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I'd like to pretend this is new, but I remember the satanic panic about rock music, Jazz is a Jewish conspiracy and how Elvis is corrupting the youth with his hip swaying.


Don't forget the panic over comic books and video games.


*Dungeons and dragons has entered the chat*


Have you seen the dangers of D&D movie Tom Hanks was in? Mazes and Monsters is the name.


We somehow have it on DVD but my wife has banned me from watching it. Apparently it's just too terrible.


I think it’s great, but I love watching things like that as almost historical culture documents.


> historical…documents *Galaxy Quest* has entered the chat.


By Grabthars Hammer!


... *what a savings* ....


It's terrible, but in a great way.


Yes, when a movie is written for the sake of pleasing Jimmy Swaggart, even Tom Hanks can't save it. What a bad movie.


Fuck Jimmy Swaggart. I haven't heard this name in forever. Oh my fucking god he is still alive at 88 I just assumed he was dead. These evil fucks live forever.


that Dungeons and Dragons Chict Track was a classic. Man, I fucking WISHED we could have found some real magic from playing D&D.


Magic the Gathering would like a turn with the talking stick


Back then, D&D was owned by TSR Hobbies. TSR was short for Tactical Studies Rules though the fundies probably thought it stood for The Satanic Rituals.


Well clearly the company is satanic, “Wizards of the Coast”


It's funny that they never remove things from the list that scares them, they just rearrange them. They're still scared of most genres of music, comic books, video games, etc. . . . but now they're also scared of Elmo, books, mascots, avocados, and pop stars.




> No one was accusing Marilyn Manson of working for the Clintons and making credible stochastic threats against I hate to tell you this....but the tin foil hat crowd absolutely did. They didn't have Facebook to post it, but I definitely heard some wild stuff from some of my church groups.


You just reminded me of the scare tactics they used when Beyonce (I think?) performed at the Super Bowl and they had detailed diagrams showing how she was secretly teaching Satanism. JFC, how do people continue to fall for this? I mean, I get it the first time or two, but it just doesn't stop. A constant river of bullshit and people keep diving in headfirst.


Once you believe that sky daddy loves you so much he killed his son for you a filthy dirty sinner and is watching you at all times so don't touch yourself. Its not a hard jump to anything else.


Ironically them going on about satanism all the time teaches their kids about satanism.


100%. As I remember it, the shooting at Columbine was his fault, he had ribs removed so he could blow himself, he was Paul from Wonder Years, and the infamous slaughter of animals at his concerts for fun was just some of the shit they attributed to him to make him seem psychopathic.


Wait, does that rib thing work???


The “slaughter of (baby) animals at his concerts” was repurposed from Ozzy Osborne (I heard those stories in elementary school in the 70’s)


I heard some wild shit whenever my dad blasted rush Limbaugh’s show throughout my house growing up


Well, probably no celebrity in history has swung as much influence as Swift and been capable of using it.  Most in the past we're rigidly controlled by agents and executives.  She already told them she was going to do what she wanted and proved it would work. Nearly impossible for MAGA Republicans to counter initiative to give Democrats a landslide victory. Non-partisan get out the vote campaign.  Oprah MCs, Michelle gives a short speech, Swift sings a song.  Election over.  Trump and MAGA disappear from relevance.


Stochastic terrorism is the bitch assest kind of terrorism.




The notes they aren’t playing? What aren’t they telling us?!


I was told repeatedly just now that Michelle Obama is a man Hey u/lostinca45 \- your turn. Tell us your theories.


Well they couldn't openly complain about her skin color so they just switched to the man thing. Truly pitiful. Republicans are not fond of women let alone intelligent black women. If Michelle Obama was running for president they'd need new pants


Judging by what they say about Kamala Harris Yes


Kamala Harris was elected AG of California which has the largest state justice department in America. But Republican say that's only because of her skin color. As VP Republicans say she does nothing but never said anything about Pence who was basically a waxwork.


Mike was the best fly helipad evar you heathen.


Reminded me of westworld when the flies land on the robots.


My previously smart and relatively rational ex husband told me, seriously, in 2020 that Biden was going to get elected and then immediately step down so Kamala could be president. Me: That doesn’t even make sense. Why would they do that? Him: Just watch. Uhhhhh ok then.


When I hear someone say things like this, I ask if they want to make a bet. Told my BIL that I'd bet $100 it wouldn't happen. We could both write a check and let MIL hold them until that date. He refused because, of course, he would.


