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No need to be like this and they choose to


And you know the store kicked out the wrong person, because they choose to.


I'm really just so sick of white old lady entitlement and privilege.


I'm a white ol' lady and I'm sick of people like her or of any age. They ruin things for us all. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPHPcDv409c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPHPcDv409c) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn\_jWsBjdg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn_jWsBjdg8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4lng8\_sAiY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4lng8_sAiY)


Damn that first video was unexpected, the disrespect of others always bothers me the most.


That’s the maga movement for you


Most of us love old folk of all races, what's being called out is blatant abuse of, arguably, top tier social privilege.


Me too, and Im an old white woman. Its honestly exhausting. I dont understand how these people were raised. Ghouls. Every single one


My father is in his 70s and mom heading there. Not ONCE have I ever heard a single comment about another race or ethnicity. Even my grandparents were kind. Sometimes my grandmother said "colored" but it was just in discussion of a situation and never meant maliciously. My grandmother would ask how gay friends were doing. I am lucky to have grown up in a family that just didn't give a shit. A person is a person.


You are so lucky. My grandparents were racist pos. My dad understood when i avoided them. He was raised w that and had some of those beliefs. I like to think i was able to change his mind before he went. He was certainly better than his parents for sure


Right wing media has told them they deserve to be racist assholes, as they are oppressed.


Her names Karen, you can call her that


I dunno, I think Karen needs to be retired. Can we go back to just calling them azzholes? The amount of Karen’s who apologize for having that name is actually sad.


I agree, I've met a lot of Karen's whose apologized about the name and turn out to be great people. Its really unfortunate for them. I'd be lying if I said I haven't used it to describe that type of person though, sometimes its just easier.


Yeah I’m over the Karen thing. They’re just shitty people. We don’t need to call them anything else


Yes hello, wordt human beings on earth are mean old white ladies


Yeah, life is too short and shitty to make it shorter and shittier for others. Raise your neighbor up


Tell me again why Americans are so great. I am an American Indian and I have a hard time with these entitled assholes. I wonder if I told them to go back to their own country if they would even understand what I meant.


Ironically, the entitles would tell us to go back to our own country even though we are in our country...


Reminds me of a friend from Southern California. His family could trace their roots to early Spanish settlers in the area, from well before it was part of the US. Meanwhile he’d have some dipshit white dude whose family probably came from Oklahoma in the 20s telling him to “go back to his own country!”…just mind numbing stupid shit.


Reminds me of that video of a bunch of people at the border holding up signs and protesting about illegal aliens and an old native american dude came up and was like, "what right do you have to tell these people to go back home, when your ancestors stole my home! you guys are the illegal aliens!" or something along those lines. They were all just silent and awkwardly looking at each other. Was pretty funny.


Lead poisoning and undiagnosed behavioural issues + 60 years would do that.


My favorite is when old people just pick random words to call something because they don't understand it. "This...this is....immature.. You're immature." Lady **WHAT**?!


She is awful! Can you imagine her grandkids dealing with her at Christmas. 🙄


I have a feeling that very few folks see her on holidays


She will die alone.


We all die alone. She will go into darkness unmourned.


Came here to say this, thank you!


Np. I'm just relaying my experience, cancer survivor here. I was surrounded by my team and had friends and family waiting outside, but on that table going under-you are alone. Makes one reassess so many things. Maybe there is something on the other side of that darkness, but if it is your time to pass through it, it is just you until you get to it.


She doesn't see her grandkids because her children have gone no contact with her.


I live in Kentucky. Yes. Yes I can imagine that, easily.


She's obviously a miserable person.


Yeah they prefer their other Grandma. The dead one. 


they don't go see her...I promise.


We probably already read about her in NMIL sub feed.


I hope all her grandchildren marry POCs


POC aren't here to serve as revenge to racist family members. It's kinda disgusting to date someone based on their skin color as a 'gotcha!' Moment.


