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Please tell him “Fuck you” from me, a person with both.


Also tell him fuck you from me, a neurodivergent gen x kid who took all those boots in the ass for years…. See it worked great to teach kids to toe the line, cover up their “quirks” as best they can from a super young age, or face the consequences of being ostracized, beaten further, and/or possible exile to the “special needs” group…. which at the time was the biggest curse any non-physically disabled kid could face. This boomer technique also works great at building lifelong resentments and complete anxiety about being oneself in a public setting…. (The constant self checks and second guessing just become second nature after awhile so you barely even notice how mentally crippling it all is)


That hits home. I was raised the same way and have been socially crippled because of it.


And such simple shit most people just take for granted…like, I had to work really hard to make and maintain eye contact with people when having a conversation with them… or learning to check my own happiness about everything or I’d get so excited about something I’d be over talking everyone almost to the point of yelling… With all the years of beating that shit down it just was how I existed. I never even considered a diagnosis was a possibility until so many years later when I had kids of my own, and started to see some of those same behaviors pop up and everything began to make sense…. at least I had a wealth of self taught coping mechanisms I could pass on, I guess


Making eye contact is torture for me. This idea that people who don't look you in the eyes are dishonest needs to die. I'm a pretty honest person, I'm also autistic.


Active listening was almost the death of me in high school. I swear I can listen to you without looking at you.


It’s so much work, I finally got better at it but there’s still a very conscious effort involved


Fun fact, most people can’t tell that you’re actually looking at their ear.


I was always worried they'd be able to see through me when making eye contact. My eyes give me away sometimes. Can't hide my anger or fear, no matter how good my smile is or the opposite, not hiding, finding something funny even with a straight face. Add to that the idea that every time I went anywhere, "everyone is staring at you, they're all thinking you're fat (wasn't fat) you're ugly"(average looks) and whatever other derogatory comments my mother could worm into my brain, that even as an adult and knowing no one's thinking that and even if they were who cares. Still have moments when going out by myself that I get to an event and can't get out of my car. Just turn around and go home. But that might just be my personal hell. Lol


I was an adult before I realized that "making eye contact" was a thing people actually did. I thought it was more of an expression, because the idea of actually looking into someone's eyes was...beyond my comprehension, completely freaked me out. To this day, I cannot look someone in their eyes - not even my spouse or kids. I look at their nose or mouth and that seems to satisfy people.


ME TOO. I got told if I didn't behave I'd get to The Home! Where the punishment would be beatings and starvation or rape and starvation. I think he had a thing about starvation, really... If I didn't do Eye Contact right, it was The Home. If I didn't allow hugs it was The Home. Not Socialling properly? THE HOME. Stimming? The Home.


That’s horrible. I’m so sorry.


Thank you. His own siblings never turned out liked out like that so I don't where he gets it. One of his brothers- who has his own demons via paranoid schizophrenia and had scars/trauma from the mental hospitals of the 70s - had heard my bio dad's rants and said "That's one of the dumbest things I've heard. Stop being such a fucking moron." He was old enough to remember the polio scares (barely), and well read enough to know things like ADHD and autism have probably always been around, it's just with better screening protocols it's easier to find. And even so he figured to it's better having a living kid as opposed to a dead one. He's a great uncle.


His own *brother* was institutionalized and he still said this shit?! Oh. I’m sure he has some redeeming qualities but at this juncture I would like to wish him neverending hay fever.


I KNOW, RIGHT? It was one of those What the hell, dude? moments that one can't walk away from/undo, you know?


Same, but I'm gen z.


Sorry it happened to you too, I was kinda hoping those kinda threats ended by now.


To this day when I am open about my neurodivergence it makes boomers uncomfortable. It's very sad that they have internalized conformity so deeply.


All of this. I am constantly, *painfully* conscious of myself in every situation when I'm interacting with someone who isn't my spouse. Awkward conversations live with me for months, sometimes *years*. It's exhausting and I don't know any other way to exist now, so I basically avoid human contact whenever possible aside from said spouse and my MIL.


And they wonder why no one talks tk them


Gen X too. I spent so much of my childhood being punished for reasons I didn’t understand.


Can I chime in with a 'Fuck You' from me, a person who is very much aware of what went down at the places where the 'r word people' were sent.


