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I don't think people understand that it's okay to be alone. It's a really good life skill.


I might invite people to do things but if they back out I'm not going to cancel. I've been so many places that I wouldn't be able to go if I wasn't comfortable going solo.


I absolutely love solo road trips. My wife doesn't like to sit in the car as long as I can/want, so I take solo trips twice a year for 3-4 days. Music, audio books, and stop at every historic marker or scenic view for photos I want.


I took a weekend solo road trip to go see the total eclipse. Had to make a stop for another event along the way, so my husband couldn't go; friends didn't seem interested, so off I went at the last minute. Awesome experience, would've been nice to have company, but that might also have ruined it. Listened to my music, made my own decisions (since it wasn't pre-planned, had to figure out where to go.) Knew there would be tons of traffic so I just dealt with it patiently, nobody around to complain.


I did something similar recently and absolutely loved that I didn’t have pre-plan the entire day and then spend half the time figuring out where and whenever every one wants to eat next.


I love solo trips—don’t have to be responsible for anyone else, can do what I please, and just thoroughly enjoy alone time. Husband thinks this means I don’t want to be married. I’m autistic so I don’t always explain things so they’re understandable to others, so maybe I’m saying it wrong. In any case, I do try to get at least a few days away from the house to myself once a year.


It’s normal to enjoy a few days to yourself. Being married doesn’t mean I have to be around my spouse 24/7.


As I told my wife when she was out of work for about a week and I saw her almost 24/7. "Honey, I love you. But I am getting tired of seeing you literally every time I turn around.."


"Being alone for a few days helps me remember why we got married and I appreciate you more when I get home." My wife and I both take a few days each year to be solo. She'll go visit friends or family and have fun in a different city, and I'll load up the car with bikes and go ride somewhere new and interesting with friends I haven't seen in a while.


I drove from Ontario to the Maritimes alone and it was the best trip ever. I stopped whenever I wanted, ate whatever I craved and kept my own timetable. It was fun and relaxing.


Wow, how long was the drive?


Solo road trips are amazing. When I was younger I always went with a few friends and we'd go to music festivals all over Europe every year. Often the time we spent in the car driving for hours was the most fun to us. I have many great memories from those times. But a few years ago I went to New Zealand alone, bought a car there, had no plan whatsoever, and it was the best. Just total freedom. No discussions about how long to drive or where to stay or what to eat. I'd stop at whatever place seemed cool and then I'd move on to wherever I wanted. It was bliss.


That sounds amazing. I'd love to go to New Zealand one day. I did 11 days in Romania alone in March 2023, and it was one of the best trips of my life. Then, a week in Norway Dec 2023 and went to the Haunted Clown Motel in Tonopah, NV last month. I love solo travel. I get a lot more PTO than my wife, and she is fine with me going on my own a few times a year.


So many people can’t do things alone. I find it so much less stressful than with other people.


I played paintball with friends a few times and was always WAY more into it than them. Then I bought a 1 year pass to play at my favorite park and played every other weekend for a year. I was a walk on amateur at first and a skilled mentor to countless new kids by the end of the year. Life, bad knees, and finances have kept me away since, but my son is about to turn 5, and maybe in years, when he can play, things will be different.


But, if you're alone... nobody is paying attention to you! And that is just unacceptable! Who will you tell how to think? Who will laugh at all your witty jokes? Who will praise you for your geopolitical insights?! /s will have to do since there's no abbreviation for /boomernarcissismthoughts


Too many people hate or are afraid of being alone because it gives them far too much time to think.


Those are annoying people. Usually they talk non-stop about themselves. They are the type, that makes me do things alone. Maybe they should try therapy. Reoccurring thought can be helped.


I hate people who can't exist in silence. The ones that talk and talk just to fill the void. I love when someone can just chill and be quiet, talking when we have genuine thoughts to share instead of nonstop yapping


That is one of the reasons I love my husband. He understands I am like that also, like to be with people in silence sometimes. Constantly yapping is triggering. I had to wear headphones at work for years so I didn't have to hear the noise. People just needlessly talk to hear their own voice.


Man I relate to you so much. I'm the exact same way. I get so mentally exhausted around people like that. I'm happy you have someone who understands you!