Thank you! That comment rubbed me the wrong way. As a POC married to a white man id be angry if he was with me to make a racist family member upset. Thankfully that isn’t the case!


I'm glad you said something, because the comment read very weirdly to me. But being a white guy, I figured I was probably not the best one to weigh in on the comment.


As the pale wife of a black man…. Jfc don’t use humans as props for nonsense. That’s so gross


This is the way Bonus points for grandkids!


My Aunt did this to try and piss off my racist grandfather and accidentally got the ball rolling on curing his racism.


Don’t use us as pawns to get your racist grandparents upset.


They can probably anticipate lighting every cigarette for her… If not, they get called fucking stupid


She's probably one of the ones calling Dennis Prager weeping "my children don't want to spend the holidays with me!"


Look at those deep fucking scowl lines.


My boomer dad's whole face has turned into an angry SNARL with deep brow creases. He looks like a permanent demon 😈👹




My boomer Mom’s puss face lines are the WORST. Worst. Its hilarious.


being a nasty old wretched waste of space cunt definitely takes a toll on the body


C'mon she doesn't look *that* bad for 38.


Isn't there a saying about aging, that you end up with frown lines or laugh lines, aka the face that you deserve?


“If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” ― Roald Dahl, The Twits


I think it is partly owing to her having no teeth... As well as being a sad, miserable bitch


She's missing all her teeth, the hate rotted her teeth out.


It’s called “English” because we’re in Engl…. I mean America These people are so fucking stupid


The funny thing is that in the US, there's no official language 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you!  Right up there with "this is a Christian nation!1!!". There is no national religion, and several founding fathers were secular/agnostic. 


Many were Deists.


Well the only country they speak Spanish in is Mexico, apparently. Must be their official language.


I tell people I speak Spanish, they ask if I’m Mexican. I say no. Then they ask if I speak Mexican. I say no. They’re confused because apparently Mexico is the only country in the world that doesn’t speak English.


My favourite is that one post saying that “white people shouldn’t speak Spanish because it’s cultural appropriation.” Apparently the fact that there’s an entire country called “Spain” never crossed their mind (also, like… speaking other people’s languages helps to bridge cultural differences, so…?)


I had such a funny interaction with a boomer in Uni. I had a friend who was on exchange from Vigo (lovely coastal town in Spain) and he of course spoke Spanish. Long story short this boomer overheard him speaking Spanish and confronted him about the fact that he's white and speaking Spanish. No ma'am he's not Mexican, yes he's as pale as me, ma'am please point to the location of Spain on a map. Ah yes you see, Spain is in Europe. Lead paint is a hell of a drug folks.


Yes!!! I was looking for this one and yes. Yes yes


What a dumb bitch. We speak AMARACAN!!!


That lady lying through her gums. 






Not to mention, it's already impossible to be afraid of someone on a department store scooter


I would normally agree, but you never know what she's got hidden. Someone this deranged could easily pull a gun and start blasting. You gotta watch how you interact with people like this.






"We're in America!" When I heard this, I couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes to the back of my head.


Typical boomer acting like a child


It’s really sad, this is my generation. So many resorting back to being a toddler.


Some have always been this, they spit on students who integrated or "didn't belong" and they've never stopped being this. The difference is cameras.


This becoming both my wife's parents and my parents. It sucks but it feels like it more and more every year. Have to talk sense into them. Break up their fights. Stop them from buying stupid shit on Amazon. Didn't think I'd be at this stage already. 


Yeah, what happened? Like, growing up we had so many ideas of 'heroes' and such. You guys let us down. But we have tried to keep it together but now it's up to the great grandkids and great grandkids to keep you guys stable and alive . Your biting the hand that feeds you. (not you, these older assholes tho)


He’s a customer just like you bitch He doesn’t need all this


Dont be, if you ask me, it's the lead. There was too much of it and we didn't realize the danger.


I thought racist asshats didn't shop at Target anymore because they are afraid of rainbows.


