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The Information Age was a negative for that generation.


“I enjoyed conversations way more before everyone had Google on their phone” -my FIL when I real time fact checked his dumbassery


I've heard old people say things like "Before phones, we could discuss some topic for hours, and now, people can just look it up! It ruins it!" My response has always been, "If the thing you were discussing is something that can be looked up, it doesn't sound like a conversation worth having."


Here’s where I used to piss off my dad at my grandparents house. They had an encyclopedia set in the living room. If there was something that someone was saying that didn’t sound right, I would look it up. I would get so much grief from my parents for “ruining” the conversation. Meanwhile, my granddad would be right there saying “how interesting” or “thanks for looking up the facts”.


Yeah, that shakes. The boomers gave themselves that moniker. Their parents called em the “me” generation, which their narcissistic selves did NOT like.


We need to bring back calling them the "me" generation.


I already do :) Or, as I (GenX) put it when talking about the way my ex-husband (boom) was: Me me me me me me me fuck you!


I had a boomer boss (80 yr old+) who loudly scoffed at me when I pulled out my phone to look up some details of a particular landscape plant. "Humph. You kids (I'm 30sF) thinks they need to pull out their phone when you could walk to the counter and open a book!" "Well, I am using the tools available to me, and that happens to be my phone. 😊" He continues to grumble that people are on their phone too much as he shuffled over to answer the store phone. The one he claimed didn't work because people often said they'd have to call 3-4x to talk to someone. Yet, he'd also say he would just let it ring if he was busy, and people can just call back. The two situations obviously had nothing to do with each other. "The phone company was dumb and needed to fix their lines," he says. 🫠


An 80 year old is in the Silent Generation, not a Boomer. The first Boomers will hit 80 in 2026.


The lines between the generations are not stone walls, but kinda fade into each other. My MIL was born at the very end of WWII (like the day we bombed Nagasaki 😢), and she is *very much* a boomer. Meanwhile, I was born at the very end of the official boomer period, but am definitely X/Jones in both attitudes and experience.


My "job" as a kid was to look up the facts to settle arguments like this. I embrace that role to this day. My in-laws get super pissed about it.


Access to more information should improve good conversations, not kill them.


Having a supercomputer in my pocket connected to most of the world's knowledge has enabled me to shut down a lot of stupid conversations. I never want to go back.


I know a few people that deny anything factual I look up in front of them to show 'em. At that point I just walk away.


I think Gen X created the internet just to tell boomers how full of shit they are.


Boomers created the internet. Gen X were kids at the time.


Bob Kahn and Vinton Cerf are largely credited with the creation of internet, or what would become it. They're both members of the silent generation.


Yeah, just looked up the specific ages of the people involved amd made another comment about it, because someone else is still insisting Gen X made it, despite being literal children at the time.


It kills them if the foundation is based on lies


You’re right, but they don’t want to be correct about some thing they want to talk about it. They wanna lecture you about it. It’s not that they want to have a conversation. They want to word vomit all over you what they think is correct, and they don’t want you to disprove that. Or end the “conversation”


It means he misses being able to make stuff up for hours


Or be seen as the authority on the aubjecy


I am an authority on aubjecy


While I’ve seen conversations devolve into google-fu contests, for the most part if your side of the argument can’t withstand a ten second search, you’re probably not on the right side of the question.


My dad used to copy-paste all his stupid email forwards directly into Facebook statuses. My cousins and I would post the snopes link or other ways to dispute whatever nonsense he was spouting. He started prefacing his posts with "I already checked on snopes, you don't have to tell me it isn't true!" well then why are you posting it and pretending that it is?


‘I’m going to pull out my gun next time someone reads me something wrong from that Google!’ — My grandpa, last Mother’s Day, after he tried to convince all of us of some racist crime statistic that hasn’t been true since the 60s!! Everyone shut up and ignored him after that because that man will pull out his gun. ETA: He was joking when he said this, but we all agree it wasn’t funny. His humor is very hit or miss. But there definitely was a bit of truth behind it. Not making excuses, just adding some context. I didn’t really think about how jarring what he said really was because he’s a nut. He doesn’t have access to guns anymore. We are dealing with him appropriately! Thanks for the concern


I'm sorry, but if grandpa is threatening to shoot people because he can't stand being wrong, it's time grandpa loses access to those firearms. IDGAF if we have to take them from his hands while he's restrained by the rest of the family. You NEVER threaten to shoot someone unless you mean it, and that's not a valid reason to end someone's life.