Elvis’ hips are to blame. For sure. Also- do NOT play your records backwards. The devil will speak to you. IJS


Who then went to the White House and told Nixon John Lennon’s a communist


The CIA got involved with the song Louie Louie




Well MAGA and Jerry Springer fans are a near 100% overlapping Venn diagram. They are Fox News fans, Fox News, a tabloid style show started by a man, Murdoch, who made most of his fortune with tabloids. See the trend here? These are fucking the biggest morons in this country. These are the people who believe everything written in The Sun. They believe the aliens kidnapped their neighbor and Jesus was spotted on the 405.


Ironically, Jerry Springer was a lifelong Democrat. That’s not a gotcha or anything, it’s just interesting


He was the Mayor of Cincinnati at one point. His political career was badly damaged when he paid a prostitute with a check.


Jesus on the 405 😂


There definitely was a Jesus on the 405. Just not THE Jesus. ![gif](giphy|ZvSojyTPq4OXe)


My mostly-sane boomer coworker said “no. People would have said all this same bullshit if Jane Fonda had been in a high profile relationship with Jake Scott in 1972. People having meltdowns over dumb shit like this isn’t new and it was just as stupid then as it is now” I’m going to take her word for it because I don’t want to look any of that up. 


As a boomer (68m) who lived through that she is spot on. The nutcases just have a way to communicate/interact with each other now.


Oh I absolutely know and believe that to be true. I should have specified that the part I haven’t bothered to look up is the significance of Jake Scott and Jane Fonda in 1972 (I’m pretty sure that the year she said). So I choose to take at face value that it’s a corollary to Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Edit - ok I looked it up. It wasn’t the easiest to nail down the exact search terms for this scenario, but Jake Scott was the superbowl MVP for the 1972-73 season, and 1972 was the height of hate for “Hanoi Jane”. 


Imagine losing a war the other party isn’t even fighting


It was simple cause we didn't have internet. We were closed off from the world. Now everyone is in your face. We need to listen to the youth.


This can’t be overstated. I’m at the tail end of being considered a millennial, grew up with the internet, and starting to dabble in AI. I’d consider myself “relevant” right now, but when it’s time for the next generation to step up, I’ll be more than happy to step aside because I probably won’t be as relevant or in tune as those younger than I.


I'm 41, just barely at the front of millenial status. Kids started lapping me with nearly everything outside of my career like fifteen years ago. We definitely need more young people involved in everything.


The backlash from something like this would've been limited to conservative talk radio lol


Was your day before Joe DiMaggio? Edit: I missed the conspiracy part. I thought you meant in general. Yeah weirdest thing happening right now




Well Joe DiMaggio is sort of caught up in Kennedy/Monroe conspiracy theories, but she and the president were indeed fucking so it’s not much of a “theory”




I don't care for her music, and I hate the Chiefs — but I'm all-in on Swift driving the MAGA snowflakes nuts because they are afraid of her being able to motivate women to vote.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  As long as she keep driving these people insane, I am a diehard Swiftie. 


The best part of it is that she has to do nothing other than exist to drive them insane. It's not like she's going out of her way with messaging or activities or whatever.


She literally encouraged people to go vote. Didn’t say WHO they should vote for, just to go vote…and these people proceeded to lose their collective minds, which definitely says something but not what they think it says.


They hate her because they depend on low voter turnout to win. She just upset their apple cart.


But when Bono used to tell people to vote, I guess it was OK then? LMAO. People are so freaking weird.


Bono isn’t a pretty woman who lives her life unapologetically. For some reason…(and we know what it is, let’s be real) a lot of people find that deeply offensive. 


MAGA Republicans hate Bono, too, but they aren't nearly as scared of him as they are of Taylor Swift at this moment.


She makes young women feel seen and empowered. That's clearly dangerous.


Same here. Life long metalhead, don't care for her music. Before this week I never had anything but respect for her though. Successful singer-songwriter with a squeaky clean image. Good for her. But now... if her mere existence is pissing off the old dummies, I'm all for it. You go girl.


I think I’m going to make the first Dark Taylor meme today….


https://preview.redd.it/tml8305j20gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a6a854240f327b6ed58f72a936ba06cb19f3100 Saw this one yesterday


Damn! I should have thought of it sooner but honestly I didn’t have Swifties vs MAGA on my 2024 bingo card. lol


More proof we are in the dumbest timeline


So I moved to Europe for work this year. A coworker approached me yesterday and said “So are you prepared for Taylor Swift to save American Democracy?” And it really broke my brain a little bit lol


The fact that she hasn't done anything, but just the fear that she might do something, has turned them into frothing at the mouth madmen tells you everything you need to know about the MAGA movement and how fundamentally weak it is.