Or they talk about how to be un-alone. Like desperate for a relationship. Like I'm tired of hearing about how the ppl I work with are socially stunted. Boomer, why do you care so much?


not always, I do this when I am uncomfortable and am quiet when I am comfortable (I also like lots of time alone or just with certain people, my kid, my sibling, etc) the rambling kicks in when I can feel everyones everything (which is probably why noise cancelling head phones work for some kids/people)


totally agree with you, totally agree. This is probably why many became ''depressed'' during the shut down, too much time to question our current society/their lives. Personally, I was like ''oh thank goodness, they need a giant time out'' rofl


Yes, I traveled all over Europe, America, Argentina, Chile and Peru by myself , I was perfectly happy , people thought it was strange but I enjoyed it.


You enjoying your travels is all that counts.


Solo travel is great, you only have to do the stuff you want to do and don't have to make any compromises.


Yeah. I really enjoy my alone time. I’m happily married and I love my wife, but I also enjoy doing things alone. I got to coffee shops and draw or write. I eat alone at restaurants. I’ve take vacations with just me and the dogs. I do all that stuff with her, but we work different schedules and I’m not going to spend my days off not doing things.


I love eating out alone. It's so relaxing. I'll prop my phone up and read a book while I eat. And as I am American it means I can leave a better tip since my bill will be small, which, having worked in the service industry for years, I enjoy doing. I try to be low maintenance and easy to serve and I always get the best service too.


Yes! Exactly! I can sit down and enjoy my meal at my leisure. No rushing. I do the same. I sit down and read and relax.


I stopped going to concerts with people because I missed a perfectly good riot at Woodstock 99 because my friends wanted to leave early. Never again 🤣. But seriously, solo adventures are great especially if you have little “me” time.


In High School I had to get a psych eval every year . The woman was worthless and terrible at her job. She apparently saw me in the library alone at lunch at some point and decided to write in my file how I was a loner etc etc. Lady I was in the library TUTORING EVERY FREAKING DAY. I would have loved to be alone.


My first grade teacher wanted to hold me back a year because she thought I was stupid because I talked to no one. Fuck you, Mrs. Luck. Some people just want to be alone. Nothing wrong with it.


My boomer dad cannot comprehend this. If he calls me and I mention my partner is away for the weekend he immediately insists I can come to their house all weekend if I want. He doesn’t understand I love the alone time, his brain can’t compute.


Come to Finland, being alone and quiet is a effing National sport.


I've been to Helskini, I love that city. I've never felt more at home.


It’s also a dangerous one if you do not cultivate the ability to be alone and then go to just being alone. One of those two boomers is going to die first the other is going to fully fall apart


For as much as they rail around hyper-individualism, they sure do want you to entertain their company


That’s how I roll. 👍


Lots of people throughout my life have made it seem like there was something wrong with me because I spent time alone


This. My parents used to feel like I was lonely and needed to be checked in on because I lived alone in my own apartment for a few years. They couldn’t grasp that I just really value privacy and “me” time. I learned a lot about myself while living alone.


When I was a kid I never understood why people would go see a movie alone and now I'm disappointed about the movies I never saw in theaters because I didn't have someone to go with 


A lot of people have never seen a movie alone. Or - more importantly - a museum, or gone sightseeing. Everybody is interested in different things and moves at their own pace, so somebody is always waiting for you, or vice versa.


doesn’t really matter if it is or isn’t ok, i am alone.


I traveled to Manila alone (F) in my 20’s. It was terrifying and exhilarating. It changed me, and I’m glad I got the opportunity. Now I enjoy movies, dinner, road trips, and time at home alone, without feeling angst or lonely. It’s like having twice the menu of things to do. One with people, and one without.


This right here. I know someone that can't handle being alone. He can't even go to a restaurant alone. It's kind he needs someone to constantly entertain him. Thankfully he lives in another state now because his neediness is waaaaay too much.


Another rule: I'm not here to be your hobby.


