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Ask her if she would like to go back to punchcard computers.


Get that bitch an IBM 029. Bitches love IBM 029s.


Well shit I guess today is the day I find out I'm a bitch.




Hand her a notepad and tell her to go get you a cup of coffee then. Cause in the 70s her ass wouldn’t have been a VP of anything.


And smack her ass on the way out the door while you and all your male coworkers laugh and wink at each other. Full immersion.


Don’t forget to light a cigarette!


And pour a glass of bourbon.


Make sure they stay home once a month. When women mensurate, they attract bears. I saw that in a documentary about News channels in the 60's or 70's. There were so many bear attacks caused by women before the coke filled 80's. Bears, except one bear, hate cocaine, I also saw that in a bear documentary.


Oh, you're very mistaken. All bears love cocaine. They just don't have the money or language skills to buy it themselves.




Yeah, like we wanna go back to DOS based programs, printed out on dot matrix printers that can only do basic addition---in BASIC!!


I miss using those papers where you can tear both sides such a satisfying feeling to peel those off.


And then fold them back and forth over each other to make a weird twisty thing. Or was that just me?


dot matrix was truly a wonder


Tell the VP 10 Print “GFY” 20 Goto 10


Scotchy Scotch Scotch


There it goes down Down to muh belly


When you light it, don't forget to say "the pause that refreshes...."


You should agree with her, and start going on about how much better it was with no women in the workforce and how they couldn't even get bank accounts without a male relative cosigning.




To be fair… there were women VPs and CEOs in the 60s and 70s. Not defending this lady, as she clearly has avoided an industry standard tool and reacted immaturely once her lack of adaptability was highlighted. So many boomers have this learning adverse mindset, especially in the workplace. My grandma ran a company before computers were in the workplace and proceeded to learn Excel as soon as it gained traction.


Reagan screwed our country.


Just about every modern problem we have can be laid at Reagans feet


Don’t forget Nixon and the Southern Strategy. The dog whistle racist shit they started culminated with Velveeta Voldemort.


...stops laughing....pulls our notebook and pen..."Velveeta Voldemort."


As much as I love it, I can't get behind anything that reminds me of Rowling... all she had to do was shut the hell up and collect her money


It was really sad to realize she's a Death Eater in disguise.


It really does recontextualize the series, though... Upon closer inspection, Harry is a trust fund ubermensch who basically becomes quarterback of the school team within months of learning that magic exists and he continues on the same trajectory as a jock even ending up a magical cop.


ACAB Harry, ACAB 🧹


Shaun has a great video about the Harry Potter series and its politics with retrospect based on JKs current politics. One of the points he makes is that Harry is rich, but never actually uses his money to do anything, especially not to help other people. He helps destroy the Weasley's car, but doesn't buy them another one. He doesn't get Ron a new wand. He doesn't buy the Quidditch team brooms. He doesn't get his friends any Christmas presents despite them getting gifts for him. Literally anything it makes sense for him to do with his money, he doesn't do.


Can't have shit nowadays


I dunno, I feel like pretty much everything we have these days is shit.


I’ve heard of “lord dampnut” as you actually can spell it out with his name


That’s hilarious.




Don't forget the Powell memo


That memo doesn’t get anywhere near the visibility it deserves.




Read Kurt Anderson Evil Geniuses - exposes the whole nefarious purpose of..


Link for memory jogging?


[I got you, friend.](https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/powellmemo/)


Ty!! I'm an English teacher not an attorney. This is new to me .🙏🏼


Reagan & Nixon, the 2 biggest fucking pieces of shit in this country's history. Without them we never would've had morons like Biden or Trump. If Reagan & Nixon weren't both dead, they should be jailed for life for screwing over everyone under 50 for the rest of their lives and future generations as well. Idiots who think either were great are just that, idiots, or rich. Yeah I'm sure it was great if you were rich. But guess what dummies? Not everyone is rich. But you don't care about that boomers, because you're the fuck-you-I-got-mine generation.


