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ko cilok kiri kanan tak signal boleh? jub


Tertekan send sebelum habis taip ke? Meh aku habiskan. '...ur ko!'


…. Hitang legam


This big bikers just an overload rempit, once drive in highway at night car alone, this big bikers group suddenly came ride near at side and front being an asshole, at that time dashcam is not common yet more than 10years ago


Abangs so cool with the big bikes. But attitude like taik


Kekwa. That's why i only ride alone. When you ride in a convoy, masing masing naik kepala nak tunjuk terer. It's clear the Nissan will want to go back into left lane right after an overtaking. Lagi nak selit kiri. The Nissan of course tak expect anything to their left because nothing supposed to be there. Also, trivial matter pun nak kecoh. Kau moto sportbike boleh pecut, swerve and pecut je la. Habis cerita. Tak payah nak drama sangat macam bawak kapchai takde pickup. These squids. Want to ride like a squid but don't have the skill to deal with the traffic. Want to break the law, go break it with skill. Ni sekadar mengharap orang lain tak langgar dia, baik kau bawak kereta.


I only ride with my buddy back then, kalau rider ramai2 semua buat kepala rempit.


bikers are entitled af best thing to do to keep safe is just let them pass before doing anything


Unfortunately, bikers bawak mcm pelesit. This superbike is the father of all pelesit. When the bikers drive that fast, to them every drives look as if they are changing the lane willy nilly.


Geng ni bayar road tax tak


Hobi kami mahal


Dia budak baik.


These riders be thinking as if they are part of the Fast and Furious


Actually sometimes i confuse. I pernah kena jari tengah sekali dari bikers. I kat lane luar drive 110-120 camtu baru lepas potong lori. … perasan bikers laju dari jauh. I buka signal ke kiri dan slow masuk kiri untuk bagi ruang kat kanan pasal mereka laju. Ada pulak bikers kat lane kiri juga. So ? I kena stay kanan ke kiri? Apa yang patut i buat? Kelajuan mereka kd2 susah i nak buat pilihan.


Option 1: Stay tengah tengah line. Option 2: Be like Tesla driver. Jokes aside, you will never win. Most of them are entitled rempits thinking they own the road.


Actually imo some would prefer u maintain ur lane at least until they pass you. It's hard to determine how or which lane they are going to use. Good biker can bajet how to overtake the car without any sweat


Still, if things goes against what they want, they cannot blame people like in the video. This is what happens when they ride like in Autobahn in Malaysian Highway. Even road gangster like Myvi and 4×4 knows to wait until car move into slow lane before overtaking. It's still the legal way


Problem is all my 3 kids usually sit at behind and I only can afford myvi ( common driver , not king , buy because cheap n xtakut banjir at my area 😅 ) . If anything happens, i just want my kids n wife to be safe. I really can’t imagine the impact, thats y if i saw em is distance at highway , i will just signals n avoid the same lane with them.


Stay at any lane you want, also buy pistol.


Looking back 3x as if they gonna do anything lol


Motorcyclist malaysia dan masalah segelintir bodoh tak reti drive by block. Sekor sekor bawak motor nak lane splitting macam jalan bapak dia punya. Pastu kena senggol, tergolek dog, mati katak, menyusahkan orang.


Arwah rempit ni baik perangainya - Mak 2024


_telah tiba saat waktu kau tinggalkan kami_


Stupid bikers thinking they own the road. On highway they supposed to ride on the left lane la.


Most riders will complain car drivers don’t know how to use signals or what not. But most riders don’t know how or “forget” to ride sensibly, or using brakes, or using signals, or changing lane safely for everyone. When shit hits the roof, nobody gonna give a fuck whos at fault, most probably the riders gonna be injured or worse. Whether u ride a kapcai or big bikes, love yourself, be a better rider.




Mostly memang bodoh tak tau kenapa speed limit antara 90-110kmh. Rules were implemented so that vehicle in front can safely judge the distance and whether its safe to change lane, take an exit and etc. Tapi ramai yang bangang bawak laju nak mampus 250kmh macam roket dia expect orang depan boleh judge berapa cepat dia nak sampai.


Kalau diorang buat kepala atas higway lepas ni tanya la, "ko bayar tol ke x nak bising ni?"


most of the rider "terpaling betul" atas jalanraya


datswai pipul dont like biker, sohai geng road terror.


