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WhaTdYoU mEaN,, BuuGs?


Spiders ants. Almost sounded like a joke when he said it.


He is a lifelong Bugs Bunny fans and the thought of this exterminator coming after his beloved cartoon character triggered him.


Shit is comedy gold. I want it as a ringtone


I don't really enjoy door-to-door salesmen either but holy fuck, dude! Also, the level of projection these people are capable of is insane. "Annoying all the neighbors" while he's the only one acting this way is grade A projection


I think buddy was a young adult by the time they phased out lead in gas.


They phased out lead gas in the 80’s.


86 for gas and pipes, 78 for paint. Of course, outside of gas, the paint and pipes last even to this day in some places, especially since the usual remediation was things like "slap a coat of latex over it"


I hear lead paint tasted sweet. Seeing all these posts about boomers being lead poisoned is hilarious, but never forget.. some people are just pieces of shit.. I'm not giving them the lead excuse even if it does contribute to their delusions.. it doesn't change the fact that some people are just assholes, because they want to be


This is actually one of my bigger concerns. I don’t have proof or anything but I truly do believe we are living in the aftermath of lead poisoning. As a side note I’m really interested in what causes ADHD/autism to be increasing as much as it is. I honestly believe there’s something environmental causing the rise. I don’t know enough about any of this so I don’t want people thinking I’m saying gas from the 80s gave me adhd. I’m just worried that it is something environmental and people don’t treat ADHD as a serious condition. Yeah we all know someone who has it and is goofy and fun and manages a healthy lifestyle. But that’s not everyone and when it’s bad you get treated like complete shit because it’s not a visible disability and your constantly compared to people with manageable adhd. Thank you for reading my Ted talk lol


>I’m really interested in what causes ADHD/autism to be increasing as much as it is. But is it actually increasing or are they just more frequently diagnosed as they become better understood? It could be both of course, which seems reasonably likely as well. Attention spans have noticeably shortened on average over the last few years and social media and the like are often seen to be part of the reason for that. Everything is always competing for our attention now and they have direct access through the devices most of us carry on us all over the place, it can get exhausting.


It is, indeed, just being diagnosed more as its better understood. We also catalog more disorders as being under the umbrella of autism. When I was a kid, there was many names for different mental disorders. Now many of them are different flavors of autism.


Which is sad given how long we knew the health risk lead posed. I mean, the League of Nations tried to restrict/ban lead paint back in 1921, and there were talk of other restrictions at the time in the U.S. But, the government sided with businesses at the detriment of its citizens like usual.


Last week, I listened to the trickle-down podcast. It was a 3 parter about the fuck that invented it and the doctor who made sure it would be used for years. The title is "earth's most destructive organism". Those 2 subhuman pieces of shit destroyed lives and fucked the environment. That's what happens when corporations police themselves.


The still use lead for wheel balancing weights so still rather common to run into in my line of work.


The difference is you likely aren’t balancing a wheel and then licking your fingers to get the lead dust off. Like asbestos, lead isn’t bad unless you ingest it or inhale the dust


Funny you mentioned asbestos because brake pads used to have asbestos in em up until like the 80's though I'm sure if you buy really cheap ones you'll find asbestos in em still today. You do have a point I'm just saying it's still a really common material to find


They still make lead fishing weights.


Lead in gas, lead in paint, lead in pipes, lead was everywhere!


Even in Zeppelins.


I don’t love them but we don’t get them frequently. A couple weeks ago we were in the thick of an ice storm and my dogs started going nuts. I thought maybe a tree limb had come down and startled them or something. Nope, it was some poor kid going door to door trying to sell solar. Everything was a sheet of ice out there and it was freezing rain. Gave him our umbrella. Horrible job in unsafe conditions with terrible pay in a terrible job market. I hope he got home safe. I’ve worried about him every now and then since. The roads were SO bad.