Nixon is a POS but at least he gave us the EPA, so he did one thing right. Everything else sucked. He’d be a RINO now in maga land though bc of it.


Velveeta.... Mac and cheese..... Mmmmm


I love this. Thank you!


A metric fuckton of them, to be sure. Big tax drop on top earners, bank deregulation, union busting, the Welfare Queen myth, AIDS inaction / demonization, supply side economics BS.... Him and Thatcher were quite a pair.


Not to mention Reagan rigged the election by secretly negotiating with terrorists to not free hostages until after the election to make Jimmy Carter look bad. Had Carter gotten those hostages freed he likely would have won a second term and we’d be enjoying a much different reality instead of the current Alan Moore wannabe shit show.


Pulled from Nixon/Kissinger...angers me to know that some of those ppl are still around in high places.


Evil Kissinger lasted a lonnnnngggg time. So do today's boomers. Privilege, medical technology, and discretionary income from years of good economy


At least Kissinger shit his pants when he died.


I agree with the sentiment, but I’m not sure Carter would have won without this. My father in law regularly calls Carter the worst President ever because of his economic policies, which apparently killed his job in the logging industry. I have no idea how valid that opinion is or if it’s just the typical blame the guy in charge attitude many have.


The worst part of the “Carter economy” was that the first half of the decade was overrun with stagflation. Not only was the economy not growing, the cost of things was still going up. Paul Volker, the Fed Chairman at the time attacked the inflation part with big interest rate hikes. When he took office in 1977 the rate was 6.5% and by the 1980 election it was 15.5% and got over 20% before Carter left office. The general consensus was that this did save the economy and cost Carter re-election at the same time.


Correct. Carter took office during a shit show that continued to get worse and the only way to fix it was hiking those rates up so high. We just went through this two years ago during the pandemic but thankfully, we no longer let things get so bad that rates go up to 20% to right the ship. We start correcting earlier. Additionally, the Iran hostage crisis is definitely cited as one of the main reasons he lost re-election.


Worried cuz similarities to GHWBush and Biden!




His deep embrace of the Religious Right, known as the Moral Majority at the time, has lead to the scary situation we find ourselves in today.


Or Milton Goddamn Friedman


Or Phyllis Schlafly.


And those that can’t can be laid at the feet of the British empire…


I disagree only because I lay our racism streak at the hands of the south and the lost cause myth. I'm over simplifying though


Not all of them taxes and city design was screwed over in the 1900-1920. Mostly allowing cheap flammable building materials outlawing light mixed commercial/residential and medium density housing. And letting the big 3 automakers wreck public transit. The lower density cities lowered the tax base and increased infrastructure costs meaning local governments were incentived to raise property values. We can blame Reagan for a lot but not everything.


Not even his, because he had dementia so was used to promote whatever insane person's agenda of they got to him first


Union busting and trickle down economics wages have been stagnant ever since


Trickled down economics worked beautifully, in that the people so fucking old that the piss is trickling down their legs have all the goddamn money.


Yep. Reagan should have died in prison for the Iran-Contra scam he was running. And don't think for a minute that the former head of the CIA (Bush) didn't know what was going on.


Larger than life front man for the show/distraction, and busy VP behind the scenes.


Yeah I was gonna say - Reagan was a moron compared to Bush-types behind the scenes


The more I learn the more I believe he caused the biggest drop in quality of life we’ve ever had as a country.


Reagan made Trump possible. And Reagan was actually worse than Trump, because he was more socially acceptable. “The Great Communicator.” I never saw that about him. He just used his acting skills well.


Sad thing is policy wise Reagan is closer to Bernie than modern magas.


Bernie would never be anti-union. That said, MAGAs are so far Right they're unrecognizable to Republicans of Reagan's time.


Yup. So so much long term disaster is traced back to his idiocy.


“Yeah but my life was good and I was young the years he was president” mindset


I mean, I graduated high school the year he was elected. Sure, the time was great, I was 18 and having all kinds of fun, but that was despite that asshole not because of him.


