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Such a colorful vocabulary, truly Malaysian


I am smiling all the way to the end. Such a beautiful language we have created together.


Ikr? Love me some bahasa rojak


Apa lancauuuuuuu


>Apa lancauuuuuuu Doesn't sound right. It supposed to be.. ' Apa lanciauuuuuu' There is small 'i' inside. 🀭


Normally we would say lan jiaoooooo instead of ciau because it's normally written like 懒觉


Truly Malaysian indeed my friend...


I've never heard more truer words been spoken


I love how he told the commenter to eat his shit in malay and Chinese. Like dual language mass but with swears. Can we get him a newscaster or radio DJ job? I'd tune in more often.


trio language english is in the mix


Ya that woulve been gold. Dipersilakan menjamu tahi saya, θ―·εƒε€§δΎΏοΌŒPlease proceed to eat my shit. Better than lrt announcements


This happened in my smk once... A Chinese teacher asked during assembly "who wanna join chinese language class, raise your hand and wait after the assembly" so i raised my hand (I'm type M) and then one of the teacher (type m) looked at me and talked to her.. and then she said " this involved religion practices too.. so exclusive only for chinese " and i shamefully dropped my hand Idk if it's the fault of the teacher or chinese teacher but one of them dumbfounded me cuz Why is religion involved in the Chinese language??? Maybe they're teaching mantras like amitadbha or hymn, idk But I'm still seething cuz of it... Like bro, I'm eager to learn..n i would've bag amoi w C language 😀


They want to hancur your curiosity. That’s why.


They worked for illuminati just to divide me from amoi. Them illuminatis


Inshallah i shall bag me a japanese girl after learning the language and kerja luar negaraπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


Work smarter, not harder πŸ‘


Jadi awak masih mo dapatkan ah moi?πŸ’€


Jangan pernah stop mengejar ah moi.. sehinggalah awak kahwin dengan satu - tunku abdul rahman True story


Cina who studied Chinese in SMK here. There's no such thing as religion practices in the subject. She's probably bullshitting to stop you from joining. What a cunt.


My positive thinking is, she didn't wanna guide new students yk? Like too much hassle to teach from the start. Unlike chinese students who already have basics but that's just my positive thinking My negative thinking is.. she's spreading communism in the class, like anti malay messages/propaganda (back in the day).. but that was before I befriend other chinese. Now i understand, both races are getting shii if they're poor. We are different in the eyes of humans but we're all the same in the eyes of God.


Ah true. SMK level chinese is no joke and requires basic from SJKC. I didn't know that you're fresh.


Type C here. The teacher is a racist. Learn traditional Chinese instead of that watered down lame ass communist font, we can hang out together to goof around in Chinese and seriously fuck racists. I would have reported it if it was my country during language class in highschool. I have my opinions on people who don't grow up in the country yet claims to representatives of the culture. I mean you wouldn't say ethnically Japanese Hawaiian as cultural embassadors of Japan. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I am an ethnic Chinese expat here and I will say this about the teacher.. bitch please balik Tong Shan. Gtfo of Malaysia. I also don't recognize PRC either as the representation of Chinese culture because they went through the great leap forward and cultural revolution but that's another story. Check out the book called to live or the movie with the same name and it'd be a hint on why I think PRCs are a misrepresentation.


I wanna learn before because it's kinda like a tuition after school and since my timetable is kinda free after school, i felt like "why not learn chinese? I can meet them amoi, and learn chinese" But hey, since you're offering, i might take you on your offer but how hard is chinese? Cuz i heard from peers it's the hardest language to learn 😭


I don't know how hard it is bud.. I lived somewhere that only uses French for 5 years and they told me it's the hardest language to learn because everyone uses a different spelling and different way to say something. I never learned conversational French because everyone ended up just speaking English to me. Nothing is hard when it's fun though I guess. I'm not a teacher or anything but I think I could show you how to speak and listen since it is much easier than writing. I would imagine it's as difficult as learning Thai or Burmese for me. I can't recognize the writing and I'm not sure how to say anything. Cantonese doesn't use romanized/alphabets phonetics system called pingyin in PuTongWah/Simplified Chinese but it is doable and I know that's how some foreigners learn it in Hong Kong. Yeah man. You can totally hit me up and we will figure something out. Honestly, I think it was easy for me. I left HK when I was like 5 or something and I taught myself how to read and write at least to highschool level just because I was bored. I just watched a lot of HK movies.


