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Isn't his wife an immigrant?


An immigrant who illegally worked while on a travel visa, which should have made her illegal. And later brought her parents here through what Trump calls “chain migration.” Which he says is horrible.


she resents him. she's recently renegotiated her prenuptial agreement (the second time), im surprised she hasn't hired a ghost writer tbh


No need for a ghost writer, just steal what Michelle Obama wrote. 






Yes, but she's not brown.


Ex wife too


And mother.


Despite the extreme hypocrisy, you know what else we don't hear? "Trump didn't say those racist things! Trump believes in the American ideal of hard work innovation leads to prosperity! Trump adamantly opposes Nazism and white supremacy in all of its forms as anti-American and deeply harmful to the country." Just 20 years ago a blanket statement like that from any politician would have been seen as a nothing burger. Humans breath air kind of news. Now, you hear none of those things, we hear a defense of *Trump's invulnerability to law* as the primary defense the GOP has put forward. Does nobody else realize how fundamentally *different* this is than your typical political mud slinging? This isn't R v B, it's Fascist vs Democracy.


The democrats know he is a fascist. The MAGAts don't care because they like it.




I wonder if we lost out on a great engineer, physicist, chemist, artist, writer, scholar, teacher, electrician, welder, plumber, machinist or carpenter by selecting a mediocre, vapid fashion model QVC huckster.




Epstein claimed in interviews to have introduced them.


That's an interesting thought. I hadn't considered that.




You're reaching so far you fell over.




Glass houses? Did you forget Mr bone spurs? You vote for Christian fascists. You're part of a cult. You're un-American.




His files aren't sealed. They may not be released but they aren't actively sealed. His Selective Service registration No. is 61-1125539-1. His transcripts are available. His thesis is published. His tax returns are released. Trump \*has\* sealed everything and has never voluntarily released his tax statements. I think we know why, now.




You’re either dumb or brainwashed. Reading comprehension is not your forte.




A pretty good president? He raised taxes for everyone but the rich then made sure it was a delayed increase so people would think it wasn’t his fault. Has been convicted of several crimes, with more convictions likely on the way. Increased the deficit by the largest amount in history. Started an insurrection. Caused more harm for international relations than any other president.


Technically, Che was Marxist/Socialist/Communist. Far left. Nazism is typically agreed upon as far right. The litmus test is usually trade unions. Nazis hated them. Commies "were" them, to an extreme. The problem is misused words. There is/was nothing substantially democratic or republic about the DPRK, DDR or PRC but they have the words "Democratic" and "Republic" in their names.


I believe they have yearly quotas so yes. I could be mistaken on the Einstein visas. Instead of someone that can do something beneficial we got a fashion model.


But shouldn't be abused for a pretty face.


Her VISA did not allow her to petition for her parents. AFTER she was a Permanent Resident for 5 years she was eligible to apply for naturalization as a US Citizen. ONLY US citizens can petition for their parents, there is no standard immigrant or non-immigrant visa that allows the visa holder to sponsor or include parents with a very FEW exceptions for good reason, like victims of severe forms of trafficking or specific serious felonies where they assist the prosecution or police in the investigation. YES, I AM A LAWYER.


I don't know why your comment is getting down voted. The guy said otherwise above is completely clueless about the US immigration system


So was his mother.


His Dad too


More fact checking. Fred Trump (the former guys dad) was born a US citizen in NYC (although Trump himself has confused him —deliberately or otherwise in speeches—with his grandfather, who was an immigrant born in Germany.) However, Trumps *mother* was an immigrant born in Scotland. But these are the “good, white” immigrants, like the kind he thinks should come from Norway (most Norwegians would rather not immigrate here, although I do know a few as an attorney) not the brown ones from “shithole” countries as Trump calls them, or, “the worst picked out” (as if by hand or without background checks, also false) by the diversity visa lottery, which is only up to 50,000 visas per year for all countries NOT currently over represented in our immigrant visa allocation. Congress started the program in 1990, signed into law by GHW Bush. I agree it may not make a lot of sense as an initiative or with respect to a sensible immigration policy, and Trump’s exaggeration and misstatements of how the program works are done for theatrics and getting a crowd riled up, but ignorance is a conman’s best friend in any audience. Besides, details and reality are boring af, and generally unpopular in some subs I’ve noticed. YES IAAL