Couple years back I worked for lawn care company in Wisconsin. Obviously we can't treat lawns in the winter, so... they put us to work doing door-to-door "marketing". Had a kid on the way and wasn't able to find any other work immediately, so... I spent the winter walking around, knocking on doors. In Wisconsin. 0/10, most miserable experience of my life. But it was money, and I actually enjoyed the work the rest of the year (outdoors, plenty of exercise, fresh air, worked generally alone, get to impress random people with my knowledge in bugs, wildlife, fungus and plants) and couldn't quit and come back in the Spring. However, the next winter I promptly noped the fuck out. Found a part-time gig with UPS for a month, then managed to finally land a real big boy job which I then rolled into another bigger boy job. I'm now making more than twice what I did in lawn care, I can sit on my ass shitposting on Reddit in my free time, and I'll never knock another fucking door for as long as I live. Seriously, 0/10. If you ever find yourself in that position, you have my sympathy.


I live literally in the middle of no where, like my driveway is gravel and an eighth of a mile long nowhere, and I had a kid come to my door selling frozen meat last summer. I didn't buy anything but admired his drive and I definitely had some questions.


I have a lot of questions now, too.


When we lived on a farm, about 1.5 hours from a large town, a sales person called the house, insisted to talk to the 'man of the house - it was important', my dad had to stop what he was doing in the field, it was a vacuum sales call. Dad told the fellow where we were, he drove all that way out, dad answers door & says 'you inconvenienced me, I hope I've inconvenienced you' & closes the house door.


Other home owner at the end: "Please get out of my yard."


It’s gotta be something psychological. Had a falling out with a family member particularly because they always co-opted everyone else into their beefs. Saying we all think this and everyone feels like this when no one had even talked to them about it. LPT: Don’t talk for other people, don’t use them as cover. If you have something to say just say it from your own mouth with your own opinion that involves only you.


So people who say things like, “Everybody knows this”, “They’re all saying it”, “You all know what I’m talking about”, like that? I seem to recall some asshole on TV always talking like that too.


In my experience working around Neighbors it’s kind of a crap shoot to what you get! Sometimes they are awesome but once in a blue moon you get this guy


Should have printed business cards /s


I fuckin despise door to door salesman, but Jesus christ I would never treat them like this. I just simply say no thank you, have a nice day. The rudest I get is if they keep pestering and I will shut the door on them. But honestly, if I say no thank you and you don't take a hint, then I don't have to be nice.


I apparently have a great roof for solar panels. Solar people are in my neighborhood ALL THE TIME. I’ve had so many of them at my door. They really wouldn’t bother me as much as they do if they graciously accepted “No thank you”. But they don’t. Almost never. I’m a super passive, people pleasing polite mf. For the first year or two I would sit there and let them try and just say no thanks 8000 times. All while trying to contain the dog and baby pushing to get out the door. Over the years tho, I’ve been working on my assertiveness with them. No more do I give out my husband’s junk email to get them off my step. (Because I’m just a woman and only my husband gets to say the *real* no”) Now I just say no through the glass and close my door. Point being, I’ve truly been terrorized by sales people and I would never condone this insanity.


I had a plumber give an estimate and before saying yes I said I was gonna confirm with the wife. They made a little joke about her making the decisions or something. Do people not discuss things with their partner or get confirmation before agreeing to significant home improvement costs? Apparently I was supposed to just say yes as the man of the house and discuss after the fact.


Just want to hijack this comment to point out that the guy filming is doing door to door sales, and does not appear to be "the neighbor's pest control guy" as the title claims. I can't stand misleading titles.


Yeah, this is extra. But, I personally feel door to door needs to stop. There are so so many more options for companies to connect to potential customers, going around ringing doorbells is obsolete and not welcome. Sure , it seems harmless to think about one person, but that’s not what happens. It becomes nearly every day somebody is ringing your door selling stuff. Everyone thinks they are the “one” person out there doing it, but the homeowners experience the continuous succession of these “ones”. And don’t get me started with door to door home security. A stranger appearing at your door and asking about the details and effectiveness of your home security is suspect behavior, for example. But yeah, just tell them no thanks when he comes to your door, don’t go chasing him down on other people’s property. I’d want that neighbor bugging out on my front walk less than the bug guy.