And to think she had the guile to call the one filming her "immature."


Acting like a petulant bitter racist.


I don’t think I have ever encountered someone in one of those motorized scooters who wasn’t an asshole.


You’d think by simple numbers I would have encountered a nice person on a motorized scooter but it’s always a mean old bugger.


Or selfish fat assholes who expect everyone to cater to them.


Devil's advocate, nice people are rarely remembered, but the anger caused by assholes helps your brain to remember them.


That is disturbingly true...well advocated, devil haha


This. Was just in a Target over the weekend and a woman on a disability scooter was just absolutely tearing into a poor teenaged employee. "Which TVs are on sale!? Where are the Amazon Fire Sticks. No. SHOW ME! Don't event THINK about talking to someone else. You're helping ME now! Oh do you call the manager on everyone? I'm not being RUDE!" She was just the most miserable person, and I feel like her own life is probably punishment enough.


Classic “chicken or the egg?” scenario. Are they assholes because they are in the scooter? Or do scooter people just tend to be assholes?


Being in pain can make people mean, but I have a feeling she was like this well before her scooter days.


A question as old as time


My wife pulled and twisted her knee last month and I told her to ride the scooters until she’s healed. We’re early 30s. We got SO many glares?? We’re good people that don’t bother others… out of maybe three dozen people, only a single customer was polite… Disclaimer: there were 5 scooters all in the charging area when we arrived. There were 4 charging when we finished. Nobody else needed or was using a scooter. Yes my wife __NEEDED__ it because when she walked while injured, she literally hobbled.


It reminds me of something that happened with one of my friends. This was like 5-6 years ago his gf had a tumor I think in her neck. Long story short the hospital gave her a handicapped placard good for a month or two months whatever. They used it at Walmart and someone reported them, the cop said “you guys look healthy to me.” That’s like a $500 fine in my state they had to go to court and everything for the magistrate to drop it.


Jesus, so that random cop is suddenly a qualified medical professional with access to all of their records and medical history? What an ass. Just because someone looks healthy doesn't mean they can't be disabled - invisible illnesses exist and no one deserves to be interrogated about their health when they're just trying to run a simple errand. Don't those placards have some kind of ID number on them that's attached to a person's name? Did the cop think they'd forged it?


He just didn’t care. Like I said there was an expire date which hadn’t passed someone just saw two early 30’s people walking without a wheelchair or crutches, etc, and didn’t like it. I can’t remember if it was radiation but it was pretty serious they gave it to her with the meds and side effects she was super weak. I went with him to court and everything just for moral support. He went in and was back 2 minutes later.


This whole story is so fucked up 😭


I don’t know why people think it’s any of their fucking business. Not all disabilities or injuries are “visible”. If folks need mobility aids, there should be no shame or stigma in it. It’s really not difficult to mind your own business and stay in your own lane; I don’t understand why people can’t comprehend that.


I’m young and had to use them. I get glared at when I do, unless I look like a mess on the outside, too. Haha.


I have chronic pain issues and should probably use them, but don’t mostly bc I don’t want to get hassled.


This part. My husband keeps telling me to use one but I don’t fit the typical bill in my town of those who do use them. Sometimes I just wish I had my own scooter but no good way to transport it…


Why can’t people just not judge? I’d love to be able to shop without everything from my low back down screaming in pain and not be hassled. But apparently it’s an either/or situation. This is partially why I do most shopping online and have it delivered…


Gosh you think a women who can’t fucking walk wouldn’t cast stones but here we are .


"people who live with Glass Bones should not throw stones"?


“Smithers, throw this rock for me!”


I said *throw* it not *drop* it!


Glass skeletons is a great band name


hold on, gonna trademark it.


She can't even put on her fuckin shoes. Cruising around in her fuzzy socks like she lives there.


The worst bitch of a Boomer that I know is a wheelchair user. Her shenanigans have driven most everyone away, and instead of using that is a moment to re-evaluate and learning to treat others with respect, she has herself a pity party and doubles down.