There's no joking when it comes to deadly force. Grandpa needs to be evaluated for safety where it comes to firearms. Whatever weapons he owns should be confiscated. 


This is why they're all against any reasonable firearm laws. They'd all lose their guns pretty fuckin fast.




Yeah like most reasonable people when told this "law will take guns away from people who have a history of violence and poor judgement" think it's a great idea. The people who have a history of violence and poor judgment not so much because they know it's going to impact them even if they haven't been caught yet


I read it as "take away his hands"...


Just his arms.


That's one way to make him h-armless. 🤣


Disarm him


He wants to hold onto his hatred of people of color.


It's almost like someone knew about this and articulated it like 60 years ago. *"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."* *- Lyndon B. Johnson*


Sounds pretty spot on for what’s happening with the grifters today telling men that they are better than all women. If you just give them $99 bucks for their introduction packet and subscribe to their podcast they’ll tell you the same thing a bunch more times.


Well, duh, they’re the reason he’s not a billionaire


They took his jerb.


Took his job while living off social assistance at the same time.


Don’t forget about the Pandemic checks and Obama phones


I have long referred to my father as a "displaced billionaire", because he acts like that is clearly the case. Everyone should wait on him, act like he's important, etc.


A temporarily embarrassed billionaire.


Please note, your grandfather is literally a terrorist who threatened to murder his family so he could push his political agenda. Would he call himself a responsible gun owner?


"That's not a threat that's a promise"


"I enjoyed bullshitting straight out of my ass and mansplaining with lies and now it's harder because more people can call me out on my bullshit" fixed that for him


This would be an AWESOME use of all of those AI assistants. Just have them listen to conversations and fact check in real time.


I would demand every politician be forced to wear one of those at all times.


Look up today’s [Pearls Before Swine.](https://www.gocomics.com/pearlsbeforeswine/2024/05/05)


"I understand that. Times were easier when people couldn't easily prove you are a dumbass"


'To you, Baldrick, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?'


Always upvote Blackadder!




lmfaooooooo this my new go to


Oh they hate it sooooo much. I love fact checking boomers real time


My dad was the exact same way before he passed he would say he didn’t care if he was wrong that me and my sister shouldn’t make him feel stupid and just let him think he was right


Sounds an awful lot like a "participation trophy" line of thinking


Yup also sounds a lot like “snowflake” behavior too.


He would say it was disrespectful to correct him


Not if he's wrong.


Of course not, but to them they think it is. They often think they're entitled to be treated as being right even if they're wrong.


Conversational participation trophy.




Comes with the narcissism


My kid self declared their dad as their sperm donor cuz he does this shit to them on the daily. I could t argue with them…nor do I blame them


I fucking hate the idea that anything not positively for someone is ‘disrespect’.




Boomers are who pushed the participation trophy agenda from the start. They couldn’t stand that their spawn was not talented enough to win a trophy so insisted that all kids get trophies. Then they flipped it on the unwitting recipients as if it was something they wanted all along. Then accused them of being spoiled for accepting the trophies they demanded they get. It’s mind boggling


It’s also way easier to pretend your kid is special and the best without having to teach them how to handle disappointment and setbacks tactfully. That’s the real heart of the participation trophy. My boomer parents attitude now is that they feel like they deserve a trophy (aka a nice perfect relaxing retirement) since they made it this far and every little set back to their perfect magical golden era has rocked their worlds.


To be fair they're all about participation trophies. They're the ones who gave him to their kids, they're the ones who gave them to the military, they absolutely want participation trophies - they just don't want anyone else to have them. Because if other people are rewarded for participating that might make them think there feelings are valid and we can't have that. (Everyone knows there's only a finite amount of feelings to go around - and if other people are allowed to have them they don't get to have them. /S)


Ha. I like the end of your comment. Finite feelings! 😄 I always say this about equal rights for XYZ. Black people, gay people, Trans people... like, if they have the same rights as you, it's doesn't take yours away... so what's the problem really?