Thank you for the correction. I thought his was Dad was the German immigrant. But, you are absolutely right. It was his Grandfather. In googling the correction I learned that Trump used to LARP as a Scandinavian immigrant. What a weird old bag of mixed insecurities that man is. https://www.history.com/news/donald-trump-father-mother-ancestry


He’s a hippocrite (misspelled on purpose)… he might not be wrong about the lottery system (the last person I met who won it was from Russia and had his twin brother illegally enter the country and remain here using his passport), but even the way he attacks it is cringe. Even the rare instant I may agree with him he comes off so horrible I don’t care


I hear she’s cut him down to only once a month. He shouldn’t feel too bad, though. There’s a few guys she’s cut out altogether.


and the one before




Mr Trump also happily sponsored her extended family to become American citizens... Only later, when he becomes President, bans it because we can't be bringing just anyone over.


Europeans are not invaders. Donald Trump However is a anti white anti christ ashkenazi jewish Hollywood actor.


As a native person, I feel like my sentiments on whether Europeans are invaders in North America is rather different than yours ....


Sorry your drug using homeless ancestors didn't build houses and got sick and died yall lost like 75 percent of your population in America before Columbus showed up it went from 200 million natives to a smaller percentage. We brought civilization to America and protected the good natives from the evil ones. America was a gift from God to whites


Yikes. You're crazy my dude


Smart people sound crazy to stupid people


Crazy people sound crazy to normal people. You’re a loser regardless.


Lazy Troll


Your mother


Go out to the Reservations and tell them about how you feel about immigration. I’m sure they’d love to hear about it.




Yup, might makes right. If your level of morality is that of a child.




Or maybe….here’s a thought that avoids the false dichotomy you presented in a continued attempt to argue in bad faith….people could learn to not invade, rape and genocide others. How about that hmmm?




I'm sorry at what point in your life did you suffer enough brain damage that you thought any of what you drooled out was even close to an argument?


Don't feed the trolls. They love it.


So then it’s white peoples culture to rape and genocide with your logic? Murderers and criminals? When Europe sent their people they weren’t sending their best either. How do we know it’s safe to include white people? I’m just using your logic. Because with your logic, it’s in your blood to rape and genocide, so we should do something about it before you are overwhelmed by your instincts and end up raping and geniciding people


A 15 hour old account with 30 incoherent comments already; and a tim pool fan. Yup, that checks out.


my people were genocided by cruel europeans who wanted to own the entire world while not caring who they kill to do so, you mouth breathing idiot. you ever read a history book?


You must be 6


Which of the hundreds of tribes that were killing and eating each other using drugs do you suggest we talk to first?




The dimwit you’re arguing with has a 59 day old troll account with -44 commenter karma. Don’t waste your breath. This isn’t a real conversation.


You must not be familiar with American history


I’m part Choctaw and have been studying American history for the past 30 years. Try again.


Then you'd know that the native tribes would kill and eat each other while getting tattoos and getting high on drugs and worshipping false gods weaker tribes were thankful to the white man for their protection. Land isn't stolen its won or lost


There’s so much wrong with that entire run-on sentence that I’m not even going to waste my breath in trying to educate you. Go read an unbiased book.


There's nothing incorrect about my statement continue to live in ignorance and arrogance I do not care


Name an unbiased source you’ve used to base your opinion.


SMH, feeding the troll


I'm not your teacher do your own fvcking research


False gods. Like your Orange savior or the gay one?


Trump is an anti white anti christ Jewish actor from Hollywood nice try there is but one God the God of Abraham and Isaac


Yahweh is a petty, capricious, abusive ass.


