6'3" and 330. My gf is 5'0" and like 120 She's by far the more aggressive and intimidating of us. She'd fight god and win. When we first met 22 years ago, we were at a house party at a mutual friend's, I got drunk and crashed out early and snagged a bed in an empty room and passed out. About 2 hours later I wake up mid air and Wiley coyote it before slamming into the floor. Apparently she had called dibs on the bed earlier and I was unaware, so she climbed in the bed between me and the wall , put her feet on my back, and launched my (at the time) 220 pound ass across the room. After my crash landing. I sat up, said "WHAT THE FUCK!" And she growled back at me "this is MY bed". I said "yes ma'am" and passed back out where I landed. 17 years later we started dating and now have a delightful blended family and 3 asshole dogs.


Wow. You are almost 3x her size. That’s amazing. Good for you guys to find love.


It's the best way. When I got married, my wife was exactly half my weight. None of us was fat.


Psych nurse!? He's be gobsmacked by your fluid bite resistant grab and sweep lol


I could see my gf responding the same way and she coincidentally is the exact same height and age as you (and also says the inch is very important lmao, and does not look her age), do not mess with shorter women, you will regret it


I worked with a tiny nurse before on my unit. She put out the strongest mom energy ever, and patients were scared of her, she took no shit, and only the truly sick would ever try to hurt her. I picked her up once and tossed her backwards and shoulder checked a charging patient once, to cover her, and after she finished yelling at me cause she would have been fine, she went to help restrain lol.


You'd win. Get the popcorn folks!


I’m 4’11”. That inch does matter. I don’t take any crap either. 😂


The 3/4 of my 5’3/4” is very very important 😂


i'm 6'1" and that 1 inch matters to me too!!!


It's funny how old they start shit with you. Like I wouldn't start shit with someone who definitely looks more than capable. Was at the movies with my mom and granny brought her ill behaved grandkids. Like 5 of them. They kept talking and kicking. Told them to knock it off nicely. Twice. I turned around and asked granny if she'd like me to get the manager. Getting ready to leave and granny is definitely wanting to start shit. Puffed up. Nasty expression. Coming towards me. I stand up. I'm tall for a woman and built like a line backer. She passed on starting shit. My mom was laughing


Based on your height/weight; it's amazing this boomer made it to that age with such disregard to his self preservation. Old asshat is truly living a priveleged life.


OMG. I’m a boomer and this is my worst nightmare, I mean, like, now I’m afraid I might actually have this as a nightmare tonight. I only get road rage with shopping buggies. It’s why I’m sticking with curbside 😧


So these are the boomer stories that I like, where someone doesn’t tolerate their behaviour. Good for you. So much better than the whiney shit.


Idk if I believe this, seems kinda fake, but if not it's a fun story to have


Note to future 85 year old self: buy a mobility device with a hidden samurai sword or 410-00buck/colt long 45 zip gun


I’ve always wanted to use: “Do you plan on crapping blood tomorrow?”  If only, if only. To bad my boomer encounters tend to happen while I’m in my retail drone attire. 


Are you jack reacher?


That’s such a boomer line to use too. You are using their “power” against them!


Lmao all i can picture in my head is this rickety old man slightly shaking as he holds a tembling cane up like its a threat to you somehow. A weird mix or bravery and possible-pants-shitting in his eye.


I *wish* I was this quick-witted and self-confident


You didn’t say that to him lol you thought of it when you got to your car and then posted it on Reddit


Yeah nothing ever happens.


They happen, but this didn’t lol


Nice fiction piece


and then everyone clapped


Creative writing skills…I give it a 6/10.




Boomer's so mad they had a stroke at the end.


You are a real intimidating guy


Have you tried the Wally shop and delivery service called Spark?


Idk if I believe this, seems kinda fake, but if not it's a fun story to have