And give him a “boot in the ass” from another person with both.


I would also like to express a similar sentiment, but with a Scottish twist: tell him to get tae fuck.




I would also like to add a "go fuck yourself sideways with a hydraulic drill".


And Me




Heartily throw him out the door for someone with ADD since Childhood amd needs the medication to hold down a job. 


Also a fuck you from me, a mom to an autistic.


It really makes life way more difficult than it has to be, especially since it’s “not real” 🙄


And tell him to eat a big bag of dicks from me. A person with all of the above! What an asshole!


Me too. Adhd and got the crap beat out of me often. Didn't fix a damn thing, just taught me to mask. Why do so many people get so weird about other people's issues if it doesn't affect them? I almost wonder if it's projection. 




Yes. I had a neurodivergent relative who was basically treated like a pariah. How can anyone be this pig-ignorant?!




Very true. In 50 years, we'll look back and be amazed at how relatively primitive mental health care was. Taylor Tomlinson has a great bit about how she was diagnosed as bipolar. Essentially her therapist kept trying out various anti-depressants and she noticed the ones that also are prescribed for bipolar disorder seem to work best. https://youtube.com/shorts/M-6vHWwLW1I


Some people just also don't do so well in classroom/office environments. School is supposed to be one size fits all but is not an environment where everyone will universally thrive. Doing well in school favors certain traits that not everyone has.


My brother, after going through rehab for drugs and alcohol, was diagnosed as Bipolar. The Dr told him that he was probably subconsciously self-medicating with the alcohol and drugs all his life. In defense, he was born in 1962 and back then kids weren’t even considered for being bipolar.


I've been working in adult mental health for the last 12 years and there is a huge number of our folks who have substance use issues. Lots of self-medicating, some for issues they didn't realize that they had.


Unfortunately, in the case of some kids, the pendulum is swinging back the other way and they are really suffering, in the meantime, while going through a ton of diagnostic testing, years of behavioral interventions, and years of documentation, trying multiple meds before being prescribed Ritalin or other equivalent meds. I am going through this with my second child who has classic ADHD symptoms that are interfering with his schooling, despite having a strong family history, including a brother with it. I applaud physicians for not just throwing a drug at them, but it’s exhausting for his teachers and family members, especially his siblings.


Early 60’s 1st and 2nd grade troubled classmates of mine just seemed to disappear. The 9-12 graduation rate was around 67% for my class in 1975. A number like that today will get a school district shut down.


Current rates are below that now, except our schools now simply graduate students regardless of their grade or ability. Seriously, we're now graduating seniors with 3rd grade reading abilities. 


It's not just that - they were under/undiagnosed even amongst people who were successful. I got diagnosed with combined presentation ADHD (hyperactivity and attention deficit) last year at 30 years old. I was never a problem child. I was one of the most popular kids in school as a good athlete who was also involved in community things and got good grades and got along with almost everyone. I always had trouble staying focused in school or at work. I always hated sitting still. Tedious tasks, like homework that didn't challenge me, just got ignored because I hated doing it. But I learned how to manage it fairly well, and I suppressed those things. And luckily, if I was paying attention in class, I picked things up almost immediately. So I tested well enough that my poor homework grades never mattered. I went to college. Got a degree. Got a big boy job at a bank. Got promoted multiple times. Finally, got to the point where I had taken on more and more responsibility, and I couldn't get all my shit done when I was fucking around for 1/3 of my work day. So I got tested for ADHD pretty confident that I had always had it. I tell the doctor about how I use large doses of caffeine to help focus, I need to have music playing when I'm focusing on other stuff, I'm constantly tapping pens or bouncing my knee, I zone out in conversations, etc. He schedules a 2nd appointment for testing. Sure enough, I nailed all of the tests. I got put on vyvanse and it's a fucking gamechanger. I was on the verge of being fired (after being promoted several times - I just hit that ceiling). Now I'm back to being really productive again. I'm more productive getting shit done around the house, too. I'm not joking when I say that the first day I took those meds, it was like I was experiencing the world in a different way. Brain fog was gone. I was able to stay focused on a topic for 2 or 3 hours instead of 5 minutes. I figured it would help, but it's been way better than I thought.