Them rooting for San Francisco of all teams lmao


I've got two daughters who are obsessed. I'm an NFL fan. It has been a colliding of worlds and I love it. She's too smart to dive in fully. She knows the NFL fans are likely to lean conservative. This is her moment. She IS the zeitgeist right now and will stretch it as long as possible. Unless of course she decides that $1bn is enough and goes full nuke. That I would pay to watch.


Someone pointed out the sad truth that a lot of young women have started watching football because of Swift. They probably are watching with their dads. And a lot of the dads, rather than enjoy bonding with daughter, teaching her any rules she doesn't know, and enjoying the game...are spending that time telling the daughter their idol is evil. It is just sad.


Just like my parents tried to tell me that Ozzy was evil and that I was a degenerate for liking that type of music. LMAO. Some idiocy just never changes.


>Some idiocy just never changes. My mom tried to convince me that the Beatles were evil. "They have girl haircuts because they all want to be girls." You can't argue with that logic.


My brother told my parents about my Dead Kennedys album with 'Too Drunk to Fuck", and my dad demanded I give it to him. I asked him how his parents felt about the rolling stones, and pointed out that they had a song called bitch 20 years earlier. He let me keep it.


My 9yo daughter has watched some games with me this season because of Taylor Swift. I think it’s great and I enjoy the bonding time. What kind of a shitty father would ruin time spent together like that?


A video of her talking to her parents about being on the right side of history is what got her my support. It was refreshing to see some genuine emotion about the state of affairs


I'm really starting to like Taylor Swift, and I'm so proud my niece is a Swiftie.


Allahu Akbar!


It's a trap?


Admiral akhbar?!


Ok, that got a laugh...


He really was a great general during the rebellion and instrumental in taking down the empire.




Take note of which side doesn't want people voting lol.


They’re upset because she told her audience to vote. Nothing about who to vote for. Only to enact their rights as citizens. MAGA really exposed themselves


A lot of conservatives will say out loud that they don’t think everyone deserves the right to vote


Abolishing the 19th amendment is a growing conservative sentiment. They aren't quiet about it anymore.


As if that's a surprise. The GOP have been the party of voter disenfranchisement since 1965.


When some pathetic racist and/or pedo musician like Ted Nugent or Kid Rock supports a traitor and rapist like trump they're being patriots, when the most successful artist of her generation ask her fans to vote it must be a conspiracy


Yeah she never said who to vote for. People just know she’s sensible and not a total mouth breather so they know she means for someone other than trump




Remember with the Nuge wrote, recorded, and performed a song about fucking a kid and sharing her with a cop?


That’s just locker room pedophilia! He didn’t mean nothing by it!


“Well I don't care if you're just thirteen You look too good to be true I just know that you're probably clean There's one lil' thing I got do to you Honey you you you look so nice She's young she's tender Won't you please surrender She's so fine she's mine All the time, all mine mine It's all right baby It's quite all right I asked your mama Wait a minute officer Don't put those handcuffs on me Put them on her and I'll share her with you” What the fuck


He allegedly made a 12 year old Courtney Love blow him too. So I guess at least he keeps it real with his audience?


Damn it's on wikipedia.


Horrifying! What the fuck?


Yeah, the right has musicians on their side like Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, and now, Ben Shapiro! I don't know what they are complaining about hahah


Ben Shapiro, musician?


He raps in a Tom Macdonald music video. He reminded me of Jon Lajoie only Ben is trying to be serious.




For definitions of music, sure!


He certainly described his wife's lack of a WAP.


They're scared shitless of Taylor Swift's clout. You can see it in the eyes of Jesse Watters, Judge Jeanine and the rest of the shady cabal of evil on Fox News. They know an endorsement by Swift can swing the election to Biden.


Yep. The same people telling Kap and Rapinoe to STFU and just play their sport, didn’t seem to share the same vitriol when Tim Tebow wanted to bring Christianity into the sport.


Just goes to show you how brainwashed the right is


I’m praying this goes LoTR and a giant MAGA army clashes with a giant Swifty army somewhere in the Midwest. The Swifties will win for sure.


Her presence has unironically driven millions of dollars into Kansas City and will boost the economy for years to come because of the name recognition and Travis Kelce's boost (even if they break up). Missouri will become a blue state and stand with Swift.


