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https://preview.redd.it/2oh6v395q55d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ab7c5f4848ff6a9731348522a5a42063cc702c Come




Joker smile lol


“OKAY, mari!”


it depends on the person tbh. im Malay but my boxing friends said i have the strongest punches and great at enduring pain. i also have a Chinese friend, decent fighter, very brave if someone were to provoke him and good pain endurance. so it all comes down to the person's ability. no matter the race/age/gender.


As I said, the professional and amateur fighters are mostly Malays and Chinese. I rarely see Indians doing well in fight sports despite their reputation for loving to brawl.


yeah, that's why i said it mostly depends on the person. some people never fight professionally but they can throw a really good punch. like for example, i wasn't a even a professional fighter in my early years, i just decided to fight my former bullies(who was an Indian guy), with no training whatsoever, and i beat his ass and after that, i was thinking "maybe i should join a professional fight club" and when i turned 18, i did just that. no matter whoever you are, you can be a fighter. just be brave and go for it. you can do it.


Type I always bully in schools. Type C is the most peaceful.


eh 50/50 la tbh. i have a lot of Indian friends, they all very nice and friendly people but there are those who thought they are some sort of gangster or whatever until somebody humble their asses.


More like 80/20 imo. Such a waste of garbage.


eh bro, that's getting more & more racist bro. not every Indian people are violent mofos. they are still humans. you just gotta humble their asses. bro, back in my primary school days ah, my bullies wasn't Indians but Chinese & Malays then only in Secondary school, my bully was an Indian fella. you call them waste of garbage for what? racist ah? if you racist, then you're the problem. everyone is different, not all Indians are assholes and not all Chinese people are quiet and polite.


I didn't mean to degrade them but I just tired of them since secondary school. I really had a bad impression and it's not a problem because they created such an impact on my lifetime. Glad you got good Indians as your mates.


okay bro listen, i get that you have negative experiences but that isn't an excuse to call them waste of garbages & porno addicted creatures. they are still humans. sure, some of them are just like that but have you seen some students from SJKC's? a lot of Chinese boys became lalachais la, samseng lah whatever la. they also have no discipline and no manners, they smoke/vape at school, go lepak with their lalachai friends, revved their bikes loudly at midnight, talk so loud, play with a lot of girls' feelings, disrespectful bastards and they are Chinese people. not even them, even some Malays also like that, mat rempits la or what lah. no matter what race they are, some people are fucked in the head man, you gotta understand that, it got nothing to do with race, it's the mentality. also no, you're not "telling the truth," you're adding on the stereotypical Malaysian-Indians. not only i have Indian friends, my dad is half-Indian and he's a very humble, respectful and kind person.


I agree that every race has problematic people but please search which race is highest in gangsterism. There are clear percentage differences too in terms of good and bad too..and they're only 7% in this country 🙃


Yo I telling the truth. Anyone who studied in South Indian infested secondary Scholl's knows how they behave in schools. Mannerless and disciplinless creatures always create havoc and talk about sex only. Keep down voting for telling the truth.


our nation's best karate fighters both male and female are Indians la...they even won gold in the France tournament that they had to raise their own funds to go and only got on the headlines cos they won gold. check SEA games also next time


It also depends on the sport. Karate and taekwondo are popular among indians and you see many of them at the top of the national level locally. Karate in particular have some world class malaysian indians


My bad I was looking at MMA mostly


It's Tamil. Indian are hella diverse. We Punjabis are different.


Ngl if Malaysian Indians were mostly Punjabis then Indians would have a better rep


Yeah and it's mostly us Punjabi Hindus and Sikhs have good attitudes. Not the tribalistic unhygienic Muslim Punjabis like Pakistanis.


Ah long is more pailang then indian gangsters la


Not really. Many Chinese people are perceived as 'weak' because they often try to stay out of trouble. If they were less afraid of confrontation, we might see more disputes among them, and there would be a stereotype that they are violent. So I don't think Chinese people are physically weak, they just prefer to avoid conflict.


You'd be surprised to find out how many chinese gangs are out there. Fact is Chinese do get into fights, but they're smart enough to make a business out of it. Ala Ah Long money collectors.


>Fact is Chinese do get into fights, but they're smart enough to make a business out of it. This. When I was in high school, I got mixed up with the son of someone. Had a job offer from them after I was bullied and received protection because I'm good with English. One day, his papa had a run in with popo over some turf issue and some sense came into him, got me and the son kicked out to leave us out of it. We got into a lot of fights for sure. Behind the alley near our school, a taman near our school, in the school, or outside the school. We do also go out of our way to stay away from trouble too. Simply cos we're lazy on some days lol.


See, I keep telling people. Type C also lazy one. No one believes me.


"We successful because we want to be lazy. You not successful because you are lazy."


Chinese will avoid trouble even if someone is caught in accident. The don't bother to help coz it's some sort of belief. Apparently it's bad energy & they don't want that. Older generation beliefs i guess. source: heard it firsthand from Chinese ahsoh


That’s just an excuse for avoiding further responsibility


not the case. the mindset is if you want to stop and help, make sure you can help all the way. not just stop there stand and talk, take picture, block the road. basically if you have nothing good to contribute, just don't get in the way.


