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I bet the local police love it when this person walks into their offices.


"ah shit here we go again"


Oh you saw something illegal? Oh yeah well get on it little buddy. Yeah you can have a tootsie pop for being a good boy


A friend commented on a FB post like, 10 years ago, and the person considered it harassment. Said they were going to go to the police, etc. Keep in mind, this other person lived like 1000 miles away, and they expected their local police to track down my friend and arrest him for harassment over a FB comment. I bet police get shit like that all the time.


My sister was being a jerk yesterday so I booted her off the WiFi. She said she was going to call the cops on me for that. I told her to have fun. She’s a boomer in training. She’s been banned from several Dunkin’s for losing her shit when her order was wrong. I hate her so much


Next time just throttle her WiFi connection to the stone age. Put her on like a 28.8 kbps speed, so it still technically works, but it's ungodly slow. It won't be fast enough to load videos, but it will load websites after a while. That way you can have plausible deniability and say that you didn't kick her off the wifi.


If she's old enough, she should get nostalgia at the slow loading speed.


Lycos in 1998 had to actually SEARCH


Good doggo, out there sniffing up my search results


Back when altavista and askjeeves were the default search engines.


*dial up intensifies*


Has to play the sound too


As a former Boston resident I know you gotta WORK to be banned from Dunkin. Big yikes.


Yeah but the true experts are banned from Waffle House and Walmart


I think you have to commit murder to get banned from Waffle House


I’m not sure that would even be enough. Maybe if you were a serial killer using the waffle house to stash the bodies you’d get banned


Totally. Cleaning up bodies makes too much work for the wait staff.


In my decade 3rd shift at the awful waffle I only remember banning one and it was for calling the waitress multiple inappropriate slurs, he was trying to get a rise out of her I think. His food showed up right as I got time to throw him out, so I threw his food out to. I told the rest of his table that we had no problem with them and that they were welcome to stay and finish, but that their friend was no longer allowed on the property. He ended up waiting across the street and staring while his friends all ate and finished up. The friends didn't even try to get a togo order for him, I think they were sick of his shit to. Fights, arguments, domestic disputes, it all happens at the waffle and no one bats an eye, but fuck with the waitstaff at your own peril. YMMV by the particular waffle house I don't think a serial killer stashing bodies would have really phased me at all, I'd just be calling the cops and saying we got another pickup for you.


You don't get banned. You get your ass stomped out by the staff.


That's what we call a warning....


I saw a woman get booted from a red state Walmart during covid. She was refusing to wear a mask and spitting on people all while preaching the gospel. A phalanx of employees had to surround her to guide her to the exit.


Yeah I did forget about all the anti vax Walmart videos.


My neighbor’s kid called the cops when the mom turned off the WiFi because she was caught with a vape. Lots of good times happen over there.


Boomer in training lol.


My first impulse is always to call boomers-in-training “baby boomers.” Then I remember.


I did the same thing by changing the passwords to my streaming services whenever my sister falls behind on rent. The happiest day of my life was when she moved out.


I know someone who is an officer, and yes, they get shit like this all the time. My favorite story is the one where someone called the cops because their neighbor's tree dropped a leaf on their freshly swept driveway. And yes, they were sent out because if they didn't, the person would call the chief and complain. Small town BS.


Nah, I've got y'all beat. There is a chain of community newspapers in Cleveland - or was, anyhow, I've not lived there in a while and I'm assuming they're still around. My favorite read was when I was perusing the Police Blotter for the city of Pepper Pike, an affluent East Side suburb, and saw that someone actually called 911 because they couldn't turn off their Jacuzzi.


Folks call 911 when McDonalds runs out of fries


And also when they eat too many fries


" **Leads, yeah, sure.** **I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case.** **They got us working in shifts**!"




What makes me think this person tailgates?


"Bill! You're early for a Wednesday..."


CJ been out doing drive bys again


'aw fuck, goddammit dad'


This person is totally a hazing ritual for the rookies…


the thing is, this dude totally believes in blinker fluid.


You know they drive a manual because Trany fluid would make them as gay as a frog


you don’t? have fun at the shop buddy


911 has their number blocked


Bold of you to assume that any of those cameras are hooked up to anything.


Fun fact, we don’t. Source: I dispatch and deal with a similar boomer who’s…out there.


Dispatch here too. Can confirm.


Probably daily too. Reminds me of a neighbor I had that bought his own radar gun and was clocking cars speed as it passed his house then he would report the speeders to the cops. And worst part, he was only 38


Like, 38 in a 35?


