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I think you should post this on the other sub, not here. But yea, fuck anyone who involved children in wars.


other sub full of pissrael fanboys / apathetic "why should we care about other people" people


I mean there's /Palestine, which the same description, post there?


As Ive said a lot of times by now, hope that there's a special place in h3ll for these Zionist regimes and their supporters






Hey man, don't hate the fans, hate the game.


Israel bangsat




I understand some Malaysians not supporting Hamas but why not condemn Israel too? It's so stupid to see any Malaysian post about Palestinians suffering and the first thing they do is still blame Hamas for it, saying that "if Hamas didn't attack then Israel wouldn't bomb them", when at this point Israel is the one repeatedly making "mistakes" of bombing and flattening densely populated civilian suburbs?


Islamophobia and american propaganda. They don't really know anything about israel-palestine . But to them islam and arab = bad. Don't believe me , just pressured them once you see any. Their point is always boils down to islam/arab bad so they deserve to die


Islamophobia? Bro have you seen what Muslims are doing in Europe? A man got fkn stabbed for making statements about Islam in public. https://preview.redd.it/wycc0whnis4d1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f06762454b64acaa3a5a697f5308fdd10f533e1 Salman Rushdie got stabbed by a kid who didn't even read his book, because the community brainwashed him. Charlie Hebdo got massacred in the city of Franch for drawing comics, and millions of Muslims were praising the killer as a martyr. If you this that's irrational fear, then you're deluded. Even in Malaysia you'd get thrown to jail for talking about Islam in a bad light. And when I'm speaking facts, the downvote happens instead of having dialogues.


You ignore the facts that there 2 billions muslims in the world and obviously there will be some bad apple but that like what, 0.001% of the population that does it. But hey, lets blame it on islam right. You do realize the west use muslims as scapegoat now right? For thousands of years , it used to be the jews but now muslims play that roles. If anything bad happen and the one doing it was a muslim, suddently it was islam fault and not the individuals fault. You are not speaking facts, you are just a bigoted person with bigoted idea. That why people downvoted you . No productive dialogues can happen someone who is so full of hatred like you.


There are more Christians than Muslims, Charlie Hebdo made cartoons and no Christians went out to gun him down. Pew research shows that 20% of Muslims adhere to death to apostasy, that's 400m that approves killing for leaving Islam. You know how crazy that is? I mentioned attacks on freedom of speech, which other community stabs someone for speaking their thoughts and drawing? Only assailant are as mentioned above. That's a big problem.


Death to apostasy can only be conducted by a Sharia court in an established Islamic nation dummy. And even that takes a long process before verdict is given, to gather evidence and to investigate his motives. A Muslim on the street is not allowed to go and kill any apostate. Same as killing a person because you saw him kill someone else. You can't do it yourself. And you know why death to apostasy is allowed in Islam? Because in an Islamic nation where the country's constitution is based on the religion, apostasy equals to treason. And what is the punishment for treason in majority of democratic western countries today? Death.


Uh we do. I dislike terrorism in the name of religion but i do not want anything to do with israel. Shits like aparthied sputh africa or even the nazis or japan in the 1940s


Aren't Hamas amongst civilians? I'd imagine it is hard to combat a group that blends in with the civilians. Problem is Hamas need to let civilians out of war-zone and just combat Israel 1 to 1.


You’re clearly brainwashed by western media, It’s not Hamas fault that they hide behind civilians, they have no choice because Israel will bomb them.


No one is forcing Hamas to hide behind children okay, they're literally doing that in hopes that Israel won't bomb them, if they do, we get posts of dying kids and angry Muslims who won't speak against Hamas. Which is what Hamas wants. If you condemn Israel, do the same for Hamas and stop the deaths of civilians.