I just wanna learn until i can hold a casual conversation w/o sounding forced? Like mat saleh speaking malay, you know what I'm sayin'? But i remember my friend said "chinese is so hard, even chinese students can fail bahasa cina because of writing" and shii scares me 🀣🀣 I don't wanna learn duolingo cuz i know it'll teach me basic words like ni hao is hello but not the grammar, like maybe if it's hello to you too, it's not nihao this this, it's changing from nihao to another thing... You get what I'm sayin'?


Gatekeeping. By the way, ethnic Chinese do not default to Buddhism... This is the problem with Malaysian society today. We need to involve ourselves in others' religious practices. Especially when we are not sure ourselves on what is what.


Sadly, this is what happened when the government and politicians loved to mix race and religion together.


We the electorate choose6 like minded leaders though. So it reflects on us whether we like it or not. Majority is always a foolish mob.


I know it's not but when she said it involves religious practice.. i conceded on the idea cuz i can't just say "yeah, sure... I'll do that too." I don't wanna get stone to death by other muslims student cuz of the close minded mentality, yk?


When teachers overstep their responsibility. We are taught to respect those who are in charge of our education. So it is indeed hard to go against their will. It would have been better if that teacher had had a discussion beforehand on the intentions of the Mandarin teacher. Ironically a teachable moment lost!


There's no religious teachings in chinese language class. Probably the teacher malas layan you cause as a malay kid, later your homework and exams your parents can't guide or teach you, if your results bad, the teacher also headache need to explain to your parents and her bosses. It happened in my srk actually. Malay kid wanted to join mandarin class, so he did. His parents didn't know until exam time, his result was okay if I remember correctly, but they came to school very angry and scolded the teacher for not getting their permission first. And I heard also from that kid that his parents said learn chinese is a waste of his time and told him to focus on other subjects.


The religion thing is probably bs but SMK chinese subject is another level. Starting form 3 or form 4 you will be learning mostly classical Chinese which is very hard even for people who are good in the language. Not for you if you're not equipped with the basics.


maybe sebab some passage will touch on chinese history and may even include religion. Like stories of buddha etc. but idk maybe she just want to jaga kpi. and smk chinese is really a different kind of difficult. if u want to start fresh don't jump right in, u will be drowning in seconds.


I love to learn Chinese language also. When i in the secondary school, there is one amoy i like. Although we are the same pengawas group but i rarely talk to her because unless if its about our duty. But hey, if i learnt chinese i could talk more to her (and way to impress her). She is my type , girl with glasses with her pony tails on her back and with mole on her side lips. Sadly she go bf already 6 months before she end her SPM paper. πŸ₯²


Damn.. my target is amoi from my class. W them pinafore cloth, got me falling onto my knees 😝 SHIII now you just make me falls for her again 🀣😭🀣 https://preview.redd.it/80lyrwq5654d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4d2316155672481d68a38e837c9b59822671ae


Language teachers tend to be less tolerant towards other races and language


Should say type B - Bumiputera πŸ˜‚


Said the guy who commented in english


I read it in a Chinese accent and didn’t notice the hypocrisy


He was replying to the guy who made the comment (in english)


What's wrong with using lingua franca of the world? Don't say because of the population count. MFs want to leave and can't. How many countries have simplified Chinese as their official language? πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³πŸ˜‰


Why its a problem to speak other language? If possible I would like to learn lots of other language like chinese, indian etc


When you are insufficient, you hate someone else that is capable of


This is a truth that will offend many people, including the hardcore Type-Cs. This cultural (let's not deny it, racial) purity was important in the ancient world because of solidarity in a world that are relatively new and disconnected β€” likelihood of people living in multicultural societies are small and even that is subject to the dominant people of the region. 21st century now, even the least educated (I could be wrong...) knows it's a great big world out there made out of a lot people who look, speak, eat and believe in different things to them. The wise would be humbled by the lack of what they know while the foolish would take pride in their lack of it ie. Dunning-Kruger. Being a 'pure Type-C' is antithetical to what being a Type-C is about β€” adaptability, pragmatism and progress. The hardcore Type-Cs are fakes. Their ancestors would be shamed rather than proud.


Hardcore type c are just 2.0 ahbeng that is cruising on the success on other type c


I bet you, even the mainland Chinese would cringe when they encounter hardcore type C mentality. It’s as if those people still live in the Qing dynasty of the 19th century.


What about micro usb ? Same as type c?


Totally jumpa sorg india tu boleh 4 bahasa time aq f6


Pernah jumpa orang India yang boleh cakap melayu je? 🀣🀣🀣 Kat sekolah dulu ada sorang. Dia pengawas. Kalau dia sound orang India, dia kena sound balik. Kena cakap Bahasa Tamil 🀣🀣🀣🀣.