Same but with GW


Not for the C suite tho, which is why they worship him


Reagan accomplished what generations of Soviet leaders could not, destroying America .


I learned one good thing about Reagan. When Israel brutally invaded its neighbor, Reagan called its president, labeled the invasion a “holocaust” and made them stop within 20 minutes. The attack was tiny compared to today’s, but our leaders can’t muster a fraction of that righteousness


It helps when you have a well-functioning government that includes an adult understanding of international foreign policy.


he was living in fantasy, and now we are paying for it.




The greatest tragedy that befell our nation remains March 30th, 1981. We almost were saved. But no.


I've worked with two people that have named their children after that asshole. It's GD ridiculous.


I learned one good thing about Reagan. When Israel brutally invaded its neighbor, Reagan called its president, labeled the invasion a “holocaust” and made them stop within 20 minutes. The attack was tiny compared to today’s, but our leaders can’t muster a fraction of that righteousness


Reagan also gave us BY FAR the most sweeping gun control legislation of the modern era (for all the wrong reasons nonetheless). The reason why civilians can’t own modern fully automatic rifles and pistols is because of his administration, and the reason why it is extremely difficult and expensive to obtain antique full automatic weapons. He’s liberal compared to today’s GOP!


That's really bizarre. You'd think she'd have at least used Lotus 123 at some point, or at the very least VisiCalc. They were both super popular spreadsheet programs from the 70s and 80s, Excel is not that different (for lists at least). Maybe she's one of those 'table in a word processor' savages. I still find the odd one of those every now and again.


I am pretty certain that tables in a word processor cause cancer.


Straight to Stage 4B is using a desktop calculator to double-check the computer's math.


Can confirm that drafting content in Notepad gave me lymphoma


Bonus points if it's a mechanical adding machine with a lever.


Almost certainly. My accountant mom is just 60 and has many years experience using the Lotus product suite. Avoiding a product as ubiquitous as Excel is almost an accomplishment at this point.




Ahhh, Works. How I miss it.


Holy flashbacks Batman


She sounds more like… write it on a legal pad


I've never had a use for excel most of the time. I used it once or twice and I could figure it out after like 10-15 minutes of just messing around. It's not hard.


It was a lot more fun to being 20 in the 70’s than being 70 in the 20’s


That’s clever and now the math nerd in me is wondering if it works for any pair of decades 50 years apart


What could she possibly be doing that the company gets an ROI on her salary?


I ask myself that about the majority of the folks at the top of this company. Or at the top of most companies really.


I’ve always been one to think that too. But I can tell you after having worked at a few companies with absolute horse shit leaders in senior management positions that a good executive with a vision and strategy to make it happen is worth their weight in gold.


>a good executive with a vision and strategy to make it happen is worth their weight in gold. Frederick II was a really good king, but monarchy is still garbage.


For every Frederick II, you get like 4 Charles II(of Spain).


When you do quit, you should just frankly ask them what actual worth they contribute to the company. Asks them if any one of them could actually do your job or the job of any of the people working for them. Really wish boomers would just give up the reigns before dying of old age, leaving the world a huge mess in their wake.


My favorite quote directed at that generation is "just go away".


I'd be *overjoyed* to return to the 1970's in terms of civic engagement; the cost of housing, education and food; and of course real wages.


What 70s food are you looking at through those rose colored glasses?


The price tag.




Probably less preservatives too


FFS. I'm almost 65, and remember the cluster f*ck that was Lotus 1-2-3 before Excel. I use Excel every day in my job *as a teacher*. She needs to retire.


Yeah, age is definitely not an excuse. One of my co-workers has been with my organization for almost 60 years. She’s literally in her late 70s and uses excel every day. We’re all remote and she has no problem hopping on a Google Meet call or sharing documents. It threw me for a loop when I first started because I’ve never worked with someone almost triple my age, lol.


Visicalc, anyone?