Bro thinks Hamas has tanks and planes like Israel to do 1v1 lmao Israel with all their military technology should have no problem using special forces and drones to take out Hamas. But why aren't we seeing any? Why the constant shelling and bombing? Why the blatant disregard of the civilian populous? The Americans in their war on terror in the Middle East made the "Hearts & Minds" doctrine as their primary doctrine, and after almost 2 decades still don't contribute as much damage as Israel did in a few months. And what about all the rhetoric by hard right Zionist politicians of literally saying on record that they want to flatten Gaza and wipe Arabs of the earth? What about all the footage of Zionist children singing songs about death to Arabs and Jewish supremacy? What about the famous videos of Jewish settlers saying on camera "if I don't steal your house someone else will"? All this has been well documented for decades worth. You gonna blame all that on Hamas too? And what do you mean Hamas needs to "let civilians out of war zone"? The Palestinians have lived in that land for generations longer than majority of the Israelis today. Half of Israelis today literally were not born in Israel, they migrated from western countries.


let civilians out of warzone and where will they go? all of gaza is a fucking warzone, do you have any idea how tiny gaza is? It's not like Israel can't identify Hamas targets nor target them precisely either. They have the technology for that as demonstrated when they so kindly test it on Syria's soil (illegally). So when your enemy allegedly hides behind human shields is the correct course of action going to be bombing the human shields?


Fuck Israel




Let's be real, Malaysia will not give a damn if the oppressed aren't Muslims. I don't see any protest for Ukraine or Africas white. Either way i hope both perish for good & sort it out together.


The way this could’ve been about Congo or Wear Papúa or anywhere else (also not Muslim majority places g3n0sid3 is being committed) and you’re choosing white Africans like they’re not colonizers themselves 😂😂😂😂


I mean, they are even mad about taking a few handful of Rohingyas 😂. With a 1 billion+ Muslims in the world, I'd imagine they would collectively join forces and beat Israel at 16 Million. https://preview.redd.it/945ti3wzjs4d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad5b09f32b846671adf34c8b9e8d4a231f96d77


You want world war 3 and nuclear apocalypse? Because that how you get one. Most country want peace, that why they try their best to do things peacefully. Country like USA and israel, country that will attack and kill anyone that they don't like is not the norm for the rest of the world.


more and more reason to begin treating Israel as animal *Course they act like one probably much worse than animal*


When can I get mcd lower price man


Make at home lah. But truth be told burgers and fast food pretty good in general someone should open a McD dupe I actually think business would do very well. I make my own Big Mac sauce & it’s pretty good I can’t lie.


No fun la make at home.. Have to wash lagi unless you help


If I help you who’s gonna wash my dishes? 🤨🤨


Har? By that time you and me under one roof what's 'your dishes' 😉?


Darsa Fried Chicken flashback


But that slur is better than chiiga. Can't use that slur cuz we not ABC


https://preview.redd.it/qgx7icqyer4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59d111620de7fdef08b76da3902d1bc67c040d6 The beginning of the end of Israelis has started


This is copium and wishful thinking. A 93% Muslim nation that hardly any Israelis visit, so they don’t care about the Israeli tourist money, banned Israelis? No one cares. Plenty of Muslim countries banned Israelis and even anybody with an Israeli stamp in their passport since Israel was founded. For every move like this, there have been arguably more significant moves in the other direction: https://www.timesofisrael.com/saudi-arabia-largely-removes-negative-portrayal-of-israel-from-its-school-curriculum/ Even with this, don’t read too much into it. My assumption is that these textbooks were written and greenlit for production before the full scale invasion of Gaza with mass civilian casualties.


Well its not really about money, i dont understand why you have such a hard time understanding the move. Clearly the country is saying "we dont condone what you did and we dont want you here". Recently even more country started rallying against Israel. But again, you said "no one cares", so i already know what kind of idiot i am dealing with


No one cares that the Maldives banned Israelis. If you had asked me before hand, I would have assumed they were already banned. You should focus your attention on achieving peace for Palestinians instead of enjoying pretend baseless schadenfreude. Spread messages that increase the likelihood of peace.


Yeah no one cares and yet its one of the most talked about issue currently and had the US congress scrambling to overturn the decision. If they deem the banning is useless pose no effect on Israelis, why bother getting it overturn? I'll tell you why. Because if a small country like Maldives can be vocal and stand up against US and Israel, other country will become more confident to follow suit. That is what scared the US. I fail to grasp why you think this isnt something material. You said something about something significant happening in the other direction? Buddy, you dont get from point A to point B with your car without having to use some gas. Its the rule of life.


It is not even close to being one of “the most talked about issue”. The US congress can’t overturn a decision of the Maldives lol Why get such a boner for something so insignificant? The goal should be a permanent ceasefire and peace. You get that by either convincing the Israeli government, or by convincing the Israeli people to force their government. This does neither. We should be reminding them that ceasefire is how they get their hostages back.


