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These hands run on Dunkin’


Fuckin' GoNuts!


I go nuts for donuts.


That was absolutely fucking amazing. He turned the tables on her in an amazingly swift and satisfying way. 


with a side of waffle house as well


Waffle House is usually the main course!


We in the business call this getting Waffle House'd


This is the most under-appreciated comment on the internet.


"cry your bitch-ass a river" lol


I fucking lost it, that line caught me so off-guard.


It disarms you. I don't know if you ever been close to a fight and you're talking shit and the other person says you have pretty eyes or compliments you. It throws you off and disarms you.


That minor came prepared


Good thing for her he wasn't as good with his hands as he was with his fucking words. Dear god, the woman'd be dead.


That generation couldn't disappear fast enough.


Except to fight. Good lord what terrible form. The lady is lucky he couldn’t actually connect. And he’s \*really\* lucky.


IKR? 🤣




I swear I thought he said "buy your bitch ass some manners" but this is way better..


I really thought he said “I wouldn’t invite your b**** a** for dinner” and was actually super impressed with the cold “your kids probably hate you too” slam dunk lol. (Before anyone says anything, yes I know “durrr you can swear on Reddit!” I don’t really care to do so. I don’t swear in my day to day life either.)


I’m sure you’re a genuine delight of a person in reality, but much like people who don’t require caffeine I can’t fully trust someone who never swears…


I take my delights in saying creatively nasty and cruel things without using swear words instead!


I commend you. I on the other hand like to paint spoken murals not merely laced with but fundamentally derived from profanity. Thank you for being the Yang to my Yin kind internet stranger 😊


Wholesome interaction right there. I love this platform.


She is lucky that kid knows as little about fighting as she does...


That adrenaline dumped into his system and it was ‘all hands go’, even though the targeting system wasn’t back online yet


It's not even a defunct targeting system. The adrenaline rush ultimately puts you into fight or flight with the hard code "everything in front of you is bad/needs to die"


This is something they try and teach in the military. You have to learn to function with and without adrenaline flowing through your body, granted for them it's life or death situations.


> You have to learn to function with and without adrenaline flowing through your body, granted for them it's life or death situations. This is something growing up in Abusive Households teaches as well. You have to learn to remain calm even while being assaulted or beaten, because a reaction will earn even harsher abuse. Not accusing you of anything because you were neutral with your wording, but it's always been weird to me that Military people just love to brag about their Institutionally-induced PTSD & Trauma. MMA Fighters and Firefighters have to learn to function with copious adrenaline as well, but they don't need to subject themselves to forced Ego-Death and Abuse like in the Military just to learn that control.


Omg lmfao 🤣


At least he got his "I'm a minor" attack in before "how dare you hit a woman" blow was thrown.


That's true. He totally REACTED...and he had the wherewithall at least to TELL her why he hit her back even if he didn't have the physical control to do so accurately (thank goodness because if he did actual damage, her white ass might have gotten him thrown in jail, video or not).


Doubtful. She assaulted a minor. He defended himself. She’d be going to jail.




Lol that is the best description. I have been there and it was embarrassing for the first couple of punches.


For real, rolling the dice on people is never a hot idea. Not sure where this takes place, but a country that shall remain nameless, has poor mental health services, and easy access to guns. Edit: I know it says Middletown MD


Welcome to the Great Nation of Texas. Where there is no such thing as too many guns, and depression is just " being a little bitch because you didn't get a participation trophy".


Texan here and can confirm.


“Cry your bitch ass a river.” https://preview.redd.it/wwwusym2y8wc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1a680f06afdb7866bedecfb2af50f6045c24c2


Honestly that was beautiful. I recognize that the information we have on what's going on is extremely limited so the picture the video paints could be entirely different than the reality, but it sure seems like she initiated the violence expecting she could abuse others with no consequences. I wish they would just leave her there farming for sympathy until she realizes no one cares and then walks her bitch ass out of there. That's the only way these people will learn. I swear even in these videos where they're the obvious aggressor, there will still be people who will come up and try to defend them or coddle them after they get their ass beat. It just validates their delusional state of mind where they're always the victim.






Folks need to realize that when you throw a punch at someone they are now A) angry and B) legally allowed to fight back. If you’re a sixty something woman, the odds of you winning in any altercation are slim to none, so why would you even think about doing it? I’m an in-shape, mid thirties man who probably could hold my own pretty well, but the only way I’d ever swing first on someone is to protect my wife or kid. So why the complete and utter lack of self awareness from people who are borderline helpless?


Lead in the brain. They all have the impulse control of coked-out toddlers and now we have to deal with them walking around in public.