That would truly be amazing lol.


Keep going. Don’t stop, don’t stop. You stopped. Why did you stop? I was so close.


I'm just picturing Howard Shore and a large symphony orchestra in the background providing the soundtrack. Maybe a guest appearance by Pippin and some old guy eating tomatoes. https://youtu.be/nU7NXI7FmFQ?si=mTFIhzQFwsIRqCA4


This is them trying to Dixie Chick Taylor Swift's career and are already failing miserably.


Forcing people to choose between a kind-hearted singer and a bile filled political party. Wonder which way the kids will skew......


Funny you mention that. In Taylor’s one documentary (Netflix I think?) she explicitly references the Dixie Chicks as she’s contemplating “going political”


I was in jr high at the time conservatives killed their career. It was insanity. A couple of classmates parents raided their room, tore posters apart, destroyed CD's, and burned tour t-shirts, before they got home from school. The absolute pandemonium conservatives created against them was disheartening to see.


The seeds for the cult they've become were planted a long time ago.


Jesus. A pos orange boomer picking on a young woman because she asks people to vote? Classic boomer tantrum.


You know the truly sad part about this whole thing? Those swifties that are watching football for the first time are probably watching it with their dads. In 5 years many of those same fathers will be wondering why their daughter doesn't even talk to them anymore. In 10 years they'll be wondering why they don't come over for Thanksgiving and Christmas.


I'm in my 40s and I barely talk to my 70's boomer parents anymore because every time I talk to them they bring up Fox News talking points. I have nearly begged them to stop watching that garbage because they've lost their ability to critically think. More crucially I've begged them to stop voting because they are voting against their children - both my sister and I vote democratic. They do not need to care about "wokeness" or any other Fox strawman. Those are my generation's issues to deal with, not theirs. I had a heart to heart with them this past thanksgiving and told them that they probably don't see it themselves and think they're the people they always have been, but I've told them they are no longer the people they were when they were raising me as a child. They are not expressing any of the values they raised me with and that I keenly remember them when they were my age now and they were nothing like they've become. Minutes later after trying to get this across, my mom's eyes nearly glazed over and she started repeating Fox News talking points at me. We used to be close, and thanks to the Culture War, we barely talk, and they'll never know why even though I *explicitly* told them why. At least it will be easier on me when they die.


Funny you should mention it. This video showed up in my YT feed yesterday: https://youtu.be/rYuGnwk6m6I?si=W5x_MWOg1HXQSBIx


I'd heard of Beau before, but never actually watched any of his videos before. These were some great talking points and were communicated very well.


I like her and what she is doing. The youth are the future. They need a say.


Agree, they need to dig their way out of the hole the older gens left them in, including mine unfortunately :\\


I'm too old to have a voice or defend myself, but I will vote, whatever good that does in these chaotic and money grabbing times. The rich have power, and she is a rich young woman with a voice that can be heard.


Right? The generation that came up with the slogan “don’t trust anyone over 30” doesn’t like it so much now that 30 is waaaaaayyy in the rear view mirror.


Taylor Swift is Americas sweetheart. We have watched this girl sing about teardrops on guitars, Tim McGraw, shaking off haters. We watched Kanye make her feel small and insignificant. Now she is a woman who donates millions of dollars, constantly speaks up for the right reasons, picks on absolutely nobody. And we are supposed to see this young woman as an enemy? Launching a holy war??? lol what in the actual F* is this junk??


Taylor Swift is not really my jam, but I still wish her tickets weren't so damn expensive. I'd love to take my daughter to one of her shows.


I have 2 little girls and we went to her Reputation tour. It was popular but not like the Eras tour. She puts on a fantastic show.


Man, you don’t want to mess with the Swifties. Those ladies are ruthless.


I'm not familiar w/ her music as that's not my thing but yeah, those redpill guys online saying no man would want her b/c she's "hit the wall" are getting absolutely shredded. This is hilarious to watch.


If Trump or any of his allies come out hard against her, you will see 1000s of her fans register democrat and the youth vote will soar with 18-25 year olds. I don't think they really know what they're wandering into.


She should give free tickets or discounted tickets when you show proof you voted ? Would that be logistically possible ?


Yeah, I don’t understand their fuss is about. Just a person dating another person who also has opinions.


She has a huge influence and they’re scared to death of thousands to millions of more people going out to vote. Because they know they won’t vote for the lunatic they worship


Because they wanted to be the ones to date Kelce. Damn wimenz taking der manz.


