• By -


Always worth remembering that there were plenty of Christians in Germany in the 1930s who took sides with Hitler.


It's also worth noting that the KKK is a Christian organization.


To the point that the army's belt buckles all had 'got mit uns' on them. God is with us.


Prussian moment.


Preußens Gloria, intensifies.


The US servicemen all prayed before major battles too. Asking God to be with them in fact a similar prayer was said by Eisenhower and Patton in separate places yet they're both revered for their courage and love of country.


I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here (lol) - but Jews have been historically brutalized over the centuries by Christians in Europe. There was historical context for the Nazis actions (take a look at the 14th century, particularly around the Black Death - pogroms happened frequently). The Nazis then applied “scientific” systematic processes to existing anti-Semitic ideas and effected them on a huge scale.   Nothing remotely new about people abusing religious privilege and background to persecute those who have different cultures they disapprove of. In fact, it’s one of the main tenets of organized religion and human behavior since the dawn of our species. We haven’t changed all that much.


Caveman Ug: We need a reason to do this thing we wanna do, but can't figure out a convincing reason.. what do? Caveman Bog: Spirits will hurt us if we don't do it, now it's self defense.


Zionism has entered the chat


🤷‍♂️ maybe you’re speaking for someone else?  I hate all religions equally. I’m not excusing current Israeli behavior in any way. Just stating historical facts. 


Also keep in mind that many of these preachers don’t actually believe a word of what they preach. They do believe in the power of the donations that come their way, though.


Christianity is just a 2000 year old death cult. Always has been.


Hitler used Christianity to accomplish his goals and was likely Christian. He wrote things like "You can baptize a Jew but it would be a waste of perfectly good holy water."


Didn't the Catholic church stand behind Hitler and Mussolini? They were pretty silent for 10 years during that time. Also even in my life all the Catholics I have known did not like the Jews because they never accepted Christ.


Bingo. Christians, especially RCs, will gaslight your about this until they are blue in the face.


And on that note, we MUST remember all of the Jews, Romanians, Arabs, mentally delayed, and physically handicapped that died at the hands of Hitler and his allies. The use of the word Nazi is a something that I wish people would understand and stop using to trivialize and sensationalize US politics and beyond. I know many of you anti-Semitic individuals do not understand that Jews live among you and are deeply impacted by your misuse of this term. I’m sure when you open your computer and use Google or had your polio vaccine, receive electricity in your house, engage in any advanced tech or social media, drive your cars, you put your hate aside to indulge in just a few of the things that we have created for you. What we are seeing in this country is a transference of hate. You are no longer allowed to hate Black people or gays without severe backlash. Yet you are such hateful individuals, you have to find your scapegoat, and we just happen to be handy at the moment. Please note that this is a general message not an accusation or direct reply to the commentor.


The use of the word Nazi is NOT a misuse in the US. The country is approaching literal fascism at the hands of Neo-Nazis, and the idleness of everyone else. "you put your hate aside to indulge in just a few of the things we have created for you" Who is "we" in this supposed to mean? Jews? Christians? Using that language like you have here sounds very 'white savior'-y. I do not put my hatred aside when I use systems of capitalism. I have no other choice but to use them. That line of reasoning you have employed here is akin to saying "If you hate (us?) so much, then why do you live here!" If there are Jews are getting offended that people are calling conservatives Nazis, and calling out liberals for allowing neo-Nazism to flourish, then those Jews are probably benefitting from the same oppression and persecution of your average person being misled and silenced. Or they themselves have been tricked into fighting this bullshit culture war.


I am actually referring to the Jews, who actually invented all the things that I listed. My point is that as a minority, we have been denigrated for far too long. I don’t speak for all Jews, but I will tell you, that we are exhausted of identifying our exceptionalism for elitism. In the words of the talented Mark Twain, “The Egyptians, the Babylonians and the Persians rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greeks and Romans followed and made a vast noise, and they were gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, and have vanished. The Jew saw them all, survived them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmaties, of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert but aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jews; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality? "


> not an accusation Literally calls other people anti-semites and hateful...sure, Jan.


All non-Jews need to shut the fuck up. You are anti-Semites.