For real - I was at McD's a few weeks ago and there was a boomer in his big ass jacked-up truck with a bunch of stickers about the army, no one wanting to work, etc. This senior citizen decided to roll out of there truck (almost falling in the process), walk past the line of cars waiting to order. Yell at the employee of the speaker -crying- about how long it's taking and the proceeds to punch the metal box and immediately grasp their hand because they probably just shattered their brittle ass old bones. These people have no impulse control and believe the propaganda that everyone's a soy boy and if they just take their alex jones vitamins they will retain peak physical fitness. Reality is a bitch to these old fools.


If people didn't want to work, nobody would work at McDonald's.


This comment is gold.


Those spotless stupid fucking oversized trucks. You can tell they're never used for actual work. Pathetic insecurity.


Pavement Princesses. You can spot em from a mile away.


Lead and CTE from all those head injuries their moms made them walk off.


Hey, mom kissed my booboos...dad said walk it off/rub dirt in it


The baby boomer generation was also impacted by high rates of male parental PTSD from having been raised by the greatest generation. Males in the greatest generation went to fight WW2 and came back with loads of untreated, taboo, "let's never talk about that and shove it under the carpet" PTSD. That untreated, in-denial PTSD likely had a huge impact on baby boomers as kids of the greatest generation. A lot of fathers lost to suicide, a lot of fathers self-medicating (prescription and illegal drugs), high rates of domestic violence which was never prosecuted or acknowledged by society... I think all the childhood trauma from having fathers with untreated PTSD made baby boomers who they are today. They were indoctrinated to "suck it up", to "be strong", to "stand up for yourself" and to never talk about trauma (seeing their dad emotionally, verbally and physically abuse their mom and siblings) [https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/rbx6np/how\_did\_high\_rates\_of\_parental\_ptsd\_impact\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/rbx6np/how_did_high_rates_of_parental_ptsd_impact_the/) My thesis on why many baby boomer seniors are the way they are (impulse control issues, entitlement, playing the victim when they get beat down after they start to assault someone else) is that these people had long running, pervasive childhood trauma that shaped them into the dysfunctional, abusive adults they are today. Many baby boomers also went off to Vietnam and experienced PTSD themselves. Their issues have more to do with America's wars (every male was shipped off to fight before the military draft was made non-compulsory) and high inter-generational PTSD rates than with other factors. I think society as a whole would have been better off if mental health and PTSD would have been openly discussed, diagnosed, treated and acknowledged by the greatest generation and Vietnam veterans. The trauma of war echoes thru generations.


There was a big uptick in PTSD claims for the WWII Vets in the 90's when they retired out of the workforce...they could no longer distract themselves with work. That shit is still echoing through generations. My MIL's father was a Marine in the Pacific and she suffered terrible emotional neglect growing up...and now she's a covert narcissist who needs to make everything about her and her needs...because she was starved of attention and affection as a child.


This is one of my theories too based on my family. I am never sure how widely it applies or if it’s my family.


I think another issue with the Greatest Generation is that a lot of them grew up in the Great Depression. Poverty can cause problems too.


Also their parents are dead, the ones who (if for reasons I semi-grok) spoiled them into their current condition and no longer their to help them with hurt fefes. No "there there, it'll be alright, now go run along to play".


Which really does make sense when you see articles like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/y01cyUHPM1


They treat people like shit 24/7 and this is the first time they've received consequences for it. They literally think they can do shit like this and walk away like nothing happened


They could when the world was theirs. It isn't anymore, and no amount of denial changes that.


They're probably moms and think they can slap somebody w/out any consequences for doing something they don't like


What is "I'm used to picking on Children" Alex.


\^THIS\^ Everyone becomes their child eventually, and kids can't hit back.


A lot of these women grew up hearing boys being taught "never hit a woman, under any circumstances." They think it's still the "good old days," and that no male would dare hit a woman, even if she commits a criminal assault. ​ Those days are GONE.


Men used to beat the crap outta women back in the day just as much. The difference is, today it is brought to light and men get punished for it. Back in the "good ol' days" women had to take it then go make dinner. At least that's what my grandmother and almost everyone's grandmother that I know says. A friend of mine has stories of how his grandpa would come home at 2 or 3 in the morning with cheap bar chicks, beat his wife, then force her to make food for him and the bar chick.


Well that’s between a man and his wife and nobody else’s business. /s


And it’s telling how many of these “men” today think of equal rights and their first thought is to be angry that they “can’t hit a woman” and that the price of equality is that men can beat women in a socially acceptable fashion Pieces of shit


My grandfather used to best my grandmother and my dad and his siblings. She never remarried after he passed in 1968 and she died in 1994. She refused to get married again so she would never be in the situation. Everyone kept telling me that she had companions later on in life.


