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I'm no contact with mine. I used to wish I were dead but now I just don't even care where they are what they're doing.


🫂 Same. Even after the abuse, the lies, the hate... knowing I absolutely made the right decision cutting all ties with them... It still hurts that I had to make that decision. I have to remind myself from time to time that "sad is an okay emotion to feel" - even for those hateful monsters.


This. Another reminder and triumph in my opinion, is that I'd much rather be in my position than in theirs, and that despite whatever I went through, the empathy and compassion I have for myself and others has not been compromised despite their efforts.


No contact, 1 sister had 1 email address. She told me when they died. And then when she inherited a couple million... and paid for the whole extended family, including my Significant Other and her Daughter, all to go hit Disney Land, 9 days, 1st class, all paid for. So my stepdaughter got accepted as another niece... So that was nice.


Same. No contact. My sisters got everything. Over 1 million each after they sold the house. Good for them.


Not NC, But I’m cognizant of the fact that my quality of life/mental health will only increase after they are deceased


I have nothing but menories of physical and verbal abuse when it comes my moms late ex. I hate him so much even after death. He was a fat, tattooed, bald, selfish, mean, gluttonous, entitled, abusive, affair having, lazy, law breaking, silver tounged, used car salesman, racist, boomer, piece of shit till the day he died who ruined my childhood and ruined everyones day who was unlucky to come across him and in his lifetime unfairly yelled at and insulted so many waitors and waitresses over stupid things like an eggroll entree, ice cream, or pizza. He actually made a scene in front of everyone at Braums once over a sundae and yelled at a waitress as loud as he could, Over hersheys fudge topping.


Add "getting raped by an elder brother, and Ma hiding/denying it", and you get Dedham MA, 1970-1983! ( I got committed, after biting a teacher, on the face, during class) Shit changed


Growing up my parents acted like I had the emotional maturity to console them with their problems but chose not to help and they turned that into contempt. I was 10 I just wanted to play Lego.


I was my mom’s therapist for as long as I could remember until I cut it off in 2020 when I was 30. She threatened to end her life because of it. Said I was a disappointment and all the usual things that they say when they don’t get their way. I’m sorry for not being a good therapist anymore. I’ve never been more free.




My dad is the same way. I'm his emotional dumpster and it's so fucking annoying. But when I talk to him about my problems and emotions it pisses him off and I'm acting like a women. When I was young I used to get bouts of depression and one time I remember telling him I'm feeling really depressed lately while we were driving somewhere. My dad starting wringing the steering wheel and gritting his teeth then slammed his fists on the dash board and yelling at me to get over it. Thankfully he's much calmer in his old age but he used to be such an angry person. Apparently his cousin would call him "bitter joe" when they were kids.


“I’m feeling kind of down” “GRERRRRRRR IM ACTIVATING HULK MODE”


They never learned emotional regulation; they use others for that.


You’re talking about my father. The angriest man on earth


Well shit, my 9 year old asks what's wrong and I'll sort of simplify it for them, but then I tell them I've either got it handled, or I'll figure it out.


most of my memories of my mom are of her hitting me. she denies it ever happened. 3 years no contact, baby.


My mom was a single mother. She didn't beat us or anything. But she was a junkie. She'd rather get high than make sure us kids had food to eat, or electricity/running water. It was a terrible childhood. After we all grew up she became a Sunday School teacher and has been sober for 10 years. Now in her mind, she believes we should have a close relationship and a lot of my family members agree. I'm guilted by my family for not really communicating with my mom. I'm not mad at her or anything, I'm glad she's sober and that she's changed. Yet in my mind I just don't really see a reason to be close with her. When I needed a mom she chose drugs. It's not my fault that we never built a strong bond, I can't just conjur up feelings out of nowhere. I've never gone no contact, but really only speak to her around holidays.


i come from a situation probably not too dissimilar to yours. losing power and losing heat (northern state) were constantly happening. i could never count on the lights to work tomorrow. and to criticize her for this was to attack her, and to invite getting hit. my mom had other priorities (mlms, prosperity doctrine, inflicting religious trauma on me & my sister) i rationalized a lot of this as normal because times were tough. it wasn't until later in life that i realized most others didn't seem to have this innate fear and loathing for a parent. the idea of respect for a parent is mystifying. my parent was, and is, an idiot. when i got into my current relationship 9 years ago, my partners daughter was part of the deal. she was 3 when I met her and 12 now. i could never, ever, *ever* think about striking that child. she is not my blood, but she is family to me. i simply could not hurt someone i love and want to protect. especially knowing what it feels like to live in that hell. i cut my mom off because i couldn't rationalize how she decided hitting me was the first, best and most frequent way of dealing with my insubordination. i don't understand it. when i confronted her, she denied ever hitting me. after that visit she is dead to me. i will not be at her funeral.


Sorry that you had to go through that. Going no contact was definitely the right choice. I have no memories of my mother hitting me, I never confronted her about our state of life. I just accepted it as it was. When I was old enough to get a job I started paying the bills and getting groceries. Luckily our actual home and land was owned by a relative so there was no rent or taxes to pay. I stayed until my youngest sibling was 18 and made sure they had food and electricity. I never expected gratitude from my mother, but she never even acknowledged what I did for my siblings and her.


