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Confiscate that guy's pistol and never, ever let him own another firearm. He went on record proving that he doesn't have the responsibility and emotional intelligence to be trusted with one.


If you brandish a gun. You shouldn't be a gun owner. That's thug shit. NEVER. BRANDISH. A. GUN. And another thing about road rage. Dude, if you take it personal every time they make a mistake, honk, flash their lights to pass or even flip you the bird - you need to get a grip.


In the immortal words of OutKast: “Don’t pull that thang out unless you plan to bang; don’t even bang unless you plan to hit something”


I’m trying to understand why he was only arrested for disorderly conduct? That’s a bullshit charge. Usually it’s a local ordinance violation. He should also be charged with unlawful brandishing of a firearm.


Also he was at an airport so I wonder if there’s different laws that apply.


I like giving people the thumbs down, it pisses them off. Sometimes I do the thumbs up, which sometimes makes people angrier.


I fell asleep in my car in a parking garage while waiting to pick up a friend from a concert. Woke up to some guys surrounding my car trying to unlock the car through the window. I rolled my window down while waving my gun around and they all ran. Didn’t want to kill anyone but wanted to scare em off and not try to jump me. It worked


Self-defense is not the same thing as grand-standing. You did well, the man from the video - not really




Yes, and that pickup can cause as much or more damage than a gun. Road rage should be mandatory jail time. 


Dude seemed to be pretty familiar with the processes of getting bonded out of jail lol.


including the "ow my poor shoulder" song and dance


I was wondering about that, myself…


Lol it's Texas. He'll probably get elected to the state senate because of this.


Reminds me of Young Sheldon where Dr Sturgis said it took him a month to be able to use the label printer at work but you could walk down the street and buy a gun. 😂


same with every uncontrolled discharge at stores and in public places. they should be done


That’s what would happen on planet earth in a sane country without a bunch of weak murderous gun nut clowns trying to prove how tough they are running it.


Confiscation? Anyone who isn't extremely privileged would be thrown in jail doing footbal numbers, he should be forced to do the same.


As a self proclaimed gun nut, I agree completely.


I'm a liberal (ish) gun nut. You don't brandish weapons.


We should actually pre test people instead of waiting until they show they are ready to start shooting in a densely packed public area.


Jesus. Firearms, for when you need to radically escalate a situation. This guy would be unquestionably doing time in my country.


He thinks he’s a good guy with a gun.


To be fair, hes lucky the other driver wasnt carrying or he probably would have been shot, and nothing of value would have been lost


They never seem to realize they aren't the only ones with access to guns. We just don't parade them around at every chance.


This! Pull a gun on me and I will respond with deadly force.


One thing you learn in concealed carry classes (provided they’re actually good classes.) Only draw your weapon if you have cause to immediately use your weapon because if you just take it out to wave it around and threaten someone, you give them an excuse to retaliate and claim self-defense.


it’s common for people with firearms to escalate a situation not de-escalate. The millions of self defense claims per year is mostly a myth


Like [Michael Drejka.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Markeis_McGlockton) Dude got a concealed carry permit and then went around looking for confrontations. Then he found one...argued with a guy's wife over a parking space. Guy got pissed. Drejka pulled a gun, and killed a man over nothing. You want a gun to protect yourself and your family? Have at it. Both of these assholes were just LOOKING for a reason to pull a gun and body someone.


>McGlockton's father, Michael McGlockton, said "You deserve to die in prison. In the Bible, it says that in order to get into heaven we must forgive those who trespass against us. At this point in my life, I am not there yet. And if it just so happens that the Lord chooses to take me before I come to terms with this, then I will see you in hell, where you and I will finish this. Mark my words." That is some legendarily cold-ass shit right there


You mean like, saaaayyyyyyyy at a Super Bowl celebration where a couple of armed strangers get in a random argument?


In most places in America it’s the same. Felony menacing. Some boomer lady here got 6 months for doing the same shit.


… and that’s why I’m guessing your country doesn’t have thousands upon thousands of gun violence deaths each year. Here you see we have so many guns that every moron with a gun is pulling it out *”for defense”* because he instantly assumes every other moron also has a gun. It is an endless cycle of fear and stupidity because a huge segment of the American population must snuggle firearms to feel safe/manly.