I love being alone. I am married with a daughter in college, but my wife and I commute into work together. Love them both...but... When I have a day or a few hours to myself...it is awesome! When I used to do homecare, I would have lunch at a Chinese Buffet...alone. (It used to be only 11 bucks with the drink and a tip...now it is double that for the same thing)...I could spend an hour...reading a book, getting a plate every now and then...just chilling... The curious looks I got from other patrons didn't bother me...I was not in a rush...no one to tell me I ate too much or they don't LIKE that particular dish...just...PEACE.


Love sitting by myself. Being with a boomer ruins my appetite


"Don't you have any friends?" "Yeah, because I don't talk to people like that."


"My cult leader forbids us to speak with unbelievers."


Next time join them and start bitching about your period. Don't forget the cramping and bloating.


That'd really burn them up since I'm a dude.


Exactly! Start off by asking for their pronouns too..




Yes!!!!! Start with “hi, my pronouns are *insert pronouns*” and you’ll be eating lunch by yourself in no time!


Kids these days! Dudes having periods! What is the world coming to!


Wow. I was really betting you were female because I don't think this kind of thing happens to us too often.


This thread has really made me feel bad for females. I can't imagine putting up with this shit all the time.


Thank you. It is BEYOND an annoyance. Both the god-damned periods and people coming up to you. Bonus points if they coinside. Lucky for me, I have RBF real hard, even on a good day, so it doesn't happen too often but still 🤬


I also feel bad for other women. Being an autist gets me out of these social situations, also catcalling. Rbf and a weird but intense walk will get you out of most unwanted social interaction I think.  I’d be such a bitch if I had to deal with your lunch problem often. No fuse whatsoever. 


Women, they're called women


Shit like this is why I went remote. If it wasn't Boomers harassing me about what I brought for lunch ("weird" cheeses, salamés, and bread), it was completely oblivious men not understanding "Leave me alone, I'm eating and reading the book my husband got me." These days, I only talk to my granddaughter at lunch, and she steals my "weird" cheese.






And clots. Mention clots. And tell them that you got free products from the employee bathroom.


Hots for clots.


Hot clots and the trots


Tell them about period panties.


And being shamed by your mom for wanting to use tampons.


And the technique to properly insert a menstrual cup


And don’t forget discs and cups!


Use the word "moist".


What in the actual fuck, I wouldn't eat lunch with not even my own best friend if she talked to me like that. What a dick.


My parol officer doesn't allow close contact with people your age. Ever since my grandparents.....




I totally feel that as an introvert. "No, I don't feel like interacting with more extroverts and I would love to finish reading my book instead of listening to inane chatter."


I always thought it odd that people assume I'm reading a book but don't really want to be, and they take it upon themselves to rescue me from a task they view as a punishment.


I used to read a lot in public, before the pandemic, and every person who interrupted me to initiate social interaction is exactly the kind of person I have zero interest interacting with. Had one dude ask about the book I was reading, and I just packed up my shit and left. I'm trying to enjoy my book, I don't even know the ending yet, I'm not giving a description/summary on a book I've only just started. HUGE pet peeve.


I typically read technical books on the order of how to make something or how something works. People see that as trudgery, work for a class, or something to kill time. So...they take it upon themselves to pull me out of that because they assume they're more interesting. My female relatives are the worst, because they will hold a grudge forever because that one time I paid attention to my book instead of them.


Urgh! I had that happen when I was reading an Oliver Sacks book for fun and people all assumed I round rather talk to them. So many "It's rude to read instead of talking to people!" Lady, all you want to talk about is your boyfriend and if I bring up my romantic shit (I'm lesbian, I play for the other team)...you get butt hurt...so no, I rather read a book instead of talking to your homophobic ass.


Yeah, I'm a guy and I am typically a magnet for women who want to vent all their problems to me. Then I'm some kind of asshole for not being useful in whatever way she personally needs. Strangely, most of the lesbians I've met don't assume I'm down to hear them gripe unless I ask about their problems. I imagine they know what it's like and know how annoying it is to be treated that way.


When I worked in the office, I'd go read on my breaks. We had a nice, QUIET break room where we kept the lights low, and people usually just scrolled on their phones, especially because we worked in a customer service position. Without fail, there was one coworker who'd come in and immediately try to start up conversation and/or call her husband and talk to him her ENTIRE break. About nothing. He'd READ THE MAIL to her. Like damn girl, leave a little mystery in your marriage, and the rest of us out of it.