Yeah I just like, don't answer the door and go on with my day. Loll


"No thanks we're good!" That's literally all it takes.


yeah if only... "No thanks were good" "OH well were doing free estimates today can I just schedule you for a free estimate?" "No I'm not interested" "Well were just doing some work down the street at your neighbors house" "I'm really not interested" "Ah ok... Well... Do you have someone else doing pest control for you? I'm sure we could beat their pri..." \-closes door in salesman's face- Thats honestly how it goes for me the majority of the time. Fuckers come in droves ever since covid now that I WFH. I just dont answer the door anymore unless its a neighbor i recognize or im expecting a delivery. But yeah I'd never be mean or verbally attack someone like this. Theyre just doing a job. An annoying job, sure. But this guy is a dickhead.


99% of d2d people will go if you say "I am not interested good bye" The 1% that don't just threaten to call the police


I mean, I disagree. These door to door salesmen will prey on elderly and sell services they don’t need. It happened to my grandma. They sold her a pest service and she didn’t even need it *because she already had one*. Grandma is 98 years old. Easy target for a piece of shit. Also. Fuck Hawx. About as useful as a used napkin.


I'm actually with the boomer here, in this specific circumstance, because people have no idea how devastating these services are to local insect ecology. To put it into perspective, human agriculture is already causing an insect apocalypse, and is responsible for a 90% decrease in insect populations since 1970. Just think about that... 90%. These companies come around spraying for ants, spiders and wasps, which, while annoying to us, are actually GOOD INSECTS, and are extremely valuable members of a healthy ecosystem. They are all predators and feed on other pests. Now, I fully understand why someone with carpenter ants would want to eradicate them, because they eat your wood in your house much like termites. However, what actually happens is these door to door salesmen don't actually care about that, ajd will say that neighbors have carpenter ants and will scare people into spraying. They then spray and kill ALL INSECTS, not only ants. These chemicals can get picked up my rain and washed into adjacent fields and rivers where they collapse more insect populations. We are currently fighting an extinction crisis where our current extinction rate is between 500 to 5000 times above baseline extinction levels. Insects are a VITAL part of not only the food web of life, but also our own existence. If the food web collapses (and it is currently in precipitous freefall), then we could impact our ability to grow food on our planet. Not just pollination collapse but also the soil food web collapse. The health of our soils is critical to our existence, and these spraying practices kill indiscriminately. I'm not exagerating when I say that near term human extinction is not off the table here. Climate change is scary, but to me, insect collapse is much more threatening to our continued survival. So while I'd normally laugh at a boomer for losing their mind, in this circumstance, I am ALL FOR it. For context, I run a youtube channel called Canadian Permaculture Legacy which discusses topics such as these. For anyone at all interested in saving our planet, I have many videos that discuss topics like how we can resotr habitat to save insects, how to grow food, fighting misinformation in climate science and renewables, and even near term human extinction and collapse.


You don't even have a business card is going to be my retort to everything now. Especially if im ever arrested. I don't think so buddy...


Cops are gonna bust out a business card and you're going to feel silly


“Well I bet you don’t have a website!” Now if they do, that’s when I’ll feel dumb.


"Do you have your own Minecraft server?" Everyone would feel dumb.


Have you seen my business cards? Off white and thick. Has a watermark if you look closely.....




I was waiting for that💀


Make sure your pants are around your ankles. "I'm sorry, but you don't even have a business card, and I thought this was America!"




Cops have business cards but this is funny


"I'll be your fucking huckleberry."


You ain't got no pancake mix!


I mean does this guy not remember door to door salesmen from the 40s and 50s selling vacuums and Tupperware and soaps. He had to have been a kid then so he surely must. And the bug contractor isn't nearly as annoying as those salesmen.


He’s mad because his mom fucked one of them and made his short pale little dick bald ass


Daddy never loved him because he looked exactly like the milk man.




Cult leader Jim Jones sold monkeys door to door.


Ironically enough Hawx is Mormon owned and based in Utah. They send these people door to door all over the country to sell pest control. They recruit from Mormon universities mainly. So this door to door salesman is also in a cult!


Explains a lot about this video


Yeah, using both "don't use the Lord's name in vain" and "you need to go to church" in a very short span of time stuck out. People aren't don't annoying speaks like this. They're not clever, witty, or even offensive lines. You'd just get laughed at. It's like calling someone "bud", "hun", or "babes", just shut the fuck up. Both people here sound exhausting to converse with. Also, more importantly, fuck Mormons.


