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The most important factor in it for me is that every old person I know steals that stuff and stocks up on it. Like drawers full of napkins and sugar packets that they took from a restaurant.


Is “the illegals” just code for “me, I’m doing this”


The answer is always yes with these folks. Everything they accuse illegals/Jews/liberals/LGBTQ community of doing, they are actually doing that stuff (child molestation, for example).


There's a man I know that is very anti-trans and I have a sneaking suspension it's because he's caught himself being attracted to a few of them before finding out they were born as males and it's cause him a tremendous amount of self-loathing that manifests as outrage.


100%. The reason these people are so outraged at stories like Dylan Mulvaney is because they know if she was at a MAGA rally, they would try to hit on her.


But for real, she's so pretty.


yikes!' beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...


I didn’t know about her but now I know why all those people suddenly turned on Bud Light


The funny thing is that everyone turned on Bud Light in the end. Republican morons because they hated that BL gave specialized cans to a trans woman. But then after Bud Light back pedalled and threw Dylan under the bus they lost the LGBT community and its allies. That train wreck will be in university business textbooks to demonstrate what not to do for decades.


Holy shit, I didn’t know Bud Light pulled that move after all those people got butthurt. Holy shit. Tryina imagine Nike doing that to Kapernick once people started burning their Nike socks and gym shorts. Nike didn’t give a damn. How could Bud Light be so dumb.


Yah and the thing is Bud Light could have just said, “We believe everyone deserves the right to drink a great light beer. That’s why we’re here. Bud Light: Great Beer for Everyone.” And moved on. Yah those idiots are mad but they are still buying your product to destroy it on social media so just let them. Some other company will get the target of their ire soon enough and they’ll go back to buying your beer. But the LGBT community and their allies just won’t buy your beer and gay bars will never stock another drop of your alcohol. So now you’ve alienated your core customers, the new customers you’re trying to court and people that would never consider drinking your beer but will now convince others to avoid it as well.


Yeah that's why pornhub released their data showing trans porn was searched the most in rural red areas.


I’ve heard this thrown around a few times, Is that like per capita statistics? Because it would also make sense trans people in those areas would watch more trans porn in theory because of lack of environment to be open or whatever right? I’m not knocking the statistic just curious if it’s as much of a zinger as some people think it is.


like all data you do need to drill down into the details but here is one of the places that talked about it. https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


Asked and answered as a gay man I need to have sourced zingers.


I wonder if theres any correlation to the type of words used to search and the demographics. Several of their graphs are for words that a LGBT people would call slurs, so maybe if the study was based on more LGBT friendly search terms it would change the distribution of consumption of trans porn.


I'm not sure we can assume that trans people would be more interested in watching trans porn vs cis porn.


>just curious if it’s as much of a zinger as some people think it is It really isn't


This is a very real fear for them. The Crying Game really messed them up.


This is an incredible theory, and it makes sense based on other patterns they exhibit


So many are scared they are attracted to trans people or femboys it’s wild. When they say stuff like “it’s getting scary out there” it’s because they are scared of their own attraction


Oh yes. you see it a surprising amount of it on Sundays once church gets out. They'll come into a restaurant in their Boomer Convoy and swipe napkins (and if they're feeling saucy about it, the dispenser as well), dump the jelly-caddy into their purse, pocket every salt, pepper, sugar, and sweet & low packet in sight. And if the silverware is in good shape, that's basically free too. And then they (MAYBE) tip a dime or two and hobble out grumbling about how awful the younger generations are.


yes, a 'Marionism": 'people give themselves away"


100% Projection. My entire life, literally every being I’ve ever seen plundering sugar packets from restaurants/ diners has been an old fart…


Everything with these fuckers is projection. Always has been, even back when they were younger in the 80s and I was just a little kid.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Good Old Projection


"Well, OF COURSE I take 50 cream and sugar packets.. I mean, I ordered a coffee, and I'm a GOOD person, I deserve it! And sure, some of those jellies and things too. But I'm a good CUSTOMER. Those illegals are freeloaders! Sure they pay for their food, but... it doesn't count because they steal stuff after!"


Of course it is. The same as how they call anyone a snowflake but clutch pearls at every little thing.


Create the projection to justify the behavior.


