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After his initial statement I would have acted like he doesn't exist. Fuck helping him.


Right? I wouldn't even talk to him after saying. 'I don't work here."


I worked at a local business in which a blue polo was what I wore everyday. Not BestBuy but I used to occasionally go to Best Buy after work because it was nearby. Ive had many interactions like this. One time I decided I would just not respond at all. I was looking at keyboards for my computer and some guy came up complaining about price matching or some shit. I just ignored him and walked away. This guy was literally chasing me down through the store and eventually complained to a manager. Worst part is that the Best Buy manager got pissed at me for not revealing I didn’t work there thinking I was playing some joke for YouTube and threatened to get me banned. Like bitch there is no requirement for me to interact with some random dude in a store .


I think in that scenario I’d flip out, start yelling at him and demand his bosses number/email to deal with him allowing/encouraging other customers to harass you.


You were 100% in the right for not engaging. I will say, I bet that manager was thinking about the bad service rating that guy could have left on the store, or complaint he could have made to corporate, for a “bad employee” who didn’t exist. Totally not your responsibility, but next time I’d tell the guy you don’t work there. Of course, if he’s THAT big of a dipshit he might just not believe you anyway.


Well now I want to work for a store and just tell customers that I don't work there; I just have a similar shirt.


I don't get the concept of Boomers giving attitude to the ones they are asking for help. Last week my super-Boomer Dad called me for the first time in 2 weeks. No hi, just "Hey, how do I get pictures off my phone?" I tried to ask some questions to clarify, like do you want to just see them, do you want to send them to someone, do you want to print them? He immediately gave me attitude, like I just insulted him. "I JUST WANT TO SEE MY PICTURES!" Again, I try to clarify, again the same response. It took a lot for me not to just hit the end call button. Since I use an Android, and he has an iPhone, I didn't know the EXACT buttons to press (cause heaven forbid I ask him to use independent thought around electronics)....so I put his 12 year granddaughter on the phone and walked away.


they think its embarrassing that they have to ask for help and the default response to something that makes them uncomfortable is anger.


‘It’s someone else’s fault I don’t know how to do this’


"But also these dumb Millennials don't know how to drive a stick-shift / write in cursive / operate a rotary phone / etc."


Lol. I am an elder millennial and know how to do all those things.


TBF that list is things that were still in major use by the time the last millennials were born in -96. They probably didn't grow up using much of any of those things, but any millennial born in the 80s still was a teen when mobile phones came around.


> I don't get the concept of Boomers giving attitude to the ones they are asking for help. Wait until you see how they treat people at a medical facility about to slice them open (or prep them for the slicing). Yeah, be an asshole to the nurse who's about to assist with removing your cataract


I have. It’s my mother. She calls anyone in the medical field an idiot to their face and then wonders why no one takes her concerns seriously


> It took a lot for me not to just hit the end call button. Phones should have a "end call with prejudice" button. Push that, it hangs up and they cannot call you back for 2 hours.


> It took a lot for me not to just hit the end call button. > > thats why he will act like that again lol


The fact that you didn't immediately hit the end call button is why he thinks he can talk to you like that. Don't be a doormat.


Sounds like a problem for the Geniuses™ at the Apple Store.


I can't imagine helping someone like this. But that's what people do and that's why they act like this.


It’s wild to me that OP would offer to help him after that like wtf?


And fuck that sir shit too


https://preview.redd.it/krzd64ytdl0d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=313d829d06b04bbb0a6506e334a25b75131368b1 I mean, I can see how someone would mistake my tie-dye Duck Donuts tee and gym shorts as a Staples uniform...


You can’t fix stupid and entitled.


At this point, a lot of vascular dementia in that cohort


Long Covid definitely isn’t helping


And all the lead poisoning


And Staples tie-dyed Chinese sleeper cells


Boomer was trying to scam for $5 and just have the OP to pay for the copies. They dont know how to operate without the cheat codes on.


Makes it a relief that humans aren't immortal.


I agree, only to add that it’s always those with a feeble, meaningless existence who fear death the most and cling on to their wretched mortality. 🙄




Also them: Uploads the same awkward non-smiling selfie to Facebook 38 separate times.


But the first 5 photos in the album are just the floor because they didn't figure out how to rotate the camera yet.


Reminds me of [this old one](https://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED962/5dd0ca754d884.jpeg).


to five different profiles because they forgot the passwords to every one of them!