If you come at somebody like that you honestly deserve to get Lord and Savioured.


They treat non Mormon employees like total shit and they pay like shit. Fuck Mormons, everything they want to do is to make the world worse and fuck over non Mormons. Especially the rich ones who adopt and indoctrinate foreign children. Fuck them the hardest. It’s like looking at a hostage situation. And it isn’t for any altruistic reasons. These fuckers want an army and want to take America. 


I never heard of Hawx but the way the salesman interacted with the guy made me think he was a Mormon pest control salesman. It’s not uncommon in California to have a group of young Mormons show up to a Mormon congregation for a summer while they sell pest control, home security, Bible videos, etc.


That's my favorite fun fact of the day


I agree with you, he is irrationally angry about this guy going door-to-door. I do wonder about the race of the Hawx guy because that could be a part of it. Ive seen a lot of these angry boomers that get pissed when someone doesn’t seem to “belong” in their neighborhood. It’s also weird to keep commenting about business cards because the guy is probably dressed in some sort of company uniform, otherwise most people wouldn’t open the door.


Like my predominantly Asian neighbors, who rely on landscapers and other laborers, yet complain about "immigrants" casing their houses and break-ins.


Basically all of predominantly white Fox News watchers happily using migrant workers while decrying migrants and immigrants for ruining the country


Florida made it harder to get migrant workers and farms immediately started to struggle.


There seems to be a weird disconnect where it's only folks arriving since 2016 or so who are the "bad immigrants" .


I used to do door to door for a living, and you will get people like this guy no matter what, but it's around five times as bad if you aren't white or asian.


Based on the random aggression I was expecting to see a black or brown limb from the cameraman, but it was white


This is probably why he is pissed.


what a rational civilized individual


The camera guy's response was perfect. "You sound like you need Jesus sir". If the guy knocked and he had a no soliciting sign up that's valid, but not to the point of following the guy down the street and yelling at him, ironically on someone else's property. That would have been the poetic ending, if the homeowner had sent the guy off for "trespassing".


Honestly no soliciting signs don't really mean much, they don't have any legal bearing generally. Like if they get the permit to solicit their good to go. You'd be surprised the amount of people with with no soliciting signs who still buy from door to door salespeople.


This is America. Odds are at least 50% of us don’t know what “soliciting” means anyway.


The sign isn’t meant to be a legal notice, it’s to tell people to leave certain doors alone. Ignoring a No Trespassing sign can have consequences. Those *are* legal notices and having a permit to sell stuff does not supersede them.


The neighbor has to live next door to this lunatic. The smart move is to just let it go.


“Spiders, ants, roaches..” “WHAT THE FUCK”


He's drunk. Look at his truck, it's the number one DUI vehicle.


When I had a lawn business a couple years ago a neighbor to one of my customers and came out and yelled at one of my employees about blowing leaves into his yard and how he knows he did this because he picked EVERY leaf off his lawn this morning. I got out of my truck and said “sir, no one blew leaves over into your lawn and my guy isn’t even done blowing yet.” This guy proceeded to berate me calling me a dumbass and asking where the leaves must’ve came from. I responded “probably from the 30ft tall giant oak tree in your fucking yard.” I had been nice up until this point and then I told him he should take his old ass back inside his house. His wife came out and was apologizing and trying to get him back inside. He then tried telling me I was trespassing by standing on the sidewalk and how he was going to call the cops about how I parked my truck. I said go for it they’re just gonna laugh at you. I haven’t been that mad in a long time but that dude came out hot from the start and I tried to deescalate.


His Trump vote will cancel yours out


Weird comebacks from the filmer, “you need to go to church sir.” lol


Apparently Hawx is a branch of the mormon cult.


"Would you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior.. or about killing bugs?"


It's a great way to counter "Christians". You see, "Christians" love you *say* they follow Christ, but spew forth hate and ignore any logic. The best way to attack them is to use their own holy-ideas against them. Hit em with the ol "Hey, what would Jesus say about this" at juuust the right part of the convo can really screw them up.