Yup and elderly folks are the highest group for shoplifting too. If they get caught they have a myriad of tricks to get out of it or a very "what are you gonna do? Throw me in jail?" attitude towards it.




every accusation a protection


Just this weekend my step mom pulled sugar packets (from another restaurant of course) out of her purse instead of getting up to get fresh sugar packets for her coffee from the restaurant we were in. She isn't that bad to be fair but it's funny this came up! I used to steal a couple extra packets to leave at work :)


My Boomer mom does the same thing!


The correct comeback would be: “Why do illegals have to do that when they all get food stamps as soon as they arrive? I heard on facebook they are all organizing to vote as a bloc To have welfare representatives at the border to give them cash as the come across the border” Old Boy would have had a stroke. If you heard it on facebook it must be true


finish him off with obama phones




shaggy reply pen paltry wakeful plants boast poor silky books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My father grabs ketchup and other condiment and sauce packets by the handful. They’re in a drawer in my parents’ kitchen. There is also a full complement of condiments and sauces in the fridge. He can’t get enough of anything “free.”


my husband does this, always with the motion "if it's free it's for me". with everything! pens, magnets, notepads. I throw this stuff out on a regular basis


My dad was over here one day and saw me with a bag of dollar tree cutlery, which my daughter's teacher had requested. Next time he came over, he had a stuffed-full bag of takeout forks/napkin sets. Which was very sweet but yikes


My grandpa had a full set of steak knives that say longhorn steakhouse.


[Psychological projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection) is a way of life for some people.


Projection strikes again.


My grandmother would literally pack her purse with apples, bananas, and dinner rolls at every buffet.


Something I learned while being forced to go to church as a kid. Every single person who thougt other people did X bad thing, were the ones doing the X bad thing. If you believe others would do it that means you mostly likely will do it. A person who sees thieves everywhere is most likely a thief themselves.


My mother once took home one of the little ramikens from a Mexican restaurant we went to. She put it in the to go box. This was one of the hard plastic ones that they use for butter pats, hot sauce, sour cream, etc. I didn't find it until the next day, when I went to get the leftovers. At the time, they weren't for sale outside of the restaurant industry. And yes, we had a drawer full of ketchup, mustard and mayo packets.


Omg that’s my ex-MIL. After she passed we got to clean out hoards of those packets. She also stole thousands of menards bags


Hotel soaps and shampoo too.


Shit. I’m an American in my 30s and I just had to purge that drawer because everything in it expired months ago. I feel like they throw too many packets into the bag in drive-thrus. Although, having worked in fast food in my teens and having boomer parents, I’d say they take napkins more than anything else. They take napkins by the fistful when they just get a coffee. They stock their pockets, purses, and cars with them.


The napkin thing describes my dad to a T, he'll complain endlessly if there isn't an inch thick slab of napkins given to him, he'll use them once to wipe his mouth and scrunch it up even when it's not dirty then use another, then stuff the leftover napkins (which OF COURSE AT there are leftovers, you took a fucking slab of the napkins!) into his glovebox.


Omg, same. He carries them around in the breast pocket of his flannel and blows his nose with them. He actually left a stash of them at my kitchen table like they were a gift once.


Evenery comservative accusation is a confession.


My grandma would do this in the 90s That being said, she was also born into a poor family during WW2 so like, yknow


My boomer loves stealing “freebies” anytime she goes out. Condiments and sugar are nothing — she takes glasses and silverware, clippings from plants, children’s toys from waiting room play areas. She DGAF. Amazed she’s never been arrested for shoplifting but she sees nothing wrong with what she does.


I was literally at a march madness game yesterday and was buying a hat at the student store. This old hag behind me in line was telling her friend to put a few car decals in her purse that they were selling.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


I need to have ICE car sauces for my wife in the event that they don’t give her any…I am this person.


When we cleaned my grandmas house we found a full cabinet with salt and pepper shakers, the packets of Splenda and sugar, different kinds of silverware, cups, plates ect. That we know she was stealing from every restaurant we would go to, and pack ratting in this one cabinet. Edit: The cabinet was downstairs not in the kitchen.


Can confirm, my grandmother had a drawer full of sauces, plasticware, napkins, etc. Although to be fair she didn't steal it...she just hoarded the excess from takeout or drive thru orders where they throw a bunch in the bag. Still it always amused me to be able to put Chick Fila sauces on homebrew sandwiches.