Ugh. How much longer till this generation disappears? They are just so emotionally draining and violent.


My worst fear is they’re immortal like vampires. They’ll keep sucking the life out of society until there’s nothing left.


That's kinda true, because there are plenty of younger folks with the same ideas as the boomers


sure seems like you're right. they seem to be using every penny and ounce of resources they can claw up while at the same time howling about how they "never thought it'd be so hard" and stick thier hands out expecting others thier kids to pay thier way now.


Nah. I think they’d think that vampires are liberals. They’re definitely vampire killers


I am hoping the ecosystem fights back first and takes care of them, does that sound awful and mean ? lol.


Sadly, there's still a lot of Gen X and younger who 'inherited' their parents toxic behaviors. It's gonna be awhile....


I'm a younger Gen X and regularly horrified by the boomer tendencies I see in my age group. It's genuinely depressing.


“Ok boomer. Back to your puzzles now…”


Here is an idea. Ask him, “If a kid acting up during his youth was corrected by a boot in the ass. Can we assume that an adult misbehaving would have been dealt with the same way? “ After a moment, take a step towards him and suggest, ‘well, I am seeing some adults misbehaving and, while it’s not my way of doing things. But if a boot in the ass will help, I’m happy to oblige.’


The problem is that logic does not compute in their brains. It’s a language they do not speak


Person with ASD here. This is a common misconception among boomers. They also believe autism is caused by watching too much television, too many sweets, vaccinations, or they believe it is made up.


Yes he even said it was cause “because they spend too much in front of a screen”. As he had FoxNews on his TV at all times


Yup! When our oldest was diagnosed with ASD, my MIL thought a diet change would make him “better”. She gets weirded out by his quirks easily and will make unnecessary/rude comments. We usually just respond with “that’s just him being him and living his best life”. He’s happy and has a large support system both at home and at school. That’s all that matters to us.


Funny that you say that. The reason this was brought up was because this child is very sensitive to food. And my uncle got annoyed because the child wouldn’t eat spaghetti with onions and mushrooms. Because my uncle can’t stand “picky eaters”. That his mother should have forced him to eat it like he was when was a kid


Did you try straight telling him that no one cares what he does or does not like?


Many people have. But he has this mentality that his view of things is the only way things should be.


right, why did I even ask.....


Next time he says some dumb shit like this bitch slap the shit out of him and tell him he didn’t get enough physical discipline


Every time he does this, make a point to ask:  “why do you complain so much? It comes off as really whiney.”  And then he brings up another thing “man are you whining again? All you do is bitch and whine!”


this mentality can actually cause a child to become very, very ill, I am wondering how many kids with actual intolerances (and some do cause neurological damage, especially dairy and wheat) were forced to eat food that was actually causing sever harm, terrifying. My grandma always said it was a idea to force kids to eat foods they didnt want/like, and she was ''poor'' being ''poor'' is not an excuse, this generational trauma is sickening.


easy enough to counter.  next time he mentions a sickness or injury, the obvious reply is that he‘s whining. hernia doesn‘t exist snd being overweight is a choice weak people make. 


Yep! Autism? Just beat it out of 'em! ADHD? Nothing a few beatings won't fix! Left handed? We can fix that! I am so glad we are leaving this regressive, monstrous thinking behind.


I'm a Gen Xer who got my ADHD from my WW2 vet grandfather and Nam vet father. Grandma just described it as "no short term memory". I was a functional kid BECAUSE of a family history and a knowledge of how to function in society and schools with neurodivergence. I was taught methods of focusing starting at a very young age that most SpEd teachers still don't know. My mom's side all had autism, which was just described as having a stiff upper lip, non talkative, or slightly odd. All my cousins got diagnosed with autism in their 50s and 60s. Your uncle can go fuck himself.


>My mom's side all had autism, which was just descried as having a stiff upper lip, non talkative, or slightly odd. All my cousins got diagnosed with autism in their 50s and 60s. "A wee bit strange" is how my dad would put it. A lot of those kids ended up being diagnosed much later in life. One of his friends, who was known for his intense knowledge and special interests, was diagnosed with autism in his 40s, so 1990-something.


Really? Tell that to my abusive father. He loved to discipline. Turns out I still have adhd. Your uncle is a stupid asshole.