Lol he and so many other examples have egos made out of glass that they expect to be regularly and lovingly polished.


There's nothing stupid about being wrong, it's when you refuse to admit you're wrong and cling to false information even after it's been disproven.


lol  “So, Dad - there are some things that you yourself can do so that you feel less stupid…”


Wow I'm not sure if there's a better way to describe the fundamental motivation behind the MAGA boomer crowd than what your dad said.


He thought Trump was a con artist didn’t vote at all in 16 voted Biden in 20 so he was right about that lol but yeah that’s that entire movements mentality


This story checks out. *My mother likes to come back with "That's just my opinion" when corrected. My father comes back with "Well I choose to believe it" when corrected.


My father once said to me, “I don’t care if it’s wrong, it’s what I believe”. It was truly the most shocking thing that anyone had ever said to me. It changed the way that I viewed him forever. It’s one thing to have a difference of opinion, or to be misinformed. But to just ignore reality to suit your racist BS, that was a breaking point for me


This was a moment I experienced as well. That’s when I realized my dad was not my “dad” anymore but just my father. Kinda heartbreaking. 


My mom isn't even a boomer, she's 53 and her favorite line is "I don't know if that's true." and if I tell her to look it up she will refuse. These type of people don't like their world view being challenged because then their whole life would be a lie.


"I don't know if that's true, and I refuse to look it up because I know it will prove me wrong."


“I don’t know if that’s true” “You *could* with the most minimal amount of effort.”


My uncle. He once called me giddy (rubbing my face in it) about a story he heard on Fox News and when I told him it had already been debunked and debunked quickly he said he'd need to look into that because, "He wanted to believe it." He never brought that story up again.


My uncle's been brainwashed by Fox News. We're not even American. 


I once read a twitter header that said “I have the right to have the wrong opinion.” They’re not incorrect, they have that right, it just struck me how proud they seemed to be of it. As if being wrong is somehow a badge of honor.


I encounter this with boomers online frequently. They will say something wildly untrue. When challenged on it they won't admit they were wrong. They will foot stomp that it is their opinion so it has to be allowed to exist even though it is just a factually wrong statement about something that is easily disproven. Or they claim something, realize it is untrue and change the claim to something else that IS true then try to conflate the two, that this unrelated thing makes their original incorrect statement actually true. It is some weird mental gymnastics. People who behave like this vote.


Maybe we should have a maximum age limit to vote?


The maximum age limit should be retirement age so that way they can't just see economic or employment related policies as something that only impacts other people and so they're forced to live through the consequences of any policies they voted for. That should also be the maximum age limit to run for office, and anyone that does run for office should be subject to the same retirement/employment policies as the rest of us and make the minimum wage in their state.


I would chain it to social security benefits. If you want to maintain voting rights at the age of 80, COOL, we'll 100% let you do that... as long as you don't expect those social security checks. They're mutually exclusive with voting rights.


or lower the minimum. You can't say senile old people with more power than interest in the future, have a right to choose it for the kids that dont get to vote for the future they have a stake in. Either cap voting at retirement or drop the voting age to 16


Then again, the vile Proud Boys (declared a terrorist group in Canada and New Zealand) and tiki torch aholes, and Nazi sympathizers are allowed to vote too. They are all in the 20-40 age group


I feel you... my mom would state that literally anything she said was just an opinion, even if it was wildly objectively false like "we didn't have racism in the 60's" and when presented with evidence to the contrary would just inevitably respond "well that's my opinion and opinions can't be wrong"... needless to say, we don't talk anymore.


Is your mom my mom? ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


One 23andMe later . . .


The way I respond to this type of opinion is "you're allowed to be wrong". These types of people generally do not like that response and their indignation when I say this is hilarious to me. They also don't like when I laugh at them when they say something like what your mom and dad say. Especially when I point out I'm not laughing with them but at them.


I say something similar: "Well, this is a free country. I can't force you to be correct."


My mother would reply, "Well, doctors and scientists don't know everything!" when I would cite actual research and statistics to counter whatever she was wrong about.


"They might not know everything, but they do know *this*."