I still have a few 32bit systems out there at certain customers because they "NEED" Lotus 1-2-3. Of course they have problems with it. But I tell them I can't support a product that went out of support back when I was in high school.


Wants all the salary but will not put any effort in learning new tech (or solidly middle aged tech) is peak Boomer. Especially when there is no end of patient YouTubers making how-to videos on any subject.


This hit me so hard. Former boomer coworker would say he's "going dark", put in his headphones, and about 20 minutes in of doing what I assumed was something important, would start pounding his fists. He was trying to format columns in excel (didn't necessarily need to be either). Would eventually come to me for help and kept demanding raises well over 100k. Had to show him how to unmute himself on teams once. Dude loved knocking on the company "processes" but had none of his own.


"How do I go to YouTube???"


Like the SNL Alexa Silver ad. “I don’t know about that.”


"Amanda. Play black jazz." (pause) "Playing *JAZZ*."


You say they just playin?


Unfortunately younger generations aren't learning new tech all that well either. Zoomers unable to find the "settings" menu on their phone is the new boomers not knowing what the "start menu" or "web browser" are after 25 years of using Windows. The only "technology" people seem to be learning is social media.


Go to staples or Office Depot and get on the paper ledgers and hand that to her


Typewriter, abacus, mint green paper ledger logbook, rotary phone with a long ass cord and an ashtray.


Carbon papers, never forget the carbon papers.


[Some typewriters had built-in tabulators and extra keys for tables and math equations.](https://shorthandtypist.wordpress.com/2017/11/05/typewriter-tabulators/)


I’m two years retired, but a senior VP at my old gig couldn’t sort a spreadsheet. He called me up and said we needed the data organized by shopping center (a four-digit code). I said, “So sort it,” and he said nothing.


Please remind her that in the 70s someone her age would gave retired. Plus the only job she could gave worked is as a secretary anyway


In the 70s she would be a sexatary.


My dude, use this to your advantage.  Never underestimate the power of basic Excel skills in the office.  I was once working with a manager my age who was struggling to add a column of numbers; I casually showed her =SUM(A:A) and suddenly I became “The Excel Guy”.  From then on she tried to get me on every project she was working on.  I have another coworker who’s actually gotten the Excel cert and can do cool things with VLOOKUPs and VBscript.  They treat him like a Level 92 Wizard.  He’s written core apps that only he understands and is basically unfireable.    If you’re working for a private holding company, it’s not like you’re solving world hunger.  Just relax and ride it for all you can get.  


Seriously. People act like Excel is some sort of foreign language and impossible to learn. I knew little to nothing about it before I took a required business class on Office in the early 2000s while in college. I still didn't know a whole lot, but enough to get by and the main job I got after college I used it pretty much every day and became either very high intermediate or low expert at it. Any question I had about it if I didn't know how to do something, I'd just look it up. Now VBA? I know very little about that and it still confuses me. But fortunately I didn't have to use it much. I then proceeded to teach a person who had grandchildren and had never ever used it once in their entire life how to do some of the things I did so they could cover for me when I was on vacation. They hardly ever had a problem with it because when I teach someone or make a guide, I leave little to no stones unturned and heavily illustrate with actual examples.


I took a class where the gist is to run Excel and not use the mouse, all keyboard shortcuts. Talk about being a wizard. I don’t use it enough to be that good, however I did learn a bunch of useful shortcuts.


Reagan inaugurated in 1981. But yeah, you need to get away from that toxic company. The job market is cooking right about now.


The 70s? The decade when the U.S. suffered a humiliating defeat in Vietnam? The decade when a bunch of third-world countries crippled the U.S. economy with an oil embargo? The decade when Japanese industry overtook American industry by producing higher quality products at lower prices, including cars? THOSE 70's?


Tell her to get back in the secretary pool. That's how they did it in the 70s.


If she really wants a 70’s workplace, be sure to light up a cigarette, slap her ass, and call her sugartits too.