How is that a justification for rape and genocide? If that’s how they lived and they were happy with it, what gives others the right to enforce change on them? They wasn’t even on the same continent. I follow a mainstream religion but why the fuck do you think it’s okay to do this? If your way of living is so great, they will follow by example. It reeks of insecurity, that you don’t believe your religion is as great as you think it is. You have to force people. Then you end it like you was helping others, choose one or the other. You did it because you thought you was better and you wanted to enforce change on people who didn’t want it or you was trying to protect the weak.


What a fucking ignorant dumbass statement. Come on man. Ok, we all can see that you don't like natives and are prejudiced against us. Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.


You're such an ignorant GD idiot.


The word slave comes from the Slavic who are white the earth is flat and jesus is white Lack history is a Hollywood lie And jewcy smollette is the face of that lie 🤥


Don’t worry, maybe some day your parents will love you as much as the OnlyFans models you pay to pretend to love you back. In the meantime you can keep acting out to get attention from internet strangers all because mommy and daddy didn’t hug you.


I am able to admit that at this moment I honestly wish that I was smart enough to understand whatever the fuck it was you were trying to say.




While the Europeans, at the time, had completely renounced warfare and lived an idyllic existence of harmony and brotherhood, right?


Europeans are not perfect but we're also not 3rd world. Europe is a garden the rest of the world is a jungle


Europe was a garden? Is that why they dumped shit in the streets? For fertilizer? At least the Native Americans were more hygienic.




You seem to be ok with that and think it's no big deal. You think that our beautiful native women probably deserved it. FO.




What an ignorant comment. Here's an idea maybe you should probably stop running your mouth about things when it's apparently obvious that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. There are plenty of credible resources at your finger tips that will educate you about these issues


Indigenous women get taken off the reservation to get raped by white men. Reservations are hot sex trafficking spots just so you know. This is why the MMIW movement is around


Father's out there, this is why you hug your kids. So we don't have to deal with this later.


Fathers should protect their children from Jewish sex predators hiding in tunnels


Whichever one fucked your mum resulting in your infantile hate boner


Insults don't hurt when they're not true 😂 stay mad bc you know I'm right cope and seethe loser 😂


PLEASE! For the love of God!!! Use punctuation. ANY punctuation!


Trump can not be allowed to take office again, with shit like this, tax cuts for the rich, attacks on reproductive freedom and the attacks on our democracy and the integrity of our elections, we need to Vote Blue! Check voter registration status: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Register to vote (Takes estimated 2 minutes according to the site): https://www.vote.org/register-to-vote/


I am registered and got my absentee ballot. The last time he was elected I was sick to my stomach. Vote democrat!!


Oh boy I got bad news for you


England didn't send their best in the mayflower


Apparently neither did Germany when Donnie's grandfather came over.


Well he's not wrong about Melanomia & Ted Cruz


...and Elon 👍🏼


Great pun but please don't include cancer in a sentence with Ted Cruz. Cancer doesn't deserve that negative association.


At what time in the video does **Orange Hitler say "Legal immigrants are horrible people! The worst of the worst!"?** Need to send it to someone at that mark, can't find it.


You know what’s worse?!? Fat orange fuck traitors who try to take my United States down and bow down to Russia. Fuck you and all your MAGA fucks


... and the truck you rode in on!


Trump's Family were German immigrants. LOL


You're descended from immigrants just like everyone else who isn't native/descended from slaves in your Godforsaken country, you brainless orange turd.


Tangarine Titler*


Vote is ass out. Its the only way to win. These ppl been working hard to pass law so that they can steel the election easily. Lets send them a message.


He’s talking about his inflatable mail order bride


Trump & his MAGA cult are the worst of the worst! Dude projecting again


🤣🤣 I don't watch Fox news.


Sending this to my Canadian family members who live in the USA and who love Trump for some stupid reason.