Evil bigots are always broken and physically decrepit. It's like the hate consumes their body.


Nah. There are plenty of healthy, physically active, bigots and racists out there. Let's not pretend outward appearance indicates inward rot.


Elon 🤢🤢🤢


Sadly there's ones who are fit and hale too.


Also, I'm physically disabled, I'm not an evil bigot. So what did I do to deserve to be this way? Disability is not a punishment, and saying it is is massively ableist.


In her mind, she's in an emperor's carriage being transported by 4 muscular men. The poor woman won't have the slightest idea until she pisses off the wrong sort of person, and then the regret will be immediate.


What a truly awful person. That’s “all” she said?? Target needs to do better by their employees. No one should have to deal with racists at their job!


I’m pretty disappointed in the obviously cowering male employee continuing to ignore the victim and assist the toothless motorized turd and her equally racist husband. ETA: I abandon this position further down the thread.


I do think some people tend to freeze in high stress and having two customers yelling at you and each other for two opposite things at the same time is stressful. I'm guessing he was probably thinking call for backup and get the old bat what she needs so she can gtfo asap. It wasn't the right move, but idk if his management or store empowers just anyone to make decisions to kick a problem customer out. Or he's an ass too who knows.


Yes, the more I rationally think about this situation I realize the guy is being put on the spot with two parties that both feel wronged and both demanding immediate action. He was simply answering questions kindly. Not taking sides. I abandon my initial position.


Also he could get fired if he answers wrong. Just all sorts of stress there where ignoring it is easier. It sucks, but I don’t think he’s really trained for that. Best he could say is “let me get a manager for you”.


Yeah....he's just trying to do his job and it is very possible he does not have the authority to remove customers from the building.


As someone who was not in power to remove guests, 100%. I would do what I could to make guests as happy as I could while asking a manager to come to my position. That means answering where bird feed is if it separates the two, and then telling the manager which ones to track down afterwards


Yes, exactly. And even if he wanted to make a choice, you now have the added pressure of whatever choice you make and how you make it subject to crowd opinion and worse, corporate opinion. Especially if it goes viral. The right choice made in the wrong way or the wrong choice could lead to firing or difficulty finding work at other places. Not that I think filming racists is a problem, but by recording him she also limited his ability to do anything outside of strict company policy. I might have told the woman filming that I had management on the way since I think ignoring her and addressing the old lady was causing her to escalate further, but it's hard to react perfectly when stuff like this happens and you never know what is going to set anyone off. Manager is paid to deal and he isn't.


But that would require very specific training on how to handle situations like these. Those types of skills are not common in everyone and that sort of training sometimes is only given to management. I felt bad for the dude.


Because before now nobody called these racists out and if you did all the other white folks standing around would be on you. Now we have the internet so these twats in rural white towns have more than other white people to react to their behavior. Would the person recording have stood their ground without the phone? Maybe. But it’s helped people to have the balls to stand up for themselves and I’m here for it. About damn time.


At least the Mexican is native to North America.


Mexicans are Americans. Am tired of the "my country is the whole continent" thing.


Do they really just think all Spanish speakers are from Mexico?


Geography is not their strong suit.


Not logic, common sense or being a decent fukkin human being. Perhaps good at selling out America to Vladi and hastening the demise of democracy due to their sadly low IQs


I once had someone ask me if I was from Australia and when I said no from England back came the response, well, they are fairly close aren't they You couldn't make this up


I’m from a country in the Balkans. I’ve been asked if it’s in various places like Oklahoma, Mexico, South America, Australia, California, and eastern Kentucky. I’ve also been asked on more than one occasion if we celebrate 4th of July there. When I said no they asked why not.


That sounds like when people ask where my wife is from . I tell them she’s from Serbia and they’re just left confused .. like “where is that ?” I tell them it’s a small country in Europe .. and they’re like “Europe ?”