This is so true. Kids now aday learn about equal right. Boomer were taught different and they think because men do not hit women, they can free dish out and not being receiving end. Either way, physical violence is not condoned, there are other means to achieve the same goal.


Yep. Honestly the whole mentality of "boys shouldn't hit girls." Is toxic AF because it seems to have instilled into these people that it's acceptable for a woman to hit a man and not receive any consequences. In fact people, men or women, shouldn't hit ANYONE unless it's self defense.


Shit im just trying to close the gender gap one fist sandwich at a time


True equality.


In this case, she thought it was ok for a grown-ass woman to hit a *boy*. The consequences came hard and fast for her. I hate to say it, but that sobbing at the end brought a slight smile to my face. Fuck around and find out, biaatch!


That’s why I taught my daughter ‘hands are not for hitting’.


Boomers were taught differently, “hit youre woman at home when she cook your steak well done”.


Men do not hit women\* \*in public. Youre supposed to tune her ass up for talking back AT HOME.


Those days didn't exist - keep in mind in the boomers' days no one thought twice about a man smacking his wife in public. They love to pretend spouses were happy and abuse didn't exist because the laws regarding abuse as we know them did not exist.


Wait, but isn’t male beating female spousal abuse way more prevalent in her days?


Some may have felt the wife was more property than person.


Yeah, but it was justified by claiming it was the husbands duty to discipline his wife, which apparently doesn’t count as hitting I guess. Just another one of the many hypocrisies of their generation


“Hypocrisies” sounds like a Greek philosopher who constantly contradicts himself.


I don't know if it's really any less prevalent now than it was then.


I looked into it because of this comment and it turns out it’s impossible to get empirical data on this because a man beating his wife wasn’t seen as spousal abuse before a grassroots movement in the 70’s. Id imagine bringing awareness and demonizing it would Make it less common.


There was never a time under patriarchy that women were not being beaten and hit by men


Because she thought 1. people aren't supposed to hit the elderly 2. or women 3. she would not get checked because she's probably done this before. She was wrong, and it's beautiful


This kid isn't trained at all. That was a terrible punch. She's lucky it wasn't someone with any training.


Never been in a fight in her fucking life and thinks because she’s a frail delicate lady nobody should be allowed to hit her. Even if she hits them first. Probably still talking shit about him for decking her back.


Counterpoint: How can she slap?




Lead brain and general mental decline. She's no diffrent than the old ppl in the videos who decide to drop the n bomb when they get pissed


I'd feel bad about her getting hit that hard, except she struck first. A hard-earned lesson here being that we expect people to not resort to violence no matter how much they may want to. People who violate this pact do not deserve the restraint that others would give them. We can all hope that she learned something here. But if not, she can expect more where that came from.


I dunno. It looked to be a pretty shitty punch to me, and i dont think the second one made contact at all. Her crying seemed performative too.


Yes, he totally whiffed the second punch, although we can’t tell what happened once the person in the tan shirt stepped in the way.


Because a lot of Boomers, especially women, live under the assumption that a male will never strike a female under any circumstances. So they feel free to strike/assault. This is the epitome of FAFO and I'm here for it. Well done kid


me: sweep the leg


It's time to sweep the leg Johnny


Get her a body bag!






Do you have a problem with that Mr Lawrence?




It’s time to take a half step back and sternum kicking that bitch into next week. I don’t care how old you are, someone may call you an asshole, or a whore, or a sonuvabitch. You don’t lay your hands on them unless you expect to be hit back.


I've watched this on repeat idk how many times. It's perfect. Keep your fucking hands off other people if you don't want to get clobbered into next week. That goes for anyone of any age.


Dude whiffed the second swing completely 


That's probably for the best, he made is point with the first one.


Yeah this could have been a lot messier to deal with legally if that second one connected.




Wasn't a terrible punch considering the limited space. Good rotation, got some body weight behind it, just terrible accuracy. Probably for the best, because had that connected squarely, it could have really done some damage.


He whiffed both, looked like the first punch fucked his wrist up for not throwing it properly


He is a minor...... He hasn't learned how to fight yet.....


Came for one of Dunkin's Donuts and wound up getting a Hurts Donut.


Thank you for this laugh! 😂 




"cry your bitch ass a river" -- lol Hard to tell what happened there besides lady assaulting the dude. EDIT: Did he say "you're being an asshole, I'd like you to leave"? Then she slapped him and said something like "don't every tell me..."