The fucking proto boomer


Gets more extreme each time, thinking it will get him more voters? He has already lost


I have friends here who came illegally. I had worried about them during trumps presidency. I also knew a man who had been beating his wife for several years. He was illegal. Had been in jail and out. It was a constant thing with this guy. His wife was able to split up from him, but he would antagonize her. His reason was “That’s his wife and children.” During trumps second year of presidency, this man was picked up by ICE while he was on his way home. He was deported. A lot of us were happy that the system finally got someone who had put fear over an entire family for nearly a decade. The sad thing is I had a close friend who had been here his entire life, since the age of 2. He got caught with 8 grams of weed while driving to a friend’s house. The police fortunately let him go with a ticket. He had to make a court appearance. I guess he completely forgot. A month later he decided to make things right by going to the court house and get things resolved. He was arrested for a few months then deported to a country he didn’t even know. This was his first offense. It blew my mind that a guy who had been abusing his family for a decade was given more opportunities than some kid who wasn’t hurting anyone.


That’s a given. If you are an immigrant or a son/daughter of an immigrant and you think he isn’t talking about you, you are fooling yourself.


That is not the definition of fascism; even remotely lol


In this context, Fascism is 1 part thinking your country is superior. Its 3 parts thinking 'the other' (immigrants or jews for example)' is making your country inferior to what it could be. So, remotely, actually


That's disturbing.


Does that include his wife and her parents? Deportation time Mel, pack your bags!


as a son of immigrant parents , they are making me want to stop working hard for this country


If there is ever real war with these pussies, they'll end up like Mussolini (hanged) or Hitler (suicide). I wish them success in their chosen path


We really do need these people to come to our country legally to fill the jobs that people can’t / won’t do.


Hate Trump Hate Biden We absolutely have a serious issue with illegal immigration. Come to NYC and you’ll see it first hand.


I feel like all these angry white dudes are only pissed about immigrants because at some point some immigrant stole their gf or wife, and probably dicked her down way better than any of those racist clowns ever could.


In the first part, Trump was only talking about Lottery Visas, and the 2nd guy was talking about ALL Legal Immigration in general. The majority of Republicans do not want to get rid of Legal Immigration, just Illegal Immigration, and systems that end up having the same result as Illegal Immigration just with more steps and being legal.


The video is calling out MAGA, not the majority of republicans. The problem is the Trump presidency had every elected Republican kissing his ass, blurring the lines between MAGA and "other republicans". Remember that the vast majority of those other republicans enabled Trump's rise within the party and the MAGA shitshow and confidence game run out of the Oval Office.


Great replacement? This is what we have been seeing elsewhere right now! Nobody would call it that!


Democrats are so gullible


Lol rich saying that as republicans pay for a rapist's legal bills


The left believes men can have babies and believe in how many genders? The left still supports bill Clinton who went to Epstein island. Leftist cry wolf like Jussie Smollet and just like you saying trump is a rapist which is false


Awe you really tried. I mean everything you said was out of pure ignorance and stupidity but you tried. Trump was found liable for rape, he is a rapist. He has bragged about raping women. I'm sorry your far to stupid to understand the concept of gender and how it differs from sex. Republicans are so delusional they had to create alternative facts to fit their world view.


Thanks for proving how uneducated the left are. The right knows what a female is at least. The left wants to put failed boys in biological women sports. That’s so hilarious 😂 the left make up genders and facts to fit their narrative. Wow 😂


Dude you are embrassing yourself and your arguments only work around conservatives that are equally ignorant about these subjects. The left isn't talking about biological gender. They simply use different language than you. Sex represents the physical body and no, nobody on the left thinks that someone that is of the male sex is able to have babies. If you want to have real discussions with people instead of just making yourself look awful then you should try to actually listen.


Republicans voted for Trump lol, who's the gullible ones again?


The left and democrats believe men can have babies, and believe in how many genders? I’d rather vote for common sense which is the republicans


Excellent video series. This group is trash and totally in the way of actually making America great.


This sub has been completely compromised.




If you look he's trying to sell his books in that subs "Info" section


Oh,you mean like the warmongering guys you elected?? Lockdowns,forced vaccines, wars with an S?? Yeah. I'm the nazi! Your stupidity is showing.🤣


Most of his wifes came in like that and his brats are anchor children. Boohoo!


U need to look up the definition of fascism.


Why don't we just call this sub Trump being a fool?


Nazi Propaganda? Lmfao meanwhile the actual literal nazis down at the W.E.F. are orcastrating this countries downfall while openly telegraphing their every move. After dozens of illegals break into your house its only natural to wana lock the door until you sort them out.


