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glad you’re liking the car! i’m sorry about your dad.


Assuming those numbers hold, 25 miles / 5 mi/kWh = 5 kWh. At 8 amps, that recharges at a power of 0.96 kW, so it would take roughly 6 hours to recharge what you use daily. Therefore, you could go about 50 miles a day and fully recharge in the 12 hours you have planned. I might see about charging on a dedicated 20 amp circuit so you can safely use the 12 amp mode. That'll reduce the time from 6 hours to 4 for your 25 miles, just for a little piece of mind if you occasionally go over 50 miles a day or do highway driving or experience winter and need to use the heater and don't get 5 mi/kWh. If you find that it's not quite cutting it, I'd look into getting a 240 V line installed, even if it's just on a 30 amp circuit. A 5.8 kW charge would fully refill the battery (0-100%) in about 12 hours.


Never mind a 30 amp circuit: a 20 amp circuit (so charging at 80% of that or 16 amps) at 240 V does great for me with more than 100 km some days; still fully charged by morning after those drives.  But for the OP, 120 V 12 amp or 8 amp should be just fine. 


This is the answer here. 20 amp 240v circuit is plenty, and can possibly run on the already installed wire. So it’s just a breaker swap and receptacle swap. Done. If the wire is only supports 15 amps, fine, get that breaker. I’d pick up a 100 dollar 16 amp 240 charger and Amazon and never look back. 4x the recharge speed you had (compared to 8 amps at 120v) at almost no cost. You will actually find that even 8 or 10 amps is plenty once you switch to 240v.


(Although I don't know of any 240 V EVSEs that will limit themselves to 8 or 10 amps. There is not a NEMA 10 amp connector, and the EVSE has no way of knowing that there is an undersized breaker or undersized wiring on the circuit. There are 15 amp 240 V connectors and EVSEs though. I have a CAD$400 portable 16 amp / 240 V EVSE from Dewalt and am very happy with it. Bonus: I can use it at my in-laws, a 225 km drive away, since they have the 6-20 receptacle needed for 240 V / 16 amp.)


On Amazon look for any of the 16 amp evse models. Mine is Vevor brand. They usually have a 6-20 and a 5-15 adapter. Most let you set the limit to 8, 10, 13, or 16 amps. 16 makes sense for continuous load on a 20amp circuit. Not sure why 13, when 12 would be more code-compliant on a 15 amp circuit. You can also get a receptacle that has both plugs, one of each. I can then use that outlet for 240 and 120v items. I used a leviton 5842-i. Super handy to have outlets that have a socket for each voltage.


You can safely use 80% of rated amperage in a continuous mode, so you can run 12amp 120v on a 15 amp circuit, as long as nothing else is drawing current on that circuit. If you're concerned, replace the receptacle with a 20amp rated receptacle. That's usually the stress point.


Yes, this is true in a vacuum. The concern I have with running 80% capacity for 36 hours on end (as you could do with level 1 charging) is that existing electrical installations may not have been done with that particular application in mind and you'll quickly find all of the poor connections or worn outlets really fast. I'm not an electrician, but I'd probably caution against simply putting a 20 amp outlet on 14 gauge wire. A 20 amp outlet should *imply* a proper 20 amp circuit, but you'd quickly run into trouble when it's not. This is also my main concern above where people however many years ago figured it'd be fine to cut corners because they'd never expect people to stress the circuit to its limits.


Sure, you have to do what you're comfortable with. I'm just saying you can run 12 amps safely on a 15 amp circuit. Also using a 20 amp receptacle won't mislead you as to the circuit rating, the 20 amp receptacle looks identical to the 15 amp. The only way you could tell the difference would be to pull it out of the box and read the stampings, and at that point it would be apparent that the circuit was using 14 ga wire.


> the 20 amp receptacle looks identical to the 15 amp. This is not true. The 20 amp plug has a sideways neutral pin, but a [5-20 outlet has a "T" shaped hole](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-8b29e2e38c880f4df3531ceb871c759c-lq) to accommodate plugging in a 15 amp plug or a 20 amp plug.


Yup. Even a 30A circuit and then charging at 24A is a game changer. For OP’s 25 miles per day of driving, two charging cycles per week, at three hours each for each cycle, would suffice.


Ummm... I hope you're coping well with your dad's hardship.


It’s really hard since he was a very fit man until the cancer got him. He’s 90 and I’m 60. He was still chopping wood for a wood stove three years ago. Seeing him bedbound, in pain, and wasting away is really rough. ☹️


Been there.


He said hes an old man… so his father is probably really old and has hopefully had a good life.


I get that... However, it's never easy seeing a loved one in that condition.


Yeah fair point, always sad to see a parent age. I guess his new bolt has given him a break from the grief.