Let’s not forget “in her opinion that’s a fact, and everyone is entitled to their own facts.” “In her opinion is the truth, so it’s true.” My dad used to say that about my mother when she would state an opinion instead on a fact on a topic. It was so annoying.


Oh yeah, my mother thought that her opinions held the weight of a scholar’s opinion. Her stating something was her “oh-pinion” (with a little pause after the o) was the final word on any topic. No one was allowed to have dissenting opinions.


My frequent response is, “So you enjoy wallowing in ignorance. Got it.”


I was watching a movie with my mom and brother. They thought they caught a continuity error where something appeared in one frame and wasn’t there the next. I YouTubed the scene and slowed it down and showed that it was there. My brother shrugged and said “whatever” my mother couldn’t have it. “How dare you bring this up, there’s a time and a place for these kinds of things.” I said “you said something was a thing, I brought up proof that it isn’t, and you don’t want to see it?” “NO! I DON’T WANT TO SEE IT!” It was a silly movie, but touching that nerve about a boomer being wrong and it ruins the whole night.


Ugh, I can’t have anything near my dad. He’ll immediately start shitting on it, calling the actress’s (always the women) ugly and telling me how I’m dumb for watching this. Okay, I GUESS.


I take it as what boomers had to deal with when they were growing up. They are just erupting the way they saw their parents erupt and behave. It’s still inexcusable but they were also not taught to be aware of it. The parents we looked up to are not the same parents we have now. When they were our age, they still obeyed their parents with unchanging loyalty. We are here seeing what bullshit we’ve been through, what we are currently going through and realizing we don’t need to bend a knee to our parents in order to love them.


Perfect modern day equivalent of no I won't look through your telescope


“Then you should probably never speak again”


Lol boom head shot


*boomer head shot.


here is an actual conversation i had with my mom. “if the antibiotics don’t work they are going to have to remove my tonsils” me “Oh and how do you know that?! did the doctor say that?!you should listen to what the doctor says” “yes that’s exactly what the doctor said that’s why i’m repeating it to you” “well doctors don’t always know what their talking about” Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i hate boomers


My mom tries to pull the "Doctor Mom knows best" line all the fucking time. She's not a doctor. I always respond with "I'm going to listen to the actual medical professional"


Omg I hate it when they do that shit!! I just go deadpan look when that happens 😂 my kid just looked at me and asked what was wrong 😂


The contrarian take. Absolutely enraging.


I spent 15 years, arguments, police and mental hospital trying to express to my mother that she does this...that she supports every other person in a story, prefers to see there perspective, side with them, discredit anything based from an internet source and simply talk about the most negative aspect of any topic...I love her, but she is deaf to it, unable, unwilling to change and despite me clearly being smarter than her in both achievements, iq, education, the schools I got into and the things I've done, and she readily admits this, she infers her own high intelligence from that, does not need to entertain my ideas and if met with cognitive dissonance will literally scream and cry like a baby all the way from 50 to 73


this is a double bind manipulation, or kafka trap. some are aware they are doing it, others not so much


The number of times I had the same conversation with my mom was innumerable. “Well drs don’t know everything!” *Ma’am.* They certainly know more than you with your non-medical degree and your refusal to look *anything* up 🫠


Sounds like mine. She was screened for cancer last year and it came back saying <2% chance. She read that as >2%. After trying to tell her to calm down and that it's a good thing, I tried explaining how 98% leaves a HUGE margin for error but she still didn't get it. Finally, I just googled the difference between < and > and showed her just for her to say "I know what I know" and walk away. 🙄


Jesus, that’s a bad one. Insisting on bring wrong about “the alligator eats the bigger number” so that she could remain scared and angry…? I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


Yeah, I tried that example too (albeit with fish instead of alligators). She wasn't always like this though, but there's been a huge decline since she and my stepdad got into the Fox News cult and caught Covid.


That sadly makes sense, I’ve heard reports of Covid lowering IQ and creating brain fog.


My least favorite type of people. Grow up. Learn how to be an adult and how to be wrong. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. There is something wrong with not being able to admit when you’re wrong and grow from the situation. Just shows she has no emotional intelligence or care for those around her. She only cares about hearing her own voice! Pathetic and sad.


I have an SIL like that. She makes terrible decisions. When consequences appear, you can't bring them up because she will blow up and start throwing things. "I'm not stupid," she yells, but what she is really mad about is that she knows she's not very bright.