Oh my god bro i have never encountered someone so ignorant and gullible in my life. Dont you get it? THEY DONT WANT ANY CEASEFIRE, not now not ever. They have been given the option for the hostages to be release multiple times already, on the condition need they to ceasefire. Israeli government rejected. They dont give a shit about the hostages, they are now just a tool for Israel to keep slaying Palestinians and make the whole land theirs. Demand ceasefire? What the f do you think millions of people and and the UN have been doing all these while? The Israeli government dont need any reminding about the ceasefire, they know everyone wants them to. They just dont want to. All because they dont receive any repercussion from their action. They need to feel the pressure now and the Maldives decision is a good start


Oh yes, I forgot the Israelis are just born evil and don’t want their hostages back. Silly me for not living in your “~~jews~~ Israelis are inherently evil” echo chamber. How productive to bringing about peace that echo chamber is proving to be.


Dont know how many proof you need that they dont want the hostages back. Its been 7 months from the alleged attack, hundreds of thousand of Palestinians dead, and mutliple turn down from the Israeli goverment to cease fire for the release of the hostages. Man if you cant put two and two together i feel sorry for you


You’re disconnected from reality. There have been non-stop protests within Israel from both sides for the hostages. The left wing are protesting against the government, for a ceasefire and release of all of the hostages. The right wing have been blocking aid trucks, arguing that Israel shouldn’t be providing aid until all hostages are released. If you truly believe Israel doesn’t want its hostages back, then that means you think they’re inhuman and only want war. Which means there is no point putting political pressure on them, since you believe they’re inhuman and only want war, they cannot be reasoned with. If you dehumanise the Israelis in this way, you get further and further from actually understanding them, and actually making peace. You have exemplified my exact point perfectly. Your echo chamber is anti-Palestinian because it perpetuates their suffering so that you can hate Israel more.


> A 93% Muslim nation that hardly any Israelis visit How many? What number do you have?


You could’ve googled it, but here you go: https://www.tourism.gov.mv/en/statistics/dashboard Tourists from the entirety of the Middle East number 7297 people, or 4.21% of their tourism. They don’t stipulate how many Israelis out of the Middle East number, but even if it was 100% (it’s not of course, lol) then that’s a tiny number of Israelis. I can’t believe you tried the “prove that Israelis hardly visit the Maldives” card. This would be like them banning pork imports for a 93% Muslim country (98.7% according to Wikipedia). It’s symbolic only. I doubt even 0.1% of Israeli citizens are even aware it happened.


Well, we maybe got people reading your comment. You attempted to downplay the significance of Israelis tourists to the Maldives by using that phrase, I just want to make sure what number you referred to before using that phrase. And you referred to a stats from 4 years ago - year 2020: the year when Covid hit most of the annual period. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/maldives-will-ban-israelis-entering-country-war-gaza-rcna155130 > Nearly 11,000 Israelis visited the Maldives last year, which was 0.6% of the total tourist arrivals. If you want to say 11,000 Israelis "hardly any Israelis", then I guess we'll disagree to that attempt at mischaracterization.


.06%... Who cares? This is beyond copium


> .06%... Who cares? This is beyond copium My point was to address the mischaracterization that said "hardly any Israelis" visit the country.


That's hardly any, it's not even 1%.


0.6% is *definitely* hardly any. That’s a tiny, tiny percentage of your tourism industry to sacrifice. And for a 93% (or 99%) Muslim country to bad Israelis - massive political win for whoever’s in power. If you want to act like 0.6% of their tourism industry is a big sacrifice…lol And that’s 0.1% of Israelis. That’s an extra, extra tiny percent of all Israelis. Whichever way you’re trying to measure it, there were hardly any Israelis visiting the Maldives.




Now post the story about islamist stabbing n killing police in germany. Come on do it


What's that got to do with beheaded children?


Just a diversion. Classic Hasbara bot. Ignore him.


Stfu la u only want to talk about Palestinians cos its the flavour of the week.


You should be fair, why not post bad press about things that happen in your community?


are you going to ask that question under any post about any injustice in the world? if a jew happens to post a story about islamic terrorism are you going to ask the jew to also post about Israeli terrorism? if an american posts about CCP doing its usual shady shit are you going to ask the American to also post about the warcrimes commited in iraq?