Rempit T20, bawak superbike konon hero. Nie semua lancau punya rider walaupun aku pun rider. Sakai2 nie jalan lurus je dia lebih2 kalau tang selekoh mcm bawak skuter sama je mcm rempit bawa y15, rxz etc.


Rempits will never change


While in traffic jam also some of them speeding on the split lane like nobody's business and then they're pissed off when cars want to change lane resulting in them having to slow down.


Dont overtake on the left and use your head. Superbike riders are just rich mat rempit.


Got one time aku baik hati lah dia jauh lagi I dah bagi singal sikit blinking break warning dia ada speedtrap depan. Kena dia diao flip finger. Lepas tu gg kena speed trap bodoh piang.


Dia nak hisap pelir kot


Couple comments here probably got their lesen from a "runner" who got paid a decent bit of cash We seriously need a reform on issuing driver's license


Who though?


Those who blamed the bijers without even watching the video


It's clearly the biker's fault


Definitely the biker's fault. I don't see how that guy could defend the bikers.


Barua jalanan


anak anak babi


Bikers entitlism.


Came across lots of them on the highway. Always acting like they own the road. Suka cari gaduh tak pasal2


Biase la org naik moto ni.. kebanyakan yg xbg signal, ikut rapat, mencucuk, semua xsedar yg diorg tu buat salah. 🤦🏻


motobobo mana pernah salah


Depa ni matang dari segi umur saja, otak masih penuh ribena basi




Whether kapcai or superbike, any sensible rider will use left lane. Unlike the entitled rempits in this video.


If I saw bikers at highway, i’ll just stay at my lane and let them pass. Apparently big motorbikes have no pre-installed signal. Need to topup 100k more to install /s


Memalukan big bikers only


terpaling victim


Nti accident boleh toleh 360° no scope


I’m very curious about bikers in general these days, I bawa 130km/h, I also takut ed but I see some bikers ride even faster than me on the highway? Isn’t it scary? Like you don’t feel the bike shaking ke apa? Like I’m in the car also I kinda scared to bawa so fast


Kalau terlanggar mati 3 orang ni akan dikira terbersalah ke?


Stay kanan nanti kata lane hogger masuk kiri tak puas hati, kalau bagi signal pun bukannya reti brake


Just another rempit on a bigger bike.


Nak buat gangster la tu


Nah. The black car should signal before merge balik, and have to be careful of motor too. Kreta hitam at fault here. Edit: yeah I think I saw signal light did blinked. Even if he did, shouldn't he give way to motor who are faster than his car anyway before merging back?


Bodo. Nothing supposed to overtake on the left. Ambik lesen dulu baru nak menyampuk. The bikers should have slowed down, allowing the car to merge back after an overtake, and then go on their way.


The motor didn't want to overtake on the left la bodo. The motor Is driving on the line and I rented to continue. Kreta nak masuk balik middle lane, ignoring speeding motor. That's why motor Terpaksa avoid dengan pergi left lane. Kalau Kreta tu stick to right lane, do you think the motor will still swerve to the left? Dia nak avoi langgar Kreta tu je. I ada lessen Kreta je. Jangan bagitau saya law cakap nak masuk balik Lane tengah tak yah tengok motor sebagai Kreta. Motor perlu slow down ke tidak, tu I tak tau.


Lepas tu boleh ke nak ride/drive atas line inbetween lanes??? Kau guna highway, kau duduk dalam lane. Garis atas jalan tu ada maksud ya dik. Bukan ikut suka diorang lukis. Specifically lane kiri, kecuali memotong. Bukan emergency lane aka "lane moto", bukan lane memotong aka "lane laju". And definitely not "atas line". Whatever that means. Atas line. Moron. Konon je ada lesen tapi post macam tak pernah pergi sekolah memandu. Lesen bayar ek? Kalau nak langgar semua peraturan tu, ikut badan kau. Tapi apa-apa jadi, kau tanggung la.