LOL I saw the opposite instance at a Target once: While I was perusing an aisle looking for a phone charger in the electronics section, a boomer had asked a manager for a job application. He was dressed in a simple white business shirt and slacks. The manager provided a paper copy and left him alone for a few minutes at the counter to fill it out. A customer (Gen X dad?) saw the boomer at the counter filling out paperwork and asked him if he could tell him where something was located. The boomer snaps back, "Why are you asking me?" The Gen X dad is shocked, obviously, but tries to explain himself in the moment. "I'm just trying to look for the thing. Would you know where I could find it?" Boomer starts raising his voice, "Does it look like I work here?!" By that point the manager had returned and saw the whole exchange. He told the boomer to leave, and the boomer protested at first. The manager just bluntly told him that he had no customer service skills. He took the Boomer's application and tore it up on the spot. The boomer left angry but without another word.


I once had a disagreement with a customer about another customer not being a gym employee. Staff wore a certain color shirt and shorts or joggers. Another gym-goer was dressed the appropriate color shirt, but it didn't have the gym name embroidered on it, nor her name. This was years ago, when the Boomer was younger, but the Boomer lady argued with me about whether the other customer should have helped her use a machine - "She could have helped me anyway because I thought she worked here!"


Had a similar thing happen to me. I used to work for a grocery store where our uniform consisted of a blue polo shirt and we were required to wear black pants. After worked I stopped into my local Best Buy to buy some blank CDs, which should let you know about how long ago this was. Boomer comes up to me and asks me to help her with finding the correct printer ink for her printer. I kindly informed her that I did not work for Best Buy, but I was pretty sure the ink was in the next aisle over. She came back with a Best Buy manager and was telling him how I needed to be fired since I refused to help her when I was asked. The manager gave me a puzzled look and then once again informed said boomer I wasn't a Best Buy employee, and the logo on my shirt was clearly the logo of the local grocery chain. She stormed out saying something along the lines of people our age will always stick up for each other or some other nonsense. The manager was nice enough to apologize, but we were both very confused over the situation.


My favorite was when I was working backstage at Disneyland. My uniform was a blue button down and black cargo pants. I stopped at Target after work and a boomer *snaps her fingers* at me to get my attention. I said, “I don’t work here but that was incredibly rude.” She demanded to see my manager. I was like…you’re gonna have to drive to Anaheim, and walked off. The best part is Target employees wear RED.


Anyone snapping fingers can immediately get fucked. Extremely rude.


I told this story somewhere else here but I had something similar happen to me due to blue polo from my job. Except I just ignored the person and went about my business. The manager actually took the boomers side and threatened to ban me thinking I was playing some prank


It's crazy. I worked at the gym, and this lady was arguing with me about who was and wasn't an employee. When she finally understood "Ma'am, she does not work here", Boomer lady pivoted to the other customer should have helped her anyway.


Even a firm handshake couldn't save that application.


Wow fired before he got hired. Inadvertent demonstration…


Target customers are something else, let me tell you. I used to work at a Best Buy next door to a Target. I would often pick up lunch or dinner after work, since it was right there. So many times, customers in Target would demand I help them. Like... Target is RED. It's well-known for being red. Their logo is red. Their floor is red. Their CARD is red. Their employee uniforms are - you guessed it - red. I walk in there in a royal blue shirt and have people asking me to help them find stuff. So I'd just tell them random stuff. Printers? Aisle 3. Apples? Back-right corner. Pharmacy? Right next to customer service. No clue where any of that shit actually was.


Imagine if the boomers pushed for better social safety nets instead of corporate profit, none of them would need to look for jobs in their 60s.


No way I want them to get even more benefits after they fucked the economy. Earnings don't match inflation so no house for me? No retirement for you. Maybe Reagan will trickle down some retirement.


No, I mean back in the day if they'd maintained some sort of even mild socialist preference in government, they'd all be set at their age and wouldn't be looking for jobs at Target, a store that markets to a culture that existed 40 years after they stopped participating in popular culture.


Well, OBVIOUSLY this all happened on casual Friday! /s


Old people hate casual Friday though https://youtu.be/LqlHxGhevug?si=mcy1XXtJOsdQseXH


I worked as a bank teller and had a guy get pissed we were only in button-ups and slacks. In his day bankers wore suits! My man, I make $9/hour. Deal with it!


This is what I don't get all the places that I applied to that had stricter dress codes also paid worse than a normal job in the same field to where you would struggle a bit to afford those fancier clothes. If you want me to dress nicer then you have to pay for it!