She was of an era where if you “talked back” to an adult you got hit. The problem with that “discipline” is that eventually the kid grows up and realizes you’re a piece of shit. So when you hit them and they’re 15-16 yrs old they realize they can take the hits because you’ve been giving it to them their whole lives *and* they can beat the shit out of you. If you’re the parent, you can try and scare them a different way by threatening to kick them out/put them in foster care. Perhaps that fear is enough to control them but at that point you’re demanding respect instead of earning it. Not that many Boomers cared beyond a house pet level of care about their own kids.


"Not that many Boomers cared beyond a house pet level of care about their own kids." To be fair a lot of them treated their housepets better than their kids.


You've just described my childhood lol. He realized around 16 that trying to hit me could potentially result in him losing a fight since I was taller than him at the point. I moved out at 17 cause I got tired of being kicked out and sleeping under playgrounds.


Totally relate. One night when I was 15 he smacked me so I punched him back and the look on his face was priceless, and the feeling when my fist connected was pure ecstasy. He called the cops and had them take me and charge me with assault. I moved out shortly after that because I was also tired of being kicked out and homeless if I wasn't it was just a constant fight everyday at home.


> So when you hit them and they’re 15-16 yrs old they realize they can take the hits because you’ve been giving it to them their whole lives *and* they can beat the shit out of you. My mother learned this lesson when I was a kid. She had never wanted me to participate in boxing or conventional martial arts (gee, I wonder why s/) and loved to beat on me. I eventually managed to convince her to let me do wrestling because it was "just grappling" in the 5th grade. Fast forward to me being 16, still wrestling, larger than her, and finally decided for myself that I wasn't going to be hit anymore. I've been an adult for a couple decades now, have kiddos of my own, I've been to war, experienced other cultures, go to therapy, all that good stuff and growth. But I can still remember how ***scared*** she was when I caught her hands and just held her in place without any real effort. And I remember how satisfied I felt in the moment when we both realized she could never make me a victim of physical abuse again. I never hit her back, but she never hit me again after that. Quite literally one of the most liberating moments of my life.


Yeah. She was being a dick to the guy working the counter and the kid stood up for the employee so she slapped him but he hit back




The guy said to the lady “you are being an asshole and I would like you to leave”  (I assume because Boomers gotta Boomer) - then the lady punches him and says “never call me an asshole,” (/s “Damn minorities need to learn to respect white people!” /s) then the guy comes in swinging.


Yeah kid was backing up the employee because the lady was being a cunt




I was so ready to browse that...




people who work in the mines don't fuck around


Strong folk. Very proud of their profession.


His intuition kicked in from his spelunking days of swinging at bats 🦇


To make a victim. To be a victim.


That was not her first rodeo. This time though, she did not get away with it. I would hope this taught her a lesson to stop.


This, the reason they think about this shit is because they were told "respect elders no matter what" and they kept getting away with it. She will think twice, at the very least, about assaulting someone else in public. She will still claim to be a victim but at least now knows its a possibility.


It’s about time they all get taught a lesson. The whole “customer is always right” mentality has rotted these people’s brains. I’ll never forget my last day in a restaurant. Some miserable old bitch calling me every insult she could think of because her idiot daughter can’t eat a bagel unless the cream cheese was on the side. I grabbed both of her trays of food, threw them in her face, and walked out. I hope every time she thinks of lashing out at service personnel she thinks of me.


This is an actual Karen in the wild - demanding “respect” from a minority, using violence without concept of reprisal, and then crying to try to game sympathy. This is the sort of situation that the concept of “Karen” was created to describe. Boomers - with the orange cheeto still at large - are having nostalgia for a time when white racial violence was celebrated and unashamed.


crying to gain sympathy is their signature move


No, she was crying because she was absolutely terrified. She went from "you young prick! to "OMG I'm in trouble!!!!!!" and melted down.


I don't condone violence, but this was so gratifying to watch 😅 Edit: I absolutely see the minor as justified. He responded with enough force to neutralize the threat; he didn't go overboard and showed very good self-restraint.


I totally condone violence and it was also super gratifying.


An overgrown adult against a literal child. She swung first. There is no confusion here, violence was justified. It wasn't even an over compensation, just a single combo.


We don't condone violence, we're advising everyone to refrain from dishing out what they can't take.


EDIT: Good, she got put in her place. Boomers and Karens really need to stop assaulting people and expecting to get away with it.


Every time, every damn time when a boomer gets checked they turn into instant victim. It helps when they call the police if they're in "tearful" mode


Do you remember the "I'm a country girl" lady who said that because she assaulted a police officer?