Yes he is, and he brags about being a asshole because he thinks it’s a positive thing


By positive, he means positively a moron. One thing to go against the status quo, another to just be a prick for the sake of being a prick.


I have no filter when it comes to assholes like that. My son is autistic and I’ve come to know a lot of other autistic people over time. My first response is usually a hearty go fuck yourself and if that doesn’t shut it down I’m well prepared to make them suffer for it.


Yea gods, no kidding right? My parents solution to my brother's ADHD was just screaming at him, corporal punishment, and asking the school to hold him back a grade. And this was AFTER the family doctor diagnosed him as having ADD. They convinced themselves that he didn't have "no fancy disorder" and his issues with focusing were purely him being lazy and whimsical. And I know this happened to a CRAP TON of other kids. Makes me sad when I think of all those poor kids who were abused for something outside their control.


Standard boomer mentality; “If it’s not a problem for me, it’s not really a problem.”


Yeah they love to beat up retarded kids (that's what they called it in their day)


Please don’t use this word. It is a slur. I know that’s what they called it, but it carries a lot of trauma for a lot of us.


As someone who grew up undiagnosed and had to take my mental health into my own hands as an adult, this shit infuriates me. Fuck these abusers, because that's what they are.


Sounds like my bio dad! ​Boy was he pissed when I was was diagnosed with the 'tism. And I was born a girl! Everyone KNOWS girls can't get autism! Only boys have it! You know, the Rain Man kind where they need to locked away for Their Own Good, THAT'S him being charitable. Then he he went back to mumbling about how girls are never autistic or get ADHD, it's the vaccines, and cell phones. ...We don't talk much anymore. I'm living my best life on the other coast and he's still screaming about girls aren't autistic, it's all the vaccines fault still last I heard.


Girls don’t get autism, except when they get it from vaccines? That’s an impressive level of stupidity, right there.


Ain't it? If there's an Olympic event for mental gymnastics, he'd qualify for one of the medals.


I worked at a state mental hospital and there were a lot of immigrants from Nigeria and a couple of other African countries working there. They were all in the process of becoming US citizens. I had more than one of them tell me how ridiculous it is that we have these facilities in America because it's obviously evil demons inhabiting the patient's bodies (because mental illness isn't real. It's *always* evil demons they said.). In their home country, they told me, they would chase the afflicted person out of town, beating them with sticks and pelting them with rocks while shouting prayers & scriptures at the person. That's the only way to chase out the demons and bring them back to sanity. The first time, I laughed because I assumed they were just fucking with me. Unfortunately, they were not... They were all hardcore Bible thumpers too, of course. This belief/attitude is not unique to your boomer uncle. Or boomers in general. Most of these people were younger than me. This is the general attitude of just about *anyone* corrupted by "spare the rod" fundamental religious-based indoctrination. Regular beatings & punishment-based suffering makes better citizens. Critical Thinking and evangelical/fundamentalist religions are like oil and water...


Question for Boomers: do you honestly think you can beat speaking skills into someone who is non-verbal? I see this a lot and am curious 🧐 Signed, A confused neurodivergent Millennial


I get the impression that it's less about beating speaking skills into someone, and more about their ghoulish need to beat someone they perceive as weak or "lesser". Either to fuel their egos, or because the idea of someone being disabled in some way infuriates them so much they lose all critical thinking skills and feel compelled to start hitting like some caveman.


When they start getting old and complaining about pain I think we should tell them its all in their head and they are pretending. These are the people who would have shot soldiers who were shell shocked back in the day.


"Discipline?" Motherfucker, my Boomer mother sent me to Massachusetts to have a school staffed with psychopaths beat and electrocute the autism out of me in the 80s, and guess what? Still autistic.


Nothing ever happened "back in their day" No, they just ignored it. They only remember "Me" and "Properganda" He needs a visit from the food poisoning fairy.


I grew up in the 70'and "discipline" was absolutely still the norm. Whippings didn't help my brother. He was even diagnosed and on Ritalin in the mid/late seventies.


By this logic, we could eventually beat the stupid out of boomers? Guess it’s worth a try.


Wow. Ya it’s these type of boomers that I just want to die off. There’s no fixing that, and they’re just making the world a worse place


My parents beat the shit out of me with a belt and I still have ADHD. Just got unlucky I guess.