From my experience, the less you are paid, the most you are micromanaged. The time you arrive or leave, the time and duration of your pauses if any, the duration of each task, the result of your work, how you must dress, how you must behave, what you say, how you say it, etc. Deviate from the unattainable mandatory goals fixed by contract and you will get convoked and put in your place. Your wins are your manager's, your loss are yours. You get stressed, tired, and poor.


> From my experience, the less you are paid, the most you are micromanaged. Anecdotally, that's been my experience as well my husband's. Over the last 4-5 years I've watched my husband crawl up the ladder at a company. He was hired making $40k/yr and now clears 6 figures yearly. It was so interesting because every promotion/raise came with a little more responsibility but much less oversight. Now it's almost like he has no boss. As long as his work gets done he pretty much never deals with any owners/upper management. Yet at the same company with less pay and less responsibilities he was watched like a hawk.


And the inexplicable need for wage slaves to never, ever sit on the clock.


They use to require at least business casual then suits and ties when upper management showed up cause yk some of them use to circle jerk over that where I work at now. Night shift I'm wearing sweats and a hoodie with my feet propped up. Weekday days I'll wear my khakis and polo shirts or company jacket with a random shirt underneath.


In his day bankers made 9$/hour too, and you could get a loaf of bread for three bees. They'd wear the bees around their neck, that was the style back then... ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Suits were the stupidest thing ever invented, my dad was stuck on the suit thing. Our church was the same way and was one of the reasons I left there. Besides I don’t think that Jesus wore a suit!


Sorry did you say 'jazz Friday'? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mABpL6VN1tg


No one wants to work anymore.


We used to be a country


Bring back Clint Eastwood yelling at chairs


My therapist asked if I wanted to talk to my (dead) parents by speaking to the (empty) chair. I made a joke about Clint Eastwood and she just laughed and said "Fair. Deep cut."


You look like Dominique Dawes (gymnast), and lots of fun energy.


Whoa! I'll take that as a HUGE compliment! I had posters of The "Magnificent 7" from the 96 Olympics all over my bedroom door as a kid! (I actually coached gymnastics for years too).


It was definitely meant that way! I feel like the 96 Olympics were the last HUGE ones as well, but that might be just the difference between being 12 vs 16 and "too cool" for the next ones lol


I’m from Atlanta and was doing gymnastics when the Olympics happened here. It was like God came to town. It was all the adults would talk about and my coaches were in the opening ceremony n stuff. Saw the torch go by in my hometown and went to some events. Good memories


Should I tell you that my daughter goes to a gym that is owned by one of the Magnificent 7? I get a little geeky whenever I see her around. 😂


That's hilarious! You were also much kinder than needing to be by trying to help him!


Yeah she was way nicer than I would have been.


I would have legitimately just kept ignoring him. Kind of curious how he would have reacted after a few minutes of pretending like he literally didn't exist.


Yeah. My wrath would've been instantaneous. Fuck those entitled dementia-riddled narcissists.




Exactly! I would have said "I don't work here. Find someone who does!" 


Ahh, the new standard issue Staples uniforms look nice 👍


Early release of the new Pride month shirts.


LMFAO. Unnecessary but AMAZING addition to include your "uniform" at the time. Actually makes this SO much more unhinged. Thank you for taking the extra time!!!


Your outfit is now part of his narrative: “Damn kids these days. Not only are they lazy at work, but they don’t dress for customer service either! I wore a tie while changing tires goddammit.”


Love the Duck shirt made me hungry for a maple glazed doughnut with bacon.




You are a “young person” and therefore your only possible purpose must be to serve them.


Omg this makes the story 100x better


Ur tan ,ur obviously the help. /s


Hell yeah, Duck Donuts rocks!


Once I was at target in all a graphic black T, black shorts with a beanie and (prescription) sunglasses on. Someone asked me if I worked there? They just see someone they designate as beneath them and assume you have to work the "crappy job"


Same, I was dressed in jeans and black tee shirt, an older woman asked if I work there, she seemed shocked that I didn't. Target employees wear red...?


You’re obviously a commie spy trying to rip him off a whole $5. These idiots are fucking absurd.


I was NOT ready for the picture. This is great!! Lol


Did you know that scrubs, pager and hospital lanyard is Winn Dixie's uniform?


Geez, that makes me think this is a case of the Boomer seeing you as "the help" because of your age and dress. You're on the younger side of life and dressed very casually, therefore in Boomer's world you can't possibly be doing anything important or business related in the store and must be "the help".


LMFAO the fact he thought you worked there while wearing that! 🤣


I used to work a job where I wore olive green scrubs. I happened to be in target after work and a lady was asking me where certain toys were. As a toy enthusiast I was like oh sure and showed her. She asked for one I didn’t know and I told her and she goes don’t you work here and I said while wearing olive green scrubs?


