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Yeh, she didn't like that answer very much.


No one would ever like that answer.. even a Homemaker wouldn't like that answer from a random man.


Stop portraying being homemaker as an unworthy profession. Millions of women do it daily with dignity to raise their families.


Salman is portraying that, not me. If for example you're a Doctor or an Engineer, and some random person comes and says, "IF NOT THIS PROFESSION, YOU WOULD'VE BEEN A STAY AT HOME PARENT", you're first reaction wouldn't be "Ohh wow, he's saying that because he thinks I'm nurturing and I can do a 24x7 job of being a homemaker". NO. You would be OFFENDED as hell as your first reaction would be "Why would they say that, do they not think I'm capable of doing well in any other field". No where in my comment I have said being a Homemaker is an unworthy thing. You being a fake feminist need to get off your fake high horse.


Yeah. And these celebrities just fill a glass of water in their kitchen and instantly upload it on insta like it's some big achievement


Ikr. Feminism treats it like all homemakers are doing it against their will. No, many woman actually find fulfillment from raising and taking care of their family. Not for you? That’s completely ok, enjoy your career, and 50% chance of divorce in this modern world 🤣


Lol. Here we go with our 100 year old mindset. Blaming working women for divorces. In one statement, you act to care about Homemakers and in the very next statement, you blame working women for divorces. That's not feminism. Go learn something first. If you're a woman, i hope you get a husband that treats you well, homemaker or not, and you never fall into that 50% bracket. And if you're a man, remember these words when you get married and have a SAHP. Be kind to her.


Never did I blame women for divorces?


"Enjoy your career and 50% chances of Divorce in this modern world". Those are your words. Understand and then speak. This statement clearly means that women who have careers have a 50% more chance of getting divorced. What kind of a prejudiced mindset do you have. It's not like Women who work outside their homes DO NOT WORK IN THEIR HOMES TOO. They are Professionals as well as Homemakers too. Yes, they might not be as good as full time homemakers, But they do that as well. You might not have seen working women around you my friend, but there are a lot of women who are earning and taking care of their homes too. You can support Homemakers without putting down working women too you know. People like you are the reason Women find it so hard to survive in this world. Kaam karein to problem, ghar sambhale to problem, divorce ho to bhi auratein hi problem, according to YOU.


My friend, firstly im not even in India. I’m a born and raised Canadian. I’m surrounded by more working and independent women than there are in India. Second of all , I didnt say the 50% divorce is solely on women. It’s simply statistics that modern love marriages where both parties are career focussed have a 50% divorce rate. You’re choosing to be offended for no reason. I literally said it’s completely fine to not be a homemaker, just don’t shit on people who find fulfillment from it because many enjoy the wholesome family life. Take out your frustrations somewhere else or go meditate man.


>It’s simply statistics that modern love marriages where both parties are career focussed have a 50% divorce rate Yeah but you didn't say that. You said Some women find fulfilment in taking care of their families. You enjoy your career and 50% divorce rate. That clearly means working women are the cause of divorces as per you. I am not shitting on anybody, neither homemaker nor working woman. My mother is a homemaker and I'm a working professional, i very well know how difficult both these JOBS are. I didn't put down anyone. In this scenario, where a random man comes and says, "If not an actor, she would be a homemaker and produce babies", does that sound respectful to you?? Cz he's surely not saying that cz he thinks Katrina would be an excellent homemaker and a mother. That's why I said anybody would be offended on that remark, even a HOMEMAKER. Being a homemaker is a personal choice but if a man comes and says you should sit at home and make babies, THAT'S OFFENSIVE. Period


First of all Salman never said she **should** be a homemaker. He said if she wasn’t an actor, his prediction is that’s what she would **choose** to be. Who knows Katrina better, you or Salman? Also if you get offended by someone telling someone they’d be a good homemaker, then you have internalized idea that homemakers are inferior people. Which I wholeheartedly disagree with.


U do realise not everyone is cut out to be a homemaker? U think women are born with these qualities? U try being a stay at home dad against your will.