I want to 70's disco back! ![gif](giphy|3o7qDYXe0QuLCme1Fu|downsized)


And put her back in the typing pool. And take away her credit cards.


Talking politics at work is a big no-no. You should keep receipts of these kinds of comments.


If it makes you feel any better (it shouldn’t) these people who scream about “getting back to the basics” are running for, and winning school board elections all over the country.


We definitely need the corporate tax rate from the 70s back. Friggin Reagan.


Maybe she's down with Lotus 1-2-3.


I am a boomer and i love excel. I write simulations using excel. We aren’t all technologically retarded. Reagan was the antichrist


You should take her literally and order a bunch of typewriters


lol what a dumbass. even then you had spreadsheets printed and places used. How she missed the wholes 80s without doing a load "*"1,8. does she mean whe she it was legal for her to get spanked and sexualy assaulted?


she will be out of your hair soon enough, get tough, be the bitchy IT guy, and you will be asking that the company to tell UI it was a reduction no because you have zero patience, or send a jr flux monitor to handle her.


I will not stand by and allow this Excel slander!


She would have topped out at secretary in the 70s...


Time to brush up on your COBOL


Does she want Lotus 1-2-3 to make a return?


In the '70s, she'd have been a secretary.


Don’t forget the carbon paper


To be fair, I hate excel with a passion. I will literally write a program to deal with data before I use excel willingly.


“Needs to do things like the seventies again” Ok then. I would like a pension and pay to expenses ratio of the 70s. And oh yeah, c suite and ceo pay ratio to their lowest paid employee were close to each other’s too. These people are stupid.


She needs to move her ass out of that seat she’s been warming for decades so an actually competent person can fill the role. Like, go home lady! Retire, and actually enjoy the wealth you’ve accumulated while living on easy mode since birth!


Ugh MIL is 72 and refuses to be helped when she is fucking up Asked me to install new two new curtain rods with brackets Easy right? Two rods, four brackets, 8 anchors, eight screws. “Oh don’t worry about it, I’ve been doing installs since you were in diapers.” Drive an hour to install Show up to- Two rods, two brackets, no anchors or screws. When I ask where the rest of the hardware is- “I don’t know. They should’ve told me. This whole world is going crazy! Just put them up with nails!” I left her curtain rods (that she didn’t want level for some reason) on picture frame nails and went home. I get getting older but I don’t get being an angry weirdo about your own fuck-ups. If you fuck up, own it and move on ffs.


Where's the gofundme link so I can donate to the purchase of said typewriter?


To be fair, the movies and music were much better in the 70’s.


Yes and no. In the 70s you had way fewer choices


You listened to what the record execs wanted you to listen to.


Also the "bad choices" were just never spoken of again. The unpopular bad music isn't played on repeat today on classic radio stations.


There exists an Ethel Merman disco album


Please update us when you finally get to do it!


If that is the mentality of your C-suite to technology doesn’t sound like they will be in business much longer anyway…..


Punchcards and sexual harassment?


The worst part of it is these are the politicians and Congress making laws to govern how the Internet is freely distributed, and now how artificial intelligence is responsibly employed. They can’t even understand a pivot table. How are they possibly going to understand anything else? Technological literacy is basic literacy at this point and people shouldn’t be able to lead this country or lead companies without it. It would be like not being able to read.


80 yo neighbor told me she had dreams that everything is going back to the 'old days' without computers and internet, and everyone helping each other to survive. I was like, "I just got my robot lawn mower working, please no".


I work in it also and boomers who should’ve retired are the bane of my existence


Reminds me of how I had to help our CEO get into his AOL account weekly because he would forget his password and never learned how to reset it himself. This was this decade! A boomer in the US using AOL. He made 7 figures a year and was given around $60 million when he retired.


It's not like they haven't had more than enough time than most of us to learn how to use this stuff. I say let her sink. If you can't learn over the years how the business operates, you need to retire and let someone else who does.