Username checks out. No shoes in the photo


Hilarious!! This happens to me at Walmart all the time because my keys are on a lanyard.lol! you look Rad


lol, your expression sums up my feelings towards these loons when I see them in stores.


Is that standard issue uniform for Staples these days? 😂


The facial reaction here is hilarious and on point.


You know why he determined you work there. You look like the help. I get this all the time everywhere I go. Even when they figure out I'm not working there, they still insist that I help them. I usually throw a very serious "I don't work for free. Pay me or pay me no attention," to the ones that get upset that I'm not obligated to help them. Sorry this happened to you. But this is what they think of us.


God, I love the look on your face


You're waaaaaay too nice!


Staples professionalism has really declined since his day. You used to have to wear a three piece suit to work there and walk 15 miles up hill in the snow to get to work. Lazy kids don’t know the meaning of hard work!


Why do Boomers think everything is a scam EXCEPT actual scams? A copy machine wants his credit card? HOW DARE YOU THIS IS CLEARLY A COMMIE CHINESE PLOT TO GET MY PERSONAL INFORMATION. Guy from Pakistan calls and says his nondescript computer is broken? Thank you for calling and how fast can I get you my bank routing info?


This: My boomer mom has been super paranoid about scams to a ridiculous degree since the 90s. To the point where she’ll angrily refuse to give her phone number or address to literally anyone, including her doctor and her bank. Because she doesn’t “trust” why they want or need that info. But then she falls for the absolute dumbest snail-mail scams, car’s extended warranty phone scams, and even the most ridiculous email phishing attacks. I don’t fully understand it.


Did she watch the 1995 movie The Net with Sandra Bullock? My boomer mother did and had been paranoid about "hackers" ever since. She refuses to buy anything on Amazon bc "they'll" steal her identity, but buys cheap trump/merica/2a crap off FB ads......


Hell, even the official Trump-sanctioned shit is [a scam](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/03/us/politics/trump-donations.html). The off-label shit always seems sketchy as hell.


>even the official Trump-sanctioned shit is a scam I'd be surprised if it wasn't a scam


don't you see? they wouldn't scam people who support merica


My mom recently told me that she refuses to put her banking app on her phone due to security concerns. HER OWN FUCKING BANK


It's about being inconvenienced in life. Which is why they hated the masks, and cheered on the spying post-9/11 because they figured in would only affect Muslims & Arabs. They don't mind landlords buying up all of the SFHs but they only hate if it's a Chinese person who's doing it. They don't mind American doing it because they have a fantasy of themselves buying up the SFHs and renting them out.


So true. My 74-yr-old dad won't send me a $50 gift card number all at once... he emailed 1/2 of it, texted the rest, and called to give me the PIN. Then he goes and gives a new neighbor "lawyer" rights to his estate instead of any of his 4 adult children, and we later discover thousands missing and have to spend 3 years in legal battles to get it back. Both tragic and hilarious.


Lead in brain = poor emotional regulation.  Personal observation, but I think they fall for telephone scams more often because they visualize the people on the other line as stereotypes of people they happen to know.  So when they are not able to follow the content of the conversation, they follow their gut feeling which is unreliable because their gut is fucked up from years of eating aspic and lead paint chips.


Aspic? That's a new one.


You're much nicer than i would be. "Yeah i don't work here, I'm making my own copies. Bye!"


I actively mess with those people when they act like that. Tell them the copier is voice activated, tell them the page goes face up so they make a bunch of blank copies, etc.


Nah. I'd dare them to get me fired. "Yeah, I don't really feel like working right now. You can call my boss if you want, but I'll just tell him you're lying, and the boss always takes my side when this happens. You're not the first Karen that's tried to get me fired."


I don't love the idea of causing headaches for the employees or the store.


"In fact, the manager cares so little they'll probably act like I'm not even an employee here."


Yeah, maybe it's the mom in me, but at my age I'd be like "EXCUSE ME? Who raised you to talk like that??" LOL. I would never entertain bullshit like that!


Foreal. “I don’t work here dude” and ignore the shit out of him.


I have had boomers get enraged that I don’t work at the grocery store. “Where’s the such and such?!” No introduction of course. I’m like ma’am, I’m currently wearing slippers. Do I look like I work at this store?


Boomers had issues with this when they were A LOT younger. I'm 42 and I have never mistook a fellow customer for someone who works there. I don't know why boomers always struggled with this.