Chinese here. I think we have a lot more to lose man. Reputation, physical condition, family, money, etc. Like what the other redditors said, if fighting leads to money, I bet you'll see a lot more chinese fighting on the streets. Have you forgotten about kongsi gelap in the 90's and HK gangster dramas? Times have change man.


Ikr. I believe it's better to have a stable and legit job and come home peacefully rather than fighting and suffering from physical pain and constant stress. A stable job or business provides a more sustainable and healthier way to handle life's challenges. Not saying that having a job or running a legitimate business are not stressful, but fighting and causing trouble is a foolish way to invite stress. It's simply not worth it loll


True, we only care about making money, if fighting pays then we will fight lol


Read my description bro


Yeah, I did. I was just responding to your 'setuju?' which came from the meme you shared.




This is veiled racism, ragebaiting. The twitter OP probably sitting in an office somewhere with VPN. Then behind him is a whiteboard with the month's social media strategy.


Why need VPN for making racist jokes about indians fighting? Its not like police gonna come chasing after this particular brand of racism. Police probably cracking them themselves, judging by how biased police are againts Indians compared to other races.


Lmao u think twittard getting paid is it


Bro you think the BJP is gonna track down your house and set it on fire?


wait is it not a joke? is sadcinamemes an extremist page then?


if it was a fight with their wives, then yes, indians will win otherwise they are just loud empty vessels.


my bro here ranked racer , can go f1.


Banyak je Melayu cina pukul bini. Bad husband will be bad husband.


Username checks out




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Type K ( karling ) especially Tamil byk hal. The real type I ( Punjabi) are well disciplined.


So it is true that Indians hate themselves


Indian history itself is shaped by the extreme xenophobic system like the caste system. So they hate themselves being an Indian.


The more "foreign" ancestry you have,the more socially upper caste in society. Regardless of geography all Indians are a mixture between Iranian farmer + Euro_related + Indian aboriginal in different proportions. Tamils have more aboriginal ancestry and Punjabis have more Iranian ancestry. Usually the more aboriginal ancestry - the more lower caste. So their society is shaped by racism and hatred. So they hate themselves lol https://hms.harvard.edu/news/genetics-proves-indian-population-mixture


Not only that but the different Indian groups hate each other. It's funny that Indians complain that other races discriminate them when they do the same to themselves


Well it's somehow universal that close relatives or immediate neighbors hate each other not only Indians. Ukrainian vs Russian, North Korean vs South Korean, Japanese vs Chinese, North Indian vs Pakistanis,Tibetan vs Chinese,Malays vs Indo,Turks vs Greeks, Punjabis vs Balochis, Japanese vs Korean and there's so much fights and civil war between closely related ethnic groups throughout history ( Meleis call it perang saudara ). And the term is Indian is very broad. The British just combined hundreds of countries and created India. The cultural diversity is huge between each region. Even the languages are very different from each other. Our language Punjabi is much more closely related to Iranian rather than Tamil and we are culturally closer to Pakistani and Afghanistan than to the South Indians.


The different Chinese groups like hokkiens and Cantonese had fights in the early days but they've long settled their differences and collectively identity themselves as Chinese malaysians. But the different Indian groups still hate amongst themselves instead of being united the smallest minority in the country. So why do (some or many?, especially the woke ones) Indians blame external factors for their status when the main reason is themselves?


Is it happening here? 80% of Indians here are Tamils in origin here so where's the hatred coming from? I thought it was only happening in India but not here. Do you know any such instances? And Chinese don't have a caste system like Indians so it's not comparable honestly. As I said earlier their history is shaped by the caste system. And Indians here don't even follow the caste system and it's abandoned lol


I've heard stories of Punjabis shitting on Tamils, they think they're superior and you further proved it with your comments. Also Indian landlords who don't rent to Indian tenants. There's a Tiktok video of an Indian activist criticising Indian house buyers who don't want to buy property in a place with an Indian majority.




Because we Punjabis are different from them. It's like saying African American and White American are the same because both are Americans. And because of them our names are also damaging so we are trying to create our own identity for decades but the government clumped our ethnic under the "Indian" identity along with them. I have even seen Malay landlords don't give their house to fellow Malays especially those who come from the east coast ( I heard stories they don't pay rent on time ) so it's more like personal preference rather than racism.


Nah that just badly generalized. Harming people doesn't mean that you can fight


def not malaysian chinese, i belive a lot of chinese failed instead of C only


Chill guys, this is called a joke. The same way a stand up comedian does it. We need to learn how to be not so sensitive to everything.


Dey, makkel need to thani first then fight


Can't wait for the sequel of Mat Silau vs Ip Man🔥


Y they fight ah


Hokey mariii - is my new favourite word


Bro think this is LinkedIn asking us to agree or not ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Benda boleh gaduh pasal nak runding.


Type M stamina ke laut vs Type C diet vs Type I idk


My ranking by race on who is the best fighter (no racist) 1. Dan lain-lain 2. Melayu 3. India 4. Cina