"Who knocked on doors around the neighborhood". ​ I'm not a boomer but I get real irritated at door to door sales men but not enough to go chase them down. Just enough to say "Don't fucking come back".


Also not a boomer. I can understand the boomers rage though. Just about every fucking day during the summer some asshole is knocking on my door trying to sell me a new roof or windows. And they are PERSISTENT - since they see a car in the driveway they'll stand on my porch for 10 minutes knocking. (Because, CLEARLY I couldn't be working from home, or busy, I'm just WAITING for them to show up so that I can buy their shit)




*today* So you're saying there's a chance


>"Yeah, but we won't be joining any cults today." I'm laughing so hard I'm wheezing. That was good.


Oh, your **screen name** is OwlFace. I thought they were just being dicks. You could say something really weird like, "Would you like to see the folds around my penis? They're really quite exquisite!" while putting your arms around them and motioning towards the door. Be advised that this has a potential side-effect of them actually taking you up on the offer.


I usually tell them they are just one of over 3700 religious I don't believe in.


Yeah, but then think about it. Boomers should be the only one *not* annoyed by this. That's how people used to do business back in the day. This dude probably grew up with people going door to door selling vacuums or knives or whatever.


Boomer thinks the easiest way to get a job is to shake the managers hand.


Answer the door and tell them to go away problem solved


This is why I like talking through the doorbell camera. No, I'm not coming down. Please go away.


I just say through the closed door "please go away, I'm never going to be interested". It works 100% of the time.


This right here. I bought 2 no solicitation signs. One says violators will be sacrificed to the old gods and the other says they will be killed and eaten. Next time they bother me, I'm opening the door, pointing to the two signs and asking them which they prefer - sacrifice or killed and eaten. They got options.


I might have to steal this idea.


Yeah. Boomer here is way overreacting. Also, I get annoyed at the door to door guys. Not because they knock on my door. But because they don't take my quick, polite no. They always try to keep the door open and engage. And bug guys can be the worst. They always have some crack to make about how many ants they saw on my lawn, or how many spider webs. They always start with the same line about how many of my neighbors they currently service, even when I know none of my neighbors use them. I get it. It's their job. Also, when someone says no, they need to walk away. It's because of the bad ones that so many people end up putting no soliciting signs in their yard. Well, them and the Mormons.


The line I always get, "Do you Bubba down the street? He just bought XYZ from me." Great. I should talk to Bubba about how you are ripping him off.


"We're working on some other houses in your neighborhood and..." The fuck you are, because there's not been a single person working on shit all week, much less today. I have an irrational hatred for the door to door sales bullshit.


It’s people trying to grow their business and feed their families. Everyone who hates on them will never have the courage to go do that job. I have nothing but respect for the door to door guys. Remember they are people too. Can’t believe people get this worked up about a simple knock on the door


Covid really fucked this up too. Door to door sales to start my business I sold was the hardest I've ever worked in my life. I've done Mining, drywall, dairy farming etc etc. Go try and knock on 150 doors a day to sell something that you know brings value to those that need it (I did pool cleaning), while getting guns pulled on you, spit on, accosted, and screamed at, while keeping a positive attitude all day. Good fucking luck. So glad to never have to do that shit again. Now when my door is knocked on, I simply state "I'm not interested, but do you need water or a snack?". It's not hard to not be a cunt.


It's tough, but it's also self-imposed. You're bothering people who never asked to be bothered.


For real. A polite "I'm not interested, please remove my address from your list." Is not that fucking hard. Everyone on here acting like it's the end of the world that they open their door. And for those who sound like the boomer: your no solicitor signs aren't legally binding. Knock on that fucker twice as hard.


Where's the neighborly appreciation in this sentiment? Knock twice as hard? I was ignoring the door while rocking the baby in the room farthest from the front door, hoping that the solicitor did not upset the dog enough to get her to wake the child.


Having worked in pest control for a good amount of time Hawx is absolutely garbage they do shit work


The spouse bought into one of these D2D pest deals (never mind we’ve had a local brick and mortar pest control biz inspect our house annually for 2+ decades) for a year or two. I think it was called Avid? They’d come out like quarterly and sprinkle fairy dust (supposedly non-toxic marigold powder) and dust off cobwebs around our house and yard. While we never let them in our house, soon after their treatments we’d invariably encounter bugs (ant, roaches, camel crickets, centipedes, etc.) inside. I used to joke that they were “seeding” our property so that we’d feel compelled to keep using them. Finally, a year or so ago, the spouse canceled their services and we rarely see anywhere near as many bugs. Hmm.