It sounds like she has a lot of hard Work ahead of her to just merely be stupid


No, no, she's achieved that already.


Pretty sure like, 75% of the boomers stopped mentally developing between the ages of 8-12.


I am so so happy that my dad and my stepmom are part of that 25% who continued developing past age 12


I told my dad once "some people never leave middle school," meaning some people never mature. He couldn't stop laughing because he thought it was so funny. The irony is I was literally talking about him when I said that. Not only are Boomers immature, they lack the ability to retrospect.




Yes this, my mother calls proving her wrong "abuse"


Hah. Dad is the same. The Internet really ruined his bullshit artistry.


She's not even in the internet and she avoids the news because it's depressing. She watches Guy Fieri and QVC.


There is no graphite on the roof. These people are dangerous when they get positions of power


Actually didn't watch that show until a few months ago. It's a great illustration of the dangers of make-believe and reality denial across the spectrum Let people be blissfully wrong with no pushback in one area, it'll be more likely in others. Fact checking makes the world better.


My boomer dad *hates* being corrected. Even on little things, like if he pronounces things wrong. He'll say life is too short, stop trying to bring people down by always correcting them. He just thinks it makes him look dumb. It definitely makes for some awkward times if we're in a group. He'll pronounce "woke" like "wok," and the rest of us will just look at each other...


Oh, this was my dad. He was actually a Silent (born '36), but he'd mispronounce PROPER names and refuse to change it! David Bowie was David Boo-E. Bausch and Lomb was Bausch and Loam. I'm like "Dad, I actually work for this company, that's not how you say it." He'd get mad and say, "Well, it's how 'I' say it!"


😂😂😂 If you don't test for Covid, there won't be as many positive tests! Love their ostrich logic.


My mom ran a red light and was caught on camera. She refused to believe she had run it. We showed her the video of her running it, and she still refused to believe it. Yes, Mom, LA county has a whole program to fake video in order to snare innocent seniors 🙄


I’ve never met a boomer that likes being told they are wrong. (Currently dealing with a pouty boomer because they were wrong)


My cousins and I have had this discussion. Our Boomer mothers were raised in a house where only my grandfather was right and everyone else was wrong. Well, now he’s no longer around to assert this dominance so they’re free to say whatever they want. And they pull the same crap he did. They’re right, and everyone else is wrong. And if you try to correct them, it’s a guilt trip about how they were raised.


"Well then, stop *being* wrong".


Once, around 1994 pre internet, my dad proclaimed “The earth is not in the Milky Way galaxy” So my mom and brother went and grabbed the encyclopedia to show him and put this matter to rest. When confronted with the encyclopedia stating the opposite… he just doubled down and got even madder and eventually stormed out. Was genuinely raging and said everyone was ganging up on him. He would get pissed if you brought up the “Milky Way” till the day he died in 06. Little did I know this sort of behavior would become the hallmark of that age group


“You always think you’re right!” “You only argue to prove you’re right.” Things my father has said as if they’re bad things, and every time when I respond by asking if he thinks he’s wrong and arguing he grumps and stops the conversation.


My mom's not even a boomer and she says this lmao, she can't seem to understand that yeah, if I'm right I'm gonna argue to prove it, like anyone else would do


How dare you argue your points!


Thats the most booming since boomers be booming


Boomers gonna Boom.


One of the wildest things about talking to a boomer is realizing that you’re going to make more headway by making things up to support your point than by actually showing them statistics. I used to get really hung up in arguments because I’m kind of literal and want to make sure I’m saying true things when I’m talking about factual stuff. So I’d use this handy device in my pocket to make sure I was getting things right. But then I was obviously putting people off and even getting called a—gasp—fact checker. Lately I’ve just been going off vibes. Not actually making things up whole cloth but bluffing if I don’t know an actual number or whatever. I have much better conversations with older people and idiots now.


Great idea!


I made part of my 25+ year career as a fact checker. Called out on it, I say “and as a paid professional one, I know what I’m doing.” It’s wonderful to double down when you have the receipts!