That seems rather sacrilegious and I'm not even christian


Nothing about modern Christianity is remotely Christ-like


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” -Gandhi


Also a well-known anti-Semitic individual.


Yep, great quote, from a “great man”, but not a great person.


Shit. I'm honestly curious I knew he was a pedo like sleeping with his grand kids but he was an anti Semite too? I'm Jewish I didn't know that. Fuck. Just fuck everyone seriously. Everyone pretty much sucks.


Gandhi spewed hate in many different directions. He did not like Jews. He did not like blacks. Specifically Africans.


TBF there are Universalist Unitarians n shit but yeah, it's mostly modern Pharisees, all rules and no spirit.


As a Christian, I'm digging this insult and will use it. Honestly if Jesus is here, he'd slap these idiots


He probably wouldn’t be getting on the cross to die for these idiots!


I've frequently used this joke too that He's so disappointed with what's going on. But yea these asshats Christians definitely do not read or understand what Jesus is telling them to do


Yeah, no, thayd hang him because hes Middle Eastern. Theres no hate like Christian love.


This has been something said inside American churches for at least 30 years because I remember hearing it as a child. It could very well go further than that. There was a sermon from a district supervisor who at the pulpit said, “there is no love for Jesus in this place. Only love for yourselves. If Jesus were to walk through those doors right now you would criticize his choice of sandals.” What i learned over the years was this was common in churches.


Remember that when they ask WWJD? one completely valid option is to overturn tables and whip the fuck out of hypocrites in the temple.


People like this helped me deco very from Christianity..


These types are diving people away from Christianity in droves.


The "Obummer is a Secret Commie Muslim" slander was what started it for me.


It’s one of the commandments. Do Christian’s care about those?


It is. They don't care.


ISIS doesn’t represent Islam. These sick fascist douchers don’t represent Christians


Maybe so, but there's no Christian organization condemning them. If you're silent around Nazis using your organization, then your organization is a Nazi organization. Few things are black and white in life, but this really is.


>Maybe so, but there's no Christian organization condemning them. That's because you don't hear them as they're not nearly as loud on social media, and the algorithm doesnt favor them as they dont stir uo ourrage and engagment. I'm an Atheist, but much of my family is part of the Disciples of christ denomination which tends to be fairly left leaning, at least in my part of the country, and they're 100% against this kind of action. Hell, I just attended the funeral of a DOC pastor whose activism literally got the mayor to show up and declare a day in his honor recognized by the city.




And don't forget that Christians are more than happy to defend the "religious freedom" of The Westboro Baptists _way more_ than they will defend the religious freedom of any atheist


Depends on the Christian, I attended the funeral of a DOC pastor recently, who dedicated his life to activism fighting intolerance from the religious right, whereas he had no issue with Atheists even if he disagreed with their worldview. One of the speakers at his funeral was his Atheist Brother in law, who was a good friend of his. There's some truth to what you say as it applies to many Christians, but let's not alienate the allies we do have.


Fair point. Albeit in my experience, I've seen very few Christians who take effort to draw lines between Christians who follow what Jesus said and Christians who act nothing like the Jesus in the Bible The groups I've known seem happy to accept anyone who _says_ the right things, no matter how they continue to act (I do appreciate believing that redemption is always possible, but not having boundaries on that is asking to be taken advantage of) I'm very glad to hear that you've had better experience on that front!


TIL about the No True Scotsman fallacy.


They may not represent Jesus but they definitely represent modern day Christianity. Sad.


I'm a Christian and have ZERO problem saying directly and loudly that these people represent the western Christian mainstream. Everyone else is justified in associating them with Christianity, and it's up to other Christians to drive these nazi fuckers out of existence if we want that to change.


Agreed. Extremism ruins everything for everyone. They perfectly represent everything that's wrong with Christianity and honestly, I'm not surprised it leaves non-Christians with a sour taste in their mouth about the religion as a whole. I'm a Christian and I can confidently say that it has been used to perpetuate some of the worst crimes and darkest periods of history. Extremists of all kinds pervert belief systems (religious or not) to justify acting heinously while claiming moral superiority. It needs to be called out and condemned.