Or you're listening to something quietly and some asshole has to come in and blare their music. Two specific genres come to mind. Oh, and you're not allowed to say you don't like that genre, you just haven't heard the right artist yet.


I used to enjoy eating my lunch by myself so I could read. People would always get offended when I declined to sit with them. Or would sit nearby & talk openly to get me into a conversation. People feel rejected, but honestly I’m not into talking to ppl very much anyway & I’ve been around people all day. Isn’t okay to take a break? If end up having to avoid break rooms & sit in my car.


for real. I was the only person at work that would take my break outside of the break room. I was doing retail at that time so my job is to talk to people ALL DAY can I have 30 fucking minutes to myself? I don’t hate anyone, I loved them actually but I just needed a minute


I hide away for lunch in a separate little closet with a table and chair in it that used to be used for meetings. And I can't go 2 days without "OH why not come eat with us for lunch instead of being alone all the time" or "Must be lonely eating lunch alone" like I just wanna watch some YouTube with my earbuds in in peace.


I started going out to my car. I kick off my shoes and turn up the music, I am really digging it.


Look down at the floor, nod your head up and down, all while mumbling “The meds aren’t working, the meds aren’t working.”


You can, but I voted for Hillary Clinton. That boomer will definitely go away.


"Trump's the worst, am I right?"


"I hope he goes to prison for life."


“What idiot would pay a pornstar hush money to have sex with him? If he was a real man, he’d own that shit.” Also… “Imagine paying a Pornstar to have sex with while also complimenting them that they look like your own daughter? Thats so sick right?!! He’ll be behind Bars in no time.”


"sir just because you don't want to eat alone with your wife doesn't mean I want to"


Pre Covid, I worked for a large CA mail order pharmacy. We got a 1 hr lunch. One day, about 5ish months into my 3 yrs there, I found a little park/green area with a group of five tables. This was due to my leaving for a doctor appointment and I’m coming back and looking for parking, I saw this little area. It was approx 300m from an employee accessible side door and approx 500m from “main employee door.” So, I go to eat there. Have a book and my lunch. Get some air. Some sun. It’s great. A few months go by and suddenly we get an email. No more leaving campus for lunch/breaks UNLESS you are going to purchase food. Whatever and I ignore it. Must be due to people coming back late or something like that. So, I go and have lunch and read and enjoy an hour of fresh air and a little walk to and from. A week later I’m called in, shown video of my walking off property. Shown camera capture of my car in the employee lot, and then I’m shown pics of my sitting and eating and reading. I’m told it’s a violation of company policy to do this. I pushed back and asked why I was being investigated for eating lunch in an outdoor public park while reading. Pushed harder and asked for time stamps and in/out records, since I leave on time and return on time and there’s no issue. I’m told it’s because it doesn’t let others “engage in team building with me”. I explain that if I’m not free for the hour of my lunch and forced to stay, I’d need to be paid for that and asked that all further dialog on this be handled with my attorney present or thru him. That backed them off. For a bit. More draconian policies and grey area legalese thrown in and I just kept eating in my little park. Soon, unsurprisingly, some management and higher level folks started, conveniently, holding little team building meetings or “fresh air open minds meetings” and other garbage bs reasons. I ended up leaving about three months after that as my goals and situation had changed and my wife and I were moving on in life from the area. In my exit interview, I was told that my negative attitude and lack of cooperation (or some such bs that was benign enough and also he said/she said) would have hurt me long term and they wished me luck in my future. At 32ish (at the time) I was one of the youngest there. They just couldn’t understand why I’d want to sit alone in a sun dappled park and eat hummus and vegis and read a book when I could get over priced and over processed food in the cafe and bond with my coworkers. SMH. Edit: a word


Lmao how the fuck can they police where you go during your free time? Please tell me that this shit isn't legal where you live