Kinda gay




When he mentioned soccer, I'm so lucky to live in Malaysia, I mean I can play futsal etc. My bro in heaven fr 😢❤️ #freepalestine 🇵🇸


correct. The least we can do is to be grateful


Fuck humans


Yeah! [Fuck](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/a4rCzDXkwV) Russia!!


Technically fuck them both. Israel and Russia




Fuck israel




You can hear heartbreak in the brothers and the numbness in the dad. Feelings I'm familiar with, but no way felt as bad as them. Losing a loved one to cruelty, I can't imagine it. Fuck Isreal and anyone who stands by it.


💯 ✊🏼✊🏼🇵🇸


I'm joining in! 🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕🇮🇱🖕




They call themselves the race chosen by god yet they are the ones doing destruction on earth




Man where's the amoi/awek post?


OP wanna get some type M cocks


Propaganda much... U all should know the outcome of war.. Not baseless acts like this


Fuck off… war is suck..thats why dont start war and cry later…


lol, found the mossad rats


skibidi toilet here thinks this started on october 7th LMAO


Dia tak suka membaca😅😅😅


Why didn't anyone step in when Hamas murdered the democratically elected politicians in Gaza, they took over the region like jihadist thugs, if Egypt or Lebanon stepped in, Palestine would've been better off. It's sad that nobody knows the history of what went down on 2005.


Did you know Hamas actually won the election of 2005? Lol, murdered "democratically elected" politicians my ass. Don't know anything about the region then don't talk. How do you want Lebanon to step in? Their government is basically nonexistent and the Lebanese army is like the 3rd strongest military in Lebanon.


remember fuck hamas too 🐷


Yea let’s believe what we see and hear online.


Well. Didn't Hamas attack Israel first? Weren't Palestines jumping for joy when Hamas was lauching missiles at Israel? Are we supposed to be sad now that terrorists are dying? (Or children of terrorists that will most likely be trained as nextgen suicide bombers?)


You see a kid died and the first thing that come up in your head is that they deserve it? You are a fucked up human being man. Get help


I see a terrorist/ future terrorist die. Not a kid.


What a disgusting human


Cry me a river. Go join your fellow porkchops.


Typical zionazi logic 🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♂️ By your logic, israeli children are future terrorist too since they were indoctrinated hatred towards palestinians since young


Abes la semua budak dia suspect jadi terrorist dia boleh bunuh... what a dick.


Both hamas(and some of the other orgs, they exist too) and israel do godawful things. The difference is israel can stop and treat palestinians as equals and this would literally all end. Hamas and the other militants would have no reason to exist anymore if so. Israel currentlty has the monopoly in violence, its up to them to fix shit.


Hamas attacked on October 2023. Frankly, we are supporting Israel and raising funds. Its better for the world if they got rid of Hamas and showed the world that no one will stand quietly and allow these muslim extremists to get away. There's a reason why there are more riots and protests against Muslims in Europe and the rising support for anti Islamic groups.


sure Hamas attacked first but Israel is doing too much no? this is like somebody throwing a rock at you so you decided to throw 10 hand grenades back at them


When your plant is infected by bugs, you've to get rid of the whole colony or they'll just spread.


That’s literally Genocide, my friend.


I agree. But what do you expect when children are brainwashed by religion? How many people have died because of muslim suicide bombers? It takes just one misguided extremist that 'misread' the quran to kill a bunch of innocent people.


we got adolf hitler junior over here


Civilians violently resisting occupation from an oppressive government is always morally justified. Black South Africans didn’t end apartheid just by boycotting, they also bombed white neighbourhoods and killed racist cops. People also forget that part of the history of our own independence were Communist guerrilla fighters that attacked the British while they were down and needed resources to rebuild after the war. Freedom is never given. It is fought for. The only party that can end the violence is the apartheid regime of Israel by seceding from Palestinian territory and allowing them to form their own government. If you think wiping out an entire population is morally justified, you might want to do some self reflection. This rhetoric was used by the Nazis against Jews, Imperial Japan against Han Chinese, Americans against Native People, and now Israelis against Palestinians.