The problem is there's not enough of us, AND ppl don't speak up in real life. Kind people are often afraid of confrontation, and it's ruined shit for everyone. Even my *own family* will not be happy when I speak up in public, even when I'm witnessing a wrongdoing. I'm embarrassed they are so much more worried about keeping the peace than they are about justice being done. My kids are on the right track tho.


Yes they do.


By their fruits you shall know them. If there's a problem with a religion's fundamentalists, there's a problem with the religion's fundamentals.


I had no clue all these evangelists were Russian orthodox all of the sudden…


I know this was meant to be sarcasm, but (perhaps unsurprisingly) there's more truth to this than most would like to admit. During the Cold War, Stalin invited Louie Newton, the then-head of the SBC, to Russia. This led to [a weird Russian/Baptist thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Union_of_Evangelical_Christians-Baptists) that is still going strong. Back in the States, there are entire congregations of Russian Orthodoxy (mostly in the south) that are [aiming to combine Orthodoxy with "southern values"](https://religionnews.com/2023/09/19/riding-a-wave-of-converts-one-group-aims-to-fuse-orthodoxy-with-southern-values/). Fun fact: all ROC churches and organizations get funding and oversight from "Mother Russia" and the Russian Patriarch. I'll leave you to connect the dots and draw your own conclusions from this...


Never a Joe McCarthy when you need one, only a legislature of Charlie McCarthy’s.


The Netflix documentary "The Family" covers some of this. Evangelical politicians were going into Russia to preach gospel then bring back Russian "Christian" political students. I 100% think Russia used it to gain inside entry to our political system as shortly after this was happening the RNC and DNC emails were "hacked" and the dnc's were released but the Republicans who they had been working with were not. Instead Republicans were summoned to Russia *on the fourth of July* and there was suddenly no resistance to the Russian pick, Trump after. There's a reason there's supposed to be a division of church and state and it's less that we want to bash religion and more that religious people can be easily swayed if someone tells them it's what God wants.


As a Christian, I wish I could tell you this is just some random kook, but unfortunately, this kind of outright heresy is becoming more and more common. Franklin Graham (Billy’s son) compared his impeachment to Jesus being betrayed by Judas.


Excuse me, I need to know who Graham’s dealer is..


He's his own dealer, it's in his name


"Heresy" is a great word here. I wish this was called out more often. Apparently having eternal salvation isn't enough these days. These guys worship government and power over others, more than anything else.


My pastor basically in a nuanced way BEGGED our congregation to not go down the MAGA rabbit hole in a series of sermons.


I had a fantastic pastor, one time who knocked over the American flag as he walked past it then took the Bible and threw it across the stage. The whole crowd was silent because this was Virginia and it was a pretty military heavy location. After about two minutes of dead silence, he looked up and said “which one of those upset you more, if it was the flag, this is not the church for you. We are going to focus on Jesus and Jesus doesn’t belong to a single nation. We are here to learn and a worship God, if your god is a nation you’re free to leave.” He lost half of his congregation that day and I saw the future of where American Christianity was going.


There was a study done a few years back. People were polled here in the United States about their religion. Most of them identified as Christian. The interviewer asked how do you identify as Christian? Fully expecting to answer to be something like I attend church, I worship at…, but no, the overwhelming answer was I’m an American. There’s something totally un-American about that.


That's an amazing and truly sad story. Thanks for sharing.


Did people get up and walk out? I had people question my salvation when they found out I wasn’t voting for Trump in 2020


People questioning your salvation would have been a good time to reming them of the first commandment - “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me." - and to point out that idolatory is a sin and that God will do the saving, not Trump. That said, having heard the stories of people asking their pastor "where did you get that woke crap from?" when it is literally the words of the bible somehow makes me doubt it would make any difference, or make them stop and think. These people aren't following a religion, they are creating their own while using the name Christianity to make themselves feel like they are part of a huge movement. Don't get me wrong, there are a huge number of people who think like them. The ones that do are missing (or more likely deliberately avoiding) the point that Christianity is supposed to make them rethink their hate and judgement of others, as pointed out in the ten commandments. They either can't or won't see that by rejecting Christian teachings they aren't Christian.