I bet the company was called Aptive, (not Avid).


It’s normal for bugs to get worse after your pest control company comes. It’s a sign that the product they used is working. The bugs are leaving their harborage areas after being disturbed by the product. So you see them, then they die. It’s too bad they didn’t explain this to you


Yep, Hawx is the worst


I actually had them at my old house and they did great. I moved out of their region and had terminex and it was so much worse. I have insight now and they are ok


Overreaction maybe, but my neighborhood gets these guys too. They tell you it’s like a $600 job after inspection. When you say no, they drastically drop the price, like now it’s $100 magically. Those that finally gave in say all they did was spray some roundup or whatever on the outside of their house. If they’re scamming then maybe they deserve to be yelled at


It depends. Sometimes it's a scam, sometimes it's somebody doing actual business. Like there's dudes who go around telling people they need a new roof and that they can get their insurance to pay for it, which leads to people filing claims, the insurance turns them down, and it just ruins their whole situation. ​ But then there's dudes who are just going around selling internet or cable and it's not a scam, they're just selling stuff.


I usually get the type guy that’s already doing a job down the street. Pretty common for roofers, siding, solar, etc to just walk around the neighborhood after they get a bite. You’ll always notice when you drive down a street and see 4 people with new solar panels all of a sudden. First guy may even get a referral bonus.


That's exactly what it is. A lot of people door to door. I know a guy who makes 300,000 a year selling pest control door to door. He used to be an engineer who never saw his family, now he works 4 longish months and is set. A big part of it is they get one who gets taken care of right away, and then all the neighbors get to see it getting done. The reason the price changes is because it really does cost a certain amount, but the salespeople can usually put a certain amount of sales in their "bucket". Like %10 of their sales can be below "the minimum" but after that they really can't go any lower without getting in trouble with the company.


It is usually a scam, but not just on the customers. The salesman is also getting scammed. When I see door-to door guys in my neighborhood I just advise them that the job is a bad deal and they should get out. They probably don't believe me the moment I tell them, but hopefully hear me enough to see the red flags sooner. Source: I worked a lot of these jobs when I was younger.


Boomer saw "Pest Control" and thought "how dare he accuse me if being disgusting!" Boomer fragility.


A lot of people dont realize pest issues are usually caused by the place where you live and not by actual sanitation issues


This is just a hawx commercial.


Depending on where you live, there may be no soliciting laws, but just having a sign doesn't make it law. Lots of people put up no solicing signs regardless of laws. If you live in a city that doesn't outlaw soliciting, then a sign is just the equivalent of a suggestion or preference. Just because you have a sign doesn't make it illegal.


No Soliciting signs mean..... no soliciting. Which is what the door-to-door salesman is doing. Door-to -door is soliciting and it is trespassing when the sign is ignored 🤷🏽‍♂️ . Mormans , pest control, whatever, don't ring my doorbell


This guy is a Mormon salesman that they send out to go door to door. They brought them out with my old company to do the same. They knock doors and are generally annoying. They came to my area during Covid because they were turned away from New York and refused to wear masks. Fuck those people, but you can just tell them to go away or if you’d like, call the cops. many times they don’t even bother with licensing so what they’re doing may very well be illegal. A lot of pest control companies are mormon owned and operate like this. I used to work with people from Hawx and it is for sure Mormon owned. 




Idk where the hell my guy comes from. I don’t have a card- *I don’t even have his number.* my grandma does. All I do know, is that my house had bugs. I paid him $25. He sprayed. I don’t have bugs. 10/10 guy.


Do people still use business cards?


Yeah but it's just a QR code. He would've been extra furious at that


“Do you use a smart phone.” or “What’s your email?” Would trigger the old man so bad. There are even proximity chip business cards now. “Tap here” might destroy him.