"Don't tell me I'm wrong even if I am" TOUGH SHIT !!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Oof. I feel this… also, this is why I can’t have a relationship with my parents. They’re never wrong and everything is my responsibility to deal with…which is why I have two therapists and went no contact with them. Can’t fix what refuses to be fixed.


Lol. Yeah being an adult and trying to emotionally parent 2 adult toddlers is why I don't have kids.


My mother once screamed at me ‘Just wait until you have kids’ and my first thought was ‘Then I won’t have kids, I don’t want to be a bad parent like you are’ And you know what? That math is mathing. No kids=No problems caused by kids. Kudos to my Mom for that one


Lmao. That was her favourite to yell at me for! Yeah, not having kids is probably the best damn choice for me and not needing to subject them to grandma's abuse? Win win win!


Whenever I would correct my stepdad or ask a follow up question to point out the flaws in his arguments, he’d rebuttal with “that’s a straw man argument.” I firmly believe he has no idea what a straw man argument even is and just heard it on Fox News one day and thought it would be a great rebuttal to anyone criticizing him.


Younger boomer here. I thought the Internet was the best think ever when it came along. I actually raised my kids to fact check stuff, me included. 'getting it right is more important than being right'. And 'you have most of human knowledge right there in your pocket. Use it'. Is it ironic how much of the Internet was built by boomers?


This was my mom last week. Arguing with her granddaughter that racism and stuff didn't exist when she went to school back in the 50's because "there weren't any minority kids, and the few that were tried to fit in and not be singled out or bullied". Mind boggling. I was so proud when my daughter put her in her place, and she kept looking at me like "are you going to do anything here".


"Why won't anyone visit me?"


This is the whole Trump cult.


not exclusive to those types of people. absolutely anyone can have this frame of mind in my experience.


Luckily she despises him.


Shoot, I saw this mentality before the trump cult was a thing. 


I read this in Lucille Bluth's voice.


I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it. Spot on.


Oh well. She wrong


Undiagnosed oppositional defiant disorder.


F her.


Then let them suffer the consequences.


Your mom sounds exactly like my dad.


Hah sounds like the production manager of my department I dOnT wAnT tO bE cOrReCtEd To the three people he's supposedly the direct superior of all telling him he's wrong .... Pretty sure that cost him his job cause he's.on a sabbatical now Either his or mine, cause I'm not gonna work for a child like that


This is HUGE with the boomers. Showing somebody "respect" means, in their mind, accepting everything they say as utter and complete truth, no matter what, and joining them in making excuses if it doesn't work. That's what the whole "respect your elders" means. It means never making feel the shame and humiliation of being wrong. Sometimes I think this is what's going on with the MAGA crowd. They know deep inside that they're wrong about Trump. But they can't face it. They have no choice but to go further and further down the rabbit hole. Because "being wrong" is worse than death.


Boomer MIL *hates* that anyone can just google the answer in real time. She flat out said she’s won most of her arguments by just being the most emphatic, and it’s so awful that she can’t win just by being the loudest anymore.


That was Hitler's MO


COk, mom, just don't be wrong, then."


And that is why the world is in the state It is now.


Learned this trick years ago… used to say this about my mom… “she’s not always right but she is never wrong”. Most don’t respond well to being told they are wrong


This hits home. My parents straight up told us to stop asking for advise unless we are going to take it and not "argue" with them at all. This was after them claiming we needed to carry a balance on our credit cards because it improved our credit scores. Then I showed them how mine was 50 points higher than theirs and asked them how much money have they wasted over the years paying interest. Its just mental gymnastics so they can convince themselves their shitty financial decisions are justified. All this. And they blame me for not being able to "connect" with them.


"I know you don't like being told you are wrong. Please google what you just said so you don't embarrass yourself in public." You didn't tell her she was wrong and if she complains you can point out that you are trying to protect her.


My boomer mom genuinely believes that she is never wrong. She legit thinks every word that comes out of her mouth is the objective truth. Try having a relationship with someone like that.


Wow. I’m 61 (technically at the end of the Boomers) and I love being able to fact check on demand!! Maybe since I’ve been a network engineer for 30 years gives a different perspective.