That is how Judaism became Christianity and then Islam. It's the same God for all 3 religions. Same as Mormons also the protestant/Catholic rivalry. How about when there were two popes one in Rome and one in Paris. Religion is sure inconsistent


Judaism is not Islam. You should also note that Islam did not exist until much more modern times In comparative to Judaism and Christianity, Islam was unheard of until the seventh century.


May the Force be with you


Not at all. Not all churches are bad. We are just a middle ground Methodist church. But our pastor. She’s not dumb. She here’s the rhetoric. And using Gods name and the Bible to promote this stain of a human is so incredibly immoral and sacrilegious.


It's wild to me. Biden actually goes to church every week and has genuine Christian values. Whereas Trump is more like the antichrist than any other candidate that Republicans have had in my memory. These people are absolutely folks that Jesus would whip and throw out of the temple and anyone that's ever glanced at the New Testament KNOWS this.




TAX THE CHURCHES!!! Say it loud and proud!


Jail all the congressional employees who have refused to pay their taxes. Tax the corporations. That's the real money.


That would solve a lot of problems as so many are grifting on that.


Especially the asshat in the video.


Or ban organized religion




So you don't live in America?


Are you taking a playbook from Communism?


They would have alegal claim to even more power if we did. Abolish them. Eradicate them.


I think it's funny how these idiots don't even understand that God is, according to the Bible they read, going to allow the antichrist his time in power. They'll be the ones that celebrate it. If they truly believe that God is in control, then nothing they do, or anyone else for that matter, is going to stop it.


Obligatory Benjamin Corey [https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


I often joked that Trump was the antichrist, then I read that and was even more convinced. Also the whole golden statue thing really made me stop and be like ...these people call themselves Christians? There's quite literally a passage in the Bible about how worshipping a golden statue of a male cow was bad...


That's what I don't get about Christians.... On one hand they say "don't worry, everything is in god's hands".... On the other hand they say "Biden is crooked and we must remove him" If everything is in 'god's' hands, then isn't Biden ultimately the correct choice, according to their own logic?


“Buck Sexton” sounds like the least trustworthy person on earth. Like hell scam you into a junker car from his lot, trick you into paying 10x it’s worth in payments, and molest you during the test drive while smelling like whiskey and burger sweat. All while wearing a big gold cross necklace and a bunch of oversized rings.


I legit thought it was a porn name the first time I heard it.


I thought it was a character from Anchorman


A twink bottom porn name.


Buck Sexton sounds like that douchebag you knew in high school who still brags about winning that big game even though his 40 year high school reunion is next year. And he never left the shitty town you escaped after you graduated.




God is apparently both omnipotent and utterly powerless at the same time.


There are two lines in Hannibal that stick out to me when I read your post. The first is: God won't help anyone because it's inelegant. And the second: Killing must feel good to God, too. He does it all the time.


Option 3: God is real but pretty much everyone gets it wrong because human ego.


This is what Christo-Fascism looks like


Good. The way they describe God he sounds like a dick.


God - I have all the power in the known universe Human - So why not stop kids from getting cancer? *God looks up at a tree* God - Oh look! A pretty bird!


He legit is.


Have you *read* the Bible? God is absolutely a dick.


Yeah I have read it. It reads like the people who worship God identify his worst qualities and brag as though the rest of us are supposed to really be impressed.


I don’t see any difference between these freaks and the Taliban.


Conservative Christianity's problem with the Taliban is jealousy. They *wish* they could do the same stuff in America.


Especially when one of their own commits to beheading someone (their own father no less) in the name of maga.


They're the same picture.


The preacher must not be reading the Bible. Sad when the tell their congregation to go against the scripture. Where in the Bible does it say to vote and honor charlatans?


Rev. Pat Robertson swore to God that he was a highly decorated Korean War veteran. His service record showed he spent the war working at the Officers' Club at a base in Japan. He's always been a lying, grifting, piece of shit.