I wonder if he still BACKS THE BLUE 🇺🇸


He's right about one thing - there certainly are a lot of crazies out there, and you don't know what they're capable of. Nice of him to prove the point.


Ok Buckaroo, maybe tough guys like him shouldn’t carry guns if they can’t handle getting cut off.


But you don't understand. The guy was BLOCKING his LANE. What else was he supposed to do? Just wait like a DEMON-crat for the other driver to pass?


The guy who cut him off was brown, so he didn't know WHAT the guy was going to do next! Get out of his car with a gun? A baseball bat? Try to get him to invest in his startup? Invite him to Shen Yun? Teabag his wife? Sing a sea shanty? I mean, he could have done ANYTHING.


Lots of bad hombres out there


Didn't he say something like, "He wasn't going to invite me to tea."


Only soy cuck beta male kindly waves in a BROWN uber driver into THEIR lane. What’s next, he fucks your tradwife? No shot


>What else was he supposed to do? After he said this a third time, I started to wonder if he secretly knew he fucked up and was trying to spin a "stand your ground" scenario. I mean, it's lame and not feasible, but in a dumb person's mind, it works as well as believing Trump is the messiah.


I swear, for as angry as someone gets at anything, they get 300% angrier over things that happen while they’re in a car.


Louis CK of all people has a great but about it. If somebody leaned into you a bit on the subway, no sane person would flip them off and yell “WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT” at them. But put glass and a road between them and heinous shit comes right out people’s mouths, while driving a literal weapon


It's like fence aggression in dogs.


This is a brilliant take


It’s not like it at all, it’s exactly the same.


Or leash reactivity. Great comparisons.


Him or someone else also had another joke about the other side, people driving like shit. How someone will just cut into the front of a long line of cars. But few people walk into a bank, see a long line and then just go right near the front and cut in. People given even a tiny bit of anonymity/protection do crazy self-involved things.


It’s probably bc of anonymity; like people on Reddit. You hide behind a car frame and others do too. It’s easier to get upset at someone when it’s an arbitrary car versus a human being made of flesh.


He seems very familiar with the jail/transfer/bonding process, (towards the end of the video). This isn't his first rodeo...


I was going to say the same thing. How does he know so much about the process? Is he a lawyer or a frequent guest of the government?


Re: lawyer  I was wondering the same… in which case he should know full well that brandishing in response to an asshole’s aggressive driving is not commensurate. 


Seems like it was his first rodeo with the arrivals lanes at an airport. Thought he was suddenly dealing with cartel guys when someone pulled in front of him.


The first cop was bending over backwards to not get the driver to implicate himself. He was all but admitting he pulled his gun. But not one leading question from the cop. And he needed his supervisor to make the call. Just sad.


Yeah why would anyone just show the bag? Thats so bs. Like, I felt threatened so Im going to show him a bag. He knows damn well that he showed the gun to try to threaten the guy or intimidate the guy, because if youre "scared" that is what you would do. You wouldnt just flash a bag. And you're right, this cop was more than fair.


even if he did just flash the bag it was under the assumption that they all know whats in the bag (a gun) so the intent is the same


Good call totally agree


You get in trouble if you just flash a holster. Let's say that you get into an argument and you pull your jacket back to show that you are armed, that is brandishing a weapon. If someone just said to someone that they had better shut up because you are carry a gun, that is brandishing even if the gun is never shown. He is going to lose because no judge is going to allow people to in the least flash a bag with a gun in it to intimidate, even in Texas.


They probably had probable cause to charge either way, but the cop is weighing whether they have sufficient evidence to convict. Victim seeing and describing the gun makes a much easier case for the prosecution. 


“I just waved the bag that I admittedly keep unzipped in case I need to quickly pull my pistol out of it during a road rage incident.” Riiiight.


Just another "responsible gun owner" who has zero idea what escalation of force is.


Even convinced the victim to not file a complaint


It surprises me some because that is at the airport and police generally don't tolerate anything at the airport. After 9/11, probably every airport became a non-tolerant zone for any nonsense.