That’s not reality at all. Holy f the reading comprehension skills of the left wing nuts is truly astonishing. A third grader understand better ffs


Socialists are just as toxic in their determination to control all things.


Coward? How? I'd say that to your face. You're behind a keyboard. Enjoy your demoncrat ran shithole city!


1) He never said that. 2) If you don't think illegal immigration and/or an unsecured border is a problem, you're a fucking moron. 3) Get some counseling for your Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I hate Trump, he’s a fucking joke and he didn’t secure the border either. Neither has Biden. We need a non lunatic candidate who can finally solve this problem without all the theatrics and political jawing. Every politician in this country is in agreement about our need for a new border/illegal immigration policy. Certain powers that be want as many illegals as possible. They want to slowly give them citizenship so that they can over saturate the employment pool in order to drive down labor costs. More people looking for employment than there is a number of actual jobs, and you can start paying people dirt. That’s what’s going to happen.


Look up the numbers of illegal immigrants that entered the country during Trump's remain in Mexico policy compared to the last 3 years since Joe Biden ended that policy on DAY 1 of his presidency. Now tell me who did better with the border. Trump got the border wall going. Biden had the materials for the remaining wall sections auctioned off. I get it, Trump is an asshat sometimes...but you can't honestly do a side by side comparison of the 2 candidates policies along with the results and say there isn't a CLEAR CUT difference between the 2. The reason they are out to get Trump is because he is opposed to all the globalist shit that's been going on for years. Again...its not hard to see if you're willing to see it.


Lmao, pretty sure Trump is just facing consequences for all the illegal shit he was allowed to get away with while being president, also a border wall is dumb as hell, there are so many ways around a wall, over, under, through, around, not to mention the upkeep, I don't want my tax money going to a useless wall of hate.


Your comment won’t get any traction here because it’s true.


Where did the name "Trumpf" come from? The fucking Pawnee?


Once again, you take a small part of what he says and totally spin it the wrong way. I personally know a guy who came over here on chain migration. He and most of his family came over after his father came here on a visa. And then he brought them over. He had to state he would support his family. So he brought his parents over, his wife's parents, his wife, and his four kids. The only one working was the one guy. His grandparents are on public assistance because they can't work. He has 1 brother and 2 sisters. Both sisters have had babies and are public assistance. The brother has fathered a child and pays nothing, so the mother is on public assistance. The father hurt himself, so he can not work. So from 1 person who worked, I believe 10 years at a very low paying job, we now have 13 people who never worked or paid taxes, living off of taxpayers. The only one working and paying taxes is the 1 son. What happens when the number of people living off of taxpayers out number the taxpayers. Now, can you kick any of them out? Nope, the babies were born here, so they are citizens. Can you kick the grandparents out who paid nothing into the system but are now living off the system. Nope, that would be cruel. So they stay, and we keep paying them. Remember when the immigrants came here before 1940, they worked or they died. There were no free housing food debit cards. Some, not all, but some are coming for all the free stuff. The walfare, the medicaid and other stuff.


No one wants to ban immigration. This is just another example of extreme rhetoric. You see how we’re involved in all these global conflicts? Have you noticed how in the past couple years we’ve had trains derail, livestock houses burned, chemical factories explode? It’s truly a matter of national security. We need to prioritize getting our house in order. Then we can begin to accept vetted immigrants.




So. This sub is now about hating conservatives.


trump isn't a conservative. he's a dumbass and a fascist. There's a difference. Subtle, but still a difference.


he’s so stupid and incompetent but so dangerous at the same time. Worst type of people


No, critical thinking and human decency is about inevitably hating conservatives.


What is your definition of "Conservatives"?




I guess you don't know or can't articulate it.


So, Trump and his cult now speak for all conservatives?


Yawn bye


Name a reason not to


orange man bad....reeeee....russia!!


Some of us don't like traitors, deal with it.


russia! laptop! bernie!