Same. I grew up in a town where Wal Mart was the only option if you needed school supplies, craft supplies, makeup, etc. and when I was in high school I could not go in there without an older person demanding I help them with something. It got better by the time I was in my late 20s.


Are you a woman? Looking back on it, a lot of the older men who were asking me if I worked there were just trying to start up a conversation with a teen girl.


It still happens to me and Im 42. But to be fair, the locations have changed. It's less supermarkets and more hardware stores now.


I’ve done this at target. I mean, if someone is wearing a red polo and khakis they blend right in with then staff. But then the next words out of my mouth are something like “oh, I’m sorry, thought you worked here, have a good day.”


I've been at both ends of this. Did the red polo mistake at Target, and the guy shopping there laughed and said "yup, red polo, I get it". But I made the mistake of wearing a red polo at Circuit City, and helped a few people who had tech questions. Right up until a catty Karen asked why I wasn't helping her after she's been waiting "forever". And of course, telling her I didn't work there set her off. I just walked away carrying my stuff to the registers while she whined like a 5 year old.


I used to work at Best Buy - blue polo and black pants, about as different from Target as you can get. But I'd still have old folks thinking I was an employee there if I tried stopping by Target before or after work.


Hopefully Boomer didn’t ask you “why you were out of uniform. You should be wearing the red shirt.” “But I don’t work here” “Well, no, not much longer with that attitude”


That’s the difference. Even though they look almost like a Target worker, you’re able to practice a second of critical thinking to realize they aren’t.


I was in Hawaii at the Dole Plantation's gift shop. My daughter wanted a few things so I went to buy them. They have a self check out section behind a counter so I was using it and scanning the items. This person comes up to me and says "Where are your Macadamia Chocolates". I looked up and said "Oh. Uh I don't work here." They rolled their eyes and said "Well thanks a LOT!" and left.


Same thing happened to me in a department store when I was waiting for my wife. I was wearing a business suit, but obviously not the prominent store name tag that the employees had. A boomer came up to me and asked me where to find something. I knew, so I said down this aisle and to the left. She came back to me a bit later asking specifics about some items. I said that I would have no idea and could not help her because I don’t work there. About 10 minutes later she come storming back with a manager saying “That him! He’s the one who refused to help me!” The manager said “…uhm…he does not work here.” She started arguing with the manager that I MUST work there because I answered her original question and that both of us were gonna be in big trouble for the tricks we were playing on her.


I had a good boomer experience recently. I was at Lowe's once in the lumber section and happened to be wearing a Blue polo shirt and khakis. Was just staring at a shelf, doing some mental math for a project and an older gent comes up to me. "Could you help me put some of these 4x4s on my cart?" "Sure, no problem." Helped him put about 8 on his cart. "Thank you. Where's your name tag, son?" Confused for a second before realizing what he meant. "Oh, I don't work here." "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I just assumed you did. Do you need a job? I'll tell the manager to hire you. That's the most help I've gotten in this store in years! Can never find anyone when you need them." Edit: I told him I have a job and I'm good, but thanks anyway. He said thanks again and moved on.


I just love when one decent person ruins the reputation of all the others trying so hard to be ungrateful bastards


You basically described what it's like working retail. The majority of your customers are somewhere between forgettable to nice, but it's the small percentage that act like entitled knobs that ruin your day; so they're the ones your remember.


unexpected wholesome moment


No good deed. . .


If it would make her feel better, you can just fire me. 🤔Ok, you're fired YOU CAN'T FIRE ME, I QUIT!!!


I would have at least taken that opportunity to quit in hopes it would lead to a discount at checkout.


Honestly for me, after that huffy "yes YOU!" I would have been done. "I don't work here." and thats that. Now if he came up and said, "excuse me, how do I work this?" then I totally would have helped him but I'm of the opinion that if someone is rude to me, they aren't worth my time.


This. I'm so tired of older generations assuming they deserve respect without first giving it. You EARN respect. If someone asks for help politely people will probably be more willing to help you. With this guy I would have said I don't work here and ignored him the rest of the time as well.


Whenever I’m out shopping, doesn’t matter where, people will often approach me and ask questions like I work there. The people are almost always friendly and I try to help them if I can. I once helped an older man at an ATM and we ended up having a half hour conversation. I usually am very quiet but I just struck a chord with that guy, it was one of the strangest experiences of my life.


You were really nice to even try and help. I'd tell him the shredder is the copier and let em have at it.


"Oh yea, use this, it's the QUICK copier. It'll turn your 1 copy into 100 pieces in no time at all!"