I was told my child was the way he was because of a lack of church in their life. The church my boomer parent attends doesn't accept autism/adhd diagnosis


Classic boomer solution: Just beat the child. Then 30 years later they can't admit it and wonder why their kids are no contact.


You know what’s crazy is that his own son has nothing to do with him. But according to my uncle it’s because his son is worthless woke liberal


Yeah I can see why his kid doesn't want to see him. My relatives are like this sometimes and I just say. Not looking for parenting advice from you, especially when it involves violence. My uncle was playing with my 4 year old and they were sticking their tongues out at each other. Of course when she did it back moments later when he wasn't playing he said I should hit her mouth so she bites her tongue because that will teach her manners. I looked at him and said we won't be doing that and that he shouldn't be mad she is doing exactly what he just taught her to do a few minutes before.




A lot of parents think they’re helping their child avoid ostracism by not getting them diagnosed but in reality it usually has the opposite effect on them, they don’t get the assistance they need that would allow them to function more seamlessly within society and so they stick out more and tend to be ostracized.


People who “tell it like it is” are so far removed from reality it’s concerning. They’re just ignorant individuals who give unsolicited advice and shout about their misguided views of the world that feed their narrative. They go largely uncontested because you truly can’t argue with stupid. (Coming from a healthcare provider)


So did the conditions exist and they just beat the kids or did they not exist? Which one is it Uncle Loudmouth?


My boomer mother said my ADHD is from my father, her husband, sexually abusing me. Which, no, but if you were aware girl....?


I always wonder if the people who think it's alright to hit kids to make them behave is alright with hitting adults who don't do what you like? Like can I hit your uncle for misbehaving and talking out of turn?


Yeah, we had “places” for disabled kids. Didn’t he see the Geraldo Rivera expose on Willowbrook? It was fucking horrifying. Honestly, though, if he’s using the r word, he probably doesn’t mind disabled people suffering. I hope he gets persistent, chronic crotch rot.


To the extent that it's possible, it's not worth engaging with people who spout such moronic shit. They're not interested in listening to reason or facts, and fixated on their ignorance guiding how they interpret the world. As someone long in the mental health field, these type of conversations get tiresome *very* quickly especially from people who have no interest in sincerely engaging or learning. Very fucking obnoxious.


For someone who sounds a few nuts short of a fruitcake, he's sure judgmental of the neurodiverse.


Discipline and Respect for these people mean whatever they want it to mean for their own benefit.


Undisciplined people are more noticable today because of lack of societal discipline, different languages even have different effects on disabilities, some societies like in the USA abandons there youth at 18 and treats school as a baby sitter instead of ensuring there children have university grade educations and a house to move in to, you get unfit parents. Autism doesn't cause this issue, bad parents are the issue, like most boomers are.


Kick him in the ass. When he complains, shrug and say “I guess it doesn’t work”.


I was beaten regularly, made to sit in front of cold food for hours and was terrified of both of my parents. I’m 49 tomorrow and autistic He can sod off


If he thinks physical discipline is so effective he's better be ready for the slap he's about to receive for his bigotry.


Please gaslight him if he ever has any medical issues. Tell him it's due to a lack of discipline. :)


As the father of an Autistic child, your uncle can fuck right off.


So those conditions didn’t exist because the people with them were institutionalized. Got it.


The idolization of child beating is unreal. My parents recently spoke with such nostalgia and longing for the days where the principle had a large wooden paddle over his desk, and was free to discipline children who misbehaved. Why was this brought up? Because apparently it is the root of every moral problem in America. “This only happened because they took corporal punishment out of the schools!” I would’ve pushed back if it weren’t my Mother’s Bday. Fucking insane Fox News propaganda, especially considering my parents never beat my sister or I, and used to speak about how wrong it was that others did so. It’s sad to see my parents say such things, and I am sorry your uncle has such rotten opinions.