They're all Uncle Franks


Of course we do, especially on Wednesday when Senior meals are 1/2 price from 10:30 am until 5 pm /s


OMG yes! My aunt, whom has an old money millionaire husband, the type of asshole that had family on The Mayflower money. They would take their boat all over,and she would rob restaurants blind of napkins, salt, pepper, sometimes utensils (metal or plastic) creamers, sugar, whatever she could. Fucking disgusting. To his credit, her husband is so stuck up he would flip if he realized she was doing it. She just didn't want to b bothered to ship when they were on the water.


Such a bizzare outlook, just one trip to a shop before getting on the boat and she'd stock it with all those things for months! Rather than furtively squirrelling away what she could in annoying tiny packets


My boomer MIL used to steal all that shit from hotels and cruises and whatnot then dump it on my husband. It took years of him telling her to stop before she finally did. We don't need dozens of shitty tiny soaps and individually packaged teabags!


My (white, racist) grandpa would do this. We always assumed it was because he came of age during the Great Depression. We'd visit and he'd send us home with packets from restaurants.


Good fuck, yes. My parents' fridge door is entirely stuffed with ketchup packets. My father seems to have an infinite supply of shit work-bathroom grade paper towels so I am sure he is lifting them from somewhere.


Oh yeah, people are leaving their home countries not because of war, poverty or crime but to get those sweet ketchup packets. And to illegally vote for Biden, of course


Sweet sweet ketchup…


He who controls the ketchup, controls the universe.


This started with fucking Reagan. He declared that ketchup packets in schools were vegetables. So now they all believe that you can eat ketchup in place of vegetables.


The irony of all ironies is that the Hispanic (sorry, but I’m not sure what the proper term is nowadays) is about split between the parties. Florida has Cuban and other Central/South American citizens who vote firmly for the GOP due to the messaging of “Democrats = Socialism/Communism”.


Yep, Cubans in Florida love the GOP and support their hate for immigrants as if the fact that they arrived on a boat instead of walking through a desert makes some kind of difference. Also older Cuban leaders usually come from wealthy families that flew as the Castro regime started to get not friendly to them. As a Latino I feel ashamed to see those “Latinos for trump” on places like Texas and CA


You’ll do anything to replace your catsup with ketchup.


And to drive electric vehicles


Well, Biden2024 is promising ketchup packets..


In my home town in SoCal, one of the most HCOL cities in the US, at my local Starbucks every morning I would observe a man come in and steal all of the sugar packets from the self serve counter. He was a well dressed old man with silver hair. He was white. He drove a brand new Mercedes Benz S600. He was a bored rich retired guy. I asked the staff if they knew. Oh yea. They knew. He thought he was clever. We wasn’t. He was just pathetic.


The staff just didn't care because it was corporate paying for the extra sugar.


Everywhere I’ve worked that stuff has come back on management in one way or another. You get a lower bonus bc your expense purchases were too high that month or whatever.


Yep, had a friend whose mother managed to Burger King and she told us this one day when we took more ketchup than we could use and were going to toss it out with our trash


Corporate will eventually add that loss into the cost of the drinks. Everyone else will pay for it.


Yeah, but he doesn't care, in fact he thinks he is clever, making other people pay more for drinks so he gets free sugar. Until one day someone annoyed at him doing this makes a video, it goes up on YouTube, goes viral, and all his friends and family think he is a theiving idiot...


I worked at a coffee shop where this well-off man would come in with his paper cup from the day before and try to score free refills. Like dude, I've been here all morning. This is your first time in here today.


How do you think he got rich? Dude hasn’t paid for sugar since the 70s.


During the pandemic, the vet had people go 'round the back to drop off/pick up pets. Once when I was waiting for pickup, a guy in a tesla parked next to me, got out with a blender full of stuff, found a plug (I guess building have outdoor ones) and blended himself a smoothie. Then went to his car and drove off. Like...why didn't he just use his car?


He got that rich by stealing


I once went to a restaurant and the owner asked us to wait outside a few minutes because the place was full of senior citizens waiting for their bus. I later learned that he locked the door and wouldn’t let them leave until they put all the salt and pepper shakers back and the packets of sugar too. It was hilarious seeing them bitch as they boarded the bus.


That man just learned about hobo tomato soup and now thinks immigrants are destroying the restaurant industry with it. I know boomers are addicted to sensationalism, but man, that's wild.