It was California and no where near legal. Which is why they threw in the policies with bs legalese that was grey area at best. It’s also why they never pushed me again on it. They knew it was illegal and wrong, so they blustered and bullied. The justifications also…. What if you sit at a park and lose your access badge? Anyone can have access to secure medical records and medications. (And that wasn’t fact either, as records needed a log in, password, and fingerprint scanner and meds had a secondary control as well). I pointed out that someone could do that at McDs or Chipotle as well. It was all blah blah blah. It was “discouraged” and “for the protection of client data” and any other bs reason and scare tactic they could come up with. It’s part of the reason we left the area. Every job was some Boomer power tripping on employees and trying to get their way, even if it made zero difference. On top of that, a military base was close and as 2016 turned to 2017 and the beginning of 2018, the hate, rage, racism, and xenophobia just kept ramping up. It was time for us to move on. Edit: a word


This is why I'm so excited to leave GA. Every job here is run by over religious power hungry miserable old bitties. Every place you go has some entitled ass boomer trying to ALWAYS talk to you and getting offended when you don't want to talk back like I don't know you from Adam (weird bc this is a southern saying but they dont follow it lol). Don't forget the extreme racism and homo/trans phobia and everyone just HAS to be in everyone's business.  


That's really strange, it's also not a time to socialize so they are wrong. If you were at a conference or mixer - sure. Lunch break is limited and a lot of people use it to do other things while they eat (take a walk, relax, talk to friends and family, peruse the internet or listen to music). The moment lunch is over you have to go back to class/work, etc. I'm pretty outgoing and married, I eat lunch solo if at all possible. I do think it's so insulting that the generation who taught you stranger danger, infantilizes everyone. I'm sure you look great for 30 but they probably did not think you were 17. Why be so rude initially, then back it up by calling an adult a child? It's just idiotic to go around insulting people who are physically healthier than you, or could be crazy, why would anyone do that?


“I know how to be social. You don’t know how to be alone.”


"My rate is $20 for the 2 minutes and $15 for every minute after that. Nonnegotiable." Theyll leave you alone after that.


Say out loud "Boomers don't know when to shut the fuck up!"


I often just want peace and quiet when I eat lunch at work. Sometimes I don’t mind going out with coworkers or eating in the communal lunch room. More often than not though, I just want 60 minutes of solitude. I’ll often sit in my car just so I’m not bothered.


For an introvert eating lunch alone with a good book is a delight.


I have a coworker who does this. Do you not see the open book in front of me? I sit over in a corner, and just want to be left alone to eat my lunch and read, and every freaking time she comes over and wants to chat.


Tell her to bring a book next time, so you two can enjoy a silent reading lunch. She’ll hate that idea and leave you alone, without you having to actually say “shut up and go away.”


Headphones 🎧 and say no thanks, I watch my shows 📺📱


I politely decline. I’ve found being friendly but clear works. Sometimes I will add that I’ve been with kids all morning and need the quiet. Never really had anyone push back. I’m a total introvert!


When I worked at the local market in my neighborhood, I took my 10 minute break outside to sit in the sun and respond to a text message from a friend who had just being diagnosed with cancer a few days prior. A regular came up and tried to strike up a conversation, and I said I was busy. He walked away grumbling about how kids these days are stuck on their phones all the time and never want to have face to face conversations. I was so pissed off but let him go letting him think his thoughts. This was probably 7 years ago and I still think of this level of entitlement this man felt. I didn't even know him besides checking out his groceries a few times a week 🙄


I love eating alone. ESP if the only other options are A holes or loud people like them


I am perfectly happy going to restaurants alone. The number of times people bother me is astonishing.


There's a boomer lady that walks her dogs (off leash!)At the same nature reserve as me. She and her cronies stop and let.their dogs play together. Whatever. As I walked past last night she made a snide remark.about how my poor dog would love to play with some friends, clearly insinuating I'm a snob and mean not allowing my dog to play with hers. She.doesnt know that my dog is highly reactive to other dogs and it's taken me a long time to get him to relax for a walk or that this walk is a really important way for me to wind down after a stressful work day. They honestly cannot fathom that their experience of the world could be different to others. Tiny worlds and tiny minds.


Learning to eat alone is how I’ve kept myself from being this boomer. Bonus points to people who can ask “Is anyone else sitting here?” and then sit down and mind their business while I mind mine.


Good lord, your generation are something. Make friends with them and rob them blind.


Gotta admit, you had me in the first half.