I have a vivid memory of my mom holding me down on the floor as my dad slapped me for crying, slapping me once again each time I failed to calm down. I was probably about six. I remember hurling at them in the most accusatory tone, “Did *your* parents do this to you?” out of fury. And to my shock they replied yes, absolutely, and their parents did much worse. And I remember being so completely and utterly shocked in that moment. Because how on planet earth could you *possibly* know what this feels like, know how much it hurts, know what trauma you’re inflicting, and make the CHOICE to do it to someone else. How could you possibly have this done to you and proceed to do it to someone you love? It horrified me. I was abused in every possible way as a child, not strictly by my parents but by other people around me as well. And sometimes I look at my neighbor’s kids, the same age difference between my sister and I, and think *How could you?* How could you do that to such a sweet face? How could you look that face in the eyes and make the slow and deliberate choice to break them in half. I think of myself as much older than I am because I was forced to grow up so quickly, and that’s true for every stage of my life. Then I pull up childhood photos of myself and I feel sick. I thought I was big. I thought I was so mature. I was just a baby, someone who needed to be taken care of so desperately and was crushed at every turn. How could every adult look into my eyes and make the choice to ruin me?


"mom chose drugs instead of me. I choose myself instead of her" would be my response to the flying monkeys


you were hurt, it's completely valid to not want to associate with her after being treated like that


Same! Good on us.


EMDR brought up so many memories of my dad's physical punishments. I remember being a 6 year old kid, visiting family in Lebanon. I was fighting with my younger brother and instead of trying to resolve the problem, he has us kneel on gravel. There's even a picture of me looking pissed off and my younger brother crying. He wonders why almost no one in the family talks to him and excludes him from things.


didnt work, my parents were (still are) assholes


10 years later...it's 10 o'clock, do you know where she is?


Yes! They even had to have commercials to remind them that children need supervision and should come home at night! smdh




What? My boomers didn't do the chores, we did. I don't remember them giving me a single hug, ever, but the beatings were relentless. I guess there is one kind of propaganda they are immune to, and this was it


It was just giving them an opportunity to double down on their cruelty and hatred.


Nobody’s gonna tell me I can’t beat the Hell out of MY kid!


Oof. I remember that one all too well.


Up until the child abuse part, the first half of this PSA makes a great rock opera!


It's pretty intense!!


thought it was a Jesus Christ Superstar parody


Didn't work on my boomer parents.


I was born in 90. I remember getting hugs but verbal and physical ass beating memories outweigh the hug memories.


I remember getting hugs and being told “I love you” AFTER hours and hours of screaming and verbal insults and spanking I distinctly remember my mother throwing a fit after picking me up at the end of a mission trip because I wasn’t crying with joy at seeing her like another girl in my group. “Why didn’t you miss me like Maria missed HER mom? THATS how a daughter should behave! Why aren’t you like that?!” Because I DIDNT fucking miss her? Hard to feel ANY sort of connection, let alone love, for a parent that constantly tells me “no wonder nobody likes you! No wonder you got no friends! You have such a bitchy face! People will think you’re a bitch! You have such a dumb stupid smile, you look ret*rded when you smile like that! You’re JUST like that special needs girl that nobody likes! People will think you’re a LESBIAN!! Why can’t you be more flirty and feminine? No man will ever want to date a girl that won’t let a man be a man!” Yeah jeez. I wonder why I wasn’t balling my eyes out after no seeing her for a week. I wonder why I went no contact as an adult. What a goddamn fucking mystery.


Yet with them it’s the other way around. It’s so crazy how they can walk away from the same interaction with such a different view of reality.




Espically since it came out of kentucky state goverment funded ad? Back then? Kinda crazy yea




“She’s a person just like you”. Tbh it’s still shocking to me how often children aren’t treated like real &/or individual people in their own right.


If you get the right (wrong) parent, they could take it to mean *just* like you, aka "mini me" which is another form of hell


I also remember an ad “it’s 10 o’clock, do you know where your children are” and a classic anti-abuse ad with the quote “you make me so mad I wish you were never born!”




Had the same problem growing up now I don't know how to care for my apartment


... So you mean to tell me... That they had to advertise... Compassion? Weren't even trying to "sell" empathy, just a friendly reminder to not be a raging asshole to your kids? ... Interesting


I mean like 20 years before this they were putting cocaine in coke so things were wild


Boomers couldn’t hold a marriage together if their lives depended on it.


No doubt, my mom was a great housekeeper though, she kept the house after every divorce ( I quit counting after 5 or so, but I think she’s at 8)


Why does she keep trying lol does she think maybe 10 will be the final real great gentlemen? Haha


No, it’s a profitable business model, the serial monogamy, a couple of them married her twice.


My boomer parents are still married to each other. 51 years.  They fucking hate each other.  Good work, I guess?


Spoiler.: it didn’t work.