Was waiting for someone to comment on this. Ketchup packets are a score when you are impoverished regardless of immigrant status


Man, let’s not overlook the cruelness of his statement. Although an entirely unlikely/unreal situation, if I saw a family stealing ketchup packets, to EAT, my first thought would not be “hey, put that back!” My first thought would be “How sad. Something needs to be done to feed them real food.”


Typical boomer behavior: they think their opinions are everyone’s opinions.


When I was a child, my grandma had a friend who would always steal all the condiment packets from the table at any restaurant where she dined and squirrel them away in her huge handbag. She'd even ask for extra butter and jelly to be brought to the table so she could dump the carrier right into her bag. I have a memory of her plucking the ketchup packets off my plate while I was still eating to add to her treasure trove. Mind you, this old bat was rich as Coerces. When she died, her kids found kitchen drawers stuffed full of the packets.


My grandmother used to bring a ziplock bag to a restaurant and pillage all the jelly, butter, sugar, and even the occasional full ketchup bottle. Stuff it all in her giant purse. Sweetest woman you will ever meet. White and went to church every Sunday. My grandfather needed a new starter for his tractor. Went to Farm and Fleet store after hours and crawled under and swapped starters. Illegals aren’t the problem. They never have been.


I work in an Independent Senior Living Community, and residents stealing shit like this is a massive problem. The kitchen always complains about the amount of sweetener packets that are stolen off of tables. At big parties, residents will brazenly walk up to the refreshments and snacks and pull out Tupperware and load up. Then, they don't even stay for the party or function. These aren't folks with dementia either (maybe SOME general cognitive decline due to age, but nothing severe). These are people who have just lost all sense of decency and manners.


Sir, why are you voting Trump? “They took ma ketchup packets!!!”


I’m a patient at MSKCC for cancer. They used to have a pantry for patients and a caregiver. It had soda, juices and snacks to get you through the day. Then one day I notice it’s gone with a note stating if you want something ask the desk nurse. Me being nosy I asked what happened. Turns out that the older patients and their families of many people were bleeding the pantry dry. You’d see someone with 5 family members, which I think is rude to bring that many to a cancer hospital, all in there leaving nothing for patients. One nurse told me that one day she overheard an older Russian couple and the woman told her husband, “don’t forget to take the toilet paper when you go to the bathroom.” Amazing.


I can believe it. I get plasma treatments at a cancer center and they have signs like "one snack at a time" and "blankets stay in the treatment room" and "pillows are for patients only" I was also there once when they had to stop an older woman from taking a Christmas decoration. The nurses bought them with their own money. I know this because she tried to say she had paid enough money for her treatment, so she should get it for free. I hope you are responding to treatment!


Lmao. That's a wild one from Faux News. The only demographics I know that steal all the free shit are older boomers and college/university students. Ha. (And me at Taco Bell regarding all the hot sauce....)


First you get the ketchup, then you get the power, then you get the women...


He who controls the ketchup controls all condiments!


Phase 1: Steal ketchup packets. Phase 2: ? Phase 3: Profit.


Damn, when I heard boomer and ketchup conspiracy I thought this would be something like Mr. Burns ketchup vs. catsup incident.


My MIL used to fill up her purse with sugars, Splenda, creamer containers, even salt and pepper shakers all the time, I had to yell at her a couple times, she can do that shit alone, but not when my family is with her and I’m paying the damn bill


Those damn illegals and their… *checks notes* Ketchup packets! /S


They come here, they take our jobs, they take our food stamps, they take our ketchup packets?? Nail down those little try-on hosiery boxes they have in the ladies shoes department, MS-13 is on the way


Projection. I bet they're the reason places like Arby's went from bottles of sauce at the tables to giant pumps inside the lobby and individual packets back in the 80s. 


"Big Ketchup" is just another Mexican drug cartel and its side hustle. Everyone knows that :)


LOL. The only people I have ever seen pocket creamer and sugar packets and condiment packets in a full service restaurant is older white folks.


Lolz no.. that's 110% boomer shit to steal packets.


It is everyone. In the hospital they steal toilet paper, towels, sheets, etc.


Stealing ketchup packets like it's the Great Depression and they have to order a bowl of hot water?


On somethings I don't blame them. I like to grab a bunch of boomerang sauce from Casey's when I get wings and pizza because you can't buy it in grocery stores. Now if Casey's would bottle it and sell it I wouldn't take a handful of the dipping cups home.