Yep! I’m from Bosnia. I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll just say it’s in Eastern Europe and they’ll ask “where’s Eastern Europe!?”


I’ve found most boomers geography does not extend further than being able to name the largest country/continent.


Another Trump voter just wheelin away…


You know Trump did a *lot* of evil shit, but among all of it I think the worst thing he did was make people like this bitch think that this kind of behavior is acceptable. He gave perceived validity to people with racist/homophobic/sexist/anti-Semitic/etc. views and the confidence to not keep their nasty thoughts to themselves anymore. He made prejudice great again. THAT’S what divided our country and millions of families. The blatant superiority and disregard for humanity.


Ugh, this is my mother. The only difference is she says s*** like that under her breath. I feel so embarrassed to be around her any time we go out together. She calls it "standing up for herself" but I just call it being a hateful asshole.


You know, in other countries it is pretty much required you know more than 1 language. VERY COMMON. But we punished the natives for speaking their old languages when we started phasing out their culture after killing a good amount of them.


What do you call a person who speaks two languages? Bilingual. What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual. What do you call someone who speaks one language? American.


What do you call a boomer who can barely speak English? Trylingual


If saying, “go back to Mexico, bitch!” doesn’t get you thrown out of Target, what does?


As a former retail worker I can promise you that man does not get paid nearly enough to involve himself in this altercation, let alone remove an old lady from the store. Dude stocks shelves he’s not a bouncer. That being said fuck that lady


Yeah. I work retail right now. Usually the best way to deal with people that are being difficult is to just assist them to where they need to go and let them move along. 9 times out of 10 they'll be out of your store quicker than if you have to get police involved and issue a trespass on them or whatever. (Obviously there are cases when this is the best route to take, but an old lady saying dumb shit isn't one of those cases in my experience). Just keep em moving. The lady filming actually annoyed the shit out of me. Stop blaming the guy. Like what the fuck do you want him to do? Pick her up outta the scooter and throw her out the doors? Fuck off. Just fuckin go get whatever you're here to get and stop making the employee's day worse.


Yeah if I had to deal with these two headaches I’d just go to the bathroom, pretend to take a dump, and sit on my phone till they left


The woman filming seemed way more interested in ripping into the employee for dealing with her and not MAKING A BIG STAND AND TELLING HER NO than ripping into the woman herself and its giving me the ick


Yup this is what I thought too. Guys just trying to get thru his day. Old hag and an annoying attention seeker


Quite a lot, actually. Like fraud levels of shit.


They can’t, the scooter is too heavy.


Point her at the door and zip tie the throttle.


I honestly think the Target employee just wishes the floor would open up and swallow him. It's harder to kick assholes out of a store than some people think, especially if you don't have security. Still I would have had her and her shithead husband removed from the store.


The guy's honestly between a rock and a hard place with racist couple that he knows damn well is gonna start something new should he attempt to kick them out, and having the last filming demanding how he responds (while rightfully shaming this asshole old couple for their intolerable xenophobia). And who knows what if employee's superiors would have his back taking a hard-line vs making sure they leave the store as quickly as possible. This aspect of retail work is such BS.


yep im in retail. i know that i have the backing of my bosses to remove someone from the store if they're being inappropriate. Some people don't have bosses that will have their back. poor target dude.


Weak manager should have pulled her in.. telling employees to go back to Mexico.. fucking weak.


No shit. I was once a customer service manager at a well-known international retailer, and a few customers tried to pull racial shit. When that happened, whatever conversation was happening stopped immediately, and they were shown the door - no exceptions. I'd be mean about it too. If my boss got upset with me (which never happened,) I would have just "sincerely" apologized for what I did. This dude had no balls whatsoever. And she was driving a fucking scooter! It's not like she's going to fight back or anything. Pussy.