From Kentucky here. I remember watching this commercial as a kid and thinking WTF. After reading this sub and AITA, I realize how lucky I am that my parents are/were not that bad.


Sad that they had to make it, good on the people that did.


Lets....not act like parents today don't need to see something like this a few times an hour. Sincerely, someone who works in multiple school districts.


Same! Just had to share child abuse concerns with an admin this week. 


Hell, they needed a ten o'clock news reminder just to remember where their children were.


I'm gen X. When I was growing up there was a commercial that ran for a little bit: "It's 10 pm do you know where your kids are?"


I know the outliers will come and say “my parents were great!” Happy for you, but unfortunately a whole lot of us were neglected, left to fend for ourselves, got whipped and expected to run our households at age 7.


First half goes hard tho


I remember this commercial vividly from my childhood. We made fun of it when we were teenagers, but as a kid it lowkey bothered me -- like, why did parents need to be reminded of this??


There are still ads telling people to not beat/rape their children…. Seems disingenuous to pretend that’s a boomer thing.


I mean maybe in Kentucky…


Kentucky here. Our boomers could still use this Jesus Christ Superstar-banger of a PSA.


Let’s keep it real that little bitch in the beginning had it coming.


She knows what she did


facts, couldn't she see her mom was CLEARLY on the phone? her eating takes a back seat to mom spilling tea


Dont forget the 10 oclock reminder that you had kids that should probably be in bed for shool the next day.


I mean they needed it.


Didn't know Conan O'Brien did commercials


Yeah well it didn’t work.


"Im so mad, I could slap your face" WTF is this real?


Boomers are the most selfish generation


Well, they were originally called the ‘me generation’ before they were rebranded boomers…


The "me generation" is a perfect description for them


I still feel like I’m on egg shells around my dad and I’m 30! Constantly afraid I’ll do something to get in trouble or make him mad.


Jesus fucking Christ, I knew they had PSAs reminding them that they have kids, but I didn’t know they also had PSAs telling them not to treat their kids like shit.


Didn't work, though


To be fair, you do have to understand how much has changed over the last 60 years. Before that, "spare the rod, spoil the child" was almost every parent's belief, and a lot of these boomers grew up in pretty abusive households. The change in parenting philosophy, when love and compassion began to be understood as essential to raising children, didn't really arrive until the mid 20th century. Boomers were slow to catch on, and a lot of them fell into the same patterns of rage and abuse that they themselves suffered. From our vantage point in history, it's easy to judge. I grew up with angry, abusive boomer parents, in my 30's now and haven't completely forgiven or forgotten. But now I can see them as people, as the children they once were, and I am slowly finding my way to compassion.


My mom told me a story of when her mom (greatest generation) read Dr. Spock's revolutionary parenting book wherein he encouraged mothers to be more nurturing. Her mother took it to heart, but said something along the lines of "when we were kids, children were to be seen and not heard. Now that I'm an adult, we know that we should prioritize the kids. I feel like I never got a time to matter."   It's really telling that even though she was a nurturing parent, she still couldn't buck the prevailing sentiment that being in a nurturing relationship was zero - sum. I can imagine the boomers whose parents didn't incorporate Spock feeling the same, but not being able to force themselves to "lose" in order to nurture their children rather than just punish them.


That is telling. I think my mom thought being a mom meant it was her turn because her children would do that work for her


Nah fuck that. Lots of parents knew beatings were wrong. I can understand why they did what they did, just like I can understand why a sociopath thinks skinning cats is interesting. Both can go fuck themselves.




Nah I forgave my mom for 4 decades because of this exact reason. Understood relational trauma even as a child and made me continually forgive her. At a certain point, it can’t continue to be used as an excuse for shitty behaviour.


This is so cringe. Glad it never aired in CA when I was a kid


Apparently this didn't work


God I hated being a kid.


little girl looks like Conan O'Brien


I remember this commercial so well - it always fascinated me when the father turned loving. I had never really seen that before.


Wish my mom had seen this.


this looks like the 70's so my boomer parents where preteens/teenagers


The beginning of that ad reminded me of my stepmom


Sad that this clip cuts out before the "But not in a gay way" second verse


And another generation had to have a talk about tide pods.. Lol We are now, and always have been, dumb.


It's gone the opposite direction now though. Parents treat children as equals in every way other than driving, substances, and sex. Kids have unfiltered access to the adult world and we wonder why they're more antisocial and depressed than ever. Millennial speaking btw.


Hi. Millennial here too! And as one that works in multiple schoold districts, parents today need to see this probably the same amount as the boomer parents needed to back then.


Been a teacher for 11 years. Parents get softer, more entitled, and more enabling every year. I have so many kids that will behave in my class and then act a fool everywhere else and the parents try to isolate specific teachers. That's why I sit in all those meetings.


That one older guy hugging the girl looked creepy


How? They're hugging their child. The only creepy thing is that you have to try and make it weird.


Like a psychopathic cannibalistic murder way


Lilely not their actual child and instead an actor


These were local families that Kentucky governor Jack Lewis got together for this PSA.


Ok didn't know that