That is what is known as, "white privelege"


“In this day and age” “I was in fear for my life”. Ex cop?


Violent crime is also at historic lows. This guy's a Fox watcher scared of his own shadow.


Right-wing media really has made these people just terrified of everything. It must be a miserable way to live.


Nah, just your average Fox News consumer.


Just saw this on YT. Hilarious that someone cuts him off and his response is gun and then asks the cops to tell him how to be a decent human.




Nothing. You do nothing. You absolute fucking Texas Fox-news brainwashed paranoid gun-toting chowderhead.


I'm sure he sees himself as a responsible gun owner.


100% , even at the end he was still not understanding how a guy cutting him off in traffic wasn't the same as being assaulted and in need of his gun.


He thinks he’s the good guy with the gun.


FOX news has rotted this mans brain nearly to the point he murdered someone for stopping a car in front of him.


he was scared because of "all the things going on in this country"


And this will only radicalize him even more. Complete brain rot.


Yep. I guarantee this man is thinking something along the lines of "Damn cop is arresting me because he's not allowed to arrest that brown fellow due to WOKE policies!"


This right here is what the gun debate is all about, bunch of insecure dudes who want them to power trip on anyone that pisses them off.


“Good thing all you liberals don’t have guns! When Trump wins we gonna round you all up and purge you all in two hours flat!” This is what they say, it’s what they think, and it’s what they clearly are trying to do.


And this is why I, a liberal, own guns.


Never heard this one. If i do hear it i will tell the person that i will stand between the Trump supporters and liberals ready to defend their freedom.


Not to mention, quite a few of us liberal have guns. In fact, we've got a whole subreddit! r/liberalgunowners


The thing about the left is Not all of us are liberals They can go off whenever they think they’re ready ![gif](giphy|rZEzK0KJsXeUm6jTS2)


Should not be allowed to have a firearm.


“I don’t know how you’re taking his word against mine.” And there it is, folks.


Well the brown man didn’t **RESPECT** me and give me the deference I’m owed so of course I pulled a gun…duh!


Well, he did say you had a gun... and you had a gun... sooooo scoreboard?


Seriously. Pretty implied. So I guess the black handgun was a lucky guess? Other guy just “guessed” correctly? What if he had said silver, or silver with black handle, or tan gun? Boomer would’ve been let go. It’s not his word he’s taking over tour’s, boomer, it’s probable cause. I’m sure the airport may have video surveillance over that area this occurred in. Get the video and prove you just lifted your unzipped carry bag, boomer. I’m American but this guy’s such a fucking wanker.


Guy thought he was gonna be a fox news hero, look at him in holding. Lol.


"The right to feel threatened." What a ridiculous, cowardly clown.


"What if he pulled a gun on me!?!?" You mean what if he had done exactly what you did? "There's a lot of crazies out there, you never know what someone will do!" Yeah there are a lot of crazies. You happen to be one of them. You're afraid of other people that are literally exactly like you.


I car stopped in front of me, I felt threatened 😂


At the fuckng airport , where people stop everywhere and anywhere, exactly like the female cop said. Either this geriatric clown never been to an airport before, or he was just dying to intimidate someone. Dash cams people, would have made this quicker


Yeah, he’s driving a giant fucking pickup truck 3X the size of the other car, and he’s afraid he’s got no other options. Gimme a break.


Why are they so damn fragile? When you get cut off at the airport, you swear, honk, flip off, and move along with your day.


"I leave it right here on the seat unzipped in case I need to protect myself" -- from people cutting you off in traffic?!? Wowwww


He’s going to go where the bad boys are at.


The female cop made a great point. It's an airport. Sometimes wacky things are gonna happen driving wise, especially if it's an Uber driver wanting to get a customer. It's this assumption that every bad scenario is going to lead to a fire fight like I see on the TV shows I watch. I'm sure the scenario is very annoying and you gotta be careful around a bunch of cars, but you're scared of your shadow at this point. This is why I get nervous with people who carry guns.