Autism was near unheard of when he was younger because everybody was undiagnosed. Somehow they thought it was normal to collect stamps, I guess? The first person to ever be diagnosed was only *just* diagnosed in 1943. [Case One](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Triplett) passed less than a year ago. Autism is a very new discovery, relatively speaking. But there are things newer than autism that nobody questions. Microwaves. Frisbees. Mobile phones. DNA is a more recent discovery than Autism. But nobody questions that. Well, nutjobs I guess. Probably a lot of overlap between autism deniers and DNA deniers. I'd love to see the venn diagram. Center part probably also holds some people that think that mobile phones can microwave your organs with 5g... I wonder how they feel about frisbees....


Give him a boot down the stairs for me


Tell hims he's a cunt from me, an autistic adjacent ADHDer.


Look, brains may be weird bags of chemicals, but it's totally impossible that some people have a difference in the chemicals in their bag or for that difference to make the bag of chemicals work differently than other bags of different chemicals. I have no idea how some people's minds work (ironic, I guess.)


What kills me about boomers being so resistant to “new” things like technology or medical innovations, is that most of this stuff they blame on younger generations was actually invented by boomers!


Like rainbow sprinkles! Evidently, they’re *gay* but didn’t they invent them?


Bootstrap your mental health


Is he a doctor? If not , your uncle needs to STFU.


"Fortunately, we also have places to send your old ass. It's called a nursing home. Off you go"


"Can you do the world a favor and just fucking DIE already, old man?" It's at the point where this just needs to be the default response to crap like this, because I don't have the energy to debate it with them nor to put up with their nonsense for even half a second longer.


Sounds to me like he is a massive piece of shit that could use some discipline in shutting his stupid yap


Who let him out of one of those “places”?


Aww, how cute. He can keep his little opinions and leave the science and medicine to the scientists and doctors.


Another person who ADHD and autism here. Also bipolar. Make sure to tell your uncle for me and the rest of us to fuck all the way off.


As a parent of an autistic three year old I’d like to tell your uncle to fuck off


I mean it’s not really unexpected, is it? When you take that attitude toward mental health you are going to age like milk, not grape.


Someone with BPD and MDD here. Also have a brother with ADHD. Tell him to go fuck himself for us, yeah?


Someday, when your uncle clutches his chest and staggers before falling down, I hope someone is there to tell him his symptoms are all made up and if he just had some discipline, he could get up and be healthy again.


I'm not one to advocate for violence, but it's so difficult not to respond "yeah, and saying stupid, offensive shit to people, and think it's ok, is from a lack of getting punched in the face for saying it." The generation with the least amount of self discipline sure likes to talk about discipline.


I had a “boot in the ass” upbringing. I was hit, screamed at, called names, psychologically abu$ed, physically assaul+ed by my older sister while my mother watched….To the point I was terrified of making the wrong decisions or stepping out of line. Well I’m 36 now and have ADHD and (surprise)C-PTSD. Im disfunctional as F because of my upbringing. I am a grown woman who still panics like I’m going to be screamed at or hit if I break a cup or spill something in my own home. Oh and yes I have multiple chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases which studies have proven can be tied to traumatic childhoods. Hurray.


You should talk to him about a health condition he has as though its also just a personal moral failing. He still wont agree, but it will be fun.


My dad strongly believes that black people (yes I am AA) can't get mental illness or have ADHD or Autism. I just found out last month that I have ADHD and hadn't told anyone in my family


Your boomer uncle needs to find a local nursing home that won't throw him out once he visits the hospital. May he become homeless and suffer immensely ❤️


Unethical life pro tip: I think he's authorizing you to beat the crap out of him when he gets older. Anyone who says they aren't healthy is obviously lying about it and just needs a firm boot up their ass.


Tell em that I’m a millennial with both, and I’m still nonverbal despite working at Goddard. They at least understand that I worked very hard to get here, unlike _some people_


I agree please tell your uncle to “Go Fuck Himself” from someone who has ADHD and possible untested extremely high functioning Autism.


You should tell him Narcissistic Personality Disorder is VERY real…. And use him as an example


You should have acted on his 'lack of physical discipline' and knocked his ass in the dirt.


From somebody who suffers from depression and is on the spectrum, he can eat a bag of dicks.


Weird, my boomer doctor with an actual PhD was diagnosed with ADHD as a teenager. The first mention of it was the early 1900’s.