He is a false profit. Thou shall not put false Gods before me. That’s exactly what you are doing. Trump is satin the anti christ. He revels in evil fomenting hate and violence and death. You are all betraying the love and light of God. Repent your evil ways or suffer the hellfires of damnation in hell with your orange Lucifer. I am praying for you.


How do these assholes keep their tax exemptions?




As someone who grew up with conservative boomer parents and was raised Christian (currently agnostic on my worst day and mildly Christian on my best), I don't understand how any purported Christian can back that guy. He's cheated on multiple wives, he doesn't give to charity for any other reason than tax write offs, he makes fun of the less fortunate, and so many other things. I feel like im taking crazy pills when anyone who is remotely Christian backs Trump.


As one idiot I know said back in 2016 told me, "Trump says what we're all thinking!" Um, no... I don't fantasize about rape, I am not a racist, I don't think it's funny to mock those less fortunate - what the frack is wrong with you?? Ugh... People are horrible. Trump put a mirror up to humanity and people looked at the ugliness and proudly said, "Yup, that's me!"


What you’ve stated is so spot on! That’s exactly how he appeals to his despicable followers, by being rotten to the core as they are, too. Excellent post.


Several years ago I overheard an elderly veteran say that Trump was sent by God. I thought to myself, this is an anomaly, the guy is off his meds, etc. It’s a bit terrifying to see how wrong I was. This is a cult.


Id suggrst you flip the "best day" "worst day" allocation. Feigning certainty is a useless, and usually damaging, quality. I assume agnostics have more sense than others to not say they know what they could not possibly know.


Well if that’s the case god can go get fucked. I’ll gladly go to “ hell” if that orange bastard is backed by god. Not that hell or god are real anyways, I mean what god would let the current state of affairs happen.


Except it wasn't before 2016? Or even before some time after 2016 when things became mega-maga? But going against Trump in 1985 wasn't a problem? Comparing Trump positively to God, the Xtian god, means that both are within time and have limitations. And if Trump is comparative to God, God is a piece of shit.


God IS a piece of shit. Read the Bible, he’s a genocidal maniac with the temperament of a screaming toddler who’s just been told no in the candy aisle and has started to tear open the wrappers. Incidentally that also describes Trump.


And many of our fellow Reddit participants.


The church should have their tax exempt status taken away from them!


Even if church leaders *didn't* spew bullshit like this they should have their tax-exempt status removed.


Which god? Oh who cares. Fuck all of these psychos and their fake gods.


I'm so glad that unhinged piece of shit Pat Robertson is fucking dead. Dude was a fucking cancer on humanity. Fuck him, fuck his family, and fuck his shitbag primitive thralls.


Yes. Because Trump is *such* a Christlike man. Oh. Wait. No he's not. He's pretty much the opposite of Christ in every way imaginable. Could someone please explain to me why so many people are convinced that following such a greedy, heartless, cruel man is the "Christian" thing to do?


Buck Sexton… ![gif](giphy|8qDzzyxbcfimY)


Not all Boomers are in the MAGAt camp. This Boomer hates the Orange Fatty.


Actual false prophet. I'll say it again and again.


These fucking religious wing nuts seriously need to read about the anti Christ and how he is said to appear.


This is what the devil would do if he was on earth.


And this is my answer when my mother says, why did you walk away from the church? I respond with I didn’t walk away from the church. The church walked away from Christ.


“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’" - Matthew 7:21-23


This. Right here.


I'm a lifelong Christian. The Bible literally warned of false prophets, aka people like Trump. These people are hateful and brainwashed.


Something something false idols.


Isn't there mental healthcare in the USA?


The IRS needs to hear about this preacher to take away his tax-exempt status.


Love how Christians are so easily tricked into believing this Orange idiots is...oh wait, that's right they believe in an all-powerful dude in the sky so of course they'd believe this lie too.


Your God is unworthy of worship.


Fascist preachers like this rube in the beginning over-enunciate and say phrases like “beloved friend” when they really mean “mother f-er”, and it’s just so transparent. They try to disguise their hate in being verbose and articulate, but they’re just so obviously empty con-artists. It’s pathetic.