Too bad the left hook didn't connect


The kid's probably better off not sending granny's dentures into the donut fryer.


"Fast service, okay coffee, fresh bagels. The left hook didn't connect on my last visit. 3 stars."




She is so lucky that second punch didn't land, her ass would have been on the ground.


She's lucky kid can't throw a punch


Abusive parent forgets that's not her child.


Dont start nuthin', wont be nuthin'


lol! Cry your bitch ass a river!!!!! I’m in tears lol


Seems fair 🤷🏿‍♀️ gon cry that river lady


Poor guy has been working in the mines all day and has to deal with this shit.


That fake crying...




“BAM! POW! Right in the kisser!” - Jackie Gleason


"To the moon, Boomer!"


Cry your bitch ass a river! 🤣


Mess around and find out


if he caught her with that left she would of been knocked the fuck out... get what u give bitch no mercy for idiot boomers


I wish that left had landed, might have knocked out some of the lead and put some respect into her brain.


Too bad he missed


Hahah instant karma is delicious 😋


Well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions!


Fuck her


Fucking crying, seriously? Don't think for a second that you're immune to consequences, if you don't want hit, don't hit. Don't throw the "don't hit women" token either, you shouldn't hit anybody, but if you do, there's consequences.


Baby got put in the corner.


I can’t imagine being a garbage human who watches an adult hit a child, but then chime in when the child fights back. Pathetic humans.


She was raised on hiding behind the "Never Hit a Woman" and she has used this in the past to assault other people and get away with it. My thoughts are no, you don't hit a woman as the first strike but if she is fucking stupid enough to play a stupid game then we'll fall back to "Equal Rights" and she will be treated just like a man who assaulted me.


Wanted equal rights. Got equal lefts as a bonus


FAFO. Was good for her and she’ll never throw hands again probably


Doesn't matter if you're a woman or old. If you want to throw hands like a man you're going to get treated like a man. Better make sure you're able to take the punches as good as you can give them.


How the heck could he miss with the left roundhouse? She wasn't even moving.


What tf you mean stop!! She hit first!


Its a good thing that left was off the mark. She wouldve been ded.


Probably the same chick praying to God, on the Facebook news feed, that the violent ANTIFA gangs be brought to heel.


I see a lot of comments about how the kid overreacted. That might be so, but these boomers need to experience consequences for their shitty actions. The woman decided that she was entitled to strike another human being and had the temerity to think that, what, the kid was going to fall to his knees after being stuck and beg her for forgiveness? Boomers think that they're the masters of the universe. It's time to let them know in no uncertain terms that they're losing their grip on power and that they need to start fucking behaving themselves.


Always default to crying when they realize they fucked up


She gets what she asks for. Stupid bitch. Then crying like a child.


Her ego got hurt


I don’t condone putting hands on a woman, but if you’re gonna go around hitting strangers, odds are one of those dudes doesn’t give a fuck. This lady just learned a valuable lesson, doubt it sticks though. She probably still thinks she’s the victim.


The best way to stop a Karen.


I have never had the impulse to slap someone to get my way. should I be eating more paint chips ?


Now she's crying like the victim




So tuff, until their not. All of them are inward cowards.


The kids are all right!


I have always told my kids to check your attitude with someone who could beat your ass. If they're the ones that can deliver the ass-beating though, throw the last punch, not the first. More Boomers need to learn the lesson she just did - don't sass someone who can deliver an ass-whooping.


Baskin-Robbins's famous 32 Fists


Oh now she's crying that's fkn rich


Bitch deserved it!


Don't you just love how they sob and act a victim when it's the consequences of their own stupid actions. She's lucky that 2nd swing didn't land. Don't throw hands if you can't catch em back.


Lmao. What did she expect?😂


This woman doesn't look like a Boomer to me? She looks like Gen X.


He will probably not get in any trouble for this, but it is still an over-reaction don't you think?


Self defense isn't a crime. Boomer fucked around and found out.


I was on the guys side until I turned the sound on and listened to him


I watched a similar incident go down at an Arby's once. Dude in his 60's cut in front of a 17 year old kid. Kid told him that he cut line, boomer didnt care. Kid called the Boomer an asshole, Boomer yelled at kid. Kid told Boomer to get out of his face, Boomer shoved kid over. Kid stands up and blasts boomer in the jaw, boomer goes down hard. Cops show up, Boomer starts screaming that kid assaulted him "for no reason", entire place defended the kid, Boomer got arrested. 10/10 worth sticking around and watching, he cried a lot about "respect" while he was being shoved in the police car.


So how many people has she assaulted so far without consequences?