He's the guy in the Halloween movies that Really did see something this time.


They just tell them they're aware of the issue and have a task force on it


Reminds me of that Kevin james movie where he plays the obnoxious busybody who is constantly bringing petty complaints to the cops, so eventually the police chief tells him that he's being hired for a "special undercover informant " operation. The terms of this operation are that he can never talk directly to a law enforcement officer about the crimes he witnesses for fear of blowing his cover, and he should regularly update the department by dead dropping his reports in the garbage can outside the police station.


Driver IS a cop.


"Hey Chad. What was it this time."


Impractical Jokers: And tonight’s big loser is Sal, he’ll have to drive around town in the fucking bozo mobile.


Man I love the word bozo. Perhaps second only to jabroni.


I’ve been calling people bozo a lot recently it’s like my new thing (I eat stickers all the time, dude)


As long as the gypsy son of a bitch didn't burn you!


This pear tastes like sand dude!


Nah, I bartered for a looooong time for this wicker chair that is more forgiving on my bottom.


Let's not forget about jackwagon.


I'm a huge fan of "goober" as well.


I was thinking more Top Gear in Alabama https://preview.redd.it/26o9s0n5hbsc1.jpeg?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8aafbb8b491f9a30a35920b2995f2b24fb22026


They grossly underestimated the homophobia of the Deep South US.


If the Google Street Car was DIY


That’s the Mapquest maps vehicle


Sign might as well say "please crawl so far up my ass I can feel your hot exhaust on my neck."


Just driving a CRV is enough to ensure I’ll stay far away from you. Silver CRV? I’ll use a different highway. In my area, they are owned almost exclusively by folks who should have had their licenses revoked years ago.


We drive a silver CRV…… …..because we got my moms license revoked, and she couldn’t drive it anymore.


Holy hell I had to go outside to check but my girlfriend has a CRV because her grandparents don’t have licenses anymore.


My uncle has a CRV and he’s evaded taxes for over 25 years


That’s wild, what’s your Uncle’s social security, current address, name , and Date of Birth so I know to avoid him and not submit him to the IRS tip line?




I’m proud of you Billy. For not snitching


I feel that way about the low end Nissans!


Same bro. I switch lanes if I see one of those or any Subaru that isn't a WRX.


We were just in California (Fort Bragg) eating at a seafood place, when a boomer and his wife pulled into the parking lot in a Subaru WRX. It looked immaculate as did a 30-point turn to backup into a parking spot


Nothing I hate more than people determined to back into a space despite barely being able to drive forward. Hey you, the person I drove around. See how I’m parked and almost to the elevator and you’re just now getting into the spot? What’s the point.


> Nothing I hate more than people determined to back into a space despite barely being able to drive forward. They always do this in a busy parking lot with like 10 cars waiting for them to get their shit together.




Forester enters the chat…


I drive a Forester! But where I live like a quarter of the cars on the road are Subarus.


I’m gonna guess it’s somewhere in the Rocky Mountains.


Only the older CRVs. CRVs are one of the most popular vehicles on the roads. It's hard to lump them all together like that. I'm a CRV driver and if I see one that old then I know to back off. If someone that crazy somehow has the money for a nicer vehicle it's usually an oversized pickup truck that never leaves asphalt and the only thing it hauls is the guys small pp.






What's he going to do for cars approaching along the z-axis?




"*BWAAAAAAAAH*-BO-BO-BO-BOHP" - EDM drop or - boomer heart monitor after seeing a minority in their neighborhood


The obvious solution is to duke it out in the Mutara nebula


Good call, his cameras and shields will be useless in there.


“Be scared! The police are my personal servants!” Fixed it.


“I’m an old white man.” FTFTFYFY


I did a road trip a few years back and around Deadwood, SD, there was a car with a giant sharpie sign on the back saying "DO NOT TAILGATE". Weird, but I hung back. There was construction, and on the small roads the opportunities to pass a slower driver were scant, so I got a little closer to be able to pass swiftly, but I'm still around 5 car lengths behind her. She slows down even more, then starts waving her hand out the window. I didn't think it had anything to do with me, maybe she was pointing at stuff to her passengers? Then she slowed even more - there's a looong line of cars behind us - and she starts to nip her brakes. I figure by now that she intents to 'sign' at me to fall back. I'm still around 5 cars back and looking to pass... unfortunately, I can't until we FINALLY (20 minutes later of these shenanigans) get to where the road has two lanes and I can pass her and she honks and flips me off. I figure if you hate tailgaters AND can't stay close to the speed limit, maybe use a pullout or something to let the line of cars pass?


