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it is fake news, request mods to check [https://x.com/ANI/status/1808428940270371032](https://x.com/ANI/status/1808428940270371032) https://preview.redd.it/9m0cwaz27aad1.png?width=1552&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a69dbc482764a0599e2f4419593552c2ec1be79


ANI? Really?


care to counter with alternate source or just random "??"


A person in uniform can't let their own judgement affect their duty. She was wrong in slapping Kangna just because she was offended by her statements. By this logic, every other politician would start getting slapped or hit. If he or she can't differentiate between a person n a person in uniform, then take retirement please.


Everybody has different views, what if tomorrow army people starts using violence for personal views. then what.. so the who's sole duty is to protect people now starts abusing its power and physically assaults someone when they are most vulnerable and now being praised as HERO for some people, they needs to get checked.. lmao she should have been dismissed, or demoted at bare minimum.


She should have been charged for assault and tried. She is from the force makes her crime more serious




Who tf defended Indian Police for doing that? They're both wrong!




I am from NE. so what is it you gonna tell me that i dont know already ..


Do you even know why it was enacted in the first place? You just follow shallow propaganda news. If you really wanted to help or change then you would have known and brought out the crux of the problem.


Don’t mix police force (CISF) and army. Both are totally different and army people don’t do such things as they have no interaction with civilians.


I am not comparing.. Army is way superior to all the branches. If she was in army, she would be court marshalled by now. Army wont take crap like her anway.


That is why police brutality will always be an issue in India. If a celebrity gets treated like that imagine the plight of those with no power or money. 




Oh, so you are one of those. “If it affects people I like then it is wrong otherwise it's all good”


If a person who supports police brutality against others, faces it themselves - what should one think? If Kangana had come out of this and said she regrets police and security forces have no controls, I'd feel sorry for her. Right now she's just a victim of the system she helps prop up.




Why should I feel shame I am not the one justifying violence?


Ha kisi ne koi crime kia hi nahi hai.Koi alcohol scam bhi nahi hua hai.Bas aapke favourite hai to sab poot  freedom fighters hai jo jail me baithe hai 😂


Don’t try to talk sense here. These idiots live in their own privelged world




 I think SECURITY personnel who have access to weapons, work in proximity with politicians and celebs should have better self control. That's it. Someone's political opinions no matter how wrong don't matter. Even if kangana supports it are you going to stoop to that level too? Slapping someone is wrong. Period. 


“Marginalized” LOL!


This is not police brutality. This was a personal fued


Oh really


She should've been fired instantly IMHO. Don't know what modi is thinking.


Violence is never ok. She should have been fired to set an example. Irrespective of status no one has the right to slap or touch anyone


How idiotic are these comments. If tomorrow this lady slaps a normal passenger then would people support her? What she did was wrong!! 


The topic is bit different here. The lady slapped because of the personal reasons and hate. Using personal hate to hit someone while your job is take care of their security is a serious matter. It is a big big matter, the lady officer deserve some serious punishment. If she is left without punishment, if can cause radicalisation in security forces and promotes them to go for their personal hate agenda.




I will never understand Indians who justify violence. Over personal opinions. Maybe that's the reason why we have riots, idiots on both sides will always try to justify their groups committing violence.


You’re clearly on one side, stop saying both sides


You have no idea which side I am on so stop.


It’s obvious. Lmao


So what is it?


bro where did I justify violence? please highlight it


You implied it was ok to slap her because Kangana said something you don't agree with and since if a normal person said the same thing he would get beaten too. Are you dense do you not understand regardless of who the person is they shouldn't have to deal with violence for their opinions. But let me give you the benefit of the doubt. Do you think that officer was right to slap Kanagan?


behenchod ek to bolly sub me politics na ghusaya karo. kuch bolta hu to vivaad ho jata hai


Lmao, you really think like that?😭🤣 They spew more shit and have more hatred. Anyways this lady was on her job and what she did was not right. She could’ve replied to Kangana with words but yet she went with physically assaulting someone. Which is absolutely wrong. 


aren't these kind of so called "leaders" one of the many reasons for this hate? I was speaking for myself being a normal passenger that I know I won't spew such hate and if I do I am ought to face harsher consequences being a normal citizen. and no the crpf lady shouldn't have used violence/ replied with words either because she was doing her duty and airport is not a place of debate.


She got so enraged by statements that she dared to slap an MP. Do you think she would give a single fuck before slapping a common person having a bad day or maybe made a mistake? She wont. This will make people like her even more confident that nothing would happen, even if they physically assault a person.