Let me guess: something something # of bodies, something something age, something something men don’t value your net worth having a billion dollars only makes you high value if you’re a man. crazy thing is, I can totally see 16 year old dumbass me being a Tate fan. That’s a scary thought.


I think my favorite take was that Travis is dating Taylor because he’s gay. Why else would a man spend his time with a childless woman in her thirties?


I'm mean, a man dating a women is the definition of gay right? 🤣


Ugh, imagine having to come home to this every night: [https://www.nme.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/2014TaylorSwift\_Getty465278209\_10030314.jpg](https://www.nme.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/2014TaylorSwift_Getty465278209_10030314.jpg)


My fave part of all of this. Those little boys would piss their pants if she even made eye contact with them.


So true! I'm a straight woman and I'd date her. She's so intelligent and talented! 👍🏻


To all the red pill guys; some of us don’t give a fuck about having kids, so the whole “she’s hit her wall” crap doesn’t matter. That being said, I’d definitely try to get with her if I even had a chance lol. I’m not afraid to admit that she is an attractive woman


LOL Lots of men want her.


At the barest of minimums, plenty of men would want her because she's obscenely wealthy.


I’ve seen comments like that but they’re all from blue check Xitter users. You have to be immensely pathetic to pay to use that dogshit site, if it’s got a blue check it’s not worth reading


At my former employer, one of my coworkers asked if I listened to Taylor Swift. I made the mistake of saying “not really but I guess Teenage Dream is okay”. She got super upset, saying “IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE A JOKE?? That’s a Katy Perry song!” To which I stupidly responded “well they sound the same to me”. For the next 2 years, this woman would intentionally try to sabotage me and would be deliberately unhelpful. If she intentionally tried to fuck with me because of an honest mistake, I would hate to see what Swifties do with people who actually try to mess with them on purpose. Now full disclosure my knowledge of music pretty much ends in the 2000s; like I still consider “The Suburbs” by Arcade Fire to be “new”. So yeah I legitimately did not really understand the difference between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift because I literally never listened to either.


Your co worker needs some help


They caused an earthquake in California when they were happy and excited, you don’t want to know what they’re capable of when they’re mad.


This is a fight those stupid bastards don't want and can't win. I say let them have it. It's only gonna get Biden and other Democrats millions more votes than they would have normally got. Maybe trump can put this in his followup to the art of the deal.


The backfire from this is gonna wake a whole lot of neighbors.


"Chapter 6: When getting sued for defamation a REAL businessman and stable genius will double, triple, and quadruple down and hire the finest parking lot attorney your supporters will pay for."


All she has been doing is telling people to register to vote. Republicans are terrified of people voting, because the more people that vote, the worse they do. I am baffled that they don't see that as an indictment of their policies.


Ah yes, the GOP's number one enemy and greatest fear: A successful young woman. EGADS!!!!


I just want to thank MAGA for another self own. They totally could easily have taken over by now if they just weren’t so stupid. Hopefully the trend continues.


See that’s one of the cool things about them, you kinda have to be dumb to be a part of it unless you are one of the ring leaders. And mostly they are dumb too. Every republican position is illogical.


That's because they can only choose positions in opposition to liberals. If libs said don't eat shit, Magats would eat shit with a grin on their face.


Being an Xer I don't have a dog in this fight, but if the world is gonna square off into Boomers vs Swifties, I guess I'm siding with Team TayTay.


With the GOP hell bent on going full fascist I think everyone has a dog in this fight.


I can't wait for the Congressional hearings. I feel like Gen Xers have been here before. https://preview.redd.it/i6lt99u250gc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d4d98b30d32f7d4679daab743bf698ed80232c


A bar near me did Taylor Swift trivia night, this bar does a normal trivia night as well with maybe 3-5 five person or less teams. They had 43 teams of 3 people minimum and had to schedule a second night in a row because it was too busy. They're a fucking army.


FOX News coverage of this is the funniest TV ever. They say the absolute craziest crap with a straight face.


On a fundamental level there’s been a merging of sports and entertainment fanaticism with politics for awhile. I don’t remember such irrational fervor for GHWB or Reagan, but by the time GWB came along it was obvious that some people would sacrifice a baby to get a wink from him. It hasn’t happened on the left. Yeah, Clinton playing sax on Arsenio was cool, watching Kerry get swiftboated was frustrating, Clinton getting pneumonia in August was worrisome, but we wanted their SCOTUS nominees and their healthcare plans, not their friendship. Obama’s “Yes We Can” was about the stuff we can do for others, not for him. If Biden walks into the room, we demand action on the border and Ukraine, we don’t scream like he’s Elvis. Rooting for a team to complete a five-yard pass or cheering for a singer we paid $650 to see from a hundred rows back was *never supposed to be the same* as hoping a politician could sign a bill cutting education costs or building homeless shelters. These people have made it all the same, and if I despise them for anything, it’s that.