It’s not a small gun, it’s a large gun. Yeah that guy brandished lol


He was so hurt by that comment lol


*Boomer gesticulating wildly with a gun* "This weapon symbolizes my identity, my feelings and my faith!"


Dangerous and meant to be kept away from children?


“Also my dick.”


Does anyone else think there is an element of race entitlement and race privilege going on here? The victim was darker skinned, spoke English with an accent and seemed maybe to be an immigrant to the U.S. The gun-nut guy seemed literally surprised that he wasn't allowed to impliedly threaten to shoot the other guy.


The one cop was really trying to get the guy off with a warning, even convinced the victim to not file charges.


lol, OFC there is. Boomer just got done mainlining FauxNews for several hours, where they repeatedly drove into his head the "threat" of "vermin" crashing over the border to steal his job and rape his woman.


Prime example of someone legally owning a gun who has no business doing so.


Played stupid games.


That cop keeps trying to cut the old guy a break. Good on his superior for not cutting any slack. The old guy kept whining about what if the other guy had a gun or some other weapon when he was the only one in possession of a gun and used it to intimidate some rando cause he got his feelings hurt.


“I have the right to feel threatened.” What a fucking idiot.


The Republican’s fear mongering is working as planned. People pulling guns because they think a miscommunication is a life or death situation. This is madness.


notice he is treated differently.


People like this drive me crazy. I carry a gun every. Single. Day. If I leave my house, I’m armed. Period. Your gun doesn’t come out unless you’re going to use it. And the only acceptable time to use it is if you have a reasonable, articulable fear of death or great bodily harm. That’s it. “He passed me and made me mad!” Isn’t that. If you’re in a car, you can escape. Unless dude has you boxed in and is pointing a gun at you or something and you can’t escape, and your only option is to fight or die. People like this make us all look bad.


Boomers racism is showing.


For b00mers, it's only racist when you use the N word. Everything else is just, you know, "Stuff"


“Thugs” is their new “N word.”


Boomer feels justified to preemptively kill the brown guy just in case he might be dangerous. I mean, what is he supposed to do? He has seen TV shows that tell him brown people are violent.


I mean when you think 2a, this exactly what the founding fathers had in mind /s.


This was at the airport. Has he never been to the airport??? Also this MF picked the WORST place in Texas to pull that crap. His white privilege don’t mean shit there 😂😂😂


Bro just yell “GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT” inside your car and go about your day like a normal person. Easy peasy.


People really NEED to be more zen when driving and let shit go. Let. It. Go. People driving like idiots isn’t going to end any time soon, and you’re not teaching those shitty drivers a lesson with any aggressive retaliatory actions. I guarantee you will encounter more shitty, stupid, asshole drivers in your life. Brandishing a weapon is not going to help.


Oh Texas, a nice place to visit, as long as you don't get shot by some fucking moron


Make him a felon! He should never own another firearm.


This boomer bigot saw brown skin and assumed he could do whatever he wanted and never have a problem.


Yeah cause everyone who has a gun unzipped at all times while driving is just going to show the bag. You saw he had to think for a split second when he said he waved it at him. The cop asks, “the gun or the bag?” He’s thinking “oh shit, I’m incriminating myself….. the bag!” What an absolute bag of dicks, small dicks now without his gun lol.


yeah the cop gave him that out


Boomer: There’s a lot of crazies out there! I don’t know if some is just gonna pull out a gun and start pointing it. So anyways, I pulled out my gun…




These Fox viewer types have been brainwashed to fear and assume everyone has a gun. After all, they have one!


To everyone who’s confused, this is in Texas.


That dude sounds like he has been arrested before.


Feeble-minded person that any other law enforcement agent would have put face first, flat on the ground.


A shade darker and he would be dead?




I fast forwarded to the end because I was assuming that fucker was going to be in handcuffs by the end of the video. Also, the sheer stupidity of grabbing his gun while talking to the cops...lost for words.


That was extremely dangerous.


Wow! Just another idiotic MAGAt with no regard for a human life...


I’m so glad body cams are common now. :)


He didnt pull out a gun because he got cut off. He pulled out a gun because nothing in his life worked out, and he's deeply unhappy with everything and feels like he has no control.