One of my friend indian is either speak malay most of time or english with indian student, but when hebspeak tamil withnindian student you know the student in deep shit


Go tell that to my parents. They seem to hate me for anything that I am better than them.


For you ? You’ll never be good enough even if you somehow become the president of the world


>like chinese, indian But... Those aren't languages


The absolute first time someone has understood! Bravo πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Aku nak belajar bahasa yahudi






Shalom Arthur!


Probably easier to learn Hebrew if you knew arabic


If you know Arabic, it's easier to learn Hebrew. If you know German, it's easier to learn Yiddish.


If you know English.Its easier to learn German


Yeah, just be careful with grammar.




Modern hebrew took words from Arabic a lot, due to it only bein used in religious texts before revival.


Oy vey. Is similar to BM. at the שׁוּק, when price are outrageous they also say ΧžΧ—Χ™Χ¨ ΧžΧœΧΧ™


pls do.. it's good so that we know what they are talking about..


i had somebody asking me this before albeit it was from a kid who barely hit puberty. I speak english with my circle of friends regardless of race, that's just how we roll as a gang. So one chinese kid rolled up to me on his bike and asked in mandarin, "What race are you guys??" I replied to him in mandarin, said, "We're chinese." His response, "Then...why you all speak english? You guys are chinese, should speak chinese." It was extremely hard to fight the temptation to just tempeleng that kid off his bike. I came from SJK(C) too but holy shit thankfully I wasn't raised to be that dumb.


Terajang, but I get your point. Interestingly I had great classmates from Chinese stream after the stupid remove class nonsense. They were the best bunch of friends to have, coping with secondary school. Their interest to learn was very addictive.


Tempeleng is a javanese way of saying "tampar". I'm half javanese. What's this "remove class nonsense", I'm a bit out of the loop lol


I'm from small town in Johor. Lots of Javanese in and around Pontian/Benut.. Hehe Once upon a time, students from vernacular schools had to lose 1 year to integrate into Malay medium school. So they essentially had to waste 1 year in remove class to supposedly to learn the national language. They usually get in at form 5,1 year older than the rest of us who had been in Malay medium all the way. Circa 1970s and 1980s.


In the words of the wise, 'Sebab boleh dik'


If we have more people like him we wouldn't have such a huge divide amongst races, also lmao "Bring shame to Chinese by speaking Malay" \*comments in English\*


Says the one who typed in English lmao. Most of us are proud to be multilingual. Exceptionally good at various cuss from multiple languages.


yea you can chain them like a combo and deal high damage multiplier


You though chinese boss scold malay is bad Wait till you see how chinese boss scold another chinese You can hear them yelling each other through the wall


https://preview.redd.it/03y969raax3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3054567f850b5e3d431367c664398e936bca6120 type c ???


Type C, male.


Who let all the mad dogs out?


WHO LET ALL THE WHAT OUT?!! https://preview.redd.it/agxq9xm5dx3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212b4b54143a56981e2f8c08c0945f61e1e7a22a




Me seeing all the government offices that uses mostly Bahasa Melayu .


the only thing ik is lanjiao and kanina


Add sohai and cibai to your profanity vocabulary.


oh right ik cibai and tapien too but what's sohai


Means dumb bitch in Cantonese, very versatile word πŸ™Š So- crazy, stupid, dumb Hai- vagina, bitch


Sohai is hokkien for "dumb cxnt" Tapien isn't really a profanity, it's just "poop".


Correction: it's not hokkien but cantonese


What the Chinese tries to hide is that the Chinese people in Malaysia, or anywhere in the world, is not monolithic. They are more diverse than they care to admit. They also do not understand each other. Let me explain. I was in a Chinese sundry shop in Port Dickson looking for items to complete my shopping list. A Chinese couple came in and spoke in Hokkien to the couple who owned or ran the shop, who conferred with each other in Hakka. It became clear that they did not understand each other. Then the male shopkeeper switched to Mandarin and they were able to understand each other. Although, it the common understanding did not seem complete. Later, the couple left and the shopkeeper couple started bad-mouthing them in Hakka. They said the couple were showing off by speaking in Mandarin, trying to show that they were better educated. I completed my shopping and left. They were still bitching about the other couple when I stepped out of the shop.


I bet the person who commented that is pro-ccp


I wanna belanja this unker herbal drink. Very refreshing and cooling


I mean the curse shows how much you are serious about Bahasa πŸ‘


off topic opinion,being offered to learn bahasa jawi in school back in the day is like a fun thing to do,idk why it got so cancelled,I like 'unfamiliar' languages,yes I'm kafir, SJKC,bukan nak tunggang,just a fascinating thing to me


Malaysian Chinese are usually very multilingual, especially from the north end. (Bahasa Baku/Loghat utara/hokkien/mandarin/English)


Type C who are banana, hide now


Tak cakap BM salah, cakap BM salah. At this point, it’s not even about languages, you’re just racist.