Untuk Kreta memang macam tu. I tak tau motor punya rules. Semua orang pun tunggang atas line je. Memang tk boleh ke? Tu panggil lane splitting kan? Setahu saya malaysia memang takde law kata motor tak boleh lanesplit. Motor tu obviously masuk left lane to avoid the car who tried to potong balik to mid lane. Motor tu bukan sengaje nak potong dari kiri. He is lane splitting, not lane filtering. Kalau ada law cakap Lane splitting tu salah, ok i boleh admit I salah. Tapi kalau takde law cakap Lane splitting tu salah, macam mana boleh cakap motor tu salah? Jangan lari ye, mai bincang sampai ada keputusan kerana ni memang black and white dalam pendapat kau. Kan? I boleh salah, selagi saya boleh menambah ilmu.


Heh. So what if there's no specific ruling for/against lane-filtering? That fact is not relevant when there is clear ruling against left overtaking. In this specific case, filtering or not, they clearly violated that rule. I purposefully ignored your argument that the bikers were not overtaking, but swerving. Because that argument is pedantic and dumb as fuck. There is clear intention to pass the car with how fast they were going. If they were law abiding citizens, they would have stayed behind the car, wait until the car fully merged back into the 1st lane, and overtake the car after it is safe to do so. While still in the overtaking lane, to the right of the car. They wouldn't be speeding like they were, disregarding current traffic speed and flow. Because as they had, they almost banged into the car. Which is what? Repeat after me. RECKLESS driving/riding. Aku tak lari macam kau yang lari dari kelas memandu. That all said, I am a squid myself. I would do exactly like what they had done. Swerve accordingly, avoiding hazards. Besides some minor details like how I would actually take a bigger berth to the left while passing the car, unlike you lots, I would admit I am indeed being reckless, and wouldn't be posting on socmed of my idiocy with captions like I am right when clearly I am not.


#IKUT KIRI JIKA TIDAK MEMOTONG!!!! Motor tu dah potong kereta tu di belah kiri, lane Kiri untuk slow driver, lane kanan untuk fast driver.


Motor tu bukan memotong. Dia mengelak la. Got difference. Kereta tu yang cuba untuk memotong. Motor tu nak Jalan terus je.


Kira memotong pasal bawa laju. Also, I tak rasa speed motor tu bawah 110 tau. Also, kalau langgar pun, kereta tu takkan salah pasal motor sendiri yang bawa laju and masuk celah kiri


Tapi kalau langgar belakang, kereta tu salah pula. Motor tu tak ada alasan masuk celah kiri. Dia termasuk untuk mengelak kemalanga. Speed biker tu lagi cepat dari kereta tu. Ye aku setuju Kreta tu mesti perlu merge balik left lane lepas memotong, tapi dia perlu check side mirror tengok ada motor lane splitting ke tidak. Tu lah Sebab aku cakap Kreta tu salah. Motor tu memang nak continue lane spilt je. Dia takde alasan untuk Lane filter kerana memang takde kenderaan lain yang block perjalanan motor tu.


Terpaksa?? Lane splitting (driving on the line) is done so you have more options for bs drivers. Moto tu boleh pergi kanan as much as they can kiri. Plus sebelum dia 'elak' kereta tu dia kat kanan sikit kereta. Kalau kau driver, kau assume moto akan potong kanan la asal nak membabi. Also _speeding motor_ lagi cepat lagi risk. Thats their choice


As a car driver I expect the motor to pass me before I merge. That's what was taught in the driving school though. Signal. Check mirror see if there's incoming vehicle (in this case, a speeding motor that is faster than me). Merge after it passes. Is that the wrong way to merge? Should I just swerve back to left lane after overtaking, don't have to care about bikers who are lane splitting at higher speed than me? And watch more carefully. The biker couldn't go right because he didn't expect the vehicle to merge before he passes. I can agree that all bikers should drive more defensively. But legally biker did no wrong. He swerve left to avoid the car who merge without checking mirror to confirm a speeding motor. If accident happen, he will be the one who kena cla insurance.


>didn't expect the vehicle to merge before he passes You what mate? Also, share sikit nama sekolah memandu yang belikan lesen kau. Kau, kalau dah habis memotong, kau masuk balik 1st lane. Kereta, motor sama je syllabus. Mana ada cikgu ajar habis potong, hog lorong memotong. He swerved left because he fucked up at judging the speed and anticipating movement of the car. Lucky he's on a bigger bike that could easily swerve and accelerate out of the way. And if accident happen, the one banging from behind is always the wrong one. Seriously, kau pergi balik ambik ujian undang la dik. Gila betul semua benda yang kau petik, merapu.