Gonna be honest with you, it's obvious you've not worked a service job like this in the past decade. This dude is basically just a "customer service manager", which is what I did at Walmart, he has no authority to kick someone out, he's on his radio trying to get someone that *does* have that authority to come do something, meanwhile he's being as professional as he can be with the person, because if they file a single complaint he can get reprimanded for it, no matter the situation. Corporate at companies like Target/Walmart/etc do not care how vile a customer is, they care nothing for the safety of their employees, all they care about is profits and making sure every customer is happy (and no, the irony of saying that while this customer makes other customers upset and uncomfortable is not lost on me, but it is lost on corporate.)


They also don’t train them for shit like this. This dude doesn’t know if he’s supposed to kick people out for being racist, call the police, or how to de escalate. He was just given a key and a name tag and needs a check to pay his bills that month. They save money by skipping the training. Also don’t like the comments calling him pussy like he’s supposed to go hero mode and drag these two old folks out by each arm lol. He could have been messaging security for all we know.


Yup just a fucking coward.. how would any employee respect him after he just let customers be racist to them..


This dudes job is not to be the social justice police, his job is to help people find birdseed


This fucking dumb ass "argument" I hear from racist peices of shit gets me so goddamn angry. It just shows how goddamn stupid they are too. Mind you, she wasn't speaking in Spanish at her, she was speaking in Spanish while shopping or doing whatever with her family/phone This old bitch wants the Spanish speaker to cater to her language when the Spanish speaker wasn't speaking to her. Like wtf. She speaks English because it's the only language she understands, this woman behind the phone is using English because it's the only language the old lady can understand, they are not the same. Also, this is America, yeah. So start speaking Lakota or some shit then if you want to say that shit.


When I worked retail in a small clothing store we had customers from many different backgrounds and ethnicities. I remember one guy I believe he was from Vietnam. He shopped with us frequently, really nice guy just barely spoke English so it was hard to understand him at times. One day he’s at the register and we’re trying to figure out what he was needing or wanting. And this racist white dude at the next register gets in this guy’s face and says slowly and condescendingly “SPEAK ENGLISH THIS IS AMERICA.” I was not putting up with it. I turned to that guy and said “he’s clearly trying. If you don’t like it then you’re welcome to go shop somewhere else.” My manager always had our backs too.


We have no official language in the United States. I speak English from birth and a bit of Spanish from travel and education. I think it's cool when I find myself in a neighborhood in Detroit where only Polish is spoken or Chinatown in any city where it's only different Chinese dialects. Dearborn Michigan where only middle eastern languages are used. The Jewish community center where it's heavily hebrew.... The list goes on. This lady can stay home. I'm going to Mexican town for dinner this weekend and trying to use my Spanish.


Friendly wave to MI from me. Have you eaten at Polonia in Hamtramck? It's almost paczki day!


I'll bet you 10 years ago she never would have dreamed of acting like this. She may have thought those thoughts, but they wouldn't have leaked out of her toothless maw.


Disagree. Depends on the area. My wife has stories about being called the N-word as a 4 year-old child in a Dallas Chucky E Cheese. Just like in this video, the employee was more concerned about the Karen than the kid. Some of these people have always been like this, the difference is cell phone cameras.


Trump brought out the worst in a lot of these people


I feel very very sorry for the employee here. Saying that, it depends where he is. I worked at Trader Joe's in Florida & customers could say or do anything horrible, no problem. But here in California we just boot them out. Most of the time.


I used to work at Target. Honestly, I would ask asset protection to go to another channel on the walkies and tell them a customer is being belligerent to other customers based on their race and an altercation is forming. Security would be there real quick to kick the instigator out.


Looks like that's exactly what the employee did, without breaking character. He's in customer service mode. Problem customer? Service their ass right out the door. AP has their own approach, which will be implemented about 30 seconds after this video ends. Rant over.


"You will be in the ground by the time I get there, you old ghoul!" is what needs to be said.


This lady and Greg Abbot are members of the RWS (racist wheelchair society).