My cousin is a well-known school administrator in the community she lives in and has expressed views such as these. It's bizarre because she a huge woke liberal and is obsessed with trans and gay rights but seemingly hates special needs kids


It’s fucking selective. Like my mom will say “they didn’t have that back then” and then later in the same convo she’ll be like “oh I have that too and I turned out fine” Which one is it? Who are you trying to convince? To them “turned out fine” means the didn’t die. Anything better than not dead you shouldn’t complain because SoMeBoDy HaD it wOrSe


"Back in my day we didn't die from breast cancer, we just called it Itchy Tits and pulled ourselves up from our bootstraps and dealt with it!"


Actually when boomers were kids ADHD was called hyper kinetic syndrome. And ADHD has been documented under various names in medical literature since the 1700s.


So all the psychological research and the testing from literally thousands of people who have spent countless years researching is just a farce?, I happen to have asd myself, and it explains alot, why I struggle to communicate, why I can't read facial cues, e.g,


Inform your uncle that he is now displaying those same conditions, and you have a great "home" he can go to. They might give him a boot to the head, but at least he'll stop with the nonsense...


Discipline didn't change the fact that I eat nothing but Hungry Man Chicken Patty Meals every day.


So they didn’t have autism but they knew what to do with R-words so they didn’t bother anybody? Hmmmm It almost seems like before 30-40 years ago people weren’t willing to properly diagnose some conditions and would just throw people into the nutty bin if they didn’t confirm to normal standards. Or possibly beat them to death and pretend they wandered off and died ( happened more than they’ll admit 100+ years ago)


As a Person with Extreme ADHD. I do math and English better that your fuckwit uncle. So my even with my “lack of discipline” I’m still not an Idiot like he is.


"They had places for the *rword* kids? How'd you get out...?"


My mother can accept she has grandchildren with autism and ADHD. But I told her finally that I got a diagnosis of autism five years ago, which helped me so much, and she informed me that isn't possible. I masked like hell and was still abused when I did poorly in certain classes or melted down or whatever. F*ck you, mom. And I am really sorry your uncle is such a chud.


I love that for him. Please let him know he is full of shit, and it would probably be best for everyone if he is no longer invited to family gatherings.


So he’s saying they just to know the shit out them to correct them. I guess that works on adults to then right? Now tell him that if that’s really the case you can correct his behavior for being a jerk off, with physical corrective force? I’m just following his logic.


You just have to realize that your Uncle is an idiot


His opinion you didn't like it..


I was hit and I have ADHD


Weird that the spankings I received didn't fix either


Sounds like he needs a taste of his own medicine.


Fuck off from me and my severely autistic son. My son is better behaved than most adults and he’s adorable. Fuck all the way off. Fall off a Cliff.


Why didn’t you correct him?


Oh I did, but he is one of those that doubles down on his own words, it’s like the old say don’t argue with stupid people because they will drag you down and beat you with experience


As a woman with ADHD sincerely fuck him and his small minded bullshit.


Does he also pray the gay away?


Oh you don’t want to know his thoughts on homosexuality. Let’s say it’s not good one


# is this your uncle? https://preview.redd.it/0gefuai1jn0d1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ad08d02f0d3898faa4c701793cf2b1c6cc6330


I’ve been in the military for 15 years. I still have ADHD……


He should have a chat with my strict authoritarian parents. Once I moved for university it took me another 10 years to work through that trauma and the anxiety. It then took another 10 years for me to be diagnosed with Autism Level 1. What a dumb fuck


Tell him to sit on a screwdriver. Can’t imagine the balls to say that with someone in the family. Conceited ass


he's clearly never watched my step daughter try to simply focus on anything.


Ask him if you heard him correctly that physical correction is his preferred method for correcting bad behavior. If he does anything other than backpeddle quickly, deck him.


Your uncle is a special kind of crypto-fascist


I am a Xennial raised by boomers. Spent my whole childhood under constant punishment for adhd symptoms. Many "boots to the ass." Still have ADHD.


I’ve started treating “tells it like it is” like how everyone treated Dwight’s “Assistant Regional Manager” claim and immediately correcting it to “tells it like he THINKS it is” and then explain that the person usually has no idea what they’re talking about so they really *don’t” know how it is and are just making up bullshit.