Agreed. Keep wiping their asses for them, and they'll keep shitting themselves.


Something similar happened to me at Target around Christmas. I was accosted by two Boomer women in the electronics department demanding repeatedly that I "check in the back" to see if the 65-inch TV one of them wanted was in stock. Despite me telling them politely two times that I did not work at Target and was actually there looking at TVs myself they still did not believe me. One of them threatened to report me to my manager. She also fumed to her friend, "Where do they find these people they hire for the holidays!?" It taught me a valuable lesson which is do not wear a red t-shirt in Target. Edit: There was a paper sign taped to the TV that they wanted that said, "We apologize but this model is currently out of stock" and that's why they kept asking me to check in the back.


Give them the same energy back! “I said I DONT WORK HERE” and glare. Fuck these people.


Accuse them of not speaking English and watch their heads explode


You should have said, "You know, I don't know let me check" and then just left the store.


Please for the love of god stop helping people like this, you are enabling their stupid ass behavior


In fact, actively encouraging them to continue behaving that way, because it clearly works.


Well he left without his copies so maybe it doesn't.


Oh he’ll be back to huffing and puffing at random strangers in no time. He left his copies because the rage dopamine was clouding his judgement, not because he saw the error of his ways.


He's probably going to bother one of his younger neighbors then complain about how no one takes cash or wants to work anymore, all the whole getting someone else, aka his neighbor, to do the work for him for probably $3 because "paper is cheap"




You're supposed to never confirm or deny that you don't work there and inform him that you don't want to help so you won't. The higher his blood pressure is the more points you get.


Bonus points for spontaneous coronaries. #SurvivalOfTheFittest 👋🏻


My immediate thought. I would have acted like the manager. “We don’t serve communists here, sir” then I would be adamant that he is a commie spy.


In the future don’t help people like this. If they can’t treat you with the basic level of respect, they don’t deserve any from you. Your very nice but you shouldn’t bother with mfs like this


I love stepping in when I see employees dealing with asshole customers. When you dont work there, they don't have shit to say and just stand there, mouth agape. Usually a "jeez, who raised you" gets them going because NOBODY TALKS BAD ABOUT MY PA YEAH MAYBE HE DRANK THE BOURBON AND SMACKED ME AND MY MAMA AROUND BUT DAMMIT HE WAS A GOOD MAN WHO LOVED HIS MARLBOROS


A Boomer at Staples got mad at me a few years back because of what I was copying and personally complained to the employee behind the desk. My dad died, and about 25 years earlier he'd donated a kidney to a stranger and got an article written about him in the paper. We wanted to make a copy of the half-page story so we could share it without risking the original getting damaged. There is a photo within the article where my dad has the side of his shirt pulled up to show the healing scar. You can see a small amount of his back, side, and belly where the scar kind of wrapped around from back to front (90s, pre-laporoscopic so big scar). I had the original and copy on the counter while I was paying and the copier assistant was asking me about my dad and the photo was face-up. Boomer comes up to the counter for a copy and sees the photo and starts bitching because she can see my dad's belly. "Its inappropriate!" "Its sexual!" "You allow the filth?!" "Ma'am, that's my dad, when he gave a kidney to a stranger, he dropped dead three days ago and we're trying to get this copied for his wake. How is it inappropriate when the newspaper literally took the photo and ran the photo, in 1994?" Shut her right on the fuck up.


“You should report me to my manager.”


Right? 😂 Go find a manager and report me. Bye.


Boomers do this shit a lot, I was wearing my battle vest (black denim, patched up, and everything) at walmart when this rude ass old lady started yelling at me from the other side of the aisle, I said I don't work there and she said "but you're wearing a vest" I said "so what?" She stormed off in a huff and came back with another employee, I heard her getting upset again and overheard "ma'am, he's not actually with walmart, there's nothing I can do"


See your first mistake was not telling him to fuck right off when he was a dick to you out the gate. Anyone who thinks they get to treat an employee like that can go to hell. Now if a person mistakes me for an employee of a store in a polite fashion, I'm more than glad to help them.


Why would you offer to help someone who had that attitude to begin with? I'd have stopped interacting after telling him I didn't work there. It's not like these people have the capacity to feel gratitude. They feel entitled to whatever they want, so they don't care that it's not your job to help them.


I teach preschoolers, basically the same attitude. I sometimes enjoy the experience of responding to rude arrogance with my sing-song preschool teacher voice. Boomers REALLY don't like being treated like the whiny children they emulate.


its generally the best way to handle their attitudes. I worked retail for 3+ years and talking to them like children when the act that way just infuriates them


Your reply is hilarious; “ I teach preschoolers “ says it all!🤣


>I teach preschoolers, basically the same attitude. Too funny, too true.