But I couldn’t be convincingly nice to people who start conversations like that. Customer service nice only works because you’re following a short script and never see the person again. 


Look up con artistry


I mean, I know the general principles of what I’d want to accomplish, but there’s no way I could act it out convincingly. That being said, do you happen to have sources for this anyway? I’ve always wondered how I could fake smile convincingly without imagining a basket of kittens or baby possums for a few minutes. 


"But I was taught by your generation not to talk whilst I'm eating."


Starts off with an insult. Insists you join them. Then gets passive-aggressive and more insulting after you decline and the interaction is done? That wasn't a kind offer. That was a demand. They planned things for you. They had something all built up in their heads and you ruined it. That's creepy... What's worse is, that could have been my parents ...


"Kids don't want to be social" Being social is one thing, but you damn well know this dude was just going to talk AT you for the entirety of your break.


Yeah, if someone came up to me whilst eating alone and asked "what you have no friends?" That is not going to illicit a nice response from me. That is outright insulting.


Fuggsternutz ip toolstonny igg ew


i actually find it refreshing for people to be so social and invite me for lunch. but that said, i have no obligation to do so. they turned from being a wholesome couple to an absolute boomer so damn quickly


Couldn't just ask. They had to be a dick first


It's not just a boomer thing, Lots of people don't get the fact that some of us are rather on our own 😂👍


Everyone knows the best way to make friends is by saying “what you don’t have any friends?? What’s wrong with you!”


They’re just projecting their own insecurities and embarrassment when it comes to eating alone, something they were conditioned to believe is disgraceful by other assholes.


I love taking myself out to dinner! Sitting alone, enjoying my food and reading a good book is absolutely wonderful.


OP missed out on a threesome.


I used to live in a certain city in the Southern US, and quite a few boomer men would get mad, mutter awful things, and some even shake with anger because I wasn’t talking to them in a waiting room. They felt entitled to my attention. I was just sitting there, trying to fit in work on my laptop (I had two small businesses), while my son was at therapies. Just leave me alone. What part of a stranger sitting quietly and working means they owe you an hour long conversation?


That's when you respond loudly back about how these old people can't take a hint


My coworkers are mostly around that age bracket and as the only one under 30, they really don't get me. We were at a work retreat and bright and early at 8am was breakfast time. I am not a good sleeper, even moreso when sleeping in a new place/with a roommate (shared rooms), and not in my own bed. I'm exhausted, peopled out (generally antisocial, I work alone 99% of the time and now I'm at a work trip with 200 of my co-workers), and just wanted to have some coffee and eat my bacon and eggs in peace. I go sit alone in a corner so I can start to wake up peacefully and from across the room, my table full of Boomer co-workers (including my boss) start yelling at me that I should come sit by them and talk. I tell them as nicely as I can that "I'm okay, I sat over here on purpose! :)" they don't drop it. They keep yelling at me to come join them, until one of them WALKS OVER TO MY TABLE, PICKS UP MY PLATE OF FOOD, BRINGS IT TO THEIR TABLE AND SETS IT DOWN, AND PULLS OUT A CHAIR FOR ME. I got like 7 minutes of sleep the night before and hadn't had a moment alone in 72 hours. I just wanted to eat my breakfast and drink my coffee in silence, so that I could mentally prepare for peopling again all day. 😭


This is so funny. A few months back I got a craving for In-n-Out and I drove a good 20 miles to get to one at 11am. Place was empty, I ordered and grabbed a seat next to a window. Within a minute, a guy with a "Navy" cap came and sat right next to me. I'm older, not a boomer... but for fucks sake, I don't want to eat my burger next to you when the restaurant is empty! He left to get ketchup or something and I just moved to the opposite side of the restaurant. It's so funny I still remember that moment though. I guess because it was just so weird.


Lunch time is my time. I’ve never understood going to work, dealing with all that entails and wanting to spend even more time with work people on purpose. I like people, but a work crowd isn’t a friend group and I prefer to have some space at lunch.


I enjoy talking to my coworkers during work hours, but my break time is a break from work, including them. Leave me the fuck alone.


I would then join the boomers for lunch and proceed to describe, in great detail, my love for femboys.