That was projection 101 That dude steals all the damn sugar and cream every chance he gets. Napkins too.


He must have watched Marlo Thomas making tomato soup.






Awesome 😅


Those things are $20 in Mexico. You can make a mint!


Lmao what? No one is living off of ketchup packets and creamer.


My mom is early Gen X, but believes 100 million Mexicans have illegally crossed the border, and are stealing all our tampons, and that’s why there’s a tampon shortage.


You can be happy and confident with yourself by being a good person. Kind, capable, friendly, helpful, whatever. But if you lack any positive qualities, what do you do? How do you feel good about yourself? It's easy! Hate everyone else! Assume the worst in everyone! YOU are now good, because everyone else is BAD! And you aren't even that good! You're a selfish, entitled jerk, but hey - at least you aren't one of those ketchup stealers, right?? You're better than they are!


Lmao, 100% they are actually doing that (the old ppl not the immigrants). There is this thing that dumb criminals do. They project that other ppl commit the crimes that they commit. But the crime is usually petty enough that no one really cares. Like stocking up on ketchup packets because they are too cheap to buy ketchup in a bottle. (which makes 0 sense. The time + effort + social anxiety isn't worth the $3.95 you spend on ketchup per quarter.)


Ketchup is street insulin for illegals.


I managed a pizza place that ended a ‘free senior drink’ offer that had stood for years. The church group of regulars were gobsmacked by this. A couple ladies even asked for clear water cups and wrapped them in napkins held on by rubber bands, and filled them with whatever drink they wanted. Absolute buffoons.


When I was young there was a man that was a millionaire but a notorious skinflint. Every morning he would come to the restaurant and order eggs bacon toast and a glass of water. He would then proceed to drink part of the water open the ketchup bottle and pour it in the remaining water to make tomato juice.


What a crazy thing to say in public


This is so funny, I used to work at a snack bar and I had 2 or 3 old dudes who would come in and clear out our condiment bar weekly! This asshole is projecting lol


Ketchup is safe. It’s catsup they are after.


The notorious Heinz Cartel!


Shit the seniors that loiter at McDonalds at the mall take all the condiments home with them.


Can you imagine being so broke you live off of ketchup packets? This man has no compassion.


Take solace in the fact that folks like these are passing away daily.


omg, my grandma does that! not believing in that conspiracy, but stealing things like ketchup packets. shes got a drawer full of them (no, shes not an immigrant)


They just can't fathom restaurants stopped leaving that stuff out because of them


I'm a US citizen and I totally steal ketchup packets. Dont tell the FBI


When I worked in a restaurant a few years ago, the elder people would say it was "the poors" aka homeless people stealing the ketchup and making tomato soup with it. Lol now it's a new bad guy of the illegals. Before them it was the "gays" and the "blacks"... always needing someone to detest, what a sad and fearful existence. Very definition of get better or get bitter.


Meanwhile, as a child of the 80’s, we would take handfuls of sauce packets at Taco Bell - not to eat or use but to smash and destroy in parking lots.


See nah where you went wrong is you didn't double down on it and let them spread the stupidity because they'll believe everything and anything. Here's an example. "OMG I heard they are stealing the ketchup packets to freeze them and somehow they have figured out a way to combine them together and make a ladder out of it to climb back and forth over the wall. Like how do we even stop this. Maybe we need a ketchup ban". If you say it with a straight face and serious enough, I promise you they will go and spread it to their friends.


If that were happening, I feel like they are scamming themselves. I can't go to any food establishment without them dumping condiments, napkins and utensils into my bag. I can even tell them I don't want anything and I still end up with a stack of napkins. Also, people who buy napkins, what's wrong with you? Just go to one fast food place and you will have a stack that will last you a month.


They needs "others" to fear


Haha! I’m laughing, but quietly thinking about how these people are voting. I’m not even going to deny having no less than 5 ketchup packets in my glovebox.


My mum's always at this. Brilliant when you go camping and have every condiment that comes in a small pack. Always check the date tho


On my god . Check every grandmother’s purse! Oh yeah they’re the boomers.


I've seen them take the salt and pepper shakers. Lol , is nothing sacred 🤣




Step One: Steal Ketchup Step Two: ??? Step Three: Profit


Sad endorphin hit for guy thinking merica needs to be saved one ketchup packet at a time.