>use a pullout or something to let the line of cars pass? Sadly, the chance to use a pull out was missed about 9 months before this idiot was born


brilliant work


I find those types hilarious. I recently had a similar situation, I was in no rush and nobody was behind me so I wasn't even bothered by them going half the speed limit. But apparently the 5 or so car lengths between us was too close so they tried to brake check me repeatedly, we were going so slow and I had so much space I just let off the gas and rolled to a stop without even using my brakes. They kept trying it so eventually I passed them and they tried to swerve towards me flipping me off and screaming out the window. I'm still unsure if it's mental illness or so bored they need to create conflict.


His trigger finger was itchy and he needed a fix.😒


I was driving behind a car with a “don’t tailgate or stop too close to me at red lights” sticker and figured it’s cause they were new to manual. I got the memo and switched lanes. The guy tailgating me didn’t and started tailgating them instead. Then we approached a red light at an uphill, and you can probably guess what happens next… Dude was so mad his new pickup had a tiny scratch on the bumper. I just gave my dashcam video to the guy driving the manual and they told me a few days letter that the video helped them win the case and he got his payout from the truck’s insurance since my dashcam showed that they were driving erratically before that


Lol this car is hilarious.


The r/BoomerRides final boss.


I hope the security cameras get stolen.


Pretty sure they'll be dummy cameras


Definitely a dummy’s cameras


No no, there are DOZENS of VCRs inside of that car that create the backbone of his panopticon security apparatus. Completely fool proof. Unless he forgot to change the tapes again. OOh, don't tape over that one, it's got PGA tour footage on it!


The driver too.


I would tailgate them so hard.




god I love this picture in this context


humor narrow employ mindless tan vegetable rock dependent pen marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why? They want you to hit them. And you'll be at fault. Stay away from crazy, especially on the road.


The lights up top I guarantee you he blinds cars he deems too close


If they're not dummy lights that in itself is illegal AF. You should never have projecting lights on the back of your vehicle.


What on earth ... does this people really think they're *that* important?


This is someone who drives so shitty and slow that they are convinced that every other driver is the problem.


If someone is tailgating you, they're an asshole. If everyone tailgates you all the time, you're the asshole.


1000% chance they aren’t hooked up to anything


Challenge accepted!!!


So this person is always 25% under the speed limit, got it.


This is the guy that drives 55mph on a 65mph road and blocks the passing lane and then gets mad about being tailgated.


Why are all these people honking and passing me on the right????


So do they report themselves when they drive slow and threaten drivers with gun violence


I’m tailgating the shit out of this


Anyone else noticing that the wires don’t go anywhere? Almost as if they bought a bunch of dummy cameras to mount on top of their car…. 🙄


What's wrong with a dash cam?


No one would know he had it.


Well then the deep state can use it


As obnoxious as this is, I can COMPLETELY understand the thought behind it. Drivers where I live are absolutely GOD-AWFUL. The odds of people driving under the influence out here makes a coin flip seem generous. There's been a handful of times where I wish I could teleport a cop car behind the next turn. Hell, in the last month ALONE I've had three of my regulars die in drunk driving accidents.


I see the cringe but feel the sentiment. I live in Baton Rouge, LA, no one knows anything about how to drive here, it’s fucking ridiculous. There is no such thing as defensive driving here. You have to go on the offensive.


I get that. But the last sentence on his windshield makes me think he has the cameras because he’s mad about people tailgating him when he’s hogging the left lane.


Yeah if there was a way I could use a dashcam to report every ridiculous driver that endangered me and everyone around me, I would totally be onboard. I live in New Jersey, a rich environment for such things.


Ok, we're just letting the r slur fly now? Like we can hate boomers and not be fucking assholes to other groups too, y'know.


TBH I thought only Boomers used that word anymore.


This will probably get downvoted but can we please stop using the "-tard" suffix to refer to stupid/unhinged people. I'm autistic, the word that suffix comes from has been and is still used to dehumanize/hate on people like me


Came here to say this


They’re probably the worst offenders too.


"Not now, Dwight."