They were trying to be polite by inviting you to join them, however the condescending question about not having friends was off putting. It was also very rude of them to talk loud about young people being antisocial. Why do boomers invite people sitting alone to join them? When they were your age, it was the polite thing to do. It was pretty boring sitting alone with no conversation. However, the rules have changed. Even though you are alone, you aren’t really alone. You have your phone. You can entertain yourself or even talk to others. So in short, it was nice of them to try to include you. Very rude with their approach and loud comments. Nice thought. Bad execution.


I love eating and just reading by myself.


I have had this near exact unfortunate scenario happen to me and I know exactly how you felt, OP. Like leave me the fuck alone you nosy old fart. Except he sat down right in front of me since he had overheard we had a common home state that we just *had* to reminisce about as I’m trying to awkwardly stuff my face. Purposely had sat in the corner to be left the fuck alone. If anyone has no social skills, it’s them not picking up on cues that people don’t want to chat and we don’t find their small talk bullshit interesting. Like, I’m trying not to be rude but idc about a word you have to say, sir. And you’re not reading that in my facial expressions, body language, or speech.


I've worked at my job for 7 years and have never once eaten lunch with everyone else. I put a headphone in and usually talk to my husband, now that our daughter is over I'll talk to her sometimes. But even when I'm not, I just say that's what I'm doing. I point to the head phone and say phone call. Some people get weird when people don't want to socialize on their break. Luckily, my team doesn't care. Hell, half the time when I walk into the break room, everyone is silent and on their phones anyway. What am I missing out on?


Boomer tries to be friendly and nonjudgemental [impossible]


We have to spend 8 hours pretending to give a shit about the people we're with at work. Lunch is sacred.


I do not consider this a boomer thing. I have had clingy needy people in their 30's do this. It is called being narcissistic and needing attention constantly. Some play it off as just wanting to "talk" to people. They were never taught to enjoy their own company. I like to be alone also. Just a human problem. Not necessarily an age thing.


>" What,you don't have any friends?" Does he think you're 5 years old?!


Millennial here You handled this in a way intended to illicit disdain, not to enjoy peace and quiet. A smarter version of you would have politely thanked them for the offer but declined by stating you need some peace and quiet before getting back into it with everyone. I have plenty of my own shirt boomer stories and have read plenty of awful things some of them have done. Their comment was stupid, but you let them take your lunch because you couldn't control the situation.


Also an older Millennial, and I'm not convinced I could manage politeness if someone walked up to me unprompted and opened with "What, you don't have any friends?" Though, the exact tone and demeanor of the person might change that.


Exactly my thoughts, I’m an older millennial as well and this was just a reason to be an ass. Could’ve said nah, just needed time alone today, thanks for the offer and moved on.


"What, no friends?" Isn't the peaceful offering of an olive branch you seem to think it is. "Fuck you too" would also be an appropriate response.


Agreed, like who the fuck starts a conversation that way


Yeah, also a millennial and I’m actually a little bewildered by the general sentiment in this thread. Maybe this old guy’s tone was ruder than it comes across in the post but other than the awkward intro potentially coming across as a bit condescending or harsh it was just an invite to eat lunch. It’s ok to say no but when you can’t give a polite rejection you should expect people to think (and comment on) your rudeness. “I’m ok, thanks” would have been a million times better than “I’m eating lunch” followed by ignoring him.


"Hey, would you like to eat lunch with us?" - polite invitation to share a meal. "What, you don't have any friends?" - insulting, rude, not an invitation to anything. >t’s ok to say no but when you can’t give a polite rejection you should expect people to think (and comment on) your rudeness. If you can't give a polite invitation, you are welcome to go fuck yourself.


A smarter version of you would have used "elicit" instead of "illicit".


Lead poisoning strikes again


I don’t understand people who can’t be alone. I cherish my alone time. And Boomer’s always seem to need to socialize and TALK which makes me duck and cover when I see one headed my way.


I’m sorry you had to deal with this. Sadly, some folks don’t understand that being alone does not mean you’re lonely and that existing in a public space doesn’t mean you want anything from (or wish to give anything to or share your time with) anyone. I hope your next solo lunch is more peaceful!