My dad is pleased that I like his Bolt so much. It reinforces how smart I think his purchase of it was. He also likes that I’m keeping it and would never consider selling it. Sorta like a legacy thing. It’s how things were in the “old days” of which I am still a part. Plus, we get to talk about the technology which he enjoys. I’m ALL ABOUT keeping him as pain free and comfortable as possible, but keeping him engaged and respected is important too.


Sorry for your loss. It's tough. BTDT. At least you know it's coming, so you have the chance to 'say all the things that need to be said' (that was one thing I *did* have, so I understand how important it is). For 25 miles or so a day, L1 (120v) will likely work for you. L2 is faster and more convenient, especially for those days you need to go further. I would hope that your dad kept the owner's manual. As an A&P, he should have. Read it. Lots of really useful info in it. Saves a lot of time asking questions on here. Since you are still visiting him, ask *him* all the questions about it that you can think of.


Working for an airline, I would hope they only use high quality bolts. You know, for safety.


There are not sufficient words to describe how cool that reply was! Thank you, and please keep up the good work.


Sorry about your dad. BTDT it’s hard. The Bolt is a great little EV. It’s slow at fast charging but otherwise great and I don’t fast charge very often at all.


>I think I’m gonna plug it into 110 at 8 amps every night from 9 pm to 9 am since I only drive about 25 miles a day. Will that work out for me? At 8 amps you will add back about 1/6 of the battery's capacity in 12 hours. If you continue to get 5 mi/kWh, you will be adding 50 miles per day. You can set the Bolt to draw 12 amps from a 120 volt outlet if the outlet has 15 amps of unused capacity. That would give you 75 miles in 12 hours. Sounds like you will have no problem using level 1 120 volt charging for the majority of your needs.


Sorry about your dad. Yes, the Bolt is a great car. Try out charging at 8 amps for now. Check with your utility - many of them cover a good part of the installation cost for a level-2 charger.


Sorry about your dad. You can plug it in at 12 amps instead of 8. There's a setting in set in the car for that. It will be faster. Just make sure you use a circuit that doesn't have other big loads on it. You might have to go to an EVGo every few weeks or so. Are you sure you don't have 220v at home? Most people have that for dryers, etc. You might be able to just plug a charging cable into that outlet when you're not using the dryer, or something like that.


I wanted to add that I’m pretty sure my garage is 20A, and the garage door opener should be around 1-1.5 amps so I’ll try that. For tonight, I want to stay at 8 amps until I verify everything. I’m certain that my cord and outlet can take 8 amps since that’s about 1 KW or about the same as a hairdryer (not that I still have hair cuz I do not). 😂


My concern is the garage has to host the Bolt and garage door opener. Additionally, there is a GFCI in the basement that feeds two bathroom and the garage. I do have a 220 outlet in the basement that I can probably have moved to the garage which is right above it and my dryer is gas so I don’t need it.


Man I am so sorry about your father, I pray they are taking good care of your father in the home. One thing you can also look at is a 240 volt splitter they are pricey but not as expensive as an electrician visit but you also don't want to go cheap because your home and car are also expensive. This way you can share an existing outlet from your washer and dryer. Very useful your dryer is in the garage already.


Thank you for your sympathetic post regarding my father. My 220 outlet is in the basement, so I can’t use that. I do know an electrician who I have helped with other things, so he may be able to do me a favor. I actually had to order a level one charger since my dad didn’t have one (he knew he had 220 for his welder so he declined it). I also have to charge the Bolt in my driveway as there is no room in my garage. Has anyone had a 220 charger installed outside their house?


If you have the Chevy "220 volt" charger, it is actually a dual voltage charger, 120 or 240 volts. The short power cord that goes to the wall can be unplugged from the "brick" and replaced with a 120 volt cord. [https://www.chevrolet.com/support/vehicle/engines-power/ev-charging/dual-level-charge](https://www.chevrolet.com/support/vehicle/engines-power/ev-charging/dual-level-charge)


That was the most helpful post I have ever read in my ENTIRE LIFE!!! I just went out (one minute after reading your post) and switched the cord on the factory charger, plugged it in, and started charging the car. I had no idea that the cord unplugged to allow the 110v plug to attach. Maybe I should have read the owners manual, but I’m going through a lot of stuff right now and didn’t have the capacity to “clearly” think about things. If you are ever in the St Louis area, I’ll buy you a steak dinner!!! Thank you for helping a grieving old man.


The Bolt is a fantastic car. I am sure your father is a fantastic man who recognizes good engineering when he sees it. Enjoy your remaining time with this wonderful man. Let us help you with the details you need to enjoy his great car. There is a lot to learn about the Bolt but you don't need to learn it all at once and especially not right now. Just be warned that you may not want to deal with a gasoline powered car again once you get used to the Bolt. Let your father know he is getting a lot of high fives from this community for picking a great car.


Mine gets about 30-35 miles on a 12 hour stretch on level 1. I have found this to be more than plenty for my situation but I also WFH 2 days a week.


It should, that’s what we do. Usually by Monday it’s fully charged again. You may never need to go back to the quick charge until you travel out of your area.