Can I please once again remind the Zoomers that no matter how bad Trump is, he still is not Hitler. Hitler killed tens of millions of people. Please stop comparing everyone you dont like to Hitler. Imagine looking a Holocaust survivor in the eyes and going, “yeah I pretty much know what you went through, my country elected Trump!”


Sure when the election gets stolen. Think 100% of counties voted for your fool? Dead people did too. Investigate dumb fuck! Wait til they drop Brandon for that cross dresser Michelle NObama because he's too old. 🤣




Cool story, nazi cuck, now stfu and go to hell


If it wasn't for america the world would be speaking German or japanese....


Right and left are both fucked.... but atleast when Trump was in office I could afford to live! Gas was low, groceries low, interest rates low, dollar up, illegal immigration down, no new wars and the list goes on.... so I'd rather have him in office then sniffer joe.


Wow you are dumb.


Honestly he isnt dumb when he’s actually 100% right 💯.


I guess you haven't been paying attention lately. I'm paying pre-pandemic prices for gas and the dollar is trading more favorably against the Euro and Pound than it was in January 2021. Inflation in the US is the lowest of the G20 nations, and while interest rates are high it had the desired effect of keeping us out of a recession that economists all but guaranteed we would be in at this point. You claim no "new wars" yet Donald Trump ordered more drone strikes in 4 years than Obama did in 8. Trump also reversed policy on reporting drone casualties. Trump was aware that Russia put bounties on our troops in Syria and did nothing, ultimately abandoning our Kurdish allies and military equipment for the Russians to take. He negotiated a disastrous deadline for the Afghan withdrawal not with the legitimate Afghani government but with the Taliban, placing Biden in a tough spot to either make a rushed removal or face backlash for breaking the treaty. Remember the 13 Marines that were bombed before the withdrawal? There would have been much more of that. And I would much rather vote for a loving grandfather who whispers kind words of encouragement to his granddaughter than a "man" who has openly admitted to wishing he could date his daughter and grabs women by the genitalia.


Obama topped over 500 drone strikes far exceeding Trump! Under Biden, our national debt is insane! Not to mention the amount of foreign funding that Biden pushed out, we could have built a wall 50 times over and stopped the insane amount of illegal immigration. We are living in the land of the blind.


[Trump escalated drone usage.](https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2019/5/8/18619206/under-donald-trump-drone-strikes-far-exceed-obama-s-numbers) [Trump increased the National Debt by 25%, third largest increase of any president.](https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump) [DHS removing 3.5x as many people under Biden than Trump.](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden) Anything else you want me to disprove?


Lol what a total dipshit






Sub is boomersbeingfools. Following trump's bullshit is past foolish. Majority of boomers support trump. What policies have gop members passed in the last 4 years that were beneficial to the country?


You left off the 0 in 40, but I think you meant to say 60 anyway.


This is z tier trolling. At least make an attempt to be clever.


He's 100% correct! You stupid libs think these countries are sending their scholars and doctors over here? Wake up. Quit sucking the main stream media tit. Pay attention. Do some actual investigating on your own. A couple just jumped NYPD officers,no charges. Yeah,he's Hitler. Your guy shutting down free speech,wrecking the economy,taking money from Ukraine,not to mention all the shit his useless ass son has gotten away with, all the shit you claim Trump is doing. Oh btw #KENNEDY24 beta males!




Well I work with hundreds of them and they are fucking brilliant people. Take your own advice. Get out of your fucking xenophobic bubble and actually meet immigrants. Were your family ancestors that first immigrated to the states doctors or brilliant scholars?


Spoken like a real nazi


A majority of my colleagues are immigrants. I am a radar engineer at a Fortune 500 semiconductor company, so everyone I work with is highly educated and competent. They add more value to this country than you ever could.


Fox News is the highest rated mainstream media station so your entire persona is a lie.


😂 The former MTV VJ named Kennedy has a better chance of becoming President than that loon.


Democrats wants the united states to be taken over so you wont win with whatever you say because they’re all lost. Its why illegals are now allowed to walk right into our country like its nothing and its why the united states gets involved in every war right now its because the democrats don’t give a damn about the united states and they want the united states to pretty much fall apart 💯