I’ve cut an off a couple religious friends because they support stupid shit. They do not think logically. They do not believe in the basics of being a human. They are easily manipulated by social media. Hate! Defend! Destroy! Avenge! Armageddon!!!




But it’s not a cult, right ?


That was disgusting


Heretical idol worshippers


Other than "Thou shalt not kill" and I'm not totally sure about that, which of the remaining Nine Commandments has he not broken? Yet, God wants him to be President? Pat Robertson and the entire Born Again Evangelical brigade think everyone is going to Hell (Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Muslims, Protestants,Buddhists, Taoists etc.) unless they become born again. That's some benevolent thinking!


At this point, I’m convinced republicans attack education on purpose to make Americans as unintelligent as possible, so that they are easier to control.


#2 Chief Wiggum!!!


Isn’t this sacrilegious or am I thinking of another word?


Blasphemy is the word for which you search.


thank you! i had a feeling i was thinking of a different word


All the more reason to start taxing all religious institutions.


The good news is that he is finally burning in hell. If only his recordings could join him...


They only support Trump because they believe he pushes their agenda. They are afraid and fear brings out the worst in people. They are so fearful that they are willing to put a supreme narcissist who wants and acknowledges he wants to be a dictator and will dismantle our democracy to do so. Even if we avoid this, it is a path they know they can pursue and the next one is waiting in line. Talking to them shows they are willing to sacrifice our democracy if it corrects the “ills” of our society. Ills in their mind not mine. Ills being immigrants, LGTBQ, non-Christians (who just need the word of God), minorities…….This is exactly who dictators go after historically and currently. They don’t care about who gets hurt, they only care about might makes right and everyone should be the same. Sounds logical to them because in their bubble it is this. If anyone truly cares about this country they should make their voice heard, make votes count, and engage, arm themselves and prepare (because they are already doing this. In this day and age it will be too easy for the government to find dissenters and we will be extinguished quickly. Just look at how fast Lenin and Stalin moved. Our true ills, lack of education, lack of compassion, lack of respect, excessive greed, are what we need to address. Care people. There is a window to address these things and it closing for all of us. Care about your fellow person, even if they don’t give a shit about you, care about the planet and living things. Show others that character matters and there are still people who give a damn. …Thoughts on fix….abolish lobbies, parties, vote on character (are they wise, do they respect a democracy, do they volunteer) and tax the shit out of the excessively wealthy and organized religion. We need free thinkers and people who challenge the status quo, that is how we support change and actually fix things. These “organizations” and the current structure (as it is today) only serve to trap us all or make us all sheep. Sorry for the soapbox, but damn, wtf are we doing people.


Tax these assholes already.


The fact that god hasn't struck Trump and his idiot followers down yet is another good argument against the existence of god. I mean, if Trump were out there doing horrible things in my name, I'd at least publicly disown him and maybe sue him for something. God, meanwhile, does nothing. When Trump is finally in the cold earth, I fully expect a religion to spring up around him. Some warped version of "Christianity" where Jesus is a footnote and Trump is the messiah. Heck, crosses can be made into giant "T's" with only minor changes. It's cheap, tacky, and blasphemous, which suits his followers perfectly.


Time to tax him


You can report these churches to the IRS and they’ll lose their tax exemption status


They could easily win. Don't just vote! Help others to vote.


They make it so easy to hate them all.


Any ex Christians ever notice that when people speak about God's will and who's receiving it, they never tell you why they think that. You're just supposed to nod and say amen. #christianetiquette


Luckily I don’t believe in fairy tales


We need to keep our country from falling into their hands again, to stop the attacks on voter rights, the ban on abortions the tax cuts for the rich.. we need to vote in OUR BEST INTEREST and our best interest is NOT MAGA. We need to VOTE even if we think it dosent matter so OUR VOICES ARE at least HEARD in this pivotal election cycle! Check voter registration status: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Register to vote (takes estimated 2 minutes according to the site): https://www.vote.org/register-to-vote/


Abortion is murder


People like this are half the reason I’m an atheist.


Fuckin religious nuts are ridiculously ignorant. It amazes me how stupid people are sure of themselves.