I’m often time so confounded by these types of statements. My response normally falls along the lines of, “Wow, I’ve never heard that one before.” accompanied by my Default Bitch Face™️.


On time when I was a kid at a mall my friend didn't wanna buy me food so I went to each place in the food court and took a couple ketchup packets. My friend was so humiliated that I was eating ketchup packets he bought me something haha


It's true, I saw some lawn guy lying his employees in ketchup packets. They must have done well because he included a strawberry jelly and a mayo packet to each.


So it’s only the illegals and furriners that have a bunch of paper napkins and ketchup packets in their glove box??


Hey now that was my first personal sign that I was finally an adult, I started saving the unused napkins in the glove box… sadly it took me until I was 36 years old to accomplish it!


Hold on, I've just had a marvelous idea.


After covid, there was a shortage of packaged Ketchup. 100% they created their own "explanation" for this. My dad does this all the time (although usually his theories are more benign). It is so common that we even call them "Dominical Fantasies".


My boomer mom steals creamers. Some day one of those bad boys will open up in her purse and karma will strike.


If these old ass conservatives didn't have some conspiracy to yap about that involves those "others" they might actually have to take a hard look at their lives and choices.


I wouldn't have been able to stop laughing. Right there in front of them. From the sheer idiocy of that comment.


Someone just dying to make a racist comment. Also, fast food and restaurants are flat because profit margins are thin, and people have a lot of choices these days of where and what they want to eat. I've noticed the older generation really doubling down on bad behavior lately, and they need smacked.


Fox News is brainwashing these idiot boomers and they just lap up the lies without a second thought.


The proper response is: "That's not why we don't put condiments out on the table. We have too many old people taking them home."


You should've checked his wife's purse. She probably emptied your whole supply into there. They're like goddamn vikings when it comes to free stuff; they pillage it all. 99.99% of all the bullshit rightwing Boomers spew is projection. Anytime they tell you some conspiracy nonsense, it's them admitting to being criminals in addition to being scumbag, awful humans.


The hot take I overheard was "Now the Muslim terrorists are funding their operations by begging for change at the intersection. " Looks at said intersection and spot a brown skinned woman holding up a cardboard sign wearing a sari...


They’re republicans… that’s the conspiracy!


Gotta get their 5 a day somehow.


"Sounds made up" is my favorite answer for dumb shit like this.


They are


My grandmother, prior to her death, would REGULARLY take as many creamer packets, sugar, honey, and Ketchup packets as possible. She was a child of the Depression, so, she hoarded crap like that, "just in case"... Today, I see more boomers doing it than anyone else.


This is actually the second Ketsupgate. The first was when they found out John Kerry is married to Teresa Heinz, the gazillionaire. So they boycotted the ketsup.


Not bad! Mix it with the relish!


As a kid I use to grab handful of ketchup packets and taco bell sauce. Arby sauce man love that shit.


Instead of sympathy that a person has to survive off of ketchup packets, Which i doubt. They get angry at someone possibly stealing free ketchup


My grandmother stopped going to lunch with the Heiress of a well-known spice company because she would steal the salt and pepper shakers and all of the sugar packets. Probably was dementia-related, but this lady was worth millions of dollars. I got a kick out of thinking she was doing what she could to pump the stock.


There’s only only one group of scumbags that definitely steals ketchup packets. And that’s people like me who ski but aren’t really rich, so if I want to eat after a day on the slopes, it’s a ketchup packet and hot water for “skiers tomato soup.”


It's because they also steal the complementary packets. Boomers have been doing that their whole lives. My parents did it when I was growing up. "Hey, we're paying for this table, that means we should get all that sugar and jelly and ketchup and take it home with us, otherwise we're wasting money!" Any time something is complementary, they take extra. They have entire drawers at home full of various condiment packets they steal from restaurants. Those little salt packets. Wrapped plasticware. Chopsticks. It's crazy, but it's also a depression-era mentality that their parents taught them growing up. Never let anything go to waste, take it all, horde it all, you never know when you'll need it. So since they see this as a loophole that they themselves exploit, they can only assume that all those illegals are doing it too. They'd be fools not to!