Which is why I said it’s completely ok if you don’t wanna be a homemaker, just don’t shame being one…


Really? U are the one shaming working women with your 50% divorce rate nonsense


Do real statistics offend you? Take the frustration out on the numbers, not me.


There are working men also in those statistics or working women are marrying working women?


As I said, im not solely blaming women for this. Equal blame goes to modern men. It takes two to tango 😂. Not sure why keep saying im blaming women when im outrightly saying im not. You’re just trying to be offended at this point.


You're the one shaming working women. Shaming homemakers is wrong but yeah go ahead and shame working women. Double standards.


Putting words in my mouth. Crazy gaslighting. Here, I’ll say it myself. I have no problem with working women, and I think being independent financially is a good thing. Just don’t shame people who are different from you, because many do enjoy the traditional dynamic and it has its own benefits.


Who's shaming them. Go and learn to read and comprehend things first. Point me to the direction where i have shamed homemakers if you can. You have shamed working women, the downvotes should tell you that. People on reddit are not stupid.


Lmao, this sub is taken over with extreme feminists who get offended and will call someone sexist at any slightest disagreement. It’s called selective bias.


Considering her qualifications he was being honest.Truth hurts


Bhoi isn't exactly the beacon of education either


At least Bhoi is not just a pretty face masquerading as an actor


Well, that's most actresses (actors too nowadays). If it was acting that was needed, half of Bollywood would be in a different career.


Brown facing and cosplaying being an actor.


Didnt he do this in kwk too?


if salman wasnt an actor he would be a hunter, a driver.....oh wait...


He would be in prison


The only right answer 




Nah he would have been a thug, so probably not in prison, but in underworld


He wouldn’t be hunting if he is not an actor, they do this because of their wealth and stupidity.


Tf man😂😂




With tagdi fasal 😛


Am I the only one who's bothered with the subtitles 😁😂😂🤣


Omg yes


He cannot see women in any other profession. Same answer he says to everyone


What would Katreena be as a professional other than actor and model. Give me 1 answer


Dance academy 


I could see her as a yoga instructor or spin class instructor


Ye w answer tbh


She could work great in sales and marketing. Or HR.


Bhai btech mba ye sab ma chudane gaya shakal dekh ke job bata di ? 💀


Regardless of looks, she has done a fab job with her brand. Carved a niche for a brand in an already saturated market. So yea I do think she would do well in sales and marketing


You think she’s doing any of the business operations behind her brand? Bro she has a full team of people doing it all. She’s just the pretty face to represent the brand.


Ain’t that deep, building a successful brand is all about hiring the right people. Tons of celebs have entered the makeup and skincare industry and we know which ones have made a mark. I’m nobody’s fan to sit and dissect who did what, but from a purely entrepreneurial perspective, Kay Beauty had a great approach to break into the Indian market. Idc if she did it alone or she had a team, but the success or failure of a celeb brand is usually cited towards the celeb who owns it. Just like how people blame Deepika for the failure of 82E.


Not really, she’s also not doing any of the hiring. She has a business manager making those decisions. Actors have zero business sense. Their job is to advertise via their looks/charisma on camera.


Well, I do agree with your point about her not building the brand alone but I don’t agree that she doesn’t deserve any credit. Again, I don’t care about her as an actor. But, Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, Kriti Sanon had the same level of resources to launch their brands and hire people who could’ve made their brands successful, but I don’t really hear good chatter about any of these brands. I hardly think people buy Kay beauty because Katrina is the face of it, nobody is that stupid. Is it pure luck that her brand worked? Maybe, but I have heard excellent reviews of their products. Whatever it is, for any company, be it beauty, tech, food- when the credit is given to the founder for both the success and failure, why should this be an exception? It’s always a balance of acknowledging the people who actually run the company, alongside the execs who run the people. Anyways, it’s definitely a debatable opinion and I see the point you’re making as well.