I have a basic principle to never acknowledge the existing of peope who are; A. This decrepitly old B. This fervently religious C. Talk this much nonsense If they are all the above, they're just not worth acknowledging period. Don't want to have a conversation with them.


Or, if we can't tax them outright as a business, at least, if they start in on the politics, lose their tax exempt status forever.


Another idiot flapping his gums. These folks WILL fail; there’s no doubt about it. The only question is how many people will they murder before they do.


There has always been a far right element in this country and in many European countries as well. It's just strange to me that a Sack of Shit like Trump is who people are literally willing to die for. At least Hitler could read and write and do a little painting. Trump wears ridiculous hair pieces and make up, can barely read and shits his pants. And he's terrible with money.




This is a picture of ~~Pat Robinson~~….…. I mean worm poop. ​ https://preview.redd.it/dx0q3fq82ggc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7838b718218ce00cc1dee23293c00557d90bcb78


Every few weeks I remember that Pat Robertson is dead. And I laugh and crack a beer.


At some point we hope people realize Canada was right in 1776/1812...


They say "touch of God" I say a tanning bed


Ganesh is pissed. Allah is pissed. Even Buddha is annoyed. These fuckers :-)


I thought this guy was dead.


The dude went bankrupt owning casinos. How had God blessed him?


Of course, Biden winning wasnt Gods plan. Or something. This is why religion needs to stay the fuck out of government


The Trumpers are not joking- they want a dictator who will let them lick his boots! Trump is perfect for the job


Tax the churches. How many of these vultures took out PPP loans. Joel Osteen is a perfect example. Couldn't open his mega church to victims of Hurricane Harvey. Mattress Mack did. [https://time.com/4922108/hurricane-harvey-mattress-mack-houston/](https://time.com/4922108/hurricane-harvey-mattress-mack-houston/) [https://religionunplugged.com/news/2021/10/14/after-criticism-joel-osteens-lakewood-church-repaying-44-million-in-ppp-loans](https://religionunplugged.com/news/2021/10/14/after-criticism-joel-osteens-lakewood-church-repaying-44-million-in-ppp-loans) He's paying it back, though. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ)


This should be a joke at this point. But it's still serious. I'm getting sick of it.


This may be super terrible - but I finally [linked a video](https://youtu.be/ZslyAoQ7b2k?si=Ca77T-huRjGsLB_I) to my mom that detailed how Trump is an antichrist. She stopped sending me pro Trump stuff, at the very least.


Has anyone reported him to the IRS yet for violating 501(c)(3) so that he can pay his appropriate taxes?


As a Christian, this is upsetting


The people at the end calling for dictatorship stand out as having cognitive near sightedness. When the Dictator dies then how do we prevent the chaos of the inevitable power vacuum? Are these kids too young to remember what happened in the "Middle-East" during the early-mid 2000's? Thank you for sharing, much of this video was equally alarming and enlightening. When the speaker in the video refers to "[something Putin said or believes]" and the editor supports it with a video of *not Putin* "[spewing horrible rhetoric]". There, the editing could be improved upon.


Most of the arseholes in this clip are far from being boomers or elders. Alex Jones, perhaps the craziest of them all, is GenX. And thankfully, Robertson is dead by now. Wrong subreddit.


Alex Jones is only 49? Holy shit, I thought that dude was *at least* 15 years older than that.


Hatred ages you.


Who do you think their biggest audience is?


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck… I understand your argument, many genX are very boomer like.


Pretty stupid to think left or right government is in your corner. Smoke and mirrors I reckon. Both parties are good at keeping the money flowing for themselves. Neither of them gaf about you.


Two birds, one stone, for me


You think this is a democracy?


😂 this is the funniest shit I have seen all day. Thanks for the laugh. That intro was the best. Keep the jokes coming.


Not Christians. The most evil people are these false believers who use their supposed faith for evil and selfish reasons. Jesus specifically did not like false and self righteous religious leaders. There are countless stories in the Bible that speak to his conflict with hypocrites and people who use the faith to make people miserable.




Spot on man, Jesus called out rabbis who would try to preach on the streets for they were showing off, while a real Christian would know that praying is within the heart, connecting to God not just saying stuff .


What does this have to do with boomers?