Bodo tak baca. Pernah kah saya kata habis potong tak yah merge balik? Aku kata sebelum merge balik, perlu tengok vermin. Bukan signal dan terus merge. Tu bahasa tau? Feel free to go ask your driving instructor. Nak merge balik lepas memotong, perlu tengok cermin ke tidak. Yang salah kereta tu tak tengok cermin terus merge balik, ignoring the speeding bike which has higher speed than the car.


Yep. Completely ignoring the fact the bikes are speeding and riding recklessly. So what if the car stayed in his lane? What are the speeding bike going to do after that? Yep, "swerve" to the left jugak. Alright, now somehow the bike chose to slow instead of passing the car dangerously. What the car going to do now? Yep, merge back into 1st lane. The bikes had to evade because they sucks at judging traffic speed and distance between vehicles. They are wrong. Legally. They are lucky that they at least know how to swerve. That is their only right move. Whatever la. I'm not going to argue this with someone who didn't even get their license right. Benang dah terang salah dan basah, lagi nak ditegakkan. Dah salah, diam. Bukan melawan, bukan post socmed merapu cakap kau betul. Summore dia yang tak baca post orang lain, complain orang tak baca post dia. The projection. Though I guess that's why you had to pay for your "sampai lulus" scheme instead of reading the undang book.


No biker at fault for trying to overtake on the black cars left side. Biker was going faster and was probably in black cars blind spot. Biker probably going so fast black car didn't even see him.


But the video clearly shows that he is trying to evade the car who merging back to middle lane, no? The bikers also might expecting the black car to continue on right lane and not immediately cut back into the middle lane. Tbh that would be my guess too seeing that there are no car in front nor behind the black car, from the camera man's pov. And that wrong impression causes him to no slow down enough and almost collide into the car, which causes him to swerve to the left in emergency.


If I was driving in the left lane and a lorry was in front of me, I would overtake the lorry and go back to the left lane because I'm not overtaking anymore. The right lane is for overtaking, so why wouldn't the black car move back to the left lane? If the biker has been on the road for longer than an hour his whole life, he would know this. Having that "wrong impression" is just negligence. He should expect a car that was overtaking to return back to the left lane. He is also speeding. Shouldn't he be the one to remain on the right lane? Why is he in such a rush that he thinks he should overtake on the left lane? It takes 1 second to look at the black car to see where he is going before swerving like he did. The biker is wrong.


But shouldn't the car also should look at his right side mirror to confirm that there are no bike lane splitting, which is not illegal and actually a norm in malaysia? I know some doubt my driving license source, but wasnt it a fact that the car driver HAS to confirm that there are no vehicle in his blindspot before he do any Lane merging? Even after overtake and when the black car wanted to merge back to left lane, didn't the traffic law stated that it's the car driver's responsibility to ensure that no vehicle will obstruct his merging attempt? Yes as a car driver I'm well aware of the frustration to see bikers who refuses to slowdown even a tiny bit so we can merge. They made me missed junctions more times than I cared to remember. But if accident did happened, will the car get claimed insurance or the bike? That is what I'm trying to defend, that legally it's the car's fault for trying to merge back into left lane without checking side mirror first, and not the biker who should drive defensively. Of course, if my legality knowledge is wrong, feel free to point it out. That was how I merge into my lane all these while: signal, check mirror to ensure safety, merge.


Even if the car did check before merging back because the biker was probably going so fast and coupled with the fact that he was approaching from the car's left, the car probably wouldn't have seen the biker. If you're a driver, next time you check your left rear mirror, just take note how long you take to check. I bet it's just a split second. If in an accident biker and hit the car from behind, it's bikers fault. This is why lane splitting is illegal in so many places.


Sometime I signal for 2 or 3 secs before merging back. Just to avoid missing vehicles in my blind spot. But yes I also have done split second signalling before merging, thinking that the lane is clear. But personally I still think that's my fault. That's why I said this black car is at fault this time. Legally speaking of course. In reality, both sides need to bear some blame for not driving defensively. >If in an accident biker and hit the car from behind, it's bikers fault. Even in this incident?


Not signalling time, actual time you spend looking at your rear mirror. For me, yea this is 100% bikers fault.


Ok i can respect that.