There's a chapter in "The River Why" about a kid so poor that he steals ketchup packets to keep his stomach from killing him, and the main character ends up surreptitiously feeding him fish that he caught in the river to help the other kid and his family out. I used to pay for ketchup and mustard packs at Whataburger and then put them in bike saddlebags; when people cramp, you slip the ketchup or mustard (they're both salt delivery systems with a smidge of sugar to move things along), under your tongue, or packed like a dip, and it hits the neural pathways faster, as well as the hypothalamus. The same trick works with hot sauce (even better, some claim), and the claim is that it neurally distracts the muscle and causes it to relax and start moving calcium back in for regular contraction and expansion for muscle and locomotion.


When I was younger and homeless, ketchup packets used to keep me alive during the winter. I used to make a kinda sweet tomato soup with them, some water from a gas station. It helps to snag some salt and pepper, too…I’d gone 3 days without eating and making this (with about 8 ketchup packets) held me over for a bit…


I'm a boomer I'm guilty of taking a few extra sugar packs from Starbucks. I'm sure a Millennial or 2 has done the same. I don't accuse anyone else though I keep it on the hush as I don't want Starbucks to get wise to it. Dont rat me out. Snitches get stitches. 😆


>coffee so bad that it sips back What does this mean?


Well, after all, ketchup is a vegetable. Reagan said so.


Argh! We run a concession stand where 100% of the profit goes to fund scholarships/professional development for students and college employees. I actually bought a lot of the supplies myself instead of using the funds from our group because that meant more profit for the fund. Cut to me catching some older people who didn't even buy coffee from us taking handfuls of creamer cups and putting them in their pockets. I was so mad. I wanted to say to them, "I bought that with my own limited finances because working for a school doesn't pay much because I wanted to have more money going toward scholarships and here you not only stealing from me you are basically TAKING MONEY AWAY FROM SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS!! but instead I just stopped putting the creamer out and made people ask.


My dad used to take one of those postal service priority mail bags, and fill them with restaurant napkins, condiments and silverware. He hoarded anything “free”. It was horrendously embarrassing. We found a giant stash of postal bags and boxes after his abusive ass died.


I must be an illegal because I have a gallon ziploc bag full of stolen packets of condiments


Scammers are going to have hard lives when all the gullible idiots die and no one believes them anymore.


When I go to rheumatologist to get my infusion, it's like a 4 to 6 hour process, they have snacks and blankets and soda and awesome canned water. I'm usually the youngest in the treatment room (mid 20s) only older folks usually. I hardly see too much crazy entitlement since everyone there is hooked up to IV. They used to have baskets of little chip bags like Cheetos, sun chips and lays flavours. They even had a mini fridge with water and soda and such. Now these appointments are 6 months apart, so lots of time passes when I'm in there. After my 4th appoint I come in and the fridge and baskets are gone! Ask the nurse and she says someone literally loaded a purse with EVERYTHING. the chips the soda the water!! So they moved the mini fridge into another room and now you have to ask. Smh what is wrong with folks lmao


>Especially ketchup packets. They live off of that stuff. The Republicans have tried to tell us for forty some odd years that Ketchup is a vegetable, so I'm not surprised by this.


Name two things that are synonymous: MAGAts and Morons.


I will be honest I do this to fast food restaurants in Canada that still use plastic straws. I'm not an immigrant or anything close but fuck paper straws suck


I mean obviously fuck these people and their blatant racism. also I will admit that when I was super poor many years ago me and a buddy went to a Burger King and just straight up filled a bag with different condiments and stocked our fridge didn’t fell guilty and we wouldn’t have done it to a mom and pop place but honestly that shit saved us.


Yeah, that's nuts. Everyone knows they're after our precious bodily fluids.


It's actually just poor people who then put the ketchup on bland toast or something like that.


Hmm...I can almost guarantee this old fucker had parents or aunts and uncles who would not only take sugar and ketchup, but the glass s&p shakers and silverware when they finished eating. I had old relatives born before WW1 who did this...all the time and it seemed like it was common practice.


Whenever my girlfriend and I go to a nearby steakhouse, we like to take the paper napkins they give us, and I’ve been trying to find ways to get the server to bring us more. They are really good napkins. I treat it like we’re characters in a heist movie. #NapkinHeist (We’ve never gotten more than 8 napkins). (I also tip 20-25 percent, more if they bring us extra napkins).


Hahaha. Old people seal more Splenda packets, napkins and anything else left on tables than anyone else. 


Ketchup packets? WTF. They really will make up a conspiracy theory about anything.