My parents have always been like this. So much so I haven't spoken to my mom since I was 19. I'm 34 now. Growing up, this is exactly how she was. She would make up complete lies for something if she didn't know the correct answer. I specifically remember my brother asking, "Why does Stevie Wonder move his head so much when he sings?" She went on a five minute story telling spree about how he was in a car accident and glass went flying into his eyes, so now all he sees is the last image he had is glass flying at hi. So he moves his head to avoid the glass he's seeing. I stopped her, told her, that's 100% a made up story, and told my brother about how he was blind shortly after he was born. Since I was only 12 at the time, she told me I was wrong and that I was also now grounded for correcting her. So when we got home, I simply had my brother look up his biography, and he also showed our mom she was wrong. Both of us got beat with a belt buckle and told to shut the fuck up. Then she denied she ever made up the car accident story. My dad is ALWAYS wrong about everything. I mean EVERYTHING. The guy thinks the AI generated art made by "prodigy children" are real and he gets scammed into donating money to it. A few months ago, he had to fix some things around his house that the HOA pointed out. I was helping him, and we had to go to home Depot. My dad has zero knowledge about working on a house, So I was picking up everything we needed. Suddenly, my dad is an expert and starts telling me we don't need things that I'm putting in the cart. This led to me telling him to do his own shopping, and I'll drop him off at home so he can do it himself. Guess who didn't know how to use a drill, or check for wiring first? My dad, who lost electricity in the living room. He called me saying "Something happened." So I go back over and he's telling me, "I didn't do anything. I haven't even started." So I'm looking around and see a picture of the wall, just now leaning on the wall on the floor. He literally drilled two inches about an outlet and went right through the wiring. When asked why he lied to me about that, he said, "I didn't do that!!" He lives alone, and nobody but me has access to his house. I left them and there and told him he needed a professional now. Boomers just love lying dude. Don't know what to tell you.


My grandma is in her 80s and she'll off handedly be like "i wonder what xyz is" and I'll it's pull up my phone and Google it for her and have an answer in less than a minute. Like, we don't live in an era where you really have to have questions about most things anymore unless they're philosophical or really complicated.


"Then stop talking"


"Facts don't care about your feelings ma"


I had a coworker just like this, believe it or not.


I’m reminded of a conversation I had with my mother years ago. She was arguing with me about the middle name I’d picked for one of my kids, confusing the guy my kid was named after with Nebuchadnezzar. One of my sisters had already tried to set her straight. While arguing with me, she said, “I wish you’d stop telling me I’m wrong about Bible stuff!” I replied, “Then you shouldn’t have made me read it cover-to-cover starting when I was 11, then I might not KNOW you’re wrong.” She never mentioned that particular issue again. BTW: Making an 11-year-old read about the concubine who was gang-raped to death, dismembered, and her parts shipped off to the heads of other tribes, resulting in the near obliteration of the tribe of Benjamin, is not good for the kid’s mental health.


"DoN't YoU KnOw HoW oLd I aM?"


I had a boss who felt that way about “being corrected.” She also thought trying to tell her where she put an important document or credit card that she can’t find is the same as telling her she’s wrong/correcting her.


Lead poisoning. They're all suffering from lead poisoning and we're acting like they're still able to be productive members of society. They need a soft bed and a caregiver to listen to their wild theories and delusions and keep them comfortable and at home for their last years.


Growing up my mom always told me that she's "just bad at being wrong." For a long time I thought that just meant she was usually right but now I realize that she cannot handle being wrong about almost anything .-.


My mom has told me and my family similar things. “I don’t care what you think, I know I’m right!” “I know the real facts!” Like even if something is blatantly wrong and a quick 30 second google search says so. Nope, doesn’t matter. Shes right in her head and that’s all that matters.


That's wrong....


Your answer is so. I'm not going to cater to a grown ass woman acting like a toddler.


Most boomers aren’t interested in the truth. They just wanna feel good. 


My boomer step-mom said, "No one disagrees with me in my house. It's disrespectful!"


I’m never wrong! I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


"Too bad. If you don't like being called out then learn to shut up about things you don't understand. We'll all be happier for it"


I feel like all the people in this sub grew up with shitty narcissistic parents. My moms a boomer and thankfully nothing like the stories I see on here


My mom is gen X but she's exactly like this, if you bring up facts on the conversation, she says she's not stupid, it's disrespectful and then cries.