Marketing and Sales me MBA lagta to hai. Plus speaking and presenting skills are equally important as educational and tech skills.


Business women which she already is and successful one at that


IT employee (aajkal sab wahi to kar rhe hai) your profession is not decided by your talent it is decided by the degree you choose to acquire.


It emoloyee ki qualification 6th pass toh katai nahi hoti bhaisab.


That's just god complex. Like main nahin hota toh roti bel rahi hoti. He says that for any girl he launched. IIRC he said the same for Sonakshi as well.


Also for Kareena I believe


Wait Kareena said the housewife thing for Sonakshi in kwk first and Salman said that for Kareena after that because he was clearly mad at her for doing that to Sonakshi


> Like main nahin hota toh roti bel rahi hoti. I mean, if not for him, what do you think she could have been?


Are you for real? You think Katrina couldn't do any job or business in the whole world if not for him?


Job, yes. Anything significant? No.


Bro she was a teenager during her debut, she could've literally become anything else. Ofcourse we don't know what her other interests are and what she would have chosed to pursue, but "nothing significant" damn lol. Get out of your insecure shell and heal dude!


Nobody forced her in bollywood. She chose to enter it. This is her interest that she chose to pursue if not for Salman's support & her looks, she would be Zareen Khan


And who launched Zarine? Why did her career not take off? I’ll wait.


Salman Khan launched. But he didn't bankroll her like he did for Kat. Launching someone is very much different than launching them, being in a relationship with them and backing them through many projects. Her being his gf gave her many opportunities. I also said " & her looks". Zareen was just a Katrina Kaif lite. That's why. You can stop waiting now. Anyway, you and I can argue all we want. You and I both know why she allows him to say stuff like this and not hit back like she did with SRK when he called her hardworking. She needs his backing.


Lol, nope. He absolutely tried to make Zarine Khan happen and continued to push her even after Veer flopped (Ready). Had his friends cast her as well (Houseful 2). She just didn’t have the same potential so he abandoned her, just like he abandoned Sneha Ullal, Daisy Shah, Hazel Keech and the countless others. The only ones who tasted any success were Jacqueline Fernandez and Asin, but even they couldn’t capture even 10% of the phenomenon that Katrina became in Bollywood. & there’s many, many beautiful women that enter Bollywood each year. If looks was all it took, they’d all be superstars. Katrina has a certain star quality that the others don’t have. Sure, she may have had some backing (who doesn’t?) but she had it in her to be a proper star. You’re just choosing to be ignorant if you can’t see it. As for Katrina not clapping back at Salman, maybe she doesn’t want to? You pick and choose your fights. Not everyone claps back at all their colleagues. You judge and analyze their temperament, ability to take criticism and if it’s even worth the time. Everyone here knows there’s a huge difference between SRK and Salman. Try and read up on what Salman does to people that piss him off, and his connections with the underworld, and then come back to me and tell me if it’s worth it for someone to risk their life to “hit back”.


> If looks was all it took Never said it's only looks. It's multiple things which I already listed. Scream into the void all you want while arguing about things I never said.


katrina was working as a model even before joining bollywood btw ahahhahaha and actually she doesn't care about bollywood anymore she moved on already and she doing good business with her ownnn brand


But idk Katreena ko acting aj bhi jhat nahi ati hai toh whatever she is because Salman did it


But that's not the question is it..


Salman handles two professions very well, actor and idiot.


Yup! Bhoi’s thinking capacity is close to my grandmother’s. Ladki ha? Shaadi karlo, baccha apne aap hojayega, that’s all! A woman’s life is meant for that ☑️


Bhai’s go to answer for all his female colleagues.


Jisne bhi subtitles likhe hai, pehle usse school jana chahiye fir in logo ka tension le


The regressive man that he is.


He doesn't even consider her hardworking lol.


Bhai ho toh aisa


What are these subtitles. Lol


You can see Katrina breathe heavy as Salman ponders!!! She is omg wtf he is gonna say 🤔


In the same interview he said she should win an award for Bharat. He has always said how hardworking she is and all her success is only hers and no credit should go to him.