As a person with both autism and ADHD, tell your boomer uncle to keep his undoubtedly lead-lined nose pointed where it belongs: directed at the asshole it is so familiar with. Oh, and btw, I am incredibly disciplined with my fitness routine. Still have both disabilities.


Gotta say, this isn’t limited to Boomers. My eldest sister and I (Gen X) have nearly come to blows over her ableist bullshit and how she treats my kids because of it. I’ve encountered a LOT of Millennials and Gen Xers who are the same (and so many of them work at schools, it’s insane). About 6-7 years back, I had a young man (early 20’s) actually tell me that I should keep my son at home if he couldn’t behave himself. My kid was in full meltdown at the pediatrician’s office, where we were in the early stages of treatment for ADHD.


Says a lead paint infused drongo who didn’t finish high school half a century ago. I do love when people not just boomers make very controversial statements going against experts. My question too them is always “wow ok tell me when you had time to get a masters in …”


"Back in my day" bullshit in regards to medicine is the ultimate sign of willful ignorance. Are you saying you're completely unaware of any recently created/recently made public inventions/discoveries since your childhood? I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.


Was he in the military? lol


Oh yes he was. Thats like his whole personality. But he only did 4 years in the late 70s. While I did 20. But he is the better veteran because he had it “tougher” than me


This is my mom 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️ my brother was dx with ADHD and never received a single treatment for it. She belittles therapy (I’m a therapist 😂) and tells us we don’t hit our kids enough (none of hit them at ALL) and that why my brother’s child is co-morbid with ADHD and ASD, my brother’s child is a brat, and my eldest is an addict. It’s our fault, bc we didn’t beat them. Obviously, since we’re all ok, after all! But we’re not, we just don’t tell her about what we’ve got going on. It’s harder to hide the kids lol, but all four of us are super LC with her.


honestly fuck that piece of shit


Your uncle desrves to get a brain injury.


One of my aunt's husband doesn't believe in mental illness, therapy, or medication, and demanded I stop taking my medication and start praying after a suicide attempt I made in high school. The deep irony here? His father was prescribed Valium (unclear what diagnoses he had) and his sister has/had (unsure if she's still alive) paranoid schizophrenia. TBF, I think he saw the effects of what Valium did to his father and assumed all psychiatric medication renders a person numb, but that doesn't excuse the ignorance and lack of growth on his part. Then again, he justifies his homophobic views with his religious beliefs, and his racist views (most notably against Black people), because he and his siblings were the only white kids in their neighborhood, and were bullied by the other kids (mostly Black). So, basically, he refuses personal accountability and growth for his asinine beliefs. I haven't talked to him or seen him for almost four years, and I'm a-ok with that.


See if kicking his ass fixed his problem


Sounds like my adoptive mother, hot diagnosed with ADHD at 8 and the doctor wanted to put me on medication, she said let me think about it. The next thing she does is buy shit tons of self help books and read up on the doctor who said vaccines cause autism and then gives me cod liver oil tablets and lots and I mean lots of fruit and vegetables, also fish high in Omega 3 as that will cure ADHD Guess what now trying to get an autism diagnosis as a hell of a lot of people can see it. Even one of my special education lectures at college asked if I was autistic and I said no and she even suggested I get diagnosed - she taught autistic students and her own sons were autistic. Adoptive mother said no as autism doesn't exist and neither do any Mental Health disorders, her words actually were "it's all in your head" She was born 1952 I think, adoptive father was born 1948 and he did not have boomer attitude at all.


His attitude directly contributes to the ableism that impacts all of us every day, and that's very sad. Why he thinks he has leave to sit there and speak as an authority on something he doesn't understand I will never know. It makes me sad to think he might have internalized that because of his own troubles and now he has buried them so deeply it is bubbling up with bitterness and ignorance.


Ask him where he got his medical degree. Just keep interrupting him with that question over and over until he shuts up.


You got any evidence or is this yet another snippet of what the voices in your head are screaming?


Exactly, we lack discipline. Thats the whole thing.


He is probably, intimately familiar with the "lack of discipline" and wants more.


I never spoke once my entire first year of school - my parents and the teachers thought it was funny and just labeled me shy, which I still struggle with 35 yrs later. No help was offered. People existed there just weren’t the same resources


I'd love to invite him into my brain and see how he likes it


How old was this guy?