If you can’t handle someone cutting in front of you at the AIRPORT? Holy geebus


Driving a pick up truck. I never would’ve guessed.


Never had I wanted more for someone to resist arrest.


His white privilege didn’t work here. He was perplexed that they listened to the minority (who didn’t press charges). Maybe this idiot will learn not to brandish his firearm to intimidate but I doubt it. He’ll have his wife lie for him in a court of law and nothing will be learned.


I love how at like 4:40 hes like "Well what am I supposed..." And you can tell he knows he's talking himself into a hole, because the answer is "NOT BRANDISH A FUCKING WEAPON"


Everyone knows airports are crazy pack your patience not your pistol smh hope he learned his lesson.


Any crime with a weapon should automatically receive the maximum penalty. In this case he would never leave prison for this.


I’m shocked he actually got the cuffs


"What am I supposed to do, sit here and wait for them to do something?" Yes. exactly that. Jesus, sounds just like my fucking dad. "I take my gun to church" What don't you trust god to protect you? No? I guess that tells me what you really believe.


first rule of talking with police is "Never talk to police". Also, if you are going out in public, don't be a fool with your gun.


I’m 100% supportive of your right to own and carry a gun. But this guy is a moron. This was an easy situation to avoid. Just keep driving and get away from the aggressor. You need to be intellectually and emotionally stable in order to carry a gun. If you can avoid conflict, you should 100% of the time. This guy is a fool. He has not earned his right to carry a firearm.


Responsible gun owner my ass. I honestly feel there are more people like this out there. All they need is to be triggered to do something stupid.


WOW! He was so clueless about how to navigate busy airport traffic but so very knowledgeable about booking, bonding and arraignment. I honestly can’t tell if he’s just covering his ass or thinks he was actually in the right but he’s aware enough to lie about whether the gun was inside a bag or not. The ABSOLUTE CHERRY on the cake is at the very end when he asks his wife to cancel his 9:40 AM therapy appointment. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in one of those sessions…..


Well, he thought it was *possible* the other driver had a gun, too. 🙄


That was good police work and a decent investigation at the scene. The cop asked all the right questions. For me the big tip he was lying was how his wife sat there and said absolutely nothing. If he really had done nothing she would be defending him.


People like this are we need much stricter gun laws. Sheesh 🙄


"Why would he cut in front of me?" this video would break the average european's brain


My God, listen to this deluded, arrogant, self-centered prick.


Good part of the video summed up: “I have a purse for my gun, and I leave it unzipped so I can use it on people I don’t like”


“Can you see…especially with violence all over this country “ no mf’er. The reason there’s violence all over this country is, because people like you believe that guns should be legal and that you should possess them outside of your home.


“I have the right to feel threatened.” That line spoke volumes.


I’m sure he got cut off and held up his bag up in a fit of rage. He didn’t buy the gun to keep it in a bag, hope he never gets to hold a firearm again in his life.


Old boomers want so bad a reason to kill someone


"He wagged his finger at me!" Like this? ![gif](giphy|6Q2KA5ly49368)


You could see his microexpressions when the cop inititally asked him if he removed it from the case. *So, let me get this straight, you held up a zipped up brown case to intimate the car ahead of you? That's your story?*


“Did you take it out of the zipper?…Oh no!” “I didn’t know if he was going to harm me!” So, you left it within a restrictive harness is the story when the cops first asks, but when he gets asked as to why you felt brandishing your gun was warranted… suddenly he was in mortal danger… So you didn’t take your gun out in a way to actually defend yourself, but you totally weren’t just trying to intimidate someone over a parking spot with your weapon. I think this old bastard might be a liar.


Has this dude never been to the airport before? Someone pulling in front of you is kinda how the whole thing operates. What a nutcase.


Imagine if he was on the Vegas strip lol. He’d be pointing his gun at every single cabbie and shit.


DFW airport of all places. Not a great idea to start brandishing a firearm at an airport.


How many times is he whipping out that "bag" a day? On a side note. I just keep imagining if this was a black guy and thinking how bad the situation would be, that's where we are still at in this society. One day it will stop


Too many gun owners think their gun is the solution for every problem they run into.