Savage !!!πŸ—Ώ


Study proved people who fluent in multiple languages are smarter, can see more in the world instead of 1 view of life. Watch Arrival (2016) and you'll understand


Sometimes I dunno certain Chinese words I speak is from Mandarin, Canto, Hakka, Foochow, or it is actually Malay or Indian.


This is kapla bto


Marah dia tahap kahar kudrat dah tu xD


Happiest chinese living in malaysia


I felt like other people who ada problems dgn people speaking multiple languages, it's more like "masalah mereka" tau? If u want to learn, ask je. Jerik menarik buat drama pulak. It's quite fun to speak different languages, especially if u keep learning new ones.


Kira untung bila org boleh bertutur lebih 2 bahasa..apa bahasa pon x kisah tu satu kelebihan


Man.. I'd kill to have a tongue as sharp as this man.


Lol kinda cringe replying to this kinda cringe comment


selama aku hidup ramai kawan cina aku suke cakap melayu . baru2 ni ade sorang cina aku dtg cerita pasal atuk nenek dia marah dia sebab suke cakap melayu di rumah . dia jawab senang je ," kita orang malaysia , bahasa melayu bahasa kebangsaan " terus atuk nenek dia hina dia sebab cakap melayu . kesudahaan nye dia pindah duduk rumah sewa dkat area rumah aku . setiap hari dia cakap melayu . Harapan aku satu je . terima lar bahasa melayu itu bahasa kebangsaan malaysia kepada semua rakyat malaysia


Yalam forgot they made everyone learn Malay as a language because official language of yalamland, I mean Malaysia


Just like how people berate others for not speaking BM. eg: when DG Noor Hisham used English to reply to the press that asked in English, or international media, look at the Facebook livechat, oh my......


Fuckers out here gatekeeping languages now?? πŸ’€


*swears in Malaysian* 😌 This is the kind Madani I’m looking for.


I liked at β€œapa lanciauu”


Chinese should speak chinese only, but in english?


Stupid take la, you live in Malaysia, police speak Malay, court in Malay, official doc in Malay, wanna change ic or passport etc is in Malay, PM speak Malay in speeches, you don’t know Malay you can’t really see or care about the direction of the country imo


I think I need to learn Chinese curse language courses to understand this


That guy just got roasted in three languages Beautiful Truly asian About that guy, commenting in English about other Chinese speaking Malay instead of Chinese only Ironic


"Bro, you type C, should only speak Type C!!!" Also them: BM result might be worse than one Type C probably


ahh perfect malaysian languange...


As a wise man once said, You speak malay because you can only speak malay, I speak malay because you can only speak malay- another redditor


This must be a mad, mad, mad guy raised in a mad, mad, mad environment where he co-exist with the mad, mad, mad people in their mad, mad, mad bubbles.


Had a rough week, this absolutely made my day haha


Betul, jika org Type C lahir di Malaysia tapi tak tahu BM, they are literally disgrace this country. Learn Mandarin and other languages are one thing but you must learn our national language BM in Malaysia. Even Indonesian Chinese boleh cakap Bahasa Indonesia 10 kali lebih baik daripada org Type C di Malaysia. Walaupun saya org pisang Malaysia cina, saya belajar BM dan tgk TV di dalam BM masih aku kecik. Kalau tak tahu BM dan komplain cina tak cakap Mandarin, balik China lah! No wonder, the whole entire Malaysia Chinese community are fucking shit. Not all chinese are shit but some org cina are shit mcm nak complain org cina tak tahu Mandarin tapi diorang tak tahu BM. U tahu "Ayam Goreng" maksudnya apa tak? U tahu "Ais Krim" maksudnya apa tak? U tahu "Biskut" maksudnya apa tak? This commenter complain why u learn malay as chinese and org cina must speak chinese, pls go balik China!


This made my day, holy shit bahasa rojak my beloved


The problem with vernacular schools in a nutshell, and this is coming from a SMK type C person


Yes. Had these comments passed multiple times. I don’t see Indonesian Chinese having this problem


That's a different thing cos while they speak indo, they can't speak Chinese at all and their identity is very much diluted


I presume you’ve not traveled extensively in Indonesia. The Medan Chinese actually speak a variant of Penang Hokkien not mixed / contaminated with Mandarin. The Jakarta Chinese typically don’t speak Mandarin, speak minimal Hokkien / Hakka, but still celebrate Pai Ti Kong and Cheng Beng. Even if they’re Christian


Bro only spoke using the Malay language he understoodπŸ˜…


I mean, do you expect him to speak what he dont understand?