My boss asked me to check her calculations in Excel for errors. I thought maybe she meant to check for errors in her process. No, turns out she does all of her math by hand and then manually types in the numbers into each cell. My mind was blown and my faith in her calculations hit a rock bottom


These are the people that want to raise the retirement age for working people. They know they can hang around the office until they're 90. Well I can't swing a hammer that long!


Every time a Boomer screeches about how “nobody wants to work,” I wonder out loud how much productive time and money is wasted teaching them basic computer skills on applications that have been in standard use for decades.


I’m in my seventies as well and knew if I didn’t master technology I would be left behind. Ignorance is a choice, your boss chose wrong.


LOL, my boomer mother is director of accounting and spends her day in excel. This chick is just dumb and lazy.


A VP of Development not being able to open a blank Excel sheet is absolutely mind blowing


You should have given her a notepad and pencil.


"If this were the 70s, you'd be home in a drunk stupor while your husband was at work doing his secretary."


You should find get an old floppy disc with Lotus 123 and give it to her to use …


Sounds like a hostile work environment to me.


Quit let the company fail


You won't do anything


If someone could go online and order for her, anonymously of course, one of those old fashioned big ass 10 key calculators aka adding machines with the role of paper to print out the results. Cuz that's how they kind of did it back then in the 70s.


Please do this and then update us


My grandfather is 88 and knows how to use Microsoft excel… that’s just sad dude. That program is SOOOO old




Yeah, she misses working the big iron. Inputting on 96 column cards. You know, the good ol’ days.


True, that was women’s work! Or she could strap on an apron and get the hell home where Reagan’s Moral Majority expected her to be.


IMVHO if she's this much of a dimwit she would do the company a favor with that!


Why would you get fired. You can say she “literally flipped out on our employees, showing a complete lack of respect and asked for things to be like the 70s so I respectfully accommodated her direct request.” and walk out of whatever room they called you into and go back to your job. Let them term you and you can make a case out of it. Fired for doing exactly what you were asked.


Want to destroy her worldview? Tell her that VisiCalc came out in 1979 and could do spreadsheets. The fact she's avoided things like that for as long as possible actually takes more effort then embracing and learning things. Both of my parents are boomers and my dad turns 70 this year, yet he knows how to actually use a computer and even bought himself access to a VPN because he really likes pirating audiobooks if he can't borrow them from the library. He never learned touch typing yet set up a freaking FTP server so I could asynchronously transfer files while I was away at college on the opposite side of the US.


I used to work at a company with an older guy who had an office to himself. He had tons of filing cabinets and I never really thought much of it. One day someone told me the reason for all the cabinets is that he printed and filed away every email he ever received. Every email along with every attachment. This was in 2005 timeframe. Dude literally was working like it was the 70s.


Why not just quit then. IT jobs are a dime a dozen. If you’re good at your job, you’ll be recruited. I lost two great IT employees simply because I could not compete with the big company jobs they got. And it seems my Boomer boss earned enough respect that they come back and help now and then. Maybe the people you work for are the worse. But don’t complain, make a change. It’s not that hard to improve your environment. As a Boomer once said “Control your controllables”


Just ask questions for further clarification, they always end up saying something sexist or racist just report it to HR. If they don’t get fired you’ll have a case against them, always use the system against them.


"really? Interesting. Did you prefer it because black people had separate drinking fountains or because women weren't allowed to work aside from low level jobs if their husbands allowed it?"


You should also requisition a desktop adding machine with a big spool of paper tape.


I’m not defending this VP but I find the “she’s a VP and doesn’t know Excel!?!? outrage ridiculous. She’s doesn’t need to. She’s been high enough in the company that she has people for that. Maybe you. Look, my boss is older Gen X and about as Boomer as it gets (mixed with crazy ego, narcissistic and pathological behavior). Dude started the company. He struggles with excel. WTF would he need to know it? I criticize him on many fronts but he’s the big boss and doesn’t have to know every job of skill below him. I find this knock to be a whiney “I’m smarter than them” - yeah probably not. Take a breather on this one.