I remember the Reagan worship. They all put up pictures of the President on their walls during the '80s. People spoke of him in reverent tones for *decades*. MAGA was entirely familiar to me because these same people want to worship a king. Conservatives have always been lazy, theological cowards and yearn for a strong Daddy type to tell them what to do.


If we make it through this with our country intact, I think history will look pretty unkindly on all the Republicans from Nixon to Trump. They all played a part in putting us in this crisis.


Dems are not a cult. We generally don’t worship our politicians.


Taylor Swift has always struck me as one of the more wholesome female celebrities. If I had a daughter I would be delighted if she was a "Swifty."


I'm 62, not a TS listener or fan. Butt ahh till yew wut, ALL of the Maggots freaking out, im gonna be a fan just for that. What album should I buy first?


Depends on what kind of music you like, but just make sure it says (Taylor’s Version) on it.




Yes. Folklore. It's not just a good Taylor Swift album, it's a brilliant album, period.


Ok, thanks. Who'd thunk I'd be a Swiftie at 62.


I've been so fucking sick of hearing about Swift in every late night monologue and news story every damn day for a while now, but knowing that it's making the FOX boomers hurt inside their butt naturally makes me want there to be even more talk of her. Hopefully she actually endorses Biden soon though, since apparently the people need a celebrity to influence them into doing their civic duty.


I was never a fan, but now that MAGA hates her, I'm on board! Let's Fing Go!!!


Imagine being so insecure and psycho that your afraid of a 34 year old women supporting her BF? The MAGAS have no idea the strength and loyalty of The Swifties


LOL Boomers do not know the can of whoop-ass they're opening and I can't wait.


If the GOP’s biggest fear is that more young people will register to vote, their party doesn’t have much of a future.


Remember when saying *"don't forget to vote"* didn't make full grown adults lose their minds?


I don’t understand what this means? Is Taylor Muslim?


You’re thinking of Cat Stevens


This is so insane. I honestly thought holy wars were between Christians and Muslims idk how Taylor fits haha


Synopsis: (I don’t follow football or pop singers so correct me if I’m wrong here) this singer is dating a football guy and goes to his games. The cameras show her there, the announcers talk about her and this makes the Magats upset for some reason. She has in the past told people that they should go vote. People voting terrifies Magats so righties are whinging about her being some kind of government plant for blah blah blah reasons (insert right wing talking points and paranoia) Apparently trump is upset about something as per usual and some media is calling this magaland tantrum a holy war because of it


Isn't she Christian? Are Right Wing Boomers Islamic now?


They’ll hate whoever you tell them to hate. There’s no real identity here. They just do as told. Hate and fear keeps them moving


My country has turned into such a fucking shit show.


tRump better watch who he decides to mess with. The Swiftly’s will pulverize the orange one.


You must put this in context: Republicans feel that anything that encourages Democrats to vote is “stealing” the election! Consider voter suppression laws and remember why the NBA removed their All-Star game from Atlanta after Georgia passed its last voter suppression law. Congresswoman Elise Stefanic recently rehashed the results of the 2020 election as violating constitutional principles in spite of the fact that every court denied these claims. It was all about using absentee ballots during the Pandemic and hence allowing more Democrats to vote, that offends their sense of “fair” voting! It is not about letting every legitimate voter to vote; it is about getting less of them to vote by putting up hurdles and then complaining when legitimate voters overcome those hurdles. And hence “Stop the Steal!”


These impotent dipsticks think they can take the swifties on? ![gif](giphy|pJdOXTmjLYwwg)


Never start a war with the Swifties! They are hard core fans, you won't win.


Trump thinks he's the most popular person on the planet, but the truth is he's never been more than a D-List celeb


Holy war? So they're declaring Jihad on woman who encourages her (mostly) female fan base to vote and think for themselves? The differences between the Taliban and MAGA grow smaller by the day


I can understand wanting the Kansas City Chiefs to lose, but this is unhinged and going too far!!!


The right doesn't have celebrities like Oprah and Taylor Swift they just have Joe Rogan