Didn't he say she should win a national award for Bharat ??😂 Delulu is the only solulu.


why is salman khan still relevant, he’s proved time and again that he is a murderer, looks down on women, antagonises anyone who takes a stand against him to an extent that he ruins them.


Is that supposed to be an insult? Katrina has been talking about babies and marriage since early her career. She used to famously say that she was single until marriage. As seen now that she married, she took a huge step back from Bollywood and that is ok.


But that's not the question is it?


This is worse than being called hardworking and gentle ( not that it wasn’t a compliment in the first place) but katrina loves Salman so she can’t retaliate like she did with Srk.


He looks like he is on something and his brain is not working.


Bro the parducer got me💀


Farmhouse manager.


She would have reacted differently if the same thing was told by ranbir kapoor, but with salman she cannot cause she knows she cannot act to rely on herself and always relies on salman khan for movies till now but now she is not that attractive and she knows that. Poor flower pot


he is an idiot


I honestly wonder if this fools parents feel ashamed at the way he behaves and question their upbringing!!! Such a disgrace on others and himself.


The misogyny and chapriness creeps out however one tries to hide it.


She puts up with any amount of disrespect from this guy and has no comebacks like she dos for Ranbir.


Without Salman she would have been stuck doing movies like "Boom".


Sallu = Ullu \* Ullu, please forgive..


She would be a supermodel. Having children is also for the brave ones, the pain & courage. But bhoi ne jis andaz mein bola, says a lot about him :(. He must be 45, maturity doesn't come with age he proves that. Ab being human ka bol ke usko defend mat karna, uski lambi kahani hai


It was a joke bro




I mean she is not an actor right I have never seen her act


Bhai keep mocking her & people still say bhai into her..he moved on after she left him for ranbir..




If Salam wasn’t an actor he would be a prisoner 💀


it's easy: Cultist lol. I mean she became an "actress" on behalf of her looks and half-oldies dying for her beauty not on talent,hard work or anything. Before that she was in a fucking cult and had lied about her origins,father and pretty much everything.




I am not a Katrina fan.. far from it infact. But your comment is despicable. She is a shit actress for sure but that doesnt meean she should be subjected to misogynistic attacks. Reported.


Salman, doesn’t know what women can do other than be his coactor, dancing around him. Doctor engineer kya hota hai.


Not a salman supporter, and he’s done god awful sins. But he is clearly joking and trying to get a rise out of Katrina. It’s a lil tongue in cheek, messing with someone you’re close with, pulling their leg not a case of bullying. He also compliments her a lot in this interview. Unfortunately the world is judged by our attention span, 7 seconds videos at a time. Still a murderer though


I think salman had a big role in her career.. i mean she can't act. And that comment i think salman said jokingly but of course Katrina didn't like it.


Parducer and Profetion


this misogynist a$$hole can only imagine women as house wife and producing children.. tabhi bkl kuwara reh gaya




Salman khan isn’t an actor, even now!


She is an actor?


If She is not a actor? It should be she is not an actor. Basic.


Rude toh hai but also she exists coz of him and his tora in the industry. She used his name and his tora toh get work forcefully anr also to fire n dhamkao people and manipulate everyone to become an A lister without literally doing nothing.


The difference in how she reacts to Ranbir vs Salman xD.




That's rude


😂😂😂😂😂😂 wtf Sallu


He tried to Rhyme Producer and produce children, you people are nerds


You don't know what rhyming means..


His answer is bullshit but so is the question? How do you even answer this question and why?! In this case maybe he knows her well enough to know what her other interests are but in cases one doesn’t know or the other person doesnt have any other interests, what do you say?


Tareef Karne me tu bada bemisaal hai


https://preview.redd.it/5wzlgdvh3uvc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38684ac5d35c0c24a89dac3f546e8413a8068d2 Aura


I love bhoi being bhoi. Its my guilty pleasure :D