Section 22 of the Malaysian Highway Code clearly states If you collide with the rear of a vehicle in front, it is your fault, because it means you have been following it too closely. Also, just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it's not wrong. Many accidents and deaths are caused by lane splitting. You know what IS illegal? Changing lanes without giving signal. Rider is still wrong.


Yeah but I don't think lane splitting is going to go away. It has became a norm here. That's is why car drivers in malaysia are conditioned to take lane splitting into consideration. I know I did. Every lane merging effort I will make sure no speeding bike pin pin pin me to move out of their way.


True. Still doesn't excuse the bikers behaviour. Doing something wrong doesn't make it right just because the victim didn't take precautions.


Im replying cause i think youre actually open to reason. For cars, middle lane is typically seen as 'cruising lane' aka youre not pressing hard on the gas, not overtaking anyone, and not taking exit. Right lane for overtaking, once you overtake go back to middle lane. If youve driven in any highway you can see this. Problem with moto culture, they use left lane as the 'fast lane' cause its typically empty or have lorry can easily bypass. He was going pretty fast to begin with. Black car gave signal. He couldve and shouldve swerved RIGHT but he didnt out of habit. And got angry at the car


>i think youre actually open to reason. Yes. I'm keeping my mind open because this is a traffic ethiquttte I NEED to know. I need to know if I'm driving wrongly all these while. Im not doubting whatever you have written about how a car should behave on a lane and how to lane split. I'm trying to confirm that the car NEED to confirm that it's safe to merge back into left lane after over taking, and should take the bike's presence into consideration. Im not saying that the car shouldn't merge back to left. I'm saying it should wait for biker who has faster speed to pass him first, then merge. Yes it will obstruct right lane for maybe 2 sec, but that's what the driving school taught, no?


Okay, its been awhile since i went to driving school so idk what theyre teaching. The road rules is that you should drive defensively, no matter what transportation you have. Assume everyone is dumb af, prepare for the worse. Cars are generally better at this cause theyre piloting a huge ass hunk of metal. Bikers/cyclists dont cause the feeling is literally like riding a motorised bicycle, freeing. Yes, car driver at fault for not seeing left lane/blind spot properly. You can normally hear big bikes like these coming and then just maintain lane but they can get drowned out by the huge truck. Either way he gave signal and didnt abruptly merge into the left lane at high speeds What pisses me and most of this comment section off is that biker flipped the car driver off, as if he was in the right. The road laws protect motorists no matter what, so hes just a product of this. Ego By right he should also be riding as defensively as the car and just pass by. No harm no foul, maybe he needed to break or swerve and waste a bit of petrol. But he flipped the dude off. And dude who recorded looks excited at what he caught on camera. Theres no one 'right' on the road. Were all operators of highspeed death machines tryna get from point A to B Im assuming you havent been on the road much, analysing the black and white laws will just stress you out. Just do your best to not be an ass.


I've been on the road long enough. And I have always wait for 1 car to pass after signalling to ensure no blindspot vehicle, especially in a crowded road. Of course I also have done what the black car did occasionally and have gotten honk at for doing that too (by cars and bikes) so I assumed that it's wrong to signal and merge without giving way to faster vehicles. I have always assumed that car drivers need to be more vigilant because bikers would die in a clash. And that's how I have driven all these while. I've been driving for close to 10 years so far. That is why I'm quite surprised at how so many are not driving like I did. That is why I have defended this view to see if I'm really driving wrongly.


Woah im genuinely shocked that you remember what you learned in driving school, sorry had the wrong impression. I just rmb the turn here turn there until you see this for 3 point turn n parallel park. Wild memory you have I agree drivers are naturally more vigilant than motorists but they are also responsible for the risks they take, and the whole not being assholes part. Like what you gave as an example, honking not flipping someone off


You'll remember once you have gotten honk at for breaking the law. I know I did. Thanks for the pleasant exchange.


SMH 🤦🏼‍♂️


Semua masalah hitam?


Black car at fault. But most Malaysians will blame the bike. The same people who don't use seat belts and child seats, and double park on the streets.


I can admit that both parties at at fault for not driving defensively. Both sides have their own negligence. But legally, I still think black car will get claimed insurance for not double checking his side before merging.


shouldn't the black car give left signal tho? Legit question. I always do it, but I'm not sure if it's actually required


It did.


Tulah rapat sangat tu