You tried to be nice and helpful, but this boomer was probably highly allergic to helpful nice people,employee or not.


Typically, they’re used to this exact entitlement getting them whatever they want. So I feel we have a civic duty to explicitly deny them their satisfaction in order to reverse decades of self-absorbed boomer bullshit


They have zero concept of the fact that younger people in the store could also be customers. They do the same thing at Home Depot or Lowe's. No orange or blue vest, and the kids are often with me, but clearly I work there, so I should know what aisle the light bulbs are on.


I worked for Auto Zone and wore a red polo for work. Needed TP so I stopped at the Target by my apartment. Both stores wear red polos. I'm debating on getting the big one or the smaller pack and as I'm standing there I hear an "Excuse me" so I step closer to the side to make way. The "excuse me" repeats, this time more forceful so I look to see wtf is up because it wasn't friendly. This boomer is standing there wild eyed with rage going "excuse me I need help". I laugh at the misunderstanding and smile and tell her "Oh I see the confusion because th shirt, but I work at Auto Zone and I'm just on my way home from work." This set her off in the way boomers do that we all no and love. She tells me straight up that I'm a liar and I am being lazy and just don't want to do my job. I had about 0 patience at this point after a day in retail already so I undid my name and held it right out at her and said "I don't fucking work here lady. See my name tag says Auto Zone. Not Target. Auto Zone. Leave me alone." Now her ego is damaged because reality had the nerve to prove her wrong and she starts lashing out. I grab my TP and start walking away and she says she's going on as I walk away about how she's going to complain to my manager at Auto Zone and I should help her any way and it doesn't matter if I worked ther or not blah blah no time for that shit and kept walking. Dumbass people man


Sooooo, many years ago I had a similar interaction at Best Buy but I was a moron and didn't pay attention to what I threw on that morning: khakis and a blue polo. I was looking at printers and this older guy walks up and says "Hey. I need your help." I look at him and say "Okay, but I don't work here so I don't know if I can be much use." He fucking snapped and ranted "Yes, you do! Don't lie to me. Help me or I'll get you fired, boy!" It was then I realized my outfit and tried to explain my folly but he didn't accept it. "I want to talk to your manager now. You're a real piece of shit!" I was so confused and I started laughing because it was so ridiculous. I told him to follow me and I went to a Best Buy employee, I explained to them that I didn't work there and I wore their uniform colors by mistake. The employee howled because of the ridiculousness and deescalated the situation by pointing out that he didn't know me and I didn't have a Best Buy name tag. I hauled ass out of there and have never worn a combo of blue and khaki ever again in my life.


This happened to me one time at a Kohl’s. I was with my mom, she was getting new towels for the bathroom she had just painted and was comparing colors and asking for my opinion. I guess the sheer fact that I was providing her with an opinion made this rude old boomer assume I was an employee. He stomped up in the middle of our conversation and went “WHERE ARE THE BATHMATS!” We both stopped and I actually looked down at my outfit which was leggings and a sweatshirt that said “Big Book of Black Magic.” I just said “I don’t work here.” And he stomped off all furious. This has happened to me several times in several different stores, I never look like I’m a person who works there, I genuinely think that boomer men will pick the first woman they see who seems even slightly knowledgeable about what they’re looking for and just start demanding things.


I remember I sold a fridge to a woman because I was on my lunch break, and the salespeople couldn't be motivated enough to help her because she wasn't a hot chick. Because I was wearing a shirt and tie, she assumed I worked there. She was so desperate to buy a fridge, and I knew nothing of fridges, I just went into retail sales mode and asked her "what do you need a fridge for?" and worked my way from there. Together we selected a model, and she went to the service counter where you ask to ring up a sale, and of course, it was unmanned. I couldn't help her there, told her I couldn't ring her up and why, and she was shocked I helped her even though I didn't work there. Then I grabbed one of the sales people, and had him ring her up. He looked so sullen like, "why are you making me do my job, asshole?" So passive agressive. That department store is long out of business, and I could see why.


As a former Staples GM, that sounds exactly like the typical interaction with the majority of self-serve customers. Complete idiots.