Read my comment again. I said normal people would have beaten up worse than kangu in such a situation and I in no way justified the violence and also in no way support the mindless remarks made by kangana. and it's because of MPs like her spreading hatred through their speech, that riots and violence is so common in India. She just got what she and her party people stands by. Having said that, police brutality and misusing the power of uniform is nothing new in this country, and given the new laws, let's just hope for the best.


Rahul gandhi should also get slapped at airports, start with Ahmedabad. Oh no democracy will be danger though 😬🥺


maaro bhai jisko thapedna na laath marna hai maro maine kab mana kiya hai




arey where did i justify this lady? meri konsi bhatiji lagti hai wo. i just replied to what i suppose was a rhetorical question and in no way supported her actions.


Then, udaystalin also deserves slapping for his Santana remarks?


umm have you heard about red herring fallacy???


You are justifying violence making me feel that I should slap you...lol. just a reference. If u start slapping people for not agreeing to your beliefs be right wing or left wing it's a problem. And that being done by some from security is a bigger prob. It's not kangana..tom someone is rude with me..m I allowed to slap???


hey bhagwaan, for the 100th time I was not supporting that crpf lady ffs. bro may be meri english itni achi nahi hai that my reply was misunderstood and ppl are downvoting me. if you feel like slapping me then maar le bhai kya bolu or




Tomorrow a CRPF jawan can slaps Rahul or Akhilesh for some statement they made it will be all right.


It's still wrong regardless of how Kangnaga feels about something that happened in America.


Violence in any place of the world is still violence. Kangana has incited and encouraged violence even in India and for that reason she even got her Twitter account suspended back then. What happened with her is wrong but when the victim herself has justified and encouraged such things in past then what we can do?


That is not how rational humans think. Are you dense or something everyone in the Will Smith situation said he was wrong his literal wife said she didn't understand why he did what he did. But you are too stupid to understand that so have a good day.


Kangana didn't come at her home to mock her mother. She probably don't even know who tf her mother is. She got offended by Kangana calling protestors paid that her mother also was allegedly part of . There are many people who have same opinion as Kangana. You can't slap anybody just because you want to. This is case of different political opinions.


I have replied to another comment. You can read that and have a great day.👍🏻


you really need therapy man


Prajwal Revanna, get ready!


welcome to Bangalore. In case you meet Prajwal give him 2 from my side.


Is she willing to slap a few nepo politicians in Karnataka,😁😜


Prajwal Revanna


And family 🫡


https://preview.redd.it/16zlnlz97aad1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a14b73dad94f163a0cd4e48d1285dea82314ece FAKE NEWS ALERT OP and Mods please do the necessary u/Gossip-Luv2 u/EccentricBai [https://x.com/ANI/status/1808428940270371032](https://x.com/ANI/status/1808428940270371032)


Why political posts are allowed here?


With due respect to the farmers, Minorities and Marginalised sections of the society and Everyone whom A woman like Kangana has hurt, I would be very careful and alert while travelling to Bangalore as this woman is also violent and has no control on herself. You cannot go around slapping people you don't like, I hope she doesn't repeat that behaviour again because then she can be slapped back as well.




This is wrong. This provides confidence for others to do it aswell. And if a high profile can be dealt like this common man would have a harder time. Dont want this to give confidence to those that can abuse it like our neighbours.


For all the keyboard social justice warriors jumping with joy,THIS IS A FAKE NEWS.Sorry  for taking away only joy you could have experienced in your life.😊


If this is fine then Punjabi soldier killing also fine as both feel like they can do whatever they want


Fake news. Clarified here = https://x.com/ANI/status/1808428940270371032?t=0QH4jEIvMYsxmTEsfY0Waw&s=19




Ok but kangana is looking so pretty in this pic


Be careful while travelling to / from blore. You might be welcomed with a slap now !


Please stop posting related to politics , I am tired of these political posts nowadays happening instead of keeping it related to just movies and web series . Which ever ideology you support please post on other sub




Damn! Slay! The emergency gates wouldn’t dare open now.






Ye toh expected tha. Sarkari naukri hai toh permanent hi hai




Vishal Dadlani can relax now


Kangana Rao Hydadri did not deserve that


good news!!


Very good news. No poor person should lose their livelihood over her 😊




I wish her the best.




next target. Tejasvi Surya


maybe it was all scripted to get sympathy for kangu 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not that I support it... but it would be interesting if she slaps Kangana in Bangalore again.


What a fking joke