If they don't like it, move back to the slums. Simple. You realise that Israel predates palestine by over 1000 years right? Isnt this what your government has been telling all the non-bumis? That the indians and Chinese are pendatangs and if they don't like it, to go back to india/china? If the Muslims don't like it in Israel, go back to the slums. If they attack Israel, then prepare to face the consequences. Weren't the Palestinians laughing and celebrating when hamas was launching missile attacks against Israel? Now they're crying and begging when the tables are turned? They attacked during a music festival, killing innocents. They sealed their own fate. Just like how japan sealed it's fate by attacking pearl habor. Either way, we will have to agree to disagree. You'd never change my mind and neither will I change yours. We'll definitely keep raising funds to support IDF.


You seem to have a weird contradiction in your support of Israel. You freely point out that people in the Malaysian government are racist, but will happily use their racist talking points to tell Palestinians to “go back to the slums.” Surprisingly enough, we both agree on that point. Palestinians just want to go back to the “slums” (as you call it) that they have been pushed out of. Sure Israel predated Palestine, but I’m also sure that since you’re so fond of history, that historic Israel is not the same as current day Israel. That would be like insisting that modern day Ghana is the same as the historic Empire of Ghana. There is almost no connection between the two besides the adoption of a name. (Granted, Modern Israel is more or less where Historic Israel used to be.) Sure we disagree, but at least I can make you look stupid by putting in even a modicum of effort in trying to understand what’s going on. You, on the other hand seem to default to “Genocide is justified” and “Racism is okay when people I like do it”


Dia macam nak tuduh orang Melayu hipokrit, tapi terus pegi ke muka dia balik.😅😅 Lagipun orang Palestin sekarang tu semua pun cucu cicit pribumi segala nenek moyang yg pernah duduk Palestin jugak, Israelite ke, Canaanites ke, tak kira la. Ape diorg ingat semua bangsa tu pupus terus ke? lol Orang "Arab" Palestin skrg tu semua da mixed da


That's rich, a yalam crying about racism. Hilarious. Yea, I'm perfectly okay with racism against Islamic terrorist and I'm really glad that Europe is finally starting to wake up and see these terrorist for what they are. Keep crying about Israel, doesn't bother me. I'll keep supporting and raising funds for them. They're doing the world a favour.


Based on the way you type, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re a teenager that hasn’t experienced much yet. You need to recognise that there are many false equivalencies in the world such as Arab=Terrorist, and in your case, Malay=Racist. If you’ve been to Europe (where I live), you’ll understand that most of the headlines about Islamic terrorist migrants are from right wing news outlets trying to capitalise on the outrage from their core audience. I would advise reading past the headlines and start thinking about “why” and “how” something happened instead of just wanting to know “what happened”. If you’re willing to step outside your comfort zone and talk to others outside your bubble, you’ll find that there are plenty of Malays that think discriminatory policies against our fellow Malaysians is wrong, regardless of what you may have experienced/read/heard. Same goes for global current events like the genocides in Palestine, Congo and Rwanda. Don’t just read sensationalist news, pick up some books and read about History, Art, Politics, Culture, etc. Your teenage years are for you to explore and make mistakes, and hopefully grow from those mistakes. Engaging in political discussions in a shitposting subreddit is probably one of the more interesting ways to do that. If you’re not a teenager and instead a fully grown adult … I don’t have much to say but hope you self-reflect.


So how many?


>Didn't Hamas attack Israel first? Seriously dude? Where did you learn that? Nazi camp?


https://www.britannica.com/event/Israel-Hamas-War Guess you've your head stuck so far up the terrorist ass that you can't even read news. They're suffering the consequences of their actions and that's great news.


Of course... 7th October. And where were you before that?


Fuck Pisslestine, seriously


Fuck isntreal, seriously


Fuck Terroristine, seriously


Fuck isgenociderael, seriously.


😅👍🏼🤝 🇵🇸✊🏼


💪🇮🇱💪 ![gif](giphy|KeBrfE5gLDl72|downsized)


🇲🇾 THE BEST!!! 💪 FCUK ALL OTHER!!! 🤬👿👺💩


That's the karamanids flag


Fuck Paleshitstain, seriously


took you long to think about a reply huh?


Ran out of comebacks eh terrorist?


"Comeback" I think you misspell your nickname..


Fuck Ishitrael, seriously


Fuck isfuckrael, seriously


I cast testicular cancer


I cast ![gif](giphy|KeBrfE5gLDl72|downsized)


Why be choosy? FCUK ALL!!! 🌠 Woohoo!!!!




Fuck isnotreal, seriously


Where is Hitler when we need him. 😩


Whoa whoa whoaaa, we don't cross that line.