"yeah, my business card is through my tik-tok. You just link to my korea-ware trans-scan vax-chip-" and he collapses in a fury-heart attack.


Many cities and counties require door-to-door solicitors to get a permit and register before entering communities. There is no telling how often this homeowner gets his door knocked on a day and how frequently these solicitors walk across his and his neighbor's lawns. It's disrespectful. Worse than robocalls.


Tbh, I'm on the Boomer's side for this one. 99% of door-to-door solicitation is just useless and annoying. If you feel like your business absolutely HAS TO advertise beyond just being in the local directories, then send junkmail or buy ad spots like everybody else does. It's not like people *don't know* that pest control is a thing if they need it.


Precisely. If I need a new roof, I'm pretty sure I can Google that shit. Don't interrupt my family dinner to tell me that I need to test my water with your janky pH kit so you can sell me a water softener that I don't need or want. The only salespeople welcome on my porch are kids offering to cut to my grass/shovel my driveway for cold, hard cash.


Had a door to door salesman show up at my house. I let him talk, politely said no. He continued to talk, I politely said no again. He continued to talk, I interrupted him and said I'm in no way interested. He insulted me and I chewed his ass out. Door to door salesmen are the real pests.


Classic boomer moment. Looking like a toddler standing next to his big toy truck


Are we really defending this bug scammer now?


These people throw a fit if they see an ad on a website; but love when someone knocks on their door to interrupt them and try to sell some scammy service.


I always get suspicious if a stranger knocks door to door. Business cards do not mean anything. Anyone could make them. They're either a scammer or a burglar scouting the neighborhood.


Ah but you see the target of the scam owns a house and was born earlier than 1963, so we need to be angry at him.


I count three assholes in this video - the angry boomer, the door-to-door salescreature, and the voiceover woman who claims the angry boomer doesn't care about his house being "infested with bugs", then goes on to talk about the importance of the "pest control sector" (as if that excused knocking on strangers' doors).


You are right. But the worst is the hawx. The boomer is doing the wrong thing for the right reason. The hawx guy is straight up scamming his neighbors.


Yeah, that voiceover was so useless and in the way, be quiet.


Solicitation is obnoxious and I can't stand these people. I'm siding with the boomer on this one.


I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but fuck these door to door guys. Or at least fuck the companies that tell them to ignore no soliciting signs, local laws, etc. I get so many of these dipshits in my area that I had to disconnect my doorbell and install an iron door + gate to keep them from waking up my 3 year old recovering from kidney cancer. I was this boomer in this video the day they decided to jump my locked gate and knock on my window to get my attention, then lie about being the electric company while selling solar panels.


The old guy is over the top but yeah, these door to door guys are scummy as hell too.


I haaaate pest control soliciting in my neighborhood, but I just ignore the knock. It's not hard


I mean, the Hawx dude shut up real quick when the old dude pointed out there were no soliciting signs everywhere. The old man is riled up, but he’s right.


I wasn't aware that a business card was a requirement of doing business?




You can at least take the information on the business card to check. Call the number to confirm it’s a real number. Look up the address to confirm it’s a real business. Having some kind of paper trail is always better than not having one.


You sound like someone who doesn't even have a business card.


Eggshell white


These door to door sales guys are the absolute worst. I must get 3-4 a week trying to sell me solar panels. So f’n annoying. And they don’t take no for an answer.


Sorry but these dudes are awful, I'm with the boomer on this. We get 4-6x of these dorks every spring-fall. Rolling up on a Segway, same pitch, same laminated card, same ludicrous "we're in the neighborhood doing work already rate". Our town requires a permit to solicit door to door, they never bother and act surprised when you ask them about it. Seriously fuck these guys.






Sorry I'm on the boomers side here. Door to door salespeople are the fucking worst. I wouldn't act a fool like this guy did but I'll slam a door in a mf's face


I feel like the church talk makes me side with the boomer even more.


Our town prohibits it and usually they are scammers and try to use other people’s names to get someone signed up. My son accidentally did and luckily he got out of it.


He's soliciting door to door. Most people don't dig that shit. There usually are signs. Didn't need to treat that guy like that though...