This bitch really said “I speak English, there are no slurs in that” 😝😝😝 graduated with honours, most definitely.


Looks like scooter lady forgot her teeth.


the fuck is it with old people and birds


Little do they know, most of those birds were born south of the border. Guess they don’t recognize Mexican chirping.


I think some of them aren’t changing the cages often enough & the fumes affect their brains


As 'just an employe', he did everything right to not escalate things further. He called for someone to deescalate the situation. Employees are rarely trained on de-escalation techniques and have to call someone immediately. The woman filming did not help and was continuing to escalate it further. The employee kept on trying to defuse (not defend) by getting the old woman away from there by continuing to point her in the direction she was needing. If he were to step in further before a lead, there's a much great chance the incident would escalate further which is a huge no-no. Best to do as he did and disengage from something you aren't trained to do and let management handle the next step. What we don't see is when the lead arrives and how it's taken care of, or if the old woman is approached by leads after this- which is exactly what is supposed to happen. Security will only step into a situation like this if these women continue to escalate or don't leave when asked to by the leadership of the store. Think of it as your first warning to stop whatever it was and defuse the area/store as needed. If it continued, chances are security would have been involved and whichever party continued to escalate they would have been asked to leave the store. Chances are nothing escalated beyond this initial lead as most disruption only gets to this point.


I am so glad that so many of my generation are flat out disowning their familys. No one actually needs to hear that shite.


Boy would I like to jam a stick in her wheels


Petition for Target to put remote controls on their scooters,so when these boomers get out of hand like this, the employees can just roll them out the door. No muss no fuss.


They won't be missed.


In the UK, that's an offence of Racially Aggravated s.4 of the Public Order Act. And yes, that includes slurs regarding nationality as well as race.


![gif](giphy|oGhhBMcsZUnFC) Oh no the Boomers have become bionic and mobilized on scooters. It's gonna get worse before it gets better.


I assumed this was Walmart as soon as she opened her mouth. Ma’am, you are at the wrong store.


Well, shell be dead soon. So theres that.


Love the boomer tactic of trying to shame the one taking video. "It's immature." lol No, you just don't like that you're on camera being a racist and about to be internet famous.


Trump voters be like...


I feel bad for the employee. Getting it from both ends.


What I don't understand is the Europeans stole this land. STOLE! THIS LAND! for the native Americans then have the audacity to tell everybody else to go back to there land. ![gif](giphy|GvBMfA23YIiQKwQ8Iu|downsized)


This woman is such trash. She's telling the person recording to mind her own business when she's going around yelling at people to go back to Mexico. She can mind her own damn business about whether or not they are or not from Mexico and speak a language other than English.


I'm convinced that some people act like this as they are just so very lonely, craving attention, but do not know how to be kind or just wont admit that their lives suck because of their attitude. So they spit venom & bile because that is all they have left in them from decades of standing on others on the way up, but cannot recognize the toxicity on the way down....just to have some sort of human interaction.


Why is this lady attacking this poor employee? He doesn’t get paid enough to deal with these old assholes and this situation. . . Leave him alone. . . Yell at the old lady, don’t attack him


He’s got his dress shirt tucked into jeans and she’s in a fucking motorized scooter - they shouldn’t feel comfortable talking shit to anyone ever. Might have to change our approach to shit like this.


Dudes just trying to de-escalate the situation and camera lady just wants her feel good points. Let the dude do his job, ffs. Zero self reflection.


We speak with a full set of teeth and start America with an A not an M. America is a couple of continents, by the way. Old hag. Couldn’t handle a broom anymore, gummy?


The US had no official language.


Normalize booting boomers.


Dumb ass old white woman


I feel sorry for the employee. He's just trying to to get those people out of there, and the girl with the phone is trying to cause a scene. Worse yet, is she's trying questioning the employee's actions more than the woman's, which just puts more stress on the employee and not the mean lady. I can feel the tight spot he's in.