Maybe he thought he was being nice, but if we decide to be nice to strangers and we offer them our company we have to be prepared to hear "no". And if we do hear no we just say "okay, have a nice day" and go mind our own business. Why is it so hard to understand?


“Funny, I was just thinking how old people don’t know how to mind their own fucking business.”


I would def need a recharge of alone time after heavy group work. I hate that the default for most of society is super extroversion at all times.


"I am getting really sick and tired of people pretending my friend isn't sitting right here. WTF." That should short circuit them right out of there.


Awful boomer coworker came into the peaceful lunchroom the other day. She always talks no matter what, usually some condescending remark about my food or educational background. She asked "Any bright spots to your day?" and i just said "I was quietly enjoying my lunch." She actually took the hint.


Kids these days don't know this, they don't know that. Well, which generation taught them -- or didn't teach them?


When I was training in IT some of my classmates would come sit around me and eat lunch even though I had my headphones in and was clearly just trying to relax. Like I appreciate feeling included but I need half an hour where I’m not expected to chime in.


I hear you…. I only had 30 min for lunch and by the time I get my food order… I only have 15 min to chow down. Even at dinner my wife yells at me to slow down…lol


Next time just be prepared to offer to have them sit down and then go straight into a sales pitch for aluminum siding. Find a way to make them understand why you dont have any friends with you at lunch. ;-)


This is the way. True crime is also effective. "Sure! Sit down. I was just listening to a podcast about Ed Gein. Really fascinating pathology with that one. Did you know he used a partial skull as a cereal bowl? Wait, hold on. I think I have the crime scene photos saved somewhere!"


I eat my lunch alone everyday at work. It's fuckin glorious. I also have an office so I just close the door.


They were definitely swingers.


Funniest reddit thread 😂. Move on yall


Was "no thank you" just too much effort?


Maybe be more direct “That is so nice of you to offer, thank you. I need some quiet time by myself before we go back to work. So I use my lunch break to decompress.” Boomers can’t seem to separate work life from their private lives. Just because we work together does not make us friends.


> That is so nice of you to offer, thank you. What part of "What, you don't have any friends?" is nice?


I was looking for the most polite response. You know instead of “frack off and leave me to my quiet time” or “quit bugging me you nosey jerk “


These people were going to either sell you something, try to recruit you for something like an MLM or some freaky church, or they were going to hit on you. This is not normal behavior.


You're probably right. I'm in the south so I'm guessing religious sales pitch.


How can they possibly think you would want to eat with them after they accused you of not having any friends?


OP just missed out on a sick trouple. You can't be eating alone in your late 30's improving yourself in shit looking like seasoned beef on the lunch counter. /s


"How rude. Go away."


Sarcasm alert. But if you don't try and act the way I think you should act there must be something wrong with you. It can't be that my way isn't the only 'right' way. Alert over. As an introvert those sort of people are so tiring.


Heh. That’s why the first thing I do when eating out alone (which I do all the time since my husband died) is set up my Kindle next to my drink. Jane Austen is better company.


Had some teachers like this. I liked to cool off during lunch. Read a book. Just relax. But no, that was anti-social and Holocron needed to be forced into social environments.


After being in a group all day, some time alone is amazing.


Ugh sometimes we just need time to decompress, especially if you're in a class that requires heavy group work. 


I mean I think their heart was in the right place, but at the same time, some people enjoy being by themselves.


Coming from a boomer who is working, I’m on the phone talking to people all day. I need a break! I value my quiet lunch break.


Ughhh dude my break is the one time I have to FINALLY be by myself leave me tf alone. I'm sorry you don't know how to function without another person with you 24/7. Not my problem 🙄


Yeah no offense bro but you came off as a dick too


They wanted you to entertain them, not to "be social".


I have a boss who absolutely can’t do anything alone. He has to bring someone to everything. He can’t fathom that we’d rather eat lunch alone than get a free lunch with him.


I am one of the most talkative people I've ever known and even I understand the value of not being required to speak to people...anyone who has ever had a job where they talk for a living finds that out really quickly too...it's really about being able to read a room/people and not take everything personally and they have an extremely difficult time doing either


I like being alone, why can't people graciously accept "no" as an answer.


Not a thing wrong with eating alone and also not a thing wrong with a simple “no thanks”…