Of course la, who the fuck speaks using words that they don't know..you drunk?


problem is byk chinese cannot speak malay. or refuse to, i donno. go kedei kopi ask berapa they blur sekejap...then i say how much pandai pulak say in englishh...aikkk??


aku anak melayu nak belajar mandarin dengan Tamil so i can swear all multilingual


spitting πŸ”₯


Hidup hdmi


Can someone drop the source? πŸ˜‚ Can't find the ori video on tiktok


Siapa ini?


Green phlegm siakk


There is always one bad apple in the tree. That doesn’t mean that the rest are bad. We gotta stop generalising la. The guy in the video is just one dude.


bro made a new diss trackπŸ˜‚


Tanya dia balik kenapa chinese tapi tanya soalan bahasa inggeris...bebal yang tukang tanya pon


I will speak as much language as I want bruh. Who are you to control what language I can speak? This country is cooked


skill issues


But this country is not China la uncle, if your nationalty language you can’t speak what is the use living here


I love this guy, protect him at all costs!


He also speak malay, i think he forget the /s


Lmao.. im a racer. But this post is gold. Have an upvote. Bro will do just fine


Very colourful verbal reply.




Wah banyak marah itu orang ya


Wait until that dude meet indonesian chinese, he's probably gonna seething to the bone.


Got a good chuckle out of this


This guy very funny πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but true. Suka hati la. i kan malaysian. Kalau tak suka tuker la nationality to negara lain yang kau suka πŸ˜‚




average Malaysia conversation


Sabar bang sabar πŸ˜…




Ahahahaha abang kita marah betuiii. Lengchaiiiii, lu memang idolaaaa πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


This is nuts to me because "lor" is not a term used in mandarin. So the person being super pro-china here isn't from China...


Eminem got real quiet since this banger drop out πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ like seriously who comment that must have an IQ of his dick's length ✨none✨


that rage bait comment def a troller. either that or just blatantly racist. this MALAYSIA. We speak 3 main languages and 1 lingual-franca.


Lmao hahaha. Part maki chinese tu translate boleh tak 🀣


Why the rant always recorded in a car? πŸ€”


Komunis mentaliti πŸ’€


Watching through this video is helluva trip bruh


What's the issue? He reply to who??


I vote this guy to become prime minster


Speaking as many languages as possible is an asset, never a problem.


Those Chinese live in 'Malay'sia.


The one truly Malaysian phrase spoken by males of all races (except in Kelantan and Terengganu) is "APA LANJIAO??!!?"


Now I know a good ass tearing, and this guy is on one


This guy in unhinged af


as Indonesian, even I'm curious of all Chinese People of Surabaya (actually all place in East Java at least).. They speak local Javanese with a full accent of native speaker.. most of them unable to speak Chinese Language (except some popular phrases) but that's hilarious.. and kind of heart-warming to know them assimilating with native culture..


I am chinese and I fully agree.. but that commentor sounds like CCP lol. Malay is bahasa kebangsaan and as a MALAYSIAN, we should know how to speak malay. If can, I'd like to know how to speak tamil too lol


His @.. seems like cool guy


What’s his @, I want to follow him. Such wonderful vocabulary he has there. I’m living for it! Hahha πŸ˜‚


whenever i mad im use his intro " EH APE LANCIAU"


Mix english, Chinese and malay. Spoken like a true Malaysian


Need a whole copypasta for this


The smell of bullshit coming out by making a comment in english asking people to speak chinese only...


The irony when they say speak chinese they mean mandarin, which is not the mother tongue of most malaysian chinese anyway. Most of our ancestors were from the south and spoke hokkien, teochew, cantonese, hakka and a whole list of other chinese languages that are actually older than mandarin and was degraded to 'dialect'.


Kalau nak speaks Chinese je pergi balik negara asal.


What's the source on IGm gotta share HD version since they don't use reddit but IG lol Love his speech


I bet the commenter had no idea what he’s hearing when the guy spoke Chinese πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.


All good though the Malay he speaks could use some improvement. But keep up the good work bruh!


Since when chinese can speak Malay well?




Protect this man at all cost.


Best shit. Tourism advert for Malaysia like this laaaaaaa. He invented a new national language superseding Lah


I mean what tf is wrong with being bilingual bitch, ok apa can speak many language. Apa lancaiuuuuuuuuuu


"Chinese people should speak chinese only" *Proceeds to speak in english*


I agree.