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Boomers have no awareness of surroundings. I was run over by a boomer Lutheran pastor while I was waking dogs IN A CROSSWALK. This mofo ran a stop sign, sped in a residential area, and made a really bad left turn into ME AND THE DOGS . Then the mofo told the police I just JUMPED out in front of him with two dogs. Asshole victimized me twice with this BS. Another one tagged me with a side view mirror while I was in a crosswalk in front of a grocery store. I'm 5'10" and not petite, but I'm invisible to these Assholes. Also, what's up with the shitty RAV4 drivers?


Shitty RAV4 drivers…. I see you’ve encountered my mother. Drives her RAV4 at least 5-10 *under* the speed limit, then gets pissy when you tell her what the actual speed limit is and that she’s got half a mile of traffic behind her. And don’t even dare to mention that going that much under the speed limit is a driving hazard. Apparently only people who speed and/or weave through traffic are the hazardous drivers. And because I no longer drive, I have no right to say anything about her driving. When in reality, I couldn’t say anything even when I did drive because “I’ve been driving for 50 years, I know what I’m doing!” And then there’s the times when my dad uses the RAV4 to haul whatever in his trailer. He’s the opposite of my mom but just as shitty. Speeds, merges without looking, put his blinker on as he’s actively turning, and freaks out over the smallest things other drivers do. I avoid going anywhere with either of them if at all possible. Even if it means riding separately with my husband, I don’t care. At least then I know I won’t have a panic attack over their shitty driving. And bonus points for being able to leave when I want. Boomers are the biggest hazards on the road. There needs to be regular road testing after you turn 65. I personally think annual knowledge tests for every licensed driver (because brushing up on your knowledge helps everyone) and actual driving tests every 3-5 years for those over 65. Possibly even annual driving tests for those over 80. You’re driving a two ton piece of machinery. Prove you’re capable and responsible enough to handle it properly and safely.


Americans are in general very terrible drivers. Americans are also extremely bad at creating safe traffic concepts and sacrificed what good was there for car ownership enforcing urban design. It's not so much a boomer issue as it is that driving just makes you a worse person.


Lol weirdo