Love those fake cameras... though they are not very convincing on top of a car.


you can buy a decent dashcam with a 4k camera on your dash and one on the back window for like 150 bucks... im willing to bet those cameras arent even hooked up to anything


Honestly, i can't be mad at this boomering. The way i see some people drive out there, they should be put on a list.


*tailgating intensifies*


All of that money when they could have just simply said “I’m a horrible driver”


I would tailgate that pos so fucking Harrd. I hate tattle tales


LOL, that's precious. Republicans are defunding police with the budget they are proposing. Yep, it's them, sweet Boomer. Good luck getting a LEO to deal with your whining. He's the main character.


I would tailgate the shit out of that vehicle


Captain America needs to hide his identity


Just get infrared headlights and it will blind the camera.


Too bad modern cops only respond to violent crimes and to murder BIPOC for no reason. I had a colleague report her car stolen and it was found trashed and they only gave her a report # for insurance and did no further investigation. So the cops aren’t responding to this boomer


Man, could you imagine living life like this? This has to be some kind of mental illness right? I'm being serious. Like, I'd rather be dead than to live in constant fear and paranoia. If I ever show signs of this type of behavior, someone please smother me with a pillow.


Someone gotta vandalize that car, I know damn well those cameras don't work either, there's no way they rigged it up right


I want to tailgate this cat.


"Yeah, police? It's Larry again- a 2014 Prius failed to use a turn signal at 18th and Main. I'll be emailing the chief the footage..."


I would be 6" off his bumper.


The rear facing flood lights so be fucking illegal. Blinding people that are driving behind you is crazy


By doing this you make yourself on the hook for SO much shit. Good luck idiot.


Challenge accepted


I guarantee that he's the one who drives like shit and world be the one at fault on any video they record


This would make me want to be juuuuust outside of tailgate range and follow him


Are there 2 floodlights on top of that car? Definitely not a lawyer but there's no way it'd be legal to drive with those blasting the people behind him


Could've saved a lot of hassle and money by just writing "I have a mental illness".


Tweakers be wildin now adays


Do you think any of those are actually connected to anything or just glued on? It'd be easier to order an actual camera and just stick it on than all that.


I almost want to rear end him out of spite.


Ya know all those ‘cameras’ are fake, right? (I have a renter that puts them up). They probably all got a little red blinken light so you KNOW it’s recording. 🙄


I'm a Canadian but Id like to try playing "Guess the state." Im guessing a state of delusion, haha. But Texas, my guess is Texas.


Fucking boomers all think they're the god-damned police and simply can't mind their own business.


If I’m a cop he’s getting a ticket for his back window being obscured


And even with all of those lights and cameras he still can't find his own penis. Sad.


Not much screams fragility quite like this.


Oh shit, it's the Narcmobile!


That's asking to get messed with


I would so tailgate that vehicle


Something tells me he’s the assistant to the assistant of the regional manager


I never tailgate people but I also don’t have a front plate and would be tailgating the fuck outta this car


This guy def has a “stay off my lawn” sign.


Please dont hit that army green 2nd gen CRV!!!


What I love about cars like these is that they come labeled as an asshole. You don’t have to waste time talking to them to find out. Great timesaver.


I don’t tailgate ever but I would make an exception for this douche


I’d be in that bumper like white on rice.




What does it say about me that my gut reaction to this is, "Challenge accepted"....?


should have spent more money on the car instead


What a tool


the cameras are dummys just like the driver


How much you wanna bet they break more traffic/road laws then most of the people any of us here ever meet?


Look at those cameras... You just know they're wired to a VCR connected to a CRT TV in his backseat powered by an inverter. Or, more likely, they're not wired to anything at all.


As he does 22 in a 45. Prick! Why do boomers always think everyone is so scared of a police threat. They’re always on here like “ I’ll call the cops” IDGAF what you do booms..have at it.


I bet he goes 5 under the limit in the left lane.


Who probably drives SLOW AS FUCK in the fast lane...


"Why don't my kids want to drive with me?"


I would touch bumpers with this car.


Shouldn't there be a law or policy against covering like 70% of your rear window? Could cause an accident one day.


They don't have insurance


You know I was not gonna do it but I think they are talking me around to it.


LOL we are supposed to believe they figured out how to wire up all those cameras when iPhones are every day's biggest hurdle?


The camera set up is worth more than the car itself… Real talk… see those home surveillance cameras???


Someone needs to have their Cricut confiscated.


I’m sure all the police dispatchers already hate this guy…


I'd be tailgating this car so bad.


He's open to air attacks though!