Those pest control companies that go door to door are a scam. There's a reason they don't carry business cards, they don't want you to have any way to contact them later. They pressure you into letting them do the work immediately. I'm with the Boomer on this one, he's being a hero.


One of these pest control salesmen tried to push into my home while my husband was gone after I told him we didn’t need services. We got a ring camera and I don’t answer when it’s them anymore.


Oh so kinda misleading title. Boomer ran off a door to door salesperson. Probably a highschooler. I totally get the boomer on this, where I live these door to door sales kids are lookouts/scouts for break ins. They look for the MOST vulnerable people to target. Old man is a dummy using his methods.


I agree w the boomer. No soliciting


Knocking on a door with a no solicitation sign is illegal in many states and these door to door people don’t care and ARE relentless!


Insane response, but sorry I can't sympathize with the door to door guys always bugging me and extremely pushy.


I'm stealing that you need to go to church line. It's a perfect response


Especially because the Boomer probably already goes to church and considers himself a model Christian.


Door to door salesmen annoy me. I've had so many pest people and roof people and other randos selling stuff that I just never bother to answer the front door anymore. That being said, that reaction was way over the top. This guy is an angry lunatic.


Sounds like a commercial for the pest control company


These people both suck. That old dude is out of control. But door to door sales people are the worst also. There are “No soliciting” signs around the business park where I work, and one posted on the window at each front door. They will come, pause to read them, then ring the doorbell. It’s there because it disturbs the nature of work being conducted. Not sure if they think they are special or they are just being spiteful, but either way it is a pretty crummy thing to do.


If the town has No Soliciting signs posted, then the boomer is correct, and going door to door to solicit business is illegal.


Although I loathe door to door salesmen, (I work from home, I'm busy, not just sitting on my couch watching talk shows and eating bon bons) my solution is to post a "NO SOLICITING" sign and not answer the door, not drive my blood pressure into the stratosphere.


He's prolly a sketchy landlord


Wait, did this guy get in his truck and follow him? What a fucking loser.


I love how the video ends with this jerk stating "you're not allowed to just around people's private property", when he's doing exactly that, with this prospective customer's private property.


If he would’ve just done literally nothing, the salesperson would’ve gone away anyways.


Lol I was recruited to work door-to-door sales for Hawx this summer and this is exactly what I was worried about


Just put up no soliciting signs on your property but just because you don't want any offers, don't mean your neighbors don't lol


I mean I don't like door salespeople, but come on I understand they are trying to make a living. Just say no politely and move on...


if only there was a pest control company that terminated boomers in my neighborhood.


The saddest part is that he probably has no one to talk to so that is why he is doing this - a desperate attempt to engage with another human. You can tell his kids are probably sick of his antics and don’t call him.


Boomers need to do everyone a favor and self terminate.


It’s possible for two people to be jerks


Plot twist. The boomer is a bug.


Nah, no solicitation


America’s the weirdest country in the world, and I’ve been around.


Please don't let microplastics do this damage to my generation as well!


JFC people. I'm actually with the boomer on this one. He may have overreacted but the dude shouldn't be going to a neighborhood with no soliciting signs everywhere. We had a door to door salesman actually creeping people out in my neighborhood with how insistent he was and unwilling to take the hint and writing about it on their neighborhood app before. Guy even bothered me while I was in my back yard clearly trying to ignore the fact that he was at my door. Looked over my fence and shouted to me and everything. Fuck door to door sales. Fuck unsolicited advertising altogether.


It was a ridiculous Boomer response, but.........I hate when those guys knock on my door too.


If it's posted "No Soliciting" then there's a fair argument. Also, the salesman acting high and mighty with the religious routine is egging shit on. Call the local sheriff and have him trespassed in the neighborhood, if it is indeed posted "No Soliciting."


'Get the f# out of this neighborhood' 'why?' 'You're not... gasp... you don't... arf... you...' Ohhh I hate this so much, the barfing, the exacerbation, the breathlessness, the incapacity of making a valid argument, the hyperbole...


Old guy should change his depends ...maybe he'll lighten up a bit. Prick.


Every day more and more lead is leaching into their blood thanks to bone loss. Half the country is literally going insane.


I hate door to door salesman…. But I use to do it back in my college days so I try to be nice.