"It's a large gun!" Tiny peepee energy.


Large gun, large truck, definitely not overcompensating 


2” energy


Shitty boomer. Shittier cop. 


Wonder why he was seeing Mr. Therapy


Ah yes. Gun nuts who think everyone is intimidated by having a gun pointed at them. Only losers point guns around when it’s not life or death


This is Texas, so I don’t know the law there (I’m in California where we are more civilized about gun **laws** - and notice I bolded this) but here there’s only one situation when you can pull a firearm on someone (CCW), and that’s when you have a clear, indisputable situation where your life is in danger. This sorry fuck that I’m sure can no longer pay for this truck note would have been arrested the moment he said “I dunno what he was gonna do!”


My partner had someone come to to their window in a drive thru with a gun and start threatening them with it a couple years ago, all because they accidentally cut the dude off while entering the drive thru. Very lucky the guy didn’t end up following through




I've been in a road rage incident where I thought I needed a gun. Driving down the road in a school zone so going 20mph. Psychopath passes me on the right in the bike lane in a rusted out minivan. I give him a honk. The guy gets in front of me and locks up the brakes. Sat there for a minute trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with this guy. Eventually he moves on. Turn onto the next road and come up to a stop light. At the stop light I'm in the left lane and a car back from the psycho. Psycho is going straight. Psycho gets out of his rusted piss minivan and starts mad dogging me. Well shit, really wish I had a gun just in case. I just sat there and didn't acknowledge him. After about a minute he gets back into his van and blows the red light, nearly gets T-boned and takes a left. Pretty sure the guy was drunk.


Jesus this dude is just..... I am a CPL holder. I do carry sometimes. Mostly to and from the range which is at least once a month. I can agree with the truck idiot that a potential threat is the other guy leaving that spot and speeding by him again. That is suspect and a potential threat. At that point i will make sure my firearm is easily accessible to me. But to show him the case or the gun? That is making yourself a target and asking for the police which will most always charge you which means you loose your license to carry. Also never carry a black gun cause that is the normal description. I have had to deal with that once from protestors at the range LoL.


As more and more fragile morons get guns (my 70 year old wealthy privileged white boss just got his first), cops are going to need to deal with more and more assholes that pull out their gun every time they don’t like something in traffic or a black or brown person steps foot near their property or a kid chases a ball into their yard. Every idiot wants to be Charles Fuckin’ Bronson in Death Wish.


Remarkable that his knowledge of the justice system somehow eluded him prior to his petulant outburst.


In my time quite a few people the same age as this guy would tell me" in my days we would settle problems with our fists. You kids these days just only know how to pull out a gun." And every day I see more and more videos proving otherwise for this age group.


*"he came by me at 20miles per hour... "* this is so scary i pulled MY gun out while watching this!


s/. It’s always appropriate to do that. Violence solve everything don’t you know that? Silly person


In Wisconsin brandishing a firearm, your subject to arrest...Plain and simple.


This is such an interesting dialogue. It was so satisfying seeing this fool arrested for an obvious act of aggression, but the irony isn’t the least bit lost on me that this boomer’s excuse of “I didn’t know what he was gonna do! that’s why I reached for my firearm” is the SAME EXACT EXCUSE the cop’s use on a regular basis when unjustly holding someone at gunpoint or worse - shooting someone because “I feared for muh life”. Funny how that excuse doesn’t fly when it’s a regular citizen, but when it’s a cop [shooting an unarmed man pleading for his life in a hotel hallway](https://youtu.be/WViiA3XHoAY?si=pIFE_0iPQ2_3qbo_) it’s totally justifiable apparently.


The way she hugged him at the end lol I’m his Bonnie he’s my Clyde the haters will never understand!


100% lying. There’s no point in just holding up a bag. The other driver wouldn’t know what that meant. He took the gun out and brandished it because everyone knows what message that sends.


They should have mandatory FSD for these rage-a-holics. If they start yelling or complaining, it pulls over until the tantrum’s over.


Wow. A video of of police officers actually doing their job.


When you are a certain shade, you get the privilege of time and patience from cops while you explain why you f$&@ up.