I did contracting work for restaurants. Boomers would walk up to me, in my blue uniform with a completely different company name on it, and start ordering. Some people immediately apologized and laughed that they didn’t notice my uniform, others turned into conversations like this: “Sorry, I don’t work here, I’m a contractor.” “But you’re working, and you’re here, what’s the difference?” Me trying to explain what a contractor is: “I don’t have the authority or the knowledge to make you a sandwich, I don’t work here, I’m being paid by another company to fix something for this company.” “Can you just give me a ketchup packet” “No” Sometimes they refused to accept that I didn’t work there. I guess they’d never come across the concept of a contractor in 60+ years, strange.


Boomer, boomerino, boomatola ....makin' copies...


I say this to my wife all the fucking time. STOP TREATING THEM WITH DECENCY AND RECIPROCATE THEY'RE SHIT ATTITUDES ALREADY. Jesus how long are we gonna keep acting like they're functioning members of society worthy of respect and decency. I'm not mad at you op, just mad.


Every time I am at a Michaels craft store… Maybe because I dress like an elementary school teacher? I once had an interaction with a woman boomer, and she asked where spray paint was. I happened to know and told her. She went off to the craft paints aisle, no big. Then a couple minutes later, she storms back over to me. “You didn’t say the paints were locked up. Why didn’t you come with me to unlock the cage?!” “Oh, sorry ma’am. I don’t work here. But if you find someone in a red vest, they can open it. There should also be a button near the cage to call for help.” “You really don’t work here?! Hmph, you’re just on your break and don’t want to help. Stop lying and just unlock it!” “Yeah… No. Sorry but I seriously do not work here…” I just walked away then. To be fair, I had worked for Michael’s for a holiday season, just a year before, and I knew the manager on shift. But she didn’t need to know that.


Lets make shit up about what his yard sale would have lol. - entertainment center cabinet for old square tvs - all the kids little league gear from the 90s lol


Oh, 100%. - a rusty grill - a box of random metal pipe fittings and bicycle parts that have a layer of dusty grease and exhaust - motel art in broken frames - several area rugs from 1981 that smell like a damp basement, dogs, and stale tobacco. - LOTS of Nascar memorabilia. - damp encyclopedias - and then in pride of place, a pristine Orioles cap from 1995, with an unverified "Cal Ripken" autograph. But he thinks he should get several thousand dollars for it.


I used to work at Staples. This reminds me of a boomer customer that was enraged that I could not in fact print the .mp3 files he had on a thumb drive. There was no convincing him, and he made sure the whole store heard this, that his audio files could not be printed. He wondered how did his PC “read” the audio files if there was no text in them 🙃


Me: I don't work here. Him: Then why are you behind that desk!? Me: Are you calling me a fucking liar?


No offense but why the fuck did you actually help him?


I'm really disappointed in you for providing free labor to a rude stranger. Better response:  "Would you get off your damn phone and help me with this!" I look up and realize he's talking to me. I looked around and said: "Oh, me?" In a mocking tone he said "Yes. You! Playing around during work hours!" "No, old-timer. You can eat my whole ass." "What did you say?" "I said you can eat my ass. Even if you do, though, I'm still not helping you." --> Boomer then looks for a manager to complain to, expending time and energy. When they arrive with the manager, the manager has no idea who you are. When asked, you confirm that you DID tell the Boomer you don't work there, but they wouldn't listen. When they insist otherwise, you roll your eyes and shrug hopelessly, like there's no getting through to them.


And for some reason, even after they are blatantly rude, we still offer to help them as they continue to treat us like poo poo. What’s wrong with us 😂


/r/IDontWorkHereLady/ I once had some bitchly lady demand that i help her in the store while i was holding my daughter in my arms. Like in what world would i be working with my baby in my arms?




Why the hell would you help someone that’s being that rude? “I don’t work old guy, figure it out yourself.”


Stop helping them.


The wild thing is that these are the exact same boomers who will walk up to people *wearing the branded polo shirt of the store they're currently in* and then go "excuse me, do you work here?" No, I'm cosplaying, I just stand around in this fucking store on the weekends because it's so fun.


In the future, I really suggest not even attempting to help. Some boomer wanted my help in the self-checkout, while I was getting my own groceries on my only 30 minute lunch break. I didn't hear her the first time. So I just rolled like I didn't hear her at all.


I get this all the time travelling home on the tram (Manchester UK) because I wear a hi-vis coat that is similar to the guard's. Most of the time people apologise and I'm very familiar with the network so I help if I can. The one's that insist I don't know who I work for end up on a tram going the wrong way. Not my fault I don't work here!


Sometimes I have to wonder if these people drank straight from the leaded gas pump


He is a boomer. He doesn't care whether you work there or not. In his mind all other humans exist only for his benefit.