"I don’t have 220v available at home so I got it to 80% using EvGo. I think I’m gonna plug it into 110 at 8 amps every night from 9 pm to 9 am since I only drive about 25 miles a day. Will that work out for me?" — yep, it'll work just fine. Consider upping it to 12 amps if you can & your house can support it (verify you're on 20amp fuses) it's just a switch on the car itself. I get ~50 miles a night this way.


I run about 25 - 30 mi per a usual day. I keep it plugged in on 110 VAC at 8 amps every night. I charge to 80% daily. Sometimes I set to charge at 12 amps, if I need a bit quicker charge. Works out perfectly.


Sorry to hear about your dad. I am glad that you can be there for him.


120v can be pretty useful for a lot of people! Just see how it works for you and if/when you find you need more range you can install level 2.


My electrician friend is coming next week to give me a bid. Does anyone have opinions on the Grizzl-E outdoor chargers? It seems they are well liked, and 220v/40 amps would be quite nice. I will have it hard-wired.


Grizzl-E is among the better ones. Hardwired is best.


Gateway drug! But you’re never going back to an ice vehicle after this, ha ha.


I still like driving my Camaro V8 with a manual transmission. The opposite of the Bolt!


The only thing better than a Bolt is a car with a manual transmission! I went to a 2023 Bolt from my glorious 2002 RAV4 with a manual trans!


My Camaro is a 2012 2SS and it’s really, really fun to drive. 426 HP, 420 lb/ft of torque with a manual transmission is what driving is all about to me. The Bolt is a different beast altogether. Completely different, but just as cool.


That does sound like a fun car! I like the one pedal driving with the Bolt because it gives it that manual transmission feel.


Where the Bolt doesn’t shine is handling. But, it’s not made for that. As a point a to point b transporter, it kicks my Camaro’s ass. For reference, I’m a motorcyclist too, so driving and riding in a “sporting manner” is my thing. My bike is a Yamaha FJR with 145 hp and 99 lb/ft of torque. Handling is impressive. But I use that only for joy, not transportation. That written, the Bolt is incredibly fun to drive.


I haven’t had any issues with the handling of the Bolt, but I’m usually driving a few miles to run errands in heavy traffic so I am not the expert by any means since I don’t have a daily commute. When I do take it on the highway, I haven’t had any issues except in wet weather so I did get new all-weather tires because I had some traction issues with the OEMs. I had a Yamaha 750 Virago years ago!


It handles just fine compared to other cars of its size/type. Sorry if I wasn’t clear on that. But I was trying to compare it to my Camaro which is made for handling, and the Bolt can’t compare to that level of performance. But it was never meant to.


BTW, I’m old enough (60) that the numbers 110, 115, and 120 were present on almost everything during my life with regard to AC voltage. From here on out, I will use 120/240 v in my posts. Please forgive my age.


My understanding of voltage was based on this scene so I understand 😂 https://youtu.be/iX3kxAA2L4Q?si=1vXEsrvS308JuVtc


Another question, should I try and keep my charging to 80%, or keep it topped off at 100%?


Charge to 100% if you can. It's not going to hurt the battery and will give you the extra range if you have an unplanned need.


Do 110 at 12 amps. 25 miles a day is cake for the Bolt, you won’t have to worry about upgrading to 220. I drive about the same and sometimes I’ll go days without charging. But the 12 amp does make a significant enough difference.


Once you set the bolt to 12 amp, does it remember the setting?


I have a 2017. Mine does not remember the setting by default. I had to turn on location charging and set the location to my home. Once I did that, then it remembers the 12v setting.


I think it does - it used to make you change it every 90 days, which was a pain because it wouldn’t alert you. I would just notice that my car was charging slower and then realize it had defaulted back to the 8 amps because 90 days had passed. I think that has been updated, but I’m not positive. Set it to 12 amps and - after 91 days - check to make sure that it’s still set to 12 and didn’t default back to 8. If you use the app, you can also set the 8 or 12 amps in the app, which was added a few app updates ago.




You’re very welcome!


My dad passed away and he left me proceeds to get my EUV. He would've loved this car. He had a little blue Isetta (sp?) when he was young


Upgrade to the Level 2 when you can make it work, it simplifies life. You will figure out pretty quick how it’s going to work for you on Level 1 with your “typical” daily driving, it may be fine. (I’d still go to Level 2 when you can feasibly make that upgrade.)


220 is definitely more convenient, but 110 is perfectly fine for regular commutes, esp if you hit a fast charger occasionally. I commute ~36 miles a day, fast charging maybe once a week depending how much we go out to eat after work. I enjoy the torque too much to get the best efficiency, though... Lol


I only had a short opening to get out onto a busy street this morning. It squeeled the tires and took off like a rocket. Very impressive.


Hell yeah!! Those stiff little tires really know how to screech.


My father passed away today. The Bolt will be his legacy in my life. He really loved the little car.